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Show THE SPRINGVILLE INDEPENDENT Issued every I'riday. D. I. KKI.T. Kditor anl MnanKr. ' F.Mlorfd at tlio post ofili'P ill Sprliitfvllli), I'tuli. for tr:niMnlsloii lliruuifli the uiullo u woiid-class tnaiu-r. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One year, Hx months. Three months. 12.0(1 1.00 ,:.o Electric lights are m 'tr-;.)li tan. A iioad from Lake Shore Ut Spring-villo Spring-villo direct. I'ayhox has electric lights, why can't Spriiid'vlllc. 1 r is refreshing to go to 1'rovo JtiHt toee the electric lights. Mavok Holliiook of Piovo has lights for the Htrecis hiisisi'lf if the council can't afford it. Ci'HiuuNS for the xtepti of Reynolds' store and th hank buildings. We must take care of our "sitting patrons." pat-rons." Ai'Aiitof trousers found on the hank of a river will not ulwu.vs mean that a man lias been drowned. New Orleans Picayune Just so; might have been a woman. Thk duck season is here and now our vigilant and. zealous officer are up at daybrenk trying to cutch some enthusiastic enthu-siastic sportsman who happen to kill a duck before sunrise or after sunset, Oh! go to! We wonder what the Tribune would do if th Springfield Republican Republi-can were to slip its cable and fall t. come In for the slzzor ant. A careful perusal of their columns for many moons back reveals, a cllpplugor several, sev-eral, from tjhls Eastern puper every day. Now old England has an extremely extreme-ly cold swing of Prey's comet tail, a port of Icy banquet is being had. England Eng-land has no such salubrious climate cracky guardian angels or lucorapar-able lucorapar-able atmosphere as have we, hence the climate affects England's African visitors, vis-itors, to say nothing of the residents. A coHRKsroNDENT to tho Salt Lake Herald has said Sprlngville beets contain con-tain more sacbarine than any in the county, hence the State. This is so and It behooves us to see that our deliveries de-liveries arc made promptly, our soil taken care of and the crops well looked look-ed after so that this reputation can be maintained and the desire of the sugar people shall be, to get our crops 1n ahead of any In the county on ac fount of their superior quality. We regret to see the city council has taken no action, as yet, regarding the electric light proposition made the city by Mr. Socll. It seems to us that early action should bo taken in this matter as It is certainly necessary to have lights of some kind In our city The propositions -as made by Mr. Snell are surely sweeping enough to corner every objection that may be raised by the most conservative. Hur ry up, gentlemen, let's havo a report of some kind favorable, we hope for lights we need. W e regret to see the Tribune descend des-cend to lU'partisan meanness by referring re-ferring to the remarks of the church authorities as being Republican in their tone for the reason of the advice given the people on the sustaluanceof home Industries a piece of advice that if given by any church official of other dcmonlnatlons or of any political faith, would not be referred to as suggestive of politics. It is in bad taiite fortheTribuue to Intimate, In-timate, either for personal,' political or revengeful reasons, that the Mor mon churb is laboring to the advantage advan-tage of cither party, especially on so lim a pretext as above noted. MUSIC U UTAH. J, L'SIOIANS of! no w looking u II I. .Ion., ill,..- i est at Utah since the great Eisteddfod Eis-teddfod is over. It marks an epoch In the history of I'lah that glimmers with more stars than any event that has happened for many years. I tali has always been recog nized as the home of the musician, the artist and the artNan especially the former. Music ha been the recreation recrea-tion of her people from trie very earli est times. It is no wonder that the present generation does partake of tiie munlcal inllucnce that predominated predomi-nated among the recreative pleasures of the pioneers. Even when crossing the plains we are told of the old cracked tliddle, tho wheezy comet or screechy (lute or fife 1 hat served as an accompaniment to the really melodious melod-ious voice of Hie musical maiden or the melodious harmony of the crowd. As soon as city-stakes were driven uml a meeting bouse built, the first thing organized was a choir, ami right Jolly timcH were' had as Profs, lialluu, and Thomas, and later Careless and Iteaslcy and 1. O. Calder taught all kinds of tunes from Old Hundred, Yankee Hoodie or America, to the most dillhiilt Te Heurn, anthems and operatic selections or entire operas. This being so, it is lil.Ho wonder thai, the people of I'lah are such music-lovers, music-lovers, as was so pleasingly evident last Friday night, when an audience of 12,noo people were content to sit. live hours and then remain almost spell bound, after 12 o'clock, while another an-other chorus was sung, and still further fur-ther Insist on hearing the verdict which bad been promised the next day,-Such a thing Is not known in the history of any other slate or assem blage. The writer was a most interested spectator and appreciative listener at the Eisteddfod concerts and can only say, 'Glory Hallelujah!' to the Welsh people generally and the Cambrian Society In particular for the glorious feast of music that was so bountifully sprend before the most appreciative people to bo found on the American. continent not excepting Scranton, Pa., whose choir took tho first prize against our Utah choir at the World's Fair, by half a point. The Independent would ask some of Its authoritatltivc elder brethren of Salt Lake, if over teu per cent of their readers sit down and really en joy the vicious political passes and harangues that are teeming in their columns every day? For our part we will bo glad when reports of political diatribes and other slush shall he en tirely climated from our newspapers, conllriing this to strictly political or gans or papers. Politics have a place in the economy of life but not such as our enthusiastic partisan papers give it. They fairly teem with it until it is nauseating. (.live us something else plu ase. In our reference last week to the advisability of the Union Pacific con ncctlug with Springville we had no desire to give the R. (1. W. any kind of an under current complaint. Even tho' they have practically a monoply ou Sprlngville business they have never in any sense of tho word used ami BACKACHE. it Try it, and you will agree is the V PEERLESS REMEDY " Kidneys and Bladder, Female troubles, Rheumatism" and : Bfifcfit Disease. For sale everywhere at Ji.cn per bottieC -HI , " THE DR.J.H. MCLEAN MEDICINE CO., ST. LOUIS, MO. the most efficient service, both on the road and in Sprlngville as the popularity popular-ity of the road at tests. Under the present arrangements freight shipped to Springville over the U. P. must be prepaid. If a passenger leaves Springville he must buy his ticket of the conductor after flagging the train; all because J.hat toad has no depot, agent, or in fact anything. Still the V. P. claims Springville as one of the towns on it's line it is so quoted on the folders, and thus an uncalled for injury is done the town by these pretensions pre-tensions without the backing-up facilities. fa-cilities. Springville has a population of 31(18 and is entitled to both roads, and if the Union Pacific can't give us any more than it does now it is better bet-ter that it drop Springville as one of its towns. Ei.kctkk; lights, a bridge over Hobble Hob-ble Creek; a road to Lake Shore; waterworks. "The great four." Dallin in Philadelphia. iioston losses three artists this year, Cyrus E Dallin the sculptor, Joseph He Camp and Arthur W. Dow. Mr. Dallin goes to take the position of instructor in-structor of modeling in the Drexel institute, in-stitute, Philadelphia. ' Iioston will lose a good sculptor, one whose Idea is that artistic work should be neither an attempt at realism or a reproduction reproduc-tion of .classicism. Doubtless Mr. Dallin would say that '"art is nature, seen through a temperament;" and, of course, the temperament makes or mars the statue or the picture. A discordant, dis-cordant, uneasy mind produces work iu its own likeness. A noble,sustairied manly character imprints itsqualities umiii the work produced. Mr. Dallin has had good training in Paris; has seen the go.id art of Europe; and, through all he has kept his own individuality, indi-viduality, which Is essentially national, nation-al, American. At present he is engaged upon a model with which he will enter en-ter upon the competition to be held this fall for the equestrian statue of General Sherman, for which congress has made an appropriation. The horre Is splendidly modeled, having a fine, heroic, restrained action. General Sherman, his sword in his right hand, seems to be giving an order, which any under officer must have been happy hap-py to obey. Boston Transcript. t - 4 ' "7T for Oolk , JDi Humphreys' spetiflc "77" will "break n.p" a cold thatj "hangs on." Price, 2!je at all drug stares. The Salt Lake Argusfias the following follow-ing to say regarding Wna. M. Roy-lauce: Roy-lauce: "Roylance is a popular man In Springville and Is well acquainted, as a man is bound to bo who has bartered bar-tered for the butter and eggs of a community for years. Nevertheless, he Is a success In his way as a business man, and this success, coupled with the fact that he has been honored with unimportant municipal and ecclesiastical ec-clesiastical offices, has developed in him a dangerous ease of that now common com-mon disease, "big head.". When your heart pains you and unusual un-usual palpitation is frequent, accompanied accom-panied sometimes with shortness of breath and Jow spirits your are suffering suffer-ing from a disordered Rtate of the liver, digestion Is imperfect and there Is wind on the stomach. If allowed to remain the trouble will ultimately reach tho kidneys and then becomes dangerous to life. St?ps should be taken to stay its progress on the appearance ap-pearance of the first symptoms. , Dr. S. II. McLean's Liver and Kidney Halm Is rccommeuded for disorders ol this nature. Price tl.00 per bottle. For sale by C. J. Peterson. ' Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder A Pura (trap Cnm ot Tartar Pawdar. WHY ? Because your Liver and Kidneys are out of order. For years and year? housewives all over the country havo used with best results Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver K1dttEy!;Balm:; with the thousands who sy';V for curing ailments pf he piorv.J EuckliiDS Arnioa S.lvi. . The Best Salve in the world for CuU, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and postively cures j Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed guar-anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Dr. C. J. Peterson. Pet-erson. city coixcn.. Council met in regular session on Monday. Oct., 7lb, ls(:,'. Mayor Hall p res id big. Reports for quarter ending Sept. 301 h, ISH.), were filed from sexton J. M. Clemmeiis, supervisor Ilarmer, justice Noe, marshal! Storrs. and inspector of provisions Straw, all of which were read accepted and Hied. The-committee to whom the matter of building a bridge over Hobble Creek reported their findings; stating they were in harmony with the county court eouimitt.ee, Messrs. Pcery and Reynolds. Report accepted and filed. Committee on cemetery lots were Instructed to furnish the mayor with a plat of the old cemetery to enable him to furnish correct deeds to lots therein. Jacob Medina's taxes fur 18i), were remitted, amount $2.ui). The sum of $8.25 was appropriated to pay interest and Mayor Hall was authorized to piocure of the money il not in the treasury. The following bills were allowed and amounts appropriated. E. A. "Wilson, Attorney, - &50.00 11. T. Reynolds - - i)2.8(i A. W. Ilarmer, supervisor, - 18.25 Geo. II. Maycock '- - - 8.00 William Diamond - - - 1.50 James Taylor .... rj.75 Walter Bird, watermaster, - 10.00 The ordinance relating to the inspection in-spection of provisions was amended in chapter (3 and 7 of the Revised Ordinances of Springville, Reynolds Calfrey and Rainier voted in the affirmative. The committee, on law were instructed in-structed to present a bill for an ordinance ordi-nance on irrigation at their earliest convenience. The following resolution was unanimously unan-imously adopted: Rooked: By the City Council of Springville, that the city watermaster is hereby ordered to have the water ditches in the streets of Springv.lle thoroughly cleaned on or before Oct. 25th, 181)5, in order to promote and protect; qnc health of our citizens. The Marshal was instructed to apply to 'the Clerk of 1st district court for' the money derived from the tines in the Retchnitzer case in favor of .Springville, : ; ., Mayor Hall and Counselor Caffrey were authorized to look, up, correct tind give quitclaim deed to certain property claimed by W. F. Wlscombe. Ii May Do as Much for Ton-Mr. Ton-Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, 111. writes that he had a Severe Kidney tronble for many years, with severe pains in his back and also that his bladder was affected. He tried many so called Kidney cures but without any good result. About a year ago be began use of Electric Bitters and found relief re-lief at once. Electric Bitters is es. pecially adapted to cure of all Kidney and Liver troubles and often gives all most instant relief. One trial will prove our statement. Prize only 50c or large' bottle. At Dr. C. J. Peterson's Peter-son's Drug Store. Editorial Outing. Unde.r the above heading, the St. Martinsville, La., Messenger has the following: 'On entering Utah Valley the traveler trav-eler could see on all sides well cultivated culti-vated fields. The train soon rolled into the town of Springville, which is a typical Mormon town. Springville is a town of 3U58 inhabitants, and the centre of a great fruit and agricultural agricultur-al country. Tho town derives its name from the fact that a strong hot spring pours its waters into a stream Just above the town, the Spring Creek The water from this spring does not freeze in winter, and thus a (Inuring mill run by it Is enabled to work the year round. The citizens of Sprlngville Sprlng-ville brought to the train fruits which were served to the editorial party, which atteution was highly appreciated appre-ciated by the knights of the (jnlll. a ' i- Mr. J. K. Fowler, secretary and treasurer of the Cortn ne Mill, Canal aud Stock Co., of Corrlnne, L'tah, in speaking of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy says: "I consider it Is the best in the market. I have used many kinds tyit And Chamberlain's the most prompt and effectual In giving relief, and now keep no other In other in my home." When trouble. ith a cough orchrpl'O this remedy a trial and .welassurc you that you will be more 'thart-p1r?d 'with the result. For sale by all druggists. The Produce Merchant FRUITS, POTATOES, ALFALFA SEED, HAY and GRAIN, Car Lots e. Specialty. Correspondence Solicited. STUDCBAKUR VVAGON8. Springville, Packard pros & Co., DEALBRS IN GEflERAIi fflERCHAflDlSE, Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, Hardware, Etc. SPRINGVILLE, UTAH, DEALERS IN rfT7TTDKTTTTTDT7 Jlappy Houf Dental Go., 2l3 8TATH! ST, JS-A.XT TjJSJESLEI CITY Dentistry in all its branches atlthe most reasonable rea-sonable prices for first-class work. Best teeth $10 per set. All work warranted. ORDERS BY MAIL SOLICITED, Fraqcis SPRINCVIILB AIITIITO CO., Manufacturer of and Dealer in 11EGAL PATENT, ROYAL, ROSE BUD, GRAHAM, GERMADE, CORN MEAL, BRAN, SHORTS, CHOPPED FEED. Wheat received on deposit. Custom Grinding a Specialty. Cash paid for wheat MILL OPPOSITE SPUING CREEK. A. O. SMOOT, Successor to PROVO L. M, & B, CO, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Lumber, Doors, Windows, Blinds, Mouldings, Rustic Siding,T and G Flooring,Shingles, Lath, Paints and Builders' Hardware, LUMBER SAWED AND DRESSE TO ORDER SCROLL SAWING A ND TURNING ONE. UTAH VALLEY IRON PAINT. Combination wire and Slat Fence. D. Office and Yard opp. R, R. Depot. Telephone No. 20. P. O. Box "9, PROYO, OlOOD & General line of FURNITURE, Including: WALL PAPER CARPETS, WINDOW BLINDS, ETC AT BEDROCK PRICES, Give Us Cell for Bargnins, Springville, Utah. EGGS, POULTRY, BOX MATERIAL and GENERAL COMMISSION. Utah, 3k lb. R. BEEBE, Mgr. DALEY, UNDERTAKERS. COFFINS and CASKETS OF ALL KINDS. All Calls Promptly attended to. 20 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. Pi, M Sijell. |