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Show CJSM-C2NSVA TIMES THURSDAY, JULY 14, l84, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY JULY 15-16 7ILL JA1IES' ifiihiJ"tSa7bitll:3.J Thi Will Jamet lorv ot a ihorougncrea norie 11 vrviaiy depicted in Technicolor against magnificent Colorado backgrounds of mountains and rivers! ALSO: "AMERICA'S NEW AIR POWER" March of Time 0' S.S S. FUN MATINEE SATURDAY at 1:30 "CENTENNIAL SUMMER" A family comedy filmed in Technicolor! Plus: Cartoons Admission: 10 c and 20 c (this program only) MON., TUES., WED. JULY 18 -19 - 20 -jtimia mot 1:1 ker b:s uamt r' m n r t-n--7 ' LJ IJUJ-I J iicior fcoo: morris-broderick crawfori A sany slapstick comedy that offers an appealing lore story! NMPAIIOGOS Lucy Poulion 06 4 5-J 1 Church services last Sunday evening wure in the form ot a tribute to service men and o- men from the ward, both those who' served during the war and those who are in the service at the present time. Don Edwards read the names of the ten boys who are now serving. The program pro-gram was of a patriotic nature ith Dr. Doyle Cranney and Mel-ba Mel-ba Edwards Carter, both of whom served during the war, as the speakers. A special musical mu-sical number was sung by Evelyn Eve-lyn Higbee and Birdcne Terry accompanied by Raquel Bennett A fireside chat was held by members of the missionary ciass of the Sunday School on Sunday Sun-day evening after church. Mrs. Nedra Reese entertained entertain-ed girls of the MIA Junior cjss on Tuesday evening. The girls did textile painting during the evening. Present were Marlene Holman, Wanda Thompson, la-Nee la-Nee Prnce, Carol Reese and Mrs. Lillian Prince. The closing social of the Tim-panogos Tim-panogos ward Primary was held on Tuesday afternoon, he children have be n studying the early missions of he church dur- WINDSOR Blanche Nielion A delightful supper and program pro-gram was enjoyed by men, srs of Windsor ward at Canyon Glen. The affair was hela in I honor of Elder Boyd Dittmore 'who recently returned from a two year mission in Canada' Austin Dittmore acted as mast-'er mast-'er of ceremonies for the program which included a duet by Lois Wright and Inez Marshbanks; a duet by Nadine and Wilma Hales and a solo by Nadine Hales. Norma Hales led the community com-munity singinjf. The monthly Sunday School faculty meeting was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Jenkins. Members of the bishop- ric were present and set apart new Sunday School workers. A social as enjoyed late.- in the evening. Rebecca Jane was the name given to the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fauntin 'have had as their house guests ' for the past week Mr. and Mrs-'Max Mrs-'Max Russell of Los Angeles. :Mr. Russell is Mrs. Fauntin's brother. i NOTICE I TO CONTRACTORS : Notice is hereby given by the City of Orem that bids will be jopen.d Wednesday, August 17th, 1 1949, at 10 a.m. at the Orem City Hall for the construction of a diversion structure on the Alta i Ditch for diversion of water to the proposed two million gallon Orem City reservoir. GEIOVE PLEASANT GROVE Friday and Saturday Will James' "SAND" Sunday and Monday Betty Grable "Beautiful Blonde from Bashful Bend" Matinee on Sunday at 3 p.m. Tues., Wed. and Thurs. Double Bill "PANHANDLE" With Rod Cameron "FORCE OF EVIL" With John Garfield J. E. Wells of Salt Lake City spent the weekend visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs-Thomas Mrs-Thomas Wells. He also attended the Samuel Wells family reunion in Payson on Saturday. Work quantities shall include Vi furnishine of labor and mat- 'erial for placing approximately 4U CUDic yarus ui wiiucn structure enclosed with an 8 ft-by ft-by 20 ft- cinder block shelter, also 600 cubic yards of grading and the construction of 500 lineal feet of open ditch for diversion div-ersion purposes during the new construction operation. Plans and specifications may be obtained at the Orem City Hall on or after July 21st, 1949. Orem City by J. W. Gillman, Mayor. July 14, 21, 28, Aug. 4, 11. Mr- and Mrs. John Peterson Peter-son are spending the summer at the home of Mrs. Louise Peterson. Peter-son. They taught at Duchesne last year and will go to California Calif-ornia to teach this fall. ing the summer. The theme of the lesons has been "And all nations nat-ions shall be gathered unto Zion" and the lessons have help- .ed the children understand why misionaries go to such misions , as India, Britian, 'the Pacific Islands Is-lands and the Scandinavian countries- The children presented present-ed songs and dances of these countries and displayed their handicraft made during the summer. sum-mer. Refreshments were served. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice is hereby given by the City of Orem that bids will be opened Wednesday, August 17, 1949, at 10 a m. at the jrem City Hall, for the installation of approximately 4200 lineal feet of 14-inch welded steel pipe including all appurtenances, to be installed from the diversion structure at the Alta Ditch to he Orem City two-million gallon gal-lon reservoir. The City of Orem retains the priviledge of furnishing the pipe if conditions permit. Plans and specifications may be obtained at the Orem City Hall on or after July 21, 1949. Orem City by J. W. Gillman, Mayor. July 14, 21, 28, Aug. 4, 11. OAK HILLS Madge McKell 2661-M A fireside chat will be held at the home of Mama Muhle-stein Muhle-stein on Sunday evening. A special program has been arranged arrang-ed and all Junior girls, Scouts, M Men and Gleaners are invited. in-vited. The Primary officers art- anxious anx-ious to build up a nice variety of toys and equipment for the Primary children to enjoy and they are asking ward members to check through their books, toys and equipment and share with the children. The Genealogy committee held their monthly meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs- David O. Mackay. Diana Sue Brown will give the sacrament gem in Sunday School and Tony Taylor and Mary Lynn Wakefield will give the two and one-half minute talks. The Relief Society will hold a summer Work and Business meeting on Tuesday, July 19 at 2 p.m. at the canyon home of President Celestia Taylor. All ; ladies of the ward are invited i to come and bring some sewing j or handiwork to prepare for the ' , bazaar. Those ho do not have ! transportation should call Mrs. ! Helen Wakefield, 2654 R. I PELLETS 4-C5 410 414 SUMMER SPECIALS Starter Broiler 20 Laying Mash, Golden. 29 Turk, Grower 22 ' Dairy Feed 12 . Dairy Feed U Pig and Sow Ration 20 Rabbit Pellets, Green 25 lb. Whey, Condensed, Peebles DtUMTCELVO MASH Cwt. 4.75 40 4.04 314 333 3.75 43 6.C3 Where You Get the Finest Feeds at Lowest Cost, Geneva Steel is Across from Us ty Wltti fna-n j HOW ABOUT BUZZING INTO THE COUNTRY IN OUR USED CAR FROM United SALES & SERVICE K PICNIC KNOW A DOGWOOD?; b 1 n uf nun laj It-UK Pi KIUNIC r rZ? HERE'S A LUSH SPOT BENEATH THIS DOGWOOD TREE VT I 1 HAWK lor- ,T WOMEN OUST OOtffl HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOR' 3Sl - r ... m .i ... - YOU went thzso EXTRA VALUZ5 exclusive to Chevrolet in its field! WORLD'S CHAMPION VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE FISHER BODY STYLING AND LUXURY CERTI-SAFE HYDRAULIC BRAKES (with Dubl-life Rlvetless Brake Linings) LONGEST, HEAVIEST CAR IN ITS FIELD, with WIDEST TREAD, as well 5-INCH WIDE-BASE WHEELS (with Extra Low-Pressure Tires) CENTER-POINT STEERING CURVED WINDSHIELD with PANORAMIC VISIBILITY h::::r un:ste:l body construction exta e:c.:c.v.:cal to o'"n crzn-MAsr.TAiN I V I w 1 ! ' ' -, ""ri . " K ' I - T U Pontiac -- Goodwill Used Cars and Trucks ----- Cadillac 1S47 Stndebaker Regal Commander Club Coupe, very low mileage, one owner, exceptionally dean $1795.00 1941 Buick Special 4-door Sedan. Radio,' heater, guaranteed ...... $995.00 1946 Ford Sedan Super Deluxe, R. & H., seat covers, spOtfigh. low mileage, , exceptionally clean . . . . . $1295.00 1946 Chevrolet l'z-ton dual stake, very clean, low mileage,guaranteed, $10955 1945 - International 1-ton, . dual, wheels, stake body truck, good condition $1095 1942 GMC Vi ton, long wheelbase, dual wheels, stake bed, low mileage, tiptop tip-top mechanical condition $995 UNITED SALES AND SERVGE 470 West First North Phone Provo 666 Day or Night "Tm standing by for the most Beautiful BUY of all... " TJo.Iiing loss vAU cafieffy Nothing cko vjill do! Again . . . fliV LOVEn PRICES: Th RMtlln D liw 2-Door Sedan Whit ,IJ.H ti,M oetionol 1 , 175 NORTH 1st WEST PROVO PHONE 155 THE FARMER IS ALWAYS WELCOME at the Farmers and Merchants Bank, but we know that it isn't always convenient conven-ient for him to drop his work and come to town on these busy days. That is why this bank provides BANKING BY MAIL facilities for its customers so that the bank will be as close to its customers as the nearest mail box. Ask for your Bmking by Mail envelope today these are supplied free of charge. Farmors and Merchants Bank rovo THAT FRIENDLY HOXOMED BANK Zltah |