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Show ail M i PLEASANT 'GROVE - NEWS A. Independent ""VSLuSt lighed in the tntertaor Pleaaani Uron and Utah County. Issued Every Saturday. BY THIS The Provo Herald Pob.Co. t mum I ARSON. Editor and General Manajer. . - ' a, ASH LEY BARTLETT. Local Editor? Application made at the postomca t Pleasant Groye. Utah, tor traM-miBBlon traM-miBBlon through the malls, as second-class second-class matter. Subscription Price, 1.50 a Year, In Advance. . .t ... miriMW band-made r-ther completely alienee- Uw Jmenu of my ardent eompeU- ... tti fine Chinavware at MASON'S which it fliven away a.l an appreciation w your ..jr. Honesty in business tr a matter of ACTS, not words, and confidence M toe inevitable result of Just and Jair dealing. W. B. MASON. tlNVESTIGATE - - A. . am farm. ' Ivjwam. mart house, w,r--rv , water, an "" - . : . Nelson. rect connecuou- rt drains. take City. - - Olftf ' . AB m hare 'olUJ wise man are Jose of the fool to all men bt .elf.Stnart Set. i : ' - s , - - -- fell , A'-V't' men i i - 4, t Hnme Canned Beef X Horseradish . - Seed Beans S.F. Walker & Sons We ha.ve Jewelry for presents and Jewelry for valentines Delirious ... Sunday Ice Cream-Sweet Fresh OrangesToothr 1 some Chocolates THORNE'SCAFE : " .... - I Watches from $5 to $100 TKe best. Silverware for tKe table that is made, in jflated ftd solid I ( I A V We show half a hundred fashions just as swagger as this up-to-date model, any one of which yoa may: select in ordering a made-to-me4iure suit from us.. - . E MEMBER We handle everything in the Building line, and all kinds of Fencing Paints, Oils, Glass, and can give you coal that burns best in your stove . 4 : JAMES MARTINI . . ,4V Where the quality alweisrH a .nnn Fork . rviiivi". 'l q 400 Ml WOOL patted to select from. Brand ne wastries fresh from the world's leading weavers, ' Every conceivable shade of grey, tan. brown and all other popular colorings as well as staple blue and black. Suit or overcoats tailored to your own measurements -as low as $1 5.00. You are bound to come our way some day in your search for quality clothes. (J Better call at once and look over the line. Orpheus Orchestra Furnish Music for all occasions Address E. E. Lyman Pleasant Grove or American Fork Both Phones at Ameri- canFork Drug Co. mi vy IT nOUCLAS 83.00,3.50,84.00 SHOES Best iatha World. UNION MADE Boys' Shoes $2.00 and $2.50 rut vww .f"- W. L DoufUs hoe are the lowet price, quality conwowm, - - -Their eicellent ttyle, ety fitting and long wearing qualitiet excel thoe of other mike. If you he been paying ... r I .1 t .m. high price lor your inun, ui i you need a pair giro W. L DoujIm thoee m IXmU- i V" vaa " j , i footwear and get hoe tht irr .. ikA. tkat hm 1 gOOO in ery w-j " ' been cotting you higher price. If you could visit our Urge lactone ml Brockton, Maa, and ee for yourelf how carefully W. L. Dougla hoe are made, you would then understand why they hold their ahape, fit better and wear longer man .- 4 I Tl W. U lnli W"n r " l-li- If W . U l'illl " " '2 ,u? ir','.T. wr,t; f.i SU.I lW4ttlo. W.U1WH-V HriM kUQ. IdAM. . - . . uu.i 1 Pleasanl(iroeMcr.Co ... UR car of iuSS"s are nere. We beat t P on price. The Full-Wroug! ,n,CKory u88es 1 ' W f - a beat the world, "e... guarantee. makes you safe. ? not buy until ci nese H. L, CLARK, Pleasant Grove it! i s-j FUGAllj BROS. -.vr Big"C"FloW In everybody's mouth. Output in 1909 doubles over 1908. Carload business is taking the place of retail trade Pleasant Grove Roller Mill A. E COOPER, Proprietor Notwithstanding that we ha& gpirvg from our store since vv Ma rcK 15, our stock wa.s so plete line of everything to dri -"Sentimental Journey .U..1 T A. 1. J iivBn iuniui(. nwaervii auu w4fe. n -whittt tt had been the tunnel In tn n This ir ,rr. Kesita.ncy in saying given in this state, in Furniture. Ca Crockery. Ganges anu cx.u- present Remember, we are thY water supply will be obtained, and (eVed ,he h-ft leg immediately abov. 160 mlli of mala canal and pumping the knee. line over the landt . ..'. L..-.fe - 111 ' 1 '" "" cept a -constaLnt stream of goods inaigurated our mammotrv saie rge ihaa we still ha,ve a. com- from. if fcmoth Stock is closed out ttz hest barrfaLins ever at we areonciA - -i-,r Ipets. Curtains. Pianos. Organs. Jewelry. Many of these goods are less thn the 'actory prices ZlZlr llot goingout of business Never in the history of the state has such) . nrovements that we have under wa. J UiaXaW aaw a f t sale been made. Wc want you to come and see us. IjwiU onjyjj ' . . : . . a t :rA triat we mean mst what ' we bay. i a few minutes 10 uc tuum PROVO, UTAH - r . . - ':.rf' ' " ' - f r " ' Zyf 5 "WE NEVER SLEEP" |