OCR Text |
Show "While Jwiwd iu the southwestern pari of the State some time ago," fray Mr. Chalmers, editor of trie Clil-co. Clil-co. Cal., Euterprise, "1 had an attack of dysentery. Having heard of Chamberlain's Cham-berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy I bought a bottle.. A couple of doses completely cured me. Now I am a champion of that remedy for all stomach and bowel complaints." For sale by all druggists. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Made. NEW SHEET MUSIC The Independent has a nice selection selec-tion of the newest sheet music, consisting con-sisting of songs, duetts, quartettes, tc, all of which is copyrighted and the best out. COAL. Leave your orders with II. T. Reynolds Rey-nolds & Co., for the celebrated Hock Springs coal, the very best in the market. Prompt delivery to any part of the city by II. T. Reynolds & Co." RRFAIl J L Flora.the popular rnion oni.HUpr,,1.,I; bnp icit1 tni8 t-ity every Tuesday and Friday regular Bread delivered to any part of town Local agents: at Miner Bros.' Shop. IIE DIDN'T DO A TIIIXG but make the trip to Chicago on the Chicago, Union Pacific & Northwest ern Line. Why? Time the quickest solid vestibuled trains, no change ol coach at the Missouri River. Through first and second class Sleepers and Dining Cars. For further information call on or address. G. W. Craig. U. P. Agent. Provo Tinwn Attention. Money loaned on Irrigated farms at 10 per cent per annum. Write or ap i)ly personally to Samuel Cornaby Spanish Fork, Utah. BROWN & WOOD, Tonsorial Artists. We cut Hair in the Latest Style and Shave without pain or chloroform. Ladles' aud Children's hair cutting. Pompa dours a specialty Give Ds a Call under Us int. Sfkinqville, : : : Utah Agenta Troy Steam Laundry, Prove All orders ahpulcl'tie In Tuesday. THE MILD POWER CURES Dr. Humphreys' Specifics are scientifically and carefully prepared Remedies, used for nearly half a century by the people with entire success. o. bpiofic rot 1 Fevera, Congestion Inflammation!.. 3 Worms, Worm Fever. Worm Colic... S-Teetklng, Colic, Crying. Wakefulness 4- Dlarrhea, of Children or Adults , T-Ceaghs, Colds, Bronchitis 8-Nenralgla, Toothache, Fnceache. -Headaches, Sick Headache, Vertigo 10-Dysepla, Biliousness, Constipation. 1 l-Hspnressed or Painful Period.. l'J-Whites, Too Profuse Periods ! 13-Croaa, Leryagltls, Hoarseness....- 14- Salt Eheora, Erysipelas, Eruptions.. 13-Rkeamatlam, Bheumatlo Pains 16-IUalarla, Chills, Fever and Ague 19-Catarrh, Influenza, Cold tu the Head. 80-Whooplng Cough 97-Ktduey Plseasea SS-Nerraaa Debility ao-l'rlaarr Weakness 34-Bore Throat, Quinsy, Diphtheria.... "77" for HAY FEVER old Vf Dnirlsta, " m rps a rwtlpt of He, We-erHMl.,(m ", ept M, !1. SIM onlr. ParHmrHPaT,' Mrl(enlrnel k k.t(iM, mii dth McarnaiTS' aia. co., 1 1 1 a 1 u wim si., s.rr. Ohamberlain'a By and Skin Ointment la uneoualled for Eaema, Tetter, Salt. Rheum, Scald Head, Sore Nipples, Chapped Hands. Itchine Piles, Burns, Frost Bites. Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids. cor sale by druggist at io cents per dox. TO HORSE OWNBBS. For - putting a hone in a fine healthy con-i con-i try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders. dition They tone up the system, aid digestion, cure loss 01 appetite, relieve consupauou, wnren kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving new life to an old or over-worked horee. 2o cents per package. For sale by druggists. TIME TABLiEl FOR SmiKGTILLI, CTAH. ooi no win, No. 1. Pwlflc mail Lv .11:45 a. m to 8lt take 0dcn and the coon. No.5, Pasei)KMtoOgden Lv. a:p. m No. Panwnirer Lr. 6: p. m No, 27, Leave 6:15 a. m. (mixed) dally exrept Sunday. Eureka and all Tintlc pointi. No., Paclflo limited Lv. 10:04 p.m. to Salt Lake, Ogden and the coaut. No.7,Leav 1:35 a. m., Salt Lake City, ooi no EAST. No.l, Atlantic ExprrM.. Lv. OlaSa. m to Clear Creek, P. V. June, Calle Gate. No. S, Pans, and mall Lv. 4:(ttp . m. From Ogdn to all San Pete point No. i, Chicago limited Lv. :00 p.m. O. P. THOMPSON. Auent. a. n BABCOCK, F. A. WAPLE10II, Traffic Mangr. flen'l Pannongpr Ag. ,Col. P. t . IMMtCE. general Nanttffr. meneray & uo.;l. B. Pederson. CITY DRUG STORE. SPRINGVILLE, UTAH. DEflVER p 6H11JID r T) ATT.TJnATi ' SCENIC LINE OF THE WOULD The only line running Tujo Fast Trains Daily to Leadville AsrEN, Pukiiu) Colokado Springs And Denvick Effective April 29th, 1894. Train No. 2 leaves Ogdcn 7.00 a:tn. Salt Lake 8.05 a. m. Arrive at rucblo 0:18 a. in. Colorado Springs 7:51 a.m. Denver 10:30 a. ni. Train No. 4 leaves Ogden 6:3f p. in. Salt Lake 7:40 p. m. Sp'viUe 9:00 p.in Arrive Colorado Springs 6:53 p. m. Denver 9:25 p. ni. Connections made at Fueblo, Colo rado Springs and Denver with all lines East. Elegant day coaches chair ears and Pullman sleepers on all trains. Take the D & R. G. and have a comfortable trip and enjoy the finest fin-est scenerv on the continent. Shortest line to Cripple Ci eek, the great Colorado Gold Camp. Train No 2, leaving Springville, at 9: 36, a. m, arrives at Cripple next morning at 9: 50. A. S. Hughes, Traf. Mgr S. K. Hooper, G.P. & T. A. Denver, Colorado. B. F. Nevins, Gen'l Ag't. II. M. dishing, T. P. A. Salt Lake City, Utah. SPRINGIYLLE CREAMERY, J. P. OLSON, Prop. Manufacturer (if and Denier in Fine Butter and Full Cream Cheese. Order? for Cream and Buttermilk - Elicited. - - SPRING VILLE, Utaii. T. Ghild & Son, SEALERS IK MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES ETC. General Stone Cutting Neatly and Promptly Executed. SPRINGVILLE, - - UTAH. I am prepared to fur nish BRICK or ADO- BIES, in any quantity at bedrock prices. At the old Cook & Friel yard, south of Spring ville. For terms apply to J. W. FRIEL. IJ. THESE Midi timos,whP,, wi har'nt money to buy new Spring Wagons or Buggies, bring your old ones to CARTERS, and hare them made as good as new; and there by patronize Home Industry. 35 P. E. HOUTZ, SHADING AXP SIGN WiaTHH. Family Records a Specialty. PPIUNOVILLK, CTAIT ARTIST THE SHOE MAKER. Next Door to Harrison Hotel. SPRING VILLE. UTAH. S. K. Thuriuan. K. A. Wedgwood Thurman & Wedgwood, Attorneys-at-Law. ProvoClty, - Utiili, I3)R. F. DUNN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. All Calls rmiitly Alluded Day or IieM :- Surgeon It. O. W. R. R. Office and Rcsl-donco Rcsl-donco wit i I. W. Brinshursl. Telephone connections. A. WILSON, Attorney-at-Law. Sprinifvllle City Attorney. Otllee: Rooms 5 and 7 1st Nat. Bank, Provo, Utah. Contractor and Builder. ESTIMATES MADE . WITH OR WITHOUT SUPPLIES. Buildingr Repaired on snort Notice. SPRINGVILLE, UTAII CONTRACTORS ATTENTION! For whitewashing or plastering. For masons or bricklayers. THOMAS B0ARDMAH. iisiivtin DTTXusnnji. Between Springville and Provo. Contracts filled promptly from 1 bushel to 10.000 bushels. C. E. ANDERSON, PORTRAIT AND LANDSCAPE , PHOTOGRAPHER. Dealer in FRAMES, PICTURE FITTINGS and GLASS in all sizes, Pictures copied and enlarged by home artists Pictures of family groups, residences, stock or any tub jects taken on the spot. K?ep yoyr Money at Home. SPRINGVILLE, - - UTAII. & Green and Fancy Produce and Provision Grocen POVO, UTAH. If You want a Good Turnout -GO TO- Livery and Transfer STABLES, On RovlaDct St., two Blocks west of laia Where you will (Ind the best matchc teams and the Ix-st single drivers in town. Haggage and Freight transfered t.oaD part of the city. Qjod Safe Drivers for Ladios. SrRINQTILLE, '. '. UTAH! Drs. HOLDAWAY 4- & BEOWN, DENTISTS. . . BOOM 5, BANK BUILDING, . . Arc prepared to do all kinds of rainless Dentistry, Including the lat est Crown and Jtrldgc Work. Treatment of Oral Piseaws Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed ANDREW BERKLEY BOSHARD SAXEY ll. J. Grant. John IIesky smith, Ins. ice 1 res. J. K. tin st. Secy, mid Treas. DlRKCrous J. mi' Henry Smith. Hi-her J. iirjiit. j. i . liiiinl. II. I-, Oram, Nathan Stars. GRANT SOAP GO. OFFICE o FACTORY 751 to 701 S no WEST S Maiiufactu'ersof Hi)!h tirade Laundry And Toilet Soaps. SPECIALTIES: i BEE 11IVK. KLKCTKlt: and 5c LAl'NDKY. IlKK HlVK TOIKF.T: PINE TAR. I'KUlKl'T H.OATINC t'AHTII.LF. and COMMERCIAL UAH. J. F. CRANT, M,n4cr. Salt Lakk City, : : Utah. Provo Meat Co. CASH PRICE FOR JIVE STOCK Phil. Speckart, Prop. PROVO, - UTAH. WHEN YOU VISIT SALT LA KK OO TO T11K HOT SPRINGS SANITARIUM SWIMMING POOL. 52 Ittest, Third Suoth St. This watr Is a surectire for Rliiuiinallsiii, Miners' Loading, lnd'catlou, ( alai rh. 1'on-stipatton. 1'on-stipatton. Chronic IMsriliii'u. I'alpilalion of the Heart and all kidney and nervous troubles. Towels ami suits wa-hetl by Kmpire Laundry. Hotel Roberts Strictly First-Class. All conveniences for Commercial Trade. L. HOLBROOK, Prop Provo, - . - . LJtfili. Jrstpened S. P. C. LARSON, THE SHOEMAKER. Next Door to Wood Mer. Co. D. D. Houtz, TORNF.V AT LAW. Office, Elderidge Block. Provo, : : : : : Utah. SAVE YOUR TEETH! b Whei ii Salt Lab City Coisilt Dr. Ned Heweit, DENTIST. He will do better work for less money than any dentist west of Chicago. Chi-cago. Teet h without plates a specialty. special-ty. Don't forget the place. 19 & 20Scott-Anerback Building. P. O. Box 48i; Salt La kk City. $1800.00 OWEN AWAY TO INVENTORS. $150.00 every saooth given away to any one who ap. plict through us for the awM zacxitorious patent duiiug the month preceding. We secure the beet paten ta for onr ellenta, and the object of thu offer is to encourage invcntnrt to keep track of their bright ideal. Al the saow tun we wan to imprest upon the public the (act that IT'S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, such at the "car-window" which can be eauly slid up and dowa without breaking the pawenger's back, "sauce-pan," "colUr-buiion," "nut-lock, "bottle- itopper, and a thousand other httle tlunri that noil any one can find a veer ol improving ; and theae aimple invention! are the oeaa that bring largest return! Io the aathoc. Try to think of tomeUunf lo invent. IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. Patenti taken out through tu receive special notice ia the" National Recorder, publuhed at Washington, D. C, which u the beat newspaper publnhed in America ta the interests of inventors, we furnish a yeax'i sub-acriptioa sub-acriptioa to this journal, free of cost, to all our client!. We alto advertise, free of cost, the invention each oionth which win! our $150 prise, and hundred! of thousand! of copies of the "National Recorder," containing a sketch of the winner, and a deteitptton of his invention, will be scattered throughout the United Slates among capitalists and mamKacturers, thus bringing to their alien lion the menu of the invention. All eoeunonicadaei regarded strictly confidential. Last JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO., Solicitors ol American and Foreign I'atentt, 618 F Street, N. W., Box 385. Washington, D. C. ty RriirtncttJitfir (Ait toft- WrWJvrtttr A. C. BIRD Livery, Feed Sale Stables. SrillNGVILLE, UTAH. mow, here's tAe poSMt, NO MATTER WHAT DISEASE YOU SUFFER FROM, WHETAER IT IS CATARRH, LUNG DISEASE, RHEUMATISM, DYSPEPSIA, OR STOMACH TROUBLE, DISEASE OFTHE EYE OR EAR, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS OR LIVER, OR AN AFFECTION OF THE 1 '.LADDER OR ROWELS. If You Come tu Doctor Shores for Aid Now, You Will Receive the Heat Personal Cure, Treatment and All Medicines Necessary to Effect a Coin plcte and Lasting Cure and the Whole Cost Will lie $ a Month Until Cure 1U-ad the following Questions Ctrefully, Mark Tins? Apply 'o Your case and Bring Them or Send Them to Doctor Shures at once. When tho wheels of n watch tiecom rlngijed, the result fIiowb t.lf tiy th watch loslnij time or stopping entirely. The erratic ruitnliiK or atopplnK of a watrh are symptoms, tellliic that Bome-tlilnif Bome-tlilnif Is wroi, with ih works, and Indicate! Indi-cate! that It iitcls repairing. The aam rvle applies to the humnn body; Vhen lla Interior rtructures are nlTec-led by dia eufia, they show It 111 the form of symptoms. symp-toms. When one pan of the body la affected, af-fected, tlu; disease will manifest Itself ill one s:-t of wymptoins. when another part is Hffecled, It will be shown by other symptoms. In order to Hssist pick people iu deter-minii.K deter-minii.K iiihl what iuiu or inuan l af fected, I Hie i or tShorcH h is arranged th I'ollowlriK labia of symptoms, which will indicate to yo;t JuM what dl ase you have. It is rare (hot any one will have nil ilie fyinptoms, relating to that disease or pa. t affected. Some have more, others lei's. Jf you hve any part if the Fyniplnms enumerated under the various head.) lilv. u below, you can rest assured thai you have diovered Just what pnrt of your body Is affected, h well us any doctor -an tell you. 'the simple and proper courso for you to pcisue is UiIf: Head these symptoma carefully, mark thoc.e that Hpply to your case and bring or send them to Doctor Hhorea at Ion Medical Institute riKht now and take advantage of Doctor Shores' Keneroui provision for suffcrera from nil diseases. . DISKASI'i OF TUB II BAD AHD TIUIOAT. This condition usually results from nea-lected nea-lected colds that have run Into catarrh. Speedv and inexpensive cure by Dr. ti. W. Shores' compljte tuia treatment and veg-liable veg-liable remedies. "Is the bretith foul?" "Is the voice husky?" 'Do you plt up slime?" "Do you aens all over':" "Do you blow out acabsT" "Is the new stopped up'" "Io you ;inor at nlKhtT" "Does your nose discharge?" ' Does the nose bled eaailyr' "Do crusts form In the none?" "Is the nose sore and tender?" "Do you sneeze a trreat deal?" "Is this worse towards night?' "Does the no-s-j itch and burn?" "Is there tickling In the throat?" "Is there pain In back of headr "la there wln across the eyea?" "Is there pain in back of headr "Is your sensa of smell leaving?" "Do you hawk to elosr the throat?"' iu ill,. -j .In.i.i.lnj- In the thrnatr "Is the throat ury in the mornings? "Are you losing your sense of taste? "Do you sloop with the mouth open?" noes your bight?'" none atop up toward DISKASi; Ol'" TUB LIKOK. This condition often resulls from catarrh ca-tarrh extending lrom the head and throat. Speedy and Inexpensive cure by Dr. (i. U. Hhoi-is' complete cure treatment treat-ment and vegetable remedies. "Have you u coiikIi'.'" "Are you loalnir flesh?" "Do you coui;h at ntghl?" "Have vou pain In side?" "Do you take cold easily?" "Is vour appeli'e variable?" "Have vou Kt Itches In side?" "Do you coi'gh until you gaK" "Are yon low-spirittd at times?' vour enntf "Do you spit up little sheeny lumps?" Have you n uiHiruai ior mur ioous. "Is there a ticklliu behind the palatef "Have you pain behind breastbone?" "Do you fe-d you are growing weaker?" weak-er?" "Is there a burnioi; pnln In the throat?" "Do you eoi'y'n worse nlghl and morn. lugs?" fDo you nav! to sit up at night to get breath?" DISKA9H OK TUB EARS. Deafness, and ear Iroublea result from catarrh pussinir along the eustachian tube that leads from the throat to the ear. Speedy and inexpensive euro by Dr. O. W. Shores' complete cure treatment and vegetable remedies. "Is your heat. 11 falling? "Do your curs discharge?" re vour ears dry and scaly. "Do tiic ear Itch and burn."' "Is the wax dry in the ears?" "Is there a thrblnr In the ysrsr "Are you trrnlunlly xettinK deaf?" "Havo you pain behind the ears?" "Is there .1 bur.ltn; sound heard f "Io you have a rli'itlnrf In the ears?" "Are there crficklUK sounds heard r' "Is your heorltfr bad cloudy days?" "Do 'you h iv earache occasionally?" "Are die souuds like steam escaping" "Do you constantly hear nolsea In the rs?" . , ., "Do your eats hurt when you Mow vour nose?" "Is there a roHiIng like a waterfall In the bead?" . ...... "Do vou hear some days, better than others?" "Do the noise in the ears keep you bwr ke?" When vou Vdow your nose do the eare (ruck?" . . Is vnur hear-In wotse when you hava a rcld?" DfRASB OP TIIH STOMACH. nils condlt'oii may rerult from several ' .inns but the usual cause Is catarrh, ! the rsult of mucus dropping down Into the throat nnd beiim swallowed. Hpedy i nnd Inexpensive cure by Dr. O. TV. Shores cnrnpieie euro ircu'.meui sum yeeetsble remdle. "Is tber" nii""a?" "Are vou costive?' 'Li there vomltlnir? "Do you belch uti R.ts?" "Are vou tltsht-hfiidedr "Is your toi'Kiie conted?"i "llave you wnter brashr -Do vou hawk nnd spllT' ' Is there psln after slln?' "re you nervous and weak?" "Do you liav alck headtchea?" no vou bloat up after estlnt?" "Is there distrust for breakfiiet?" "flavr vou dlsirens nfter eating?" "Is your thront filled with slime?" Tii vou at times have dhirrhoea?" "Is there rush of blood to the head" Ms tlie-e constHiit bad taste In mouth r i lliei : iftiitwliitr sensallon in atom 0 i h ?" "Do ynt feel a If you had lead In mnmnrh?" ... "When you g't up auddenly are ymi " hen slomach ia empty do you feel fiilnlV" Do you bcli b up nialerlsl Ihnt burns the "Do you raise frothv material; " Doyou spit up yellow matter?" "Do you eo'uh on going to bed?" "Do vou oouKh !n the mornings? 't vour ennuh short and hacking?" throat." '"'When stomach 'a full do you fed oppressed?" op-pressed?" niSEAflK Of TIIK. IvlllVKVS. KeBUlts In two ways. 1 tuklmj col. I and bv overworking the kidneys in scparatlim from the blood disease poisons, which affect eil or;us. .) uck'y i-ui -d with liule cost l y liocti.r H. V. Stioies' fsmous veceinbl. em,di-s. "lo your hands und feet fwell?" "Is this liioi - ii.iiice.i,,!,- .luring tho dnv?" "Are they cold nd cbnn!i! V" "Is there pain In snui'l ut l.u k !" "Is the urine d.uU und rtiwi'y " "Doea a detiOMli form wb.en bit stand- I ,w V ' "Is there a J.-sh-' to get up at niftli!?" "Do ycu uei .;pols tloatin before the eyes? "Are the eyes dull and Mai hip?'1 "Is there a bad t.isie In mouthy" "llave you r.-ilc In ol lii-ad?'' Is your hair fr-1 1 1 1 1 k rfraV." 'Is the skin dry h n i liarrh','" 'Is the hair Iry and Irltile','" 'Is there nuurr.) after utitii; .' ' "Has '.lie persolnitlon n I nd odor?" 'Ia there piitliuesH .inder the iy '?'" 'Are there lark r nus mound the eyii?" M the skin p4bi and dry "' "Haa thfi sklu a waxy look ." 'Do 'ou see unpleasant thlnfrs wliUC asleep?' . 'a. vou ibllly feellfgs down the back?" "Do the lolnls puln und arhe?" "Do the lea feel too heavv?" Don't wait till Hrlprht's uteae Is devel- l pro. i.ur ii now'. DISKASi: OV TIIH I.IVEII. The liver is affected bv dis -ase polsors extending from the stomach Into tha tfuote In the liver. Quickly cured with little cost by Doctor O. . Shores' fa- mous vegetable remedUs. "Are you Irritable?" "Are you uervoua?" "Do you set dlxay?" "Have you no enerRy?'" "Do you have cold fn-i?" "Do yon fel miserable?" "Ia your memory poor'.'" "Do you tret tired easily?" "Do you hove hot flashes?" "I your eyesight blurred?'' "Have you us In in ihe bacl ?" "la your ileih soft and flabby T' "Are vour snliltn low m tl, ' i "la there bloating after eatlnif?" "Have you pain around the lolna?" "Do you huvj gnrirlluir In bowels'."' "Do you have rumblinc in rowels?" "Ia there throbbing In stomach?" "Do you htkvi sense of h-ar hi lowels "Do you suffer from pin in umplra?" "Do you have palpitation of tli heart?" . '.'"...t,"'IV n (teneral feeling of lassitude?" lassi-tude?" nisr.AKR ok mr. mhvkx. When the nerves lire uffertc 1 bv disease dis-ease the following svniuloii.s lndlciie it. I Fpeedy und l:ii-XM nslve cure by Dr. U. w . Hliores (anions v i;;lublo runedivs. "Do you aet giddv ?" "Have vou ii'-untltflu?'1 "Is your memory poor:" "Are yuu eajlly duz.-.l .' ' , "Are you ?oal'.y excited?" "Do your hand tremble?" "Doea your henrt flutter?" "Are you easily Irrliateil?" "Have you w?ird fnncles?" "Io you havi head.u bes7" ' "I your Drain fuge, out?" "Doesn't sleep refresh you?" f "Are you easily frightened?" "Have you horribbt dreams'" ' "Have you wandering pains?" "Doea conversation bore you?" "Do you etart up In your sleep'" "Do you fotiret what you rend?" "Have vou veitlo coi'iel lines .''" "Have you numbness in limbs?" "Have you pain on top of heal?" "Ia there loan of power In limbs? "Ioea a lump come up In throat?" "Have you pain In imek of head?" "Have you throbbing In temples?" "Do your letr.i or nrmn iro to peer? "Have you languid, tired feeling'" "Is there twltehlnir of the mnsclis?" "Do you suffer from s1ecple;ress'', "Have you shootlmr pains In bnd?" "la there rush of blood to the hend?' "Can you hardly recollect anything?" RIIKI M4TIM. fir disease of the muscles or lolnts. When the muscles and Joints are affected by dlsweee, the following symptoma Indicate tt: If the directions are followed carefully, care-fully, every ease may be completely and ? illicitly curd by Doctor O. W. Hhorea' amoua Vegetable remedies, "Do you havo ileensenteil pains in tho muscles and lolnls. "Pom this puln come on erjdenly sn4 aevere?" "Ia the pain of a stretching and tiar-Ing tiar-Ing character?" "Is the pain Increased by movenirt of pressure? "I It alwaya more ser-re at rlirht'' "Doea It at timet disappear during tlirt flay?" "'Doea It move from one part to an. other?' "Ia ft aharp and acute vhn you move?' . . "Ia the pain dull when vou are nnlet" "Doea the pain sometime dlsapp"tr tniddenly?' ... "After a eevri attack do you feel lun-ruid lun-ruid and weak?' Catarrh "! all itlaenaee of the eye, ear, nose, throat, Inaica.atoiuiirh. liver, liv-er, bowels, kldaeya mid bladder II ehroalo private and nerrntta dls-raaea dls-raaea both aeaea, aad dlsenaea of wasnea aad children. Otllee lioorB rereaeoa, to 12. Afternoon, 2 to 5, Handnya, 11 a. tn. to 1 p. in. a,; a MONTH for Cntarrh aad all Catarrhal Ca-tarrhal fhronle Diseases Medicine free. Doctor Hhorea motto la u. l,9Tr Fee. Qalrk Tare, .til Id aad Palnleae Treatment." If yoa eaa-nt eaa-nt earn be office eead atasaa for Doctor Uhores' neve rang. teas list aad have yoar rase dl. araon et eistrl advice free. ZION'S MEDICAL INSTITUTE, Dr.G.W.SHORES ' , c on"M.Tiso nnsiti v. $4 Eaet Heennd Roath Street, alt Lake Illy. |