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Show M r Constitution and Statehood. Our motto: Silver, 16 to I VOL. 5. NO. 10. SPRING VILLE, UTAH, FRIDAY, OCT. 11. 1895. PRICE: $2.00 PER YEAR The i ft me m i mi . l8 - j i vjj.. it i ci Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report torn AB&OWTEEY PURE IN AND OUT OP TOWN Mr. Win. R. Johnson is rejoicing in in the advent of a liltle girl at his home. Lost Territorial warrant No. 1104. Finder will be rewarded by returning to W. F. Wiscoiube. And now Sam Davis sports a wheel he'll have to stop if he's to be our future mayor See! Henry Wood wants a good inilch cow. Call and see him at the barber shop If you have one to sell. The following gentlemen havs been selected as judges of election for Springville: Amasa L. Haymond, W. F. Wiscombe and Mont Johnson. Dave Brinton Is now bragging that he has as many kinds as anyone. The last of the series to arrive, a beautiful girl, came Wedncsdaymornlng. Fred Carter's wife has presented him with another little girl which has come just a year after the death of Etfiu aged sixteen. Miss Nettie Johnson has returned home from Castle Gate where she has been residing the past year. She will remain home this winter. Mr. A, I. Wyatt, the manufacturing manufactur-ing jeweler and optician of Salt Lake has issued a neat advertising device, cousistiug of a fac-simile of the Declaration Declar-ation of Independence. It is on good paper and worthy of framing. Mr. Wm. Nesbitt, supt. of the Mammoth mill at Tintic has decided to locate in Springvllle this winter. They will take up their abode at W. H. Carter's pleasant homo on north Main street. Mr. Thos. Dallin of this city received receiv-ed a telegram from his son C. E. Dal-; llu of Philadelphia, Fa., announcing the sudden death of his little boy, Thomas. The child was about a year old. Life will acquire new zet, and cheerfulness return, if you will impel jour liver and kidneys to the proper performance of their functions. Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm will stimulate them to healthful health-ful action. Price $1.00 per bottle at C.J. Peterson's. i Mr. Rjlla T. Marshal left here last TuesJay morning with a party of coal experts to do some preliminary dcvel-ment dcvel-ment work on his coal properties up Provo canyon. He says if the coal is a failure hj is sure of a valuable de-posite de-posite of graphite. Success to you, Ilolla. i PiTP 0 In order to introduce our Large Stock of Fall and Winter Goods we are G-oing to Give a SPECIAL 13ALE. Not of old Stock, but of New and Desirable Goods, Just the kind you want to get ready for cold weather Stile Commences Sept 3rd. And continues for 15 days. We want your trade and if Prices will get it we are going to have it. LOOK AT 10 pieces plain dress goods at lOpleces plain check D. W. dress goods 10 pieces casnmere u. w. an colors at 10 pieces Manchester Brocades at 1000 remnants of dres goods, 2 to 8 yards, Just the thing for children's dresses at half value. 60 pieces of dark prints at 10 pieces heavy blue Domestic at 10 pieces red Domestic oil colors at 20 pieces Challles at 10 pieces napped Cheviot at 6 pieces white Shaker flannel at 5 pieces grey shaker flannel at 6 pieces silk stripe Outing flannel at K nlofpo hpnvv rut ton flannel At 100 remnants table Linen 2, Zi, 21, and 21 yards each at about half SHOES. Any pair of ladies' Shoes tn the house for This is no sale of undesirable stock, they are all Bright, New, and Seasonable Goods; just what you want today. We are sacrificing these Goods to get you to call on us as we are sure to get your trade if you compare our value with others 33 .A. 3R, 3T E! "IT 9 CENTRE SS&Ednt mmm. mm w ! 1 1 mt- Our enterprising shipper, Wm. M. Roylance has Just received an order for five cars of potatoes, one car of apples and one car of onions. This is the way to help Springvllle find markets mar-kets for her products and prosperity is the result. A family row was aired in Justice Noe's court lest Wednesday Francis A. Packard objected to Joseph Char-Ington Char-Ington boxing his boy's ears, so had the offending Joseph up before said judge to answer, ne was found guilty guil-ty and fined f 1 00 and costs, amounting amount-ing in all to $6.00 You can earn $5 each day "giving" our absolutely indispensable house hold article away. New plan of work, making experience unnecessary and success certain for either sex in any section. Sample dozen free. Credit given. Freight paid. Address, Melrose Mel-rose M'fg. Co., 1 Melrose Park, III. The Richfield Advocate intimates that because a man is not much of a lawyer he becomeg a newspaperman. Of course from the Advocate's standpoint stand-point it may be so, but some folks think it requires as much brain power pow-er for the newspaper business ss it does for law. What do you think, "Dick Young?" City Watermaster Bird calls special attention to the resolution adopted by the city council relating to water ditches, wi ich must be cleaned out by Friday, Oct. 25th, So everyone must see that it is done in front of their respective properties by that date. Mr. Geo. W. Clark and his son John F., prominent citizen of Jackson-' ville 111., are visiting the Clark . and Sanford families of this city, who are relatives of the gentlemen. Mr. Clark Sr. is an ardent gold standard man- strange to say. Mr. Clark Jr.- is the clerk of the circuit county court having hav-ing succeeded his father to the position. posi-tion. Both gentlemen are Democrats but the younger is a staunch silvcijad-vocate. silvcijad-vocate. The gentlemen are belnc chaperoned around by Mr. Cyrus Sanford. San-ford. You think him changed, he never was so sour tempered cross and irritable irrit-able before. No he is the same man but his liver is out of order, he needs Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm. It is a reliable remedy for stimulating the torpid liver, Improving Improv-ing the digestion and removing bile accumulations. A short treatment with this medicine will make him once more healthy, cheerful and even tempered. Price $1.00 per bottle at C. J. Peterson's. PRICES. at 8lc 121c mc worth 12ic worth 20 c worth 30 c worth 16c Hie 4lc me 4ic 11 c 5 C eic 15 C worth 6c worth 124c worth 15 c worth 6ic worth 15 c worth "Jo worth 1 c worth 25 c worth 10 c etc value. t2.75 STREET, A BRIDGE AT LAST! Work Commenced Yesterday -Will be as Wide as the Street. Work was actually begun ou the long needed bridge over Hobble Creek where that stream crosses Main St. The bridge will be the full width of the street. A stone wall laid two feet thick in lime leaving 20 feet in the clear will be the first construct-tion. construct-tion. The labor will be performed bp the poll tax account under the direction' of Street Supervisor Harmer. .The excavation and rock work Is all that comes under ltarmr's supervision. The supplying ot the material and the bride work proper will be done by the county. The Independent rejoices with the citizens of Springvllle to see this long felt want nearing a fulfillment. li Ideal PaaMtft. James L. Francis, Alderraan.Chica-go,says: Alderraan.Chica-go,says: "IJregard Dr. King's New Discovery Dis-covery as an ideal panacea for coughs, colds, and lung complaints, having used it in my family for the last five years, to the exclusion of physicians' prescriptions or other preparations." Rev. John Bu.-gus, Keokuk, Iowa, writes: "I have been a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church for fifty years or more, and have never found anything so beneficial, or that gave such speedy relief as, Dr. King New Medical Discovery." Try this ideal cough remedy now. Trial bottles bot-tles free, At C. J. Peterson's, Bl'SIXESS BRIEFS. For bargains in furniture call on Wood & Daley. Wood & Daley have the finest stock of coffins, caskets, etc., tn town. - Meneray & Co. have received a large consignment of stationery, toilet articles ar-ticles and perfumery. Caffrey & Davis, our popular furniture fur-niture dealers are strictly in the swim with bargain-.- XI. T. Reynolds & Covhave Just re- eel red a fine stock of bird cages. Also a car load of stoves. Have you seen Irvine & Son's new ad? They have a fine stock of roods to select from when you visit Provo. S. S. Jones & Co. of Provo arc still making some exceptionally good offers to their patrons. Sam Schwab of Provo says If you visit bis s tor 3 once you will buy your clothing from him ever after. Try him one Dial Bros. &Mendenhall had Mr. J. H. Weist of Chicago here last Any pair of men's Shoes in the house for OF as we have snoes at 4.W, 4.00, &.oo, 6.50, and 6.oo. you can see wnat a great sacrifice we are making. All our ladles' and children's Tan shoes and Oxfords at cost. 500 pairs of children's Shoes at cost. As shoes have advanced in price it will pay you to lay in shoes. CLOAKS, CLOAKS! We have the finest line of Ladles' Plush, Fur and Cloth Jackets, etc., and In order to introduce them we will give 15 per cent dis count to every lady purschaslog one 1 lot Ladles' Union Suits 1 lot Misses Union Suits 1 lot Ladies, undershirts and drawers 1 lot Children's undershirts and drawers 1 lot Itov's undershirt and drawers 1 lot of Men's undershirts and drawers The above underwear are 11 A HQ AIN S. 1 lot Ladles' wool and cotton hosiery 1 lot Children's wool and cotton hosiery 1 lot Men's wool and cotton hosiery Many or tht above hose are worth 60c a pair, 1 lot Turkish Towela Thurspay and Friday to measure and take orders for cloaks, capes, etc., and during his sojourn the store was fairly fair-ly rushed with business. -.The windows of Miss Dora Curtis's millinery parlors are resplendent with ft charm'ng coloring of the line lot of hats and fall millinery. 'Packard Bros, have their fall anil winter goods cemlug now and to keep posted you must visit often to keep up with the times. The G. S. Wood Mercantile com pany is strictly up date is its stock of fall and winter goods and their prices are Ot bedrock ou everything they carr. Go and see for youiself. ' -Jjj A. Reynolds the corner grocery man has some bargains that fairly startle his competitors. Take a look the 8th page, then you'll know where to buy for cash. ' The quality of the blood depends much upon good or bad digestiou and assimilation; to make the blood rich In life and strength giving constituents, constitu-ents, use Dr. J. H. McLean's St rengthening rength-ening Cordial and' Blood Purifier, It will nourish the properties of the blood from which the elements of vitality vi-tality are drawn. $1.00 per bottle. For Sale by C. J. Peterson. " THR VOICE IT BUZZARD'S BAT. Once at Buzzard's Bay, while fishing, I sat musing, wondering, wishing That the presidential mansion I could hold till life was o'er; As I pondered on the matter, Suddenly I heard a clatter,'; An Interminable chatter, :, From the sloping pebbly shore. "Some Intruder!" then I muttered, '.'Wants official bread, well buttered, Some Intolerable bore, Seeking office, nothing more." As, I eat In deep reflection, ; Thinking of the nextelcction, 1 experienced such dejection As I never felt befere; burning, I bebeW lowly . Buzzard, walking slowly Up and dojivn the gravel floor; On my Trllliies proudly standing, Spoke I the a In voice commanding; "Tell me triiy. as a prophet, What the future has in store, What foine it has iu store. "In convention consequential, In the campaign presidential, Will my efforts be potential, And my power Influential, To secure the place once more? Bird of death! O bird of evil. ' Traversing the sandy level, Be thou angel or grim devil, Soothe my spirit sad and sore; Will again this noble nation Call me to that honored station?" Quoth the buzzard, "Nevermore!" -Ex. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powdei A Par Orip Ctmb ( Tartar Powder. 3 00 before September lath 75, 1.35, 76, 50, 50, 1.50 each 1.00 each 75 each 75 each 35 each 75 each 60, 25. 25, 35, 50, 20, 25, 30 each 20, 25, 30 each 10, 15, 20, 25 each 10c each This lady is waiting for her turn to purchase her IT. TIT' X.,. UT W mw uu nun v infian gi llUfl II I II Mil I . Lfi from among the elegant line of J PLUSH. ASTRlCAN, FUR AKOICLOTH Coats tvixca. Capes II. 1 Reynolds Co. 4 flom my boy; mui Jiuui Hi v uuv yi r , r -i. The Survival THE FALL AND WINTER OF 1895 Will find us another notch higher on the ladder of famei Our assortmeu will be the largest ever shown by any Clothing store, our styles, workmanship, lit and finish! coupled with the low price will satisfy you. ON THIS PLATFORM Our business methods have stood the scrutiny of thou sands of customers and we solicit your patronage this fall. We give you an inkling of what splendid things we have in store for you. XJx-lofly TVtontioxxi Wo $ 7.00: At At 9.00: a 12.00: Values Never Equalled. CLOTHE HIE 1 lot Hock Towels, 20 pairs Lace Curtains 10 pairs Lace Curtains 10 pairs LaceCurtnlns 50 white and Grey Blankets 25 Grey Blankets 25 White 10-4 Blanket 1 lot Bed Comforts CLOTHING, Our entire stock of Clothing must be closed out as we aregolngoutof the clothing business. It will pay you to see us before buying as you can get them at less than cost. 1 lot Bib Overall at 45c pair Best Overalls on earth 60c pair 1 lot Men's black hate 50c each 1 lot Cow boy's hate l.oo each 1 lot Boy's black hate 25c each 1 lot Boy's black bats 35c each 1 ' v you shall go with mo down to Itey- i i . t t ... .... coat, they say They've Bargains of the Fittest Clothing Stores hate come and gone, and still we1 continue to grow, in Sales, in Popularity, in Everyway, season after season a larger and larger portion of Utah's male population turns its eyes Schwabward for what la best, best In every possible way In ready to wear c!othes( and season after season we continue to furnish It, at prices that are simply coinpetlon proof. Men's strictly all wool black Cheviot and grey caslmeres never before equalled for less than tl2.00. Men's dickey caslinerc suits in large varities of colors, not sold anywhere for less than $15.00. The famous beavenlara-tricot lawn suits in Mack and gray, and so we go on all through our stock with OUTFITTEB- 5 c each 75c pair 1.25 pair 1.60 pair 75 pair 1.50 pair 2.50 pair 85c, 1.00, 1.35 |