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Show THE SPRIN3VILLE INDEPENDE T. Issued Every Friday. D. P. FE1.T, Editor (in. I Mannicer. Local Mention. Muddy streets are the rule now adays. a-days. Wbal's the matter with the Pleasant Pleas-ant Hour Club? Go to Meneray & Co. for line stationery. sta-tionery. President Joseph F. Smith hat promised to speafc at the opening of the great fair. Menerny & Co. have Just received another large shipment of Stationery ana druxgits' HUudnes. Angelica, Port, Sherry, Claret and Ksiillng wines, 3o cents qtmrt bottle three for $1.00 at the Eureka saloon, l'rovo. II. Harrison, proprietor. Andy Rosenbaum, the affable advance ad-vance agent for the Miss Uuth Eldrcdge company, was a caller at this office. He is an ex-editor, hence i always welcome. "It goc right to the spot," said an old man, who was rubbing in Ir. J. II. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment to relieve rheumatism. For sale by C. J. Peterson. The Utah county .Sunday school con" cation will convent at Provo ; n the 16th and nth of the present month. Bupt. Uoyer and assistants are trying to arrange U charter a car. Dandruff forms when the glands of the skin are weakened, and If neglected, neg-lected, baldness is sure to follow. Hall's Hair Itenewer is the best pre-Tentative. pre-Tentative. John Lee, father of Edwin Lee of this city, died at Marysvale, Piute county, Oct. 26th, at the advanced nge of 8(1 years. He was well known in this community. .All members of the Fair committee and those Interested are requested to meet at the Meeting House immedi ately after afternoon meeting. I). P. Felt, Manager. Malin Mendenhall and Dan John- sou went down to the Mendenhall Kaach, In Juab county, last week on a visit; while there they killed rabbits galore. Lost A dark green with pink stripe silk bow; was lost on Tuesday evening between the city ball and residence of Wm. M. Hoy la nee; Under please leave at offlco. Wm. M, Roy lance. Harry Stagg, the popular machinist of Provo, has been appointed Deputy Territorial sealer of weights and measure. This Is a good position and wasecurcd by his skill and affability. affa-bility. Everyone likes Stagg. For the Sunday School convention of Utah county to be held at Provo, (ov. 18 and 17, the Rio Grande Western West-ern will issue tickets at one fare for the round trip. Good going on the 10 and 17; good returning till the 18th. Old people suffer much from disorders dis-orders of the kidneys or urinary organs, and are always gratified nt the wonderful effect of Dr. J. H. Me Lean's Kidney nnd Liver Halm in banishing their troubles. Price $1.00 per bottle at C. J. Peterson's. The cold snap has caught many far mers with their potatoes aud beets atlll to the ground, and much fear is expressed that they will be destroyed. Quite a number of apple orchards are also nipped with the luclous winter fruit still gracing their branches. Mre. W. B. Meek, who resides at Camptonvllle, Cal., says her daughter was for several years troubled at times with severe cramps In the stom ach, and would be in such agony that it was necessary to call in a physician. Having read about Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy she concluded to try it. She found that it always gave prompt relief. It was seldom necessary to give a second dose. "It has not only savt d us lots of worry and time", she says, "but also doctor bills. It is my opinion that every family should have a bottle of this remedy in the house." For sale by all druggists. Awarded 11 chest Honor t World' Fair. MOST PERFECT MADE. A port Crape Cream of Tirtjr Powder. Free ton Ammonia, A'um or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. v CREAM The Only One To Stand the Test. Rev. William Copp, whose father was a physician for over fifty years. In New Jersey, and who himself spent many years preparing for the practice of medicine, but subsequently subse-quently entered the ministry of thft M. E. Church, writes: "I am glad to testify that I have had analyzed all the sarsaparilla preparations prepara-tions known in the trade, but AYER'S iivib '8 ,ie oii'y one ' recommend as a blood-purifier. I have iven away hundreds of bottles of it, as I consider it the safest as well as the best to be had." Wm. Corp, Pastor M. E. Church, Jackson, Minn. I I THE 0H1T WOELD'S FAIR Sarsaparilla When In doubt, ask for Ayer's Pll's The A. O. Bmoot Lumber Co. of Provo have secured the contract to finish the Central building that has been standing in such an unfinished condition as to be a positive eyesore. R. R. Irvine & Sons of Provo have made another cut in ladies' shoes. They are. quoting shoes at from $1 per pair to $4.50, any pair of which would grace a Cinderella foot. Judge W. II. King, Mayor Hall, Rev. Todd and President li. . Hinckley Hinck-ley will Join In making Wednesday, Nov. 20th, the memorable day of the year In Springville. This Is Fair Day and everyone should turn out to hear them. Miss May Iloutz has been selected to attend to the doll department of the fair. All those who have their doll which used to so delight them should dress it up nice and send it to Join the bevy of beauties that is being Qxed up, "Turn the rascals out" the famil- lary party cry may be applied to ml crobes as well as to men. The germs of disease that lurk In the blood are "turned out" by Ayer's Sarsaparilla as effectually as the old postmasters are displaced by a new administration. Meeting at the Baptist hall In the Bonny & Kirwiu building, Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. The third ad dress upon the Jewish Temple will be given by Miss Tarsons. Subject, "Water in the Service." The wooden model of the temple will be shown All are invited to attend. Many people, when a little consti pated, make the mistake of using saline sa-line or other drastic purgatives. All that is needed is a mild dose of Ayer's Pills to restore the regular movement of the bowels, and nature will do the rest. They keep the system in perfect per-fect order. You can earn $5each'day "giving" our absolutely Indispensable household house-hold article away. New plan of work, making oxperienco unnecessary and success cei tain for either sex In any section. Sample dozen free. Credit given. Freight paid. Address, Melrose Mel-rose M'fg. Co., 1 Melrose Park, 111. Do yvtu profess to be a goo l cook? Then take a sample of your skill to the fair and Miss Sopnla Packard will see (bat it is given a good position, or see Mrs. Louie Whitehead and she will have It attended to. All kinds of jamplcs desired, from a ginger snap or the doughnut like mother used to make a to highly decorated wedding cake. The Independent Is In receipt of a letter from Mr. R. L. McCullough, of Fort Asslnnihoinc, Montana, in which he says: "The heirs of Asa Blanchard are entitled to four million dollars worth of property at Bangor, Maine." If any of our lilanchard people can trace their origin thereabouts It may be of advantage to address Mr. McCullough. Mc-Cullough. He, it appears, has seen a short reference to the subject in a recent numtter of The Independent, bence addressed the paper for further Information. Pimples, blotches, yellow skin, scaly and ugly spots, foul breath, dark rings about the eyes, owe their existence to a diseased liver and bad digestion. To remove the disfiguring evidences of internal disorder, the liver should receive re-ceive speedy attention. Dr. J, II. McLean's Liver and Kidney Palm is a reliable remedy for liver troubles and derangements of the kidneys. Its use will restore those organs to healthy, active and regular performance of function. When this is accomplished accomplish-ed the eye will become bright and sparkling, the skin fair and smooth nnd the complexion clear. Price tl.OO -r lmttle. For le by C. J. IVtprsnn. . of. '- am m aBr There are some awful mud holes on Main street that should be filled. Take a look, Mr. Harmer, and see if you can't improve the condition of affairs at the intersection of Malu and Depot streets, at least. Mrs. J. C. Van Leuven of this city has received a handkerchief from the "great healer" of Denver. It svas sent her by a friend who interviewed the gentleman. He states the handkerchief handker-chief was blessed and dedicated to the e'ernal good health of the recipient, and now Mrs. Van Leuven Is safe for many days to come. The handker chief is of common linen wit h a pic ture of the "Second Christ" (which, by the way resembles the supposed pictures of the original Christ,) and under the picture is the words, "The Great Healer." It was sent as a cur iosity and his highly prized by Mrs. Van Leuveu. It will be exhibited in the fair. The Provo Dispatch in an excited item records a most surprising event wherrin a certain sheep man had held up the train. Tis even so. Mr. Orange Warner of Benjamin Is the bravo buccaneer and his herd of sheep the cause of the "hold up". It ap-pean ap-pean from Marshal Storrs' version that Mr. Warner was driving a herd of sheep over the crossing near Mr. Miner's place south of town when down came a train thundering with prospects of a wholesale slaughter of his sheep and an Interminable lawsuit to get a settlement for the same. So Mr. Warner thought the cheapest way was to "hold up" the train with a gun as a persuader, and take his chances of prosecution, as a cheaper way out of trouble. Hence the story. No arrests end the shepherd is intact. Ad Elooutionsry TWt- The City ball stage was occupied last evening by Miss Ruth Eldredge and her class in elocution. The audience audi-ence that greeted the company was very much smaller than the merits of the entertainment deserved. Miss Eldredge Is a thorough master of her art and has a nnraber of very clever pupils. Delays and hitches made the program given lengthy, almost to the point of being wearisome, weari-some, but the manner in which it was rendered held the attention and interest in-terest of the audience. The poses by Miss Eldredge and pupils were very good, the various passions aud sentiments being aptly represented. A numberof recitations were interspersed and a few tragic and comic scenes introduced. Little Violet Cralge, in particular, won great applause. An item not down on the regular program was the "orncryness" of the drop curtain, which delayed its descent de-scent at critical times to an extent highly embarrassing to the young ladies and gentlemen. Again it would hasten joyously down, as If to make up for past delinquencies, and slice a scene in two. Miss Eldredge and her pupils took it all very good-naturedly, however, as also did the audience. It is to be hoped that the company will come this way again under more pleasant circumstances. UVSINKBS BRIEKS. Miss Dora Curtis has a tine stock of misses' and children's hoods, etc. H. T. Reynolds & Co. are opening a large stock of dry good for the winter win-ter trade. Decorating and fine tissue papers of all colors at Meneray & Co.'s drug store. Deal Bros. & Mendenhall are receiving re-ceiving a large stock of underclothing, shoes and rubbers. They are strictly up to date. Wood & Daley, the furniture dealers, deal-ers, are filling Borne extensive orders these days. The young folks will get mairled and they generally go to Wood & Daley for their furniture. Water Im't U It. Electric light baths are among the latest Inventions. The necessary parts of such a bath are a cabinet which will inclose the entire body except the head, and fifty electric lamps of sixteen-candle sixteen-candle power, or 110 volU, arranged about the body in groups, with a separate sepa-rate switch for each group. The light Is thrown on a section at a time, making mak-ing the patient frisky and browning the kin like an ocean bath. rmtrli of Grat FrW. Tope Leo XIII. owns a pearl left to hint by his predecessor on the throne of St. Peter whieh in worth 20.000, and the chain of 83 pearls owned by Empress Em-press Frederick is estimated at 33,000 & Green and Fancy Produce and Provision Grocers, Hi SAIEI PROVO, UTAH You LOOK DOCTOR G.I. SHORES' C5 pes s PRICE, $2 A BOX. Positively Ouarontrf d o Cure livery Ce of Nasal Catarrh. Catarittal diseases requite buth local ana constitutional treatment Directions fur using Dr. C W. Shores" Famous Curative Kennedies In all catarrhal chronic diseases. It your have catarrh, asthma, bronchitis, hay tevr ur any complicated affection of tiie nose, throat, bronchial tubes or lungs, use Dr. G. W. Shores' Catarrh Ca-tarrh Cure. Cou?h Cut and Tonic and Blood Purifier Puri-fier to cure the catarrh, slop the cough, cleanse and rurlfy the bl.xxl, improve the ap,!it na dics:li.n. if complicated with kidney, liver or bladier trouble, use Dr. G. W. Shores' Kionev and Liver '..ura; and In all cases take one of Dr. G. W. Shores' Anti-Constipation Pills at bedtime. If vour trouble Is chronic an I deep-seated, write Dr. J. W. Shores personalis fur his new ivmplom hat and have your cae diagnosed diag-nosed and srel expert advice free. Dr. (1. W. Shores' Tonic and Blood Purifier cleanses and purlfis the blood, gives strength and vigor, cures dyspepsia and all nervous diseases. Price, Jt per bottle. Dr. tl. W. Shores' Kidney nd Liver Cirre cures all diseases of lh kidneys, liver and bladder, price, $1 per bottle. Dr. O. W. Shores' Cough Cure cures all coughs, colds and bronchial affections. One dose will stop spasmodic croup. Keep a bottle In the house. Large size bottles. 2Sc. Dr. O. W. Shores' Mountnla Sage OH stops the worst pain In one minute. Hor headache, tonthache. neuralgia, cramps or colic use It extetnslly and in-ternallv. in-ternallv. Prevents and cures diphtheria if used in time. Keen a bottle natuy. r-rice. -.c a txiioe. Dr. U. w. Shores' Pepsin Vermifuge destroys intestinal worms and removes the little rouad nist where they hatch and breed. It never fails. Price Jsc a botte. Dr. Q. W. Shores' Wlntsrgreen Salve cures all diseases of the skin. Removes red spots and biack imples frum the face. Heals o'd sores in itos days, rce. 2S a box. Dr. a. W. Shores' Antl-Constlpatlon Pills cures cliranic constipation, sick headache and biliuus attacks. Price, 2V a bottle. These famous remedies are prepared only oy t Joctor G. W Shores, Zlon's Medical Institute, Salt Lake City, Utah. For sale by Dr. C. J. Peterson, Springville, Utah. FALL MILINERY, at MISS DOHA CURTIS' Opposite Post Office. latostOesisns in Hats Feathers and Plumes curled Hats and Iionnets Kctrlmined. SPRINGVILLE - - UTAH. -BY THE SPRINSIVLLE CREAMERY, 70c cash per cwt for all milk going 4 pounds of butter to the cwt. DON C. PORTER, Manager. Cor. Main and Bri(?hani Streets. SALT LAKEC1TY, - I TAIL Secure This Course To advertise our College, we will give a thorough course of instruction Id Double and Single Entry Book-keeping Book-keeping and Commercial Arithmetic, by mail, at ONE-FOURTH REGULAR PRICE to a limited number of persons. This course will be completed In 40 les sons. o charge tor uipiumas. ADDRISS ital City Commercial Ci ,116 West Sixth Strcs TOPCKA, J j KANSAS. . . . Milk Wanted HOTEL TEMPLETON A FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING ARE STOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION AT . . . DEAL BROS & MENDENHALL "We have a full line of Men'sj Bov's and Children's snits-- will want one to wear. don't forget That We ha7e a full line of New Winter Fancy Dry Goods, etc. Out for CLOAKS and WRAPS! We will have a Rig Optning about the 3Qtl3L. S. S. JONES CO, LOOK OUT FOR Osmsjsjwssm MHBHB nHBssV FFER Next 8. S. JONES CO. ECCP YflllR CYC ItUbl I VVII Is I la VII WW We Will Interest you, Our New Store was opened Sept. 9th in the Hathenbruck Building, No, 14 Centre Street, Provo, Utah We have a NEW AND STYLISH LINE of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES AND 6ENTS FURNISHIN6S. mn We are making speciatlet of Stylish Dress Goods, Silks, Etc. Also a complete line of Ladles' and Children's Shoes from B to F width, any toe you may deire. Infant's Fine Goods. Embroideries and Laces in all new Stjles and Colors. R. Irvine & Sons, S. A.DI AX, President. K, L OUIDOI1Q8, O&ibm H. T. REYNOLDS, Viofr-Prwident Springville Banking Gompany, SPRINOVILLIC, UTAH. OctxltAl Stools. 000,000. Transacts a general banking business. Exchange bought and sold and depot its received subject to check. Five per cent interest paid on time deposits, compounding quarterly Mone) always on band for short time loans. G. S. WOO J MERCANTILE CO. : Look! Y Vallsos, i G-Xlx0, 8AtOlXOl09 I roxrtrrxoxxlo, SPRINGVILLE, C5 ... & Fall and week. flM IIS - 7"f 3 s Summer Goodsi AX Ooatt UTAH Cheap |