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Show 1 FULLY SIXTY FIVE'PERJCENT OF THE COMMISSION EARNED BY THE OUTSIDE CONCERNS WHO PROPOSE TO SHIP YOUR FRUIT ON A COMMISSION BASIS WILL BE SENT OUT OF THIS STATE. If WILL BUILD UP THE; COUNTRY OR TO ASIST.'ti PAYING THE TAXES. ON. THE OTHER HANDLE MONEY7 EARNED Y THE LOCAL FRUIT DEALER IN HANDLINQ YOUR FRUIT WILL BE KEPT IN UTAH.. THIS MONEY WILL ASSIST TO PAY THE TAXES, BUILD SCHOOLS, BETTER ROADS IN SHORT A BETTER UTAH. . ' 'At. , . ." ; . -. THE EXPERIENCE THE GROWERS HAVE HAD HERETOFORE WITH OUTSIDE CONCERNS HAS PROVEN EXPENSIVE. IN SOME CASES, GROWERS LOST THOUSANDS THOU-SANDS OF DOLLARS. THE COMMISSION GAME IS NO SAFER NOW THAN IT WAS THEN. REMEMBER THE OLD ADAGE, "A BIRD IN THE HAND IS WORTH TWO IN THE BUSH-OUR LOCAL DEALERS WILIPAYYOU-SPOT CASH AND YOUlTAKEO CHANCE :; ' - -'- ' - ' ' - BY ALLOWING THE LOCAL DEALER TO HANDLE YOUR FRUIT, YOU ASSIST A; HOME ENTERPRISE. WHY PAY HOMAGE TO CONCERNS FROM SOME OTHER STATE WHEN-YOU CAN DO BETTER AT HOME? YOU MAKE A MISTAKE BY DISCRIMINATING AGAINST LOCAL INSTITUTIONS BY ALL MEANS VOTE DOWN THE IDEA OF CONTRACTING YOUR FRUIT TO OUTSIDE PEOPLE. 7 Measaitit riroveiws VOL. 1 JLEASANTJiROVE, UTAKl. FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 1910. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION SERVICE. NO. 19 ADAH IKES OFFER OF THE E" C OFFICERS MAKE GOOD BE-. Ill THE COMMISSIONERS Just as a thunderbolt from the midst of a clear sky turns peace and quret into confusion so did a very small piece of frayed and thumb marked paper, on which was written in ink soma short, pointed sentences convulse con-vulse the placid council chamber Monday night into something not unlike un-like a seething chaldron with Mayor Cooper as the high wrought wave swaying and hissing with pent-up rage. To the onlooker it was plainly evident that the contents of that little piece of paper had something to do with the prohibition question in Pleasant Grove, and judging from the deep, angry, questioning look the aroused mayor turned upon the faces of what had been supposed to be an almost solid prohibition council, it was also certain that nistrust had leaped into the seat of confidence. Nor was it long to wait for confirmation that the mayor had suspicions! He is said to have turned sharply en Councilman John C. Nelson, with the biting rebuke: re-buke: "When did you flop over?" and hit. and closed with something that soimdi'd like a jail sentence for someone. But when one ol the conn-oilmen conn-oilmen moved to refer the conimuni. cation to the committee on judiciary in connection with the mayor and the marshal, an action which the mayii.r construed To mean "(hat the council would actually condescend to recognize recog-nize a petition of that calibre, and further, lie construed the attitude of members of the council lo mean that some of those very councilmen. who a few days previous had said to. hint, as mayor of the iity. that unless the marshal got busy, and that ipilckly they would demand his removal' were now, for some reason, not only will Inn. but anxious to receive it; and still further, he construed this apparent appar-ent change- ofJiait to 'explain why the petition was being railroaded out of the hands of the executive where it belonged, if it was (it to belong any where into the mums of the ju.ii liary:. Tim mayor's fury knew no hounds, hut the council voted it lo the judiciary committee The motion which made this disposition of the matter had included th" mayor and the marshal, hut the mayor's attitude called forth a discussion between Councllinen Joseph K. Thorite ami John ( Nelson, member of that com- At the meeting of the Couity Commissioners held yesterday, the following business was transacted: County Treasurer Johnso reported on the funds in u charge k COUNTERFEITER CAPTURED 1111111 r nu n i uniinii inTrnnii W MM PHI tub show ing the-follow ing balancfS on hand March 1st General fund - $11,2.:.' 7" County schools ..s, ." I ", County superintendent's! contingent . 4 !.I7i; State School -....J... ' -J- 7". f Jurors and Witnessed.?... ... i:.:' 1" The following fees were TJiort ed coMi-rto,1 u, Kehruary County Treasurer . . , .;..: . r " $ n'.a County Recorder I.'. t" County Clerk ..2:;,i.". CountySheriff 177 '.'.'i -cuntv Treasurer Johnson reported tha there ate um ullei-table LOCAL ITEMS. taxes for 1 '.. amounting tolfcSU.Iti; tin-re were charges to pre vinu tax sales amounting tO10N".Ui. 1 Hnible assessments amount' ed to $l,o2u.!tu, and erroneous. aJUes m'ed o ' . - . . v 4 4. E SHOW GOES 511 111 spm THIS HEAR t - lu this mate of mind the mayor is i nill'.e, as to whether the mayor hail a reported to have said filings that fltiBbed many a chwk around ih couu-ClJ couu-ClJ Ulle, ar.T that, too, wHewcr-ll. parllaiiientary-Hety of vacating the chair, while he spoke on the question. The history ol the affairs that cul ruinated In tliis dramatic lashioti makes interesting reading It appears that since rhe pronibitioti ordinance witit ;nio effect and the present pro Illinium mayor and council assumed the resinsihllity of carrying out the implied wishes of the citizen. VI stopping Hie sale of intoxicating li piors that there has been going oil in I'let-.itit (June a regular, and wholesale dispensing of tntoxi.ants, ciititr.it v and in d-balice of the law To llll'her clllphasle liie itlipilllllv right to a vote when they met to con sider the matter. Nelson ESV it ns big otUlrtn hat ib$ taaVor -rou'rt- tfti present but could not have a vote. Councilman Thome concurred, so when the . mayor was invited to be present be replied w-ih a curt "Thank you, gentlemen." The council ad jouitied nun! Wednesday evening to hear the report of the committee on juiliihm. Th is i lused chapter one Chapter two opens at the council chamber Wednesday evening when the Judiciary cotntnitte.- demanded an excuse from ihe mayor for his ab setii . at t'e !-1 1 ! r i'ietii of the i oai mittie This was tin- mayor s c i V to unburden his mnid of all Irs sn-pi Uitls .Hid 1tH liel,ilK to ib tUle b!s Provo Anticipates Progressive Movement of Different ia- -. vo a little later in the summer, there will be no horse show here this spring. This was the decision of the directors Sheriff Judd gets Young Man at Colton Has all Instruments Need ed To Manufacture Manufac-ture Money (Special to The NEWS from Provo.) s - - Watson, tlie young counter feite:, will he"-taken to Sal. JK. I ..! . ,1.. ................ I..- I 1. 1 .. I . , Y l.iin' mis tiyrituKili ity i-iiiii.. be umuovmg at tl hospital mi .salt , M,(1lla, Smvlll ,. au. ' " ! swer to the lllat'ge of counter-. feiting in the Federal Court. Mis l.imisa H.illiil.iy who has been .. . Mrs. Ida llaag was in Salt Lake , this week. - ': ::: ' ' lienj Ulake is laid up on account of I la grippe I - ( has .1 Johnson has just returned v I from a mining trip to Milford. ,. l'lnier Nichols is here visiting his sister, Mrs. Ceorgc Clark Klla lieanlall of Spring ille, is v is iting her aunt Mrs William l.-tuter Mrs llmaee t'uliner is iipotted to ' ;.l,. I ' 'I IliatIV W eeks, sei uis- ! to be tmpio lllg i . j Sheriff Judd returned yesterday Miss Kho.la l!axi.-r ol Salt l.ake',rom Colton where he went Monday Ctv. spent S.iturdav and Sut.dav with '" response to a telephone message Miss Ibdve Johnson from Deputy Sheriff Tom Jackson, . i ..my he (J.ickson) had arrested a Sioux Passes, but Mine in Good! uia. .he ;2.a, .,hi .uht., ... . M'ur,erf"Ve: bVHl "Jiyj! X??. day Itobi-on. hits diphtheria lie-, . .. . ' , with him and he is held here. 1 ,lse developed llllllllg tills Week. ! , . Watson Is not a very desperate critn- ui. ii , " . tiU -.ri innt lte ts tiltn t.eeu KiUa uL agu uni ., , , .- . . .. claims his home is in Massachusetts. Idaho, Jine been visiting during the .. , . , , ,,, , ,. . , .. e ,lwt.. ... II ... ! 1 1 "', 1 e'-M kii v. (Speca. to The NEWS from Provo., j (Special ,o The NEWS from Provo., , so ' ; 'JZ, ViZ mnid'bu'u Due to events contemplated in Pro-: The Grand Central and the Victoria , . , . . : tt-.-li nh schemes ol high linance .U 1 S i s .t 1( I .i i -s Hi. I I t IM"' s . i . t I. . I . 1 I . I I i t I Mining companies, both posted quari , Si,. ,., , ,.. the 4'.-..jih that lie decided if he ei k wild the fallillv ol Jos , . i i i iniiltl i I . i '. thi-slot in i bines anil Inaku ... - " . lobs of money. e 'iitoceiileil to lUlt of the Commercial Club at a meeting ; cents; both are payable March 15th, ii v , ihe theorv into piaiiue and made a held a short time ago. This news was! books close on the 12th and open on! Smi"( , N, .),,, i; n.f. r w n t a s, l,UsU' I''1"" "'" ' !,1 !"r Muarters; he I ,-,li I r II r .1 r ITIell IH Hi 1111' Hires 1 1 1 il S1IH Ul- Shape and Dividend Forth-- Forth-- coming in April teriy dividends today. The Victoria!,, the pays 4 cents and Grand Central 6lll,,l with Wi.illl la'- sjumiU keepers the lav. against lipmr selling been a 1 but the public b ias! I.llll lit ft til l! thev Were ! for the i.t'.i llii: II. e law h; . it of i . I shrew i r. in'tiisted witli enforc i,at ittev f gi ld Lhe license had tn-en withdrawn s tii.v wen- liiiitig a N-tter business than In fnr-prohibition went into ff.-ct Thj t.iiiiiis and jibes were aimed diri-i :i at (Jie lA'-cu'ive aad marshal (!! es of the city; and hud weight with the i..-lIi nince lupior was being found coming from ry d.i tiut lo. alls changed-men changed-men are taken up oti th intulicati-d lotidition . ari bti at the jail thre- U.ttle of hikey re found on their -rsons ir ati-d i attitude on the iiii..iuiti of prohibi ti"li He i. i iied ulili a broadside in tin -e inf. tef'lr'iien. I consider 'b - d 'in-..n petition eiil i-r an in-ult or a br" e " III the t'llVor. tO lb. I li- o' Pb as tig siirfi. in hi I -ol no bi't ( n t that ti,. tl tl be recog imcarted to some of the horse enthu .th iMh ... i, . . . i . i ' i hue- in Smith's saloon and made a s.asts of Soringvill. and that city im.. T1. s. .x ,,, I .1.. d v :.l. nd "'" ' M' r' .. ! I-"!- w it.in ng. bi. I, . n. out :,...! him mediately made a bid for the show . , ., , ,, ,,,,,, , , , t ' x . , ,, . . i . .1 ' think Ins scl,.-,,,.- was a good one. l a-. s. i v'b A T Ili I ' U K'. iU' ! Mil' h K At , , It is very probable that the horse show ! r,.(fill , ,,,,, , ,,.. ,..,:,v ! , .., ),., ,.,.. ,-r.-d to p.ont a!! the ' Causes Suspicion. will be held there and that it " , shape t. post , ,pt. tel. l-i' ! hit-hmg providing the i. i. h.mts I- V st'. : ut la. ksoti l.ecame un- a oood one. . . !ili. .i in n. w oti- , piuoisi.i young man. bei ause he " j I.IHISII1' III'- (!' -.-, is i;Ml ,'1. : liihn ve:i..ii..tii aim oiri' r- 01 tin- i.eing t ! t.-M iuhhi1. I :.. i,,.te Il W, .).: lb it li. ! r b.i bd -oh a i j i t lit- , and spent most ol his tune in a ! tit Mr .lai ksoti ! i an ifisi'ti o ;ii i'. an. I 'o th a'i' Crove, and I oMU'otl. t,e I lints. . at. rtafn it I Si it i) .'t- !'tit on 'oriing t ou,sir l 1.-.I C!ul, of Sprit.gvllle, arellookllig g.Ml and U. as .aj .I..M- ' ,., ,(. I,,',,,,,. J I! Halh.l.iV . made atlliveslgah.in whici I'-siilte l:.l- v -r b. . li (. ti in olnebere allien-! i n'ed by ii.-niPng it to a i-ummit tl ti :t,vi :itic hitn t.i 1 there und'-r jU it rub-. ;. tn .is opinion, a ! ( i j rsonal insult lie railed attention Two young j to the fact that ! X )amon s uti str.i-t in an d'-r arret for selling li.pmr; has had and wh-nino fn i!. and lhrr.-ii.re tu.tbinir l,n p.-tltlon to the ei.Tutlve of th? city I i onfessiln; (, s g.nlt atld a k I g lliel V Wh.n these t " b.- atli wln't, the found themieiv. f.irine a huniilialitig H.-ntenre of hard utor a on th Street In the tomn her' lh-t were raiel Th-f thought l-.-tt.-r of l 'fie oniv lawful oiiiuoini. af ion 't'.it wiiuld be . tiiertaln.-d from him in lr, th.. ennui'! rrtmilials ! What b.d l X Alamn dms stead' Anil.il th- loumil to rhafge ;.i'iii him f..r th. wid agrw-d to r-val thf n n.. of ' .-ration of .'m and th.-n accept his It the man who mi'd th.-m th" b(-lse A a rMull. I X A.hm-i.ti. a a!.n keer tf the plai e. arreted lb put up a cai.h bond h'lt nin h lo lit consternation he imrtie.il ateljr r-rret.-d io -. h cf the l!;re rtisair.in rhar'- ibtam.-.l ae-jin-t hmi. t. t-i'tirig tK.e pu'tsrig up ' $! t.n.i Tiir . . re- rht.K" " .1 r'l eti3,f-'T tier- the h'B hap p-o.d r.-lat"! Tb- -tl'ior. m-rf tsrj r"d h.-0 tltf Waiot puli.-d '! th bub (.:.- t4 tPr wit., !rir. .-'1c-s rd ftm " r- i lirair,t ii".ir. I ul., Mr. h T. To ' V? mfj I Ct" t'-iE ;1 of ti.urt Urrtif C' t.rr muk' ' ' i -i bnonraM. br4y ff a tompmrnit of il tfe .c-mr r tr.'.iM !&.-lt !&.-lt I r nit r i I tf w'i. -r t"r. e-;. e-;. ' ' !'.' t I ; v Wt tn IL-ntjir.' f',n.ir jt i jk : ' " n ord "f honor" that he would llv mithtn the law Kv.-ti this britw b- had withheld until he had tri.il. Uth ; in r"n and t ac-nt. to li tb ; Inn with fM ir.to -.-rj;rt!g then. !.- a to w ln-ri- tt . got !'.. r mh'sk.j That falling h- Cjrn.-l to (( iitv iotit)i:, -',.-( t.d and pl.iig-sl "to j ro'iibi'mn. wh.Mie in'.-r.t. n.-w "-- f tt.' h.id .r js( t .if 4 .!-- t . 't i' i'd .Te a unjiri itse.k ' o !. breaK r.g. a to If d"n ll.t t.rSt h briid'-l th-ir itr.tud." -ell r. t'. !r l f..r 'n i. iu-Jr.-d .ft d"Ii.r ' a ! k- ; r ' ( T i J;. !atts;"! a'l r. t tr.;.r'itiniT. h" - :: 4 an and in i ' r d " ' tt s " djty o' th r-f roiBrr! t.- fie a r , if i! -ar;rc '" 'l i,i'ti. .-s ti"i. -". r.- n-a'tvr wfcom. e-t. t.i, tn-!' ?r-. ! agita'it.g H e ,.f a hots.- I' ""' bn ak iiuts there is no x v i,v tb. ,.!.,, . .-,h ih.v propose ..re car ,..,, , ,.. ,...,, ,,; ., in.) .. '. t w'i! Im- the best -how th.i! a.olltll frolli II" in Hit) Maliag' I l.o.i. . in !''' ul ! Vldellds, said that tils . . In to - was 1. Jl lte I : I . . t , . 1 111 II,.- tl, is .', "! ,! '"' ,Xt :,"U;.o.,,d 1.' .....Ii'.d on II, .a,g atld Tiovo atid t" n on !h- fi,, j th will ; .I,.,,,),, iUti lir j I.. a- st,.pl a t:i ii.'". r - -lerli.-d lliat ..i(;. !.. t1,.. . ! compatit' be ma h.'h.. . t.d m'ti M-Uo,, M-Uo,, .a. r. .. iv.d y. M. rdav from ( ir(ftr .,.,, ,t, a 11,t,.. ,,. II Ch.tpin.in of llradford. Ark..4jvD, th- i.m kb'd t oi .tang that I - l't b- in thi - tion : onn tt iu rl. and '! tlun n at the . nd of th. month are! .'. s Maet.il it a- !.i bet to In m. ipv ..1. d j'.t-s r it . r !:.! f. a!l -i,. s t!.at I '- will ehlblt the !i-! (ir m,.j K ,, ,..,r. a- av i t' biillih of I'. f. h.-ren ii't-s. t'.a' !;4li il wo l d I (.- 1 th. n. bii th- ti I...U ...n h.r. Th-..- ill -bit ! rem .- Ifto t" . in. nt f 'hat ( .d a? th.- horse sh. in Spnr :!- ,h,nk " . The ti.aM-r f I "Id-tig th- .1'ithin ! CITY COUNCIL wl tn- d! iss.-d at ti liitetiri of th. , i on.n.. r. Cn.t. rail, d for l-ur W "" ' "n l" ! a I of Kii!,. .. i,i. h a iii ... r!ii, ,i " ..llllliod i'lull ol .-dt' I : i.,.1 t: 111 tilnl'tig the liio'ild and soui'.. Iltitln- ,s,,.-. . . tit pi. i - iii ide limn im-ta1, i:tn i'.iii. b e! Th.--.' Watson in-i in-i Ma ' t"l"l .i .'..'lopla'e to give th.-m a ab. r lo-' r r. si iijhlaii. to I'm ! Sam s or ios on tl..- VVaiiu. k i an. h. and H- ha made a full rotifeli.n .r Mr. K S'li-oi, ' Sii'-tifT Judd and st.ti that Iht 'only d'f.-it in his sch. m,- is 1 1 - too t he st.ii- , t, r.ii'.i v w i ti a v, st. iday and killed t . l'.-tl. fit I otl ert. gi. t. nbli n arr. st Had t h.tt tn b.-.'n !. Ail ':.'it.ia. t.t Mi.pi in t: - i lty I h-se If 1- " : on the south are p!. a.-d wish r; - .d.-a r, - .jtl j, .j .. h"'d.t,g t- !iu th.r.- I Bo h.ti 'i ir ar.'ti .t'.-d in the . s' - Chiptsn i'h'ir. i- r .., fi.r traf. Mali 'a S ,n..iy St Loot U..;n !. Hi'"!'', l-e w..i.'. have tiad a c ol . . i...-g. as r.-ati.'d .ti.. ill motet on band and be. n .-ttgag. l in b. u-d ;or !-.k -tliii oti.. r l; . t.s... ' th.- pt..ntat.i bus! , ,,; br-ikin? sa.t I!i. i' iiiri'-s I I , - . . k 't' l, ... f. - o! fart', Frank Young M'n- ' !. !. iv.i g i.ie ii ii- s,, ,,; (j,,. ,),. ti. . frank and on hemic pot. nail transf.rr.-d hv'S K Walker a-ke I He sh.-rsff if h- would henl- to l".-. r J. i,-. ti for 9 ". i.-h in tat- lo j.ass hi. . iari. . in iin other i ir; ! ay H ati f-.ipng Inai hin.-s. he said he i!:d no' know that he wo.ibl. but I Ke.-p !,., h.K.ih .! ' ' o' i,a' his l-'ili.arv iibteit in inakirtit a I. .ticab.w "h !! U. e through lh- th' t, t i.:a inai hili.-s He has b.t north h l!i batik lorto r. b- s.etie k li ! of .-h i rlclt y. atld haJ . f.-i.ll. '.-d by M o lt Thi ii. th- pr vi. . ,-; rii ide plaster. parts I r-t b ir.gab.w in l'!.4ant cirov- n.uld for b gilitnai- piir-t'-s and thU enabled him to Matt the i rud Vr Jan. I'rt' and Mrs K is.. i; n. ji , - ,, (,.- hi. induing f Stilt Ijike i'itt 4f- .t -r, tt 't'l Jno C ;.,-,. : r. '!. ft' I'-".-", f 4 r-U'iv in I'!. i-ati' lifv. WHO r ik.' J THE DOGS? Club, i r. 'f,'el . - '' nn.l t- v bile t..-re !, ar- ' tr i. .'. .,' - , . c,j tta-r 'lt '-' gtad-tig '' r.. t '..-r and mm. Mr. I' d Marrv 'i . ,n-l A!!-.-n Smith. f!' t" ' I - f A T : I. tlMVi : 4' A"ti o "- . t , - ' A . t .ti. r - -li 1 r a t- a .f 'it ten HkT. rtAri. I!s.ri sob. trirr. Clrcc Clark h ! pi, Wa'kr. ti.s.r.--'. Sro'fh. tl Cf.r-' r... - I ! . :'.T. e j.l'tl. :"'' i? j n ghi "; - f t . . n t.. r r.v " I. .. ... ... .!1 . . IN li i.'i i, im ,aii iq ris' - ..-,, . . . . , ri-i;f. "i atO ?--?. ttntn to an.s..n J K !(. a rsjT'-T of !!i. tv. r. 1 ; taink r r J.n.r tirMt.sl. .-dr.es.iai et.-bibc nJ efirc H irmlitj ifitt b k !!..r., iv.. ir,;.. a .b.n'-r f-- t-ri nut j.-r i.d t" r ...-, t.. Itimti a rs.-s4r ,-.' -!it w t. f..t'. "--!. I' N lloae romfoy No 1. Th--J- t umo ak-ti f..r ..st.i f.t;.-- i ('!., S K.-rir. at f mW. f.oti'U.r.t t:."t utt.' ' Haf V. 11. jrii-n IUi"'-t n! '- a tii!Jtn 4 i , e-r . ! ' ,- . I j"fTsil t JS' ill tutor atd c a't'.rti'y ", Tl.f mnn I' - -' " . i tr n.'. r. '".... '. ri hr d . ru'l.iiri t .. - ; ' . ? I" if m . ' '' I ' J 'j. S-' fe '-kfy ot . I V S'!:- r -' f'.c' - I'' 1 I t 1 ' v . .! !. r a r' .' tiilt tn An.. ri- . an I'. rk on tt,. iha'g- of r. lir.ee ' hoTi - fr.'iri .U'.t t ..of- d-'t: in that city. ere tt:r' .h C..: f..rn a ltk ri t-'of. ) A- Ci' raid i.-.t-r ! .i T. pi. ad rtot t and Jh.-y ul ?,- an i;-.rtun!'y f aasarirar ! I.-.., ! t " .; .ef !.f ,' r.- w V t I .t.Ji a! Sail IW d M :.( t:ts id -:."! crnt a.' .! t (:" . Vt, ,r,"a i if. I td ti r' irii tj mat S-a". n tt t i i...M Stt jrdat Csorti T'e i s o'.r.i, . ifAf'.--t ' S.fi," ? th ...rn f l.e Ind tl i tR tn j r. aed (rl Vi n r- ,?. ,:.. m.4" of fc .dl ! rd'r4 t. l--t ft ' - lnd-..a f--ib" . at f .-ti ,.t,f T- ? . i - -t -.. . t 'd d.rrc k etf . v- I ;.. .-. ". - ,-. j- , ,- , j;;-a.-l '!) th I " - I r ' P- l golf. ' I--f5"vo I' Set ej re I ' k-rr-: ft lvjh K Tl'5 . -i . . - - - a . ". .,: 'n-.4 N '' ". . r i ' , fi , .-f v. - j. -' :.;'.:''- -. - ---- - f - -j t Ji. M f ? -1 . tr ' t 14, .. S ' l.tk-- t.'l ' ' I' ' -t - - ' ri n t It t--ri f t I ill . .1 . - .- f. t . . . -: t-r ,-T" ir"i'"t, r-i ;-! c . ' ill" a t. tt ; a t f .;; t - . .. s- i t ' Tfc - jj i 1 tt "C 'lf" V"lf t" T t ' -'j s-w . : - t l ,, .' ! ' - . if t f. - i. c-Y3 - - r4 fat- a fi i.r- - ' v t-. t-. ; ii " Tt -;," - t -. j - ;.t.j f r f Ti-a V i " ft ti .'. : - . ts.ii t- 4 -'.'t at f -t i :-J ' ?.,.. t-..' ! I'Tm tl - t ff J fi. S s V- t - - ' - ! |