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Show CHEU-GENEVA HUES IEG.1 DTIOE NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice Is hereby given that Orem City, a Municipal Corporation, Corpor-ation, will receive sealed bids lor construction of a Fire Station for the City of Orem, located at Orem, Utah, until 10 o'clock a. m. on the 30th day of July, 1947, at the Orem City HalL Utah, at which tima all bids will be opened and pu'.-Iicly read aloud in Room 1 in the Orem City Hall. Orem, Utah. Each bid shall be In accord ance with the plans, specifications, specifica-tions, and other contract documents doc-uments now on file with City Clerk Orland E. Pyne, at Orem. Utah and Lewis Eric Sand-strom, Sand-strom, Architect, Orem. Utah. Copies of the documents, plans and specifications may be obtained by depositing $25.00 with the City Clerk, Orland E. Pyne, or Lewis Eric Sandstrom, Architect, for each set of contract con-tract documents so obtained. The amount cf the deposit will be refunded to each bidder or intended bidder who returns such set of plans and documents in good condition within five (5) days after the opening of bids. Each bid shall be made on a bid form to be obtained from Orem City Recorder, Orland E-Pyne, E-Pyne, or Lewis Eric Sandstrom, Architect, and shall be accompanied accom-panied by a certified or Cashier's Cash-ier's check payable to Orem .City or a satisfactory bid bond in favor of Orem City executed by the bidder and a surety company com-pany in an amount equal to 5 per cent of the bid. The said check or bond shall be given as a guarantee that the bidder will execute the con. tract in conformity with the Form of Contract included in the contract documents and furnish bonds as specified within with-in five (5) days after notification notifica-tion of the award of the contract con-tract to the bidder. Orem City reserves the right to reject any and all bids or waive any informalities in the bidding. No bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of thirty (30) days after the date set for the opening thereof. This notice to contractors is made in accordance with Utah Code Annotated for 1943, Article Art-icle 6. Sec. 15-7-20, the bids received re-ceived on previous notice to contractors having exceeded the estimate of the cost of making the improvements, and all of said bids received having been rejected by the Orem City Coun. cil, the governing body of Orem City, a Municipal Corporation. OREM CITY, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION. By J. W. Gillman, Mayor. Published June 26, July 3, 10, 17, 24, 1947 NOTICE TO WATER USERS The following applications have been filed with the State Engineer to appropriate water in Utah County, State of Utah, throughout the entire year, unless un-less otherwise designated, all locations lo-cations being from SLB&M. 18618 Raymond J. Carter & Darrall M. Carter, Lehi, Ut. .50 sec. ft. for irrigation use from You Can't Beat Your (General Electric Dealer For Dependable, Quality Merchandise Ask IRENE To Show You Her Large Stock of G. E. Appliances Check These Values: Light weight Aluminum KITCHEN LADDER . $6.95 RADIOS, standard and portable from $28.93 to $100.00 Ball bearing Roller High speed Pressure Cookers $9.95 to $13.95 Electric Fans Two unnamed spring areas, tributary trib-utary to Utah Lake at points and in amounts as follows: Spring Area No. 1 S. 25'38'W 1503.3 ft. from NVi Cor. Sec. 4, T5S. R1E 35 sec. ft.: Spring Area No. 2 S. 33"51'W 2485 ft. from NVi Co. said Sec. 4 .15 sec. ft. Spring Area No. 1 Beg. at a point S. 4045'W 1002.5 ft. from NVi Cor. said Sec. 4, is embraced in the following traverse:, tra-verse:, S. 3615'E 155.7 ft., S. 2000'E 94 ft., S. 300'E 163.4 ft. S. 2000'W 176 6 ft, S. 5000 W 209.1 ft, S. 36'00'W 194 2 ft, S. 49"00'W 1621 ft., N. 40"00"W 90.5 ft., N. 6300'E 208.7 ft., N. 2300'E 119.5 ft.. N, 700'E 134.4 ft., N. 437'E 180 ft., N. 7700'E 47 ft, S. 2800'E 1662 ft, N. 34"00,E 66 ft., N. 1600'E 87. 9 ft., N. 1600'W 154.1 ft, N. 28'00'W 101.7 ft, N. 1200'E 115.1 ft, to beg. Spring Area No. 2 beg. at a point S. 375jW 2469.7 ft, from NVi Cor. said Sec. 4, Is embraced em-braced in the following traverse: S. 1'28'E 218.3 ft, N. 49'04'W 176.3 ft, N. 5059'E 164.5' ft. to beg. Part or all of the water will be collected and commingled comming-led at a point S. 2706'W 2176.12 ft. from NVi Cor. said Sec. 4. The water will be used from April 1 to Oct. 1 to irrigate 10 acres of land embraced in NWVi Sec. 4, T5S. R1E, and for year-round year-round incidental domestic purposes. pur-poses. 18721 Max Boshard, RFD. Payson, Ut. .025 sec. ft. for domestic do-mestic use from a 4-in well bet. 60 and 100 ft. deep at a point S. 125.25 ft. and E. 513.75 ft. from NVi Cor. Sec. 13, T9S, R1E. 18733 Wilford E. Hunt, Rt. No. 1, Spanish Fork, Ut. .015 sec. ft. for domestic use from a 4-in. well bet. 50 and 150 ft. deep at a point S. 200 ft. from NW Cor. Sec. 5, T9S, R3E. 18740 Reed N. Rindlisbach-er, Rindlisbach-er, RFD, Payson, Ut. .025 6ec. ft. for domestic use from a 4-in-well bet. 60 and 100 ft. deep at a point S. 65 ft. and W. 2580 ft. from NVi Cor. Sec. 12, T9S, R1E. 18743 Joseph A. Francis, Spanish Fork, Ut .015 sec. ft. for stock-watering use from a 2-in. 2-in. well bet. 100 and 300 ft. deep at a point N. 595 ft. and W. 330 ft. from SV4 Cor. Sec. 7. T8S, R2E. 18770 Rolla Hall, Spanish Fork, Ut. .015 sec ft. for stock-watering stock-watering use from May 1 to Dec. 1 from a 3-in. well bet. 15 and 50 ft. deep at a point S. 1135 ft and W. 285 ft. from NVi Cor. Sec. 24, T8S, R2E. 18771 Rolla Hall, Spanish Fork, Ut. .015 sec. ft. for stock-watering stock-watering use from a 3-in. well bet. 15 and 50 ft. deep at a point N. 985 ft. and W. 1330 ft. from El i Cor. Sec. 24, T8S, R2E. 18778 Arthur E. Evans, RFD No. 2, Spanish Fork, Ut. .025 sec. ft. for domestic use from a 2-in. well bet. 300 and 500 ft. deep at a point S. 1135 ft. and E. 650 ft. from WV4 Cor. Sec. 2, T8S, R2E. Protests resisting the granting of any of the foregoing applications applica-tions with reasons therefor, must be in' affidavit form with extra copy and filed with the State Engineer, 403 State Capitol, Salt Lake City 1, Utah, on or before August 16, 1947. Ed. II . Watson, STATE ENGINEER. Combination electric fan and heater. hea-ter. Portable Mangles now available. All popular sizes of G. E. lamps. Chrome bathroom fixtures. Electric Clocks Headquarter for all your appliance needs. We feature only quality merchandise. Skates.. $4.85 $22.95 For G. E. Appliances Visit Irene Next door North of Utah Power & Light Co. OREM Turkey Meet Set At Losran in August The 14th annual Utah training school for flock selecting and pullorum disease testing agents will be held at Utah State Agrt cultural collegi! Aug. 25, 26, 27. S- R. Boswell, Utah county agent ag-ent has announced, Each breeder, hatcheryman, and employee who desires a per mit to collect turkey blood sam ples, to select chickens and turkeys tur-keys for breeding purposes, and blood-test chickens and turkeys for pullorum disease, under of ficial supervision, is required to be present "The school this year is be ing shortened and held after the Washington county peach harvest harv-est to accommodate producers and enable more industry members mem-bers to attend," Dr. Frisch-necht Frisch-necht explained. All persons in th hpiseas AH persons in this phase of poultry production are invited to attend. The school will be conducted by USAC poultry and veterinary science department staff members. Instructions for those interested interes-ted in chickens and turkeys will be given simultaneously '.his year instead of on separate days as in the past. Potato Yields Up In the past 50 year potato yields have Increased a bushel an acre year. 1'kovo n MON. JULY Circus Ground At BALL PARK WOHLD'S riSWEST! WORLD'S FINEST S ARENAS l; SCO ro I 100; WONDER i 13 KnUtT-A""'!-THAN tYU , AH KtlMIM IfOtH IN INI j WORLD'S greatest: aiiMSlMtNT INSTITUTION ! norit- 1M ARINK STARS -HO WILD ANIMALS-IN GAS AT I CONTINENT MEN AOIHII-J.000 AOIHII-J.000 SIATS-50 MUSICIANS NEW In I F mm AN Stranf Untf. POTTER TMOUPC 9 Or TM RITWT RIDIKS im im 2 FLVINC ACTS CHAMPION 0H; SAULTwa AKtLir Of AMKRt4-A CO TIMUHTAI. UOIi FEATURE, t OLD CIKlK-SJOO.OeO CAPTTAL INVESTEO OlEAltllB P.M. Em;", mm oew i .w p.m. i New Subscribers Your friends and neighbors who have subscribed or renewed subscriptionns for the Orem-Geneva Orem-Geneva Times during the past week Include: Mrs. Ivem Pyne Veda Peterson Dr. N. A. Snow Louise Peterson Leo Poulson E. L. Sundberg J. W. Gillman David L. Rowley Mrs. Alvin Rowley William H. Dittmore Woodruff Jensen Murvel Walker Charles E, Rohbock C C. Anderson Charles D. Terry James Jensen II. V. Wentz Thorval Rigby E. C Voelker John B. Stratton Ernest Newell Dianthy Andersen Philo Edwards John Stoker Emma G. Stratton Rose II. Ball F. S. Davies Orson Prestwich Graham C Shaw J. P. Rudy Margaret P. Maw Maud G. Rowley W. K. Todd Vola Jackson Fred Lystrup M. E. Kartchner Roy H. Gappmayer Don C Liston Howard Farnsworth E. E. Twitchell William J. Ash Rulon West SAN JUAN GETS HOSPITAL Hospital service for San Juan county was assured for the first time in the county's history, with the announcement by War Assets Administration of award of four surplus buildings at Mon-ticello Mon-ticello to the county at "fair value, less 100 percent dis-scount." dis-scount." The 100 percent discount on transfer of surplus property is allowed when property la to be used for public health or educational educa-tional purposes and real need for the property is demonstrated. demonstrat-ed. Utah County Mattress Factory COMPLETE-MATTRESS COMPLETE-MATTRESS and BATT SERVICE Only Factory In Utah County We are not represented by any transient mattress workers, but will call for and deliver without with-out extra charge. JUST PHONE 345 Or drop us a card 661 West 2nd North PROVO UTAH LOANS and REAL ESTATE SEE FRED E. RAT INSURANCE Office: 79 South, Secend.WMi Do you have a stone to be polished pol-ished or mounted? Bring it to the Western Gem Laboratory. Located in the Orem Loan and Jewelry store, across from the B. and H. Pharmacy. Phone 048-R12 Orem, Utah Ask for Jack Clark I Will Subdivide and Sell Your Farm For You I Act Now while prices are good See BILL BAKER REALTY COMPANY 558 So. State St. OREM KELSCH'S COMPLETE SHOE OX FOOT SERVICE 156 West Center Telephone 707 AT BOOTERIE Provo, Utah ' GEIIVA 17J3 Mr. and Mrs. Vern Thurber, Betty and Helen Foster have returned re-turned from a trip to Yellowstone Yellow-stone Park, Washington and Canada. While in Canada the Thurbers attended sessions In the Cardston Temple. Geneva ward is happy to welcome wel-come the new agriculture teacher teach-er at Lincoln High, Raymond Wendel of Brigham City. He is living in the I. J. Burr home. Farrell Thackerey has been greatly missed during the past few weeks while she has been in Salt Lake City taking care of her brother's children while their mother is ill-Mr. ill-Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Weeks, Sharee and Michael Weeks and Clyde Weeks, Sr., were dinner Mrs. Fred Hansen in Salt Lake guests at the home of Mr. and City Sunday. Mrs- Alberta Fairbourn of Salina is visiting her sister. Edna Ed-na Larsen. Mr. and Mrs. David Black of Salt Lake City were guests of the Robert Steeles last weekend- The Geneva ward Troop committee com-mittee and their partners spent an evening at Canyon Glen this week. They discussed business plans and enjoyed basket lunches. lunch-es. Three babies were given names in Sacrament meeting Sunday. They were Kathleen, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs-Moroni Mrs-Moroni Jensen; April Melody, the daughter of Mr .and Mrs. Clyde Weeks; and Eugene Lynn, the son of Mr. and Mrs- Glen Healy- ' Cedar Valley Road Improvement coming Approval was made early this week of a $243,361-97 contract for the construction of 18 miles of roadway between the Jordan river near Lehi aad Fairfield, Utah county, it has been announced. an-nounced. Construction of a bridge over the river was started last fall and the pouring of con :rete should be finished within a few days, according to N W. Lim, resident engineer. The new highway taken sev eral turns out of the present Lehi-Cedar Valley highway and removes the dangerous turn st the approach to the present single lane bridge. The new road will cross the rivet on a two-lane, steel reinforced concrete con-crete span. TVhn. Protein The protein of wheat is not a complete com-plete protein, being deficient in at least one of the amino acids lysine, without which it cannot do a complete com-plete Job of body building. Meat and milk are rich in lysine. Thus when either of these foods is added to bread or cereal, it makes the protein of the wheat more fully useful. use-ful. This is why bread and cereals have greater nutritive value when combined with meat or milk than when eaten alone. FOR SALE OR RENT Pianos, Accordions, Guitars. Gui-tars. Phone 940H, Prof S. V. Williams, 308 E. 3 South. Provo. I bay, sell, rent, AND TEACH. TIRE REPAIRING VULCANIZING BATTERIES ODD SIZE TIRES ON HAND 30x3Vi 5.50x18 34x5, 24in. Tractor Tires and Service Liu...ili.LL WiiJui 121 West 1st North, Phone 200 Provo ALTERATIONS! I make men' fulls, thirls and extra pants, also remodeling. Build formals, dresses and children! clothing. See or call Mrs. Cuyler. 447 No. 2nd West. Provo. Phone 2276-R. C:.EflTIIEflSV FOR ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER SATISFACTION OR MONEY BACK) Tl.'iS ;i THAT By Ethyl N. Hair For Old Age A Request Did you ever stop to think eventually we will all grow old, that is if We live long enough. Old age is the time for thinking &nd finding that life can still be rich that is if a person has laid by some security for that time cf life. Of course the govern ment has made old age financially financi-ally secure but there are other angles to consider "Man cannot can-not live by bread alone" and neither can he sit the long years and twiddle his thumbs and wait for the old age check. Sixty-five is not old today. Science predicts pre-dicts that the span of life in a generation or two may reach 150 years. Then a quarter of the population will be old pensioners pension-ers government charges .with time on their hands, and yet with active body and mind. For these people a hobby is the ans wer A Hobby is Security for Old Age A hobby is security against old age; physically, mentally,' and spiritually speaking A cherished cher-ished hobby keeps the mind al-j ert, the physical body in tone,' anc" if it is a constructive hobby ' in tune with God and all creation crea-tion . . a person has no time to feel sorry for themselves when pursuing a hobby. Hobbies give security against boredom, lin-happintss lin-happintss it is a way to create, , to keep in tune with life and things. A grand hobby is to have a wealth of a family, a heap of , appreciation for nature's wond-, ers. an awreness of the surrounding surroun-ding beulj, a talent for making friends; a zest for fine living, a grand philosophy that says: I wouldn't trade places with anybody any-body what a wonderful hobby for old age. There's only today and tomorrow." There's only today and tomorrow. tomor-row. Today is the time to teach a child to use it's surplus time onti energy n some constructive hebby. There are li.res when a person is young auc! n:Uve, a '.d raising that cherished family the hobby via be neglected, or out upon a .shelf for lack of tine. But wentuall.,' children are raised, and on their own life will taper off to nothing without a hobby. There are only today and tomorrow to live in the past it not to live at all but to look forward, to plan and live for a- tomorrow is living Indeed. In-deed. Rich is the thinking per- GGON'S 150 North University Avenue . . , Third Year Anniversary This Week Marks Our Third Successful Year of Business, and During These Years We Have Served the People of Utah County With the Best Merchandise Available, and Always at a Price That Has Met With Your Pocketbook. We Are Offering the Same Quality of Merchandise During Our Anniversary Anniver-sary Sale at a Terrific Saving. Items Listed Here Are Only a Few. We Have Many More in Every Nook and Corner of Our Store. 5-FIECE 2-PIECE LIVING BREAKFAST SET ROOM SUITES Padded Red Leatherette Seats Tempered coil springs. Heavy Vel- our covering. Rubberized Hair Pad-Regular Pad-Regular $69.50 ding. Reg. $239.50 Now Now $40,C3 .C0 KITCHEN ALUMINUM 2-P1EGE STUDIO SETS ARE Tapestry Cover. Hardwood Frame. Reg. $159.50 Pans, Kettles, Kitchen Ware XT Now 25 OFF $1G0C3 Choice Items Listed For GIs at WAA Sale in July x Navigation watches, both pocket and wrist types, office machines and furniture, builders build-ers levels, hospital and medical equipment and other scarce items will be offered to World War II veterans of Utah. Idaho and Nevada in a special three-state three-state sale by War Assets Administration Ad-ministration at 1710 South Redwood Red-wood Road in Sa't Lake, on July 16, 17 and 18. An additional stock of dental equipment including dental operating op-erating chairs and operating power units, dental cabinets, sterilizers and instrument tables, tab-les, will be available on t'ae same dates to veterans of the three states who are also registered regist-ered dentists. The three-day sale will be conducted at WAA headquarters in Salt Lake, but will be oner only to Nevada veterans on July 16; to Idaho veterans on July 17 and to Utah veterans on July 18. Material included in the offering of-fering has been allocated to the three states in proportion tc their veterans populations and veterans will be allowed to purchase pur-chase only from the stocks reserved re-served for the state of which they are residents. No previous certification is necessary for participation in the sale, as the items are all "veterans' set-aside" items, that may be purchased for personal or business use. but no for resale. re-sale. son who has an object for living liv-ing beyond himself, a person all wrapped up in self makes a small' parcel indeed, a hobby creates a desire for living at one's best and lays a good foundation for a happy and enlightened en-lightened old age. To the many fans: I am answering ans-wering the requests as fast as possible sometimes they call for time and research. I feel sure the editor will print them as soon as he can find space. There is still a paper shortage. Again thanks. E. N. H. Insurance Personnel Full-time personnel in the life insurance in-surance business at the start of 1946 totaled 265,900, an increase of 36,600 during the year and 19,900 more than were engaged on -a full-time basis In 1940. Incapacitate 200,000 Arteriosclerosis and - high blood pressure alone Incapacitate more than 200,000 men and women. FURNITURE MID APPLIANCE Thursday, July 10, 1947 Sandsrren Featured In Physical Culture Dr. G. E. Sandgren, former teacher at Page School and now teaching at American Fork, was featured along with President George Albert Smith of the LDS church and Calleen Robinson, Utah Centennial queen, In the July issue of Physical Culture magazine. The article, titled "100 Yes. A of Health," describes the history of the Mormons from the standpoint stand-point of health and their distinctive distinc-tive health code: the Word of Wisdom. It was written by Glen Perrins. Dr. Sandgren ,who is a great advocate of healthful living, demonstrates the place of regular regu-lar exercise by giving exhibitions exhib-itions of ' bag punching. He is called the "wizard of the bags" and has given demonstrations throughout the west. Small Farmers China's 60 million farmers have only about 210 million acres of land. in; CE SURE TO TUNE IN TheUEVJ Summer , Electric Hour Starring PEGGY LEE and WOODY HERMAN with DAVE BARBOUR'S ORCHESTRA - EVE3Y SUNDAY 1:30 P. .V-KSL Brought To You By UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO ft A Z Provo K D - II FHAR.MAGY PROVO - OREM |