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Show 1 PLEASANT GROVE NEWS - . : ' - o y f BEIIED NO TRACE WHATEVER OF O.T COOK'S ALLEGED ASCENT OF MOUNT McKINLEY. The Fairbanks Expedition Reaches Highest Point on the Continet With Little Difficulty After Climb of a Month. Fairbanks, Alaska. The Fairbanks expedition to Amount McKinley, the tallest peak in North America, reached reach-ed the summit April 3, after a climb of one month from the base. Nalraces of Dr. Frederick A. Cook's alleged ascent as-cent were found. Thomas Lloyd, leader of theexpedi-, tion, arrived here Tuesday night. His companions were Daniel Patterson, W. R. Taylor and Charles McGonnigle, and all reached the top of the great-mountain. great-mountain. The expedition, which left Fairbanks December 15, while the controversy over Dr. Cook's' disputed ascent was still raging, was financedsby Gus Pet erson and William McPnee of this city. The plan was to go into camp on the mountain ills high as possible and, probably about the middle' of May, make a dash for the summit. Tbe-obstacles encountered were not so great as had been predicted. Foui camps were established during the as lent and a trail was blazed all the way to the crest. I'p to li,pOO-fept thf climbing did not prespnt mrastiaTlHffl-cultles. mrastiaTlHffl-cultles. For tne next 4.000 feet the way led over a steep Ice field,' which at first seemed to forbid further prog ress, but tnrough which, upon explor ation. It was found possible to locale a patn. The final dash to the top was made from the lG.Otiu root camp. Mount McKinley terminates lu Twin Peaks of equal beight, one somewhat rounded and covered with snow, the other composed of bare and wind swept rocks. On the rock peak the Fairbanks climbers placed an Amerl can flag In a monument of stones. The expedition, which was provided with Ir. Cook's maps and book, endeavored to follow his alleged route, but utterly failed to verify any part of hU story of an ascent PEOPLE CLAMORING FOR WAR. Excitement in Peru, Ecuador and Colombia Co-lombia at High Pitch, and Volunteers Volun-teers Offer Their Services. "Lima. IVru. Official telegrams rc-reived rc-reived here state that demonstrations hostile to Pent and lu favur of military support kor Ecuador continue at I log otxCo',mbla. ., i i ii.it country n tii.it country remains quiet, fnougb Tolunteers daily offer themselves to the array and Davy and donations to the war fund are received. 11 .Is rumored ru-mored that the Spanish award settling the boundary dispute between Peru and Ecuador may be received by the government at any moment It U believed be-lieved that If Peru's dispute over the pmvlnr.n of Tanna st.d Ariea can be settled amicably with Chile, and thus Insure the neutrality of the latter republic, re-public, Peru's trouble with Kcuador can be met without difficult. Fiendish Attack on Girl. San Francisco Suddenly attacked j tn broad daylight by an unknown man j who dashed a quantity of sulphuric add Into her face. Mis Ruth France Wilson. IS yesrs old. daughter of Joseph Jo-seph Wllnnn. general deputy of the National Union for the district of Call fornia. lies in a local hmp'.tal suffer-1 Ins the speaker ait.'tn M!e faulted Ing terrible asr.y from the burns oa In the rejection of that pan of the her face and deck. The sight of one conference reji.rt em the Mil by th eye la destroyed and the doctors ear ! bouse in Monday b a tn'.' of 111 to that It Is hardly probable tha' the'13; tuner eye wtj j. aej She prvbah y iil be blind a r-cii.t of her p-r.- eore. C'a fra .: f:r Fortune Loses. Cambridge. .Ma Juj,. C.un-e f. Uid In th pn.bate cMirt bre on TueidA. branded at an lu.; ! th DlrklDstjn. N. D. r'.ainuint ta itM'J the i l. .li i , , . . . i rBi,r u-i !.,i tii .i-iri. and dtmlMd h rae broiiKht tv the alleged Daniel Itlake K;i.;i after a record breaking tilal of 194 dj "I have jjt bow b Kun to fight " d--c arrd State Senator I-. A Si tup, n of North Dakota rounl fur the liirkln-n-n ffiia. wheo al.ed If an a;i-al woald be uk-n to a hlrher tmn To Unite Blue and Gray. Wah-eg'oo m of the CHU war. h w feo ue the b n- an m l h who infr o g-s a !: !.! of rtfytrtirr, wt I nit-f ata-n -a thit ttn,',t t.!'Vf.! J ' ,r jf f. rni enot s'arted t I Je!ui;? " ! "el J A Wa!rt-'4. t" A. I ffV I tiat Merh loter'iKr h;"rM-a d'a. it is b-tieed. wn 1 t br. lis o I tht by tfeta Btleg Another lvtteA. SrMjitimfon. - Tt. ir....,? tl rwc!.;j s J S--i l-. i (. t 'fcrnh Arri,n t. as l-sirtit io w- R , i t td 4j t S -r t- (! -i - B" ttrrr r-j'is 'T7 .e a wfrs thr ft ?r ;t" ;- sal lot fepsr- m te IXHidw lo-rwa'n k fxH lb Prtb ev vt ti. WnnmLjm f'f tb flaaau-'ac ef tbe rceirrwikii ol tfc 4Tlot' A in ra.ffx?!. irlrt ty aicticws of Pr!. aal A-t a ratM els. La - graji t y tut In .UM, 1 , Hejr Le ty r t. Joira. pa A! I o t rk Tr ttf s5rtg t-9 tat !? a Jo t t,.r ia tr- tt si. BIG TRUST GASES POSTPONED Supreme Court Orders Re-Argument of Cases Against Standard Oil Company Com-pany and the Tobacco Trust. Washington. Unwilling at this time to render decisions in the dissolution suits against the Standard Oil company com-pany and the so-called tobacco trust, the supreme court of the United States on Monday ordere a re-argument of these cases. . This postpones the final disposition of the application of the Sherman antitrust anti-trust law to these corporations for weeks and probably until next October; Octo-ber; The' present term will end about June.l. The immediate cause of the re-assignment of the causes is thought to have been the recent deathW Justice Jus-tice Brewer. His death left only seven justices actively at work on the bench, as Justice Moody has been ill all this term. It is bellevHl the court will not advance the cases for re-argument until un-til President Tall has been given ample time, to fill the vacancy creased by the death of Justice Hrewer. If this vacancy is not filled before. the senate adjourns for the summer it is probable the case will not be taken up again until after the first of next December, De-cember, when the senate meets again. SAYLER'S SLAYERS CONVfCTED. ' Or. Miller Gets Twelve Years' Imprjsr onment and the Woman Three. Watseka. 111. Dr. W. R. Miller and .Mrs. J. B. Sayler were on Monday found guilty of manslaughter for the slaying of J. B Pnyler of Crescent City-last City-last July. John Grunden, medicine vendor from Oklahoma and father of Mrs. Sayler, was acquitted. Punish ment was fixed by the jury In D: Miller's Mil-ler's case at twelve years' Imprisonment Imprison-ment in the penitentiary while Imprisonment Impris-onment for three years In the penitentiary peniten-tiary was allotted Mm. Sayler. The crime for which the defendants. Dr. Miller and Mrs. Sayler, were found guilty was the slaying of J. B. Sayler. In the parlor of his home. The state in the trial brought out murh evidence concerning alleged Intimacy of Mrs. Sayler and Dr. Miller and scoffed at the plea of self-defense advanced with the story of the defendants that Mr. Sayler -prclTltntrd his death - by attacking at-tacking Dr. Mi ler with a hatchet. HUGHES ASKS INVESTIGATION. New York Govemoi Desires That Legislature Leg-islature be Purified. - - Albany. N. Y. Dwlaring that th recent revelations in the Allde-Conger bribery Inquiry and tb facta hrauabt net in the Insurance investigation by Superintendent of Insurance Hotcb-kUs Hotcb-kUs "have caused every honest citizen citi-zen to tingle with shame and indigna tion and have made Irresistible the demand that every proper means should be employed to purify." Gov ernor Hughes sent a special message to the legislature Monday night rec ommencing "an Immediate impartial. thorough atnl-imirptirlii; Investigation Into legislative practices and procedure proced-ure and Into the ue of corrupt or Improper Im-proper means for the promotion or defeat de-feat of legislation." INSURGENTS STILL ACTIVE. Turn Down Appropriation for Upkeep T Speaker's Automobile- Washington. A coalition of Republican Repub-lican "tonutgews" and m-mvrt against the proUIon ia the letUUlhe I tiil at propria? inc tZ.li fur luaiu'am- Speaker 'aniioTi took tbe !t.or dur j Ing the debate, and d-c!are, h mou'd j abide b the dTilui of the h.iiM. ay- log: " I am quit rcntrni. but 1 want lo I notify jou that vfiirm the R. put,;!.-.. t ! on ths id- ho di not approte of the persona Ity of t h-i r i-aker hf the j luir ei J'lM xi-iu iu.ut.in,. o. -- j i roiiiB? aim I njMH t!-e- iiuttl i ----- March 4 MORE HOMES FOR SETTLERS. F.fty Tnousatd Acre T'act n Utan Thrown Open far Settiement. ' eu!-. Halt lke Cit? --HundreU the dralcc of the S-l-r Ititer Ijsnd ai d Wter c n,i-n ! Lnnd)l on Mr.djT. when bw town iiii ar ' mU M T,r, M'I , rhaorri for tbe cbihc-! iort!os ' t ! the i".(e war re tract tb( U to If r calmed. ..i:.ia M Hi ' i r of t 14 the lwKv nsaa to rrt Erit thvtc, wtr the Btab-rs t !. Jer.' i- I. Hi!Vtt of )4-'rrPH. I.i. rtn.g rB-t Tt land h ' h was pfr'd sii trr.s;v to that atw-ut T'n la li jjtr Trust 0"tca s Escape. : Pibrt. f: Tli f"leral arasi J -r "t.i i t i a i-t(t.a ih- .cit (.it r 1 ---4 W -s ; 4 alf a S. f; ks a b-j tWXft,: i r";;d . i til : tmiit cs4ir vir.flaii"- TniMa ; WT9 frett r ? . ptH arr4 c! m 4 tku tceeeve t 4 P'tet Have Ta p-.ft-j Vr:t o I-.-y. CStTd P.s tuf. f tku-t f -, r l !- t"tl 4 ;f ii eire Ct y. til) Vt farHe)ft W it p,.M teea a rr. Mr nairs- -r?T4 a; r aw ti ; t f' o'e'ea. H reva.e4 f r :. i. a I a-sa-l Mr at 4 Mr. Rfjrr"? a.S-i C ' o f t-tr etrv.a u?9 at3:,ava Tlr li isft t -- a al I s t l mrn'U t iorfy v4 at? It - - v-i - . -'i I ... . ... i MEN PROVE GRAVE JS j AFTER EXPLOSION ON STEAMER, i - IGNORE- THE' WOMEN AND FIGHT FOR BOATS. British Ship Scene of Wild Frenzy, - Panic-Stricken Emigrants Being Beaten Back by Crew, Who Rescue the Helpless. Dover, Kuglanil . Au explosion early Thursday morning on the British Brit-ish steamer Cairnrona off Dunganess wrecked the women's quarters, killing one child and injuring a number of women and children. The steamer caught fire and a panic ensued. In which men fought for "the J possession of the boats and had to be beaten back by the crew to allow the women to be taken off first. - The Cainiron sailed oa Wednesday from London for Portland. Maine. She carried St00' passengers, for the most part emigrants, and a general cargo. A number of women with children In their arms were sitting on a batch. when a violent xtiloHinn hurled them to all parts or the deck. SnmefX tnetn were sriorirwgry injurea anu oni child was killed. The batch wati blown lo fragments. A terrific panic . ensued, the emigrants, mostly Russians, Rus-sians, running up and down, screaming and wringing their hand. Tblr terror ter-ror was Increased by tbe volumes of smoke that poured from the burning head. The captain and officers made Ineffectual efforts to calm them and then signal of distress' were sent up. In the meantime another ezploaion occurred oc-curred In th engine room. Injuring several of the engineer. The Kanaw- na and l p. and steamed up quicksy and the captain decided to transfer all'lmer with flags and the latter the pasnengers. This was accomplish ed speedily, but was accompanied by scandalous scenes. Not In Harmony n Forests. Washington. ttoaitse of opposition to tne senate amendment to ine agn- y cunu-n appropriauon Dili, increasing of grtm- rt-celrrts from forest reserves j reiw'nen wire ?ocatil huie on ThurJa wnt bk tn ctnffrenc the remrt on th. -rinj tural bill When Infornd f the artlun of lh bouse h w na'e In-.trurt-d I s conferees lo ln ( ,,n ' au en l-miit ' " -vuroer ke.guc oronen up. V r:4 It C A 4itrder league or -jn ml In Chief SI'o In the- S-lomon 4.!)cl-. l pH !J T. J involving . ... . . .c u.a-.,. -e .1 m i i..n? h;i-u ou k'um i ua'He :. troV.-n up with the i arrfnt of ihe r'ngVaVr. af"rdlDg to ' advlrei. (.-Hn by Ihe -ii,t Ma ran-a ;?o and hi bart t-rr.riid ' !--!U lland and were rvspoa i :,'' mny m-irdt of Hle men. ( me .a-i tin tne ti i;ng of Tnuirr II!n-k)iJ a i-l .'anii't. ho er hac krd lo drt h bt tte b ri Famous Fat Wcmm s Dad t f e ctk - Ipd i- A-!:t.rl ne. who tad d 1n'iiiMl tit r i.i,. fig 114 I tnanA hit ir Inrh if her hl(h'.. 1 d;ed Th'if anhi kb' r' um , ?l3 Si. was ?or Ut-i f..r b f-ijr ft t" r twVt as 1 gd , I T iuod F? w 14 ;" tA&. i i 9l a r-r.f !- I f' worsaa A 4e r"fk t';t to k- -r ! MtI frv! br Bn.Bii. at rat . U ton earrnw ff Teee. Je . t Wtl New Y--k T!s'.'- Rjr',5. Jf . 4 V li'lMt t'(t t l, et ike'r mr44.mii fW ta af;erfcu ' Ji I CoVf R..t't ai'-. ttft tf t e'ri "ie G rtm the Tfc ej C;-e N T- TV - : t ml sua -rat - t' !:' t . 9 t-r4 tV f- "U'T- ?" i a t -kcTir nt wr4r. a I? c-- trt m r-s - " - f ":' IV i -? - 'a l,i':ar Ht . V i a.4 v -it'g rtfttM M-6-4 t- ; T" - t-art t - (. r a ' l' .(; tt ' mf vr e ft - - t t-W -.t i b h 4 at I HUMAl Imatiirf . I ' " '"s TO BUILD TWO BATTLESHIPS House Authorizes the Construction of Two Fighting Machines at a Cost of Six Million Dollars Each. Washington. By a decisive vote of H12 to 10, fourteen being present and not voting, the house on Friday authorized au-thorized the construction of two bat- tieshli s to cost J6.00O.0OO each. Thir-i Thir-i .v-three Democrats voted for two bat- j ileships and twenty-four Republicans j voted against the proposition. This action was taken just prior to the passage of the naval appropriation appropria-tion bill, carrying $123,037,602. This iimmnt is about $3,000,000 less than was recommended by the navy department. depart-ment. In addition to the battleships, the bill also provides for tbe construction construc-tion of two fleet colliers aud four -submarine boats. As amended on motion of Mr. Fitzgerald Fitz-gerald of New York,' the two battle-ships battle-ships and two fleet colliers must be coiffnctr by flrma operating nnder the eight hour law. TIRED OF DEMONSTRATIONS. Former President and Wife Abandon "Sentimental Journey." Uiueiilai pnj;nnia;e f Colonel Theodore Roosevelt and It wife, on which It bad been tbe In-ention In-ention or the couple to retrace by ay stages their honeymoon trip -om Spezla to Genoa, ended abruptly -re Friday anernoon, iweuiy-iour mrs ahead of tbe schedule that bad en" planned. The change In plans as made In order to avoid the con- antly Increasing demonstration Col-el Col-el and Mra. Roosevelt are encoun- Ins; along the road. At every Utae lage or crossroad thev were met nin. women and children. Tnj iquets. WHOLESALE GRAFT. tsbwrg Seems to be Infested by Band of Grafters and Perjurers. Ittsburg. Pa A true bill charging O. Leslie, collector of delinquent s In Allegheny cuun'y, with brlb-waa brlb-waa returned by the grand Jury "Hday. At th urn t.nm a sweep presentment ai bunded don. general charges that many of IIS witnesses which th grant ba bad before It in the gra.t tit ration thus tar he wi:fuM .j ltj wit the jurj vest wi'b ie'd knowledge rr' arrets. and rally hat a certain few ta.e practl been guilty of jwrjur Direct d Otrirla! of me of the bit! (bat profited b the corrupt le y ordinance aie woti f om a, lank o t tug Nr If.!. Company Fined lor Contempt. Totk.- Judge I jfH.mbe of th States court n lr'dy ad tbe American Pngr Refining Ja It" f.rd ty la CliBteClpl I rwurs e eorporastrsa $".' Tbe con Umj-t (KiTd rrnit4 la lb failure to r j tbe subpoena call'tn for tbe a of two b mi of accuunt be- fr ?b fedrrl gtand.f jry "O Tburw comptny ba4 It refusal l" '. IC - - ir4 -0 it ad to tbe !'..; oa on the t.at thre iff ' b4 cjb-I cjb-I e,uetlo In':e4 m4 ropod to apil le nt tbe tbe court 4t.--::t tbe b i f tbe bo k a ": Vere Mocey Ice Men. P' t. Pa Ae'areaBt Bi r b-if cf . ir , y ty eiecfjU of tH T t ke ljr railroad of an la j to Its . traintae a- -.e'-r to pf cet. rT!a;, t ! Isto effect at , f ) t:-r 1 ! ra v.cct4 tbat aH "i- Uid'frSr "ir ft,r1:, wowd rans work B T.t G rt FatMy r4. Ui Fast LaT-a bsr4 rrUay a git at by tt tj4'B f A44- tinmk'jm. Tbe acl4t if a f Uc. ba-rw a t aUaoe U waicJl a r"r- t trvT 4"4 by birx-aa: al a t t;J 4 V S t'i ia 8w'i ro o t t4 a'.-s ot ars4 c-i. -ta -fct4 te S-J' s : ..r ) ."Ml ' ' 1 s . cni I i..rt Alt' I - !: t fimim t.'nrmm. aaj W ta le KILLED BY MADMAN RELIGIOUS LEADER ASSASSINATED ASSASSINAT-ED AFTER DECLARING READINESS READI-NESS FOR MARTYRDOM. Maniac Fires Two Shots Into Head of Victim, and Also Shoots at His Companion, Inflicting Seri- v ous Injuries. Pittsburg. A fleraion on martyrdom in which Frank Scala, an editor and prominet missionary worker, declared he was willing to lay down his life for the Christian" cause, was followed Sunday Sun-day Ty his assassination in a highly sensational manner and the shooting down also of a fellow church leader, John Gay. Arm in arm. the two missionaries were leaving the little Cpngregational church in Woods Run, a suburb, at the head of more than a hundred foreigners. for-eigners. A raggedly dressed and co!-larless co!-larless man poked his way through the crowd and when hg was only a step behind the leaders he pressed a revolver to Skalas head and fired twice. The bullet took effect in tha jaw and temple and in the midst ol his followers Skala fell dead. Gay, who threw up his right hand as it to ward 'off the weapon, was struck first in the thumb aud then a second bullet was buned in his head. He fell unconscious across the body of his rnlleacnp It l -tlreliaveif k?f will recover. The madman was Jan Radokitch, a character known unto most of the 'mission 'mis-sion for his shiftless habits, slovenly dress and radical opinions. I RECLAIMING IDAHO LANDS. Mammoth Irrigation Project to Re claim 80O.C0O Acres in Ada County. Salt Lake City. A Tribune special from Boise, Idaho, says a mammoth Irrigation project destined to reclaim a vast area of sagebrush, land direct'y tributary to Boise and In Ada county, increasing the valuation of the latter $50,000,000 within the next fifteen years, was officially launched on Saturday. Sat-urday. Tbe cost of the project, including includ-ing a $1000.000 dam ISO feet In height on the Boise river about twenty five miles above' the city. Is estimated at from $18,000,000 to $20,000,000, and involves in-volves construction of Beven miles of tunnel tn the PVV'.iLjl the water supply will be obtained, and 160 miles of main canal aud pumping lines over the landus. . The project will be known as the Boise City, and It Is planned to enlarge en-large It on a gigantic scale to include territory estimated at between 500,-000 500,-000 and 800,000 acres. The water rljtht price is set at $10o per acre, the highest in the history of the state. TheBuhls and Kuhns. multi millionaire million-aire capitalists of tbe east, are barking bark-ing tbe deal financla'ly. Construction work will start within the present year ' Railroad Bill Has Right of ay. Washington Everything In con grens Is subordinated now to ihe con sideratlon of the administration railroad rail-road bill, which ha been advanced to a privileged status In both houses. Dif ferencea of opinion In re'atlon lo Its features have brought the regular and insurgent Republicans into sharp conflict, con-flict, while the Democrats look on ready to grasp any particular advan-tage advan-tage that may arUe TnTil the bill Is out of the way it IH be ld t-i speculate spec-ulate on the probable date of adjourn incut j Eight Killed by E?loion. j Novlte. Teaa K'ght men were In ! stantly killed and three ba lly lnjur d ! and one I tnl-slflg a the result of the ' premature explosion of a heavy charge I of dnamlte at a ctntruction camp on I the Texco eienlon of the Santa Ke ; rallnad Sunday a'rn n On!y three of the dea 1 o.m have been identified a the bdl s of the men were I rn aln;t lt.to h ed by tb eip'.oiUin Through a n.itak In sUnals the charge was t off while Bfseen or rtweaty men were at work In a cut and the were hurlt-d skyward. Pullman Car Rates Ordered Reduced. ( WaahlBg'on Tbe' Interstate coav merce mn,ntili"i In a recent dcl on : ho d it to be uajust and nreaia 'al,-for the lu.:n.aa comiany tt ' charg ryjual'.y for opir aa4 kf I t-r-;h I.ffefent!al cfcarge are order ed ia wterml n!atc aat Pu:im.in ri from Cbicari to tbe Pacific ci t are order! id k4. ( i War in Ph.lade'ph s ChJate". ! lt;'.Ld'phia: la Two ChiDna were Bn'jrjef I lie S sadij Biglt a4 a tb'rd was fa'a-l? imi 14 ta th Cbia wartr lUb ft th daJ - rtral-a w&a mrrr k.iJ we? meia bm of tr Hip S bc leg to o." tr 4'&4 r tbi N'oae ated Z a rr,rkT- Tfc kt ba sue lr. Mf.i;S Tie mt fa a . teja J It ,G Jrt fl e-w Frmm e4 W in Oy t P f.'mZ'L Or - T - ti a ej! tf tSir b4 la a r at ar a saiS '? 'nli'. y a fipesn djTsai IV o' : tar ?a "if a ;' Tr to a wre Nr -,; C 't tl t er'ax. t I V' Wrnr fait wV wa - ; lV a ;Y :fc bf frei lb s-i f-v.t4 ra'y til t -i i t ? - t fs.;-t It a ssrT. ' ?J' V lfa- ia'el ik-fb.- iiat-ja a"x.4s ..' ia vr; tt. ail b't tui ar?-t. THE UTAH BUDGET Hugh Watsgn. pioneer transfer man pf Salt Lake City, died Sunday from Brights disease. ' ., . . .The voters of Willard have ordered the issuance of bonds for the installation installa-tion of a waterworks system. It is prdbably that a county fair will be held at Ephraim this fall, the Commercial Com-mercial club being behind the project. Because of the continued prevalence of scarlet fever it ha3 been decided to keep the MHford sehool closed another week. At a recent meeting of the county commissioners $6,000 was appropriat- . ed for the improvement of the roads af Davis county, " , . Leonard Eskelson, a young man who lives in Richmond, Cache county, has confessed to stealing a horse from a Mr. Moody of Smithfield. . The partly decomposed body of Hay- dtn Smith, of South Hooperrwas Wund ina" rooming house in Salt Lake City. He had suicided by drinking lauda num. Except a "boot-legging' case. - ap pealed from the justice cour;t there were no criminal matters on the calendar calen-dar when the district court convened at Moab. The little town of Colton, in Span ish Fork: canyon, has been visited by . a disastrous fire, which wiped out the main business portion, causing -a loss of $35,000. One of the proposed improvement for New Tooele in the, next few weeks is a new opera house and ball room to be located In the central por tion of the town. The prospects are now ;;ood for a bumper fruit crop in Box Eder county. coun-ty. Many of the fruit raisers declared thfy expect the biggest crup In tiw history of. the county. Twelve retaJLpieat dealers of Salt Lake City have uspeudd business during tbe past wet k.-declaring that the Increase in wholesale meat prices has forced them to the wall. James I Harciiltno, a member of tht Sal Lake Stock Exchange, committed suicide Saturday aftermwn. blowing tbe ti p of h s head off with a rifle. Financial reverses led to the deed. The erection of a $20,000 opera house and gymnasium at Fountain Green during the coining summer Is almost an assured fact. The money Is being raised by popular subscription. subscrip-tion. While handling a M caliber revolver revol-ver at hb home in Farr West, Na'b.m Chugg was bad'y wouudd hi; 1 " osion of the weapon. The bail en-. tered the 'left leg Immediately above' the knee, Elsie E. Chrtstensen, the Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Chria-tensen. Chria-tensen. of Salt lke City, fell Into a fish pond on the family premises and died from drowning before help could reach tier. Weary of life. In which there had been repeated dlHappointments, John Schneider, aged G3 years, hauged himself him-self In the basement of a saloon In ' Salt Ike City. In which be was eiu ployed as a porter. About 500 delegates fwu the Sun day schools of Palt Lake, plon-er. Millard Mil-lard and Tooele stakes of the Mormon church met Sunday In district convention conven-tion In the building of the I. D. S. university. Salt lake City. While the vigilance of the sheriff and bla deputies was temporarily relaxed re-laxed on Sunday. Frank Abi:i. a prisoner la the Box ET.Uer county Jail, climbed over the wall surrounding the prison and made bla escape. George E. Hedges, timekeeper for the Daly WVst mine, at Park City, was in rfouuly Injured whn an ore train in the Ontario tunnl of tb? 600 foot level s'dVsw-lped another train, throwing Hedge between the cars. The c!ty c junctl of Salt lake Is con-Mdenns con-Mdenns an ordlr.ance prohibiting the exploding of firework In Sa't l-ak oa any (r?ln. without the written ci niw-ni of the niaor. The ordinance wi: gn l,-)t!Trt on Jaunary 1, 1911. A big shrep-shearing plant Is being inflated at Jerico. Tbe p ait will be- , eju!ppd lth thirty scaring machines ma-chines w;ib d Jo? ran and elevatcr fur handling onl The jtant w I ct abfut $t W4i and w. be uwd ei clu.ve!y by K:n:a.a C.reen heen-n.en heen-n.en A mm pan j l about to be formed to tu.ld a fiiaet) at Tooele. Sotam of ibe f.o'l frurt in I'tab I raised In abnslanr In about Tooele. It I expected that ibe p.'aat will be H oprat!i la the early fall and will give mpfin.eat to twel to 6'iet-n ropl at lb tarl WIKUrti if Br.n, a am rnlct to wl'b tb iorroiS Harry T.acy. rsave tar,. a3 1 Fra-k Ward, e c;d f the l"tab slate prison Oe t--tr . l7." w rtiriH fro-n h p;:i'B.a y af iJiaMg. Kan, Sasday aura nt io cm tup'efe tt nrvic( of a ! t&rty tr.a h' atst Ta prtr tA eeveral eae rt srariet fvr at t ta" I'dfrlai 1 -fc'.: ta n4 It ary m'-a- ; u:a a ; ;a:av at tb lBti!:ka f ad..fT 'b ra .t r ba J b rri4 at re'-Ks'ory Tear severs! wk Gsra f i 8"ji8c a Urr tt'at of '" A-ar.wt every 4y new f.!I af tiwtistt ta. as 4 fr"S3 ti BjaaebT mt alrta resve4 frai i:?ret I'-ab pst. aat trrtm ti Bl-jr rs , -. j U4' tlat 4 5w I r .Br wt'l k-eaie k-eaie ts tb a Jy DO A etar erri41 at McmM mm prxvc aa Irrtrwil pt Vr m I - mt$r t-Tx t-Tx Zrm '- -gf-1- 4 tt"' ).;'( uilti tu .. Tl nk- m rn-m 't Mii V i.lir |