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Show PLEASANT GROVE NEWS WHY NOT the best Tea on the market ? In your next Rrocery order, gently but "firmly insist on HEWLETT'S TEAS being: sent, and refuse all substitution. TRIED REMEDY FOR THE GRIP. l7lfc -ftAPK- Op-' t-AG'JABAN'TEt Vhat is your cigar bill? If you carry a $75 watch twenty-five twenty-five years the cost is twenty-five cents a month. You can't smoke much on that. . Be fair with yourself. your-self. Buy a better watch. We sell the best. lf!N IlLScf ! if turn -m ! GIRLS FIGHT DUEL FOR LOVLDF MAN FIRE FIVE SHOTS FROM PISTOLS UNTIL ONE FALLS WOUNDED. DOUBLE REWARD OF VIRTUE Love Story Writtwi by Small Boy at Least Brought Thingstca Happy Conclusion. Rivalry Leads to Hatred and Young Women, Accompanied by Female Seconds, Go to Woods to Settle with Code of Honor, 170 main ;t. SALT tAe CITY. UTAlt Why Not Own land U.,aiu:.hrimglU.tiu4w- ui.Ii.ii alien in Millard ami Iti'iivi'm unities t,y irrigation Fifty Thousand Acres In M'H.ipI riMinty will l.e ili.p,., of nti-iler nti-iler Can y Art r:!. I'rauan; al ! vim. I'tah, il.ynn.lv! rut Mi, i, .lav. A-n II. Sir the Ali'lil at 1'.'.' Ma, Ii Sine!, 'I'lmlie Iti-il Kxrhai'k't lb fur 'Ki'iiricu rati- . litiil ratu re : T. Pick. Ui'ii. t'ai-?. Act. J. It MAM'Plim I I,. Avst - !!. I'tl-S Act. Your Liver is Clogged up That'a Why You're Tired- Sort Have No Appetite.. CARTER'S LITTLE. LIVER PILLS . -h . i . wui put you ngni y:.Vr s in a lew aays. J.'.... jf.'&j UW-ll UIHJ. Cure Coeitipa- WaJ5ik iematsa, Indigettioa, and SitV adaf' e. SMALL PIU, SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE GENUINE mint bear signature: Out of .- . v J ft-v- i'TT- A TADTFD i -jFttte'W PIitti r I IJ I V LK I 1 Good seeds art the true fooodatioa of large crops. Our bi Catalogue tells all about the best seeds tbat (row. Send for Free Copy. VOGELER SEED CO., Sail Lake City tested seeds It rout hundreds nf it'iltar erery year to aiMB TEST OUR SESDS But wte-n roil tuir tnrm TOU ran iei-ii Ihey pn'mi Tha Quality. Write lor our Feoo Deeeeiativa Catalog. PORTER-WALTON CO., Salt Laka City WANTED f MKN A V Ii WUMKN to l..rn Haru-r Tra-1.- in t gtii ttpi U. l'i,tt,iin. i :lh ( nf t"'i- Vw. Tuition. ili ptrtial i l nf li..a. ..' AMti-u MOHLEft bAkBER COLLECE 13 I'otnin-!-- ai tr'-i a t t'ay, t'lan TRUNKS usasss LKA I 'It K i.m,iS Mi fi'H cvl U.imJ. MENtDIIH S TRUNK FACTORY .11. H MaaiSle-.l J I I . ilv I'tah RUBBER STAMPS hue Kut.t- r I)p- Out!.!-, atel nf ! ,n ti- . Mail i-r-l- r. r . - nr r,-ni-! at:i ran-ii ALT LAKE STAMP CO., Salt Lake City Sold Again. The lovesick voting man dropped on hta kn'n and ralM-J hi h;m-l. "K.ic, wnl you be mine? Will )uu be m iif ?" h'- km! Tin- ji.t.tii; la.Iy ca i at h r ui'.or to Lm- ill'-rni' ii? H it tbi' ynuiiK iuau t -in i t:i ai iu s; KliHS fall. Will you U my !(? Sciid rail. Will 'hi li- my wife? Thlnl SJi'l las', cai: W Jul b- my Ills l.asi I a-t ri i.lv tj fa!!, b it at that Instant th- mtii l.s.l t.-u.-ai l.pre'J that li-r huitur j an u"-tliti'T u"-tliti'T b) t-n (' svi.-n, m an. r J ' -Y " What He Was After. OeorRp Washincton 1 li-nry ('l:iy I.in-J I.in-J coin Carter, onu of (u iu-uki's voiingcr t darkey citizens, was suddenly called upon not Ions apo to exiikiin his iires-l-t-iict.' at 1 a. in-444 tlw 4tB-house of a vi hito neighbor. . ""Siealinn my chickens, are you, you black rascal?" the owner demanded. George V. II. ('. L. C. rolled his y.-s until they .were all whites. "Now. now, lookyt h. Mars George,-' he )irotenledt "dat ain't no way t j.-r Uc' an' please don' pint dat gun lit tna .dat cr ay, cuniuJ, wW lio hastily added, holding up his battered hat as a shield. "Ah Ylar Ah warn't gwine Fti-al no chickens; no sah' Ah's w ri-tln' ri-tln' er dialec' story an Ah ties' come ti oseyen rotin' hyiih ter git local color yas, sah, dat's all Ah was after. Ah 'clar to de Lord hit was!" If She. Had. Her Choice. A jtontletnan who finds great amuse-; j nient In tPlllnR his wtfe which lady of i their 'acquaintance be will select as her successor when she diws. and who. .one day, had been teasing her with numberleOs mock-serious allusions to the subject, tiiiddenly called their little lit-tle daughter to him and asked her, shaking with laughter at his own wit: "Madeline, how would you like to have a stepmother?" The child considered for a moment and then, wl'h gnat earnestness re-plied: re-plied: "I think I'd much rather have a stepfather." Apropos of love stories In frehersTr Jerome-.S. -McWadp, tha welLKnowfi" Duluth connoisseur, said at a recent dinner: - - "At the approach of Valentine day-last day-last year I offered a prize of five dol lars to the little- hovs of mv Sur.dav .school class for the best short luvn. I s'ory. I have one -of the stories here, STUDENT CAUSE OF-QUARREL i s-oine to read u to ,-uu,- i Mr. M.'W'ade then read: I "A poor man fell in love with a lady -wliitsttiiHlicMvas aTtch tnr clealerr "The poor man could not marry the- rich Inrty, tiecruise 1 e liad no Tni'tiey. -"A villain tl'.en ef:'i n d him J."0 if he would- btH'oaie a xln'.nkard. "The ! oor iiuni wanted t lie money to ?et marrit d with, so l.e agreed, bu' when he got to : he beer saloo;i he said: "'No, I wi'.l net bei-omo a drunkard, even for great richi s.' "On the w;,y inure he found a ba'X of gold. So the young lai'y marrh v"! him. It was a s-Herd:,! v. dding. and tl:f next i!:'.v ll,,y had twins. "Me!;i! Virtue is its own reward" N. Y. Times. Do farmers e3t the proper sort of food? The farmer of Unlay buys a muvh larger pi ., -onion of the food that goes on the taMe than he did ten years ago. It's a good thing that this is so because he has a great' variety to select frotn.--lle should, however, use great care in selecting for the beit r suits in health and strength. ?- "Ttie U 1.1. spVeair t l.ile'ney In 'i lie city to iccrsiuMi (heaniKHK f-4-Hiike!' at--ea'en is due e! larg.-ly to she recent demonstrations by s-i,-t::;!ic im ii that the.Quak. r (i;;ts f. d man is the man wi:h g!vatet physical einlnraiice and greatest mental igo; . Thinners Berlin. A duel between female medical studerts has occurred at i'resterlik. on the Siksinn frontier. O'.ga MeterorT and llonea Ilnotsky quarreled over their common love for a dashing young medical . student named Hrighterer. w-ho made love to both, but ngaging himself to neither The rivalry caused hatred between the girls. Hl.ws were exchanged. "Advanced' wn-nn-.n that they are they hold ;hi irisi Ives by the stand ards of male chivalry, consequently the Ilnotsky gir! who was the reerpi.en; of the first blow in ti.e hand to hand f'gh.t, gent two other female students as her seconds to..(Kga Metzeroff, win. also oht'iinod two. The four seconds arranged that the duel should b" j fought on German territory to' avoid ! the .Vustnan police. j The conditions . were that pi st . ! j shots at " pai oh ihnnhl bo cxcbanc-l until on of the combatants was ks r abled Three days were spent !a practicing shooting and then the din 1- Ing party crossed the frontier at sua I rise and proceeded to spot in a fur ; est The combatants took their pn--i-I Hons and one of the seconds gave the i tfi i n n n 1 - - -- - "j" t If! tttlti j The duelistii xchai)ged four tihofn before either was hit. At the fifth I shot the .!e?zerotf girl received a wound in the left shoulder and fell i fainting in tire snow. Her wound was bandaged and she was conveyed hack to Austria Her recovery Is certain -hiu!d give this Kuhie'ct careful thought and should increase the quantity of Quaker Oats eat. n by themselves, their children and the farm Lands. (7 Not Willing to Commit Himself. The teacher h id called upon I'red die Urown to give an lllu-tration of the proper manner in which to compare com-pare the adjective "c le.ui " "Mother U clean." said he, faltering-ly. faltering-ly. "father l--cleaner " lbre h paused "Ainl." prompted the teacher. "Kuildie was btill bib nt and very thoughtful. "Haven't you some other relative?" asked the teacher, siiii'lrig "Oh. yes," replied Krt-ddi. ' tlu r' untie but I ain't ire about her! " Wounded by the Fifth Shot. ! I When Tempus Didn't Fugit. Little Helen, during ihe ihieo years of her life, had tiev r bei n s ip.irated from her elder sister tiigiit tir day lor more than a lew minutes at a time, but at last the ti came when the sister eut away tor a whole day The child tiie.l i ii-iy game and occupation occu-pation tha', sh" knew of, ami a new one or two sugg- sti d l y her mother, but they all palled. Filially she gave up and blood and iooked sadly out ol the wiie'.ow. Then dte sighed deeply and said "Us still th.- same old day. Isn't It." mother ?"-- oiu.sji s Home Companion. A Bright Idea. Yeast It i- .-.;.( th.it tie hayu bird of India spin, I, .j.,!,. mi,,, nulling null-ing lhefli. s, wl.ii I, l.e l.i M. US to the sides of his tii -a dark i.;!.t n eh eti ic sM. Criu oii!.. .ik idea Ui i!-...! my I ion! il. oi ' w I'll l: in; t t y: up 't re kA bl : ...le I I1 1 k- l.t 111 Important to Mothort. -,. Examine (.ir-tu :v i-o-rv iitM. of CAS'KjKI A. a s i'e arid sur- r. tu. ,v for infants :uel c!.il,!rea, and m- that it Ilearu t'.e u Signature of (JJtZMV. ID I'fp For fiver :iti Year. The Kind You Have Always ItoughL Th vlrtori er.ttoisi.-isti. ptud"l;t n 'ii -nit. hat. ml ovatict, from recejud an I., r f.-!low Ample Proof Iottie N your n ii very. ver I iti.it;!. Haltie u,,,!,:,.:' girls In our hut. h i n they Latil J n-t the rector alt- r K- t Ult. t!,.l! ! : k i, .1 n.. The Dargera of Hair Dye. To yoti ri-a'ly Uiink it a daur rous to d the hair?" "t)U. pr I knew a f'l!or !'it your trr h dl.I t th Isrt thins h kn w he . Tr,a:n-d to a widow ml'h ' iIMmi Scmetmg Realty Important "Hbuid. ht sLa'i a), the baby " "Oh. I 4-4000." al4 j rofesor. "Ion't b-ih r ni- now. I'm trjlns; to think up. a nT f'-r a uei niicrotM" " Ktumt City Journal. An Appreciated Dittraction. "So jntl Ib.Iik tie' .lUtolliol.!!'.- made life much ojeasanur?" "It ha for ii. e," answered the coin fortable c itiz- n ' I drive a fast bur and niy ton ride a bicycbv The a i lOti.tibtle ha takn the HilleU of th police off bo'h of us4' ha. WILD DOGS IN OKLAHOMA Farmert Have Oeg"iied in Muiegee County to Wipe Out the Beam AttS. k I ;. l.i , t'.niA; '- in Ait I i lnn M r i.e I , I ai-ie lo ;.. l 1 1 s... rr!)r auj J re.j .. ... U I sil'IrmlP. Ml ;i The Englnh Way. "Iky you think bas. !".l ,-v-r Rf a foothold 1n Knglard ' ' "Tin y play it seine " "As tr nu'iuslv a e d"" "Will, mi Th y s.-rve tea bt lm.ea Innit-itit, I understand " d i 'aln , ' nth i f irm - of ; i sr - of and I Not to Be Intimidated comM-t-t t -o jour baa l if i 4"ti f "H; bd oo try band Wty, tbat whi!".ieid fi?v? "t Dovcii r 1 b'loni in r.ii to irak taia on a pujre stanip " CHANCE THE VIBRATION It Make for Health. A tr.ao trW h avlr.j off rr,t. pota-Ux-t, ceSrr. and etc, and adopts a 1 "W "' ' ' breakfast of fruit. GrapNut lta Arthur ay hi ti.d w Jl ! ere-am, aome crlap toaat and a cup of Potum. Ilia h-al'a brn to Irrprore at onr for the r-on ttat a treat ar lll reach a place oore la a t!! vbre t! tytt?m m to beroas clof4 add tis Bachtcery doas't work nvootbly. A chacrc of this kind a! 1 food cf low ti'rl-.irr va''4 and take up food a&4 drick of the t!cttt a !. already partly 4!4Et4 and rapat! bfec 5'j!fk!y cfcate-al lu'o coo, rlth Vlool atd rceg t:ni A rvt ta?;it: feat-jfe ri Grapa Be.nd t Se-e A-r Tl k:rl of a ba- I wact hi oe that w;'l ny eTil.B " rror-rVfor t4 Ml ".:nry S,'r Tra nrry. but kavea t a aao1p'nt4 kit. ta tfc rot " ferl r.-'.w.n lk!a In towr!i!p. a I ..jv i v -A '. aertion nf M i k st'- .t ! r t;ae orgarlre-ij f-r t'i p ,r alpir. rmt ll,- i-. i! '! r, ben maktr.c raid n th 1 1 th towr.nh.lp ar.d ki!l;r hen by the so.re Two year act two tramp d f red In th wilder r-tion pr'lon broe.trt forth and thewe ha grown to b Tinoua J -co tr.at Lav i:bii wild rrin'e br raney rr.n day tins and Ber a;trnrh fVpt at tsicht and tfcra wr,t : tc-oot. ra iti-.n Tfcy k.lt p t -4 afaNp and wtateser ! th-y i. at tark whB drlve-n ty fcurce' No Depcs ti "Ikt you ttit.k tL r- njt.. y bn " "Well, if tl,. re s tl.. k ; it . '-cured " Kclat.g- m rw rt wrr ti to it n rar.i .uim .. ., ,.. , , t r, IV. (. I: . I MIWO, J .. , lltKttllUMInfuM Mo apv tat l-'pa s-at r ifl Sai.Jal i t.- , Untm i J'idfe tfc r b) th-n. teia Mrtktt- tllttloli.M r. aW. Hm a. aa wlei I ho CONVINCI NO PROOF OF THE VIRTUE OF Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound What is tKe use of procrastinating, in the face of such evidence as thefolloving letters represent? If you are a sick woman or know one who is, what sensible reason have you for not giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Gom-pound Gom-pound a trial? For 30 years we have been publishing such testimonial letters as these thousands of them they are genuine and honest, too, every one of them. " -w or v nirs. s. i. jsaroer says: fX"- "1 think i.-vrria E. . W''.li,-.V :. - i rr s t-v M' - --'s'. Tilnkhaiii 8 ege- tabte Coinpowid is the best i:n ciiie in t'r.o wvu iil for wor.iea atal I feel it r.:y d r.y to let others know the pioj it has done for me. Three years ao I lt.nl a t u m o r which the doctor said would have to lie removed by an operation or 1 Could not live more than a yeir, or two. at' most. '1 wrote Mr, i'iwk-Lam. i'iwk-Lam. at Lynn. Mass.. for ad vice, an 1 took II bottie; of l.vdia I;, rfiik-Lam's rfiik-Lam's 'egelable t'ompuunil, and today to-day the tumor is gone and 1 am a perfectly v .-11 woman. I hope, my - ieitimojiial.will be-of heuei'it to o! li-ers." li-ers." Mrs. S. J. U.vian.i Scott, K. Y. Mrs. E, F. ir:tyos says: 1 was under tlso I d ii c 1 ox.' a t uutU . incut fora t',hi'..i-l tumor. I sintered with pain, soil ness, ii in a t i n l. r.i:i cnuld riot walk rs'.m 1 on III V feet -in v Hi of iin ". 1 w rote tn .Mrs. l'iukliaiii for 1- i.ce.l'oilowed Iff T JJirect inns and took l.ydi.i 11. rin!;liaiu'syei,'eta!il Coiiipouncr. Tvi-d.iy I a'tii a We'll woman, t he tumor was expelled jt'itd l:iy whole system s! leli;.-tlie::e,. I advise all women vim are a:.hctel with tuniorsor female trmililcs t- try l.ydi.i II. l'inl.h.im's Veiretahlo ('omi'iund." Mr-i. II. F. Ihvt.s. Of L f - Mrs. Georsre May says : No one knows what I have suffered suf-fered from fe male troubles; neuralgia j-aim, ar.d backache. My doctor said iC COU.,1 licit glVd :-n ::yt!,::-. to t:re it. 'ThroiiIi ' !: a lvii'iL. of a liM-iiil 1 be u an D u-e J.ydia E. "ink!.. mi's Veri table Compouial, and the pain soon tiisajijiean d. 1 cosi'liraed its ustj and am now in perfect healtb-l.yi'.ia healtb-l.yi'.ia K. rinkhaiii's Veg; table Com-jiuiijid Com-jiuiijid liuis been adod seiid to ma as 1 IVlrove 1 slumld have been in Vny grave if it liad not been for Mrs. rmkliam's advice and Lydia E. l'inkham'ij Vect4t!ila Cinipound." - Mrs. ("li'om i: ilAv, bti 4th -Ave, l'uterson, S.J. Mrs. W. ' '. ,' l?w Washington St., lloston. Mass. Vor IW years Lydia. i:. IMnkliam's Vecetahlfl Compound has been tle. s-tandard renel v fr feniulo ills. No sick woman does justice? to herself lio will not try this famous medicine. Mal exeluivelv from nxts iiml herlxs, and has thousands ot cures to Ha credit. Mrs. IMnkham Invites all Kick women Liwr to write her for ml vice. . She has guided thomtand to health free of charue. Address Mrs. l'inkhaiu, Lynn Maha. "I h a ve been completely cured of a severe female fe-male trouble by Lydia 11. . llr.k-hamJs llr.k-hamJs Vi'-getahk ComiKMinil, and want ti. recoup women. " -Mrs. W. K. IIot'SH. 7 Kast. vi w Ave. (Jin citmati, (ihio. - la cause your tasu ii a uitlicult t'tie, doctors having- done yon no pood, do tmt mtititme toTstiffer without with-out giving' Lydia V.. I'inkhatn's Vep-ctable Vep-ctable CiiinMiiind a trial. It surely lias cured many cases of female ills, such as i::!!.n;i!i'iat ion, ulceration, 4i---ulacctiieuf h. fibroid tumors, Irreptt-lariUes,iH-riodiciuiii.s,kickache,etc. 2 I awaww ADC HARK A Woman's Home ahntihl be hrr pride. Your home ahnuhl n licet your own individuality. You caniii.t have m ciI wall par de-ifiicd de-ifiicd by you f..r -ach pmm- you can tarry out a w-cial Al.ihustine d.-eora-tivc M-lieuie for thosr roonii you can b a li iil. r in y.eir roiiunuiiity and Lavo your home Uie talk of your friends. AlaBasline The Stylish Wall Tint t mnt1e1 trut m fTi rrf-itipth thi frw!t. W cn ti-t liiti'itlK f iU i l-af rffi 1. ltif wtlUCtl iif if lis, tJ Out Aft ih ;tn-ht m l uui mr r. Smm4 for K AUItir honk apUiain rKat w d for torn. mJa4 kow w Iktrnmh fr tck wlMn AiiWiM prw t'-r frvlr trnrn A!Kt-r. rrttr tW . .s .( wtt.f mm', t appitr.l Witt) uC AtMkylinr 4 Alabattine Company H Vmwk CUf. N Y. Cnmd fUfU MitV. Tie PACKAGE. FOI PINK EYE tisTinrti CATARRHAL FFVTI AND ALL HOSE A.10 THROAT D15LUU Cure. it le an4 ano aa a stbut 1-t ixb-r. I)ull anevo ow tfce l,,-u. fe f.,e ! r--m mre .tvl o i .Hbees. ttet klObet remedy , 14 (eat. , tl taia ! bJlairllJU II, d,4.ll KdJ L; s,l dn,((lM -4 cl ' oe oral essirea. (ul, irr u Baanlsiiuwa SPOHN MEDICAL CO, CKaawsata, C0S1IXN. INDIANA III A, Mrrl.1 mm with a!l tt runrlr.it t ' . 'n ' r I '"' ' " to f U f j i molt, added to tx a a- ,n . Wrfc w taTai.,rf. y k&owgHdc tf the tati' r ! f4ww et,, mt s- t Thy are r.eter e-i i- , fc I A rrate-atlLf cer...-y la S.atc w ,n.a I kt a fiah. n n r , I IT- A InM AXLE GREASE i the tnung-jj,nt to eronomy in wear and trart.f wagon. Try at : r.eTytJeaIT,err)hc -o .a a CONTINENTAL OIL CO. CDTAKCE STLRDI I V . wa A a jue-tain Cot caay. ir aabir. 1 r'. that L"8at Mary Spa" The kect c.ary rs l- war 14 to aaid to b !k ;' s t 'i-let 'i-let t4rc rra-ti-4 t ? tfe rl -f At-klaB4. New 7'.ni locC aJtd 0 feet Wfcle. aod The Tenderfoot Farmer aclro a l Tt 1 yr-if aabir. 1 rt !:: tr- rib" r -J Kf won:rc la til tlsT ae4 o w sr.x "No." a4 ti" t'tr a at oti e. js.at" n-.- Wssi - it T'r aea6 ia-' '. rr low I it fraCl ttrrm, ha- -a ra. I No la tt t';ral ftc;if cf ptA- aj-rk kaa a ;aa ti ZZ f''. aii a ask (trewo la th rmttst frxrawtkh It rr4ay a"i o c-f nt ft at la b4. Tll U ;k easst wkkk f foweortrt ct ?k Jy wt.'i "Tt trs' a;i"j!a-a its tif let t rrt. ti oft rray --itasr wki.k t.iB i erm a isa tmf cs- i t.a-v4 a-d Voate' Aa-t A few 44r,- c? Cir' w,:i .T0 Tmek war r Sua r-e- ' ft rt a tr ct teri Ttrk are;'rl aa a.'eij wkt k ta n f-i t - - lie tll . t 14. tutJSUj ttl r, a is- -w r r 1- i . IW : .ax TJ a W'f ..- II .J a Roa-4 toWorrP" TV"! iRif o;4 4 kf;s-t- U.4 as 4 l! j "it kw w tt' Kne m4 tfe oVe-e let tee? twil A w . s 'ctr la k . ! ( it -wreaj. kr iyw o-r st-er (4 tVw etpetin mttl farmer., bo w f reww M ko oJ Ion! hr t.M4. Has t w-r - I M J- Thw Wkm (4 (nlw awi awwnak ct WJ - "I tt aw iwiwims, H ! : '-t j L5XaJr It a 'l-aie(fe-i4- i.rwer Wi trr Matk) J 'l ' i eijrnam a Co. Hj aaoa. a braK Ire kasp. ejr rofardiowt c4 f tmtm tm4 mmtntmim, ll aa (4 wiswoM wo 3 twt akav fata Ma3 l fx4 k vwC c4 k- Ioo4. re' aa liat tte Moaa fwa "" It) caaa a4 f e-tast 4 4 (ratji ai rrMxw art sae.ew4 w4 t sat Batnm 4 4 a4 t i(mm el ssmwaqti affja mm:rHtm m4 if mf tk aer-e. De. Ptem Coe n 4 ttat Vtrtry. It tai:im rtm'T. m4 ra- rHfia pkiHim mm U ! weaUa f ktrM4a ea W y rt tyv. ta otet-i m -ft..V-i lrvfwf Dwoi-" M tew . Il ws.in sw-thce aMvtitwes e-a Mn-r. owl aa o f t t Ma iaJ a Ii at oiaj. eoirwuaa w4 ot-w faserm aVi., A3 a-4.i-rwa fe4 wa aa oKui oeog'-f . t-a'l )rf e-W 4e(4a a l V- wa r. TW ia mm mmfimt bar aet'. eJ. I w4 tl4 " l r-4 wo "1 . e Metfarwl l)iiei " SOUR STOHAGIi 1 ad Caarwrts al (rrl l k a mtrw taa I Lar bea a aifervr fra rf,-prt rf,-prt 1 r ttotxurh for tr Ua two wrw. I Utt brew takiejr; Mdariir aa-i wrr Crr bot cocil tl M rriWocJr l a abort tixar. I rtK-4 Caanarea to my frWfa a Use w.'y tie for ttei: f ajavi ansr tcb ai to krf ii Uia to -xd rocjen. lr y air to rat Irry wekky. HUach Cnk, fa. faae, almNM. -o... Tw (-4. Ke e a awinaai I evtp. f. V. no. Ve Mas, ) Ii-a W I MM MhikI C C mmn y-wsar i wae-r fj eJ r"t at4 t ari4 ly a il j If f headers I' aW aa i i a m a 1 1 w I IWef mm. ha. ate. |