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Show Thursday, July 10, 1947 CIIEII-GENETA TIMES Orem-Qeneva Society Ina Smith, Editor. Phone 13 Newlywed Couple , To Make Home In Vineyard Mr. and Mrs. Robert Loveless are at home in their new apartment apart-ment in Vineyard. They were married Saturday evening at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Loveless-Bishop Loveless-Bishop Stanley Finch performed the ceremony in the presence of about thirty family members and friends. The bride was formerly Jean Snyder, daughter of Mrs. Howard How-ard Bates of California and El-wyn El-wyn Snyder of Provo. She wore a tailored dress of turquoise and a corsage of red roses-Following roses-Following the marriage, a wedding wed-ding supper was served and piano music by Margaret Campbell Camp-bell was enjoyed. Several families from Orerh attended the reunion of the family of Niels and Maria Wahl-strom Wahl-strom Poulson, held in the Murray Mur-ray city park Sunday. Among those who attended were Mrs. Emma Poulson, Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Pouls--.n, Mr .and Mrs. C. H. Poulson, Mrs. Donald Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Palmer and family, all of Oim; and Mr. and Mrs. Eher Taylor and family, former Orem residents- GENEVA WARD RELIEF SOCIETY The Geneva Ward Relief Society So-ciety will meet at 3 p.m. on Monday at the Timpanogos church grove, according to Mrs-Winnie Mrs-Winnie Graff, ward Relief Society So-ciety president-Refreshments president-Refreshments will be served and the teacher's topic will be discussed. There will also be items of business taken up- OREM LIONS HOLD LADIES RIGHT AT CANYON GLEN The Orem Lions are holding Ladies Night at Canyon Glen tonight. July 10- A steak supper will be a feature of the evening. Vern Wentz and Lionel Fair banks are in charge of program arrangements- Friends Honor Dride At Shower Mrs. Kenneth Pulhatn (Donna Hafen) was honored at a bridal shower at the home of Mrs- Fay Gillispie Wednesday. Mrs. Elizabeth Eliza-beth Hawkins, Mrs Gillispie, Mrs. Phyllis Kirk and Mrs. Dor-tha Dor-tha Cordner acted as hostesses-Games hostesses-Games and refreshments were enjoyed during the evening. Varieties Club Members Fete Husbands in Canyon The ladies of the Varieties club entertained their husbands at a canyon party last Saturday night. The group spent the evening even-ing at Canyon Glen playing outdoor out-door games. Those present were Mr. and Mrs- Ray Carter, Mr-and Mr-and Mrs- Gordon Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. William Jacobson. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pyne, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Healy, Mr. and Mrs- Nelson Nel-son Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Don Sackett. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pratt, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Christ-ensen. Christ-ensen. Mr. and Mrs. Marlow Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Burgner, Mr. and Mrs. E. E-Twitchell E-Twitchell and Mr. and Mrs. Mel-vin Mel-vin Park. OREM GARDEN CLUB BIRTHDAY PARTY The Orem Garden Club will hold their birthday party at the Sharon ward chapel at 8 p.m., Friday, July 11. Mr Howard will show some interesting slides and lecture on flower arrangements. arrange-ments. Other program numbers have been arranged and refreshments refresh-ments will be served- Club members mem-bers are urged to bring their partners with them to this meeting. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Woffinden and family and Mrs. Lexla Harris Har-ris spent last weekend at Bryce Canyon, where they visited with Helen Woffinden who is working work-ing at the Bryce lodge this summer. sum-mer. They also saw Marvin Har-ward Har-ward and Marilyn Young of Orem and a number of people they knew when they lived in Cedar City. f I " " )' ;'"(( - V . . - A Qift she'll adore! Ti:e "CIRCLE OF LIGHT' world famous diamond . A (font to blindingly brilliant it even outshines tht start in her eyes! Its breathtaking radiance comes from an exclusive new cutting process that replaces the usual unpolished edge of the diamond with a fiery halo. Take a tip from diamond connoisseurs :. if you want beauty that lasts, inspect the "CIRCLE OF LIGHT" diamond and bridal sets. YOURS TODAY ... A YE All TO PAY jWELRYlbN CREDIT JEWELER-) 110 WEST CENTER TcAay's Pattern Pattern 9377 comes in slips 1? M, 16. 18 and 20 Size 16 takes 3' yards 35-Inch fabric Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS l coins for this pattern to 170 New paper Pattern Dept.. 232 West IStK St.. New York 11. N. Y Prim Ininly SIZE. NAME, ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER. New! Get the MARIAN MARTIN SUMMER Pattern Book now! Jus. fifteen cents more for this book o' cool, easy to sew. brand new. warm weather styles. Printed in arlnm size in the book is a KKKK putleru for a child's sunbonnet! Geneva Recreation Directors Hold Canyon Party The board of directors of the Geneva Recn ation association and their partners held a steak fry at Granite Flats hi American ork Canyon last week. After supper a softball game, horseshoe horse-shoe pitching and community singing were enjoyed by Mr- and Mrs. Jean Nelson, Mr. and Mrs-Claude Mrs-Claude Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs-Claude Mrs-Claude Tracy, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Hoelscher, Mr. and Mrs. Ru-lon Ru-lon Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Beck, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Freestone, Free-stone, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bunnell Bun-nell and Mr. and Mrs- Ben Egan. A reunion of the Nebeker family is to be held at Lagoon, 18 miles north of Salt Lake City on Wednesday. July 9, commencing com-mencing at 3 p m., according to W. D- Nebeker, Jr., Salt Lake City, chairman of the event. The reunion will brin together togeth-er for the first time in many years the descendants of John, Peter, Henry, Lewis, and George Nebeker, five brothers who came to Utah late In 1947. All descendants of these men arc urged to attend the reunion at Lagoon, stated Mr. Nebeker, whose mail address is P. O. Box 2045, Salt Lake City 13, Utah. SIIAROII A group of Elders from Sharon Shar-on ward and their partners gathered at Canyon Glen one evening last week. A baseball game and a weinie roast were enjoyed during the evening. Mrs. Victor Christensen underwent und-erwent a serious operation at the Bingham Canyon Clinic, Monday morning. Weston and Lenore Kofford and Dorothy Campbell went to Bingham Monday and each gave a pint of blood to help Mrs-Christensen Mrs-Christensen recover front her operation. Among out-of-town visitors who attended funeral services for Leland Newell were Mr. and Mrs- Foren Mork of Lehi, Mrs-Eddie Mrs-Eddie Hines, New York; Mr. and Mrs. Vance M. Smith and daughter, daugh-ter, Magna; Mr. and Mrs. Ama-sa Ama-sa Wright, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Jolley, Mrs. Tom Madsen and Mrs. Adelbert Mork, Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kirk, Clearfield; Mrs. Morris Thorp, Springville; and Mrs-Annie Mrs-Annie Wright, Mr. and Mrs-Clarence Mrs-Clarence Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Swenson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mortin and Mr. and Mrs- Grant Wright. Pleasant Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davis and two daughters are spending ten days In Idaho where they will visit with Mrs- Davis' two sisters. H. D. Kinser and Merrill Blair accompanied the Sharon ward boy scouts on a swimming party at Roselawn Tuesday evening. Most of the boys attended the show after the swim. Five babies were blessed and named at Sacrament meeting AT- Lakeside (Gardens 2ij Miles South of Payson on Highway 91 The Incomparable Music of REED ROWLEY'S GENTLEMEN OF SWING SATURDAY, JULY 12 Continuing Throughtout Summer Season $1.00 Per Couple iiimunwiii iMimimimiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiii in uiiiiuiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiniiiiimiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin"im iiimm . Enjoy SAVE-U Values every day in, the week. We Feature lj BROWN'S ICE CREAM for your parties and get-lo-gethers. OPEN EVENINGS, SUNDAYS, AND HOLIDAYS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. SAVE-U STORES Let's get acquainted Ken Yates, Proprietor UIIIIIlllllllUnillllillllllllMllllltllllHIIlllllNMlltlllllllllUlllttlllllllllllllllMIIUIIMIIIItllllllllllMIIIUIMMI Iltllllt IIHIIItllllllllOlllltllMlllllimillllltntr & in it's 7v I i i Try' Cun&ct and wrapped in PLIOFILM! I. BANQUET ITT fri rri r f t V- .U 1 I. J L J Ks 1 i - i- DISEASE RATE LOW IN UTAH NOW Physicians and local health of-iicers of-iicers reported a total of 133 resident re-sident cases of communicable diseases to the State Department of Health for the week fciiding July 4, 1947, as compared with 213 cases for the previous week and 214 cases for the corresponding correspond-ing week last year. Two cases of rheumatic fever were reported during the week, which makes a total of 30 cases reported since the first of the year. Of the two cases of rheumatic rheu-matic fever this week, one was a boy 13 years of age f:om Weber We-ber county and the other a girl four years of age from Davis county. Utah county had two new cases of mumps and one each of measles, syhpilis and whooping cough. ROWLEY FAMILY TO HOLD REUNION The John Rowley family will hold a reunion at Harmon Park in Provo Sundav. Julv 13. Each family is asked to bring their own basket lunch and to furnish one number on the program- Sunday. They were Richard Roy, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Phillips, Naomi, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs- William S. Chyno-weth; Chyno-weth; Lnda Lee, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Newell; Barbara, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs- Kenneth Albert Wel lington; and Gregory Glenn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Vernon. E0GEM0N1 The cherry harvest is going in full swing In the Edgemont district this week- The deacons of the ward under the supervision supervi-sion of the high priests and elders eld-ers have picked the ward quota of cherries, going to the farms of those donating the fruit for LDS church welfare. The fruit is then taken to Sharon stake headquarters where it is taken to the church cannery at American Amer-ican Fork for processing. The ward quota is 1200 pounds. Mrs. Lynette Tripplett will be hostess to Edgemont Literary club Friday afternoon at her home, with Mrs- Lou're Trotter giving the book review. All members are urged to be present at 2 p m. Mrs. J. Robert Gillespie and daughter, Petrea. of Roosevelt, .s spending the week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs Wm. F. Wiscombe and other relatives. Mrs. Myre Reeve and daughter, Naomi of Park City are also at the Wiscombe home while Mrs. Reeve attend tummer school at the BYU. Mr. and Mrs- Grant Elliott, tPauline Cox) have returned from a wedding trip to Yellowstone Yellow-stone Park. They will make their home for the summer at the Watkins apartments in Orem. Or-em. On Wednesday evening Mrs-Robert Mrs-Robert L. Elliott entertained at the family home honoring her new daughtr-in-law. Kill THEM with B.D.T. Flies, Mosquitoes, Roaches and all pests of house and garden SPRAYS, DUSTS AND WEEDKILLERS Sprayers Large, Medium, Small Hand and Powered. Weed Burners, Fire Extinguishers Pestmaster Insecticides Get Them At SIMMONS LUMBER & HARDWARE OREM, UTAH PHONE 048R2 DAYS of S championship Tie? w r y i " Wit'R kV Is, si 1 F i Yr 4 f rowo tron I TV. 7' a r-rv V l w Grandstand pi V y a ntMA ( - i-.: J r nitLiin BARE BACK AND SADOLE BR0NC RIDING BRAHMA BULL RIDING BULLD0GG1NG CALF ROPING WILD COW MILKING SCRAMBLE AND MANY NOVEL SURPRIZE EVENTS UTAH CENTENNIAL SALT LAKI CITY tArUIIIUH Advtrtisemen: ,1 muvav a yiv ... sy WW ivj,aidj.i Fish Bites Woman 1 Willie Welis was coming home from Seward's Creek the other evening eve-ning with a string of trout, when a stent looking lady (visitor at the Boxwood Inn) stops him, and tells him a man his size could be better occupied than eliciting fish. Willie tells her off real grood-natureiily grood-natureiily by saying: "Perhaps you're right, but if these fish had kept their mouths shut, they wouldn't be here." (At that, says Willie, laughing out loud, she looked just as if a fish had bit her ! ) Blabbing months never cause iything but trouble. Nobody who knew the facts would ever criticize Willie's right to go fishing on his one day off any more than they'd deny his right to come home to a mellow glass of beer. From where I sit, the slower we are to criticize and the quicker wc are to recognize another's tastes, the better well get along together whether those tastes apply to beer or fishing. The small son of Elelon and Inez Atwood Messick was given the name Lorin Albert at Fast meeting Sunday. Stanley ticon was the name given the son of Joyce Unthank ana Glen Baum-gardner- Mr- and Mrs. George Boyd and family of Berkeley, Calif., are visiting at the home of Bishop and Mrs- Golden Taylor. Mr. Boyd is director of the LDS Institute at the University of California at Berkeley and is attending summer school at BYU. FOR SALE: Mohogony Winth-rop Winth-rop desk five-drawer chest on chest, overstuffed set. 775 N. 1st East, Provo. JU FOR SALE Studio Couch, well taken care of, good condition. Very reasonable. See Clifford Summer, Orem Trailer Camp, Rt. 1, Box 424, Orem. Phone 067J5. Reconditioned mowers and hay r&lc63 W. F. Wiscombe Phone 023-J1 tf swrrcH to OREM REAL ESTATE I For AH Your Insurance and to Orem business houiet for everything else you need. . The more we support our own business houses the faster Ihey grow, and that benefts the whole community. It means more pay rolls and taxable property with-i"n""our with-i"n""our own city. OREM REAL ESTATE Phones: 048-J3 082-R2 OREM UTAH Doors open 7:00 First show 7:30 Friday-Saturday July 11-12 9 f Teresa Wright and Robert Mitchum A definitely superior western drama with tense, highly dramatic suspense. Fine entertainment specially for adultsl S. S. S. FUN CLUB Saturday Matinee 1:13 July 12 DANGEROUS VENTURE An action western featuring Hopalong Cassidy and f Chapter One of the new serial, ("JACK ARMSTRONG, ARM-STRONG, ALL AMERICAN BOY" 2 cartoons in color Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. July 14-15-16-17 XT iff mmim as Don DeFore - Ann Harding - Charlie Ruggles parked by a theme that's refreshing and different, this exceptionally good comedy should provide excellent entertainment for the entire family! For thinking people it carries a message about human relationship thai is timely and thought-provoking. A most unusual story ot a tramp who takes over a millionaires quarters in New York while the owner is in Florida" UTAH CENTENNIAL COMMISSION PRESENTS COMBINATION TICKET & 4 v I Here's what you get for only $2,40 (Additional fait at $3.00) i .. ..-...V Vv:v:;,;;::.::::,.:.:...;::.;,. Reserved Segt for ALFRED DRAKE (star of "Okiahomai") 53 in tha Spectacular New Muiical :f i "PROMISED VALLEY" i U of U Stadium Bowl, July 21 -Aug. 9 f. Admission to the Million Dollar Art Exhibit 100 YEARS OF J ICAN PAINTING" n Utah State Fair Grounds, July 1-29' 1 J AMER " 2 Your choice of one of the remaining TABERNACLE CHOI3 CENTENNIAL CONCERTS July 13, Helen Traubel; July 20, "The Restoration"; August 17, "The Elijah' iMiuHHmtiummuHHHniiiiilntw Copyright, 1947, United States Brewers Foundation Send mail orders to "PROMISED VALIEY," Salt Luke City 1, Utah K 0 |