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Show PLEASANT GROVE NEWS PLEASANT GROVE NEWS An independent weekly paper published pub-lished in the interests of Pleasant Grove and Utah County. Issued Every Saturday. BY THE The Provo Herald Pub. Co. j. DAVID LARSON, Editor and General Manager. ASHLEY BARTLETT, Local Editor. Application made at the postofflce at Pleasant Grove, Utah, tor transmission trans-mission through the mails as second-class second-class matter. Subscription Price, $1.50 a Year, in Advance. SOGITEY BOTES. A nnmhpr of friendsof-M r. J. New- comb he!pedttebra4e--birthd Thursday.. ALL TRAINS. of SALT LAKE ROUTE arrive and depart from Union Station, Salt Lakf City, where direct connections are made for Idaho. Montana, California, as well as with through trains for Denver and Kast. Sc.- J. K. Halliday. Local Asetu. for ti.-kets or further information. CHICAUO and other KaMern points best readied i;"i Salt I. ak.' Route. ln-roe! ln-roe! connections UnUm Station. -Salt Lake City, wiili 1 1 1 1 i tr 1 1 trains. See FOR SALE Good 3-room house and 2-acre city lot for sale. Best location in city. Ask W. H. Hayes. icOAL; Clear Creek, Castle 6ate. Aber- deen, Hiawatha, Diamond and Reek Springs , Electrically Welded - Wire Fencing t A. K. Thornton & Sons Miss Geneva West will be hostess tonight at a china shower in honor of Miss Ora Harney, A pleasant surprise was carried out on Mrs. Alex Gray Wednesday evening. eve-ning. A large number of towns people peo-ple were present. - , . - . i - - Last Saturday night a surprise party par-ty was tendered Mrs. George Barton at her home in the nature of a get-acqmiinted-with-our - new - neighbor affair. af-fair. ' - nnouncements are out for the mar- . 1 1 1 ' . . , , 'I Tl .1 Miw riage of Mr. Arnoiu "" - Ora Harvey, two of Pleasant Groves most popular young peouit-. i riane will take place Thursday. hont thirtv-five neighbors and friends of George Sliolle of Lindon came in on him imav.ares the other night and made a merry evening. The m..Ki,m u.,s his -VHh birthday. . Kridtfv. ; large crowd of friends from- merie7,!i Folk came i spend t!ie evening 'w iih Mr. and Mis. John : Miller Tliey drought along a plenteous plen-teous sup-!v of oysters and made a merry .suj.p.'r in'rnnixed with wit and liumor. ED IT O R. I A L rOlIRJIOME-EEinTJlEALER The case of IV H. l'.eeslev vs. l'ro- hilu Nevada MiiUUS.ilJi4S. J?-'! for March 1 1 The committee appointed by the fruit growers of this section to investigate the advisability of contracting with outside fruit dealers deal-ers to handle this year's crop has not made a report. It will soon be time to act, but surely there is enough at stake to consider the matter very carefully. The growers will do wrong if they discriminate against the local dealers. Figures have already been given in the" HERALD which demonstrate that in the past, those who have dealt with the local dealers have beerTsuccessfur and received' better prices than the growers who have permitted his goods to go out on a commission. commis-sion. " - : The large wholesale houses in Provo are well able to distribute fruit throughout all the markets 6t the east and west. It has been stated by some that Utah fruit would be only placed in comparatively local markets or within a radius of a thousand miles. This idea is wrong. The large fruit dealers have representatives in every large city in the entire United States, and they are just as capable of handling fruit and finding a market as any outside concern. P.eside Pp-v... I tah county and Utah will Let the benefits of the profits Tin- profits will not go to California or Colorado or other states. The committee to report to the growers should consider well hlu- matter, to discriminate againt local people is a blow to l roo an. i I ' tali. We lnlicve that they will he justified in .refusing the ..turs of all companies who have presented their commission prop-. prop-. .i; i. .us. These out-ide concerns are looking after the interests, f their respective states. Utah concerns are looking after the interests of Utah. r --"""' i Why Lift 10 j Tons Daily Figure it up. Every time you . lift those big, heavy farm shoes it is 5 pounds lifted. At 50 steps per minute just estimate the tons you lift daily. Now, we can sell you a light weight shoe of superior leather that we guarantee will outwear the heavy and its- cheaper; saves your money saves your strength. - Any more argument needed? . The Mercantile Pleasant Grove Delicious Sunday Ice Cream-Sweet Fresh Chocolates THORNE'SCAFE INVEST I GATE: We ha.ve Jewelry for presents a.nd Jewelry for valentines .". J Watches from $5 to $100 The best Silverware for the t&ble thai is made, in plated aivd solid ):. t JAMES MARTIN Where the quality is slwsys right American Fork ' BE ON THE LOUK- OUT FOR Green Groceries and Imperial Oysters For Sunday Dinner S. F. Walker & Sons FOR SALE 10-acre farm. 1 mile north of Pleasant Grove Bank. Beyond Be-yond dty limits. Six-room, soft rock house, barn, granaries, cellars, city water, all kinds of fruit. See S. J. Nelson. 31 FOR SALE OR TRADE. Two city lots with pood hom?M4 Smith KiKhth Wont, Salt Lake City, f4,r -hwnu-or-rui Ui-l'liiaiaiiLJlruYfX S".' I'. S.. Kroinan. A STITCH IN TIME .. Saves Money I guarantee my work because I use the best material. Done when promised B. MOUC K. Shoemaker BANK BVILDING THE EARNEST MAN. Tin- man -who lias vnuine cariHtiu- all thr. u-h life i- -un M prt snincwiicu' ultimately to do s...nuthrii that i worth svhito; He ma--anl tinl'tihtelly will, make ttiHtaW' rike.tfoe n-t ti creation. cre-ation. Imt he t;oe? at everything with a -it jun'i If he IniiU liisn--,'f on the wroi'iir track; if one policy or eoiire tail-, prove- weak, untrue or unfea-ihle, he doe-n't swerve. I'Hiti-e in idleius, jjivi- wa to -lootn. tie-pair or dissipation: lie p-i huckle- hi- Kit a notch i tighter and at it ayain on another track. I The earne-t man. nine times in ten. ha- it in hinw'o la1r tire-he tire-he -' in the accomnli-hment of a def-ired ptupo-e. and. m reot r. he will hae that urp"o-e lived and outlined hefore him. He take- rid, j .M, J ph a-nre m hi- wrk. He wants to -oiiuthin-.that count-. 1 le i- tievei a Mowhard or a hraart. He i- intent oM r.-nli- and what 'icr- sav or what g e on arouml hotlur- liim ivl at alh Jiarne-.t.ij in -- and intelligence yivo birth o -great achievement and t:rmoi:ni ; 1 H:ct;!i with ea-e. The earne-t man -i Id m ua-ti-hi- time, lie I in. that that is man's best possession and he i- i vcr reluct. ml to m;; i t! tt'! -tomorrow what may be done today, that he may indiiije in .-"iiu-i men'-. W e would rather be surrounded by anic-t men who cannot be di-hone-t or carele-s, than by a horde of others el.tiuuuc il e lull mark of genius anl carrying iu irreionibilities. Big 66g9floW IfFeveryboclyT mouth. Output in 1909 doubles over 190B. Carload business is taking the place of retail trade .'. Pleasant Grove Roller Mill A. L COOPER, Proprietor i WeAre Not Going Out Of Business (Hf Having decided to tear down our present buildings and erect a new modern business block in their stead, we Must Close Out Our Entire Stock Regardless Of Cost. Things will be delivered deliv-ered to your door for Less than the-present factory prices. .We bought our Mammoth Stock before the rise in prices. WeMve no place to store our goods and they Must Be Sold. THINK OF A GOOD BOW-BACKED DINING CHAIR FOK SO CENTS. STEEL SANITARY COUCH S3 35. IRON BED KITCHEN SAKE S36S. GLASS DOOR CUP BOARD SC.8 5. DRESSER WITH FRENCH BEVfrtfPLATE GLASS $6 5. 9x12 TAPESTRY RUG FOR $11.50. 9x10-6 INGRAIN IN-GRAIN ART SQUAkE FOR S3 85. LACE CURTAINS FOR 55 CENTS A PAIR. NEW ART SCRIM CURTAINS $1.75. WALL PAPER 7 CENTS DOUBLE ROLL PIANOS WARRANTED FOR 25 YEA RS $187.50. PIANOS (Ued. AS LOW AS $90.00. ORGANS (USED) AS LOW AS $15.00. ORGANS OR-GANS WARRANTED FOR 20 YEARS $52 00. DECORATED DINNER SETS $3.75. CROCKERY. CUT GLASS. WATCH ES. JEWELRY. SILVERWARE. ALL MUST GO. STOVES STEEL RANGES. STOVES. FURNITURE AND HARDWARE HARD-WARE ARE ALL TO BE SOLD AT A SACRIFICE IN THIS GIGANTIC CLOSING OUT SALE. '. ,. . cruf Ao-rrrf rc wf WANT YOU TO COME AND LOOK THE STOCK OVER. ALL GOODS WILL BE D9.N??S 7lCUR WE WATTO T 1 N O UR NEW BU I L Dl N G BY SEPTEMBER AND IN ORDER TO DO THIS OUR ENTIRE-STOCK MUST HE CLOSED OUT IMMEDIATELY. . Come and select your spring goods from one of, the largest stocks carried west of the Missouri Mis-souri river. We arc pleased to give our patrons this opportunity. v v All Freight Charges Will Be Paid By Us On Goods Bought At This Sale (Dl Sale Begins Mjrch 15th |