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Show CTZZLCZXSVA TESS NATION'S HEADACHE , Defense De-fense Attorney Archibald Palmei comes ready (or headaches u he escorts Defendant Judith Coplon spy suspect, to Washington's municipal mu-nicipal court Palmer flourishes bottle as aspirin tablets. t, T - ,-., Diana Jones of Ogden spent the past week visiting at the home -of her uncla and aunt, Mr- and Mrs. Ferron Jones. CARTER'S SAW SERVICE All types of Saws Sharpened LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED West on 4lh North GENEVA ROAD ALTERATIONS ! I tailor men's tails over for women. Expert men and women's wo-men's alterations, make dresses, formals, trousseaus, children's coining. Men's shirts and slacks Sea or call Mrs. Cuyler, 447 N 2nd West Provo. Phone 227BR TF Th Best In AUTO INSURANCE N. C. Hicks, Local Agent Our new low rates offer you the most economic car insurance in-surance available. In ten years of selling I have never had a claim rejected. STATE FARM MUTUAL PhoiM 12 19 N. UniTersity At., Pioyo If. ATHLETES FOOT ITCH NOT HARD TO KILL IN ONE HOUR If not pleased, your 40c back at anydrug store. T-4-L, a Strong fungicide, contains 90 Dercnt alcohol. It penetrates. Reaches MORE germs to KILL the Itch-Today Itch-Today at GENEVA PHARMACY WANTED 0 BUY Good, clean used cars or pickups pick-ups Top cash price paid. No waiting. See Lynn Bullock. BULLOCK AUTO SALES Phone 0G6f .T3 Orem. FEMALE HELP WANTED CHRISTMAS CARDS WITH NAME. 50 for $1, sell last! Make up to 100 percent on $1 J "Leader". Christmas, Plastic sensation, everyday. others-Assort others-Assort mtns on approval, Free Imprint samples. STYLART. 1310 Santee, Dept. 27, Los Angeles 55 California. 1 lm tl ; : , - FPJ. vc-' A . ., lire vy j l v xMx r.:.c.p. Farm Safety Week Set July 24-30 Active participation of every rural family of Utah in the nat ional farm safety week, July 24-30 was urged today by S. R. Boswell, Utah County Agent Elimination of at least one unsafe practice or condition by each member of every farm family fam-ily is the major objective of the national farm safety week cam paign. One particular phase of farm safety will be emphasiz:d each day of the week, as follows: Sunday, July 24: Tne cnurcn-es: cnurcn-es: sermons, Sunday School talks, playlets and discussions all can be featured in connect ion ith Farm Safety Week. Monday, July 25: Home safety: safe-ty: More farm people are injured injur-ed in the home than anywhere else on the farm. Monday's pro- j gram should emphasize the el- .imination of unsafe practices in th h Tuesday, July 26: Livestock: Animals aeount for nn nut of I four farm work accidents. On , i" ul... a. Tuesday the, safe methods of I handling livestock can be given most attention. Wednesday, July 27: Falls: CEMENT WORK ' Cement Seotle Tanlra and 1 i in ah i i . . cement work done. 1010 N. 1 X7 n Da....... nu -. I4ln tt KELSCH'S COMPLETE SHO FOOT SERVICE 156 West Center Telephone 707 AT BOOTERIF Provo, Utah A BETTER HAIRCUT IN LESS TIME WICK S V A I II Your favorite auto mechanic . May be really good AND YET NOT AN AUTO ELECTRICIAN. WE ARE 'AUTO ELECTRICIANS WHO RENDER AUTO ELECTRICAL SERVICE THAT LASTS AND SAVES. OREM AUTO ELECTRIC 6th North and State Orem-Geneva, Utah Phone 0652-R1 ATTENTION STOCKMEN and FARMERS If you want mor money for your dead or useless horses, cows, hojs or sheep; and for hides, pelts and wool, call UTAH HIDE AND TALLOW CO. QUICK SERVICE Geo. W. Pric "You'd never believe it but this VINEYARD Mali cent Wtlli 0893-J1 Relief Society meeting was held Tuesday at the home of Mrs- Victor M. Anderson. Mrs. Voirta Rnnkor irnvp an interest- ing lesson on Salads. The pre- paration of salads was demon strated by Mrs- Zella Blake. The visiting teachers made their reports. The salads prepared at the meeting were served buffet style from a prettily decorated table. Members of the genealogical committee will be in charge of the program for meeting on Sunday Sun-day evening. Allen Johnson and members of his family gave an interesting program at the church services on Sunday evening. Mrs. Bill Gappmayer entertained enter-tained at a birthday party for her son Billy on Wednesday afternoon- Games were played and refreshments served to Ilene and 'Union riavfa Karpn ann iarrv . . . '.' t " vision, rvaren oem muun, oay Brown, Paul Kennedy, Billy Blaine, Johnny Beckwith and Merrilj Gappmayer. Miss Barbara Anderson is vacationing in Idaho Falls with relatives- t VinmA onH nrrtnnH the farmstead falls lead tne usi oi mlchona Gnod housekee ing a- round the farm is me meme ior ,thiS day. .. ' Thursday, July 28: Highway - " " "" J traffic: Highlight rules of safe Wells and children Mr. and driving and walking on high- Mr -William F. Wells Merhne ways to help reduce the toll of Mills Thomas Wells and Mr and 7 300 rural residents killed in Mrs. J?h" - olson attended .the traffic mishaps. Samuel Wells reunion held at Friday, July 29: Machinery: Payson Park on Saturday. Friday might well be the occas- ... ' , . . ion for spreading the facts nee Mr. M; Odell Ander-esary Ander-esary for the safe operation of on f Crannell, California have farm machinery. been Vlsltlng at the Harold All- Saturday, July 30: Review d hme' Mrs' Anderton and r,... tj.m!,,, on nhac nf nrriH. M" Allred are sisters-. After a ent prevention as a means of en- couraging safe practices on the form fiftv-two weeks a year. PHONE COLLECT. LEHI 216W Lehi, Utah ALL used to be i garage once.' j County Herds I Free of T. B. The United States ment of Agriculture Depart-has Depart-has b.en cooperating with the State and Utah County to eradicate Tuber- culosis from livestock. Tuberculosis has been reduced in the United States from four percent in 1922 to less than two percent in 1930 and even great er reduction has occurred since .that time. Approximately 20 000,000 pounds of meat is con dunned annually because of Tub rculosis. I AF counties in the 48 states are now in what is known as the modified accredited area, indic ating that they are practically free of bovine tuberculosis Continuation of existing programs pro-grams of the perodical retesting is essential if recurrence of the disease is to be prevented As the result of tuberculin tests mad-i by State and Federal ..... : : t.. - . vciei.iidi.i. a, uuui v-uumy was reaccredited on February 1. 1949 as a modified tuberculosis- free area for a period of three v ars by the Bureau of Animal Industry, The results of these tests, as reported to the Bureau are as follows: Herds tested, 2497; Cattle tested, 8624; infect d pre- u"cc c-c"1 u""-u. " .TIT. J T,S T slt the .DaviltJenkins in Vernal they will return to Orem ?or 8 few davs before returning home. SURPRISED ROYALTY ... The eoTeted croVn of king and queen f New York's Chinatown wu warded to six-year-old Howard Ton and four-year-old Valerie Lee recently in the annual baby eon-test eon-test held In Columbus Park. There were awards to a prince and princes prin-ces and tn the "errinceet" baby Bowling's Fun For Everyone! HEALTH O BEAUTY O EXERCISE LINCOLN Bowling Court Across from Scera Thatr WASHER REPAIRING Ralph's Rndio & Appliance 65 No. UniTfcrsity At. PROVO Phone 618 6 I '1 Ready io lest their skill and Plymoulh automobile dealers, are Ralph J. Snelson, Kent Child and Keith Whitney. They are competing in bait Laice uny ior iauu in prizes and an opportunity to go to Detroit. M.ch., where finals will be held or! the Third International Internat-ional Plane Contest. They competed in the Utah capitol with 170 other youths on July 4. and will compete there again on Jul; 17. OREM HOME STRUCK BY LIGHTNING t v, v,. nrwf TanaHian mission where Mr. and Mrs. Albert Martin, 55 Fast lfi South. Orem. earlv Friday morning, tearing a hole n the roof and damaging elect- ical wiring throughout the house. , Mrs. Martin and the baby were in bed when she heard a noise giant "like the explosion of a firecracker". Damage to the housa was not discovered until later. An electric clock was smasnea ana teiepnones 1 were put out of order in the neighborhood. No fire was started although insulation was burned from a number of elect ric wires. t Mr. and Mrs. Thomas .h- ton, Charles Ashton and Mrs. Ida Ercanbrack left Monday for two weeks vacation in Alberta, Canada. Virginia and Don Meldrum returned home Friday following week's visit with relatives in Boise, Idaho. Most recent duels in France have been fought between poli-ticians poli-ticians and journalists. INSTRUCTIONS OFFERED Postmaster Examination announced an-nounced for Orem. Sufficient Suffic-ient time to prepare for examination. exam-ination. Start your preparation prepara-tion at once. Valuable information inform-ation free. Established in 1896-. Columbian Correspondence College, Washington 2, D. C-(Advertisement) C-(Advertisement) FEMALE HELP WANTED Show friends big Christmas Card values. $1 Assortments pay up to 100 percent pi of it. Imprinted Greetings 50 for $1, up. "Leader" assortment on approval, Free Imprint Samples. Samp-les. Write, STYLART, 310 Santee. Dept. 30, Los Angeles 55, California- Pianos and Accordians FOR SALE OR RENT Pianos $75 00 and up. Accordians Accor-dians $25.00 and up. Small down payment. Easy terms. New and used. Lessons-Williams Lessons-Williams Music Co. 308 Sast 3rd South Phone 940 R "Electric Wiring With Safety" Residential and Commercial Contracting CALL t Howard Egan t Electric. PHONE 0756 J2 73 East 4th North, Orem Utah County Mattress , Factory COMPLETE : M XTTRESS wd BATT SERVICE nly Factory in Utah County We are not represented bv any transient irtaitress workers, but will call for and deliver with -'Ui extra charge. JUST PHONE 345 Or drop us a card 661 West 2nd North ROVO UTAH . r . i 1 ' i h u . -v "v '., f . X " ' f V v " ' '--." : i i" ' , . . C t f 5-. .f j t 1 - i : - - - - - - f . , I luck in th Utah Model Plane these contestants trom bpringvuie; ieii io ngni; r -to u. uwu. ' Elder Floyd W. CI egg was released on July 7 from the he has labored for the past two years. He and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Clegg vacation- ,ed at LaKe iouise in anaaa and at Yellowstone r"arK on tne way home Mr. and Mrs. C M. Stone and children attended the Jos- eph Stone reunion held at farx Ro She. Mr. and Mrs- Roland Hard- visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mor - oni Jensen at Richfield last weekend. Bishop and Mrs. Clinton I Wakefield of Huntington visit- ed here with her Darents. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wells enroute to Cardston, Canada wh:re they met their son, Thomas Wakefield who is laboring in the West Canadian Can-adian mission. They will tour the Northwest "before returning home. Mr. and Mrs- William F. Wells and Antoinette Farns-worth Farns-worth have gone to Kirtland, New Mexico, where they will make their home. Miss Peggy McLean was a weekend guest at the home of Lyla DeLange. Her home is in Texas and she is attending the LDS Business College in Salt Lake City. i: ( ii V vor;j: BATTER LP! 'i : V ;'. :"!;- ' I IlliC fan looks On If - am-ne. ball cri.ically before hi. lui!y-fni-n.l are booMera of Hp 1-!. l,.,! .!.:.. : :. i . ... .-...... Mi,,n i..itr.neu ill Oi ol.-.c? m? or li-"iie 1 Contest, sponsored by the state's Mr- and Mrs. Fred Oiass- burn and daughter, Betty Jean, of Blackfoot, Idaho, are snend- jjng is week at the home Mrs. Jane Crane. Of Mr. and Mrs- A. Ray Ekins entertained at a dinner on Satur-Hay Satur-Hay vening. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Downs. Florence Reeves, Kathleen and Robert Downs. Mr. and Mrs- , Stanford Ekins and family and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elliott and childr:n. ! Mary Eagar of Pleasant view spent last we.k at USAC jwith a group of 4-H cjub girls Ifrom all parts of the state- They studied Ways to Assist with 4-H Club Work. Marv was selected act as secretary of the group. i WANTED TO RENT Two bedroom house in Orem, unfurnished. - Call Ken Mor-tensen, Mor-tensen, manager, Mount A' Lake, Orem. FOR SALE Northwest Model 40, Serial No. 3410 Combination shovel and dragline good condition, used. 315 c.f.m. Schramm Deisel driven driv-en portable compressor, new. Hyster 1000 lb. Fork-lift truck with extra scoop, completely overhauled. All Priced to Sell. HEINER EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLY COMPANY, 501 West 7th South, Salt Lake City, Phone 33979. A4 irinft .!.:)- .1.:. ll . ... winJ BV. p"hS .n" - 'r.l,; Pt,::i! r .f er ana I w.-.i tl.e loam's insignia. fr youthlu! supporters eaitfs, ey -o-;-.ntj dossils are primed on Pacific : " ir uiey are weurins THURSDAY, rot PLEASANT VIEW Marie Ashton gave the s,. ment gem and Carol Allrert ,v" two and one-half minute tiw . Sunday Sfchool. Wlk to Frank Tippetts, recent' ,. leased from the Czechoslovak, mission, was honored at a t come home testimonial on Su day evening. Gladys Tin, sang two vocal solos. FraniT. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H r - Kf1 -nvic uq nrTrira Th Allred sisters wpro v, esses to the M Men and Glean girls, S nior Scouts and .! girls at a fireside chat Sum,. evening. Mr. and Mrs. v.;. Hawkins, recently returned from the New Zealand mission were the speakers. Th y showed a uvciuia luuci-ieu in iew Zealand- Refreshments wer .- to 35 young p ople present About 50 officers and teachers teach-ers of th? ward auxiliary organ. . a """Hire party snd picnic up South Fork in Provo canyon cn Monday night Games and group singing con pleted the delightful affair Vernal to Dedicate Four Buildings at Homecoming July 24 Vernal, Utah's inland cih which has recently become the center for the state s oil produo tion, will welcome visitors and former residents at a homecoming homecom-ing celebration July 24-26. The celebration will seethe dedication of three ward chap-els chap-els and the new Uintah county hospital, and will feature a street parade, and family and ward reunions. The four new buildings repres ent nearly a million dollan worth of construction. Letters inviting all former residents to return to the city have been sent out by the pub licity committee of the cele bration. Several general author ities of the LDS church will be present for the dedicatory programs. pro-grams. to keep engines cool t; this wcy A Product of Standard of California Engines run cooler with RPM DELO Diesel Engine Lubricating Oil because they're lubricated lubri-cated completely. Cora-pounded Cora-pounded to prevent ring-sticking and corrosion, corro-sion, RPM DELO Oil stays on cylinder walla at aW times... prevents rust ... cute repairs as wuch as 50! DISTRIBUTED BY FRANK J. EARL 525 South Univ. Ave. Telephone 950 with |