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Show DOCTOR G.W. SHORES' COMPLETE ATARRH URE. ROTH LOCAL AND IXTr.tiJt'AL. The only remedy guaranteed to absolutely cure catarrh and ci mpl.le'y rradicute the disease li oia the Mood and S Um FULL SIZE, $1.00; TRIAL SIZE, 25c. Ea full size package ci mains o-.'.t full mnnlli's local treatment, uiie lull month's sufrly of Catarrh I hk baiiii atw one full mi.nlh's supply of Catarrn. LIcmki arid Siunia.h Pills. V vou hav anv nf th following svmpf'tms, Dr 0. Yf. Scores' f!--tinp''p C t;trrh Cure w II rive you in vn1 rPe inj coinrlr-'c'v and permanently cure you lc the nos stnpriM u ? fW-s vuur nose .lis-litr? 1 ifie nose nre and If nd-r? 1- thr.ratn In fivn' of heni? P i v i 'nwU to cte r 'he ihr'? f 't' -hroal drv in the mnnrnj? f' i ..iu sleep wf'h vour mouth opc-n? 1- .our hearin? fl!.n ? K' vou" e rs d ch)-rjei' k the ax drv in vour earr I 'u you hear better snme days than others? It your hearing wrse when you have a ctrldV fir 1. VV. SliTrj' CouL'h Cure cures all coughs. vUs and tTonrh' I affrcilonj. One dose will stop s-nswuliccr up Keep a b ttle in the house l.arjre sire bottles 25c I you have th-sr symptom use II s d rected on the b--t'le and It will cut you. Have vou a eolith? Du you take ro'd el'v? Have vou a rain in the side? Ooyou raie frothv n.attral? I'o vou cnuh in the iro nings? Do vou spit up little chetsy lumps? Or. 0. Shores' T. nicand Blood Puilfier clean-Ms clean-Ms and purifis the b ood. gives strtngih and viiror, cures dvspepS'a and all nervous diseases. Price, II per bottle. It ieimaiiei.ll' cures the folio ins symptotDs: - there nausea? I) you bckli up g:s? Are you c. nstipjtci? 1 - you; tongue coated? you bloat up after eating? Do vou feel you are gruwin,; weaker? Is there constant baJ taste in the ru .nth? Dr. 0. W. Slures' Rldnry and Liver Cure cures all i seasis of the kidneys, liver aud bladder, Price. $1 psr b.tile. Uj you get d'zo? Hjve vu coli itetr Do you feel miserable? I'o you get t.red easily? Do you have hot flashes? Are your spirit low at times? - iij uu Inveru'iiblingin buwtls? I) your hands and tret swell? 1 I'j-.s noticed more at night? . Is the e pa n in sinail ot back? Has the perspiration a bad odor? Is 'here puftttiesa under the eyes? Dj you have ti get up often at night? Is there a d-?r kit in urine if left s anding? iJjn't neglecr Iliese signs and risk Bright s disease killing you. D b-or.s' Kidney and nvr cure will cure y. u il us.d as fiirected on the eoitie. Dr. fl W. 5hi.es' Mountain ftege Oil stops the worst pain In one minute; r-or headache, toothache, neuralgia, cramps or Colic use It externally and internally in-ternally Prevents and cures diphtheria if used in lime Ksep a bottle hinJy. Price, Sc a bottle. Dr. 0. W. Shares' Pepsin Vermifuge destrovi Intestinal worms and remove the Mile round nest where they hatch and breed. It never fails. Price a botte. Dr. U W Shores' Wlnterereen Salve cures all diseases of the skin. Kent ives red spots and black pimples from the fc.ee. Heals old sores In 3 to 5 days. Price, 2i a box. Dr a W Shires' Antl-Conjtlputloii Pills cure chr m'c constipation, sick headache and bilious eitacks. Price, 2ic a bottle. In all cues. If the bowe's are constipated take nne of Ir. G.W. Shores' Anti-Constipation P.llsat bedtime. I. voiir trouble is chronic and deep-sealed, write Dr. it. W. Sh i es prsonnlly for Irs new symptom list and aave your case diagnosed and get his expert advice ad-vice free. These famous remedies are prepared only bv Doctor Doc-tor G W Shores, Zion's Medial Institute, Salt Lake C ly. Utah. For sale by a'l Druggists, or sent to any address oa rer 'M of price. - For sale by Dr. Springville, Utah. 0 J Petersom T. Ghild & Son, DEALERS IX MONDMENTSjl'HEADSTONES ETC. General Stone Cutting Neatly and Promptly Executed. SPRINGVILLE, - - UTAH. TIME TABLE rJB SPR1HGYILLB, UTAH. OOINQ WEST, No. 1, Pacific mull Lv .10:45 a. m to salt Lake Oirdoti and the coatt. ho.i, Passengcr.toOgden Lv. 3:45 p. ni No. ft. PuKsiiigr Lv. 6:H0 p. ni xto, z, Leave n:ia a. m. (mixed) dully except Sunday. Eureka and all Xlntic points. No. 8. Pacific limited Lv. 10:04 p. m to cult Lake, ugden and the coabt. No. T, Leave 8:25 a. m,, Salt Lako City. GOING BAST. No. 2. Atlantic Express Lv. 0:36 a. ui to Clear Creek, 1. V . June, Castle Gate, no. o, I'UKS. ana mail lv. 3:o.ip . ni From Ofcdr-n to all San Pete points DO. f, L hlriiffo limited IjV. 9:00 p. in V. a OODtiK, g. U BABCOCK, General Manager. Traffic Manager F. A.WADLEIGH, Gen' Passenger Ag Secure This Course - To advertise our College, we will give a thorough course of Instruction In Double and Single Entry Bookkeeping Book-keeping and Commercial Arithmetic, by mail, at ONE-FOURTH REGULAR PRICE to a limited number of persons. This course will be completed In 40 lessons. les-sons. No charge for diplomas. ADDRtS Capital City Commercial Collie, 116 West Sixth Street, TOPEKA, KANSAS. c -j ,CSALT LAKET A RARE CHANCE. One-half intorost in a choke 17 acre fruit ranch on Provo Kench. Will give time, or trade lor Springville property. Cheap for cash. Enquire gf- John Mexehat. 16-tf COAL. Leave your orders with H. T. Rey nolds & Co., for the celebrated Rock Springs coal, the very best in the market. Prompt delivery to any part of the city by II. T. Reynolds & Co. KEVT SHEET MUSIC The Independent has a nice selec tion ot the newest sheet music, con sisting fif songs, duetts, quartettes, tc, all of w'.itoli Is copyrighted and the best out. Dr. HOLDAWAY DENTIST. . . EOCM 5, BANK BUILDING, . . Are prepared to do all kinds of painless Dentistry, Including the lat est Crown and Bridge Work. Treatment of Oral Diseases a Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed BROWN & WOOD, Tonsorial Artists. WecutHulrin the Latest Style and Shave without pain or chloroform. Ladles' and Children')! hair cutting. Poinpa duurs a specialty Give Us a Call under lb: Baal. Springville. : : : Utah Agents Tray Steam Laundry, Provo. All orders should be In Tuesday. Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment Is uneoualled for Eczema, Tetter, Salt- Eheum, Scald Head. Sore Nipples, Chapped Handsj Itching Piles, Burns, Frost Itites, Chrome Sore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids. For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. TO HOESE OWNERS. For outtin? a horse in a fine healthy con dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders. Thev tone up the svstem, aid digestion, cure loss oi appeuie, relieve consupauon, correct kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25 cents per package. For sale by druggists. Meneray & Co- CITY DRUG STORE, SPRINGVILLE, UTAH. DENVER mo ghajidc RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD The only line running Tcuo Fast Trains Daiy to LEADVILLE AsrEN, PUEBLO Cplorado Springs And Denver Effective April 29th, 1894. Train No. 2 leaves Ogden 7.00 a: m Salt Lake 8.05 a. m. Arrive at Pueblo 6:18 a.m. Colorado Springs 7:51 a. m Denver 10:30 a. m. Train jno. 4 leaves Ogden 6:35 p. m. Salt Lake 7:40 p. m. Sp'ville 9:00 p.m. Arrive Colorado Springs 6:53 p. m. Denver 9:25 p. m. Connections made at Pueblo, Colorado Colo-rado Springs and Denver with all lines East. Elegtnt day coaches chair ears and Pullman sleepers crt all trains. Take the D & U. G. and have a comfortable trip and enjoy the fin est scenerv on tne continent. Shortest line to Cripple Ci cek, the great uomracio uoiu uamp. Train JSo 2, leaving Springville, at 9: 36, a. m, arrives at Cripple neit morning at 9: 50. A. R. Hughes, Traf. Mgr S. K. Hooper, G.P. & T. A. Denver, Colorado. B. F. Nevins, Gent Ag't. H.M. Cushing, T. P. A. SaRLake City, Utah. BRICK I am prepared to fur nish BRICK or ADO-BIES, ADO-BIES, in any quantity at bed rock prices. At the old Cook & Friel yard, south of Spring ville. For terms apply to J. V. FRIEL. JOTTINGS. Trof. N. L. Nelson and R. S. Davis of the B. Y. A. lect ured last Sunday evening under the auspices of the M. I. A. Miss Miranda Fuller is sporting an engagement ring on both hands. Of course, its Leap Year. Prof. J. II. Brlmhall of the B. Y. A. delivered a most Interesting and entertaining en-tertaining lecture before the Students Literary society last week on the subject sub-ject of "Abraham Lincoln". When the children have ear ache warm a few drops of Dr. J. II. McLean's Mc-Lean's Volcanic Oil Liniment on a twispoon and drop it into the ear, the effect will be magical. It stops the pain instantly. 11.00 ner bottle. Price 25c. 50c aid Prof. II. E. Giles came over last Sunday eveniug to drill the choir for theo choruses for Sousa's concert at Provo on Saturday, Mar. 7th. Last Sunday evening the boys took 1 he north gallery and- the girls took the south gallery, and each .-had a monopoly. Can't this be broken? Why is it we have so many young men and boys loafing on the street corner? Oh boys, if you have no work to do Join the M. I. A. and get a book from the library and study. Learn something, anyway. Ouj people -are growing more and more in the habit of looking to .Men- fray &. Co. for the latests and best of everything in the drug line. They sell Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, famous for Its cures of bad colds croup and whooping cough. When in need of such a medicine give this remedy a trial and you will be more than pleased with the result. "Clouds", under the management of Archie Grahame, was played to a $75 house in Spanish Fork laut Saturday Satur-day and gave more than satisfaction. Archie Graham plays one of the most difficult doubles known to the stage in this piece. The Proper Time When the most benefit is to be de i ived from a good medicine, is early in the year. This Is the season when the tired body, weakened organs and nervous system yearn for a building-up building-up medicine like Hood's Sarsaparilla Many wait for the open spring weath er and, In fact delay giving attention to their physical condition so long that a long seige of sickness Is inevit able. To rid the system of the Impurities Im-purities accumulated during the win ter season, to purify the blood and to lnigorate the whole system, there is nothing equal to Hood's Sarsaparilla. Don't put it off, but take Hood's Sar saparilla now. It will do you good Read the testimonials published In behalf of Hood's Sarsaparilla. all from reliable, grateful people. They tell the story. No Boom Tor Doubt- When the facts are before you, you must be convinced. The facts are that the Union Paci ni is leading all competitors, Is the acknowledged dining car route, and great thrugh car line of the west. The line via DcnveJ and Kansas City toChicago in connection with the Chicago & Altcn Railroad, with Its excellent equipment of Free Reclin ing Chair Cars, Pullman Palace-Sleepers and Pullman Diners, demands the attention o; every traveler to the east Ask your nearest agent for tickets via this route. E. L. LOMAX, Gen. Pass, and Tkt. Agt. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder A Pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Abstracts of Title made to any City lots or farm lands In Utah county by Havcrcamp & Co., Proo. Leave orders with James Caffrey. Kotiossf Salt of Real Estat. Notice Ik hereby plvon, that in nnrsiianre of un order of the I'robute Court of Utith Co. Stilt of i; tali, made on the Mill day of Ihic. A.I), iwfi. In the mutter of the estate of Martha Mar-tha Fuller. drcfiiHfd: the umlerHizned. the administratrix of the said estate, will m il at puhllc hiiIo, to the hl"heKt bidder, for cash, and Nubjoot to confirmation by mild I'robute Court, on Saturday the l;Uh day of February A D. lHift, at 2 o'clock p. in., at the front door of city nail in fprtncville in nald Utah coun ty, Mate of I'tali. all right, title, and Intercut und estate of Naid Martha Fuller, at the time of her death, and all rlKht, title, and Interest that the eHtat has, by- ojeratlon of law, or otherwise acquired, other than or in auuition to tnat of the said Martha 1-tiller, deceased, at tha time or noraeat n, in and to a 1 of that cer tain lot. piece, or parcel of land, altuate, ly-lug ly-lug and belnit in Naid Fta county, and de-wrllwd de-wrllwd an follown: To wit Beirlnninu 1.70 chains eaxt and 4 feet and 8 Inches mmtn of the y corner or lot X In ectl(n 4 towiiHhip 8 8.K. 3 K. of Halt Lake meridian; thence south 2 00 chains; thence eimt J .70 chain-, thence N vWiiiliiutPs E 2.00 chains: thence west 1.70 chains Area thirthv-three one-hundredth" acres; provided exlht- inx ri?nt or way ror travel over east side of sal J land Is reserved. Also hcirlnnlniM.tttciialnK N Wdcjr. Kmln. E and 8.78 chains N three-fourths dvg. F. of the H W comer of N F.'i wct'on ) Township 7 8. E. 8 K of Halt Lako mcrldlaa: thenco N three-fourth three-fourth dec K 6.00 chains: Thence 8 Wdeg K in.iO chains; thence south three-fourths dee. W 500 chains; tbenco N 8U dcg. West 10.00 chains; area Sv acres. OVANDA ClIAKOAU. Administratrix of tho estate ot Martha Fuller, deceased l'td thin l7Hjly ot.Tmtrj. A..D. ttt a -rrn TTTVTmTT I SHAVE, Just a moment ALBERT ulways has a rush, but he docs his work so quickly and so well thut It is a pleasure to be shaved by hlru," "HERE'S HIS PLACE, NEXT TO T. O. L. E. Pederson, THEISM MHEE. Next Door to Harrison Hotel. SPRINGVILLE, UTAH. S. K. Thurmau. K. A. Wedgwood Thurman & Wedgwood, Attorneys-at-Law. Pfo vo City, Utnli, jyR. F. DUNN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, All Calls Promptly Attended Day or Sijlit.-:- Surgeon R. O. W. R. R. Office and Residence Resi-dence wit a J. V. Bi'lnjhurst. Telephone connections. . A.. WILSON, Attorney at-Law. Bprfngville City Attorney. Office: Iluoius 5 and 7 1st Nat. Bank, Provo. Utah. Contractor and Builder. ESTIMATES MADE WITH OR WITHOUT SUPPLIES. BnilH&sRepairei on Short Notice. SPRINGVILLE. - - UTAH CONTRACTORS ATTENTION! For whitewashing or plastering. For masons or bricklayers. THOMAS BOARDMAN. TiTTVTn HTJTLisnurL Between Springville and Provo. Contracts filled promptly from bushel to 10.000 busneis. G. E. ANDERSON, PORTRAIT AND LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHER. Dealer in B'RAMES, PICTURE FITTINGS and GLASS in all sizes, Tictures copied and enlarged by home artists Pictures of family croups, residences, stock or any sub jects taken on the spot. Keep your Money at Home. SPRINGVILLE, UTAH 1(1 THESE DIM times.whe" mi hav'nt money to buy new Spring Wagons or Buggies, bring your old ones to CARTERS, and have them made as good as new; and there by pationize Home Industry. 35 P. E. HOUTZ, SHADING AKD SIGJ-3V WlUTEn ramily Recordi a Specialty. ANDREW BERKLEY ime ARTIST SPRINGV1LLK, TJTAH We Are Not Going Out of he Clothing Business. OURS IS ALL BRIGHT, NICE NEW STOCK TO SELECT FROM, 100 pairs of all wool pantsto be" sold' during the next 10 at $2.00 per pair. 200 Clay Worsted Suit, Finest in the Land. Overcoats for Everbody, at $3 each. f). SINGLETON THE FITTS BROKERAGE CO,, Sole Agents for WALKER'S FAMILY SOAP, Contains no free alkali, will not lujure tho clothing, skin OJ paint Warehouses at SaltLako city, Ogden, Kock springs, Denver, Coin, springs, rueulo, oTriokluu, bauta , Albuquerque,. Al-buquerque,. EI Paso, Tex. Main Office, 1617 Blacke Street, Denver. Branch Office: 125 W. 1st So. St., Salt'Lake City. BARTON SNARR, Local Manager. I J. U RANT, JODZ. 1IKNRT rMITII. rres. ice t ree. J. V. Grant. 8ecy, and TreaB. Directors John llfiiry Smith, Hober J. Grant, J. I' - tirant, li. t, Urant, Nathan Soars. GRANT SOAP CO. OFFICE FACTORY 751 t. 761 S i.o WEST St ManufactuTrsof High GiRde Laundry And Toilet Soaps. SPECIALTIES: BEE HIVE, ELECTRIC and 5c LAUNDRY. Bee Hive Toiket: PINE TAR, PERFECT.FLOATINQ CASTILLE, and COMMERCIAL BAR. J. F. CRANT, Manages. Salt Lake City, : : DTAn. Provo Meat Co. PAYS THE HIGHEST CASH PRIE FOR FAT LITE STOCK 1 Phil. Speckart, Prop. PROVO, - UTAH. WHEN YOU VISIT SALT LAKE GO TO TIIK HOT SPRINGS SANITARIUM SWIMMING POOL. 52 LUeSt, hlpd Saoth St. This water I asur"Ciir for Rheumatism, MInern' Lradlnn, IniliRPation, ( atarrh. I n-atiuatlon. n-atiuatlon. Chronic DlHrrlni-a, Talpltatlon of tho Heart and all Wliiney and norvoiis troubles. Towels and suits wahed by Empire Laundry. Hotel Roberts Strictly First-Class. All convcnicncca for Commercial Trade. L. HOLBROOK, Prop Provo, - - Utah. Shoes Mended! S, P. G. LARSON, THE SHOEMAKER. Try a Mend! Next Door to Wood Mer. Co. D. D. Houtz, . ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, Eldcridge Block Provo. : : : s : Utah. SVAE YOUR TEETH! f Hei U Salt Late City Consult Dr. Ned Hewett DENTIST. He will do better work for less money than any dentist west of Chicago. Chi-cago. Teeth without plates a specialty. special-ty. Don't forget the place. 19 4 20Soott-Anerback Building. 1 r. O, Box 4i. ftiT Lake Cm at $10 per suit. The CLOTHING GO A. SINGLETON, Supt, Park City, Pneatcllo, Butte, Ohevenne. $1800.00 GIVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS. $150.00 trery month given away to any one who ap. pKci tbrough u. for tht most awritorious paleat dunnf UK momn preceding. We seourti the best patents for our cllrata, nd ihe object of this offer u to encourage inventor) M Keep track 01 tneir tnnt ideal. At tne same uau we man to imprest upon the public the fact that IT 'S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, each at the "car-window" which can be earily atid a and down without breaking the patsenger's back. "auce-pan, "conar-Dimon, "nut-ioca, "ootua stopper. and a thousand other little thtnes that moat any one can find a way of improving ; andthe simple inventwni are the once that bring largest returns to the author. Try to think of something to invent. IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. Patents taken out through ui receive special notice ta Ihe " National Recorder, published at WaihingtM, I). C, which is the peat newspaper published in America in the interests of inventors. We furnish a year's tub. schption to this journal, free of cost, to all our clients. We also advertise, free of cost, ihe invention each month which wins our $150 prise, and hundreds of thouaands of copies of the " National Recorder," containing a sketch of the winner, and a deaciiption of his invention, will be scattered throughout the United States among capitslnti and manufacturers, thus bringing to taest attention the merits of the invention. All communications regarded strictly cocftcVuirial. - I INss JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO., Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, 61SP Street, N.W., Box 385. Washington. D. C KBM. A.C. BIRD Livery, Feed AND Sale Stables. SPRINGVILLE, UTAFI BY THE SPRINGVILLE CREAMERY, 70c cash per cwt for all milk going 4 pounds of butter to the cwt. THE MILD POWER CURES Dr. Humphreys' Specifics are scientifically and carefully prepared Remedies, used for nearly half a century by the people with entire success. . iricmc rot 1-FaTPrs, Congestions, Inflammation.. 9-Wsrms, Worm JTsrer, Worm Collo.... ft-TmlBlatl Collo, Crying, Wsksfumssa 4- Dlnrrke. ot Ctalldran or Adults T-Ccngha, Colds, Bronchitis 8-Kcnrmlalas Toothsobs, FtoMeh..M 5- Headacbes)! Sick Bosdscks, Tartlco.. 1 V-DrspeBalst, Btlloasnsss, Constlpstloa. 1 l-8srese or Falnfnl Periods... 1 kites. Too Profuas Periods 13- Croav. Laryaallls. Hoaraeness.... 14- Halt Uheam, Kryslpelas, KrapUona.. 15- Rhoamallsm. Kheumstlo Pslns 16- Ms.larla. Chllla. Psrcr and Ago IB-Catarrh, IiiflueBis, Col ta tha Head. aS-Whoola Caata - Sr-Kldncr llaaaaea sa-Merrana Vebllltr - ao-l'riaary Weakaesa 31-Sara Tbraat, QulnsriSlplitbarla.... "77" for HAY FEVER n,nm w ', "- s i. n- "ir. Plli...Vi4i'.i.(.i.wa.riai.iiiiraas desmans' as, to., 1 1 1 1 11 wiimui st,,lteTa L DON C. PORTER, Mansger. Milk wanted BOTE TEMPLETON SALT LAKE OITY. t TAH, |