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Show 0rEM-GENEVA TIMES THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1949 Need Any of These Services? They're Available in the Orem Area Agricultural Implements Modern Farm Service your Utah County dealer for Ferguson Tractors and Imple-roents, Imple-roents, Farm Machinery and SuPPl'epHONE 056R2 1804 S. Slate Orem Patten and Ekins Complete line of Case Farm Machinery, Tractors, Implements Salei Service Paris PHONE 1744 W. Pleasant View Amusement Places Lincoln Bowling , Court Bowling's Fun for Everyone! Drop in Tonight for a few Lines. Across From Scera Orem Artiste g8Xa8r.asBsa;::::::Kiaa:i:n::KK::::;:K::a: Charles W. Halford Commereial artist. Creative and custom art work. Reasonable PHONE 25 Automobile Dealers Washburn Service Tour Kaiser-Fruer Dealer Delivering new cars Servicing Servic-ing all makes of cars. PHONE 0767 J3 life North and Stale Orem Auto Parts Standard replacement parts. Machine shop service Brake service. PHONE 0552 Jl lit Smith and State Orem ::;ai::::::::::::i:r.n Auto Repairing: csn::r::::::K:::::x::n:::K:::ir::::."::rM:n:r. Bunnell Garage Complete auto repair service. Body and fender work. Painting-For Painting-For s reasonable estimate see us first. PHONE 0861 Jl Kai::s!s:::::::::::)!!:::::::::::a:::::::::::::::::::::::::::n: Hall Motor Service Automotive and heavy equipment equip-ment repair. Body-fender paint shop 24.hour Wrecker Service DAY PHONE 021 R3 Nite Phone 0893 R2 16th South 811(1 state Orem Barbers Ericksen Barber Shop Make it a habit to get your hair cut here. You can tell the difference! differ-ence! PHONE 0660 Jl h North and State Orem Sim";"";: Burningham the Barber For a well-shaped haircut stop here. No rush jobs. -Our Haircuts are famous! "0 South State. . orem &tt:::K::!:::::::.......:.... York's Barber Shop Smart, well-dressed men get 'heir haircuts at York's- Yes, u you want to get clipped, see Us! . Phone 0855 Jl 7 North and State Orem Boxes t E. C. Olsen ruit. Industrial and Corrugated Bushel, Berry and Fruit Spraying Materials PHONE 111 Bus Lines Geneva transportation Co. ? the Orem-Geneva area . "? fast. efficient service. Spec-131 Spec-131 us service for groups. PHONE 739 Children's Wear :":::::::::::K::uB::::::::::u::::::::::::::::::;::;::::::::a Erma's Shoppe Infants' and children's clothing and shoes- Shower gifts. Toys- a good assortment of blankets, diapers and diaper bags. PHONE 0546 Jl 675 No. Slate Orem Children's Shoes MacDonald's Clothing Phone 0790 Rl We feature pre-tested Poll Parrot Parr-ot shoes for growing boys and girls. Exclusive in Orem-8th Orem-8th South and Slate Orem Concrete Christen Sand and Gravel Co. Ready - Mixed concrete One yard or a million to your own specifications. PHONE 021 Rl 20th South and Slate Orem i:::::::::::::::::::i::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::;:::i::::::::.::s!:ue Department Stores Christensenfi Department Store Clothing and shoes for men and women. Sundries. Simplicity Patterns. PHONE 0550 Rl 870 North Stale Orem Electrical Contractors! ii!:!:::::::::::::::ianim:i::!i::::::i::::i::::!::::::::::::i::ij ' Miller Electric FARM tc HOME SERVICE CONTRACT WIRING Industrial - Residential Moe Fixtures Controls William C Miller PHONE 041 Jl jWMaiiaaKaaieeiaautwwmiiiiiiitn: (ieneva supply u Wiring and wiring supplies. Residential - Industrial Lighting fixtures. Appliances. PHONE 0850 Rl iiaiiiiKnumnimmuMuaiaKSCTiKaKniaiinugtBzitn Pate Heating & Appliance Contract wiring: Industrial, Residential, Res-idential, Commercial. Air Conditioning Con-ditioning and heating eqiupinent Phone 0552 Rl Drive-Ins Kirk's Drive-In Dinners, Lunches, Sandwiches. Fish and Chips, Chicken Malts, Ice Cream, Car Service PHONE 0569 R2 North Orem Bunny's Corner Bunnyburgsrs, malts, Spudnuts, walking Sundaes. Whether its a snack or a complete com-plete meal you want, stop here! 8th Soulh and State, Orem Feed Bunker's Custom grinding and mixing. For higher milk production use Bunkers feeds- Try our newly developed Horse Crunch. Phone 0551 K3 Geneva Steel is Across from Us Cluf f s Feed Mill Manufacturers and Dealers in Quality feeds and Poultry sup plies. We buy and ship eggs- Phone 1376 W Peasant View !::::::::!Ki::s:::i:::::::::::!::::"KBK" - LaMar Ercanbrack Dealer for Draper Poultrymen and Draner Egg Ass'n Co-op. Dairy and Poultry Feed Grains Wholesale and retail , Phone 1265 Pleasant View Insurance Beneficial T.ifp Insurance iji-i-v Orem-Pleasant Grove Represent ative: JACK E. HOHTon Phone Pleasant Grove 5332 510 East 3rd North. C. Mima ftliR 12 1 11V1IV w m-w "Is Your Life Insurance Benefi cial? snsnsisawsttsns "ooimPTJTTAI. LIFE INSURANCE CO. Joseph R. Mills Orem-Pleasant Grove Agent . Phone P. G. 2284 499 Locust Ave.. Pleasant Grove "The Prudential has the Strength of Gibralter Walker Insurance Agency Talk over your insurance problems prob-lems with us. Investigate our rates, service and coverage before be-fore buying your insurance. Phone 010 Jl Orem Insulation U.S. Rock Wool Sales Co. Insulation for home and industry. indus-try. Our fire-proof insulation will reduce your fuel bill one- third and your summer temper ature 12 percent. PHONE 010 Jl 1690 South State Orem Lawyers Hugh Vern Wentz Attorney-At-Law PHONE 231 4th So. and Slate Orem Clegg Welding Phone 075 J3 Ornamental iron work. Porch railings. General Welding and fabrication. 1700 South State Orem Millwork Pyne Bros. Cabinet and Millwork Shop Plain and fancy cabinets- Have it made here in Orem. Phone 0657 J3 150 North State Orem Wesco Cabinet Works We can save you money on windows: basement units, double-hung windows, stationary sash Wood and metal cabinets. Phone 0654 Rl 3rd North and State Orem Newspapers Orem - Geneva Times Utah County's largest circulated weekly. Serving over 1500 families in the Orem-Geneva area. Phone 0684 Jl 550 South Stale Orem Osteopathic Physicians Dr. A. G. Tritt, D. O. New Sinus Treatments. Weight Reducing. General Practice. Phone 0782 Jl 8th North and Slate Orem Painters V. Emil Hansen Sign painting, paper hanging, Interior decorating. Expert work Phone 0529 R2 Orem Plumbers L. C. Bailey Plumbing Heating Remodeling Repairing PHONE 013 Rl 1700 Soulh Stale Orem Colledge Plumbing Co. Let us solve your plumbing, repair problems- heating and Journeyman plumber. Phone 0691 Rl Printers - r TV lUrem - ueneva nines Fine commercial printing- Wpddinff Annoucements, Hand bills, Programs, Menus, Business Forms, etc. Phone 0684 Jl 550 Soulh State Orem Real Estate Geneva Real Estate Farm and city prperties. Whether Wheth-er buying or selling see us first! Insurance Loaaa Phone 0685 Jl 150 Soulh Stale Orem n:i::;i:::::::::::::.-::::::;:::::::::-.:::::-.:: usais::iffi:ua Ray E. Hanks Co. Phone 0554 Rl, 3642 or 2333 M Buying or selling real estate, SEE "Desiring to serve in every degree." de-gree." Fire and automobile insurance. 265 West Center Provo Repair Shops Ed's Fix-It Shop If Ed can't fix it, it can't be fixed. Sewing .machine, bicycle, motor, lawn mower repairs. Phone 0537 Rl 722 North Stale Orem .Restaurants Bill and Iva's Cafe Delicious food served in a pleasant atmosphere. Chicken, Steak Dinners We Cater to Parties Phone 0575 Rl 3rd South and State Orem Clyde's Coffee Shop Short orders our specialty Hamburgers, steaks Good food served in a hurry-Phone hurry-Phone 0576 Rl 8th North and State Orem Park's Cafe Um-m-m, good! That's what everybody says about our Chicken Chick-en Dinners. Facilities for club and group dinners-Phone dinners-Phone 0568 Jl Silver Star Utah County's most exclusive dining spot. Steak, Chicken, Fish dinners. Catering a specialty. special-ty. Phone 0566 R2 41h North and 4th West. Orem Twin Pines Specializing in Steak and Chicken Chick-en Dinners. Our private dining room available for private banquets ban-quets and parties Phone 0573 Jl Across from Orem City Hall j Septic Tanks - Service .. A. B. C. Furnace Cleaners Equipped to pump or pressure pump any and all jobs. No spillage spill-age or odors. Hauled in sealed tank trucks-Phone trucks-Phone 0858 R5 Orem Sporting Goods n:::::Rr:::::::::::::::::::::::::u::::::::::::::::::.::::::in::sa Burr's Sporting Goods Phone 0789 Jl Guns, ammunition, fishing tackle, tack-le, bicycles, athletic equipment, I boats nd motors- Across from Scera Orem Steel Buildings U. S. Rock Wool Sales Co. The versatile Quonset is adaptable adapt-able to every building need. Giving you more value per dol lar than any other type building. build-ing. Phones 013 J3 010 Jl 1690 So. State St. . Orem Tires - Recapping 0. K. Rubber Welders Orem's Tire Recapping Headquarters Head-quarters A name you can count on- Famous from Coast to Coast Phone 07S9 R2 th South and Stale Orem Tourist Courts Chief Timpanogos Motel A grand place to stay- Sealey Air matresses on all beds. Radio in every room. Convenient to stores, theatre. Phone 0791 Jl Across from Scera Orem Mountain View Trailer Court & Motel Showers and baths. Complete 'aundry with mangle for your convenience Phone 0567 Rl 1601 North State Orem SPOTLIGHTING UTAf Utah's "49er" State Fair Something that will be different, differ-ent, and yet something that should fill a long felt need Is to be the aim of the Utah State Fair Board, and Secretary-Man- ager, J. A. Theobald, for the State Fair this year. The date have been set, with the opening on Friday, Sept- 16, and the Fair continuing on through Saturday, Sat-urday, Sept. 24. The opening event will be the "Governor's Night", and the first performance perform-ance of the quarter of a million dollar spectacle, "1950 Version Holiday on Ice." This show has attracted the greatest attention aion at the Utah Valley hosPu-of hosPu-of all centennial year events, and the 1950 version has been1 1950 version has been 1 ontirolv roof-ran urlth nuf scenic effects, new' cast and an entirely new music score. I The fair will formerly open on Saturday, September 17. Owing Ow-ing to the conflict with the closing clos-ing date of the Southeastern Idaho Fair at Blackfoot, cattle . and livestock entries will be ac- j cepted on Sunday, and judging Plans for the Fair, which is being staged under the theme of a "49er" event, will be back to uic ujr vi uk uiu tunc mil a win maxe me larmer, came i man and poultry producer the ; guest of the show, and the products pro-ducts they produce will hold forth the best display place possible. poss-ible. In line with this idea, the counties are going to take over the theatre building at the Fair Grounds for the horticultural section. This building was originally ly consructed for this purpose. was transformed into theatre XW y HEJ?!lWh is passing such places by part of World War II, when the government had taken over most of the Fair Grounds for its use-The use-The large - stage which fas erected at that time, has been re- STLsl will now be subdivided into booths for all Utah. 29 counties of Each of the counties are being nvited to make an early se.act- ion of the space they will use. Assurance is being given to the . I . t . lL 1,1 , cQunue, n ui , - . reserved for them duing future fairs, and that improvements v. w- they make for this year will be preserved for each succeeding year. Efforts are also being made to have the counties take advantage ad-vantage of neon lighting, especially espec-ially with the name designating the county in front of each bootrr.-These will be selected so that many colors will appear, and it is hoped that more exten sive neon lighting will also be used in decorating and constructing construct-ing the booths for displays. All these booths will remain intact throughout the year, and the building will be used between be-tween fairs for other attractions relating to the rural lighting of the state. The lighting will be turned on during such occasions so that not only the county names, but the space occupied will become a familiar sight to patrons for such events-All events-All other exhibitors at the Fair, are also being extended an space. These are being encouraged encourag-ed to arrange more permanent display areas, with the assurance assur-ance that such space will remain re-main intact, and will be their first refusal each year as Fair time approaches. The entertainment program is still in the progress of being arranged, and assurance is had that it will be up to the standard stand-ard that will fit into the picture of the "49er" fair. The usual carnival with its rides and many othsr attractions will be set up, and some new and extraordnary events are bing planned for the grandstand show each afternoon. There will be plenty of music and other entertainment through out the Fair Grounds. Everyone is being encouraged to plan a full day and evening at the Fair this year- The fair grounds are beautiful and guests are urged to make their visit to the Fair an occasion for a grand picnic, and tables will be provided, provid-ed, as well as all other necessities necess-ities to make such a day one to be remembered. Local Leaders Should Promote Tourist Business With a greater influx of tourists tour-ists into Utah this season than ever before, it becomes more evident that a golden stream of traveler's dollars now passing through Utah towns could in many instances be diverted into local hands- Both Zion and Bryce report increases in the tourist visitation visitat-ion for June as compared with June of last year. A comparative travel data report just issued for the current travel year shows tourist travel in the National Upholstering Young's Upholstering Co. Furniture restyling and repairing repair-ing our specialty- All work guar anteed. Call for estimate Choose your own fabric. Phone 0752 J4 Orem Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Swen-son Swen-son and family are spending their vacation touring the North West- Mr- and Mrs. Jess Ash spent the weekend camping and fish- ing on the Weber river- Mr. and Mrs Boyd Ostler have moved from Orem and are making their home in Provo. Frank Williams is able to be out again after his recent illness. ill-ness. Mrs- Lionel Colledge re- cf.ntlv u"d-rw,?"u ?, T3v PT .... , .,, ... lvir. ana jurs. ineron rum sP?nt past T, .vU,,n wltl? relat,ive and f"ends.. ln has returned home but Mrs. Kirk will remain for a month to visit with her mother and other relatives- Dr. and Mrs. LaMar Benn ett and son, John, of New York Pfnt Tuesday here with , brother, Leeman Bennett, lparks to be up 11 percent- . nnmmnnitv every highways has ofJ tourist interest. Many communities have Utah I Pioneer museums, art exhibits,! coll ctions of Indian artifacts, i mineral collections, points of historical interest or other items of unusual interest extremely interesting to the traveler, tourist tour-ist and sightseer anxious to see A.,n.t.4t,tnA Tnia fr.vnl itinprnrv i 0fi caTT. .',,., u. .i- i the thousands, completely unaware una-ware they exist. It is up to local comunities to do something a- bout the situation. The State Department of Publicity is anxious to cooper ate with communities, civic groups or ndividuali who feel they have something to offer the tourist. Since actual records ;cornplled by the Publicity De- partment reveal that the tourists tour-ists ln Utah are spending $28 every day they are in the state u..w.. m.t. ,iu. i ,,.,. K- , towns can offer them by way of historical, scenic or educational interest tends to prolong their stay. To hold them in Utah only a few more hours or another day or so increases by millions of dollars the annual tourist expenditure ex-penditure in this state. ctlonlst, ,nd ave whlte the Utah Department of Publicity Public-ity annually trying to find out what Utah has to offer a tourist passing through the state. They are eager and anxious to see everything of importance the state has to offer. While the Utah Publicity Department does everything possible to inform these folks on major scenic attractions, at-tractions, it is now up to local community leaders to get Into the harness and cooperate with the State in trying to influence the tourist visitor to spend more time in Utah. IP OUTSIDE WHITE Bennett's Dependable First grade (13 lbs. per gd.) BENNETTS INTERIOR GLOSS ENAMEL 1322 CEG0.1AT0HS GCLOiS AVAILABLE U ALL OIB ai:d .LL SIZES Utah Valley Builders Supply 485 North State Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lover-idge Lover-idge and daughter, Sherry Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Clar Harris and Esther York enjoyed a trip to Fish Lake. Rulon Chadwick of Ba uOltt, Nevada arrived this week for a visit here. He is staying at the home of Mr- and Mrs. L- V-Wilkinson. V-Wilkinson. Kay Holdaway, 14-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs- Ellis Holdaway, Holda-way, is recuperating at his home following treatment at the LDS hospital "for Injuries received when a fire cracker exploded and injured his eye- Kathryn Chrlstenson and three cirl friends from the BYU. - , . Claire Stoddard of Laguna Beach, California, Lois Morlene of Denver and Helen Erickson of Ogden, have returned from a vacation trip to Yellowstone. The returned by way of the Tet-ons Tet-ons and Logan Canyon. Miss Carol Reese, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reese, returned home last week after spending the winter in Arling- I ton, Va with her grandparents, j Senator and Mrs. Arthur V. Wat-on Wat-on ! kins- She graduated from (he Swanson junior high school this 'year in Arlington. Clem Hancock made two trips to southern Utah during the past week. His mother, Mrs. Marie Hancock and his sister, Mrs. Alta Excell returned with him for a visit in Orem. Ray Carruth has been re-reiving re-reiving treatment at the Payson hospital- He has been forced to close the Carruth Grocery because be-cause of 111 health- UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT! MAY GRCE W:D SECViOi P. C. Bell and O.R. Powell Experienced Garage Mechanics FEATURING COMPLETE AUTO R2PAI3 SZ3VIC3 AT REASONACLE PPJCES. DHOP IN TODAY FC3 AN ESTIMATE. Located at 5S5 South State TAXPAYERS MEETING at the office of GENEVA REALTY CO. 148 South State Street Orem FRIDAY, JULY 15th, 7:30 p.m. GvGoput: QGclcaCf:c::3 km PAINT UP NOW WHILE N PRICES ARE LOW New $4.40 $5.25 $1.50 Street OREM June 19, carried a half page spread with four photos depicting depict-ing Utah's scenic attractions. '1 BRAKE ADJUSTMENT FIRESTONE STOHS PROVO. UTAH j Lei and day. way. ui do your brake front end work to-You to-You pay the bud-st lit 2 wesAi"i jft la cue" ccct3 c::iv Get $100 from hmtmat on tltna-ture, tltna-ture, furniture, or car. If uted, repay re-pay fomtnat in monthly amounts. If not uied, return it after 2 weeks ad pay only 11.40 charge. r UTt -f- , u n. u wn. . IimT S10.07 ll0 1174 XLI4 MM 1341 I 9oii I t'n I ya Abo po,! MM imml tmk mm urn km, mt V mtm pm4 it pwrnitio 'Arpta"1"" liilln hw on to pay bCa. medical repairs and other needs. LOANS $31 to $350 ar I FINAL C 2 CO. 13 East Center Knight Clock T. H. COPUS. Manager fhone 2S1 UataeBSonntoMtftf rhon C522 H2 Price 0'.J Price Gal. GaL Qt $5.25 Gal. $5.10 Gal. $1.70 Qt Phone 0783 RJ |