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Show MILLARD COUNTY CHRONICLE -Delta, Utah, Thuts, Feb. 26, 1953 Mrs. Eva C. Moody, who has been spending the winter in Long Beach Cal., with her daughters, spent several days in Delia this week on business affairs. She will be In Utah several months, and is staying in Payson with her mother, Mrs. Janie Chamberlain, who has been ill. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Morrison spent the first of this week in Las Vegas, Nev., where they met their son, Lt. Willis C. Morrison, and turned over to him the new automoble he had them buy. .Willis is stationed at Tucson ,Ariz., and expects to go to England later in the spring for 90 days. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Murray made the trip with the Morrisons to Las Vegas and return. I elia Garden Clab Sets 3ficct The Delta Garden Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Hazel J. Grcnning on Monday, March 9. at 8 p.m. Mrs. Maurine Jeffery and Mrs. Gronning will be hostesses. host-esses. An interesting and educational lesson will be given by Ralph Home, assistant county agent. Leamington toito. MAulL HAiiDtH Mr. and Mrs. Golden II. Black left Sunday for Las Vegas, Nev., for a four-day all expense paid trip, which was a prize Mr. Black won recently in a GE salesmanship salesman-ship contest. They were accompanied accompan-ied by Mr. and Mrs. John Cropper, of Fillmore. FOR EETTER RESULTS-ADVERTISE RESULTS-ADVERTISE IN THE CHRONICLE SAH BRAND UVk. W MM X? W Now Feature 133 1 tJStSfc. LEATHER INSOLE At last the insole, i-'SSrw wecltesf port of any shoe ""S &t fcecomei its lifesoverl Ki.. k- m bgfeiv There's a Star Brand shoe for every job! NON CURLING NON CRACKING STAYS SOFT and PLIABLE S8.98 $9,915 Mrs. Emma Nielson with her daugiitei.s Aivilia and iiarla, is visiting in Cam. wiui Mi. and Mrs. Kent Larson and their little girl. Mi-, and Mrs. Joseuh T. Kinlin- son visited several days in Salt Lake City, last week. Jenny Holmquist and Gene Dut-son Dut-son spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dutson. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lovell and Mr. and Mrs. John Evans were in Salt Lake City last Thursuay where they visited Mrs. Margaret Ritchie and Mr. Josiah Nielson. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Nielson, Larry, Lorraine and Annette drove to Salt Lake City Tuesday. Lorraine Lorr-aine will have her leg examined and may re-enter the Shriner hos pital. The doctor had stopped the growth in her uninjured leg last fall to allow the other one to "catch up". The growth will be started again in the good leg at this time. A class in cake decorating sponsored spon-sored by adult education will begin be-gin Thursday evening,. Feb. 26 in the serroorhouse at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Huff from Fillmore will instruct A total of three classes will probably pro-bably be devoted to this subject. Meeting Sunday evening was under the direction of Mr. Burnis Finlinson of Oak City. A friend of the family, the only B. Y. U stud ent from the Samoan Islands, came with them and spoke to the group about his native island. and played and sang some native songs. Mr. Bruce Lovell gave an inspirational talk. Musical num bers were given by Miss Roe Fin: linson, and Mrs. Bruce Lovell. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Dutson and Darlene visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Dutson. Mrs. Fay Fielding and Barbara and Bonnie called briefly on their many friends here Saturday. Mr. and -Mrs. Jay Quornburg, of Tooele, visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Burton Hansen and other relatives. Mrs. Edith Harder visited friends in Salt Lake City, Friday and Sat Wells Nielson visited briefly here last week. He said they planned take his father from the Veterans Veterans Hospital out to Tooele hospital out to Tooele to stay few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ori rfielson.-- . - - f DELTA'S rV DCPflRTmcnT store jr- Mf. and Mrs. I.oren Dutson, of Hinckley received word Tuesday ol the death of Mrs. Dut son's aunt Mrs. Alice Park, 86, in Salt Lake City. They left for Salt Uke to attend the funeral sendees Thurs day, in Jenkins mortuary. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Taylor and two suns lroi-n Moaena isev. visited over Lie weekend witn Uieir mothers, Mrs. Lnoa xaylor, at i-lta, an J .mis. i.iurza Vvtoo, at Ueseret. Jolly Stitchers To 3Icct Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Tony Stapley and little girl, and Jerry Stapley spent the weekend in Delta with their narpnK Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Tag- gart. They returned to Salt Lake 7:30 p.m. Citv Monday. All members of the Jolly Stitchers Stitch-ers club are requested to meet at -BJTjdaad aijeiu o 'm d z ;b uoou Xepsjmu iibh MOjpooAV at tions for the annual husbands party, which will be held in the Hall Friday night, Feb. 27, at HURRICANE KILLS HUNDREDS . . . Hurricane and floods which struck England, Belgium and Holland brought death to 1,500 in worst storm tat S00 years. Photo shows three residents of Canvey Island, England, who wera evacuated with 13,000 others. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Pace, who left recently for a California trip. write this week from Mexico City, where they are spending two weeks. They made the trip by airline, and say the weather is hot at this time, and the country is beautiful. Sermon For Sunday . . . CHRIST'S HIDDEN LIFE HpHK Apostle Paul says "that Ccrist was like to us in all thiiig?, save sin. The Gospels tell the story of those last three years ; of His life, during which He went; about His Father's business teach- j ing, preaching and healing. Theyl merely mention the thirty years f when Christ lived a hidden and apparently undistinguished life. , Those thirty years are, never-: theless, all-important; for they con-1 tain a deeply significant lesson, j The lesson is in the very fact that there were, indeed, years of or dinary living. Far from being, as some might think, wasted years, they served to drive home the point that ordinary living can, and should be, both holy and exalted. The great mass of men whose lives follow a humdrum pattern are indebted to Christ for the long time He lived in humble obscurity. When the Son of God said His prayers pray-ers at His mother's knee, He was like every child who grows and develops in the quietness of an ordinary home. ,The shining glory of Christ's hidden life lay in His utter obedience obedi-ence to God's will. It is just as wonderful to think of the Boy Christ humbly doing the bidding of His mother as It is to reflect on the Man Christ accepting the bitter bit-ter chalice of Gethsemane. At all times and in all things great or small Christ unswervingly fol lowed the wishes and desires of His Father In heaven. In this He set a pattern for all who would follow Him, whether they be ruler or kings, or just plain, ordinary people. GO TO CHURCH THIS SUNDAY EI. II. S. News MARGENE HILTON PICK-UP, CHOP, LOAD HAY 2 TO 4 ACRES PER HOUR III ' " " ' 1 - ' If You Can Buy A R- A ;' i - uoag pna: sutrt oeiou many moaeis ui 8V U3r( j , , th fih wleU Find out aU ttli t: - "means "to you in extra1 roominess and - Mil You Can 0 - Sunrville By Venice Davis Mr. and Mrs. R. L. McBride, and two children, and Miss Evelyi Davis from Salt Lake City visited with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Leo Davis over the week end. Miss Maurine Jensen from Salt Lake City spnt the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jensen. At number of families visited the Abraham ward, at Sunday night meeting as here was no meeting in the Sugarville ward as the floors and benches have been newly painted and wern't dry-Mr. dry-Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Lambert have returned from Calif., where they have been visiting with Mr. Lambert's father. They are happy to be home again. The Gold and Green Ball was a success and a very fine floor show; , and program' was given. Friday, Feb. 20, the students had a vacation while the parents resumed their studies once more. Registration of parents was from 8:30 to 9 o'clock Friday morning, after which a program was given by the American Legion. The remaining re-maining time before noon was spent in class work. Each class was twenty minutes long and was carried on in the typical class procedure. At noon a lovely lunch was served to parents. The afternoon was spent in as sembly with Dr. Daryl Chase as principal speaker. Musical num bers were given by B. A. C. college students. Elections were held then and officers for next years Parents Par-ents Day was voted on. Everyone agreed it was a very successful day; one of the best Parent Day's ever held. The pep stunt this week was performed in military style as in this month are the birthday.s of two of our greatest men and we ' were to honor them and what they ! have done for us. American flags and flags from all countries were, used and a lot of fancy Marching was portrayed. The pep club sang, "Your Land and My Land,' 'ac companied by Mrs. Roma Ekins. The Pep Club shoes have finally arrived and have helped to make our outfits more complete. After the game a Sweetheart dance was held in the gym. The dance was under the direction of the F. H. A. and a Sweetheart girl and Dream man for '53 were chosen. Barbara Whicker was chosen cho-sen Sweetheart, and Cloyd Theobald Theo-bald as Dream man. Each received re-ceived a gift as a keep sake. Music was by Bud's Band and punch and cookies were sold. It was well suported and alot of fun. The Freshies presented their class assemhly Thursday, Feb. 19. It was a cute assembly and cleverly clever-ly worked out. Mrs. Jensen was the advisor and members of the class contributed to give her a lovely necklace and earring set. Before the assembly, awards were Riven by Mrs. Roberta Carter, Car-ter, representative of American Le-eion, Le-eion, for the annual esny contest con-test held every year. 1st prize went to Margene Hilton, 2nd went to Karen Petersen, Mr. Randall Swensen was given the "good citizen" cit-izen" award by the American Legion Le-gion on Parent's Day. -. . riding comfort, extra style and safety . You can enjoy these big-car bonuses oa low monthly payments,- and discover -the solid satisfaction of Dodge dependability at the same timet Choice of Two Great Engines, Four Different Drives, Ten Sparkling Models Your friendly Dodge dealer will 6how you it's true if you can buy any ne car, you can own a Dodge! A large crowd was in attendance. Cal Boothe was operated on his leg Friday in Salt Lake City. We hope he will have a speedy recovery. Enjoy These Big BONUSES In Driving Pleasure 1 JT'-, vV u.-i MAYOR McGUP By John Jarvis YOU LOOK UK6 I OUGMTA, YOU MIGHT STRANGER... KNOw A THING Oft TWO J I HAPPEM TO I ) BE THE I . AMYOK HfcKfe. -1 ( TELL M, IS THIS THE S. I WELL, , RIGHT ROAD V HARDLY TO BURGVIU.E? J N Surging Power of the new 140-h.p. Ue4i Ram V-8. Most eilicient engine design in any American Amer-ican car. Aiao, time-proved Dodge "aU." Extra RMminess oP'new"t'avel-plknne ftvT teriors. Dodge brings you more head-room, leg-room and elbow-room. You sit in bettor driving position. Road-Hogging Safety 'of" new Stabilizer mspeiw ion. Wider frame, new springing make Dodge "snug down" on curvaa like a sports car. Easy Handling of Dodft Modern Desfra. Mot living spec inai. less wast spacw otitavia. Dodge for "63 is briUiant to dnva, easy to park. Why Be Satisfied With Lea? Ccm in for Your 'Rcai Test Rlia Spteificaitotu and tnuipmmt gutfict (a charm without metie. PETERSON MOTOR COMPANY YOUR DODGE AND PLYMOUTH DEALER . . " " " " " DELTA, UTAH v THIS ROAD MEANDERS A30UT SIX MILES, THEN IT TURNS INTO A NARROW TRAIL THEN BECOMES A COW PATH. AFTER ABOUT TOO YARDS IT RUNS LiP AM OLD OAK TREE, AND.. J yCDQAK TREEX ANJ..Jp I 1 --,Trin a t.m it Knothole! ( me to kueve THAT? O K Harvstr with Hay Front. Self. 40 Alts powr f -. ' tn -in,,! Quick-Chang Row Crop Attachmont. Fits on samo power unit. tig capactty O K For-ago For-ago Blownr with Wagon Unioader and Roll-Aiido Food Trough. (M forage harvester . . . ONE POWER. UNIT HANDLES EITHER HAY OR ROW CROP ATTACHMENT You save many hours with the O K Forage Harvester, Harves-ter, avoid much back-breaking work, and clear your field in one operation. It will harvest any and all forage crops grown on your farm with ONE power unit. Just make quick change from Hay to Row Crop Attachment. See the entire line of O K farm machinery built by specialists since 1892. MEED TURNER DELTA UTAH Are Open Irrigation Ditches Stealing 4 OF YOUR LAND? Estimates place the farm area now being used for open ditches and canals at 4. Besides that, open ditches require constant maintenance. You can save that time ... and use that 4 more land to produce 4 more money ... if you install a W. R. WHITE concrete pipe irrigation system NOW! HEAD GATES AVAIUkUl WITH CONCKFTf Mf ADWALL AND tlTHE CONCHtTt O ME7AI flft ... OH IN METAL STTtfS. OftNINUS FROM TO 24 INCHES . . . AU METAL SCREW TTPt. FROM S TO 42 INCHES. A MODEL 10 MEET TOUR NEED! f mm m m I L Call or write today and our representative repre-sentative wilt call on you. ' mmsscm M'V - r - -t. " C ter t "Even if you've never seen a mine, Utah's mining min-ing problems are yours, because our entire state benefits from a healthy mining industry. Mining isn't healthy now, because rising costs and taxes plus lowered prices of metals have caused some shutdowns. We'll all be better off when we find the cure." mm 7 w' i ''; t - '" V- s 0 " . . vou j-:... V . v V |