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Show (a 1 Our motto: CONSTITUTION! Q Silver, 16 tl VOL. 5. NO. 14. SPRINGVILLE, UTAH, FRIDAY, NOV. 8. 1895. PRICE: $2.00 PER YEAR JL JiJS 3.1N jjjjt y. ujvtv i Highert of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report mm PURE Powds THE STATE ELECTION. It was typical election weather first snowiDg and gloomy and then bright and cheerful, in spots harmonized har-monized nicely with the feelings of the various candidates which were one moment of the 'before taking'var-lety taking'var-lety and the next of the 'after taking' sort as the voters of the different parties came up to the polls. Everything Every-thing passed off quietly and without serious hitch. There was considerable consider-able enthusiasm, some excitement and a little mild quarreling: The vote on the city ticket was as follows. Mayor-Samuel Mayor-Samuel M. Davis R 324 It. A. Deal D 311 Recorder G. S. Wood, R 321 A. J. Southwick, D 316 Treasurer Ileber L. Cummlngs R 317 Jos. II. Storrs, D 318 Marshal-David Marshal-David A. Curtis, R 308 Geo. A. Storrs D 329 Justjce of the Peace- J. M. Westwood, R 329 John S. Boyer, D ... 310 CouDcilmen F. C. Boyer, R 320 II. M. Dougall, R v. 318 DonC. Fulmer, R 317 Wd. Sumsion, R 321 Geo. MeKenxie, R 216 Alex. Robertson, D 321 J. S. Scott, D 311 James E. Hall. D... 314 J. S. Loynd, D 317 II. T. Reynolds, D 313 Supt. of Schools Eggertsen, R 322 Christensen, D 315 Tbe vot on the city ticket at poll No. i, North Mapleton, givs the Republicans 11 and the Democrats 27, which elects all the Democrats, sxeept tht justice of the peace. The Springville vote on the State ticket resulted in a Republican majority ma-jority of six over the Democratic ticket with Roberts tbe only winner, h polling 316. The lowest vote on the Democratic ticket was John T. Caine 309, and O. A. Sraoot 310. The highest Republican vote was polled Tor J. F. Bringburt, who came in for 122, whila C. E. Allen only polled 312. TDK STATE. The State election is conceded to be Republican in toto. For some time it was thought Roberts would defeat Allen, but later election returns land Mr. Rebcrts on the losing side with a majority of about 1,000 votes to surmount sur-mount and many pro and con opinions from the wiseacres on both sides as to the reasons therefore. The Utah county legislators will be made up of t he following gentlemen, all of whom are Democrats except Mr. Thorne of Pleasant Grove: A. J. Evans and M. M. Warner for the Upper house: Marinus Larson, Jas. T. Thorne, Wm.JM. Itoylance and A. O. Smoot for the Lower house. It has been announced that Ilyrum Lemon of Payson. was the victorious candidate, but reference to the tabulated tabu-lated returns in the Tribune and Enquirer En-quirer show that our Will is one ahead of Leiumon, the figures being 2564 and 2505. NOTES. 'This is a Democratic year." "Great expectations" were the prevalent prev-alent thoughts of the past week or two. The IIall family, as far as can be learned, didn't wager any stock this year. The election Judges were called "slow fellows" but all will concede they were careful. Wonder if- The Independent would be accused of partisanship if it was to say, "This is a Democratic year." Wm. M. Roylance is at least hop -ful. He made a bet on Roberts 24 hours after the polls were closed, and lost. Too much faith in party bulle tins, Will. " Well, in the struggle for offices, at the present writing it appears that Springville Is lost in tho schuffle as regards re-gards representation in the legislature. legisla-ture. Both parties can see the error of their ways by allowing Provo politicians poli-ticians to parcel out the offices and the respective towns or parties are left to pay the tiddler. Either one of our two men are head andshouldcis above the offlcers-elect, and one at least, if not both, ought to have been elected. Early in the day Geo. Storrs wagered the balr on his upper lip against Frank Bringhurst's mustache, that Roberts would defeat Allen, and then made the same bet with half a dozen other Repulicans, As he only had one mustache to lose he considered all bis bets but the first were 'snaps,' but there is talk of taking the matter into court to see if Storrs can not be compelled com-pelled to part with his mustaches as fast as thej mature; that Is, one every twenty years. J. M. Westwood is now subject to the following handles; 'Hon.,' 'Judge, 'Yer Ilonnor,' 'lliz 'onner,' etc. There is no doubt but that ho will till the position with credit to himself aad justice to all. Joe's a printer' you see, and. of course, that alone is an en dorsement OElection passed off very quietly in Springville, little or no challenging being done. Some feeling was evinced on thestreet regarding the disposition of the so-called Mapleton' vote, but no undue pleasantries were exchange even wh?n it was found this vote would change the political complex ion of the city council. Fiee Pills. Send your address to II. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince vou of their merits These pills are easy in action and arc particularly effective in the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weak en by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly Invig orate the system. Regular size 25c. per box. Sold by Dr. C. J. Petersc n's Drug Store. Dolimrs, Atttntion! The Fair committee will give a diploma or prize to the lady or gentleman gentle-man who can render the best declamation decla-mation of "Charley McRea." File your name as a contestant with Miss Myrtle Hall. Bucklen's Arnioa Salvt. The Best Salve In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and postively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed guar-anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Dr. C. J. Peterson. Exhibitors Nstioa- Those having articles that ought to be represented in the fair and have not been invited will please see Mrs. L u Whitehead and arrange for space. $75 to $150 a month paid to any one who represents us. Work almost easy enough for a child to do. Mr. J. W. Nixon, Boise City, Idaho, made $244.50 in one week. Mary Bush, Lyons, Colo., cleared $72.10 in three days. Rev. Wm. Curtis, Aberdeen, S. D., made $14 the first day. No capital or experience necessary. Terms and pamphlets free. Address at once. Shepp & Co., 1020 Chestnut St., Fhiladelphia.ra. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder A Pure Qrape Crown of Tartar Powder. - M I. A- Programs. The following programs will be rendered at Reynold's ball on the evenings of the 20th, 21st and -2nd of November, commencing at 8:30 p. m., sharp: FIRST EVENING. Base Solo Altort M itivtai Iiiji Recitation Misn Nellie Boyer Musical selection. Mi'nduliUon WhlpiKM-wlU's Song Ladles' Quartottf Humorous rocitatlon O. E. Anderson Organ Solo Mrs. Dora Olson Duct' ' Marin". . . ,T. R. Kolly and I'. M. West Male Quartette Spilngvillo lilwc ( lull Stump Speech O. V. Thompson SelecUoi."Mandolln Club" Amy Hmwii it Co Decision of Judge an to "Most handsome yoong lady", 1 :j f SECOND EVENING. Mezzo Soprano Solo Miss Gertie Harrison Trio..;.'.' Mis Maud Allen and brothel's Recitaton MUs llatlle Wheeler Tenor 8olo Myron Crandall Quartette ..Mo"M's. Harrison, Wheeler and Tuckett Declamation Ed Whitney Duet.. . ..Mist Nellie Holly and Sophia Packard Quartette mixed voices, "Hope Beyond the Shadow Mandolin club Amy Brown Recitation.. Mrs. Olive Anderson Decision of Judgex as to "Mont popular gentleman." THIRD EVENING. Soprano Solo Miss Nellie Holly Chorun "Uypsies" Five young ladles Recitation Miss Lorina Finlay Duet...Mlss Sadie Boyer and Wm. Uaymond Base Solo B. W. Dougall Recitation Lou Hlnglcton Duet... John and Albert Manwarlng Selection Mendehlson Club Trio..., Mis Nellie Holly, Frank Weat and Albert Manwarlng. Duet Miss Gertie Harrison and D. P. Felt DecBion of Judges on Declamation contest. This lady is waiting for her turn to purchase her lew Winter Wrap, from among the elegant line of PLUSH. ASTRICAN, FUR AND CLOTH i W Coats nci Capes IT. T. lenolass s Co. TrlM i. ftommyboy They've Bargains you shall go lth me down to Rey nolds' and get your New wuit and Over coat, they say Sore throat. Any ordinary case may be cured In one night by applying apply-ing Chamberlain's Tain Balm as directed di-rected with each bottle. This tned-ieinelsalso tned-ieinelsalso famous for Its cures of rheumatism, lame back and deep- seated and muscular pains. For sale by all druggists. FbltSA-LE One of the Best Brick Residences on One of the Best Cor ner Lots, in One of the Best towns in Utah I now offer my fine brick house in Springville, regardless of cost or value, at what it will bring in the present market on terms to suit purchaser. The first reasonable offer will be favorably considered. FOIt RENT from Nor. 1st (subject to sale) on easy terms. Apply in person or by mail to. J. A. LIVINGSTON SMITH, A inerican Fork, Utah The Survival of the Fittest Clothing Stores Ime come and gone, and still wo continue to grow, In Sales, in Popularity, In Everyway, season after season a larger and larger portion of Utah's male population turns its eyes Schwabward for what is best, best in every possible way in ready to wear clothes, and season after season we continue to furnish It, at prices that are simply competion proof. THE FALL AND WINTER OF 1895 Will find us another notch higher on the ladder of faroa. Our assortmcn will be the largest ever shown by any Clothing store, our styles, workmanship, fit and finish, coupled with the low price will satisfy you. ON THIS PLATFORM Our business methods have stood the scrutiny of thou sands of customers and we solicit your patronage this fall. We give you an Inkling of what splendid things we b&v In store for you. X7"o Briefly Montioni Men's strictly all wool black cheTloti and grey caslmercs never befora equalled for less than 12.00. $ 7.00: 9.O0: 12.00: At Men's dlclrey nasi mere suits In lar yarltles of colors, not sold "anywhere for less than $15.00. The famous beaverdam-trieot lawn suits in black and gray, and so wa go on all through our stock with Values Never Equalled CL?HiLajI5V OUTFITTER; m am ufla d I W o n I I lb?-" in i i T-o mn I i 1 1 III i r 1-1 Ihiu f H fei November 20, 1895. President Jos. F. Smith of the M. I. A. First Presidency, Hon. Wm. H. King, U. S. Judge, County President B. S. Hinckley, Hon. J. E. Hall, Mayor of Springville, Rev. A C Todd, Pastor Presbyterian Church Will Deliver Addresses JSJT Y3ST03L.3DS5 HALL -4 ISTIG-HTS. |