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Show A U - f4EW STAT EI 0 Silver, 16 t 1 lLSi(xVILLE, U T AH, i FRIDAY, FEB. 21. 1896. VOL. o. InG. 22. PRICE: $&Q0 PER YEAR HIS ra ta 11 Highest of all in Leavening Power.- Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE CITY COUNCIL. Regular Council session Feb. 17th; Mayor U. A. Deal in the chair, all members being present. Communication from city sexton asking that tools be provided for cem-e'ery cem-e'ery work; referred to comtuittee on cemetery. Irrigation committee reported recommending re-commending that Section 7 on irrigation irriga-tion be not repealed, as petitioned for by J. C. Averett, ct al, and T. L. Mendenhall, et all, but that the water be used continuously tho 24 hours, unci that the ditch complained of be divided Into two equal parts when water becomes scaroc. Ueport received re-ceived and recommendations adopted. Committee on petition and claims recommended that the mayor be authorized au-thorized to make a quit claim deed for Wm. Giles upon payment of money sufficient to defray the necessary expenses. ex-penses. On motion the recorder was authorized author-ized to purchase (to the best advantage) advant-age) water tickets for the ensuing year. The road supervisor was Instructed to makfi a waste ditch on the south side of Grant street Committee on streets and sidewalks was authorized to purchase a plow and other necessary tools for the use of the road supervisor. Watermaster and road supervisor .also Instructed to purchase material for flume aud road work, and that they report bills of same at tht end of each quarter. Bill of The Independent of $5.75 for printing was allowed and the amount . pprpr latefl-..,. -, Meeting then adjourned. Cure for Headache- As a remedy for all forms of Head ache Electric Bitters has proved to be the very best. It effects a permanent per-manent cure and the most dreaded hauitual sick headaches yield to its influence. We urge all who are afflicted afflict-ed to procure a bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial. In cases of hal tual constipation Electric Bitters cures by giving the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases long resist the ise of this medicine. Try it once Large bottles only Fifty cents at Dr C. J Peterson's Drug Store. Coal Combine Busted. The coal combine is busted and the Utah company is the cause of the split At a special meeting of the board of education held today the agent of the Grass Creek Coal company offered to supply the schools with coal at $3.50 per ton and to deliver a sample carload car-load at ouce. The board accepted the proposition, thus saving to the taxpayers $1.25 on each ton of coal purchased. It is understood that this rate will general, and at last the public has a prospect of relief from the fangs of the coal octopus. Ogdeu Press. 415 tt 493- Springville beat American Fork at the final match of the series of rifle club shoot, last Tuesday, the score being 415 to 393, thus leading the score by 22 point and carrying off the honors and sweepstakes, having won two matches out of three. Mila Packard won the booby honors by missing the entire target In the sixth round. Of course he wore his honors with becoming dignity as the boys cheered, hurrahed and tacked a sign on the blushing youth. "By Fore of Impulss". The home talent company played to a very fair house on Tuesday evening, the second performance, and certainly presented a very creditable 6ho. The company without doubt Is improving im-proving very noticeably and with some improvement in annunciation; and with a little more force in their tones they will please their patrons in proportion. An audience aud-ience has no patience with a company which permits an applause or a noisy audience to Impair a portion of the if recitation or else have to strain their auricular organs in a frant ic desire to catch the import of a speech. Speak louder, folks. DRAMATIC NOTES. The company goes to Span-Spanish Span-Spanish Fork next Saturday and will undoubtedly score another triumph. Baloon sleeves and plaid waists were the fashion in 1860, according to ' Anastasia". The cast of "By Force of Impulse" was photographed, en ' groupe, by Anderson yesterday. In the second scene where the forest gently floats down it nearly always strikes the miniature feet of the illustrious illus-trious Geo. P. Thompson. C. E. Christiansen of the Illgh School was an Interested spectator, much to the annoyance of some members mem-bers of the company. In one scene, just as the "villlan" was about to tell the leading lady that life without her would be a dreary waste, etc., a large tree in the adjacent forest signified its disapproval disap-proval by falling bodily upon the love-sick individual. It didn't "phaze"him in the least, however;' he rushed blindly on to his fate. Notice to Briok Buyers. I will make good all brick broken or those which prove to be too soft for use, when contract calls for first-class brick. J. W. Fmel. Farmers Attention. . Money loaned on irrigated farms at 10 pexink6erajm.riMvM:-p - ply personally to bamuel Cornaby SpaHish Fork, Utah. LOCAL MENTION. . Wanted: A good milch cow. See Mrs. M. A. Hansen. t30 Come one. come all; you will be treated right at Molen, Reynolds & Co. Roll a T. Marshal to k a run up t Salt Lake last week looking after his pension interests. The Second ward M. I. A. arc contemplating con-templating the purchase of an organ for their choral work. M. L. Pratt, the Frovo sewing machine ma-chine rustler, was a genial visitor this week. Of course he gave this paper an ad. Look at it. Found A purse containing money. Owner may have same by calling on A. Staten, proving property and paying pay-ing for this notice. Much of life's misery is due to Indi gestion; for who can be happy with a pain in a stomach? As a corrective and strengthencr of the alimentary organs, Ayer's Fills are invaluable, their use being always attended with marked benefit. The Third ward M. I. A. are preparing pre-paring an entertainment for the ben-eBt ben-eBt of their joint associations. I). P. Felt is given the management, with Mrs. J. B. Whitehead and Isabella Curtis as assistants aud Miss Sophia Packard as accompanist. A play will be given with an olio and the affair will close with an operetta by child ren entitled, "Grandpa's Birthday." Out ok weakness comes strength when the blood has been purified, e.i rlchcd and vitilized, the appetite restored and tho system built up by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Hood's Pills euro nausea, sick headache, Indigestion, biliousness. All druggists, 25c. The Springville Post and Minute Men of the Black Hawk war are preparing pre-paring for a grand reunion in the Reynolds hall on the 4th of March. The affair is under the management of Geo. McKenzie, A. L. Ilaymond, Thos. Dallln and Sam'l Bulkley. Another An-other good time is In store for the lucky Invitees. Bp. L. Whiting or Maplo too died on Wednesday morning at 6 o'clock of pneumonia. The bishop has been ill for some time part but hopes for his recovery were entertained until the very last and bis death has caused a gloom to pervade Mapleton and n. fact the whole of the city of Spring ville as he was a man who had t h 1 1 1 ve and esteem of all with whom h became acquainted He learcs i family of two wives and fifteen children chil-dren besides many other relatives. Tho funeral services were had at tin-Mapleton tin-Mapleton Meeting house at 1 o'clock today, Friday, at which a large concourse con-course of relatives and frieuds assembled assem-bled to pay their respects to the deceased. de-ceased. Articles of incorporation of the Zion's Medical Institute have been filed at the county clerk's office In Salt Lake, the object of which is to establish a medical institute in the Harmon block. G W. Shores, M. D., N. D. Estes, M. D., Phil A. Turner, James WI Reger and M. E. Kaign are the incorporators, who also are Instituted Insti-tuted the board of directors, with Dr. Shores as president and treasurer. This Institute is well knowB In Utah as all t he gentlemen interested are registered physicians whose practice wherever they have established themselves them-selves has been above reproach. Dr. Shores is particularly well known, having friends in legion. It will be good news to our musical readers to know tnat the great and mucb-talked-of Sousa's Grand Concert band is soon to be heard here in concert. con-cert. There is hardly a question as to the superiority of this organization, and It is in great demand everywhere. From a Spanish father Mr. Sousa inherits in-herits a Spanish terseness of rytbm. and from bis mother, a German mysticism mys-ticism and delicate sentiment, while bis Washington birth and life, in spite of his name, give him an American appreciation of the rights of the peo ple. He has made his really superior band popular with all classes by playing play-ing classic music as it was never before be-fore treated by a band, and by giving with this same elevated style also the simplest airs superbly set, and many of his own justly famous marches, which are now played by all bands and most pianists all over America 'apnfl rBijrojrerfAt': Ftp" v o ta'der bade, evening of March 7th"1 A Not About GlanU. Little Dick Tell us about the ffiaala, Mr. Do Talk. Guest I don't know much about giants, my boy. Little Dick That's queer. Papa said he heard you tellin' Sis some tall stories. Gooa News. Paid for When Uied. Poet (timidly) Do you pay anything tor poetry? Editor (encouragingly) Oh," yes, when we use it. Toet (confidently) Do you use any? Editor (calmly) No. Texas Sifting. Willing to Oblige. Jones (on his knees) Oh, Maria, be considerate and put me out of my misery mis-ery at once. Maria I will, Mr. Jones: you stay there till 1 get the shotgun. . Exit Jones through the window. Texas Sittings. James Caffrey NOTARY PUBLIC. For Sale. 50 lbs. Liverpool Salt, 20 Crock Jars. 5 Gallons of Rennet. and other material for MAKING- CHEESE. Apply to Isaac N, Whjker. Springvlle. To oil your Harness, Buggy Tops, Boots and Shoes with the Waterproof Oil Blacking it will not come off on your hands nor make your Harness gummy and sticky hut gives It a glossy glos-sy and new appearance. JAMES TAYLOR, JR. Sole Agents for Utah Co. J Bucklin'f Amies Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and postively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed guar-anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Dr. C. J . Peterson. i SOUSA'S BAJlDGOflGEHT FROVO SATURDAY, EYENIM MARCH 7TH Aided by the Full Tabernacle Chior and the Springville Choir. Tl s eminent Soprano, MISS MYBTA tTvENCII, and the Kenawned Lady Violinist. MISS CABBIE DUKE, will appear. Popular Prices. JONH PHILP 'SOUSA, Director. n. E. GILES, Conductor of choruses. P.. P.. 1R.VINE, Business Manager. AT- CITY HALL Utah County Favorites Saturday, Feb. 22. Popular Prices AT THE limb Tabernacle Don't forget to call ON H. T. Reynolds & Co., and see about that new range. THE WESTERN STOVE CO Make the best and .Reynolds & Co. have Stoves and Ranges Immense Winter Sale. at 5m 5m Joijes Co. 100 bolts heavy shirting worth 12 now 50 bolts twilled " 15 Oil clothes best quality 20 bolts Geunea flannel best quality worth 20 now - - Heavy black raw hide shirting worth 15 One thousand yards ribbon at All our kid gloves at cost Canton flannel worth Light Sateens worth All our kid 15 bolts fleece lined flanneletts worth 15 Boys waists all at cost, commencing at 15 and upwards to 75 cents. This Sale is to make room for our immense !qSpriii the-, biggest line ever brought to Provo. Come Over and Secure these Grand Winter Bargains S. S. Jones Company PROVO, UTAH. This Space is Reserved M- PRATT, All Kinds of Sewing Machines. E. J. Ward & Sons, Wholesale and Iiamber and Building JUatefial, We also keep In Stock a full line of ZlI3Z-SL30Ii3F3IIXl.ei' ST7PFZiZ32S. Consisting of Sections, Frames, 5 Hives, etc. etc TelNo. 32. Povo, Utah. Jra I Kenwarfl, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Boom 2 over Hines drug store Pbovo Citt, Utah New Process Rubber Repairing -BV- J. POULSOU, Shoemaker, Bc6t quality of work at living I prices. 5 10 18 10 11 5 10 12 8 15 now 15 44 gloves at cost. B,eta!l Dealer in E. WEBB, The Butcher, Dealer In All kinds of Fat Calves Wanted. erKiy-G ville, utah. 9 |