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Show Messrs. C. F. Moore &. Co., Newliertr, Or'., .ay: "We sell more of Cbaaiber-lolo'i Cbaaiber-lolo'i Cough Remedy than all others fHt together, and it always gives sat-lifactiou," sat-lifactiou," Mr. J. F. Allen, Fox, Ore., - "I believe Chamberlain's Cough Eemedy to he the best I have handle." hand-le." Mr. W. II. Hitchcock, Co! ambus, am-bus, Wash., says: "Chambeiiaiu'a 3oug h Remedy sells well and is highly raised by all who use it." For sale by all druggists. Or. Prica's Cream BaUaj; Powder Host Perfect Made. VKW SSIBT MUSIC Tbe Independent has a nice selection selec-tion of the newest sheet music, con-lttlng con-lttlng of songs, duetts, quartettes, ... all of which Is copyrighted aud tkw bst out. COAL. La5 your orders with H. T. Reynolds Rey-nolds & Co., for the celebrated Rock Spring coal, the very best in the market. Prompt delivery to any part f the city by H. T. Reynolds & Co. fRESH BREAD Flora,the popular lty every Tuesday and Friday regular Bread delivered to any part of town Local agents: at Miner Bros.' Shop. BK DIDN'T DO A THING but make the trip to Chicago on the Chicago, Union Pacific & Northwest ern Line. Why? Time the quickest olid vestlbuled trains, no change ot Coach at the Missouri River. Through Irst and second class Sleepers aud Dining Cars. Tor further information call on or ddxees. G. W. Craig. U. P. Agent. Provo Famiri AHeatioa- Money loaned on Irrigated farms at 10 per cent per annum. Write or ap ly personally to Samuel Cornaby paulsn Fork, Utah. BROWN & WOOD, Tonsorial Artists. WeeatHalrln the Latest Style and Shave without pain or chloroform. l.alee' and Children's hair cutting. Pompa doura a specialty Gin Oi i CHI UUir the Bait. lriKOTiLL, : Utah Ajenti Troy Steam Laundry, Prove- All orders ihould be In Tuesday. THE MILD POWER CURES Dr. Humphreys' Specifics r scientifically and carefully prepared Remedies, used for nearly half a century by the peopi with entire success. m. aweme toa 1-TeTtT. Congestion, Inflammations.. aV-Weraa, Worn rarer. Worm Collo.... . eV-Teethiag Collo, Crying. Wakefulness 4 Diarrhea., of ChHdrea or Adults V-Ceagks, Colds, Bronchitis B-Xearmlala, Toothaehe, Faoeaehe. Headaches, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. J Dyspepsia, BUIoosseas, ComrtlpaUon. 1 l-Bapprossed or Palafal Ferleda. .. W-WhUea, Too Profoso Periods lr-Creap, Laryagltls, Hoarseness . SwaU Kheaaa, rrslpelas,XrapUoas.. - la-Bheaatatlsai. BheomaUo Pains ' lcV-Ualarla, CklUs, Fever and Ague."...., JfCmtarrh, Influents, Cold in the Head. M-tVheeplag Ceagb T Kidney Diseases S-Herreae Debility Urinary Weakaeaa S4-tere Threat. Quinsy, Diphtheria.... "77" for HAY FEVER sM Vr am rix. - m M., ("r motmi, ' ODr-atlnnini'aiiiilllimKi'MUtiinn" ODr-atlnnini'aiiiilllimKi'MUtiinn" mn asm aia. oe., 1 1 1 lis wuaa it., Isaiiiila'i'i Xye and Skin Oiatment Is BDMuelled for Ectema, Tetter, Salt-tfcraaa, Salt-tfcraaa, Sbald Head, Sore Nipples, Chapped beade. Itching Piles, Burns, Frost Bites, Cktoate Bore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids. Vet sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. TO K0&SSOWKBK8. Fee putting a horse in a fine healthy con eMtioa try Dr. Csdy's Condition Powders. Tkey tone up the system, aid digwrtion, cure Wats per package. For sale by draggUts. TIME TA-BLEJ roa iraiaoviLLa, ctam. some wist, ate. LPacHe mall Lv.ll:45a.m to Salt Lake Olden and the coast. So. a, Paanencer.to Ogden Lr. 8:45 p. m o. t. Paeeenger VT-. 'z.30 m le.IT, Leave :15 a. n. (mixed) dally except Sunday. Eureka and all Tlntic polntf. e. I, Paclfle limited Lt. 10 04 p. m. te Salt Lake, Ogden aad tbe coaat. e. T, Leave l;JS a. m., Salt Lake City, aomo bast. Re.l. ASlantle Kxpreaa Lr. ft:Sain M blear CHek, P. V. June, Castle Uate. Ve.S. Paae. and nail Lv. 4:0fip . m. From Ogden to all Baa Fete point Ire. 4, Chicago limited Lv. 9:00 p.m. O. P. THOMPSON, Agent, a. llABfOCK, F. A.WAPLKIOH. Tra Manager, Gen'l Paeeenjrer Ag. rol. D. C. (MirMiE. Ifiieral nHfr. toes oi appetite, relieve oonsvipauoo, correct kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving aw life to an old or over-worked horse. 25 rSAlT LAKEf Meneray & Co. 9 SPRING VI LLE, UTAH. RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD The only line running Tuio Fast Trains Dally to leadville a8pek, 1'ueiu.o Colorado Springs And Denver Effective April 2Jth, 1894. Train No. 2 leaves Ogden 7.00 a: in. Salt Lake 8.05 a. m. Arrive at Pueblo 6:18 a. m. Colorado Springs 7:51 a.m. Denver 10:30 a. m. Train No. 4 leaves Ogden 0:35 p. ra. Salt Lake 7:40 p. m. Sp'ville 9:00 p.ni Arrive Colorado Springs 6:53 p. m. Denver 9:25 p. m. Connections made at Pueblo, Colorado Colo-rado Springs and Denver with all lines East. Elegant day coaches chair ears and Pullman sleepers on all trains. Take the D & R. G. and have a comfortable trip and enjoy the finest fin-est sccnerv on the continent. Shortest line to Cripple Cieek, the great Colorado Gold Camp. Train No 2, leaving Springville, at 9:36, a. m, arrives at Cripple next morning at 9: 50. A. S. Hughes. Traf. Mgr S. K. Hooper, G.P. & T. A. Denver, Colorado. B. F. Nevins, Gen'l Ag't. H. M. Cusbing, T. P. A. Salt Lake City, Utah. T. Child & Sod, DEALERS IN MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES ETC General Stone Cutting Neatly and Promptly Executed. SPRINGVILLE, - - UTAH, I am prepared to fur nish BRICK or ADO-BIES, ADO-BIES, in any quantity at bed rock prices. At the old Cook & Friel yard, south of Spring-ville. Spring-ville. For terms apply to J.W. FRIEL. J. A. REYNOLDS, PROP. PRICES FOR CASH. Sugar, 16 lbs $1 .00 Pioneer Tea half pound lb Coffee. Lion or Arbuckles per pkg Sardines per can Oysters per can Corn per can.... Soap 7 bars T.1 I, V .. .. .1 '1 1 nn .15 .2T .05 .10 .10 .2.5 .10 .25 .25 .25 ; r n'nii m run o iii.lil'O Oat Flake 71bs Rice 41 bs Raisins 5 lbs , Closing out at cost BOOTS. SHOES BOYS' CLOTHING and NOTIONS. COB. III! ail HUITIHGTCI STS-Sprikqmlle, STS-Sprikqmlle, - Utah. Drs. HOLDAWAY BROWN, DKNTISTS. . . EOOM 5, BANK BUILDING, . . Are prepared to do all kinds of Painless Dentistry, Including the lat est Crown and Bridge. Work. Treatment of Oral Diseases a Specialty, sat Ufai-t i'n Guaranteed MO GRAPF CORNER GROCERY l. E. Pederson ) Next Door to Harrison Hote. SPl"tIN(..YlLLE, UTAH. . 1 . . ' S. K. Thuniiuii. E. A. Wedgwood. Thurman & Wedgwood, Attornevo-atLaw. 1 " vo OI tjv lllllll. j;)R, F. DUNN, ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Ali Calls ProEftly Attended Day cr fiuM :- Surgoon U. (i. W. 11.- U. o:nc uml K-tl-dencd wit i J. vV. U.'iiiihurst. Tch'iilume oouuimiou!. j jj j. A. WILSON, Attorney-at-Law. 8prinf?vllK City Attornry. Oftloe: Rooms 5 uml " 1st Nat. Bank, Provo. Utah. ANDREW BERKLEY Contractor and Builder. ESTIMATES MADE WITH OR WITHOUT SUPPLIES. Bniliings Repaired on Short Notice. SPRINGVILLE. UTAH CONTRACTORS ATTENTION ! n b For wliitewaslilnit or plastuiiUK. For iiiaKiiim or hrkklayera. Z3 THMOAS B0AP-DMA1T. Between Springville and Trovo. Contracts filled promptly from 1 bushel to 10.000 bushels. C. E. ANDERSON, PORTRAIT AND LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHER. Dealer in FRAMES, PICTURE FITTINGS and GLASS in all sizes, Pictures copied and enlarged by home artists Pictures of family groups, residences, stock or any subjects sub-jects taken on the spot. Keep your JWoney ot Home. SPRING VILLE, UTAH. Il TtfESE DIM tinies,when von hav'nt money to buy new Spring Wagons or Buggies, bring your old ones to CARTERS, and have them made as good as new; and thereby there-by palionlze Home Industry. 35 If You want a Good Turnout E. Thorn Livery and Transfer STABLE3. Od Roylaace St., two Blocks West if Mam Where you will lind the best, mutche teams and the best single drivers In town. Baggage and Freight transferred loan part of the city. GckxI Safe Drivers for Ladies. Sprinovillk, : : Utah: P. E. HOOTZ, ARTIST SHADING IH3TaT SIGN WHITER Family KecordH a Specialty. SPUING VILLK, - UTAH mo .Itill.N 111 V It.-.. i -. I :e,. .1. r..... .... t. S,..v, . U !:.:. i imm-roM,. .:. ... :;t.i,..y S.-.-.l,. !l.,b. r .). ! liiuiit. ,1. T ;r;i!.l. It. 1'. i.r.ri:. mm "soap eoJ OFFICE w FACTORY 751 1 Vol S e. -.v:cT C Maiiufiu lir-cis of 11 iili (ii i i - l .i ;.v!iv Anil Toil't S.n;,. SPECIALTIES: -. BEE ItlVK. KLK'TtMC ;n: 1 .". I.AINilKV. lli.i: !l ! k '!'oii:kt: IMNi: T A IS. i'KKIKrT 1 l.'MTtNc; OASTII.I,!.. k:i.I I'OMV !;!; '1 M. i!AK. J. F. GRANT, M ,.... Salt Lak:: Citv, i TA II Provo llleat Co. PAIS THE HIGHEST CAEH PRI E FOR FAT LIVE STOCK v. Phil. Speckart, Prop. PROVO, - UTAH. WHEN YOU VISIT S A I ,T L A K E GO TO TilK SPRINGS HOT SANITARIUM SWIMMING POOL. 52 CUcSt, Third Suoth St. Tills witk'r Is u snri'.'iir.' for L'lu'iunatism, Miners' l.i'iiilliiK. lii'lV'-tl anh, ( 'oust 'ou-st ipul ion. (lironlc lirrii(i'.i, I'iilplUitlon nf llii liiart. loul ' hII Ulilncy un.i ni'fvons trubli!M. l'ut.'ls and Kuils wa'lu'U by Kuiplrti Laundry. Hotel Roberts Strictly First-Cla88. All conveniences for Commercial Trade. L. HOLBIJCOK, Prop. Provo, - - - Utah. Just Opened S. P. G, LARSON THE SHOEMAKER. Next Door to Wood Mer. Co. D. D. Houtz, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Otllce, Elderidge Block. Provo, : : : : : Utah. M YOUR TEETH! When la salt Lake City Consult Dr. Wed Hevvett, DENTIST. He will do better work for 'less money than any dent ist west of Chicago. Chi-cago. Teeth without plates a specialty. special-ty. Don't force t the place. 19 4 20Scott-Auerhack Building. P. O. Box 48i. -Salt Lake Citv. SI800.00 GIVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS. $iw.ooeerjr month given away to any one win ij. plios through ui for cita suust nioiiuinou patent dunt.g tlie month pTeredin.. We ure the brut patent for mirrllenU, and the olject of this otter is to encourage invented t'i keep track of thetr bri; ht iilnui. At Ilie wine lima with to mipreii upon ilie public the aicl tint IT'S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, uchi the "car-window" which can feceaDy I!r! tip and down without breaking the p.strRfV back, "tauce-ptn," 'coHar-bultoi,," 'nuAock," "bMx-ttoppr, "bMx-ttoppr, and a thounnd other Utile irun that most any om can find a wf nf iinpronnt; ; and thf se Minpla inventiont are thn ovs that bnng Ur?t return tu tiia auUior. Xry to think oi smeihutg to invent. IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. Pitrntt taken out through us TeceiTeumMl notice In the" NaUunal Recorder, puliiuhed at Wijhington, I). C, which u the beat newspaiier published in Ainenca in the mtereiu of inventors. Vv e fuiimh a year's subscription sub-scription to this journal, (re of cost, to all our chentt. We also advertise, free of cot,tlie invention eai h month which win our $i jo pne, and hundreds of liiousandt ot Capiat of the "National Kecorder," containing a sketch of the winner, and a drsrtintwin of hi invaanon, will be scattered throughout die t imed h'ate among cu mints and manulacturers, thus brmgiog to ttieu attention the merits of the invention. JOHN WEDDLRBL'RN & CO., Solicitor ot American and I oreign I'alenU, 618F Street, N.W., Box 385. Washlagton, D. C. jf Rijlrtnct editor tftliii H trttrrimr JO-fa ft famfklit. KkE, A.C. BIRD. Livery Feed Sale Stables. SntlMiVILLF:, ITAII. . J. CilMN V E .&!. Tl t". X II J 1 L tt t H I I Vy? JJjf JJ 'gj g NO MATTER VDIAT DISEASE YOU SUFFER FROM, W II ETA BRIT I IS CATARRH, LUNG DISEASE, RHEUMATISM, DYSPEPSIA, Oil j STOMACH TROUBLE, DISEASE OFTHE EYE Oil EAR. DISEASE OK THE KIDNEYS OR LIVER, OR AN AFFECTION OF THE ' liLADDKROR BOWELS. If You (v)!;10 tu D.irtur Shores for Aid Nor.-, You Will Receive the Lost l'"!:ui,u Cure, Treatment ar.d All Medicines Necessary to Effect a Conl pleto and Lasting Cure and the Whole Cost Will Be 5 a Month Until Cured Read the Following Questions Carefully, Mark Those Apply to YoUi c:is;. an ! Bring T'.ieiu or Send Them to Doctor Shores at once. When l!n' nl)."ls X h wiitch V.eromo c'.'.KKt'J. Ui- n-i(lt Miowp lt."-:f by tUt ttairh iuii i( lime ir Ptr.pp'.nK fnllrcly. Tlir ci'tmif ii.nnins or 8tipili;K f a uuU'li i syinrtomn, ti-ltaitr thul seme-ti.lng seme-ti.lng lii vroi,- with ih(. Vv,iHa, and lnJI-culm lnJI-culm ihsil lt iul Iu ivpNirini;. The fm rtie ai'jiUfK to loo l.unmii body ; when Its iiiltrior iitiui ti'i.s tire niTcetct by rnH-, they : how lt In tho form of ytnp-loJiia. ytnp-loJiia. V. iien one Juii vt tlie IwJy In Hf-feclcl, Hf-feclcl, tlio :!Sr,isf will inatiUy.nt Uxelf in one Bil of yinytctn, when anutli'sr 1 art is H.Tiint, It will be eltown by oth.T K) niio:inv in urmr to niM t Uk popp In dftr-i.iinti dftr-i.iinti K J.ist wl.nl I'Kit or oiithii 1h af-f,.ti. af-f,.ti. lu !or Hhoi.s 1ij.ii nrrniiuntl th loII.)v.;i. lat.la i.f syinptomK, which will lmllL.ito to you Jutt what flii.i4Me you lime. It is i hit 'l.iii ujiy one IU haw uil th Fym;tina. n-lutlnK to (liscase or pan r.f:e:l.J. st-nne have iiidif, othors lens. 1 yoti have nny l-it ( r tne yiriiloi.'i i .liUiiwraU'rt unr th Vhtiotif. luanU ij'.vtn fwiow. you enn rHt assured (nut you have dltnovf iv d Just v.iim nun of your body 1m aiUotrd, ua v(ll aa uuy doctor chh t41 you. Tli. siioj le tmd inot.r tcuii-so fr sy tu iicrviie In tli;?: Uv.U thmo aymiittAM (-artfully, niRik iho.e that npply to your cast? mid brine r ttmi lhm to loctor biiorcB al .loll Medical Institute ritfhi now hihI t:ik adviititiif of Doctor 1't.orts' gcncrirtts provlaton tor eultcr?r from all ll(ffK. OlKAMil ttf TUB IUCl AND THROAT. Tills rondltl.ui umiHlly rnult from n-l;lod n-l;lod rold thut huvr run Into catarrh. fpcHilv and liir-xix-iiMvc curf by )r. O. W. Shores' oomolJlu cura tre;itinfiit u.nd f table renifdiPR. "Is tho brith foulT" "la the voice hi.tky?' "Do you hptt up nllrn7" "Do you ache all over';" "Do you blow out oabe?" "Is tno nos- MtoiU'vd T' "lo you jiiim'4 at n Ik lit 7" "L'oob your nofs dlHchuree?" lXH-a the i.wr bU-d MisllyT' "Do cnihtii ftrm In thn nose?" "Is the iioe wre pnd tetidrrT" "Do you nunc a -r.at deal?" "Jh tbl wutvi towardu iiisht?" "Dow the nom Ituh and burn?" "Is thert) tlcklliij In the throat 7 "lu tht-r pu n In bak of head?" "la there iwln acrrons th vyn'f "lg ther pain In ba' k of head?' "Is your aensa of nairll lwvlngT' "Do you hawk to clour the throat?" "la there a dropping I" he throat?' "Is th throat dry In ih mornlnaa? "Are you locin jour i.nsi of tamo?' "Do you 'loop with the mouth open?" "Dees your none clop up toward night?" run i.vnn. This ronilitloti ftcr, n.-stillti from -a-tarrh n'HiJ.tiR Irom the head and throat. hp". dy and lm xp' tiaivc cure by Dr. t.. W. Hhoic. co-iipicie cure tret-uicnt tret-uicnt mid vi-teetnl I- rrnu dli-a. "Have you a ( oukIi "Are you bwlnit ft.f li ?" "Do you ciu;;li at nlalil?" "Have von Mln In Blac?" "l)o vou take col l ally?" "Is your appcllto variable?' "Have vou hlltriics lu ulda?" "Do you cot'nh until yon tr'st?" "Alp mil low-i!Mrll.d at ttn.ea?" "Do vou ruit fro'hc malTial?" " Doyou spit up yellovr nattor?" ' Do vou (-o'r,li on going to lied?" "Do you couh !;i the niorningi?" "Is your ro'.Kh rh'.rf and hacking?" "Do you ryA tu little "livcey lumpa?" "Havo you :i dbifu.-t fur fttty I rods?" "1 i there 11 ll-kl iu t.cbllid III'? palater "H?ve you p.ilu bvh'.iKl breHlione'" 'i'o you feel you are growing weaker?" weak-er?" "Is there a bcrn'ms; pnln In the thro(ct?" "I'o you co:':i woroe night and morn IjikkV" ''in vou nuv to nil up al night to got brealh?" I)1KV!'K OK TUB Kn. Tleafnerw and ear I roubles ru:iu!t from n-.larrh yn" alorg the euslaidilan tube i:;it ladia frotn the throat to the ear. r-p-i-dv and incxnen.-'U'o euro by Dr. Q. V.'. t-'T'irea' 10 i'l loto cure tr atnient ai er'-'ahle r- nud;"S. "'i your h-ai.ra; fa'-'lt'f ' "Do jwir ears dlchare?" re vour eiire ui .. ,hj nr. (. tin t.Tw ii'ti aid burn.'" n ,i. .....v 1, It. 1h. e'iri.?'' 'Is tli-rf a thirvHMt T In the e:ttr "U" vou irridc.-.'lv a-MltiR doafr; "H.'ivn you pain buhlnd the earn" "! th'-r" 11 bur.ltnr sound hoard?" "Do you have a virgin In Hip MrT "Arn'Uior.. cin-klnn sounds hiard?' Is yn.r hearing bid cloudy ilays'' "Do 'yoti hiv eiirpche ocoaalonally?" r''f 'i'inl like tf-am asraplng'" "D- you roimt.tt.tly hear nolaea In the. eniK?"' 'Do your rata hurt wh"tt you Mow rnnr rt''c'''' j tH.T a roaring like a vatf.rfall In "Do vou henr aome daya better than otbre?" "tio the wdft'M In the ears keep you " i on vou I loW your nean do th Mt rr.uk?" , , "Is vmr hearing wore. when you nava a chl?" nitlVtK tlV TIIK HTOHACrt. nt" rond't'a rnnv rrrult from aevernl ,.. .i;t Jhe nul hum la rftiarrh, .. . ' .1. . f k,,,,.!!. .l.-i.,il r.rr itnwn intn ! the throat nol'tr'ntr awailowoH. Hpre.Iy ,ri men on - i cur - , pi r' rovr-''" euie treu'lnent an9 vrr'!'!? r.i'""''e,l "Tt ther ntu-a"" ' A re vou co I've?" '"; thre vv itU'tr"" "Do V'.U I elr'1 up C '1" "Are vou Pe'il hrr dnP" "I vr tir torirue routed ' ' Dave yon .vnicr bro h '' "D i vou h'k nd ftdt " ' la there (.sal rt nfl.T rlin? "Are ynu nerv" n'ol mtW T)o you bvo flch h-aiUchfa'" "Do vou bloat lib oflcr enti.gr "la there dP i.UHt for breaPlwH ?' "Have you dl"M-e nflrr e.illng? "In your throw! (Ill-'d lth ellme?" no 'voit at timet ?nve dlnrrhoer "la there rnvh f hnnrt to tho bend Ma the-e ronvimit bud t;.nte In moutnT' '! thirl (jniiwlnn fieiiaation In Btonv a h " "io vou f.-.d an If you had lead In ion.oehT" , , , "vbn you g't up suddenly are you tie n rlomsch Is i-nipty do you feel fiiltitV "liii you In Ii h up 111 il .rial t hut bum the Tl4E POfTB "VYii.-p stomal h ' full da you fl op prf-eitd?" DISEASE OP THIS rtlVISRTS. 'isubB in two way, l, tafcitiR old at v ovf.i 'vo'lvir'f li e kidwvya In epara.tlnif from thf blood pf(lMm, tvh'ch a Oct alt cnn. u 't- .-i.rwl with 'is ,h by Doctor tV VV. Sliove ftiivoiui fftal.i; ruiicl -. . v"Do your V.id an t t't- ;-r . 1' ?" "'a th.a iMj-a notiorf. ul.j tiering th duv "Ar tl'y I'fi'd p.t.il r:,,?nl y ?" "In Ihtff. j ,i;m ;it .rci.; r; -,,7" "Is Hip nr . is d..rK n.i.i lv!y ' ' "Docg u dcooiv.t fru-l.i -1 -f. Ij-.t il.rj. , l..jrr 'Is thcio a J-'hir. la g o a r'.rv" ! H..tn rirttlilir beforo nt "Ara tht yr dull and -nlrf?" "hi thrre r. bad UM : i rfoii.iiT" I'llavn vnn ul. In I'.p of h";id V " y"r half gft'lr-R iaV. ' "In tho Hkm diy and l.-irr-h?'' "I tflo hnlr try iir:d lrittr' Jh thftv r.Kiiy.ti rfor I'.tm?" "Has the arf. ration a lad clorT' "ub thr pufflncus ,iudir th ryuf Are thcro lr!t r.ni aroui d th pyrtt?" la thn skin p.il and .! 'Hsa ths rUIn a way.y look?" "Do you re" ui:i..ini i thli, .vhiic I aal-op?" "Iiavc you chilly fecl'nita down th bark?" f "Do thn Joints p.-.in and ch??" "Do the W; 1e too Y.MivyT' Von't wait Uil It-lghra dca la dcvel-ciod. dcvel-ciod. Cure lt now. DISKASr. OF TUB l.'VEB, The liver Ie a (Tec ted hy disn-ane rolf extonding from tlu stomach Into th duota In th .liver. Quickly cured wltH little coat by Hector O. VV. Shorea' fevi moiia veretiile rei;ie.i-e. "Are you irrilahlp?" "Are you noriouaT' "Do you get dizzy'.'" "Have you no energy?'' "Do you have cold ftet?" "Do you f. id ir.lvoruble?" "Ih your mernoi y poor .'" "Do you get tired eaaily?" "Do you huve hot IIuhIiw.?'' "la yoir eyeaii'ht blurred?" "Have vou t ain In ih back?" "Is your llr..h aott end flabby 7" "Are your apirlts low nt time?' "Is there bloating after eating?" 'Sfave you pain around the lolnar' "Do you hav.i gurallnit in bowel?" "Do vou have runildii.g In l owelsT' "la there throbbing In stomach?" "Do you have gemn fyf h-t In hotvela? "Do you sufTer from pa . n em pies K' "Do you have palpitation of the heart?" '! therj a general fi-eliritT of laaale' tude?" When the nervea are aff Acted hy O'a- caae the followliu; a snptoma indlcle It. Kpeely and inoxj . tnii , e cure by Dr. U; W. Hhorea' tanioun v ifitahl roiriedi. "Do you get gid.iy :' "liave ro t lieura Ici-i'.''' "Is your rncnioiv poor.''1 "Are you caally (laa.d.'" "Are you patti? excited 7 "Do your ha'id trcmblB?" 'Doi. your hetirt llutter?" "Are you easily Irrllabvl?" "Hnvo you welril fancies?'' "Do you iiavfl headehoa'" "la your nratn faeged out?" "IHieKn't sleep refresh you?" "Are yon eaatlv frightened?" "Have you horrible draama'" "Have, you warideiin,t paina?" "Doen con vernation bore you?" "Do you tart up in your Bleep'" "Do you fotget what you reed?"' "Have vou veitUo coc.eltimw " "Have you rumbneea In l!mhi?" "Have you pain on top of he.'il"" "Ih there loea of power In !mba'', "I iocs a lump coma up In throat" "Have you iln In back of head" "Have you throbbing lu templea?" "Do your l"g. or srma iro to aleopT "Have you lanyuld. tired feeling" "la there twitching of the muscles?" "Do you nulTor from nleeplr:eie" "Have you ahoollnif paina lu hadf' ' "la there ruili of blood to th.i head?" "Can you hardly recollect anything?" RIIKINATUM. Dr dlaeaae of the muscles or 1olrta. WherJ the muarlea and lolnts are aftected hy tllaeae, the follow inrf eymptoms Indlcata It: If thn dlre'tlona are fallowed care, fullv, every rasi rray be eoinp'etelv and ?ulckly cur'-d- by Doctor O. W. Shores' 11U1011H vep"tab!e remerliea. "Do you havo deef.eeated pnln in ths muacles and lolnla?" "Doo this pa'n come on suddenly antl severe?" "Ih the nnln of a atretchlng and tear lnrr chnracter?" "la the pain Increased by mavement or freaaure?" "Is It always more crer at rls'ht'' nIoeg It at times dlvappear during tha rtav?" "Does it movs from one part to another?" an-other?" "Is It sharr and acute when you mover' . , "Is the pain dull when vou ar quiet?" "Does the pain sometimes dleappoar suddenly?" "After a wv" attack do you feel languid lan-guid and weak?" Catarrh mil all diseases of the ere, ear, nose, throat. lonm.monurH, Ht- I rr, bowels, smstfs ana manner 1 ail r n r i i' . .......... - aaea 01 - " rm w women children. OIHee honrs Forenoon, O to 1. Afternoon. I 5. Hnnrtnya, 1 1 a. m. tu 1 p. n. a MOXTII f' t'atarrh anil all Catarrhal Ca-tarrhal t'hronle Diseases VIedlelnes free. Iloctor ghores' motto Is I.nw Fee. Qnlrlc Care, Mtld aad Palnleaa Treatment." If yon can-uot can-uot come o tlie oCIee send stamp f rnotor Shores' sen Ssmptom Mat nnd hnTe yonr rase HI. agnosed and sjet eiperi adrW free. ZION'S MEDiGAL INSTITUTE, Dr.G.W.SHORES COTH.TIG niYSICIAt. 84 East fcerond Snnth Street, Salt Lake tity. |