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Show OHEM-GENEVA TETES Thursday, July 10, 1947 (y Geneva Ward Junior boys captured the first half championship champ-ionship in their Scera Softball league, with Timpanogos B, Vermont A and Lakeview tying for second place. The Geneva crew went undefeated in four games. In Junior Girls competition the Windsor team went undo, fcated in seven games to win the first half title. TimpanoKos. Sharon and Geneva finished behind be-hind Windsor in that order. Because 11 teams sought entry ent-ry in the Junior Boys league for the second half, it was agreed at a meeting Monday that the league be divided into a major and minor league for Junior Boys- The two top teams of each league will play a round robin on Aug. 18-22 to determine the champion. It was also agreed at the meeting that the Minor league will play at the city park while the major league will play at Scera-Lincoln grounds. Game time is 6:15. with 6:30 as forfeit time. MAJOR LEAGUE Second Half Schedule July 167:30; Windsor-Sharon 9:00 Vermont-Timp 18 7:30: PI. View-Vineyard 9: 00 Windsor-Vermont 23 7:30: Timp-Pl. View 9:00 Vineyard-Sharon 25 7:30: Vineyard-Vermont 9:00 Sharon-Pi. View 307:30: Windsor-Timp 9:z0 Sharon-Vermont August 1 7:30: Windsor-Pi. View 9:00 Timp-Vincyard 67:30: Timp-Sharon 9:00: Windsor-Vineyard 8 7:30 Windsor-Sharon 9:00 PI- View-Vermont Note: Aug. 13 and 15 to be used for make-up games-Last games-Last Week's Results Vineyard 10. Vermont 3 PI. View 15, Sharon 12 MINOR LEAGUE Last Week's Results Lake View 11, Geneva 8 Vineyard 15, Geneva 0 Lake View 9, Grandview 8 MOONEY WEST IS NOW LESSEE AND OPERATOR OF PARK'S BILLIARDS Plenty of Good Taste Next Week's Schedule July 15 7:30 Vineyard-Grandview 9:00 Geneva-Lake View 17 7:30 Vincvard-Geneva 9:00 Lake View-Grand View Geneva Recreation League Last Week's Results July 14. 7:30 Open Hearth vs. General Offices 8:30 Coke Plant vs. Blast Furn. Maintenance Bye SENIOR BOYS Next Week's Schedule July 15 Windsor-Vermont July 17 PI. View-Timp W L Windsor 7 0 Timp 6 1 Sharon 1 5 2 Geneva 4 3 Grandview 3 4 Edgemont 2 5 Vineyard 1 6 PI. View 0 7 With the withdrawal of PI. View and Vineyard the following follow-ing new schedule has been set to facilitate more activity and interest. Friday nights are left open for practice or make-up games: July 14-18 Mon. Timp-Grandview Tue Sharon-Windsor Wed Edgemont-Geneva Thu Timp-Windsor July 21-22 Mon. Sharon-Edgemont Tue Geneva-Grandview July 28-31 Mon Timp-Sharon Tue G ra nd view-Ed gemont Wed. Geneva-Windsor Thu Timp-Edgemont August 4-8 Mon Sharon-Geneva Tue Windsor-Grandview Wed. Timp-Geneva Thu Sharon-Grandview Fri Edgemont-Windsor Aug. 11-14 Round robin of top four teams in league for the championship. Junior Boys First Half W Geneva 4 Timp B ., 3 Vermont A 3 Lake View 3 PI. View 2 Sharon j Timp A Vermont B Vineyard ... I Windsor For a cool, Fisher's Beer, step in at PARK'S BILLIARDS Western and Eastern Beers Senior Girls I (New Schedule for 2nd Half) july 14.17 1 ivlon Timp-Grandview i Tue- Windsor-Pi. View red. Timp-Windsor Ti ur PI View-Vermont July 21-22 Mon Timp-Pl View Tue Grandview-Vermont July 28-31 Mon. Timp-Vermont Tue. Grandview-Windsor ' Wed PI. View-Grandview Thur Vermont-Windsor Aug. 4-7 Mon Timp-Grandview Tue Windsor-Pi. View Wed. Timp-Windsor Thur PI View-Vermont Aug. 11-14 Mon Timp-Pl View Tue Grandview-Vermont Wed. Timp-Vermont Thur Grandview-Windsor Aug. 18-19 Mon PL View-Grandview Tue Vermont-Windsor Primary Boys At a meeting held at the Lincoln Lin-coln Seminary July 7, the fol- I lowing schedule was drawn up by the five teams represented in the league: July 14-17 Mon. Geneva-Vermont Tue PI. View-Sharon Wed Geneva-Pi. View Thur Timp-dharon July 21-22 Mon. Geneva-Sharon Tue Vermont-Timp July 28-31 Mon Geneva-Timp Tue. Vermont-Pi. View Wed- Sharon-Vermont Thur Timp-Pl. View Fri Geneva-Vermont Tue PI. View-Sharon Wed. Geneva-Pi. View Thur. Timp-Sharon Aug. 11-14 Mon Geneva-Sharon Tue Vermont-Timp Wed Geneva-Timp Thur Vermont-Pi. View Aug. 18-19 Mon Sha ron-Vermont Tue Timp-Pl. View Please note: Each team to furnish fur-nish one umpire for each game. The team with best percentage from the above two rounds of play to be crowned grand champions. cham-pions. Junior Boys Major League July 8-11 Tue PI. View-Vermont A "Ved. Geneva-Timp B Thur PI. View-Geneva ! fri Timp B-Lake View July 14-18 Mon PI. View-Timp, B Tue Vermont A-Lake View Wed- PI. View-Lakeview Thur. Vermont A-Geneva Fri. Timp B-Vermont A July 28-Aug. 1 Mon Lake View-Geneva Tue PI. View-Vermont A Wed. Geneva-Timp B Thur PL t View-Geneva Fri Timp B-Lakeview Aug. 4-9 Mon. PI. View-Timp B Tue Vermont A-Lakeview Wed PI. View-Lakeview i Thur Vermont A-Geneva Iri Timp B-Vermont A Sat Lakeview-Geneva Fri. Windsor-Sharon July 14-18 Mon Timp A-vineyad Tue Hillcrest-Vermont B Wed Windsor-Timp A Tnur Vermont B-Vineyard I ri Hilcrest Sharon July 23-Aug. 1 Mon Windsor-vineyara Tue. Timp A Hillcrest Wed. Vermont B-Sharon Thur. Windscr-Hillcrost Fri Tim A-Vcrmont B Vjg. 4-8 Mon Viiieyard-Sliaron Tue Windsar-Ver'nont B Wed Sharon-Tinip A Thur Vini yard-Hillcrcst Tri Windsor-Sharon Aug. 11-16 Mon. Timp A-Vineyard Mon- Hillcrest-Vermont B Mon. Hillertst-Vfcrmor.t ii Tue. Windsor-Tirnp A ViTue Vermont B-Vineyard Wed Hildcrcst-Sharon Wed- Windsor-Vineyard Thur- Timp A-Hilleresl Thur. Vermont B-Sharon Fri. Windsor-Hillcrest Fri. Timp A-Vermont B Sat. Vineyard-Sharon to be played at high school TIMP LIT. CLUB TO HOLD SLALOM !,!EET A giant slalom contest sponsored spon-sored by the Timpanogos Mountain Moun-tain club will be held July 12 on the slopes of Mt. Timpanogos as part of the 36tn annual Timp hike, according to Reed Bidd-ulph, Bidd-ulph, chairman of the development develop-ment committee of the club-Mr. club-Mr. Biddulph said the tournament tourna-ment will be open to all skiers and invitations are being sent to all tki clubs in the intermoun-(ain intermoun-(ain area. The course will be marked off on the glacier and skiis and other personal equipment equip-ment will be carried to the site by horses- - The shape of standard highway high-way signs have a definite meaning, mean-ing, the National Safety Council says- For example ,the stop sign always is octagonal, and should be heeded even if the lettering is obscured. MM hp tv .... .'-',".V1 A i $ ' . - I ft ERMA'S TINY TOT SHOPPE SPECIALS Nationally Advertised Wiggle Toe SHOES For Infants, sizes 3 to 6 $2.29 Boy's Sanforized 8-oz. Bib Overalls, size 2 to 10 $1.79 Also a full line of Children's School Shoes ERMA'S TINY TOT SIIOPrE Orem ORDfR NOW 5 J fciW v smmwi .y . i V Will Entertain Between Performances At-'' PROVO LIONS HORSE SHOW 7:30 P. M., Utah County, Fair Grounds on the NEW FODuGQ QUOGDj America's BAGLESS Cleaner Completely new end different . . . that's FILTER QUEEN. No more germ-laden dust, dirty hands or soiled clothing from emptying empty-ing the vacuum cleaner bag. FILTER QUEEN has no dirty bag to emptyl And that's not all. NO heavy weight to. push around . . . GUARANTEED to pick up dog hair, lint and litter . . . DUSTS from floor to ceiling! Waxes, mothproofs, even sprays paint! Complete with handy storage case. See it today! I '-"" caie. See i ve features Unconditionally GUAR NO dirty, germ-laden bag ANTEfcD to initontly pick up - Scientifically loundproofed '"P'Y- d8 ho,r ,,n onl ,,,ter' Black & Decker motor for Empty waled dutt pan Patented air tealed, lock-quiet lock-quiet running, only once a month. lite connection!. ; 4 V . W 4 TFj 'T-- 7-- . -Ti f Junior Boys Minor League . . k- ' 'U J ' (Cily Ball Park) M.i'A Ml'JimV ( . July 8-11 i j Tue Windsor-Vermont B . 1 ' i Wed. Sharon-fimo B ! III- vCQvj! Thur. Vineyard-Hillcrest l . ilfhW- I I.J k : - I 4" l IV """ - CC1.-0 ....Hr , Jmmed.are ? ' - ;tu.ft. Hold. 640 ibi. I Delivery I v , . N yy-r y''xy l " ' Jj t.l.aw ild latditfc Utt off poww unit Umiatfy dirt concaolcd Invtrt to rahaw dirt and bwxolh filter. fUlM. Geneva Supply Company Orem, Utah TREAT VOI R FAMILY to tastier meals! lour CO-OP Home Freezer makes it easv and economical! It keeps fruits and vegetables garuen-tresh meals are more tender food values are retained. And you serve fresh produce the year 'round! vj SS M OR K preserving by freezing is twice as easy, takes half .as long! Saves on the food budget you buy in quantity when foods are plentiful and cheap. Mo waste due to spoilage. GET ALL THESE ADVANTAGES with your CO-OP Home Freezer quality built to give better service. All steel construction. Sealed condensing unit. Rust-resisting bonderized storage chambers. 5-year warranty. 1-year insurance on contents. 2 sizes -priced exceptionally low at your own not-for-profit cooperative! ycer fmOPl l.:OUriT-A-LAKE ASSOCIATION Some people still have the strange idea that small budgets don't entitle them to good quality! Nonsense! They're the very people who must have quality. What they buy must give good and satis factory service. Everything you find at Penney's is tested to make sure it will give you every dime's worth of value for what you spend all that, and more! Look At This Blanket 3 Pounds Or Virgin wool 5-Year Guarantee Against Moth Damage! 72" x 84" Double Bed She! 5 Luscious Colors! We don't see how anybody can match this value and we ask you to test it for yourself. ANY wool blanket is warm-but it takes at s least 3 pounds of good wool to make a blanket that's also sturdy. ; an J durable. This is IT! We had it built to our own specifications, ' es an exceptional value at a higher price! And then, to prove to the world that Penney's is THE .Ice to get the most for your blanket money, we chopped tUt l. v, p,i.-c even lower! SELfcCT ON LAY-AWAY...MOMIIS TO PAY ' 1! |