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Show V OREM-GENEVA TIMES LIONS CLUB SETS HORSE SHOW AT FAIR GROUNDS THIS WEEKEND Billed aa the best equine event ever held in Central Utah, the fifth annual horse show sponsored by the Provo Lions club will get underway July 11-12 at the Utah county fairgrounds. An official Utah county Centennial event, the horse show will feature Texas Texas Roy Lucas and his Cowboy band who will play each night an,d will also give comedy attractions. Some of the best-trained horses hor-ses in the country will participate partici-pate in the show and compete for trophies and cash prizes offered. of-fered. Classes of competition will range from stock horses to the fancy five-gaited. A jumping event is expected to be once of the attractions-Horses attractions-Horses which will show dur. Ing the two nights have been trained by skilled horsemen and some of them have appeared in national shows- Lions committeemen commit-teemen point out that the highly-trained five-gaited animals will exercise as much energy in 15 minutes as will a draft horse in a 10-hour day. On Saturday, second day of the show, a new Oldsmobile will be given away. Proceeds of the project will go to the blind and underprivileged children's fund of the Lions club. Patrons who have donated to the funds don't necessarly have to be present pre-sent in order to receive the car. it was pointed out. Eldon McKell originally was general chairman of the show, but Ed Smith is now serving as chairman in view of Mr. Mc-Xell's Mc-Xell's illness. A large committee commit-tee is working on preparations for the show. Some of the key men are LeRoy Johnson, past president; Tom Gessford, newly-installed newly-installed president; Gam Carter, advertising; Ben Richards and Johnny Cobb, publicity. Alton Giles of the committee asks that all Lions come to the fairgrounds Monday at 6 p.m. to help clean up the grounds for the show. GOOD tlEVJS FROM low C A Figure! , 3 IV ft tlx 2 C ;0 V JJ) ! CLUE JEANS th casual style, sturdy sanforized washability (won't I shrink over 1) that have made Blue Jeans so popular plus special styling for the ; feminine figure. That means no bunchin g at the waist, no binding at the hips , eai them to work or to school, at home or in the garden. Side opening at left side fa&iena wh button. Two front and two hip patch pockets. Belt loops; Strongly stitched anj , copper rivited. At Sears little price, aBig, Big, Bargain. Waist sizes 22, 24, 25, i 30, 32, 34-in. State wairt size and give catalog number of fabric wanted, bhpg. tllb. Six. SEARS Catalog Sales t!:.:pai;ogos Mr- and Mrs- H- S. Snyder and family spent Monday in Salt Lake City, where they enjoyed en-joyed seeing the circus-Five circus-Five babies were given names at Fast meeting Sunday. They are Gary Thomas Stivey, son of Mr. and Mrs. George St'vey; David Da-vid Srank Morgan, son of Mr. and Mrs- Gilbert P- Morgan; Sandra Mary Edwards, daughter of Mr- and Mrs. Donald T. Edwards; Ed-wards; Shanna Lee Norman, Norman.daughter of ' Mr. and Mrs. Wayne C. Norman; and Glen Alvin Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl H- Smith. Bishop and Mrs- L. B- Bennett Ben-nett are on a trip to Cincinnati, where Mr. Bennett will attend a school convention. Melvin and Racuel Bennett are visiting their grandmother in Fillmore while their parents aie away. Owen Christensen, Mrs. L. B. Bennett's brother visited at the Bennett home last week- He has been in Iran for three years and brought souvenirs and gifts from overseas. A group of LDS girls from Timpanogos ward spent one day last week at Lagoon, where they enjoyed swimming and other amusements- They were accompanied accom-panied by Mr- and Mrs. Philo T. Edwards and Mtlba Thomas. Chamois Substitute Plecei of velveteen make an excellent ex-cellent lubstitute for chamois. Wash and use for polishing. PriVc Passihla! special cut for Feminine lq HILL CREST Mr- and Mrs- Lafe Carter have received a letter from their 'daughter. Aldoria, who left recently re-cently on a mission. Miss Carter writes that while in Denver she visited with Bruce Wentz of Orem- When the missionaries arrived in San Antonio, Texas, the Utah service men there presented pre-sented a program for them. Don Griffith was in charge of the muse for the program. j Karma Swindler and daughter, daught-er, Barbara spent' last weekend visiting her parents, Mr- and Mrs. Raymond Partridge. Mrs. Swindler is studying at the USAC in Logan and will teach in Cedar City next year- Mr. and Mrs- Howard Kunze and family from Pocatello. Ida-, visited this week with Mr. and Mrs. Don Ivy. They also spent Sunday in Wallsburg where they visited with Mr. and Mrs-Reed Mrs-Reed Gappmayer and family who have recently moved from i Geneva ward. ! The Hill Crest ward Relief! Society held their first social 1 meeting Tuesday. The ladies enjoyed a story given by Maud 1 Tidd- Refreshments were served. I Supt. Mitchell Drops Job As State Athletic Secretary Superintendent David R. Mit chell of the Alpine School District, Dist-rict, has submitted his resignation resigna-tion as executive secretary of the Utah High School Athletic association after serving eleven years in that capacity, effective Juiy 1. Supt. Mitchell was offer, ed a five year contract to serve on a full-time basis, but declined declin-ed in favor of his pos'tiou as superintendent. Acceptance of full-time contract would neces sitate a change in residence from Lehi to Salt Lake City, Superintendent Super-intendent Mitchell sa'd. Under Five Flags Florida has been under Ave 11a fa Spanish, English, French, Confederate Confed-erate and American. SEARS! I 19 r? i Sturdy ScNrfortwd CoCmm LJj WriaI WmhobM S&tay Cerper Rlvoted ami Stitched with triqLi Oraig TkreU Comfortable Side OdmIm Stylo Patch Pock.H! - ' Choke of Four Blue Fabrics! DENIM-famou. wear ioz. Sanforized fabricj in Overall (Indigo) Darle Blue. Shpg. wt 1 lb.- 3 orJ 4iu . 1.9a DRI LL medium blue, good looking herringbone herring-bone pattern In tigh; wot Sanforized Cotton Drill Shpg. wt 1 lb. 3 oz. 41 M 1.93 Sanforized and strong. Firm diagonal weave in attractive medium Wue color. Shpg. wt. 1 lb. 1.90 41 M- COVERT -ciosi woven, long wearing, smooth Sanforized cotton covert. Always a favorite Medium blue. Shpg. wt 1 lb. 3 oz. 41 3 1.90 Dept. aw. ,. . . CHAPULTEPEC Kelson Rockefeller Rocke-feller signs the 1945 Act of Cha-pultepec Cha-pultepec on behalf of the United States as delegates of other American Ameri-can states look on. VINEYARD -Bruce Miller on leave from the Marines was a Vineyard vis itor Sunday- He spoke in the Fast Day service and expressed his appreciation for his home, and told of conditions in Japan and China. Bruce is the son of Carlo D. Miller of Pleasantview, formerly of Vineyard- Mrs. Jessie Sumsion ov Salt Lake spent Sunday here. She came to attend the christening of here two granddaughters, Vicky Holdaway and Anetta Gammon. Mr- and Mrs. Edgar Cater and son, Roger are moving to Salt Lake, whre he will be employed in a cafeteria at Sugar House Preparations are completed for the annual Samuel Wells family reunion to be held Saturday Sat-urday at Arrowhead resort-Thomas resort-Thomas Herbert is chairman of the days activities. All family fam-ily members are asked to bring their lunch. The program begins be-gins at 10 a.m., followed by sports of all kinds. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Holadway was named Vicky, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gammon was named Anetta, and the daughter daught-er of Mr. and Mrs- Rulon Wilkinson Wilk-inson was given the name of Connie, at the Fast Day service Sunday . WANTED Clean cotton raes. Will pay five cents per pound. Utah Valley Publishing co- 57 North First West- Jll tf- Ninety-eight automotive vehicles ve-hicles will be offered to all classes clas-ses of buyers in a competitive spot bid sale, to be held at the Naval Supply Depot, Clearfield, at 10 a.m. July 16, according to announcement by WAA- Vehicles included in the offering of-fering are all used and in need of repair and are therefore not reserved for sale to World War II veterans. Cattle Per Mile There are 20 head of cattle per square mile in the United States. SOME ARflSfS SAV-trltV HAZE "TO BE INSPIRED TO 00 THEIR WORK "fH' BEST INSPIRATION IS AN EMPTV STOWCH- An empty stomach might be an inspiration to any artist but Dad knows it won't get the job done for , everyday folks, with everyday jobs. Good food is essential es-sential to your chickens just as it is to you. Take advantage of BUNKER'S quality feeds and groceries. Yes, and how even good farmers farm-ers hate to spend money for seeds . yet love to talk about the fine production and early fall layers. You'll find the right growing and laying mash at BUNKER'S. Our feeds are rea sonably priced and the best on the market. AVAILABLE NOW Animal, Plant & Building Sprays Binding Twine Bale $11-49 Feeds, Seeds, Groceries BUNKERS SUNDAY SHARON STAKE 10:00 Stake Presidency meet ing in the Seminary building. 10M0 High Council meeting in the Seminary buildng. 2.00 Priesthood leadership meeting in the Timpanogos ward chapel. OREM STAKE 2:00 Priesthood Leadership meetng at Scera auditorium. GENEVA WARD New officers in the ward MIA will be announced at meeting beginning at 7:30. The ward genealogy committee has been organized and will be sustained. WINDSOR WARD Meeting will begin at 8 p m. under the direction of the Bishopric- TIMPANOGOS WARD The Primary will be in charge of meeting beginning at S p m. EDGEMONT Mrs. Margaret G. Pulsipher will be the speaker at sacrament meeting Sunday evening at 7 30- She has recently returned fron the Califorri'a LDS mission. mis-sion. SHARON WARD Richard Poll, from Stanford University will be the speaker-Special speaker-Special music has been arrang ed. A " TRADITION fet fine Aetelcet at fiafo itice tiut i6 aiiwcicvtcd an inclca&inf ntitniol cfl ieteaved families M0R7UARV if 185 East Center BUY 1 (Smtrantmi USED Good Will 50 - for 30 days or any Jesse M. , Vjjltf western America. 1947 Ford Coupe-Here Coupe-Here it is, your '47 Ford- Dark blue finish. Extremely low mileage. Just being broke in- New in every way. Don't wait, the early bird gets it- Guaranteed '46 Ford "6" Sup. DeLuxe 4-Door Sedan-Beautiful Sedan-Beautiful light grey finish with only 4,000 miles. Like new inside and out. Guaranteed. '46 Dodge Luxury Liner - Fluid Drive 4-Door Sedan A big car for styles and performance. Smooth, quiet and powerful, yet in the low priced field. Light grey finish a beautiful car. Guaranteed. '41 Ford 2-Door Sedan-Black Sedan-Black finish, fairly new motor. Tires and interior excellent-Price excellent-Price slashed for a quick sale- Guaranteed '40 Ford 4-Door Sedan DeLuxe Maroon finish, original paint. A one-owner car, and babied since it was new. Extra clean m every way. Good tires, and upholstery, etc. See this buy. Guaranteed. CASH, TRADE, OR EASY TERMS Established 1917 Jesse M. Chase, Inc. 275 South State Pleasant Grove 3891 SERVICES VERMONT WARD John L. Duncan will be In charge of the program to be presented pre-sented by the young missionary class of the ward- Meeting be gins at 5:00- SINGING MOTHERS The Singing Mothers of Orem Stake who have been asked to represent the stake at the gen eral conference in Salt Lake City October 3, will hold their first practice Friday, July 11 at 8 p m- in the Seminary building. TIMPANOGOS WARD RELIEL SOCIETY The Timpanogos ward Relief Society will hold a meeting Monday, Mon-day, July 14 at 3 p.m. in the ward chapel, according to Mrs. E- H- Johnson, president. The meeting will be in the form of a social for the members who now belong to the Hill Crest ward- The teachers reports will be given. 'Soften Boom If a room is "dead" add metal fixtures Just enough to tune up the sound. Hardness of surface aids In making rooms noisy, and this is always al-ways likely to occur where smooth, hard wall and ceiling linings are employed, as li the case in what Is known as the whispering gallery at St Paul's. o Phone 378 A CAR v 50 Guarantee 1000 miles at Chase store in A. G. Farnsworth Manager j 1 i ii Pi vi:iY.r.3 viiwS Br Milliceni Weill Say, folks, have you guessed who the artist is that has fashioned fash-ioned these lovely Sego Lily corsages, the ladies are wearing everywhere. MyHheartTf illedvitlTpride as I viewed Provo's very lovely parade and my heart was touched touch-ed when I saw those lovely cor sages on the dresses of those grand old ladies our pioneers. Well in case you don't know 1 i .a ... wno creates inem. it s none other than our busy Mrs- Caddie Terre. She has made dozens a-long a-long with her many other duties. dut-ies. And that isn't all Vineyard can gloat over. Two new garages gar-ages have been erected of late and three brick homes, the first one owned by Mrs. S. H. Blake, the second by Mrs- James Blake, and now the new homes of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Harding ready for occupancy. And Carlyle Bunkers basement for his mansion man-sion has been dug and then there is the little structure, we might mention, that is our 200 million dollar steel plant here in our door yards with its beautifully beauti-fully kept lawns and buildings, but far be it from we Vineyard folks to ever brag about our own surroundings, we haven't even mentioned the thousands of dollars the dairymen have spent lately in the installation of the milk coolers. Just one more bouquet goes to our deserving neghbors uu the south the fine paintup, cleanup job, the Cherry Hill Dairy owners own-ers have done, along with the Carl Johnson buildings and the lovely way the Lake View chapel chap-el and grounds are kept up, is very commendable- And to our neighbors on the north, those inspiring Sunset Services held Sunday evening at the State School in American Fork- It is an annual affair sponsored by the Timpanogos Stake MIA. Scientists Advocate Spiritualization of Thought The Golden Text for the lesson-sermon on "Sacrament" at all authorized Christian Science churches on Sunday, July 13, reads: "Let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened un-leavened bread of sincerity and truth" (1 Corinthians 5:8-. Another significant Biblical citation included in this lesson-sermon lesson-sermon declares that "It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: tht words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life" (John 6:63). r L- I A (I ' - "What would I do without the MARINE CLEANT3? Their superior cleaning methods never shrink or iz.il my most precious gown." OREM'S FIRST IF you don'l but like to IF you don't have a chauffeur, but like one DICK BAENETT, Manager Thursday, July 10, V.17 Dl TESTE '.I'll 1:1 ma c:::;r Noble De Hart of Osden 1 i been appointed milk tester f.r the Utah County dairy herd improvement im-provement association, S. H. Boswell, county agricultural agent, announced today. He will replace Karl who died recently. Mr- De I rt is a graduate of USAC in Logan Lo-gan with a masters degree ia animal nutrition. He was ia tla armed forces for five years. Lei Or C illAVY C'JTY t::i r::3 c:i tz:r Air Ccrtir.ir.trs Ccnvers'-n C-rr.:rs st::i r. Czt.zz..: cr. J I.:- 1 C:r.::y r:-::J C--.. ,r-. '- "j Acro3 from Scera, ' Phone C34J4 TAXI SERVICE own a car, ride in one . . . WHEIT you're in a hurry to gel some place fast . . . CALL I1 V kj y r 1 1 v ' I ) I i Geneva Steel is Across from tK Phone 016-R2 Provo 187 West Center PROVO, UTAH Phone 412 |