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Show THE SPHiaSVILCE INDEPENDENT Issued every Friday. 1). F. FEXT, Editor and Mnnnfcer. Entered at. tlie pot, office t Sprinevlllo, Cliih. for tranamlnakni through the run I Is a eoiiiU-clai tiuiltor. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One year, Six months. Three months. $2.00 1.00 .50 AH USHIALTHY TIHDSH0I. The amount of space and attention iriven to reports of murder and other criminal trials by the press of the couutry calls forth much unfavorable comment from gooddntentioncd people peo-ple now-a-days. They, however, do not pause to consider the reasons for such a state of affairs. The newspaper of the present time caters to the demands of the people for the new, and a large portion of the reading public considers reports of murders, etc., as news, par excellence. It is not strange, therefore, that a newspaper, in bidding for popularity, should give extra attention to these eerulngly popular subjects. While this Is no doubt very well from a business bus-iness standpoint, it is not morally right or Christian. Very many people, while nominally Christians, have a morbid desire to learn of others' misfortunes and errors, and while not at all desirous if giving such things general publicity, pub-licity, they are not averse to discussing discuss-ing them or to reading discussions by others. Hence the attempts of the press to furnish such Information and discussions. This tendency to gloat over a fellow creature's wrong-doings is one of the evil attributes of human nature and hould be repressed by every possible means. It Is, perhaps, one of the most serious obstacles to the true progress and ' ultimate up-lifting of mankind to that moral plane upon which all men stand as brothers and as intended by the Creator. The demoralizing effect of these things is not confined to those who look for them and take Interest la their perusal. The innocent reader at first peruses a report of a murder or other high crime with horror and disgust, dis-gust, With each succeeding perusal this feeling, and at last, even If the reading affords no pleasure, it at least arouses no disgust, ami comes to be accepted as a matter of course. This feeling of Indifference is evidence of an Insidious education along lines which may lead toward crime. To those whose natures are inclined to crime through untoward circumstances circum-stances or through a pre-disposition, the publicity given to great criminal affairs cannot but be injurious. A spirit of emulation may be aroused and thoughts turned In criminal directions di-rections which might otherwise have remained dormant. The sphere of the press is to elevate Instead of depress, and the giving of Xmbllclty to the details of great crimes Is a move towards depression. A radical change must be made in these matters, op- the result of this tendency may be the ruin of the race, morally, Intellectually and physically. phys-ically. push srsisovnxs to the front. We have held our editorial page open to get a conservative and accurate accur-ate estimate of the vote of Spring-Till Spring-Till and are pleased to say the men elected are all good solid men who will undoubtedly make our city's Interest In-terest their chief aim In public life. We reiterate the hope that they will relcf ate politics to that place where municipal politic should be sent, and a united effort made to bave Spring- Till where It ought to be the first city of the county. Its location Is all that U necessary to have It so; being tha only Junction city in the county. It has all the natural facilities for greatness and It second (Hily to one town In point of population, assxed wealth and school attendance, It Is the natural location for .he county feat and If we were to lead out In cn terprise headed by a good Mayor and an e Wgetic though conservative Council, there Is no reason on earth why our true position and rights might not be recognized. Hut this sort of a move must, like charity, begin be-gin at home. There is no visP-or to the town but what concedes Sprlngville as boltig a most desirable home location. Itx name alone Is stitfgestive of beauty, its popularity as a new place to; home is attested by reference to the last census showing anllncreased population pop-ulation of over 25 per cent as against any other city's 16 per cent. With tiiis magnificent showing we hope our incoming odloers will look well to maintaining .Springville's reputation, lead out with Improvements that are now In the column of absolute necessities. neces-sities. Among them we will briefly mention electric light on Main and Depot streets, water works on a limited lim-ited scale, a park for the public to use and a summer pavillion on the city ball square, and steps taken to meet the Lake Shore people and the count) on the toad proposition through Springvilie. We don't desire to be placed in the role of public grumbler, but will promise our new council that we will not be neutral In municipal affairs. If we see any of them derelict in their duties we Intend to tell them of it without fear or favor, and in all cases giving them all the opportunity to "kick back" on their version of any matter pertaining to public interest. Both political parties in the East are pretty generally for gold mono-metalism, mono-metalism, and the press of that section sec-tion is united in its work against rJnancial liberty. We of the west are all In favor of the fr.io coinage of silver sil-ver at the ratio of 10 to 1; why can't we unite in furthering the cause of the white metal? In the effort to secure the free coinage party animations anima-tions must not be too strongly adhered ad-hered to; all men of the West should pledge themselves to vote for man for president wqo is know to .favor the free coiuage of silver, without regard to party. The Idea of working within with-in the party may be all right before the plattorm Is formed, but if the platform of your party does uot declare de-clare fur the "free and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio irrespective irrespec-tive of International agreement," in your duty to yourself you ought to leave that party, and vote with, the party, whichever one it may bo, that has the courage to declare for finan cial and industrial liberty. !i' i L--."i . -i 1 m j Tins week may be seen the spec tacle of the various campaign sheets falling all over one another In their haste to suspetid publication. "Yis," muttered Pat, "Calne wor d'fated, but, gawd! he guv it hut mon Lawrence a dlvll ov a race," Now that the political campaign Is over, the silver campaign should begin. be-gin. Many whose occupations are of a sedentary or indoor character often have a feeling of being literally worn out, and begin to think of declining years, etc., when if they knew what ailed them, they would find all their troubles arise from an inactive liver and overworked kidneys. If when these spells come on the patient would take a short course of Dr. J. H. Mc Lean's Liver and Kidney lialm he would soon feel again the strength, vigor and buoyancy of youth. Price 1.00per bottle. For sale by C. J. Peterson. r ss II) MIMIl Try it, and you will agree with the thousands who say it is the "PriERLMSS REMEDY" for curing ailments of the Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, Female troubles, Rheumatism and Bright' s Disease. For sale everywhere at $t,oo per bottle. THE D, J. H. MCLEAN MEDICINE CO., ST. LOUIS, MO. None bat Aycr' at tha WotU't Fair- Ayer's Sarsapriliu enjoys the ext ra- ordinary distinction of havirg been the only Woo l puriiici ailow-'d an ex- J hibitatthe World's fair, Chicago, j Manufacturer's of other sarsaparillas I sought by every iwans to. obtain a; showing of their goods hut they were ! all turned away under the appltea-i tion of the rule forbidding the en try j of patent medicines and nostrums, j The decision of the World's fair authorities au-thorities in favor of Ayer's Sarsapar-j ilki was In effect us follows: "Ayer's j Sarsaparilla Is not a patent medicine. It does not belong to t lie Usl of nostrums. nos-trums. It is here on Its merit." Fair Comiaifctses- The management of the fair bave decided on asking the following ladies; and gentlemen to take charge of the respective assign merits and to call on whatever assistants they may select or desire: Decoration, Mrs. S. A. Cooper. Collection of exhibits, Mrs. Louie Whitehead. Presentation of drama and theatri cals, .Jos, M. Westwo id. Lunch, Louisa I lay mood. Rebecca at the well, Sadie Groesbeck Fancy work, Mollie Groesbeck. Fortune telling Fruit and cooking, Sophia Packard. Miscellaneous, Geo. It. Whitehead. Bed room, Maude Allen. Candy booth, Ida Allenian. Fish pond, Mark Boyer, Curiosity shop, (museum) Mrs. E. n. inn. Souvenir manufacture and sale, Cora Groesbeck. Drill, Delta CatTrcy. Oacareof t he hall, David D. Curtis. Cur-tis. Dress Making, Mrs. Annie Manwar-Um, Manwar-Um, Painting and art, Mrs. L. I). Cran-dall. Cran-dall. Vegetable exhibit, Win. Drury. Doll Department, DettaCatTrey. Door keepor, David Crandall. All Free- Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those who have not, have now the opportunity op-portunity to try it Free. Call on the advertised Druggist and get a trial Bottle, Free. Send your name and address, to II. E. Bucklen &Co., Chicago, Chi-cago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life, Pills free, a3 well as a copy of Guide to Health and llo'isehold Instructor, Free. All of wHch is guaranteed to do you gtiod arm cost you nothing."' Dr. C. J. Pet erson's Drug Store. A Good Chanoa for a Hmo- I have 3 acres of cultivated land containing lucerne and a pouch orchard, all under fence, w hich I will sell cheap. Apply to t-17 uWatsox IIoutz. For Sale. 100 colonies of bees in Langstroth hives together with all modern appliances appli-ances for the production of comb honey. J. S. Scott, Springvilie, Utah. tl5 No Objections to Cash-Subscribers Cash-Subscribers need feel no hesitancy in tendering any farm or dairy products pro-ducts on their account, for there is always a place where such things can be used, and the management is ever ready to accept anything its patrons may have to spare, from a house and lot to a few head of stock, an old hen, piece of pork, couple of bushels of potatoes, or anything. Call and tell what you have or may have to spare. "CHANGE CAKS" Nay! nay! Not if 1 make the trip via the Chicago, Union Pacific & North western Line. Through vestibuled trains, composed of Dining Cars, first and second class Sleepers and Free reclining re-clining Chair Cars. For further in formations call on or address, G. W. Craig U. P. Agent, Provo. The U. S. Qov't Reports show Royal Baking Powder superior to alt others. WHY ? Because your Liver ;n.l h"Jneys arc out of order. For years an i years housewives all over the country have used with best results Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver t2Z Kidney Balm. AM 13 BNizar-a:s:iio. Thinks Ha Sses a Cranes u Mai g Eaid ca Springvillo's Treasury. Sfanbu Fokk City, Utah, i November the ti, lsrO. f Editor uv the Independent Deer Sun Win uv mi feller-sit i-zins i-zins wich keeps yoor p.; pur wuz a teihn rue cz how ther we, a peec in yoor pnpur last, week advisin uv the pepul uv .Springvil settluuiit lu hold up the bans uv the u;i inewDiuiptil orllserz cz suite ez tha hed got iutu t her offisez. Ther must be a serprbin stait uv arz in yoor sailmiui. D.iuu heer the marshel hez "I lie km du tu hin der the pepul frum lioidin uv wun enuther up, let alone hevin the papur w leli ust tu be heer advisin uv cm tu du it. The cditur uv the papur wich ust lu be heer wuz a whildiverd lookin kuss.butl never heern tel uv liiz gittiti hert or mulch hC.iiit. Iron, wen a perty gurl got mad en kald him doun, ez wuz now en then the kac, he ahvuzcum; but the best uv us wood du the sairu. liut tu relern tu misubjick. Iz the serplus uv publick funs in the tres-oo tres-oo ry gittin tu largV And if so, wy did yoo evur purmit sich a koudishun uv afTarz tu cum abowi'r' yoo snood reckoleck thet tu bits wuth of pur-venshuu pur-venshuu is wuth ez mutch ez a duller eu six bits wuth uv kure. But pur- haps yoo wuz eftlicted with a Repub-likin Repub-likin admlnistrashun iu yoor sity atlarz, wich wood akount fur it. Wood it be nessesary tu hold up the hull sity admiuistrashun, kounsil, marshel, dawg-ketcher en ol, tu git sich spar kush ez wuz in the tresoory? or wood it be sufflsbent fur tu unly hold up the tresooruri1 Me en Jim wuz athinkin sunithink abowt taklin the job, but ef it wood be nessesary to hold up the hull shootin match, we wood nede help. The blairned marshel wood probly be fool in round slid uv tendin tu lib oun affarz en mite objeck. Ez yoo remark! thar wood be objeckshuns frum ol direckshuns, but hold uv em up ol the saim. I reckun we cood git Pete lu help, lie kant ride, but we cood ty himititu the saddel en leed the kyuce. Wot wood be the good uv him? Wy, he cood purwide likwid refresh munts owt uv hiz drug-stor en cood pack em fer us. He wooden t ruaik no noiz. ez he wood git skirt rtum. Hiz fas wood friten ol the dawgs owten the naber-hood, naber-hood, en biz bad breth wood put owt ol the leek trick lites this cide uv Solt Laik. Utheiwiz he woodent be mutch forse. Now Mistur Elitur, if yoo wil purwide pur-wide us with the rekisite infurma-shun infurma-shun abowt the matter so we kin maik a good kleen job uv it, I reckun we kin olefford tu keep yoor paper en mebbe du sunithink hansuin fur yoo on the cide. Du yoo suppoz thar iz euy daiuger uv sum uv yoor hum talunt uv the Dimokratick perswazun gittin the start uv us? Ther is, yoo no, okkazunely an euterprizen kuss in thet party, tho sich instances ar rar, en it wood be jist owr luck tu find things nisely kleened up wen we arove; wich wood be durned agger-vatin. agger-vatin. Ther is sunithink suspishus abowt tho hull layowt, en me en Jim woodent wood-ent think uv taklin it ef it wuzeut thet timz wer so hard heer, owin tu the fack uv ther .Spanish Fork offlsh-uls offlsh-uls hevin a dizergreable habet uv pullin sich ez us wich ust to maik a ouest livin runin hossez en kattel owten the kentry. Sumthink heztu be dun, er we'll hev tu werk fur a livin, wich no gentleman wil konsent tu du. So yoo see we kant etford tu let no sich opportunity slip. Ilopin tu heer from yoo bi retern male, I rcmane, Ilospeck fiily yoorz, Sam Hiuoins. (lalt uv Egypt, Ulinoy.) A Seeret- If all the ladies knew the simple secret that a bad complexion is due to a disordered liver, there would b fewer sallow faces and blotchy skins This important organ must bo kept and healthy to insure a clear and rosy color. Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver and Kidney Itolm as a beautitler beats all the creams and lotions in existence exist-ence and will produce a more permanent perma-nent effect. Removes bad taste in the tuouth, offensive breath, yellow tinge In the skin, wind on the stomach stom-ach and that dull, bilious feeling which so surely indicates the torpid liver. Price Sl.) per bottle. For sale by C. J. Peterson. SIOTICB. Bids will he received until Friday, Oct 1, 18i6, for the mason work on bridge abutments or end walls on Main st reet at Hobble Creek. The right to reject any and all bids will be reserved. For further particulars inquire of II, T. Reynolds. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powdei A Purt Orp Cream til Tartar Powder. WBI The Produce Merchant FRUITS, POTATOES, ALFALFA SEED, HAY and GRAIN, C&r LotB a, Speoialty. Correspond n.o Solioltad. BTDEHAKEK Springvilie, - ackard Brs & Co., DEALERS IN GENEHAIi Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, Hardware, Etc. SPRING VI LLK, UTAH Jlappy Hoof Dentistry in all its branches at'the most reasonable rea-sonable prices for first-class work. Best teeth $10 per set. All work warranted. ORDERS BY MAIL SOLICITED. Francis M Sijell, rv MIIvIIO CO, Manufacturer of and Dealer In REGAL PATENT, ROYAL, ROSE BUD, GRAHAM, GERM API, COR MEAL, BRAN, SHORTS, CHOPPED FEED. Wheat received on deposit. Custom Grinding a Specialty. Cash paid for wheat. MILL OPPOSITE SPRING CREEK A. O. SMOOT, Sflcccs." -r la PROVO L. M. & B, CO, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Lumber, Doors, Windows, Blinds, Mouldings, Rustic Siding,T and G Flooring,Shingles. Lath, Paints and Builders' Hardware, LUMBER SAWED AND DRESSED TO ORDER SCROLL SAWING AND TURNING DONX. UTAH VALLEY IRON PAINT. Combination wire and Slat Fence. D. R. BEEBE, Mgr. Office and Yard opp. R. R. Depot. Telephone No. 20. P. 0. Box 79, PROVO. OlOOD 8t General line of FURNITURE, Including: WALL PAPER CARPETS, WINDOW BLINDS, ETC AT BEDROCK PRICES, Giva Us a Call for Bargains, Springvilie, Utah. EGGS, POULTRY, BOX MATERIAL and GENERAL COMMISSION. WAOON8. Utah ErjGflApLSE, TUREi Dental Go., DALiEY, UNDERTAKERS. COFFINS and CASKETS OF ALL KINDS All 20 YEARS' BXPEWHNCB. t 4 |