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Show THE S?a!N3VILLE INDEPENDENT Issued cTery Friday. I). P. FELT, Editor ami Munnirer. EntMd at tho pwt oflic-e at Pprlngvlllu, Vtah. for transit) issiou through tlio mails tu ioconcl-chuis UIUtU-T. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One year, Six months, Three months. 12.00 1.00 .75 TEI GOVERNOR'S SPECIAL MESSAGE. Governor Wells has Issued a special message to the. Legislature, dealing with the financial conditions of the State. It is a paper that is eminently pertinent to the situation, and one vt the strongest State or Territorial papers ever issued, were it not for a taint of partisanship in iU reference to his "party"', lie says: The party charged with the responsibility respon-sibility of legislation has had committed com-mitted to it a great trust, for the faithful execution of which the people will hold It to the strictest accountability. accounta-bility. If it shall succeed in performing perform-ing its responsible duties honestly, faithfully and economically, and use its power for the geueral good, its tJtness for public trust will be demonstrated dem-onstrated anew, and the people will know where to repose their confidence again. 'Tarty interests, etc.," arc words that should become obsolete in any executive's vocabulary as soon aa be hall take his seat. All people can endorse his recommendation Irrespective Irre-spective of politics, but when they have to be "coated" with partisan Incentives In-centives to a perpetuation of power it immediately nauseates his opponents, besides some of his colleagues and can do no good, for as a matter of fact, a wise executire, with a harmonious corps of officers who do effective and good work will be fully recognized by the people or if not the folltician who stumps for the next campaign will see that not only the governor but all efficient men with their great deeds enlarged on fully without this ante-'blow-your-own-horolsm" that comes with poor grace from the chief executive. , MORE HiTSISDISM. Last week we called attention to an element of hayseedism in Springvllle at our public places of assembly by the alignment of tho sexes. There is till another sign of "countryism"' that is pprtinent to this subject. This is tho abominable practice we have of posting notices around our public buildings, the postoffice being the special prey of these cheap advertisers adver-tisers who can't afford to do their advertising ad-vertising in a legitimate way. So they take a piece of paper and dash off an execrable notice without regard to chirograph?, orthography, or skill of any kind, and up it goes in the post-office, post-office, until now our neat postoffice presents the appearance of the village store of a town of two or three farm houses and not a city ot over 3,000 population. The first impression that strikes a visitor who calls at the poit-offic poit-offic is that we have a decidedly country town. Postmaster Thorn Is too lenient by half. He permits some ono to place a nicely framed card In the postoffice; then along come Tom, Dick and Harry and daub his neat little office bo that it looks like an old drunk in the throes of delirium tremens. Why don't some of these cheap advertisers daub up the Bank or Deal's or Reynolds's Rey-nolds's store? Because there is a law against it. So there Is in the post-office post-office laws, and its only because Mr. Thorn Is lenient that he is impos d on. Salt Lake, Ogden and Pro to offices are not afflicted with such things and Springvllle comes in tho fourth city in importance in Utah. Why should we be Imposed on by this class of impecunious advertisers? That our Western papers grasp "silver straws' too eagerly Is again shown by the recent fiasco. This sop is thrown to us Just to stave off the great revolution that is bound to come ooner or later and the more often our papers grasp these "silver straws" or so-called hopes of any silver legislation a th7 are thrown to tw, Hi longer will definite act ion be deferred and the greater the severity of the revolution. We of the West may as well realize now as at any time, that the East will not give us silver until they are forced to. We may divide on any other theme but let us staud firm on this point. Newspapers oujfhtnot to advertise those crumbs of hope as they are thrown at us from those Eastern politicians who are so thoroughly tinctured witn goldocracy and shrewd tactics. They only retard the good work by inspiring hope when there is none they are all will-o-the-wisps. Thk Tribune says: "If there are any old soldiers here who draw pensions, pen-sions, they must be careful to send double postage on their vouchers, or their letters will go to the Dead Letter office. It has been the custom of the pension 'agent to pay it, but recently orders have been Issued that the Government will not rc-imburse officials who pay such postage. Pensioners Pen-sioners should remember that It takes four cents to pay the postage on a pension voucher." By the new process of photography, xography or Dr. Eeentgrn's new method, one can sue the bones in ones body, and this opens up another unlimited un-limited field In science even greater than that of electricity, this being an active agency In its execution. Tdk Utah delegation at Washington, Washing-ton, Senators Cannon and Brown and Representative Allen, have our sincere sin-cere thanks for the current numbers of the Congressional Record. So Dr. Nansen has found the North Pole wonder If he caught any fish with it? Kent bat Aysr i st tk World's Fsir. Ayer's Sarsaparilla enjoys the extraordinary extra-ordinary distinction of having been the only blood purifier allowed an exhibit ex-hibit at the World's fair, Chicago. Manufacturers of other sarsaparillas sought by every means to obtain a showing of their goods, but they were all turned away . under the-appHca-tion of the rule forbidding the entry of patent medicines and nostrums. The decision of the World's fair au thoritles in favor of Ayer's Sarsaparilla Sarsapar-illa was in effect as follows: "Ayer's Sarsaparilla is not a patent medicine. It does not belong to the list of nostrums. nos-trums. It is here ou Its merits." Ciltivstiag Orohsrdi. Cultivate In such a manner that the land willl be uniform fine tilth. Every good farmer knows that the value of his crop depends more upon the tilth of the soil than upon the richness of it. Fertility Is largely locked up In poorly tilled lands. Orchards which are ploughed late In spring are usual ly in bad condition all the season, es pecially if the soil Is clay. Fall ploughing plough-ing upon stiff and bare lands is apt to result in the puddling of the soil by rain and snow; if there is sod on the land, this injury is less likely to fol low. In general, It is best to let orchard or-chard lands pass the winter under a catch crop. L. H. Bailey. Thrtw Away His Osbm- Mr. D. Wiley, ex-postmaster, Black Creek N. Y., was so badly atfl.cted with rheumatism that he was only able to hobble around with canes.and even then it caused him great pain. After using Chamberlain's Pain Balm he was so much improved that he threw away his canes. He says this liniment did him more good than all other medicines and treatment put together. For sale at 50 cents per bottle by Meneray & Co. BACKAU1L ife Try it, and you will agree with the thousands who say it is the " PEERLESS REMEDY " for curing ailments of the Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, Female troubles, Rheumatism and Bright's Disease. For sale everywhere at $i.oo per bottle. TMC DR. J. H. MCLEAN MEDICINE CO., ST. LOUIS, MO. 11. T. A. H0T33. Editor Independent: The late concert given by the choir was a success. They are now practicing prac-ticing for an opera. Elder Geo. Reynolds's lectures on the "Divinity of the Hook of Mormon" are interesting and instructive. A Sunday School la held in the Academy. It is said tube a model. There are no reasons why it should not be. One of the Twelve Apostles will visit vis-it the Academy weekly. This will enable en-able the students to receive much good instruction. The lecture calendar of the Polysoph-ical Polysoph-ical Society includes lectures by the loading educational thinkers of the West. Hon. B. H. Roberts will deliyer a lecture In the Academy, Friday, Feb. 21. His subject is "The Morning of Our Civilatlon." Meetings are held'Sunday evenings in tho Academy. Some of the leading students arc culled upon to deliver addresses. ad-dresses. This is no doubt 'a forerunner forerun-ner of a mission, z The attendance at the B. A. is about nine hundred. There are representatives rep-resentatives here from nearly all the cities and towns In Utah, and also some from other Western States and Territories. Springville has a repre. sentation of 20. This speaks well for Springville, but the showing ouuht to be better. There are about seventy-five seventy-five students attending the Commercial Commer-cial College of the Academy. One of the best business courses in the West is offered here. W. W. Harrison. The Discover Saved his Life. Mr. G Cailouette, Druggist, Beavers Beav-ers ville, 111., says: "To Dr. King's New Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with La Grippe and tried all the physicians for miles about, buttjf no avail and was given up and told I could not live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in my store I sent for a bottle and began its use and from the first dose began to get better, and after using three bottles was up and about again. It is worth its weight in gold. We won't keep store or house without It." Get a free trial at Dr. C. J. Peterson's Drug Store. i THE HEW YORK LEDGER. America's Greatest Story Paper. Always publishes the best and most interesting short stories, serial 6tories and special articles that can be procured, pro-cured, regardless of expense. The latest fashion notes and patterns can be found every week on tho Woman's World Page. There is always something some-thing In the New York Ledger that will interest every member of the family. 20 pages Price, 5 cents. For sale In this town by Robert Stevenson. Steven-son. Unequaled Service-Denver Service-Denver to Chicago via Kansas City is given via the Union Pacieic and Chicago and Alton Railways. Through Pullman Sleepers, Pullman Pull-man Dining Cars and Free Reeling Chair Cars leave Denver daily. The Union Pacific is the great through car lino of the west. Ask your nearest ticket agent for tickets via this line. E. L. LOMAX, Gen. Pass. andTkt. Agt. Omaha, Neb. The U. S. Gov't Reports show Royal Baking Powder superior to all others. Notiot to Creditor!. Inthe matter of ike estate of Martin P. Crandull, deceased. Notice In hereby given by the undersigned nil in Im liit nitor of the estate of Martin Carton CraiKlull, deceased, to the credllora of. and all person having claim nasi net the utld deceased, to exhibit them with the neeeasary vourherH, within ten luoii'ha after thn tirxt flulillcatlon of tills notice to the said niltnln-Ntrator niltnln-Ntrator at his residence In Pprtngvllle, Utub county, Stave of I't ah. Mit.A L. Obandai.i,. Administrator of said Katate. Pated JanuarKth. A. D. lH'JO. feb 28 VI 1Y ? Because your Liver and Kidneys . are out of order. For years and years housewives all over the country have . used with best results Dr. J. H. McLean's Livers Kidney Balm. Makes ths Blood Pure This li the secret ot tho cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Read thU: "IanisogUd to write that I m no:v ia perfect per-fect heultli a ad It ij all because Eocd'z farsa-parilla farsa-parilla made mj blood pure. My lie Hli trcke down Tf::U trcublci peculiar to worjen, m y nervous sy-t'jm sy-t'jm was shattered shat-tered Bsd I had to take my bed. Tne physician caid there was little hope for me. A nolffhbor told of wonderful cures by Hood's fearca-psriUa fearca-psriUa aud I decided to try it. When I had taken 3 bottles, I could Bit up oad uow I am ptrfectly well and strong. Hood's Sarsaparilla has done all this for me." Mrs. C. P. l'ADKUKa, La l'iatta City, Colorado. I j r;i cure hitiltiial constlpa-IlOOU constlpa-IlOOU S fills uoo. ri lee 2io. pert). Offioial Soore. Match rifle shoot. Springville vs. American Fork. Shot at Springville, Feb. 17, 1890: S. E. Clark 5 545343 4 5 4-42 J. R. Meneray. ...4 2 2535456 6-42 John Clark 4 46 5 43445 342 E. A. Clark 4 5 5 2 4 4 3 2 3 0-38 M. O. Packard ....544640444 3-38 F. Dunn 4 6 6 5 4 4 5 4 4 4-45 W. H. Kelsey 6 54654344 4-45 E. Z Clark. 4 34463444 4-40 Mark Cook 4 3 4 5 5 4 4 0 3 6-44 Geo Clark 2 5 6 3 4 5 4 4 2 4-39 Grand total ,...415 American Fork. W. n. Chlpman..44 2 334 44 44-36 S. W. Chipman ....344442644 4-39 H. D. Boley 5 43545444 4-42 L. Parker 4434 5 5344 6-42 R. Walker 5 6 5 5 3 4 2 4 6 2-42 M. Ambrose. ..... 5 24424433 4-35 E. Robinson 4 4445544 3 4-41 J. Spratley 453542244 5-38 O. Parker 3 3 6 442344 538 T. Chipman 5 34554334 4-40 Grand total 33 Doctor Canny,a prominent physician of Missoula, Montana, says: "I regard Doctor G. W. Shores' Complete Catarrh Ca-tarrh Cure as the best treatment on earth for catarrh and the many catarrhal ca-tarrhal chronic diseases. 1 know personally per-sonally of many wonderful, complete and permanent cures effected by its use." It is the grandest discovery and perfection pj. medical science. Catarrh is both a local and a constitutional constitu-tional disease and Doctor G. W. Shores' Complete Catarrh Cure, being both local and internal, completely and permanently cures, where all other remedies bave failed. Full size (one month's treatment complete, both local and internal) $1; trial size, (one week complete) 25c. For sale by Dr. C. J. Peterson, Springville, Utah. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Made. COUPON Cut out this Coupon for Independent . Entertian ment, MAY DAY. ; Each Subscriber to the Indepen-: tdent may cut this coupon out and: ;write their nameon the blank line: :with number of children. It will: ;entitie thechildren to admissionto: ; the Independent May Day enter-: :tainment, tree. : .Subscriber's name. : Address ; Number of children between the: : ages of 3 and 10 years. GEO. E. HOWE, Reading (Jrocer of ProYO. Most Complete line of Grocerlc?, south of Salt Lake, rnces lower man any place in Utah county. YOU CAN GET. A Larger Loaf AND BETTER BREAD Whitehead Bros'. New Bakery Fresh Bread Daily To Pecoijie Is almost everyone's desire. It is you sate, tnat makes you rich: therefore, in order to oecome rich it Is necessary to save money, and in orderto save money it I neces sary to deal exclusifely with the G. S. WOOD MERCANTILE CO. They have a large and elegant stock of Glass, Crockery, Queens and China ware, at the lowest prices, and as to ISolidcty Gr-ood Well, just step in, see their stock and get their prices; you will need go no further, 'they have everything you want. They also have THE BEST CLOTHING AND DRY GOODS AT Til E LOWEST PRICES GO THE Provo Hardware & Iron Co., FOR THE Matchless Majestic Range. AND ALL KINDS OF Special attention to mail or telephone orders. Telephone No. 49. PROVO HARDWARE & IRON CO. Packard pros & Co,, DK ALIUS I GEflERAk fDERCflAlJDlSE, Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, Hardware, Etc SPRINGVILLE, UTAH. Fpaijcis MiXviireo CO, Manufacturer of and Dealer in REGAL PATENT, ROYAL ROSE BUD, GRAHAM, GERMADE, CORS MEAL, BRAN, SHORTS, CHOPPED FEED. Wheat received on deposit. Custom Grinding a Specialty. CaBb paid for wheat. MILL OPPOSITE SPBIjYG CREEK. FINE SHOES, . FINE SHOES! Xrviiae & Sons. Is the place to get your FINE SHOES. Come and See our line of iStarootiaa.rL Shoes. All Styles, All widths, All Sizes. We are the only firm carrying a complete line of these goods south of Salt Lake, and if yeu want GOOD GOODS we can save you money. Plenty on Hand--More Coming For G-ood Dry Goods, Notions, Gents' Furnishings Fur-nishings and Shoes, go to Irvine & Sons, 14 Centre St., Provo Remember our Stock is new, no old goods, Look for the store with the Red Front. IBolen. Reynolds & GO., Successors to CAFFREY & DAVIS Will sell their immense Stock ol FURNITURE At COST PRICES - To Make Eoom for Larger, tferfer Stock Rich not so.mu:h what you earn, hat what M Si)e))y |