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Show THURSDAY, JULY 14 1949 OREM-GENEVA TIMES Orem-Qeoeva Society Ina Smith. Editor Phona 0684 Jl f - r sr.;' . v- . ' r -jf Women's Club Stages Annual Canyon Party Members of the Orem Women's club entertained their husbands hus-bands and other guests at the club's annual Canyon Party on Tuesday evening at the Orem Canyon Park. Mrs. Hugh Vern Wentz, chairman of arrangements for the affair, was assisted assist-ed by Mrs. Merlin Finch, Mrs. Verdun Watts and Mrs. Woodruff Wood-ruff Jensen. An interesting program followed the canyon supper. Mrs. Merlin Finch led the community singing and Mrs. Harold 1 - , Knudsen acted as mistress of GENEVA LDS GIRLS ceremonies. Gerry Hansen sang SET FIRESIDE SUNDAY a number of song imitations and Members of the Geneva ward readings were given by Mrs. El-LDS El-LDS Girls organization will wood Sundberg and Mrs. Ray gather for a fireside immediately Hanks- A skit was present-after present-after Sacrament meeting at the ed bX Ray Hanks RX IIum" home of Phyllis Farley, accord- Phrles- A Scavenger hunt con ing to Alverda Carson, chair- Cluaea lne evening s enienam- man of the girls committee. Margaret Johnson, who recently re-cently returned from New York, where she was awarded a masters mast-ers degree at Columbia University Univer-sity will speak to the girls. Miss Johnson has recently been named nam-ed elementary supervisor for Alpine district schools. " SHARON Jean Macdonald 0896-R4 ment. Special guests at the party were Mrs. Lee Brooks, Hilma Bateman, Mary Dean Gilbert Gerry Hansen and Sylvia Rain water. Club members and th ;ir husbands present were Mrs Dale Larsen, Mrs- Neldon Mar shall, Mrs. Harold Knudsen, Mr. artd Mrs- Clarence Bliss j Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Wentz, Mr ;and Mrs. Boyd Asay, Mr. and 'Mrs. Harold Peterson, Mr. and Mrs Lorin Millet, Mr. and Mrs I Ralph Knight, Mr- and Mrs bacrament meeting on Sunday Ronald Adams, Mr. and Mrs. L. honored Russell Hansen, who re- S. Maycock, Mr. and Mrs. El- cenuy returned lorm tne &outn;wood Sundb:rg, Mr. and Mrs. Central States mission. Speakers Wallace Kendall, Mr. and Mrs. were Elder Hansen, his wife, Woodruff Jensen, Mr. and Mrs-Ramona Mrs-Ramona Hansen and his father, Dwayne Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. V. Emil Hansen. Musical num-. Tony Rohbock, Mr. and Mrs. E. bers were furnished by a trio H. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Mer- compnsfng Geraldine Hansen, lin Finch, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Evelyn Higbea and Marie Mad- Memmott, Mr. and Mrs. Ray en- I Hanks, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. The Sunday School officers , Smith, Mr. and Mrs- Ted Sim-and Sim-and teachers meeting was held ! mons, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Terry, the home of J. Clayton Watts j Mr. and Mrs. oroni Jensen, Mr. fallowing sacrament meeting on I and Mrs- Horace Snyder and Sunday. Mr. Watts gave a talk i Mr and Mrs- Roy Humphries. n advice to the teachers- The Gospel Doctrine class of the Sunday School enjoyed an uting at the Orem canyon park a Monday evening- A pot luck sapper was served and softball and volley ball games were played. play-ed. All members of the bishopric bishop-ric and the ward clerks were present- A feature of the even ing was a surprise program. Each person who did not take part on the program was fined S3 cents and $ 75 was collected for the Sunday School fund. Each person present was labled with a famous name on his back and had to guess the name before it could be displayed on his GENEVA Bath Moon 0SI1J11 Mr. and Mrs. Leo Smith are new members of the ward. They live on Lincoln street and are former residents of Beaver, Utah. The annual MIA Canyon party j will be held at Canyon Glen on I Saturday, July 10- Each family should take a box supper and go prepared to enjoy games and a program- Anyone who does not t . r ft r .V f - ' i - ' I ' I 1 I ' ' ' I j? ii -. i . It ? : I i'i Miss Zella Sundquist Pictured following their raceni marriag in tha Salt Laka LDS Tempi ara Mr. and Mrs. Rusiall Hansen. Tha brida is th former Ramona Rainwalr. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rainwater of Bnnli!vlll. South Carolina and Mr. Hansen is th son of Mr. and Mrs. V. Emil Hansen. Th nwlywds are making lhir horn in Oram. - i Waldo Harris, a former resident of Orem now residing in Chicago, is renewing old ac quaintances here. He is visiting at the home of his mother, Mrs- Lexis Harris. Mr. and Mrs- Compton and daughter of Morgan were weekend week-end visitors at the LaMar Burnett Bur-nett home. Mrs. Compton is Mr-Burnett's Mr-Burnett's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Smith and their children, Alene, Monte, Pauline and Gloria, spent last weekend at Mirror Lake fishing. Mr. and Mrs. Sharland Ilarward and their children Gary and Teddy nd Mr. and Mrs- Roy Dav!s lowed Bryce Canyn, Zion.'s Canyon and Grand Canyon last week Mr. and Yu. Ed Camen-ish Camen-ish have had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. R K. Wildox and their daughter, Lucy of West Chicago, who have been visiting friends and relatives h --r the ast week. have transportation should meet chest. C. MacDonald was chair- '.at the Seminary lawn before 0 man of the activities and was j P m- assisted by Mr- and Mrs A.ex Fredrick J. Holton was the Josie- Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Petty i sp aker at Sacrament meeting were in charge of the ball games, ion Sunday. Dora Mackey repres-J repres-J Clayton Watts is the class ented the LDS girls and Jar. teaekrr and Vic Christensen is Peterson gave talks represent-: is August 9. They plan to go to class president. ing the Aaronic priesthood. i"ed-' Mirror Lake. dy Ann Rohbock played it piano sole-. Plans for the annual four day trip w re made at the monthly Youth Leadership meeting on Wednesday.-The date for the trip Mrs- Inez Muhlestein underwent un-derwent a second operation on Thursday. is ot the Utah Valley hospital. Zella Sundquist Sets Wedding Date July 28 is the date set by Miss Zella Sundquist, daugnter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sund quist, for her marriage to Har old Hill. Mr. Hill is the son of Mr- and Mrs- C E- Hill of Pleas ant View. Miss Sundquist is a graduate of the Lincoln high school and attended the BYU. She is employed em-ployed in Provo. Mr. Hill graduated gradu-ated from Provo high school and attended BYU. He was in the army for three years and is now in the trucking business. A reception honoring the couple will be given on the evening ev-ening of their wedding day at the Edgemont ward hall. They plan to make their home in Provo. 'Bride-Elect Feted At Shower Miss Zella Sundquist as honored hon-ored on Monday evening at a bridal shower at the home of Mrs- Lloyd Sundquist. Games and refreshments were enjoyed and gifts presented to the bride-elect. bride-elect. Present at the shower were Mrs. Lloyd Sundquist, Mrs. Theora Pulley, Emma Sundquist, Sund-quist, Helen Meldrum, Mrs- Jack Meldrum, Mrs. Ralph Meldrum, Mel-drum, Mrs- Wesley Jarvis, Miss Faun Hill, Mrs- C. E. Hill, Laura Turnbridge, Mrs- Bud Smith and Miss Sundquist. GRAND VIEW Mrs- CalYbt Gardner 44U4 The Primary officers and teachers gave a party honoring Mrs- Helene Rhodes, retiring teacher- The ladies presented a lovely gift to the Games were played and prizes were awarded to Mrs- Ina Back-ner, Back-ner, Mrs. Berniece Kirk wood, Mrs- Myrtle Carleton, and Mrs. Emma Gordon. Others present were Mrs. Laurel Gibson, Mrs. Ina Beardall, Mrs- Lois McEwan, Mrs- Shields and Mrs- Blanche Mr- and Mrs- Piatt D. Reeve of North Hollywood, California and three children were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs-Kenneth Mrs-Kenneth Soffe on Saturday. Cynthia Turner of Salt Lake City is a guest in the home of Mary Lynn Wakefield. Mrs- Laurel Gibson, Mrs- honoree-' De! Giy and children, Joanne and Gaylene and Mrs- RaNae Edwards visited Bryce, Zto.e's andGrand canyons last weekend, '1 $ ' ' '"-JtaJ ' ' ::.. ,:t i ) 4 V,.. : At horn in Provo after a honeymoon in Nevada and California ar Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Thomas (Janet Raa McKelvey). Thtr wer married at tha home of tha bride's parents, Mr. and Mn. Lewis McKlvr. with Philo T. Edwards performing the ceremony. Mr. Thomas is the son of Mr. and Mrs. LRoy Thomas of Sptaiih Fork. A group of friends enjoyed rlinner a Canvon Glen on Sun day afternoon. Present were Mr. and Mrs. William B- Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Armstrong and William Kissel of Salt Lake City; Lena Sorenson of Mammoth; Mam-moth; Jennie Nichol s, Milford; Mr. and Mrs- Cleve Humphrey, Pleasant Grove; Mr- and Mrs-David Mrs-David Ulingsworth and daughter. daught-er. Lauana Jean and Blanche Nielson- i Sinner guests at the home a Mr. and Mrc Wrmtn w.r. of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Morby ward and son, Craig, Maxine " ajem were oar. ana mrs-1 VERMONT WARD mm MW OREM Don't Throw Those Shoes Away There's Extra Wear In That Old Pair Have Them Repaired Today Quality Work Shoes Quality Boots That Wear Eetter Expert Shoe Repairing Quality Material Guaranteed Work SOUTH OF UTAH POWER AND LIGHT. CO. STATE STREET OREM 1 n L v.s - , S. MORI iWPROViD F.ATURES a S lb capacity a Slf-tilting drainbeord Durable balloon rolls Quick-omptying pump FulMongth protoctiv skirl PormanonHy kibricarod G- motor Om yr wrirloii lununt) 99.50 up The General Electric Washet i: built tor just one thing "Quick Clean" washing all the time! This is what you'll like abou the improved General Klectri Vi'asher. The time-tested, "three-zone" "three-zone" Activator gets out all '.in dirt gently, but thoroughly. The One-control wringer gives the correct pressure for every fabric The adjustable timet watches the washing for you. When you see that first snow-white snow-white wash and every one from then on you'll bless the daj you bought a General Electric Washer. Come in for a demonstration of "Quick-clean" washing see why we're to proud of this washer. Trodo-nwrk to U. S. Fat Ot n n l r A A (XI Lz3 VJ SALES AND. SERVICE 3rd South & Unir. Provt Next to Utah Power, Orem Phone 135 Phone 0767 Rl "Your Complete One-Stop Service" Harward and Fay Brown are enjoying the scenic wonders of Yellostone Park this week. Wilde- Refreshments were served serv-ed and the party was planned by the Primary presidency. were Mr, David Ulingsworth, Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Humphrey, Jennie N icholes and Mrs- Ferry Nielson. Sunday Services OREM STAKE 10:00 a.m. Stake presidency presid-ency meeting in the Seminary building. 10:30 High Council meeting. meet-ing. 2:00 p.m. Stake Priesthood leadership meeting. 2:45 p.m. Stake High Prests meeting, 3:30 p-m. Bishops council meeting with the stake presidency. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jones spent the past week vacationing in the Parks of southern Utah- COST BEAUTY PERMANENCE Those are the factors you consider con-sider when you build a home! Let us prove that building blocks from your local Central Utah Block Company can meet your building requirement. PHONE 1924M FOR IMMEDIATE SERVICE AND DELIVERY WrrmN THE HOUR! FREE ESTIMATES 311 0, 720 South University Ave. Provo The Sunday School will pre sent the program at meeting, under the direction of Superintendent Superin-tendent Don -Wilcox. V. Emil Hansen of the High Council will represent the stake. VINEYARD WARD The genealogy committee will furnish the program for meeting on Sunday evening. Chairman Grant Zabriskie will be in charge. EDGEMONT WARD Meeting will begin at 7:3$. Speakers will be Frank B. Woff-inden, Woff-inden, Ruth Moss and Elaine Hawkins. GRAND VIEW Speakers at meeting will be George M. Ashby, Sharland Harward and LaMar Wall. Meeting Meet-ing will begin at 7:30. HILL CREST WARD Paul H. Taylor, LaPreal R-Hatfield R-Hatfield and Dora Davis will be the speakers. Meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m. LAKF VIEW WARD Meting will begin at 7:30-Speakers 7:30-Speakers will b3 Herman S-Richards, S-Richards, Ray Johnson and Frank Wall. OAK HILLS WARD Ray E. Hanks, L. M. Palmer and Frank Tippetts will be the speakers at meeting at 5 p.m-PLEASANT p.m-PLEASANT VIEW WARD Meeting will be held at 7 p m-Rodney m-Rodney Kimball, Valentine X B.nt'.ey and Bruce Wentz will. TIMPANOGOS WARD Bailey Lindstrom, M- Roben Dowdle and Russell Hansen w;B be the speakers. Meeting begin at 7:30- Mrs. Gustave Omer Is imported im-ported to be improving from serious illness. She was taken to the Utah Valley hospital week for medical care- 'iTi!'.rans ran? day NO VOVSr 'ABOUT if- vg ougmt to suiA raw mod 51T IfOW toKK? ;: xior WnG 2 AMU Toil Dy PLOTNj LVD VOUD1 ft? NSSKASte0t9 OUQ. |