OCR Text |
Show rf I C A KTT rDAtm MUWC -.- -' "'-' -?---.ir--.7 & ---" - - - - W There is no problem prob-lem of' in creased cost of food if you eat? more - ft Quaker Gats ? An ideal food; delicious: appetizing.; strengthening. Compared with other foods Q uaker"Dats costs almost nothing and yet- it builds the best. " 62 For Every Man ami All Men NO STROPFIKG NO HONING S WORLD OVER KNOWN Trlt DYOLA DYES ONKDYKrURALLUOUDH Hh, brilliant colon. lOr lT p k;uf- t rtemlrrv If not in KUx-k trad luc Waling color di-iivd and tame will Im fin wlltadirreliuii to.', and rwlnrrard. UV-O-I V lurliiifUn, i. anwisn c diidttm asp ve band nwnnnw vuinvni cria.m.ti oiiTrr. iJr; "- . ,.,, ' -.- .. ............ "-anTelope. soil full pn. lUt ni no appm-mioa. jonirui an Coi. Het-i Spfclai-i prtie.- ld, 8iItt. I .-ait, fl: I4. iMJ. nur: inr nr"iur. .-..inn. full unrn lit wnt on appln-ai i"tt. nm'r. wrk fcolii Itrd. IradtUla, Larnuoai nauuual Hank. Monty cannot make a man Rood, but it can give him the conditions of a Rood life. William Smart. IMH TOR YOrRXKI K whmyoofwl awiUlrtimlncuii li lakin. a f rw d"fi Of Vrr IklHI.' ;-..( 'r. It t.hrll,-H lian (.IUIIIIU andaUrr. Tlx- lantoioc otMUe.af'e' tiff rhraianO. A Recommendation. Landlady You find her honest, don't you? FortmT Mistress-Honest! Why, she never takes even an order from me! Judge. IN BAHLE WITH 4 GRIZZLY BBS - ' 4 BRUIN, .WITH. BULLET IN HEART. dfVES SCOTCHMAN TERRIBLE FIGHT.' VICTIM HAS A CLOSE CALL In Clutch of Brute When Bear Falls Dead Survive After Being Terribly Ter-ribly Wounded and Suffers. Long Time. NO TIME TO LOSE Newfoundland' Bad Record. i n fl 117 I IUI -v -v E TO LOSE. "i. t W'Va. lfs 71 ' I t Hi View on Suffrage. When a female canvanstT asked an old farmer to Bi-n a petition In favor of a woman" movement he eyed the document for awhile with Buplilon "No. I'm again' It. sure," wa the reply, re-ply, with the emphasis of a man who bad bad some domestic Infelicity. "A woman w ho' alius ainovin' la allu a ettin' Id trouble. If you've got any ilnc to keep her quiet I'll sign It. 'adle Home Journal. . A Small toaf. A half famished fellow In the south- state tella of a iimker I whoa I a-rY. hi luilfllfi tt i ers. stot,iMH at k. m -Jo. ked when th l.dy within e -"",uru- "no therer and was answerel: "The baker." "What ic you want- -.To lnn your bfea . bout It. put f, ,hr01,Kh thw kyh(;, Victoria. H. C.Of the many battles that have been waged between man and the grizzly none was ever more exciting or came closer to death for the man than that fought recently by James M. Christie, who has come to Victoria a few days ago for surgical as- Cle-lstie and the bear locked in close conflict for but a few seconds Then the brute dropped dead and Chrlstfe was hurled Into the busies, crushed, maimed and blood drenched, while the snow for yards around was crimson with the blood of the combatants. com-batants. - Christie had tracked the bear several sev-eral miles to punish him for robbing . .... i. .. -i iut s cache of moose meat. n- fired a shot at a wolf from his rifle and found 'that the sights needed adjustment ad-justment Luckily he fixed them at once, for within five minute he heard the crackle of the bfushwwrl and saw the beast that walks like a man. That bears will never attack man Is very well In theory; grizzlies are exception excep-tion This bear came for Christie on the run and the hunter had barely time to swing bla rifle and pull trigger trig-ger with a snap aim for the heart, the brute being les than thirty yards away. The first shot caught the grizzly through the heart and lungs, but failed to stop him: a second hit the animal In the bead. Christie hed his anowshoes and tried to dodge Into the bushes. Then came the bear's Innings The brush was too thick for the man. but the bear tramped It down like reeds and pushed forward, roaring and grunting Ui characteristic grizzly fashion As Christie fell In an at tempt to dodge, the bear clapped hi immense pa " tn ntan'a bed and began tearing at hi face and body. The bear gave a vlclou snap and Christie felt the teeth about hla Beck. In desperation the inaBv threw up til right arm and fate dinfftea maji n Turtle Wait a minute; I ysit See you! . V ' f , Snail I can't; I'm M hvjy;. I want to get home befor dark nearly 12 o'clock now.- WASTED A FORTUNE ONfsKIN TROUBLE I began to have an Itching orfiuy w hole body about seven years ago and this settled in my limb, from the knee tn the toes. I went to see a great many physicians, a matter which cost me a fortune, and after I noticed .ifeat I did not get any relief that way, I went for three years to the hospltaL But they were unable to help me there. I used all the medicine that I could see but became worse and worse. I had an Inflammation which made me almost crazy witlh pain. When I showed my foot tivmy friends they would get really frightened. I did not know what to do. I waa bo sick and had be come so rlervoua that I positively iot ail hope. "I had seen the advertisement ol the Cuticura Reuiedlea a great many times, but could not make up my nutid to buy them, for I had already used sc many medicines. Finally I "aid decide to use the Cuticura Remedies and 1 tell you that I waa never so pleased as when I noticed that, after having used two set of Cuticura Soap, Cuticura Ointment and Cuticura PilU. the entire en-tire Inflammation had gone. I completely cured. I should be only too glad If people with similar disease would come to me and Bnd out the truth. I would only recommend them to use Cuticura. Mrs. Bertha oacbs, 1621 Second At, New York, N. x, Aug. 20, 1309." "Mrs. Bertha Sacha la my sliter-fn-law and I know well how she suffered and waa cured by Cuticura Remedies Reme-dies after many other treatment! failed.' Morria 8acha, Ztl K. Wth SL New York. N. T, Secretary ol Deutsch-Ostrowoer UnL-Verela, Kemp nei Uebfeir Benevolent Society. t." RESCUED FROM DEATH ON JL RAFT OF ICE NEW. YORK MAN FLOATING OUT TO SEA WHEN FEEBLE CRIES ATTRACT ATTENTION. New York.-Feeble cries, for belp that seem edjo coine from far out on the East river were heard -early one morning recently by employes of the municipal ferry at the battery from a partially frozen man lying helpless a considerable distance off shore on a large ice floe on which he had floated for several hours. For ten minutes the men were unable un-able to see the man. w ho. they fce-lievedr fce-lievedr was swimming -toward the shore: They called out, but In response again heard only his faint cries for help. ' At that instant the tide carried a number of Ice floes across the moonlit moon-lit part of the w aters, and the man's form was discovered. Frank Dugan of 1311 Bristol street i at hoiiia timist It Ititotkf oitaJaiL forr-wa. coincident with ,h com,n. of death to the bear. It. j.w. laied and Christie half WL ha!f crawled away ,wo cnM,t w .om from the ear to the mouth h ... . .. .... , -'it a aoiiDie fracture of the skull, hi. cheek Ume, ii iiiq nit a r-.li hl bre.M Hi. a,.,; .7 . . , " ui inroucn his abundanf hml, m- . . . , (, II 111 a' aa ! k as fractured Ungnr'u. Lavlshr "Vour former husband r answered V orute enough to M Freedom at any H Is alway. a .hock to cover that m a-A..,.- ... Blind, whf.fi h i . lmpre.i.ion that she hun t a 4 T " VTTWWw. The Man Waa Found Lying on Hi Newfoundland' Bad Record The Newfoundland Society., for the Prevention of Tuberculosis la carrying on a vigorous and necessary1 campaign thisyearJn the island,? Tbe death rate from the disease In Newfoundland Is very large. About o'ne inr every five of the total population dies of it. and, what Is worse, in the . last six yeaw th 'death fttef tlch is sta- tionary or decreasing elsewhere, has increased about 50 per oent. This is due largely to the native horror of fresh air in th house. The Vested Interest. "Yes, Mrs. Snoggs, I 'oped as ow they would , get tariff rem and make the foreigner pay, as we've gofone in our top-floor. ; bapk and I ain't 'ad nothlnk of him for six weeks now." The Tatler. When Rubbers Become Necessary And your shoes pinch, shake Into your shoes Allen's Foot-Ease, the antiseptic powder for the feet. Cures tired, aching feet and takes the sting out of Corns and Bunions. Always use It for Breaking in New shoes and for dancing parties. Sold everywhere Sc. Sample mailed FREE. Address. Allen S. Olmsted. le uoy, iv. An egotist is a man who is more Interested In-terested In himself than he is in the tariff question or the. price of foodstuffs. Pettit's Eye Salve for 25c relieves tired, overworked eyes, stop eye-aches, eye-aches, con,Mtel, inflamed or sore eye. All druggists or Howard Uro&. Buffalo, N. Y. FJvery man should have his balance wheel trued up occasionally.- Sa.rsapilla 'By virtue of its unequaled blood-punf ying, - nerve.'Streng-thening, nerve.'Streng-thening, stomach-toning, appetite-restoring properties; is the one Great Spring Medicine. Oet It todav. In liquid form or chocolated tablets called Sarsataba. IOU doaea Jl. Bad Taste in your mouth removed while you wait that's true. A i-as-caret taken when the tongue is thick-coated with the nasty squeamish 'feeling in stomach, brings relief! It's easy, natural way to help nature help you. w CASCARHTS loe box week's treat- , merit. All druggists. Biggest seller .' ia lb world. Million boxes month. I rids; i If affllctwlwlthl ' aute eye, use ) PARKER'S UAID RALfiAM OttnK and bfaotine th. hals. Proaiotea a hmuunl fruwin. Merer Taila to Betan Qrwj ii.ir to it. Youthful Color. Oar nip dM a h.ir KUu. tfic.nq gi.'.'w iwarwi Thompson's Eyi Wattr Wa Found Back. ,UL "h niow to dla- J -f Vol 1 J NOT VERV HittiiBiiuf. IhUbr,,; .. i ; hone fr.cturfd.ndhl.-htl iruiviii . iTrr tT L " v . . 1 urnrfv, . J Of ): i wWiJmi"" Alrs-Chas-Bart erf ?he r.r, ,,,, u r , m, j a, s ' . . - ium t tMa tnKd'r.irtf '..k'..t ir w.. 4,4 f - t' fVorati,.D toViiA I : ' U r4 K-, .... .M . v4rt , m,if tfHU' . Xo other Kmbeltl .1; --I t,,.. , . V d., ..,,k for ' I. -trw. II- ' r,L L,l!t " ?.,rt,f ' ,Vft. ,m if i-"' i.-i. T. V9 swh . r,:i -aow s, fea it . .r We wia,. T" f . . ! caSe . . i -,, '.f r-B. r i .. , 1' " " . . .' " pra. lrrrrUr.:.l I Tfe Onle !ti ' - tL'Ttr - BXtt'dl a-,, ,(! v ,e4 ... .w am.., r... wV5 ll-Vui'llUuiaJei4 r . : 1 1 ... mt , toi t-wT;- A a- r frv.., (t4 .? irar .! 4 rsrt) f, f . V" ' ' ' - -t .M art..4 !o t,t rT - a aw.r.at a a . I m aw j -- and Patrick McCann of H West Thirty-fifth treeL and several other employe, launched a lifeboat from the ferry slip. -. Th man wa found lying on his back. One leg extended over the Ice flow and waa dragging in the water. His a m irtjayo the Ice.jji nair rmA froMT the cold Tnav ttA hin . n - - y . iv miu, off th Hoe after a great deal of diffi cult ana too nim ashore. t th.j hospital he said be waa Wll- J 1 f . vria viu, auu iusi r rcrTf f "Tpd t il Eat Forty first .treet I n account of hi. condition It was - - c cooerent statement iroio Dim. He .aid he fell from a dock, but be cooid not tell whether It was near the foot of the street where he lives or In that Immediate vicinity. lie struggled to get to the shore, but the tide carried him out to midstream. HI shoes snd clothes made It difficult for him In ttlni it. ..... ivuiriiiufra e- UK iuv iicnia ni wnar ho t.u u.. . -. the WillUiuaburg and the Urooklyt bridce. ALC0HOL4-3 PER CENT AVegetabk Preparation ror Assimilating As-similating Hie Food and Regulating Regula-ting Itu S lomachs and Bowels of For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have " Always Bought Promotes Digc$rion,Chetrful-ness Digc$rion,Chetrful-ness and Rest Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral Not Narc otic, AWpr tfOUDrSAXVUmME -SajSaBJJat jaaff Aperffd Remedy forConsfip- a.' i - . urrna .convulsions. revtrisn-ness revtrisn-ness and Loss OF SLEEP Fa Simile Sigrvaturr of Tim Cehtalw Cowrahy. N EvV YORK. rameed uoder Iho FodaJ Exact Copy of Wrapper. Bears the J Sigriature iiP JLjEL At a In Use For Over Thirty. Years Wood Seasoned By Electricity. In Franrev method of seasoning, wood through the agegry of electricity 1 i- I credited with mn.li ,. . called the N'odiin-nrottonnean process The timber I nearly Immersed In tank of water rontalnlrg ten per cent ' of borrn. Ave of renin and a little car bonate of aoda. and rents on a lead . plate ctionected with the tmaltlro mi. - j ii. iiiv. a iuii rr aiR'iiar h il. i . , - - i IVHI. h Ik. . . , . . . tloiber. I connected pole. Thus a current can oe paaaea inrovrh the iMt Irnm ' .. . hlch all the a.n arr-.r. . i ,uur "one. employ . . .w , iu i.mm mfn (ureloK out no f or moved, while- the bt.ra and rain nt.: land, hii.- .1" . 1 V y.T'r' It place la the. porew In a few hrtira demand f,r ihu, .... . the timber Is taken nut and dried aid ' n ago a hundred rtl. . The Overland The King of Cars No other CAT has Kn larrrA . ..fA pV," JTJ . . ner car ha, ,o large a sale-none ::,s:if: l made such ama2in rs. Pnce, $ 1,000 fhJb '.-HJ: ,rnra! . require, four f.ctorie.. ,!... .. the - nir.g la said lo bo enmplfe Lwey. Though l-iiury U n.p:e!h r hi i only fools ko In for. the lnr Vo'l J crumb thereof are what food the mU j Htude It Is proof that Providence ' doa't wlh the miiltltudo to to bun I fry when f.wv's with a knack for ma j klcg Btoory keep co telnc bora ' If all new t w ao ami t,,m,m therefore a thing v a known, we mt&i S'I'l b fed. after rufebn k,,r ik. Sum total taf linoluu .iw.M . Xofcodr wonld b kartJer j few wbo a. fe rB,ittd. by trial j to llx!ee ct a poor tkitg hiiry I U. hile the rest of . havis ex tod ; ! eary, ! be aslwerable -rVirk dallv to ititM-i 1 ho aemanii for thee cars, years .o0 m hundred rlvi larr. r sale. The reaaoq l,.t Utxr In the car's-otter car's-otter slmj,li.y , ,,Jw designer made It alnuwit trotible-proof He cr.-atov ai etirjne which foV endurance. the m ro f rrzi. neerlcg He driUnod ,ho pdal con'rol One roes forward or K..,4 ' ty OierelV txlahtnir tt,t. band hate nothing to do Bul car has up. Another fact'ls that no other oib u, i ' . u. m ,-., r v ibis Is due to our enormou outpuL and the fortjns lnveted In our a! tomatlc machinery, it would bankrupt bank-rupt a smaller maker to try to compete com-pete wl;h us You can get a !5 fcorfejow er Over-? Over-? g"t a Vborer.wer W"ar- aarfalv - aaA a - "-. - a 11; men wbeet taae. for II ) The price Include lamp and RiaraoiA " or The e A child IT log to Thl mnt bca ion ktuim tt car. Which has nM.nJ .a. Wintry. the car roti .111 .... ca master the car In tea A fmtrlaaw rta 1 4 a- thousand m! without any thocrht I ae Tat Trovl j tail troct e j ara V V 1 tii I-.- -f rv.-h . of Irav, I ba M-f tf , j fi.fc "' "' - f f r.ti 'rtea5-? oj,rr ," ( ?iv, i . ...... . Hjtsj to tii 5.1 . o rv . OTT rs-JL. Trt tiot ftJ.f K4,.a. at'ioo j w ' - n lu vw. . ar S 5- a-.. Cr?ooj tvlH :tf: o lfH.il Si 4 TlrVV" w e3EM at a tM I .y ua-a a 11 wM a Cll ao " t. a- L-.ZH'"0 ie --a4 r-.iiri SV..W. -(-B t - A t -a M . Sgaare Tk larveat auar taaaa frwaa Um.li.J l.ao a.. ..... b hocked by a rartr ot w?te e.v er.w tear Toehe(a trewe. iff tie rrta of Kit. It waa taiow It Crfocd Jor tm t4 tke kaow rtido la the Vint wd j d t tie srate at 't aoc-fe! O-.Totv asd vesre4 Cer1y I ")'? tkree ! la Inrt - Kt- I 'rrJSad' Bo!.cl Her 4 Off trcnhl .-I , 'T'"4 P rrc and almost carea for ltelf. AH the swaal eoapletitle kar tew et'ml- fcl That Is why ewrh car sn otrt, nd our ordora for t.i. nr i tor-taadt tor-taadt atront to g .r-0 Two Free Book t il'fA,B '? b!lB aboot aato. -?IfUc Tlke' M ta to book ahL-h .... . . rTTery esotor car lover skaa-M ta ''avianin today. to writ for the socks V o. llao,Hjra AVfaii. aaa.Md TleWiDyaerUiitV. 'w a . ea aaot. S'WSaafawaaaaaaaaaaM. t , Tae Wy r.- It , ! " , . TVs t as. tA ex.. ir s-5f rw I fl dr aiked tk yo .-jl0r f 1 TwiffUtea.Mer,,,, , II U .il r-Td Cit.,t; .ko jlUi - If "II tmtutttkE -.-, H 'ft- ff AXLE GREASE -tt tl UaT-tVK.-f OW lerd rv'caskoarf Try . . " w a. irw I |