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Show s.:v THE SPRiNSVILLE' INDEPENDENT. D"1 l c11 viw to nay 10 iuy hkk-k, j Co.unty Supt. of Schoolii.Ohrlstensen visited our clionls yesterday and re ported them to lie jn a progressive condition. Issued Every Friday. U, P. PtXT, Cdltor and 'Maaairar. Local Mention. First-class harness for sale cheap T. lame. Harness Maker. Angelica, Port, Sherry, Claret and Jielsllng wines, 35 cent quart bottle three for 1. 00 at the Eureka saloon, Provo. H. Harrison, proprietor. Mr. VV tn. M. Coffin. who has had charge of the city pasture, announces he will close It on the 15th and desires all who have pastured stock to call and get them and settle up lnunedi ately. lit mtltlos all that any stock remaining after the loth are at the owners responsibility. Anlmils left until March 1st, 1893,50c per head pay able in advanoe. About half the Sprlngville Inde pendent's local natices concern Quel Johnson, Wayne Johnson and Polly Jobnsou. It was paobably a Spring- vllle playwright who wrote Too Much Johnson. Ilichfleld Advocate. Not exactly: hut Gillette knows a good thing when he sees It, and reads The Independent. President Kognoo has decidad to I call a meeting of the Utah Press soclatlon fur .Saturday, Nov, 16th at Salt Lake city, at which time he hopes to see all members of the association In attendance. There are many mat ters requiring attention, mainly, a plan whereby some able representative representa-tive can be selected to look after the newspaper interests "n the State Legislature. F. P. Whit more, the popular bulher lias a splendid stock of pork, mutton, and situMge, that "will make one's mouth water. I & Iloutz makes all kinds of signs In his elegant shaded pen text, now Is the time to get priced tags, signs and notices made. A. W. Harmer met with a painful accident while removing the large stones at the bridge, by having the little flngerof the left hand crushed quite badly, tho' nothing serious. Mr. J. If, Clark came down from Soldier Summit, yesterday, where a number of Springvlll people are get ting out ties ou a Deal Bros. & Men- denhall contract. Mr. Clark reports the boys all well and thinks they may stay there all wlnrer. The Democrat held a rally last night In the city hall at which Dr. Matties Hughes Cannon and Hon. F. S, Richards were the sta r speakers. ine city nan was crowded to its ut most capacity, and arrangements ought to h;ive been made for an over flow as the Republicans did. U. t, Anderson came In last night from his Seveir field on business con nected with his home photographic gallery. Mr. Anderson report busi ness In bis line very good, he has two galleries lu Sevier county that are rolling several shcckela per each to the fortunate Edward. which It alTords.and it can be depend ed upon to effect a complete cure. For sale by all druggists. The. U. S. Gov't Reports show Royal Baking? Powder superior to mli others. Wm. S. Stom and Julia Klrkman were married last Thursday, at the Dr. Peterson reports some genuine norne of the groom's parents, Mr. and vandalism up the canyon, wherein home person or persons have maliciously malici-ously burned up line shade trees and shrubery that have been the chief adornment of our canyons as a camping camp-ing resort. Instead of destroying why can't our canyon resideuts try to improve rather than sulfer hood lums to get their evil work In, destroying de-stroying more I u an hour than will grow In ten years. Messrs. Harry Tolles and J. R. Caldwell, representatives of the Chris tian Endeavor association, of Salt Lake were visitors here last week the object of their visit was to sec If they could hold the next annual convention con-vention of the C. E. In this city. The geutlemen found It Impracticable to hold the convention here for the reason rea-son of a lack of hotel nco;imdatlona there being about 350 delegates Id a three days session. No humane person will expect a' borso to work against a sore shoulder, nor to rest quietly under galling har-' ness or saddle. When these troubles appear tho proper method Is to re-roovcthe re-roovcthe cause of the sore and apply Dr. J. II. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment. Lini-ment. It is a superior remedy for galls and sores, chafes and burns on animal flesh. Price 25c. 50o and 11.00 per bottle at C. J. Peterson's Drug fttorc, Last Monday the district schools ad Journed to allow the teachers a chance to visit other schools. The following went to Salt Lake: Messrs, C. E Chrlstcnseo, T. R, Kelley, and Frank Ilaymond, and Misses Ida ami Julia Alleman, Nell Suiuison, Anna Hard man, Detta Caffroy. The remaining teach rs visited the Hungerford academy. Many excellent plonts were observed and are being put la prat tlce by the teachers, which will do much toward the Improvement of our schools. While the majority of the prizes at tne great Eisteddfod contest went to Salt Lake, Utah county was not with out Its prize winners. Miss Lula Gates a very precocious little girl, daughter of Jacob Gates of Provo, won the piano solo prize of IIO.OO for her rendition of Gottschalk's 'Lost Hope. Mr. Jouu J. Davlesof Provo, won the first prize of 110.00 with a poem en' titled "National Soug of the Welsh of America," There were six contest ants from vorlouf parts of the United States. Awarded H het Honor s-World. Fair. CREAM HI mm MOST PERFECT MADB. A pure Grtr Crejm of Tartar Powder. from mmoni. A'um or my other adulterant Pre Mrs. Geo. btorrs, In the presence of the near relatives and friends of the contracting parties. Justice Hover tied the knot. The Independent wishes them a happy and prosperous llfj. The beet movement Is again on and from six to eight carloads are the dully output, there has been between sixiy and sixiy-nve carloaiU alone shipped from Spnngvllle, besides tho crops from Mapleton which Is fifteen cars. There still remains from tlfteen to twenty contracters who have not yet had orders to dig. Agent Robertson Rob-ertson estimates there will be fully threo hundred carloads from Spring-vIMe Spring-vIMe before the Beason delivery will be completed, November 30th. A Dumber of Sprlngville folks make a practice of hauling their their own coal from Scofleld and tho other coal mines. It Is found that a ton of coal can be laid down here foa $3.50, allow ing tho teamster $3.00 per day for him self and team. This Is proof enouarh kuaii mo coai comoine sun nas a mortal mor-tal cinch on things here-abouts, If they knew tho magnitude of the team hauling business it would make them a little sick. There are uo less than 75 to 100 teames that make these trips from the coal mines to the settlements each day averaging from one and half to two tons per load. Whv can't we have coal cheaper? If teams can maltegood wages at $3.50 per ton Its very strange the combine can't come dowu a I or two and bo reasonable, Messrs. Ilebcr M. Wells, C. E. Al len, F. J. Cannon. J. E. Booth, A. C Hatch, James Chlpman, John C. Gra ham and other Republican leaders were here Tuesday evening and held rallies In Reynolds' ball aud the city hall both places being packed with people. The presence of the gentle men was emphasized by heavy can nonading at dusk proceeded by strains of music from the silver band which with the Sprlngville and Paysnnd.um corps and a number of citizens escorted es-corted the visitors from Spanish Fork to this city. The orators and their remarks were enthusiastically receiv cdand vigorously applauded. The the singing f famous Utah county quartette, the best quartette In Utah, was, as it always is, excellent, the singers were repeatedly cucored. There Is one medicine which every family should be provided with. We refer to Chamberlain's Tain Balm. When It Is kept at band the severe pain of aburnoriealdmajr be prompt ly re'leved and the tor healed In much less time than when medicine has to be sent for. A sprain may be promptly treated before Inflamatlon U In, which Insures a cure to about one-third the time otherwise required Cuts and bruises should receive lin-1 mediate attention, before the parte become swollen and when Chamber lain's Palo Balm is applied it will beal them without matter being formed. and without leaving a scar. A tore throat mar be cured la one night. A piece of flannel dampened with this Inliueot and bound oo over tbe seat of pain, will cure lama back or twin in the side of tbe chest to twenty-four hour. It is the most taluable. how- ever, for rheumatism. Persons afflicted afflict-ed with this disease will be delighted Auat Polly 'i Birthday. Tuesday, Oct. 3rd. 18, the children, child-ren, grand, great, great great grand children, and relatives of Aunt Polly Johnson met at the home of Levi Curtis to congratulate, exchange greetings and visit with Mrs. Polly Johnson on the occasion of her 86th birthday. Aunt Polly appeared as joviai anu iignt ncartea as or yore. Her home Is at Monroe, Sevier county with her youngest daughter, Ellen Llsonbce. She h;u been here about ten days and will perhaps remain two weeks more. This honored lady has eight children, forty-six grand, sixty great, and two great great grand children. Fifty relatives sat at a tastllly spread table for dinner. A cake was made at Detroit,' Mich., by a niece of Aunt Polly, and sent here for the occesion. Mary Johnson and her daughter Tina, who have been east visiting were among the guests. Marllla Daniels and her uiece Zella Deal were present from Provo. Jo vially reigned, lntersperccd with sober converse. A sociable time was bad. Andik. ill 'lap fti FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING ARE SOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION AT . . . DEAL BROS MI i HILL We have a full line of Men's Boy's and Children's suits--You will want one to wear. DON'T FORGET That We have a full line of New Fall aud Winter Fancy Dry Goods, etc. LOOK Out for CLOAKS and WRAPS: We will have a liig Opening about the 23tJb. 1 Frist W hairs. The following Is a full list of the prizes awarded during the three ses sions of the Eisteddfod. Band contest: prize $200, and gold medal to conductor, won by Denhal- ters; two contestants. Poem, "The Mayflower and Landing Land-ing of the Pilgrim Fathers," Prize $10, awarded to AlbertSherman.Salt Lake best of ten entries. Mnslcal composition, suitable for male voices, Prize $5, twelve entries; awarded to 'Glcuder' New York, cor- name unknown. Recitation "The Bells", Poc. Prize $10, divided between Miss Annie E. Spencer of Draper aud Miss Pearl Evans, Salt Lake. Contralto solo,'storm and Sunshine,' (Buck); nine contestants, prize $10; j won by Miss Mable Cooper, Salt Lake. Miscellaneous chorus, cnurch oraward choir, first prize, $100 and modal- to conductor; second prize $50 and baton to conductor, three contestants, first prize won by Twentieth ward cttoir, second by Malad, Idaho. Ladies chorus, 'Bridal of the birds' three consestants. First ri.;f$50, divided between the Celllas, J. J. Day-nes, Day-nes, loader and Del Cantos, Mrs. Amanda Swcnson, leader, both of Salt Lake; second prize, $15, to the Ogden ladies1 chorus, Mrs. Kate B. Anderson, leador. Welsh essay, 'Historical Sketch of the life of St. David, prize $10, won by A. P. Thomas, Kan. Male quartette, 'Leonora, prize $20 won by Ashworth, Dunbar, Ensign, Peterson, two contestants. Soprano solo, The Seperatlon.'nlne contestants; prize $10, awarded Nellie Druce Pugsley, Salt Lake. ' . English essay. The Customs and Manners of the Welsh Nation;" tw a contestants; prize $10, awarded to Lloyd Jones,' Denver. Piano solo, five competitors, prize $10, awarded to Lulu Gates, Provo. Libretto, subject, The Utah Pioneers," Pio-neers," eight entries, prize $25 awarded award-ed The Author,' tfvan Stephens. . Soprano and tenor duet, "Stay Thou With Me." (E. Stephens) $10. awarded to Miss Mary Romney and Mr. Thorn- Las Ashworth, tbe only contestants who appeared. Harp contest between Miss Catherine Cather-ine Trurabo and VV. Jones; $10, awarded award-ed to latter. Grand choral contest, 1st prize $500 and medal to conductor; 2nd priifllOO and baton to conductor. 1st prize to Salt Lake Amateurs. 2nd prize to Denver Choral Society. Male chorus contest, 'To Arms, To Arms,' four contestant. First prize $100, awarded the Orpheus club, led by A. II. reabody; second prize, $25, tarmony chorus, led by II. S. Ensign. Baritone solo, four contestant?, first prize $10, divided between J.Gorgon Jones of Denver, and Chas. Kent, of Ogden. ' "Natloual Song for the Welsh of America,' poem; six contestants; prize $10; awarded to J. J. Da vies, Provo. "CHANGE CARS" Nay! nay! Not if I make the trip via the Chicago, Union Pacific & North western Line. Through vestibuled trains, composed of Dining Cars, first i and second class Sleepers and Free re clining Chair Cars. For further In formations call on r address, G. W. Craig U. P. Agent, Provo. The Ladies of Spring DOCTOR G.W. SHORES' crs M PRICE. $2 A BOX. Poaltlvery Guar an tit. I lo Cure Bvery Case of Nasal Catarrh. Catarrhal diseases require both local and Constitutional treatment. Directions for using Dr. G. W. Shores' Famous uurattve Kemejles In nil catarrhal chronic diseases. tr your have catarrh, aslhma. bronchitis, hay fever i any complicated anection ul the nose, throat. Bronchial tunes or hinps, use Dr. G. W. Shores' Ca tarrh Lure, Louzh Lure anj Tonic and Blood Puri fier (o. cure the catarrh, stop the couirh, cleanse and uriry the blood improve the appetite and diircstion. r complicated with kldnev. liver ur bladder trouble. use Ur. G. W. Snores' Kidney and Liver Cure; and in all cases take one of Dr. (. W. Shores' Antl-Con- slipailon Pills at bedtime. If your trouble is chronic and deep-seated, write Dr. G. W. Shores personally ior nis new symptom list and nava your case diagnosed diag-nosed and eet expert advice lre. Dr. O. W. Shore' Tonic and Blood Purifier cleanses and purifies the wood, gives strenh and viKor. cures dyspepsia ana u nervous diseases. Price, tl per bottle. Dr. 0. VV Shores' Kidney and Liver Cure cures an uiseases ot int kidneys, liver and bladder. rnce. 1 per bottle. Dr. U. VV. Shore' Couirh Cure cures all courts. Colds and bronchial affections. On dose will stop spasmodic croup. .eep a Dottle in tne nous.. Large sir Domes, j?c. Or. a. VV. Short' Mountain Sage Oil stops the worst rain In on minute. For headache, toothache, neuralgia, crarapa or code rue II externally and internally. in-ternally. Prevents and core diphtheria If used In lime. Keep a bottle handy. Price, 2'c a bottle. Dr. a. W. Shore' Pep In Vtrmlnf destroys Intestinal worms and removes the little round nest where they natch and breed, ll never fail. Price Tic bntle. Dr. a. W. Shore' Wlntergreea Salve cures all diseases of In skin. Removes red spots and black plnple frota the face. Heals od sores In 3toJys. rVce. n box. Dr. Q. W. Shore' Antl-Constlpetlon Pill cure enrjnte constipation, sick headache and bilious attacks. Price. He bottle. These famous remedie are prepared only by Doctor u. w. snores, cioa s medical Institute, Salt Lake uiy, uian. Making ano Ftiifineru v are Invited to Visit the Press ariors attte I S. Jones Gompany, too Madame Coleman, since her return from the East, is fully prepared to give the ladies of Utah Style and finish to their suits, that cannot be surpassed m the State. Street Suits, Reception Dresses, Eall and Wedding Gowns are a Specialty. Madame Rhode, an artistic Eastern Mil liner has charge of the Millinery Department. The Ladies of Utah should call and see her. You can secure an artistic hat with Eastern Style and finish at Utah's living low Prices. S. S. JOJES COpPgY, Provo City, Utah- For sale bv Dr. Sprlngville, Utah. C J. PETER60N, Secure This Course KEEP YOUR EYE ON US, We Will Interest you, Our Hew Store was opened Sept. 9th in the Hathentruck Building, Ho, 14 Centre Street, Provo, Utah We have a NEW AND STYLISH LINE of To advertise our College, we will DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS. give amorougn course or instruction In Double and Single Entry Book keeping and Commercial Arithmetic, by mall, at ONE-FOURTH REGULAR PRJCE to a limited number of nersons. This course win do completed In 40 les sons. No charge for diplomas. ADDRESS We are making speciaties of Capital City Commercial Collene 116 West Slith Street, TOPEKA, - KANSAS. Stylish Dress Goods, Silks, Etc. Also a complete line of Ladies' and Children's Shoes from B to F width, any toe you may dt sire. Infant's Fine Goods. Embroideries and Laces in all new Styles and Colors. R. Irvine & Soni &-A.DI&L, President. iUUmi-lMLJ I J,J!!J TT rr. rr. ., H. L. OUMMIKOS, Oashi.T ii. x. ivjjiinuujjo, v lce-rreaiaeni. CORNER J. A. REYNOLDS, PROP. PRICES FOR CASH. Sugar, lfllbs u.oo GROCERY, Spline Banking Gompany. SPRING VI LLK, UTAH. CtXTplUxl Stools. $30,000. Pioneer Tea half nound lb l.i Transact a general banking business. Coffee. Linn or Arhiicklon iw nlror ox its received snhlect. to p.hpclr. r-e. I ti i ii :. , . . .. amines per can 05 rive per reoi inicresi p.na on ume oeposiw, compounding quarterly PALL MILINERY, t MISS DORA, CURTIS' Opposite Post Office. a Hflesiiu Hats Feather and Flumes curled Hats and BonoeU Rtrlt&ta4. Oysters per can 10 Corn per can 0 Soap 7 barn 25 Fresh bread 3 loaves 10 Oat Flake Hbs 25 Mlice41bs 25 Raisins 5 lbs , 25 Closing out at, cost BOOTS. SHOES BOYS' CLOTHING and NOTIONS. CQl IUI Ud IUIT1IST0I STS-SnuKONiLLB, STS-SnuKONiLLB, Utah. always on band for short time loans. Exchange bought and sold and depos Money &. S. WOOD MERCANTILE CO. iffl TEMPLETON DON C. PORTER, Manager. Cor. Main abfl BMguani Streets. Look! VallsoB, &ivtoH.els, Portmonios, Summer Xxesei Goods At Cost! Cheap SALT LAKE CITY, t'TAH. SPRINGVILLE, UTAH i 5PB1VGVTLLE CTAU |