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Show rem HxjlilgHU. Or UTAH'S Quick Action Surprises Burglar Orem-Geneva Times July 3, 1975 eneba vm& A burglar was surprised in aa him. She then went to his car Orera home Tuesday, June 17. an( Duiied the kevs from the ie- July 3, 1975 .. ..." .. ;. Take the easy way out with Pratt & Lambert House Paint ERNIE SUMMERS, left, and Orland Pyne, Right, members of the Orem Lions Club are honored at a recent Lions supper and honor night held at the GRA park. Mr. Summers was presented the plaque for Lion of the Year for his work with other clubs. He has been acting as Deputy District Govorner of District 28A. Mr. Pyne was awarded a unique tie clasp for his 25 years service as secretary treasurer of the local club, of which he is a charter member. He now holds the office of Secretary to the District Govorner, 28A, besides his Orem responsibilities. Y Appoints New Associate Dean Dr. Bryce B. Orton, formerly acting dean of the Br igham Young University College of Business, has been appointed associate dean of both the College of Business and the new Graduate School of Management, it was announced today by BYU President DaUin H. Oaks. He will handle operation of these two subdivisions of the University Uni-versity untU the new dean, Dr. Merrill J. Bateman, completes his services with private business busi-ness in New Jersey and takes over his BYU duties for the fall semester. In addition to assisting Dr. Bateman with the general business busi-ness of the College and the Graduate Gra-duate School of Management, Dr. Orton will be in charge of three major areas in his new position as associate dean: academic programs, professional development, develop-ment, and budgets, Dr. Bateman explained. The College of Business includes in-cludes the Departments of Accounting, Ac-counting, Business Education, Business Management, Organizational Organi-zational Behavior, andStatistics. The new Graduate School of Management includes the Master of Business Administration, Master of Accountancy, and the Master of Public Administration programs. All three are highly specialized professional pro- -grams extending two years beyond be-yond the bachelor's degree and containg some important common elements in their curricula and intern experiences. Three other graduate study areas in the . College of Business business education, economics, and organizational behavior will continue to be administered through the Graduate School. - -r K , If v 8 ( iff : V I?'.: '. :I I ' ' ' f 8 L-i.ft.ir mi, i . 1 . J" ft Leonard Cockrell Paint and Wall Covering Specialist How many times have you planned to use your vacation to paint, only to find yourself painting paint-ing two or three weeks beyond your vacation? Take the easy way out with Pratt & Lambert Vapex House Paint. It goes on fast and easy over wood and masonry . . . over damp or dry surfaces . . . dries in 30 minutes. Cleans up quickly and easily with soap and water. Comes in white and a host of modern colors, including your favorite. Vapex, another quality paint product by Pratt & Lambert. flogs cove:i::gs 352 I. Slat, Ortm 225-3304 225-3306 nrt. 0 ii lira If y to e o There are three prices for shoplifting: First, if the shoplifter is caught, he faces the possibility of criminal prosecution for stealing. Second, a new Utah law says that shoplifters shop-lifters can be sued by merchants for the retail value of the stolen merchandise plus court costs, attorneys' fees and more. Third, if the shoplifter gets away with it, the cost of what he takes is passed on to you. Already that's a $15-million-a-year price tag. So if you see someone shoplifting, tell the store owner or a clerk. If the shoplifter doesn't pay for his crime. ..you will. 3 ilIh&N PEOPCE GKUMP A lot, T'6 USUALLY HOT THEY KE. MAP AT THE WOKLD, &OT BECAUSE THEVI?e MAP AT THEMSELVES' f-ok not tahjnu APVAWTA&E OF AMOfPUkTUWlTy WHEW IT KNOCKfcPON IHLIK POOK! Richard Joseph Vasselaries of 90 S. 900 E., Apt. 30, in Provo, has been charged in connection with the crime. Mrs. Ray J. Wajtasek, a former for-mer Denver, Colo, resident, returned re-turned to her home and found an unfamiliar automobile in her driveway. A man ran from her home as she approached the structure. He raced from the area on foot while Mrs. Wajtasek watched bor found the clothing and returned re-turned it while the police were in the area. Officers praised Mrs. Wajtasek on being so alert. Her reulv to their compliment was, I did'nt live in Denver all those1 years for nothing. Capt. Stanley Studies For M.S. nition and called the police. The burglar then returned to the home and began to talk to Mrs. Wajtasek. When the police po-lice arrived he denied any connection with the burglary, but later admitted that he had entered the house. He had forced a sliding glass Many people on strike qualify door open with a screw-driver for Food Stamps. Call 1-800-and had taken some clothing out 602-0431 statewide, toll-free for of the home before being dis- information, covered by the owner. A neigh- Captain Timothy D, Stanley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Daryl H. Stanley of 1363 South 800 East, Orem, Utah, has entered the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) to study for an M.S. degree. Located at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, AFIT provides selected se-lected Air Force members with resident education in scientific, engineering and other fields. Captain Stanley , a 1968 graduate of Orem High School, received his B.S. degree in physics phy-sics from Brigham Young University, Uni-versity, Provo, Utah, and M.S. degree in economics from South Dakota State University. He was comissioned in 1971 through the Reserve Officers Training Corps program. His wife, daughter of of Orem. Beatrice, is the Aurthur F. Nix A e&imp J or a u f&w sawioig a . 3T (TSilnfl ln) nn n n n n n w in ttul hmhu l i l i "' . . F 3 r-? f-.'.."J s-Z?S SL""" mm UJUU- rZ j f 5 t Effective July 1, 1975, Walker Bank pays "Instant Interest" on all Greenbook Regular Savings Accounts. That means we compute the highest interest permitted by the Federal Reserve System every instant of every hour of every day from the time of deposit to time of withdrawal. If you don't have a green Walker Bankbook, better get one ... at the Walker office nearest you. vvdWAO. jo i3) i-K 4iun ll -r mm. MEViSER FEOSRAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION |