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Show IfiE SFflKMltlE lDPM5iT, . Issued Every Friday. Local Mention. Spring. Furniture and prices have taken a big tumble at Molen, Reynolds & Co. Provo is short of apples. Some nice lartre ; reds or greens would And n ready market. A special rate of 20 cents has liner made for Sousa's concert on Saturday. March 7, with special returning aftei the concert. Services at the Presbyterian chut e h next Sunday a. in. Feb. 23; subject. "Objections to Seventh Day Advent-Ism." Advent-Ism." All invited, Jas. CafTrey, Esq., has received come choice desk blotters from, the Uoyai Insurance Co. for free distribution. They are being seked on with avidity See the first mutch game of football of the season between Provo am Springville on Washington's birthday. Grounds, the old Grousbeek meadow Mrs. D. C. Johnson gave a most enjoyable en-joyable Ice criani i:nd coffee social at her pleasant home, Wednesday evening. even-ing. A fine time was bad. The Martha Washington ball committee com-mittee by some hook or crook failed to place the admission tariff on their Invitations. The price is, as usual, 50 cents. C. M. Cotter man, chief clerk R. 11 P. O. at Ogden, was In the city Wednesday Wed-nesday on post office bulness,relating to the new service which begins March 9th. He Is greatly pleased with this new order, as It is one of the great necessities. Life will acquire new zest, and cheerfulness return, if you will Impel your liver and kidneys to the proper performance of their functions. Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver and Kidney Palm will stimulate them to healthful health-ful action. Price $1.00 per bottle. An organization of the Springville Post Minute Men of the Black Hawk War Is as follows: T. L. Mendenhall, chairman: II. M. Dougall, secretary; C. N. Sanford, chaplain; Jas. E. Hall, treasurer; B. T. Hlanehard, Thos. Dalliu, E. P. Bi'luton, executive committee. com-mittee. . i Mvron Crandall has ret.urnprt from a visit to the Leadvlllo Ice Palace. lie is delighted with his trip atid most enthusiastic over the enterprise of tb citizens of Leadville. While there Myron took a spin around among Mr. Romance's customers at Leadville, Aspen, Moutrose, Glen wood Springs and Grand Junction and other cities of Colorado. The little daughter of Mr. Fred Webber, Holland, Mass., had a very liad cold and cough which he had not been ablo to cure with any thing. I gave him a 25 cent bottle of Chamber-i Chamber-i Iain's Cough Remedy, says W. P. llol-leu, llol-leu, merchant and postmaster at WestUrlmfleld.and the next time I saw him he said it worked like a charm. This remedy Is Intended especially for acute throat and lung diseases such us colds, croup and wooping cough, and Is famous for Its cures. There Is no danger in giving It to children for Jt contains nothing Injurious. For sale by Meaeray St Co. . Mr. I. N. Whltaker, the assignee for Jas. P. Olsen creamery Informed The Independent that In looking over the business he was surprised at the ifreat amount of business transacted during the 21 months of Olsen's management man-agement there were 2,535 checks issued is-sued representing $8,089.09 or about $700 per month besides many odd dollar dol-lar paid out In other ways, all of which was paid out for milk, rent.etc. and shows conclusively that were the collection end of the business handled properly their would be money Tor some one and an Institution of public benefit. Mr. Whltaker enthusiastically enthusiastic-ally declares It a twin brother to a sugar factory as a public bef actor but suggests everybody should nay their bills, then the concern could have lived. Awarded Hijhest Honors-World's Fair, MOST PERFECT MADE. A purt Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fre bom Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant. " 40 VEAU Ilig STAKDASvD. BAM .NMHEB Over Thirty Years Without Sickness. Mr, H. Wettstei jr, a well-known, enterprising citizen of Byron, 111., writes: "Before 1 paid much attention atten-tion to regulating the bowels, I hardly knew a well day; but since I learned the evil re-suits re-suits of constipation, and the efficacy of AVER'S Pills, I have not had '-:r not one auacn that did not readily yield to this remedy. My wife had been, previous previ-ous to our marriage, an invalid for years. She had a prejudice against cathartics, but na coon as she began to use Ayer's Pills her health was restored." Cathartic Pills Kedal and Diploma at World's Fair. To Restore Strength, take Ajfer't SartaparllL Oh, what lovely weather. The Lehl M. I. A. are preparing for a fair similar in arrangement to one iven here last fall. Why go from home to buy furniture when you can do better at at Molcn, Reynolds St Co.'s? A number of our society ladles give a leap year ball this evening in honor of Martha Washington a good time will, of course, be had. The play "Clouds" by Fred Marsden which will be produced hereon Washington's Wash-ington's Birthday, was for many years one of the most popular plays .on the road in Eastern circuits. As the name Indicates, Hall's Vegetable Veg-etable Sicilian Hair Ilenewer is a rc-newer rc-newer of the hair, Including its growth, health, youthful color, and beauty. It will please you. A movement is said to he on foot to condense the four wards of Springville Spring-ville Into two the : first and second to be the first and third and fourth to be the second. Speculation is rife as to who will he selected as presid ing authorities. A special priesthood meeting Is called -for Sunday March 1, Immediately aftei the general services ser-vices to consider the proposed change. It seemed a hard matter to get any kind of a libel law through the Senate. Sen-ate. The bill that passed the upper tiody was not much of an improvement improve-ment on the present statute, for It still gives no right to correct a legitimate legit-imate mistake. The lower house could do itself lasting credit by so amending the bill as to give newspaper news-paper 11111 about what they ask for. Enquirer. Postmaster Thorn has been laid up a few days this week and unable to sort the letters. While pruning raspberry rasp-berry briars, Tuesday, ho made an error In calculating distances and jabbed the tide of his right knee with a knife. The Injured knee is much swollen and very painful. Ed Hay-mond Hay-mond sells stamps and transacts the other business of the letter store in the meantime. When the urine shows sign of disorder, dis-order, such as scanty or suppressed flow, unusual dark color, frequent calls, or It the amount passed is large and of very light color It Indicates trouhlo In the kidneys. Diseases In these organs aro dangerous, hence the importance of prompt meastues to stt p the trouble. Ir. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm cxvrcises a healing and s.nulating Influence over the kidneys and urinary organs and will cause an early restoration to normal conditions. Prlco $1.00 per bottle. Another water meeting was held last Monday afternoon, which atone time bid fair to ho another "hot water'1 affair, but by a careful manipulation manip-ulation of affairs by the conservative element the warmth was averted. The meeting was called for the par-pose par-pose oT electing or nominat ing a deputy dep-uty watertuast'-r for Districts 1, 2 and 8. comprising the East bench and Intermediate In-termediate country. The matter of appointing a special watcrmaster from to look after town Interests was discussed, but no action taken. Tho Idea, however, was conceived ant! some think it will he done soon, for It is said those using the water in the upper localities are not as careful as they would bo if the appointee were an interested individual. This was the kind of talk that very nearly precipitated a ruction. The only uames presented for the position were Sam'l Bulkley and Edwin Lee, tho former getting the plum on the first ballot, which wti afterwards made ' unanimous. The tccetlug was pretty. mm Spring weather. Weaie here to kliy-Mjlcn, Reynold Rey-nold ft Co. 1 W "II Ii i : -L:, , i' -''1,'. A iltlu.h . i ue 1 1 j : . 1 1 j li K'liil.; ,f An .hony filth- f, r will be pleased to learn that he is again able to be out. G down to Groesbeck's old meadow on Washington's birthday and see the Springville invincibles do up the Provo heavies. Game at 3 p.m. Either Brother Howard cf the Sa-lina Sa-lina Press, Is mad and wont play any more, or some conscience-less galoot swipes The Independent's copy of that much valued paper. Bro. Howard, which is It? . By the courtesy of D. C. Johnson, Jr., The Independent Is in receipt of anjuvitation to attend the Hunger-ford Hunger-ford Academy Debating Society at fieir program of exercises for Washington's Wash-ington's Birthday, tonight. On Saturday, the 22nd, the Springville Spring-ville Football team will play a match g. tine with the Provo team. It will be a hard jrarne and all should see it. The game will be played in the old Groeribeck meadow across the road from Coffman's at 3 o'clock p. m. ''Bacteria do not occur In the blood or in the tissues of a healthy living boly, either of man or the lower animals." ani-mals." So says the celebrated Dr. Koch. Other doctors say. that the best medicine to render the blood perfectly per-fectly pure and healthy Is Ayer'a Sar-saparilla. Sar-saparilla. The company which will produce Fred Marsden' "Clouds" on Feb. 22, numbers among Its members some of tho leading amateurs of Utah county, notably Mrs. Ida Matson-Evans, Mrs. Lou Matsou-Johnson and Mr. Herman Snow, and under the stage management manage-ment of Archie Grahanie the actors have attained a degree of proficiency seldom reached by amateurs. The constitution that has been broken down or weakened by long standing disorders in the liver and kidneys, Is ill fitted to withstand the encroachments of disease. Such a person per-son takes cold easily, cannot stand fatigue, and in cases of epidemics, is the first to fall a victim. The proper course is to remove the cause of the weakness by treating the liver and kidneys. Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm will reach the seat of trouble and restore the diseased organs to healthy functional activity. Increased nourishment of the bod$.. will follow and the patient will rapidly rap-idly regain health and strength. Price $1.00 per bottle. News has beeu rceeiyed of the re-eent re-eent death of Mrs. Ann Warren, an old resident of Springville who died in Orange county, California, at the good old age of D2 years, 9 months and 8 days. The deceased leaves a num ber of relatives in Springville. She came here in 1852 with the early set tlers remaining until 1859. She was a member of the L. D. S. church and died in the faith even tho' there was no branch of the church in the locality locali-ty of her late resideuce. (Utah papers please note.) A couple of young men rrom Springville, Spring-ville, Wheeler and Hewlett by name, came over together In livery rig yes terday. They went back together in that rig that Is If the horse was able to poll them that far, it was driven most furiously all day here but. near six o'clock it seetued that the fellows couldn't get home before they had broken each other's skulls. The two imbibed a great deal of tangle foot and got separated somehow in the ' after noon. Wheeler staggered around the streets for an hour or so vainly looking tor his lost horse and buggy and when ho ran across it as Hewlettdrove up to the bank corner, Wheeler was very very road. The bystanders were entertained en-tertained with a wordy fight and LEAL NOTICE, Stato of Utah.l'tHh County .mi. tilths Fourth 1 ' rti I vuuri in aim 1111 wwiii uuny III thi Mut'erof th KsttUtot Murittt V. ( riuiltWl,dtvittsi'tl, Order to show eiiuse why order of of runt estiuu should not l) iimde. Mil I ,-u....ll tkn ...lr..lnt.,l-...- ... MllilllJ,. idiiunn.i iiu 1.11'fiiin.ui aivii in nip eMiitvof Mnrtln P. "rsinUU, dtwiiscrt. Iitv-InK Iitv-InK tiled his pet 11 Ion liprelti pniylni; for an order of wile " tho w!mlor the rtul Mtut.n, of Mid decedent, for tho purpose therein set frth: 1. I.. 4 1 -.1 Ku I. Yl.. Juilut' of hIU tourt tluit all person Inter- ... i.. .......... ,i.... ,...i . uu iM-fore'lit1 snld OWtrlet Court, on Saturday thP'Jlst diiy of March IWM, at 10 o'clock In the foiwioon of fcitld day, at tho Court room of said IHxtrtat Court, at tho Court HoiispIh I'rovo City, County of I'tnh : to hIiow chiw why an order should not ho grunted to the Hi Id Milan L.Cran-dull L.Cran-dull to noil w much of the real ostate of th" Haiti Martin l. Crnndull decvaavd, aa SnOIMII IW HWWtwlirj And that a copy of this otdor be publlMied at lensl oiioo a vi'ik for four wcl(H nucom-ivply nucom-ivply in thf S)ilimvllo Independent, a newspnpvr piloted and piibllnhod in ttd L'tali county, Utah. E. A. WILRON. Judza. Dated February tilth. JS08. Mat of IHah laiJ County of Ctah. fPD 1, E. I,. Jonoa, Clerk of the rUtrlet Court In and for l'tali County, 8tat f Utah, herahy certify that tli foreRnlne hi a full and correct ropy of the orlulnal ''Orderto Show ran? why Order of xale of Keal ('.mute should not be made' In theoslateof Martin 1', Crandnll doceitned, aud uow on file and of record re-cord In my otllce. w ltous my nana ann seat or aaia District 3 what naue war being a lialic crup, the big Him calling 1 he little one some of the most vilu names aud the little v'M'. jinsweriiuf back that he "dassn't i i lye them names half way between hen.- : iid Springville." Later the boys t tk .i tiiitik together and all their troubles were forgot ten. Enquirer. The Enquirer, In commenting on The Independent's announcement of the fact that Springville's City Council Coun-cil has two electric light propositions before it, says: "Our neighboring city is just two propositions ahead of Provo, for since Mayor Ilolbrook's generosity censed our streets have been iu darkness, with no proposition to re-light, them. We are hoping the council will do something toward again lighting the streets". Thus it, will be seen that Springville is not the only town calling for light, and her. chances are not of the poorest, either! -OUR Sale M M H ON Feb. 19th, At Our New Store. We offer 200 pairs of Clilto.8 Sloes, They are our best makes in Dongola Kid and Grains. Sizes 8i to 2. They are our regular $1.40, $1.50 and $1.75 grade. They go for this one day at See Window for Goods. -ON - - y, Feb. 19, AT OUR CLOTHING STORE We will sell 10 dozen Men's and Boys' Hats and Caps.- Regular price 75c, 00c and $1.00 each. Go for one day only at BO oont, See Window for St ytas. Yours for Bizz, R. A. BAILEY. Provo, Utah. J. A. REYNOLDS, PROP- . rillCES FOR CASH. Sugar, 10 lbs. .$1.00 Pioneer Tea half pound lb 15 Coffee, Lion or Arhuckles per pkg .25 Sardines per can .05 Oysters per can.. .10 Corn per can 10 Soap 7 bars .25 Fresh bread 3 loaves .10 Oat Fluke 71bs ; 25 Rlce4lhs .25 liaising 5 lbs v25 Closing out at cost HOOTS. SHOES BOYS' CLOTHING and NOTIONS COR. IA1H aii BTO5GT0I STS. Wednesday Men s and Boys Hals weanesda CORNER KERY SnsivcjtaLE, Utah P0I1T PUT OFF Till Tomorrow What you can O TOpAY, This advice applies to the purchase of DRY GOODS; GROCERIES or anything in in the line of GENERA MERCHANDISE butises-so butises-so in the matter of Clotling; Because everything points to a rise In the prlco of clothing and yon can SAVE MONEY by buying now, IF YOU BUY FROM US. If you have ever dealt with us and we think you have you know we have the best goods and that we give you the most for you money, aud if you have not It is time you called and were convinced. You are losing money by dealing elsv. where. We can sell you anything from a box of matches to a stcei range, a modem heater, or a ton of coal and we sell It cheap. Deed Bros, a Mendenhall. R- A.D LL, President. H. L. CTTMMUJGS,0aiiUr H. T. REYNOLDS, Vice-President. Springville Backing Company, SPRINGVILLE, UTAH. 0VElttl Stools. $SO,000. Transacts a general banking business. Exchange bought and sold and dKM its received subject to check. Five per cent interest paid on time deposits, compounding quarterly Money always on hand for short time loans. A. O. SHOOT, Successor to PROYO L. M, & B. CO. Wholesale and Lumber, Doors, Windows, Blinds, Mouldings, . Rustic Sidmg,T and G- Flooring,Shmgles, Lath, Paints and Builders' Hardware, LUMBER SAWED AND DRESSED TO ORDER SCROLL SAWING AND TURNDNO DONE- UTAH VALLEY IRON PAINT. Combination wire and Slat Fence. D. Office and Yard opp. E, R. Depot. Telephone No. 20. P. O. B x 19, PROYO B THE PIONEER Produce Merchant, Pays Cash for Wheat, Oats, Eggs, Poultry, etc., and Respectfully Solicits outside Correspondence Cor-respondence and shipping trade ... Car Load Lots a Specialty. toovq Gity kamber Go., MANUFACTURERS OF' COMBINATION FENCE of Every descriptien, DEALERS IN LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, MOULDINGS, PAINTS, OILS, Hardware, Lime, Plaster, Hair, AND CEMENT AOICXT POH HAt,BS PAINT atldTOI'DRKHSINO "W". J, moss. Manager. Frank N. West WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, All kinds of . JEWELRY REPAIRED, , WATCHES, CLOCKS, Etc., CLEANED and REPAIRED 05 SHORT NOTICE. Springville,. - - Utah. 1 M GroceryCo J. R.BOSHARO, Mgr GREEN AND FANCY GROCERIES FOREIGN and DOMESTIC FRUITS, Ftc. Smith & Wilson Cigar Factory lo rear. WtO,- t UTAH Retail Dealers la R. BEEBE, Mgr. oi))ai)ce JOHN SAXEY, Green ami Fancy . , Produce f and Provision ; Grocer. PIOVO, UTRH. G.MORTENSON TAILOR. Will make the . From- AU work guaranteed. Office at Mrs. Hansen's Shop,' blocks west of tbf evr brldjfa, 'f : |