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Show j . ...... . '...- ( ...... 5FOVBNEWS PLEASANT (j A Good Suit costs say $40X0 A Good Watch costs say $40.00 You wear the suit six months. You arry the watch twenty -years or more. Figure the comparative cost. - Why don't men carry better matches? We sell better watches. AS -r-V 170 "lMAIM St . , SALT LAKE Cirt UTAH THE SHORTEST' ROUTE TO ....IS VIA. DEETII, NEVADA DEETH it Mir 65 suits treat JARBIDGE asd is es the aaia list ef both the Seathera Pacific aae" the Westera Pcific Railroads. RUBBER STAMPS BAtMTFSl eiwwuh.il w I null w checks Etc. Full tioe Rubber Type Outfits, and supplies in stock. Mail enters receive prompt attention. ALT LAKE STAMP CO.. Salt Laka City Vanity in the Animal World. According to a story told by former Governor Stokes of New Jersey, at a recent banquet, vanity la not confined exclusively to the female sex of the human species. In a small town over in Jersey, Mr. Stokes said, there is a corner grocery where you may buy anything from a twenty-foot ladder to a pearl necklace. Adhesive plaster, sauer kraut and toilet toil-et articles are also sold, and In case of necessity you. may get a haircut or a horse shod In the back yard. Some tlmei'slnce a farmer stopped in the store to get some horse liniment lini-ment to rub the rheumatism out. of a alck cow, and two or three days later be came back with a life-sized kick. "Look here, Abner," he complain-ingly complain-ingly remarked, "I wish ye would be a little more keerful bow ye throw yerself back o' thet counter. T'other nay ye give me cologne instead o boss liniment, and gash-dagt it I didn't put It on thet sick sow afore I found out what it was." "It didn't hurt her any. did Itr fcroke In the groceryman. "Can't aay thet it did." answered the farmer, "but eer aence the has had thet aweet amellin' atuff on her, ehe hain't done a darned thing but Jea look at her reflection In ther duck tMjutfau graph. Bank for Woman by Woman. A new bank run by wottieu for women has been oieoed in Uiudon. It la a branch of harrow's bank. The nly male on the premises will be a messenger. ley will be excluded from being depositors, rive hundred women g names already are enrolled, the greater number of them represent-log represent-log t;ew accounts, but some of tht-ia transferred from the central office by request of female clients. Everything points to the success of the scheme. Current accounts will be opened from f?5 and deposit accounts (ruin 25 cents. The business hours will be longer than in other banks. Simply Obliged To. Old George Kettle rushed Into the Trotwood telegraph office the other day with a small package wrapped in a newspaper under his arm. "Telegraph this to my wife don to Dayton. Harvey." he said to the telegraph tele-graph clerk, thrusting the package through the little window. "No. no. George, we can't do anything any-thing like that." laughed the clerk "Drat ye." said Oorg angrily, "ye got to do It. It's my wife's teeth" Kansas City Journal Limited. Indeed. "Are you." she asked. "In faor ot J suffrage for eoiiieu?" j "In a Untiled way. ye "" i "UnjitedT How do iu mean 7" "1 would have It limited to women who are a capable as their bubaad avre of deciding what muht be best Jot the country." "Do joa call that limited? let rue tell )o " Bat there h; Tj-d to be nm aa open window and be earaped. Oonerehip. a your mo-try ; dn'l lt it o a jnn." advisee Jamee a Patte He wda1 hold n? a warning tnft at ae eegtaeer of this columa We are alrewtty owted by tbe pfle froia 'whoa e bey oar easl and tee and eggs sad aeata. Crewe ra. Cabby No. tten aJat wot tby eaa the d-'ralty of the prf s guee. Everybody waau a b m&lag tail, asd -whea taey"te b'owrd stsiiee 'ostrte xaal art tee tavey 'ate yoe aa a fcAp&ioy Sketch. " " Tk Kgt ef t Sa. Teaor tcooir'ist a U Jy bncee After ieTt W"ky did yoe ask ae t lake yew fciov? V 4 j oo coe;4r awe the raret? Scyraao ?t. bet I tfc-qjtt fm id lioil : rs4 Bmi Me Ptsas V.!I j&m ra.br be VtaaU JABBItM FAMOUS DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTION. Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief Permanent Girt CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS ner fal Ptnely vegcU. able act surety but gently ei the liver. &top after j dioaet . distress- em iodi-l aestiost improve the complesioa brighten the eyes. Ssull fill, Sezall Dose, SauB Price GENUINE must bear signatore t WELL, WHY NOT? Mra. Crow Tea. my aon, Jimmy Crow If flies can ffy, why ean't crows crow? Love at First Sight. Friend So yours was a case of love at first sight? Mrs. Getthere Yes, indeed. I fell desiK-rately In love with my dear husband hus-band the moment I set eyes upon him. I remember It as distinctly as If It were yesterday. I was walking with papa on the barh it Long Iteach, when suddenly papa stopped, and, pointing him out, said: "There, 'my dear. Is a man worth ten millions." New York Weekly. Hopeless. "Your store is no good, sir! I asked for luce curtains last week, and 1 couldn't get 'em." "Indeed r "Yes. And I askod for silk sock yenterday. and 1 couldn't get "em." "Tktfe strange," "And to-day I ask-d for credit, and can't -even get that Ik this a r-gu- ar store, or whatr 'Inw'l Nnothlac -rasv A wolf, in sheep's clothing sorm-Uniea sorm-Uniea gefs fleeced Just the same r Many a Clever Housewife Has lc. trued that tu scre Post Toasties Saves worry and labor, and I'leases each mcm-lcr mcm-lcr of the family as few other foods d . The crisj.. dainty. rlai bits are fatly cwkod - ready to serve from the package with cream or rood it ilk. b GiVe the home-folks a treat. The Memory Liners" Pit toe arvl 15c TVfiaa Cmmi Ctmwmmw, Lad . IPTSPEPSI jr evrv. w -- r lllii SENATE'S WEAL - Senator. members whose operatio prominently fluiry Is re upper, branch value of this sy haa been estim seven of Daniel, Murray Morgan, compan tor Guggenheim placed at The eyndicati ter. and k under an of a "gentlemerl mqus liabilities, aa its counsel naively This syndicate was formed In 1906. agreed to go together on some Alaskan $5,000,000. The particular speculation mine. This embraced some highly valuali the coast The syndicate put np cash Up to date the syndicate has built 102 coat of about $10,000,000. About 90 miles original project, to cost $5,000,000 more, new properties which have since been acq road promises to be about $20,000,000. Mr. Steele, counsel for the syndicate, about 60,000,000 tons of coal in sight on tl this would net a profit of about $25,000,003 Beveridge askeS some questions about syndicate's railroad. Mf. Birch talked the heads of the members swim. He worth of coal in that one district alone. net nroflt of $200,000,000. Senator Beve mated the values. The Indtanian aaya times this amount, or nearly $2,000,000.0( SCHIFF CALLS "The mosf deal'with tl I Schiff. the Nj "I am aorry f over this aal I one who hef this inevltatf "During made In thi of the natij to my- pers that Japan all mankind! "Russia pose at China aa a which has Ing friend of mankind. Is a party to U we do not show the right statesmanship "I do not agree with Judge Sulahe i SulxheL. We mi mine the outcome of a con (1 let old Hebrew saying. 'Right, not might,' "The Pacific Is now the commercl berger had said, after a lengthy descrlpti. "On its eastern shores dwell the people i we white men have said. 'We are Caucat we have exnected them to accent this an "This they are not going to do. Thejf born of their ancient civilization. A con "An feinplre where 400.000,000 people mean statesmanship. Can they . teach us tlon wlH- precipitate the trouble; Is dolnt MAN WHO DOWI Washlngtod (tentative froti who started I Speaker t'a ever witness' of tbe country Flection to ward for tbe succeeding - E) f -Kl Nebraska aired Representat tie under a ha: against Cannot He was bom in 1S6I Hie f small child an the war This ened circumstances and early in life the to work and work bard He got used t he k-pt up the battle. brame a school tea his way throukh eolUge He studied law title learning and l went to Nebraska in IfcSi ard wttled at attorney autl.e'-rf-d two l-ru as a diatri gres In l.9 t)f l.i battle for a rhance r "My light waa not afp.inl Cannon: It the nitnuilttee on rul. Dd 'be injuatleee asitance others who oel!fd with it, should le curll and retritrd. antl thro-j I am making no warfare ir the Republican in for party sucre I b?lie what we for party surt -s " NEW MASSACHUS Kugene Nof beB elected to Ife-morratk- lan'i etU dtatrtrt. la t party, with bra New York acd I West Berkshire. 1 aa Ceorge Ei tu 192 Wr r publtrao svosbIds eath dUtrirt of "Caaadwa rerlf free hide He polla, partly tar eeetlfc! ta ta tvna.til.-ty of totne He Uea bearaa the aatjert of Caaadiaa rwiprotlty. wtkh kaowa a.I over New Erc'ard la tbe sprlei of IW Mr To ettt to reettoa a4o; a tinmivih-m farorlcg rerrrrtic eaadidate tut deetgate at targe to tie Re? actiee" tafteeacee were too ttrrag fo , he waa bea'ea fee rcrgreee Mr Foes tsrsed to rrjK-rry Ue yr a teeast gmersee. He waa k-ete ky I y la wkkh ke erreis tie late WC:iaas C siasifaftifsg ctTef Krer tsrftsrt: ta Letetixge a:srI:?y was T. Tl I ' i mm V .JT 1 j'W aw I L HIEST MAN Simd ofth p ' Guggenheim, broths Morgan-Guggenheim in in Aiasjta have figured gard the. Ballinger-Pinchot-Glavls of as the wealtMest man In' the he United States congress. The icate's holdings In Alaska alone, the ( ed at $2,000,000,000. There are ggenheim. brothers and three, nd S. R.. ith the J. Plerponl ' compose, the syndicate. Se.s- $200, s pfrsorjal fortune has p 0,000. but it is pTObablyHiibre" nas rf is a-hovel one. It has no en underJ fever been incorporated. It exis w . landing something In the nature expr 8 lss agreement." It assumes enor- ssed k. "just by word of mouth." tie Guggenheims and Mr. Morgan tbeni peculations. Each side pledged rfn view waa the Bonanza coppei and property abput 190 miles from nought what it wanted. miles of railroads in Alaska at a remain to be constructed of the Spurs are contemplated to reach ired. so that the' total cost of the stifled that he thought there was e land Of the claimants, and that the Following up this lead. Senator gli alues of coal lands in sight of the said ly of gigantic values which made he thought there was $900,000,000. could "be mined, he thought, at a tl dge believes Mr. Birch underestl- property probably Is worth three JAP" ENEMY difficult problem the nation baa to e far east problem," said Jacob 11. York financier, in a recent speec h. say it, but we are In danger of war question. As a friend of Japan, to finance its late war, I regret conclusion. last few weeks a test has been Irection of finding out the attitude toward ua. This test, I must say al mortification, developed the fact as joined hands with the enemy of Vi P Japan have evidently one pur- ent, at least and that Is to keep leaser state. And perfidious Albion, waya professed to be an enlighten coalition. If we arc not careful, tf we will be drawn into a controversy able manner. . . v that numbers necessarily deter t hoosa the right spirit, adopt the center or the world. Judge huh a of what modern race prejudice Is f the oldest civilisation. Heretofore ma and tbey are yellow men.' And bow to ua accordingly, have prejudices of their own, those ict with them Is Inevitable, manage to exist Is governed by no ir can we teach them? This ques-It ques-It now." Ubd cannon -George William Norrls. repre tbe Fifth district of Nebraska battle that curbed the power of 1 alter one 01 me nercesi njtnis on tbe floor of the house. Is one self made men he senate may be Mr. Norrls' re-nnlng re-nnlng fight be put up. talk of his 4 ier J. Hurkett aa senator trotn being heard. e Norrls started out In llfes nat Heap Just as he entered the battle rule with the odds attains! him farm in Sandusky county. ). ther died when Mr Norrls was a his eldest brother a ktlled In eft Mr. Norrls' mother In strait- ri an wbo won acalnst ("ann n had bard knocks from the rtfi-i. ! it Ier and etmt-d tbe mutiev t pay 1 admitted tn the bar In lk ' He cCook ll" bet attif pr-iititig , judge He waa elect-d to con ( the-houe rus .Vr Nirrl 14 ! cas agktrst Cannon's cinfrl ) cly to flw thrrt-frtim With the j that the poer Of the xak-f , 1 Democratic aid. we ban- aon I arty. I am a Republican. ' public ai.s hme dune iil liisl' I 1 feTTS SOLON foea of Dton. wh.i baa J-jf , rtgreae oo the tart J lsi in a 1 ideta the Fnuneeata Vassarh ; ad of Ike B r" Sttreant Cnm he tn Pbl!aderh a, Chicago cdoa. He was torn ta i' U ' L. aad Is a brttfcr of CocgTee J ecd Foea of Cfck ag e waa a raadidate for k Re. a for ctrrr fro th K aMarhrertt oe . ttf tm r t ' ity. free Ue. f eoel ard oa, ht waa drfea'ed at tk ' ch tbe ftowt of krcxMrratx j .I'rtct aad r-rt:y throuf b the :poaeeia wsteia tie cwa rartv J edea-Jeal caaspiaiga -: -e.de k!a aasse a4 te kvn ; ae rk Sepnbfiraa sa! cm-: wrta Caaa4a aad beraee a t trea taUoaal eretttntx ti j aad ae wae defeat Ag 7 f he a read kgt for i.. rv ,.1 V Hie erwarseVwel d5Trtr. I t. tl4e Brwkt3B. a Lev 7; jjui av rsrirrax to ra,rre r 3 ewvered tvawa DELAY 1$ DANGEROUS. vTheh'the kidneys are sick, the whole body Is weakened. Aches and pains and.. urinary ilia come, and there la danger oi diabetes and fatal Iit ieht'a disease. Doan'S Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys and impart strength to the whole system. ' Mrs. M. A. Jenkins, Quanah$fTexas, says: l was : so badly run down that the doctor told life there was no hope., I was 60 low my .relatives were l called In to see me before I died. Dif ferent parts of my "tied? were badly swollen and I was tol I ha1 dropsy Doan's Kidney Pills sayed ajy life, and made it worth living'j: RemeJuhor the nanle Doan's. For sale by. all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo. N. Y. The Large Way. Apropos of J. Pierpont Morgan's-krt-mense resources, as shown In his recent re-cent proffer of $100,000,000 wherewith to build more New York subways, a broker said: "Mf. Morgan's wealth causes him to look at money in a large way. Once, at the Metroplitan club In Fifth avenue, ave-nue, I told him of the death of a mutual mu-tual friend. " 'How much did he leave?' Mr. Morgan Mor-gan asked. "'A matter of five or six millions, I believe,' said I. ' "Mr. " Morgan's eyebrows lifted. " 'How deceptive circumstances sometimes are, he said. 'I always supposed sup-posed him quite comfortably off." " Used to It. Recently a lady witness In a court up the state was subjected to a troublesome fire of cross questions, and the lawyer, thinking that some apology was necessary, Uied to square himself. "1 really hope, madam," said he, "that I don't annoy you with all these qu-8fions." "Oh, no," was the prompt reply; "I am accustomed to It." "You don't mean It?" wonderingly returned the lawyer. "Yea," rejoined the lady, "I have a lx y ear-old boy at home." The Dog Settled It. Tbe multimillionaire was" uncertain. "Put bow do I know you can support sup-port my daughter In the manner, to which she has been accustomed?" he demanded, dubiously. The Imported nobleman amiled blandly. ." "I wlU go ae teat," be volunteered. "What test? "I will llf with you one year and see how she le accustomed and sen I will know what to aay." Hut just then James the footman, liberated the $5,000 bulldog. TV11 man CmUrrS Is thtt sM-tloa of Mm mnny lhaa all iriJw di put Vanxhrr. an4 aniu Ux sua trw p M MPPMrt la t Mearal'to. tu s (ml Biaar fvmn duet,m pmnownerd K m kvml dwiw snd prm-rttiaS lursl rnanim. am) kr muii untne io em wilji MJ irefUnMit, prNMMtW4 a meurmt'itw Mrtnic ka pntft t aiarrk w be nmiitutkul a rmjm. and tiin reyulrw entwtituUimaJ tmiiaietiL a l'OMkk, Oku. a the oaiir ( nMiiiuttntiai run am ihr mmfXrt. It 4atea eiimuilir otmn mta. I en'tia In a UrMn, .wifui 1 1 sets dtrerttf as tit bJuoa sa4 mucous surfAere of th wylrm Thy e.ffrr fcundml dwiu fc s nm R bus is rank Sjr etrruUtfS LJM teWlmnftMU. A-t-lma r. I tit t e CO.. Toledo, beta. ktl t snwy Plus sor sustipstw. Critics and Managers Clash. Ih-tween the whole preas of Coix-n-hagen and all the theatrical managers a curious contest baa started becaime the managers want to ronix I the critics to write only favprable notices. The content bt'gan when the Nuird of theatrical managers forbade tbe admission ad-mission of one critic representing a p-i(il theatrtrnl paper Foolish. Loiterers. ; FVopI- who sit and watt lot great ' ' ..... nutmrlita mis, many wonderful small I tii.inu iits. and tbry are to be pitied , rrtn : n - i tl i Dr. Pierce s Favorite Prescription flAKHS WEAK WOHCN 5TRONO. SICK WO.ntlN WCLL. i ) For mer 40 yean thi crlcbratrd rrmctJy ha vw V I been making women's l.ve happier health- J icr-afcr. X l Many thousand tf wotnen have tc;iscl Nt J to itt wonderful effrvt. tfr- The "Favorite Pncription " is thv o7 rrr vrnr urn caa h s- 1 pemied mpom srj taerw h aary eVranxemecsf ot (Ae lulrKt!y fetalndn avptafcaa. H ptrtfle, areas aoocaea, bulU ta. Tftn nT? Rr rT)Y we-. bmitty contMima mtkher mkobol (&. ae aneaU Haava f rmaa oiaoa) mor turtov er habtt-tormlox ctrwg. s TTffi QT? grwrnr mmUi H m rrrfetl tm Itt tnmpomJOom avsd aa fooaf ta km carrmtr e erTecta ats go wmrrmti Ma anaier ta printing aTs every tofrnfiewt, at tiey eta, ear As aeittsde wrapper, rrrtfy tax aaawe amoVr totemm em it. It i needVJ .when backache make Ife mfttcwhen a tkke-in tkke-in j, dnzz nt. beanng-down feeing trakr wAwaryaOfiy when k headaxhe, nenrou irrst! ty; kv of r rvcrcy luviTJ pe-te pe-te indicate derangement c4 the wominlj orjan:m. It b a prt?f vrrrtvSe corrtHirvJ, bnnf c'yt rrx: rirrart frura aatrre iriedkiaal rout and can not in; are u any corvJ tion of the female tptrm. Dr. PIsrce'm PIeaant Pellet Ulp the tf t el al other Btedscrae by aeenx the tvrf act? arj tb bowtU t-tn. Tbry fT-':e arvd KrerftHen Stotnack, Live and Bowel. Ly to tike aa ci.-dy. At 1 deakr frt ultt tea mi W. WoriJ's D-rmay lledxal Attaciat on, B-Salo. N. Y. PINK rM aw mam erf erse ee a ("un sn in. j i o hit. ' win - urn a B vfcT nmlr M em-i avl r wevw a wt l ta t is t mi wn ad ki e a i n e eswa " rmnt, y m as n i . Indigestion Rev. Fletcher of Tennessee Suggests a Remedy Based on Personal ExperienceYou Experi-enceYou Can Get It Free. There Is nothing that Is so murn smiKht aftr aa a reniely for stomch troiiblw," and hence you will b Interested to know liow the Rev. A. J. Fletcher of Ruthr- herewith, cured his Imligestion. To use his " own words, he says, hi part: "I received t tie sample botfly of Dr. Caldwell's syrup Pepsin that asked you to send me, ami I niHde no mistake in ordeiifiK it I have been troubled with dyspepsia and lnd-(testion lnd-(testion more or less for about slvty Hei. A J Flejchst yarv uh.l have taken many remedies, but Dr. Caldwell's Syrup IVpsin has dona me more good than anything else. 1 am 79." Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin ha ben old In druK stores for twenty years Tlie-price Tlie-price is only 50 cents or SI a bottle.- It Is especially adapted to the uses of babies, ba-bies, children, women and old folks, lis purity Is vouched to the Government, and results from lis use are guaranteed, if yon have never tried it send name and address for a,frre trial bottle, which will be cheerfully sent to your home prepaid If there Is any modi, al advice that you want, or anything about your condition that you don't understand, write the doctor. doc-tor. Addresa your letter. Dr. W. B. Caldwell. 201 Caldwell Bid. Montlcello. 111. Algy Explains. ' "What do you suppose, Algernon," the young thing asked, "Ja the reason the ocean is salty?" 'T a nv sure I don't know," drawled Algy, "unless It is because there are so many salt Ann In It." Success. A man's Idea of a generous act Is having a chance to take all another" fellow'a money and leaving him some loose change. The woman who loses her hearing may be thankful It wasn't her voice. FREE A Pmckmgm of "Paxtine" Will Be Sent Free of Charge to Every Reader of this Paper. Give eate a sweet breath clean, white. ( arm-free teeth eabeeetically cleea snotttb ana threat ptmfiee the breath after smoking dtspala all disagreeable perspiratioe and body odors muck appreciated ap-preciated by dainty wosmsw A quick remedy far eore eyes sssd catarrh. A bole Paxtsse powim dV eoKred ia a (Uss of hot watt aukes a ctc&g4itful aeltsteic ao luttoe pusnssssj eatrsflnaery cknataaag, gsreisalsl sad keaL sag powet, aed absolutely karav less. Try a SajnpU. 50c a Uvf boa el dnanpas ee by smJ. Tmc ataxTOM TO'Lgr CO., aluetuw. Maee. DITfiT instaa. rwr wt r-s :,7 . . 7"'.'. '"JJ"- "-,H umi4tL.t'isiukaii a. wktaaaavi4i - W. N. U, Salt Lake C'ty. No. lt-1910. EYE m rrm a-U ae essw 1 s,t ew est 1 AULA'S' iVJs Here al leta of a'.;4 awra. in tm'y few fcJia BetJ irtasc -ra'V tisral.'j STOKS VfXDlCAi. CO, CCllON.tMUNA r XV |