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Show Gay Strawberry Pot Holders in Crochet ftfidwihter Fr Modes Register Strikingly Novel Style Trends CLASSIFIED DE PARTM Ett KathleenNorris Says: The Girl With No Boy Friend IT mvsztwtd AUTOS, TRUCKS ft arjcj.jj By CHERIE NICHOLAS WA I Bell Syndicate. WNU Feature!. fojrcrsn MICEST pot holder in the coun- try this ever popular strawberry straw-berry crocheted of bright red thread, "seeded" with green and having natural looking green leaves which are crocheted separately sep-arately and then sewn to the berry. Measures 7 by Vk inches. To obtain complete crocheting instructions instruc-tions for the Giant Strawberry Potholder (Pattern No 5333). send 16 cents In coin, your name, address and the pattern number. num-ber. SEWING CIRCLE NEEDLEWORK 109 Mlssloa St., San Francisco, Calif. Enclose 16 cents lor Patten Name. WhenYourlnnords' are Crying the Blues WHEN CONSTIPATION makes yon f.e) punk u the dickens, brings on stomach upset, tour taste, gassy discomfort, ' take Dr. Caldwell's famous medicine' to quickie pull the trigger OB lazy "ln? , -naros", anil help yoo (eel bright tad chlppsf tgain. OR, CAlDWELf U the wonderful tea. at laiatiyt contained In good old Srrup Pepsin to make It to easy to take. ; ' WN DOCTORS est pepsin prepare. Uontta prescriptions to make the medU tine Bore paUUble and agreeable to -take. Bo be sure jour laxative U eon tamed la Syrup Pepsin. INSIST ON DR. CALDWELL'S-tbenf vorltt of millions for SO Tears, and feel that wholesome relief from constlpa Won. tm finicky children lor lb CAUTIONi Cst only U directed, ' DR. SENNA I1IMIVE SYRUP IIPSW - - 4 How To Relieve Bronchitis Creomulslon relieves promptly be cause it goes riRht to the seat of the trouble- to help loosen Mid expel Itenn laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, In flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you bottleof Creomulslon with the understanding un-derstanding you must Uke the way It quickly allays the cough or you an to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Couehs, Chest Colds.BrondiiHs trow. -n muscle part; 0 doe Co fatlsot, expo sue, colds or overwotk. Coonrinsneihrl salicylate, effective eeie-rlieiog agent. Moot -Back stavattse Sbsttt VcKsi ail r Salt e tett aiesslst due ta MONTHLY LOSSES? Ton girls and women who lose so much during monthly periods that you're pale. weak, ''dragged out" ibis may be due to lack of blood-Iron 80 try Lydla K. Pinko ami TABLETS one of the best home ways to build op red blood In such coses PlnkhamTs Tablets art one of the best blood-Iron tonics you can buy I use 666 COLD PREPARATIONS UQU1B. TABLETS, SALVE, NOSE MOPS CAUT.ONUSE ONLY AS DIRECTED) a Renin r i..--it "Join s languag clauRiusian or of all ages at evening classes." By KATHLEEN NORMS "T SIMPLY am not inter- I esting, and I know it,' writes Georgia Carter, from ft Georgia city. "I am 30, 1 have a good job, I live in a nice apartment, I nave no family, and I am completely uninteresting. Oh, and I am not bad-looking. "I feel like Galsworthy's little lit-tle man, 'Am I alive?' Life roars on all about me. Girls are crying their hearts out over soldiers gone away, they are welcoming them back, house hunting, Job hunting, having babies. The newspapers newspa-pers shriek with headlines. In our town we had a big fire, a big flood, political changes of the most drastic sort none of It touches me. . "My friends ere married. They have babies, I smile at all the babies. But even the babies are not interested, end as (or the husbands well, I have sense enough to keep Out of their way. 1 dress nicely, eat well, have a luxurious bed and a pleasant room, and at S3 I will have- enough money saved and Invested In-vested to give ma a modest Income for life. Am I not lucky (So lucky that I seriously think of suicide. "Years ago mother used to tell, rot to interest men by getting them to talk. It makes my face hot to remember re-member how often I started into I bright . conversations about law, .meat-packing, planes, real estate, ; bulldogs. The man would look at me blankly, answer in a monosyllable, monosyl-lable, and turn to the girl on the Other side. I simply can't do It Afraid of Future. Those years between SO and 58 fascinate me. There's something j rather scaring to a woman of 30 in ; looking ahead. Perhaps it's easier ! at 40. What Shall I doT My Job is ' superintendent of the mall order department de-partment of a drug firm. I have about 20 girls under me. They all know the answers better than I do." Earlier in the letter she says ' that her father was an Invalid for many years, unable to stand noise or the presence of strangers, and that when he died. In her 21st year, her mother sank into sn Invalidism almost as complete. I So Georgia had no youth, no Joyous Joy-ous girlhood of home entertaining and home security. No wonder she is still stlffnecked and awkward with men, fumbling about for subjects in which to Interest them, and knowing or half-suspecting in her uncomfortable heart that ; the simplest thing in which to interest inter-est them is herself, j And you have to be Interested In yourself If anyone eke is to find , you interesting, Georgia. So stop trying to attract outsiders, snd attract at-tract yourself to yourself. 1 There are many ways to do this. They all sound flat and unconvincing, uncon-vincing, but you only have to try a few of them honestly to be reborn re-born into enthusiasm, first for your own life, and then for the lives all about you. Get a Country Place. rd get out of the two-room city apartment, and find some small place in the country, near town. Buy it if you like It enough; as well now and as at that future date, when you will have saved enough money for your old age. Enjoy It now and In your old age, too. You'D never find yourself at a loss tor eonveria- 1 think serin sty saiietis. ..." SpanUh. You'll meet interttting people I jveitproh j fl 11 V t J Many young people in big cities can't seem to fit in to-dally. to-dally. They are fairly iuecesi-ful iuecesi-ful in business or professional life, but they go on, year after year, unable to attract anyone who could possibly be considered in marriage. So they remain single. Eventually they drift info their thirties. Then suddenly one day there comes a panicky realization that the future will not take care of them; that' without vigorous trying, they are facing fac-ing a drab middle age, and sad, lonely old age. Such a situation is presented in a letter Miss Norris reprints in today's paper. A girl just turned 30 has a good job, a nice New York apartment, good clothes, in fact, practically practical-ly everything. She says she is good looking, well educated, and agreeable. Somehow, nevertheless, nev-ertheless, all the men she meets soon turn $o someone else. It just. seems impossible for her to be interesting, no matter what she tries to talk about. Miss Norris advises this unhappy un-happy girl that she must take a new approach; try to get interested in-terested in something herself. She could go to evening school, for instance. There are always intelligent people taking night classes, and among her classmates class-mates there are sure to be some who would be glad to number her among their friends. Another An-other possibility would be to move to a small place in the country, just outside of town. Here she could develop new interests gardening, poultry raising, perhaps. Soon she would have a host of new acquaintances. ac-quaintances. She would never be at a loss for something to talk about, either. tion when you can talk of your fireplace, fire-place, the things that will and won't grow In your garden, the difficulty in getting furnace oil and a secondhand second-hand refrigerator, and the ridiculous kitten that has adopted you. Get some picturesque clothes, even if you haven't nerve enough to wear them anywhere except in the house. Ask an occasional office friend to come out to lunch some Sunday, and warn him or her that he or the may have to help weed. 'Join a language class Russian Rus-sian or Spanish. You'll meet interesting inter-esting persons of all ages at evening eve-ning Spanish classes. Then budget your time as well as your income. Three hours in the garden on Sundays, extra Jobs about the house, written menus for the week, church. Just so much radio amusement, and one or two letters, or your language lesson, written to radio music late in the evening. When you're thoroughly absorbed in all these new activities, you'll discover dis-cover that someone else is, too. The man who came out to help you weed will want to come again; your new friend in the Russian class will ask you if he may not come and do your language study with you; a neighbor neigh-bor will step over to borrow a host and suggest a movie. And you will be so absorbed In your own interests that you will be amazed to feel deep gratitude when you have a whole evening to yourself. your-self. REF1NISBINQ A COAT To give a repaired coat a finished look, steam press wool fabric. Protect Pro-tect it with one of the treated press cloths which can be bought with directions di-rections for use, or by covering the wool with a dry wool cloth, then a dampened cotton cloth. To steam press, set the warm iron down, then lift it with Just enough force to drive steam through the wool that is, use patting or pressing instead of the usual back-and-forth Ironing motion, fie sure that the lining is smooth under un-der the coat to avoid wrinkling. f I ;;f.:;::::.t I 5 JstawlgaWsm 7 "i TSJOW that the cold midwinter weather is bringing out a brilliant bril-liant pageantry of fabulous furs of unparalleled beauty and versatility. a thrilling chapter is being added which tells of many striking new trends. For instance, last-minute-styled fur jackets and coats bring the message of a tendency toward smart fitted lines. Note the "new look" of the leopard Jacket achieved by its snug fit through the torso. These fitted lines make news, big newsl Its flaring longer-in-back-Deolum also interprets a definitely new trend. The notched collar and rounded revers are important style details. The full easy sleeves fit close at the wrist above a flare cuff. The distinguished-looking Alaska seal model to the right is made Uke a fitted officer's coat. It has the characteristic Japels, collar and belt at the back to hold in fullness. The silver buttons that adorn this handsome hand-some coat bear a significant message. mes-sage. The unusual styling of this coat, also the leopard jacket goes to that new and thrilling things are being done in furcraft design this season. Black broadtail plays an important impor-tant role in the distinguished looking look-ing three-piece costume shown to the left . This very elegant ensemble ensem-ble is tailored of soft wool in the lovely white wine tone that we hear about so much these days. The big news Is its three-quarter length cape, which is lined throughout with black American broadtail. The brim of the tip-tilted Breton sailor Is also Plays Dual Role Here's a magic costume that one moment appears as a charming short length dinner dress and the next moment with the jacket it becomes a perfect cocktail suit It's the little jacket that does the trick. When the jacket it worn several of the large polka dots of green se quins on the white blouse line up as buttons (see inset). A costume Uke this designed for many-purpose wear is the type best dressed worn-en worn-en select to carry through mldsea-son mldsea-son into spring. Advance news coming com-ing in heralds the importance of boleros and other brief Jackets for spring. I sr N ' 7' 1 f Wt J MM " ! jt J I VNS f faced with matching broadtail. The beauty of this stunning outfit is that with the cape removed one has a perfect suit for spring. Wearing the cape means solid comfort and protection pro-tection on a cold wintry day. Licorice Lic-orice black buttons close the Jacket and pocket flap. featured as topflight fashion In the fall, cape stoles of mink worn with suits or smart wool dresses, also worn with sleek satin gowns for the cocktail hour made the "hit" of the season. Comes winter and the stole cape in exquisite ermine, er-mine, becomes a mpst glamorous evening fashion. Comes spring and the fashion world will see the fur-cape fur-cape theme worked out in cunning brief . shoulder and waist depth pes. v There's much excitement this win-.tor win-.tor over the fascinating "little" furs which are playing a most glamorous role in the evening mode, as well as being the smartest ever worn' with the unfurred, suit or coat It is in such terms as hat and bag ensembles, en-sembles, neckpieces, headbands and belts to match, wide detachable cuffs that form a muff and countless count-less other fantasies that furcraft goes to a new high in artistry and ingenious design. While fur jackets and capes for spring will include many types, the newest of the new will trend to very brief effects, some in cunning bolero styles. The bell hop jacket in lightweight light-weight gray furs is youthful and smart as can be. Outstanding in the present grand and glorious panorama of winter fur fashions are chic hats carried out in every mood, from simplest little berets and turbans to most dra matic types, some with skyscraper crowns, others with wide brims. However, it is the jewel-embroidered fur hats that are creating the big sensation. With their color and sparkle they are not only most flat tering to the wearer but they add a gay and bright note to the midwinter midwin-ter costume itself. Released by Western Newspaper Union. Buttons Again Take Fashion Spotlight Resort and advance spring fashions fash-ions bring the message of buttons, buttons and more buttons, used not only in a functional way but in a unique and decorative manner as w mv a .jig uivng Uia V 1 buttons perform is that of going sin-! sin-! gle file around deeo armholea where the sleeves are seamed into the dress. Newer yet is the wide wing sleeve that buttons on' instead of being seamed on. In this way the sleeves can be removed, leaving the buttons which thus become purely ornamental on a himner-like dress I Another unique stunt is that of out lining pockets, yokes, brief shoulder shoul-der capes, necklines and so on, with buttons. For sports fashions and casuals the buttons are that simple they add a tailored look to the garment gar-ment This is true also of the large plastic buttons that dramatize so many of the new spring toppers'. However, on the dressier modes jewel-like buttons and the new plastic plas-tic flower buttons are scattered about in most designful and versatile versa-tile ways. Versatile Boleros Are Coming Out for Spring Designers are that enthusiastic over, boleros In the new spring mode they are making a feature of them, both in bolero suits and dresses and as separates to wear with this skirt and that The new boleros are very versatile Including very interesting novelties. One noted style creator favors bright colors such as peacock blue or geranium pink for boleros mat warn with skirt and blouse in charming color-contrast schemes. And then there is the bolero in bust-length, bust-length, which often Is richly gold-embroidered, gold-embroidered, and the very new-looking bolero with balloon or lantern sleeves. Bolero suits for town wear are smartly tailored in navy or the chic neutral grays and beige tones, Packaged Mixes. Sugar. Sirup Aid Sweet Tooth Even new brides will find it simple to make creamy-smooth chocolate pie with the directions given In the column. Whipped cream or meringue may be used as a topping top-ping for this chocolate delight Culinary Strategy if you're one of those cooks who likes to have toothsome dishes to set oh the table, but hates to fuss with too many of the frills, then there's no time like the present to try out some of the ready-mixed foods. New brides, and by those I mean not only the recently wed, but those who have been married for awhile, but are Just now cooking for a brand new husband, will find plenty of help on grocery shelves. A twist of the wrist at home, an eye to attractive decoration, along with an ability to follow instructions instruc-tions will yield rich rewards. It used to be that a pie was diffi cult to tackle, but not with all the sugar-saving mixes we now have on hand. You can use one of the packaged pack-aged preparations for the filling, or sweetened condensed milk Which is now back on the market The pie shell, too, may be made Of a ready-prepared mix, or it can be tossed together from one of the good pie crust recipes which you have on hand. In a cream, pie, the crust is baked ahead of time and allowed to cool before filling. Magic Chocolate Fie. 2 squares unsweetened chocolate, ltt cups (1 can) sweetened condensed con-densed milk H cup water Baked pie shell (8-inch) Melt chocolate in top of double boiler. Add sweetened condensed milk, stirring over boiling water about five minutes or until mixture is thickened. Add the water and mix until thoroughly blended. Pour into baked pie shell and garnish' With whipped cream, if desired. Chill before serving. Butterscotch Tarts. Make tart shells either in muffin tins or small pie plates. Prepare butterscotch filling according to directions di-rections oil packaged mix, adding a beaten egg yolk and melted butter if extra richness is desired. Fill cooled pastry shells and top ,with meringue made by beating an egg white and blending in two table spoons of granulated sugar. Swirl on top of tarts and brown under broiler for two to three minutes. For those of you who are anxious about making desserts, there's good news in tne appearance ap-pearance of an extra -sweet corn syrup on the market. It contains con-tains a higher amount of -dextrose than the ordinary corn syrup, and while it is not only more nutritious, it is also 50 per cent sweeter than the standard corn syrup. Here are two recipes which you will enjoy using with extra-sweet corn syrup: Refrigerator Cookies. (Makes 4 dosen 2-inch cookies) H cop shortening Lynn Says: Prepare foods in advance and save time: Meat loaves, stews and soups may be made in advance ad-vance and stored in the refrigerator refrigera-tor for later use. Just heat and serve when ready. Mix a week's supply of refrigerator refriger-ator rolls and bake as needed. Freshly baked rolls are always a treat Dry Ingredient for biscuits, muffins and pastry can be mixed in advance and the liquids added just before using. Chilling makes most of these mixes even better. Home-made frozen creams, ices and sherbets may be made in advance and stored in the freezing compartment Gelatin puddings and salads are quickly served it they are tossed together in advance. Custards, Cus-tards, too, keep well when chilled. Ji' '1 Lynn Chambers' Menu Ideas Meat Loaf Creamed Potatoes Buttered Cabbage Cinnamon Rolls Green Salad Butterscotch Tarts 'Recipe given. M cup sugar K cup extra-sweet corn syrup 1 egg, slightly beaten H teaspoon vanilla 1 cups flour H teaspoon baking powder Cream shortening and add sugar slowly, creaming well after each addition. Add the corn syrup, a small amount at a time and con Unue creaming. Add a third of the egg at a time and beat well after each addition. Blend in vanilla. Sift flour, measure and sift with baking powder. Add to creamed mixture, blending well. Shape into a roll, two inches in diameter. Wrap in waxed paper and chill in refrigerator. Slice very thin and bake in a moderately hot (375 degrees F.) oven for 10 minutes. Apple Pie. 1 apples 1 cup extra-sweet corn syrup 1 cap cream 1 tablespoon corn starch 1 tablespoon sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 pie shell Peel and core the apples and then cook them with the corn syrup in a covered pan until un-til tender. Remove Re-move the cover and cook down the syrup. Make a pie shell using a nine-inch tin. Jhevl Place the apples in the pie shell, pour in the cream, one tablespoon of cornstarch, one tablespoon of sugar and dust with cinnamon. Bake the pie in the open shell. If you have trouble keeping the cookie jar filled on busy school days, then you'll like this recipe which makes four dozen delectable crunchies: Orange Crunchies. (Makes 4 dozen) 1 cup flour 1H teaspoons baking powder teaspoon salt H cup, soft, shortening cup sugar c 1 teaspoon grated orange rind fg. . cup milk 3 cups corn flakes cup broken nuts Sift flour before measuring, then gift again with baking powder and salt Cream shortening, add sugar and orange rind "and cream until light Beat in egg vigorously. Add flour mixture alternately with milk. Fold in gradually corn flakes and nuts. Drop from teaspoon onto a greased baking sheet, two inches apart. Bake in a moderately slow (350 degrees F,) oven for 15 minutes min-utes or until lightly, browned. Remove Re-move cookies from pan at once. " Butterscotch tarts are easy to matte wnen the pastry shells are prepared or mixed In advance. A ready-made filling will taste homemade home-made with the addition of eggs and butter, added for richness. Now that bananas make their appearance ap-pearance occasionally at the store, you'll be interested in new ways to prepare them. Here they go into a mouth-watering pudding with a vanilla wafer crust custard and meringue, all of which spell nourish ment as well as good eating. Banana Pudding. (Serves 6) enp sugar Kfcup flour !4 teaspoon salt eggs, separated t enps scalded milk 1 teaspoon vanilla t sliced bananas I tablespoons sugar Vanilla wafers Line a seven-inch baking dish with vanilla wafers. Mix sugar with sifted flour and salt Gradually add beaten egg yolks to scalded milk and pour slowly into dry ingredients. ingredi-ents. Cook 15 minutes in a double boiler, stirring constant ,mn thickened. Add flavoring. Place oananas m waier-iined dish and cover with custard. Beat . whites until stiff, add two table spoons sugar and spread over custard. cus-tard. Bake 15 minutes in a alow oven, Keletate to Western MtwtMDtr Ctuon. ' F" ,'WMiMItsil"i4pW)jHi .111 II I III allBllgl ,tf., i-ii-. PLn K?V I'd K YirVA E r i Sr-Vsr'Ufc & 1 s. s eatrlid 3 .l-v. f, , C I n r ' i n.! r, nnr'tisVis. i it'' .'isi .I', i! ' m m , . hi ,n t, ,i, Avj , ' . " " 1 f o:-xw:ox;:-:.X:MawX':;?; MISCELLANEOUS W DT1W ivi. o.,. Office Furniture. FUes, Typewrit.. Ins Machines. Safes. Cash R..iiS5 .. 8AM If? ESK EXCHANGE IS Weal Broadway. Salt Lak, Tcit,. t(ll WANTED TO BUI 8Wp 111 of your raw furs, rabbiTST hides and wool to njuxu,?Sl Jfel HIDE AND FUR COMPANY u8' Srd Weat. Salt Lake City, whereiJ!" always receive hlghes' SkeV Planning for the Future? Buy U. S. Savings Bondi! TO GET PROMPT RELIEF from distress of those nagging colds that cause coughing and make you feel all stuffed up putt good spoonful of Vicks VapaM in a bowl of boiling water. Then feel relief come as yoa breathe in the steaming, medicated medi-cated vapors. These medicated vapors penetrate to the cold-ox- fhey sootiie irritationquiet coughing, help clear the head sad bring such grand comfort FOR ADDED RELIEF... On throat, chest and back at bedtime bed-time rub Vicks VapoRub. it works for hours even while you sleep to bring relief. Not try this home sv itfi tested treat. Uf9 ment, tonight. V VAPORUB Enjoy the feeling of eno well-being I Take good-tuM Bcott a Emulsion ngn, -yon feel tired, rundown, B to throw off worrisome to because your diet lacks M1 AscO Vitamins and enaw tag', natural oilil scottf" build energy, etomine, rai&n Buy at your druggist's tedar) 33 lOHORtOWtllli1' Vtpmum 4-V(GlTAtU UXATIVI i.. t.l cm-."" CC (I And Your Strength1 j n-tPal I Energy is ew--rr ft mar be eanaed bt tey funetioa that PJ&' Waste to aecamulate. J?1 people feel tired. ,"k. "If- when the kidneys W "S'l acids and ttber waste BMt I blood. . . taeti Yoa sear teller S5' rheumatic pains, head.ch. getting ap nights, ' ioetfmei frequent Hon with smarting ether eign that som.tMn, b..d-2t treatment It wiser lw. PitU. It It tatt S.' t n4Un KM 25 BOX Vpi'iiAcyy 5 -::: wnu-w . Pi II naeedictne taat nas , "ii, nmi the on seraethtog vm. 4 I ed teeny reare. Are ti an I Pet Wl today. |