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Show 8 r 11 OREM-GENE VA TIMES Thmsday, January 17, ig46 Scera Theatre Chatter There have, come hundreds of requests concerning the time we are playing "Bells Of St. Mary." We are happy to announce an-nounce the picture will play Feb. 27 to March This is just one of the many big pictures that is coming to Scera. "They Were Expendable," Expenda-ble," starring Robert Montgomery, Mont-gomery, which has been given such high rating by all reviewers, review-ers, "Spellbound," starring In-gred In-gred Bergman and Gregory Peck, which broke all records at the Center Theatre; "Wonder Man," starring Danny Kaye, are just a few of the big features fea-tures doming within the next month. No finer comedy for family entertainment was ever made than "Kiss and Tell" starring Shirley Temple which plays this week end. On Monday and Tuesday of next week we play "Rhapsody in Blue." Although this picture has not been as popular at the box office as some of the others mentioned, it is a classic that deserves the patronage of all folks who love fine entertainment. It was made at great expense by War ner Brothers, one of Hollywood's Holly-wood's leading studios to preserve pre-serve the life and works of George Gershwin. There is story and drama and some of the most beautiful music you will ever hear. On Wednesday, for one day only, we are playing "Captain Kidd," starring Charles Laugh-ton. Laugh-ton. As a special feauture with this program we particularly call to your attention the short subiect "The House I Live In". . UTAH Doers epen at f :30 1st Shew at 7:00 2nd Show at 9:19 Friday and Saturday January 18-19 KISS AND TELL Shirley Temple and Jerome Couriland A grand picture about your family and mine that has the everyday occurahce with which most of us are familiar! All to all, it is a satisfying, heart.tugging comedy! rathe News Simple Siren" Cartoon WWte Treasurer Sport Keel Saturday Mailnse 1:30 January IS MY FRIEND FLICKA A beautiful story of a horse! Filmed in Technicolor! Techni-color! Starring Roddy McDowall! . , and ffl "Lisa and Mouse" artooa "Slippery Putty" Sport Reel Serial PURPLE MONSTER Monday and Tuesday . January 2122 ; RHAPSODY BLUE . . 'Robert Alda Joan Leslie -.Alexis Smith The story of George Gershwin's intense life, his beautiful music will entertain all kinds of audiences especially music lovers! ' t and ..f.ili..fi!eWa... N N . .! II , I Wednesday Only January 23 CAPTAIN KIDD Charloi Laughlon and Randolph Scott Colorful, adventurous story of the Captain Kidd Pirate days! ' and THE HOUSE I LIVE III Special Featureiit Starring Frank Sinatra . ' rathe News Thurs.' Fri. - Sat.' Jawuary 24-25-26 OUR .'VINES HAVE TENDER (SHAPES Edward G. Robinson Margaret; O'Brien James Craig Every .true American should see this picture for in 'Its message it carries laughter, tears, suspense and all the elements of real entertainment . fc 1 hhi Pnilor mm LOII GillBl hill Open MONDAY AND SATURDAY Free Bus Transportation to and from Roller Rink Bus Leaves Lincoln High School 7:20 PJH. Bus Leaves Orem City Hall 7:23 P.M. Bus Leaves Park's Cafe 7:30 PJH. i ic RATES TO PARTIES Ie is a most graphic story telling tell-ing in appreciative way the advantages we have in a free country as compared with the rest of the world- This subject sub-ject received special mention as outstanding by Times Magazine, Maga-zine, Life Magazine and Liberty Lib-erty Magazine. Although it runs but 12 minues, it is worthy the praise it has re- eived. WEtlTZ-BLACK NUPTIALS ILIEF SOCIETY Vermont Ward Relief Society visiting teachers meeting will be held Friday, Jan. 25, at the home of Viola Kocherhans- The Literary lesson, "Bible Influence as Revealed in Our Narrative and Epic Poetry" will be given in all the wards next week. On Monday afternoon Mrs. Ma' id B. Jacob will1 give the lesson in Tlmpanogos ward at 2 p. m. with ladies of Geneva, Grandview and Vermont wards as special guests- Vermont ward will furnish music. Class leader Vanesse Woffinden of Tlmpanogos ward will be in charge. An invitation is extend ed to any other ladies in the stake who would like to attend. All other wards of the stake meet Tuesday afternoon at 2 p. m. EDGMONT Ethel Taylor, classleader at 1:30. LAKEVIEW Christine Mad- sen, classleader. SHARON WARD Erma Allen, Al-len, in charge. WINDSOR WARD Enid Johnson, classleader. VINEYARD Alice Harding in charge. ( PLEASANT VIEW Af ton Hansen, classleader. VINEYARD Major and Mrs. T- C. Heb-ertson Heb-ertson and family arrived Monday Mon-day from Salinas, California. They will make their home here. Jesse Allen gunner's mate 2-C navy has been visiting with his parents Mr. and Mrs, W. K. Allen. Jessie isa veteran navy- man, having been in the service for over five yearr, he expects to be released in ten more moitths. He left Wednesday to return to his base. Mr. and Mrs- Bert Fox of Salt Lake visited relatives in Vineyard Sunday. The M. I. A. officers and teachers held a social and business busi-ness meeting at the home of Mrs. Rosa Lee Madsen Tuesday Tues-day night. Church services will not be held here Sunday due to quarterly conference at the Scera. Harry Orvin has returned to the coast after a short leave here from the Merchant Marin es. A new missionary class has been organized in the Sunday School. Rex Blake is the in structor- Ellis Bilboa is Presi dent, Janet Clegg, vice-presi dent and Lorraine Wells, secre tary. Mrs. Mun McDonald and daughter Afton of Midway, Utah, visited here Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clement Dalley. Two quilts were mare Tues day afternoon by the Relief Society women. The meeting was held at the new home of President Mabel Bunker. The marriage of Myrtle Wentz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Maston Wentz, of Grandview, to Maurice D. iilack, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S. Black of Provo, was an event of Wednesday, January 16, and took place in the Salt Lake L- D. S. Temple, with the parents of the young couple accompanying them through the temple. On Thursday evening, a re ception was tendered the happy couple at Joseph Smith Memor ial building by the bride's parents, which was attended by several hundred relatives and friends. In the receiving line were Mr. and Mrs. Wentz and Mr. and Mrs. Black, Waldo Richardson, Rich-ardson, best man, the groom and his lovely bride, who chose for her wedding gown a charming white satin gown, en train, with dainty finger tip vail, caught up with a cornet of pearls and carrying her bride's bouquet. Her sister, Miss Belva Wentz was maid of honor, with two other sisters, Ann Janet and Charlene as bridesmaids; also an aunt, Elsie Wentz, Joan Kirby and Jannett Baura In their gay pastel gowns; wearing wear-ing dainty corsages. Her small sister Donna made a beautiful flower girl and also, me u-ainoearers were sisters of the bride, Marie and Ruth Wentz. Bishop Rodney Kimball acted ac-ted as master of ceremonies, with the Mont-A-Lake male quartet rendering two numbers, num-bers, Don Griffith played a cornet solo, Sheryl Young gave a reading and Bishop Clayton Watts toasted the bride. The balance of the evening was spent in dancing. Aunts of the bride presided in the gift room, including Tillie Dixon, Luella Hills, Lil-lie Lil-lie Hills, and Audrey rlills, assisted as-sisted by the bride's brothers, Charles and Wells and a cousin, Garth Dixon. Refreshments were In charge J of other aunts, Lillian Wentz and Helen Wentz. H - AM sT CORRECTION: In January 3rd issue of this paper, we read, "There are 44,000 teachers in the richest country in the world who are paid less than $6,000 a year, or approximately $11.50 a week," this should read "$600, not $6,000 Erection of a powerful radio station at the famous Wartberg Castle, where Martin Luther translated the Bible into the German language, is being planned by the Lutheran Laymen's Lay-men's League of the Lutheran Svnod of Missouri, Ohio, and other states. Programs will be broadcast to all parts of Europe. Eu-rope. The Holiness Mission Journal gives the following figures of the death rate in the world. Fifty million persons die each year, nearly 137,000 die each day, 5,707 die each hour, or 95 each minute. One quarter of the earth's population popula-tion dies before the seventn year; one half dies before the seventeenth year. Out of a thousand, only one reaches 100 years; out of every hundred. only six reach sixty-five years; not more than one in 500 reaches the eightieth year. a day peanuts out of a 10- quart. The same wmte ouse guard Leroy Lyons has been feeding them for the past 10 years; when he shouts or whistles they come running. He usually attracts a crowd outside out-side the fence, too people, not squirrels. Capt. Harrin, a WAC, who was in France, furnishes the following story: "Having been overseas for more than a year I was pretty lonesome for my girl. Dehydrated food gave me an idea. I told my blonde girl, a Detite blonde, to go to a plant in the United States, and get dehydrated, which she did. My mother then put her in an envelope and sent her to me air mail- When the letter arrived ar-rived I took my girl out, poured a little water over her and in 30 minutes she was as good as Believe it or not. Ssgt Max Rawlings has arrived ar-rived home from service in Okinawa, after three years service in the army. He bis, received his honorable dis. charge. His wife is the former Eileen Sims and he saw his small son, Allen, for the first time on his arrival home. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Seth Rawlings.of Vineyard. . ..Tech Sgi. Carl Gordon is home on furlough and expects to receive his release from three years service in the Pacific Paci-fic theater of war. He is at the home of his sister, Mrs. Flor ence Baum of Edgmont- new. A heavy snow last week sent the White House squirrels scampering to the National Capital Park Service for succor. suc-cor. The executive lawn harbors about 100 equirrels, some of which are reported to have lived there longer than most presidents do. When a snowstorm, or anything else for that matter, cuts out their regular food supply, the gov ernment gives them one meal Lake View Man Heads Wildlife Association L. L. Bunnell, well known sportsman of Lakeview, was named president of the Provo Wildlife federation for the coming year at a meeting of the members held during the week at the . city and county building. Mitchell Black was elected vice president and A I. Daniels, secretary-treasurer. Delegates were named to at. tend the state meeting of the federation to be held in New-house New-house hotel, at Salt Lake City, January 19, and 20. The next meeting of the Provo group will be January 31. The peace of Love is publish ed, and the sword of the Spirit is drawn; nor will it be sheathed sheath-ed till Truth shall reign triumphant trium-phant over all the earth. Mary Baker Eddy. Statewide Epidemic Burns 0, Spotlighting Utah Murdock Hails Utah's Future A "wealth of Development" is seen for Utah's future, declared de-clared Senator Abe Murdock in Salt Lake last week. Concerning Con-cerning the Geneva situation he said:- "I am confident that within the time specified for having bids in for the steel plant, that bids will be submitted sub-mitted by companies capable of operating them. The bids must be in by March 1st. "Geneva is going to become the hub of western industry in my opinion. I foresee scores springing up as Geneva gets into full operation. . The people of Utah would never consent to, or tolerate nonoperation of Geneva." Concerning the returning veterans he said: "We must take care of our returning veterans- We can't let those fellows who saved our country stay- out in the cold. Whatever is inadequate now, will be remedied re-medied in the coming session of Congress." which flared up and spread! nearly every county in the feu-has feu-has now burned itself , State Health Department j ports indicate. More than Hot casei were reported duriM one week of the epidemic. ' Utah's polio record durini 1945 was the highest in a Z cade, with 204 resident case v uviu(Mui;iii. vases auu 20 deaths. In 1927, there we 22 deaths with 88 cases. Board of Health records indicate that polio is becoming less virulent in Utah Governor Meets Press Governor Herbert B. Maw and Mrs. Maw, Secretary of State E. E. Monson and Mrs. Monson, were special guests at the Utah State Press Associa-tion Associa-tion banquet last Saturday night in the New House Hotel. Other state officials to appear as special speakers at the Saturday Satur-day convention sessions included, includ-ed, State Superintendent of Schools, Dr. E. Allen Bateman; Director of Agricultural Education, Educa-tion, Mark Nichols; and Aaron W. Tracy, State Commissioner of Parks and Publicity. Murdock Inspects Bushnell Senator Abe Murdock, wLo in the interests of Northern Utah recently inspected the facilities of Bushnell General Hospital at Brigham City, showed the deepest concern over the fate of the big 1& million dollar army reservation which is slated to be abandoned by the army about June 30. He declared he was against shelving the institution unlea it could be definitely shown ft is not adequate as a veterani hospital following army evacuation. evacu-ation. "If thorough investigation investiga-tion proves the hospital adequate adequ-ate for veteran hospital operation, oper-ation, I shall fight to prevent its abandonment," he said. ' 1M. FORD . tJHEKEY OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN & SURGEON B fc H Pharmacy Building ,- OREM ' PHONES Offk C88-J2 Residence! 030-J5 Office Hourst ft tolM 18 Sundays and Evtalagifey Appointment FOB SALE Blue and Crtam Enamel Com bination Coal and Gas Range wun watt Jack! Also 50 Gallon Tank. PHONE 1307 S5t N. 2nd E. Prove INSURANCE LOANS tai REAL ESTATE SEE FRED E. RAT Officet 7l Setfc. Secead West TAILORING Ladies d GsnlUmea's FIHC TULOXnf Beta SUITS aad COATS at S REPAIRING ALTERING REMODELING MITCHELL No matter what we have un dergone and suffered, we must try to forgive those who injured us and remember only the les son gained thereby. Madame Chiang Kai-Shek. COMPLETE RADIO SERVICE RALPH'S RADIO AND APPLIANCE 63 Ne, Ualv. Ave. Phone 618 The Heme ef Guaranteed Service DR. ARTHUR VANCE VETERINARIAN 156 West 3rd North Phone 9S3-J Provo, Utah WRECKER SERVICE PHONE: PKOVO 055 J4 OREM MOTOR CO. FOR... PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING SEE cleve Mcdonald 4S6 Emery Beverly Place Orem Phon 080-J-1-2 TIRE REPAIRING VULCANIZING BATTERIES 6RIMHALL BROS. Shoe Repairing Louis Kelsch & Sons Beat et Boeterte Ml i Color's had notice to move in And It's Timt To Tokt Notice Of Our New Coats Color movfeg in on coat this spring and everyoneVdeKghted! They're April gay in bright new shades . . . and the styles are new as the first spring crocus! Belts have moved into the fcshion picture, too, on sport coats and dress styles and . they work ronders-with t waistline! Chesterfields also, and fitted eoatt Announce that spring's taken over ia i ry bright ways i1f3 24.7S 29.75 ffpriaiCcch 81 Seisin Sa West fm I WeM eatat |