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Show nr Wk7Z ilimn n li MothetJmis a Classic Shirtwaist Frock Comfortable W fast-acting chest rub that willnot irritats cliilds Mentholatum. With so irritation to delicate normal skin, Mentholatum helps easeawsysorenessand tightness froracough-wracked aching cheat muscles mus-cles . , . sapors rise high into nasal passages, pas-sages, down into irritated bronchial tubes. Coughing spasms quiet down Sur child rents better. Get eenllt entholatum today. Jars, tubes not. . biiubi oiviii Remember, yi rour Blueprint for Labor-Management Love and Kisses child's skin is thinner, mors delicate than yours. Be needs chest rub that's good and gentle. Get the prompt, really effective results you want the soothiag, w&r wsy . . . just rub on Thi$ ii th Elmer Twitched Plan for Better Under standinm Between Labor i . I I - I A I mt!iA vt Ill l 1 U9 I x?? I r ; h-r- tVi.H . TTK , g I asssi- ' " - s 1 3 L 1 "Momfe on a vacations" I I "Tomorrow we'll bust fOPR bronco!" NANCY , By Ernie Bushmiller (11 0Q yoJ r 60 DON'T VOU THINK YOU'D II fNOH i .vmvji - . . ...... . la i ------ t jtss. ffWS Vmly I I HAIR BACK MUTT AND JEFF By Bud Fisher t I SS5 Sf TOMiAoVoo JSH. WAV HOME BErilNDf ( BEHtND A TAXI N0TTHE LEAST BIT! STy LIKE MB.' JJU !?f J. THE STREETCAR ANO Jrlbjl I AND SAVE L50rl LITTLE REGGY py margama m Vj A! MATCH YOUR EYES OH1 Jrf JITTER 'fegl? , ! : 1 . wil jfi VWATCHASTV HADOA X ID TAIC OUT mA RIGHT ? VTL , frsfcT GET KEP 1 . WRITE f N. A U'L. INSURANCE. I k 1 HOW MUCH T'MAKE flf WEtO v?1? After school IS r i will be. oh boy a I (N casb rr a rubber-stamp I t ow.- (2f IK. FR-' f AOUTRAGB-A . TIME" IN MY ( JB, J HAPPENS ZiA I OP'IWILLREOM 0.T "WAS WHAT! J ) NOTEBOOK. fV MURDER. r&i TIME" IN MY 7 SJir I AT DOS' OP 1 AFRAIOTO 5 ( OUt W Wtt 1 . ? &! f oM R.S HOYVUN&) ALONE OUTSI06 J h i p. vfejrt I C A LIAR j end Management: 1 Fundamentally all the trouble Is due to the (act neither side completely com-pletely understands the other. There can be no peace until some system is adopted, so that each side can experience all the headaches of the other. 8 Workers do not get enough foff. Employers do not eel enough life without goll. Let the working-man working-man have the golf clubs sis months a year and provide him with a set f clubs. After a few weeks of worrying wor-rying ever backswings, the right grip, etc., all other problems will seem relatively unimportant. And the boss, ilx months away from golf and not giving a darn abont the pivot or knee action would find himself him-self different person. Positively. 8 Let the workers split with the bosses the routine of going through the mail, answering the unnecessary letters, correcting Miss Abernathy's spelling, trying to find the memoranda memo-randa which was put where It couldn't be mislaid, wading through those long lunches at the Business Men! club, taking all those indigestion indiges-tion tablets from 2:30 to 4:30 and , then getting home to find the wife's bridge party Is still on. (And make the employers est some of those sandwiches put into worker's lunch box.) 4 Alternate months let the workers work-ers prepare banquet speeches, sit through dull operas, get into stiff shirts and tuxedos for dinner, use three types of fork and worry about stomach ulcers. And make the boss go to those smokers, stop for a beer t Hennessy's, listen to the soap operas, have a quickie of corned beef and cabbage and endure all those double features. B For part of every month make the workers serve en new relief camnalcns. worry over dinner speeches, explain to stockholders, wade through the questionnaires, fill ont the required federal forms and always keep their pants pressed; while the bosses shake their own drinks, help mind the baby, listen to the radio in their stockinged feet and tend the furnace. 6 Let the workingman have three homes, two cars, an outdoor awimming pool, a yacht and those week-end house parties. That should help make him realize what the boss has to stand up under. And make the employer live in the little bungalow, raise tropical fish, get along With the undersized medicine cabinet, use the family tub, fix his own plumbing, eat in his shirt sleeves and help eight kids with the homework. Brother, there will be closer understandings after that. (Copiet of the above plan may be had by sending in a barrel of pnuunes, a priority on a new Ford and eight lump of lugar.) Thoughts on a Housing Crisis (Contlnaedl The Indian was not so dumb-He dumb-He didn't toil or fiddle: Be never had to bunt a home Or solve a housing riddle. The Bed Man is my envy now Be lived In tents galore, sir. And they were as be left them when The gny came home from war, sir! Elmer Twitcheil is pretty angry at the wife. When he refused her an extra two dollars the other day, saying he couldn't afford it, she threatened to name a fact-finding board. Fiorello LaGuardia is going to the Brazilian inauguration of a new j President as an official ambassador from America. Up to now the new I head of Brazil has never had any- : body read the American funnies to bim. Joe E. Brown Is credited with killing two Japs In a Luzon combat. com-bat. It was no feat of marksmanship. marksman-ship. The Japs had approarht-d to within 10 yards of Brown's mouth thinking they were entering an on-protected on-protected ravine. We can't figure out why, in tunkmu for a place to name as the permanent teat of UNO the Unvn of Amity ville. N. V, was overlooked. And Peace f R. . And, since the peaceful- influence it a main consideration in UNO how about Pigeon Cove, Ma.? m CAN VOU REMEMBER: funt buck when the attitude "The public be damned" was expressed with in limitation. The southland is having a tough winter. Which reminds us of the winter down in Florida when a Miami paper carried the headline, after a bad storm, "Yankee Bliz zard Hits South " And, thinking back oo our Miami Beach winters, we wonder If that sign Is still there: "Casa Shapiro." A SIMPLE shirtwaist frock to give you a "band-box" look. The shoulder yoke forms shoulder sleeves that are comfortable and practical The gored skirt Is easy to make and flattering. Pattern No. 1398 comes la sizes li, II, 18. SO: 40. 42. 4 and 48. gizs 18 needs tt yards of 35-inch or Its yards of 39-inch material. SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. m Miisloa St.. gaa machos, CaHf. Enclose SS cents in coins lor tad) pattern desired. Pattern No. am Namt . i hi Addrftis- Ml Cod HsoukMpiat. I fad FOR better baking- Bring your favorite recipes right up to date by comparing them with the basic roctpet contained in TODAY'S BAKINGWAYS Your name and addreit on port card wIH bring you this new baV'ng gutde plus copy of The Clabber OM Baking Book both free, ADDRESS HUIMAN & COMPANY PepfcW Ttrre Houtt, Indians mi Mi i:UW MUSCULAR ACHES STlfT JOINTS ma HUSOES SPRAINS STKA1NS BRUISES SLOAN'S LIUIMEUT 1 vvi& Na x ft (tosgsm Ommii) tfn for 5 mnwr GuvmB fa&ims ( ffl iCM1 Qtieffi) 5glii &p ma Qg mm (5mjiv3y so wfM W3k Or Drive la for thorough tire laspeeflos. C Tiers Is ss charge for tbls service.) Year smooth tires will be replaced with leasers, jk. is yss sss drive year csr. Year tires will be XJ recepped by the femes! Firestone Factory Method. (Yes get qsollty recappisg ob.) Whes ssw Firestose De Lsxs Ckampioa Tires jf are available te yes. we will equip year car asd bsy yosr recapped tires, (Yes get the best tires mossy can bsy.l Worried about the tires on your car? Hera's a new plan, especially designed to give yon driving safety NOW when you need it most. This amazing Firestone Two-Way Flan eliminates the guesswork about the condition of your tires. AH you have to do is drive in, and our Firestone tiro experts will show you how to secure complete tire safety. Smooth, dangerous tires will be quality recapped by the famous Firestone Factory Method. You exchange smooth tire danger for the famous Gear-Grip Tread, which gives so much extra protection against skidding. And what's more when new Firestone De Luxe Champion Tires are available to on. we will buy your recapped tires. Don't take chances. Why worry about your tares? Stop in today and let the Firestone Two-Way Flan give yon the driving safety yon want and need! |