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Show PLEASANT GROVE NEWS El RETAIL DEALERS SAY; RACKEFtS AND FARMERS ARE RESPON- Bt E -FOR-HIGH-FRIGES; Deny That Any Agreement on Prices Among Retailers Exists and Will Not Assume Responsibility for Prevailing High Prices.- . Washington. Retail ntff deafer P:tteed-tipitrthe farmers and tfif packers pack-ers responsibility for tlv" hih.-r price of nf';nt in test many ih.u t :'. i f th--bonate cnmini; tee iiivsi i ti;it In tin- increased in-creased cowl of living on 'i'uesday. . Five ri taij . 'nien friitn ' New York, riiiladel! liia. lialtitiiuro ;unl Wli-Ikiil; "i were heard ami Wither limwn, a Washington (h aier who kills his own at. was the. only out' who did nil admit that the pi iio of meat had gjiue up at fd-l in per cent daring the laM live years. . Mr. Brown Insisted thai prices were pra; ically ti" same now as th"ii. All t ion price arcil. however, that c.,m:n!i urj; tilth.- on; re'-. iim I't low 1' Kadi witness -'o 1 ela. iel s VV lie res ;i a Int; pi ices, and limn-liny limn-liny :il'; Men' on anion:.' iheni. Whiie" no ,.,,,.. el s -v i n a , hi i-n. ln-!--s wln had dea -dec1 tfed Ho I i: .-' eil:. petitjiai tor f'aii 't: p.aia' wii.- in ad lo r iidvaiictiii; prices-. t-hc i xplail.ed that t !.-. Hie ptvv..il i.it ih,t! t isted l" J 1 1 K - le I. aid ii rice- t:l' ill t! ; h n 1 c-ulu a in. ip id t W .1 ti.C.k STREET CAR STRUCK BY ENGINE, Thirty six People Injured as Result ol Blunder of Som One lis -AiiKeli-s, t'ai- Thir'y i per sons were liijiiied. Mme of tie in so seriously, that the proM.i!i! will ille, when an Oak Kao.I car o; lhn Pacific I'lect lie systi ai was ti s: f I f "in the track b Hi-- li.io- o! a freight tniin on the Salt Lake Route Tutsday Flight. The elei trie ar was i rowded with l'ople returning to their Immes tioui the theaters. ' The (;if ud been brouKht to a. slop at ihe ero-!4n; of the Salt lake tiacks on a!iso street nd then ;es sVarteil iii aaiti an 1 was halfway ow r the cro..-in when the freight train crasliid in'o ihr rear end uf it, throw litu it on 1 side- and hurilug the upa4j(th'!ou--;h th- win-Wws win-Wws and ae.iiiu trfiv KldeS iind roof of the ear. yjin. weieTfViued under Death the ra v"- FIGHTING CORPORATION TAX. Conttttution jiity c Li Attacked by Different Corporjt ens. W'liln-on Vtt.uk- on the cell sMtuliotiailM ( 'lie cm p ii ,r t"!i t. im tiieil into p-i i i t;- en in i. when btn f art. r i ; f in ..pp.. -i-i. i, m li'i-d in the s; r :i..- coutr P.n.i. .irCU.-lietlt Of 'he I .1 . IM.ilil.i: !:. Jiiecllon Is ft t-ir t.-l iTk Proiiuin n' an," one of former S Ohio, sol ii'. r f"i Ktmkho'der In th Kraph 'inihinv o (-kn t hue if. frunt ti.tjiiii; 'h--tha! 11 Ik Ulni l.v i; t tiesc i t i - tot ' or fi l-ops W Ik'' J.f d. Am. -c.t I'i.-ve and i-mpaui .1 ell ti,' I-. f.ll a .1 :i I Strike Breakers Strt Smethmj Philadelphia -S. per--:-, imlr Inic a y. iiiii: ,:UI ..()!. l . Ti-day Ti-day nishV hi t- i '.-'-. f r d ! a p i" t ill It p. il T.kf br..lit.'it Wl; r..j wild'y up and don P::ikf..r v.i, i In a lnUt y ur a. 1 h"' In'o tfi i ri'ib that I-,r-- '(. !! ,t V - s'i.Iip thfi.tl I't else f t . (-.. i ;! )ur-d tlkt- t-rt-ak v, f :r!at.-d at this. fi!'.-. rde took t ! :t f,f ! nf h: !: t!,.- i t .b Aj ' I" i ar I j trk tirak.-r ,- f mi. biilVtit i- r : i: tits ti-ts h . - ti Vli - i i'!. mil " .i 1 Iriit crowd Fr.Ko Get B g f a-t. San Fmiir - Vt-ef Win ' !? tM-Utnn, ne fo" ' . ' .".'! .f-! n, ! !- c-r.0 ' ru r r y "' " pit :rs -r It d-t: i -i-.n- Tu'Mlay nit.'r..- ! ! H i k t; n It htiMfl f r t f:t. r . ! . . . . 1 '". b't B - ;; t d :i fB !th 'f:r It-. ' , "X ivf., , of tt -r ' : ..'"'- f i :' It". t-itA'f A'!i'-:- ' " !-". ii" h t- 'f " '- .:-'-- A Fee a4 a f N-ti i 'ii W- - i a bfTP atf rf tr ' t : . t ; 4 -gt?lf tut- : V. ",r. P f . ft af ;t - ' ' ' i-i !-; trr 7:- - ' k ! aa h t . - - - - .- M'? tt a i t . . ' , - - . c". I ' -, ' - ' , J-'; IV t f -. ' - ' ' ' i i rt . ' t' t t ,vi-tiS -'' t l 't " - .- , : a r.''t:.ar . ' o .". V r,tr t l . :!' f arit mt'-f ! :- . ; ; ii". f ". I t " ' .; It J.m S ' ai -' " - ' " ' ' f.. -1 - BLAMESTHEFARMER !' t '.-- Z aa a r ; i '. ' -; k '-' ' T1V - f ti t r a fa : i f DECLINES TO SUBMIT PROOFS Commander Peary .Under- Contract With "Publishers and CanNot Com-, ply With Committee's Request. Washington- has tli-ckned to the proofs of h mirth io!e. He Cimmiii'!iT Peary sulitiiit to cungreHB s discovery of the sent "to tin1 suu-corn- tniUee of the hou.-e eoinnii t.-e on na-' na-' va! affairs, un Monday, the-following I statement : j '' ( 'o ; i iTTiTwa'o i' -rVrrrr 'and his-fripTrfts-i av that contracts signed months ago with hi.s publishers render it impos.-i- hie to make his records and sci.-tiuiie . dat.i -pn'uiic-ii4iu . It -w-ouid not 'only subject 1'eary to heavy damages a loss which Ic cannot meet, having: in.-l extricated hiinsel!' Ironi dew In-j curred in ( otiiicci :on uitii his various; '.l lli" I: 'US - hili i; 'a; ii wi :-, his ; i. is imwi.l.ug to do 1 he breaking r. wh.ch he r any circuui- tits hy Kcpie-Alabanat Kcpie-Alabanat and urg.ng a con- .try in espvc- ; i:-;, tind- si a tic s. ' Ati'-r hearing stat til' m iita" :v .- Holism of i .i",i (- i ,f 1 ' ii u . i a ma, -itvssinnai ri-ward in I lle of coniii.i' ac ion. tl qa. s io i adjiMii iu his pUHiis. the without taking TEN DEAD, SEVENTEEN INJURED. Terr.fic Explosion in Maize Products Factory. Food Chi! We e Fi. HI iUit to ten pi ktii'd and any of tic-r tic-r :ic ;i'" reVeUleeU V l e fa': ail. o; i, -.1 ..-: ..-: !.!..!:: , Ik iii : i- iu p obaliiy " i ai at the Ma:f- l'u-Ind l'u-Ind . M'.nilay .r-i- i ii it i; i eVi'.is en occllll 1 ! ;;lii Ii -J of t he p .1 in a de :i n I and was pi i ii- ! ii a life tha : : h . . tory w a i , li. :i'i d kill soon enveloped louse. Sia.eh is slIppo.M-d to ,! r. in .ati have. Tli. hace w it II la', r, gr. at ll' ii 1 1 .- cans.-. liii- li;eke o'i: stnl b-nly after a of to n had prepared a kiln tilled s a-ch. The starch, a moment - fii. w up like gunpowder. So i was Ihe force that some of the i lijiir.-il were hurled thioii.i;h windows and doors, and In that way escaped Jeath in the tlanies. j WAR AGAINST HAT PINS. I People ofChicago in Arms Against Deadly Weapons Worn by Women. ! ChicaKo. -Woin. ns' hn hat pin ! Were declared to be a "public nilH-j nilH-j wire" and an "nntl Ii at jdn " ordinance was or.lei.-d drawn up by tic Judicl-J Judicl-J ary committee of the city council on j Monday. The action followed a week eni- ; wide acalnst the luu Iwtt phi. whlrn ptilnilnaied In a public hearing. Tli ordinance will stipulate thtt hat pin wnra In public plac. s "shail not ex tend lie than one half au Inch pHiil lli- i-.wn nf the hat " It is to ln tie- crown of !!,. hat " 'it Is to be drawn up by the corpora' Imi cain-..-l and p-e.s. i,-'d l-.r at;..ti t.y the city cosine;! Fortune 'or Incjersotl's Wldo. lle-'ell f . r has di..-. d Mini al rout t - f..r t. A ln- : -"ii h.-t k f-.r ll '.'. w ha h - !. ci.i tit. band the hi e i b.' e.t k the Will i mill tn.ii.-e in:'; : that id tt-d.-r Mr K-. .,!ltir 1 . It C .1 ftHJ It. r hu 'oil, for a Ii' v a I v ! c. It d a .'. r pi."-. I.' 1 was die b-I! (J liu of Atidtcw r of 1. :,- t J Ia.. '..a.i Mr. f.-r ll-n-y ii .. . l am I !..- pay r. a M!i: . r.t or M i.: ini;.rs.Mi a. ...ii u at i.d M. r ..t, 1 '.-a I i.l il la:- iii- 1 : A A tliv'O K ' Pa vt !,: I f I 1 .t . r-. I 'her I!.'. :. ad of H. ti.a af : John Jaccb Ator Sel-s N- w York - t't 'on. I J-! J-! r- a l f 1 ii.- ' t .- - S?tt'1-ient. .1, J.i. .!i worth o? .. f- '- I IV Ti e t!aliH 1 tt a i : n : ar-Jtii ar-Jtii i:,.- r I w) hit i in ri t t 1 1 I'..:.. ' m n' . tor t. Km. t. du. t I, !:tfl. i - t " : ..i I ..- :M ti ' o a.- r the h- h r t . fu M a' or 1 1 ... K i pm till ti-ll .--i f h: M n ' . da! T".:.g ) '. .JCl i ' ! ai . t V' r. lit : . t n ... n uf b art . IW:. 1 1 : nd- In t.d ar. to taie ? v i t r-.-d ii t T C'it i n Etr Wo'td. Pi'; Ui. i".'it - Tv if ' n'i . .' 't - f J !n th 4.- !.;- . ,w l i in'-a J-i.-$4 a wsh i t ft n'f a: S v, t -;-; r 5 !! t'Ak're t-t V- : tt ii il'J .--t.'..f 4 'ir; . ' :s 'l:n - ' a ' - f ' -.- - - i , V a -i .-.--, ; t I- i i. . . t i' ! i .&. At.A A lKraaty Wa - . " Tt" ? 't ? !'' a ',.-- a. i -. t ar i 't . -i ,- f -i-i- ... ; ! - . r M 1 -- f -- - -i . a ; -; T ; s- - a' I " v- it. . i, -' "- r 't . i t r ". : n : i " t DETAILS OF DISASTER C-SCTrtlN HAND GIVES -GRAPHIC ACCOUNT OF JHE AVALANCHE AT-WELUN6TON.- ! Slide- Which Swept Two Trains Into Canyon Occurred During Terrific Thunderstorm, and Rescuers Had " Difficulty in Getting Into GulcTf," WcdllnpTton. Wash. Slow progress is being' made by tRe men engaged iin"xeavaiing the bodies tf the Victims of ' the terrible snuwsli.de" in,- which two trains were swept from the track, and with their loads of human, frei&iK sent hurling down to the bottom of Death canyon. Rotary plows and hundreds hun-dreds of men at working with feverish fever-ish energy, night and day, f:om pith sales of the Cascades, 1j ill the work s--i :ii terribly .-1 j.v. 1-okir.i; down from-Wellington into ihe i;i)re nliere ine wnoked trains and sixty dead are buried, nothing is l, be sia r. (Mi the siirtace of the saow except tirowen trees, the jilot of an eiiLrine. pa-Moi.s f two Heetric nK-tors nK-tors and traiuMits of a rotary plow, t'oix n r .1 ('. Snyder of Kiiu cean-ly, cean-ly, who estimates the numb r of de:,d at in" all i! c H IT" 1 Man a hundred, hi wll liave ili Vi I." s that ll 1 ti -dies wi'iiin a w eek. I n b i. w Io n loan - l-'.-p: pat un-ir.-. and , d-llii liit. mil- ss the ( 1 are In their identification at. r clothini;. is Ik a i I . lid t'laik. a section !;a".d. wha par "i t: ,:t- d 1-- the eai iy ri-ii. f wi"rk iii Wel'i lui.iii Kiv.-s a urapiiie aeco-jm of his p. ri. nee in ;e uiht when the two trains were i,w.-pt over th rhasin nto the bed of th- (.it. you .'on feet 'a h.w !e :... 'On..tt..i' ll:--,it , !-.i, ,t. fi'itv of us, all Aiii.i lejn were a-V.-p wiih oui ; lo'!ii en in l In- i.iiai.house just: above Weilm-t on -Suddenly I le-arii a noise I can't describe' and then t'har- ; i'e And' i s. hi t Me 'se-i jin boss, rushed1 in Pets, t.-r teuls sak . get up;' lo- shouted ,tnd the men tipi'.iuv; up Andetson sal., that the as.si-.nger trams and motors had been swept out Get out of this quick, rneit. ot tou'll he cleaned out.' With kiat he ran on' tit tell o'h.-rs. "It was thundering and lightning-wlo-n w- ran out The Hashes wert b.lnding and the thunder kept up an awful racket It was dark as pitc.i when the lightning didn't hlind tt We heard a faint nmahiDg down th Xitlch and luuja break for il. TltvH w.-re only two or three ll'tle rallntat! lan'erns for light. All arouail Us w could lo ar tree mapping and otlyt -lidia tiiu.biiue down We dldn I kuo how bis they Were, but we t 'in,! b-d and roll, d ito.t n int.j the g -.ll' Where we eoiild lit the crleg j S itiie had giabai'd up what axes i '' . i'" i ir wiien '.hey thst tan out i aad tie n the lanterns i-howiii a row ol i h.tt:d b- t k-.liliig iti every iittlo holt, .fid op I.1HK ill I he co.oh'-s. We. -ta:t I t 'hopping b.tw.ei th out ' -r.lih-d hjiils ai.d so l gan to take' th' in -uit We had worked hard all day and wen r. tty wt-h played out bill f all tt to wvttk, oath nidUi fur hluisell and imne b-adlui; tVf i otild har i sn.i'i r i rti ..f !.- : i it) ing for ' i r.oihlcg , . o t alive. i otild ft f ilv .tig l water Some r I' dll Wf got Milllt- !!! many died be at them, although iu r.arh'd th HIGH VEAT PRICES EVERYWHERE Pract caily Every Country Affected by instate m 6tapie Food Producta. loh.tit.' .tt tlM- price tmvf ad i 1. 1 'he principal in g vt l.i-n of mnituinlti the world 1H 'i a'tx'!f t otu ruled l th i tn' of ,-!.: rnrt-p au I UtxT e !! !o th- tht rio-at l :: . i of Ih- .''1d to t t i t N '. Jil.tud. ArC'-n'ine i.t 41 I It.".'! !. tfi -. ,i i!t ;r"! ri'i:ir: . th -.. t..- t '. : . G- :t a:.j ".. J. in a 1 ft- th 'hrt Kuf ...-ri wis I ad a uit In -fr. ,-h ni.lt ! ! "an i:i al'-1 lil pf t-1 i tj.J in ti.1' v ail jwi '....f !-. thifi 'fca it a . ti t - ?a t t- n 1 Ii' !n l ihi' th j" !vim 'C 'hf prir ol 1 t- '. fit ' li I.Mt ! 1 j 4 1 am ' in m J t- l nd to b 1 a. :n 't e! f.- jr ia . it s .- of l-tr.t a-1 f 1" ' - - in t l'---' h- '.iosvi t. ii.t ot tftm i m Veavui Aga-n Atti - iiji: i h 'illn'i r'n ': -in Kt.r 'ft-1 ti ...f t,-" i B t .?.. .1 1 - ' ' .. aft ! '.- . :, rtii ! -r. a : -i .in ar a-r(a( 'a t-, h a avi ;: Ka-aa- xitt t i I 4f- ef l'SX.:r-tKi Kl' 4 ' ;.. , -.- , IP, ' A ' 4 TJ 4 ' ; ti -- IS V- wl ta. 5 f a --- a- i ; a f. y r f ' ' as J r ' -t t! - '" a! ; " i a IB BUDGET Work has begun on the new water- "l while cifSKS1feS1aGk' at' Iehi, George Cromer fell' and broke his risbt.leg, . The Sugar House district, consisting consist-ing of 903 acres, has been annexed to Salt Lake City. Three deer hunters, convicted- at Marysvale of 'illegally killing deer, hav bee0v:fined $im each. During the week just closed there were forty births in Salt Uike, of which twentv-dtie were boys and twenty-eight girls. During lftOS hiere was nearly-50.-hOtV.eO iKiunds of crude salt harvested in I'tah and 22 .112,000 pounds of refined re-fined salt manufactured. Robert Atkinson was causht under a nwiss of earth which fell in the But- j ler-Ki! ' ml mine at Hinchatn. but was rescue. l alive-and will recover. A su'-cessful institit'e was held at I Midvale mi Friday by the teachers of 1 the -Jordan district. It was estimated ; that th re- were m)re than 175 pub-! lie si h-ol instrucors in attendance ' during the il a " . j 1 h'.-ea.i'.re Kennedy, a no.rro; " who! shot Wallace I. yon, a-younsr man of j Qgden. il'itin- a (piarrel, has been sen-teheed sen-teheed '.. fteen tars' imprlsonn- at. 1 Vouii:- I ; ii has la-v.-r fully rcc-ivered fio-.ii h'r- :' i i'--. j A :::. : of . quarrvmen coranaiced , last -.veil; to g.-t out the rock for the foundation of the trew Alpin stake tabeinac! The stiiite is a' black limosi i '!, and is located alxnit seven miles we-t.of l.ehi " The sail station :r Spritmville of ihe I'taa- Su-ar company's large plant Itnsi ie;-i',o'i it i."tMm run, tttd--ing ail pr.-viuus year. The mill ha had a st'adv run. of live mouths, and has put 'htnuil l.'.'.oo tons of beets. The til -t c uivietioti s I., e Koliibi ill 11 tit la" lac: held la -a -v ers- of a sal ml side th' ing Iitjuor i j The sal: ; 1 '.MIX was tli ' before, but Statistician buslt.e.s ah 1 show an In .!.-. v. lien O!'.-- i :( W iiu-n Is 1 1; i pi. aib d t M' I ...j; :i Sutiil i d wa u n, industry in tin-' tin-' as tlouiishinu ii ia belieei 11. T. llain.s tig titiit line tor in a as i ate the Wll! !; bv : tha' I'". a ease of at b-ast cent. , Whije working In a sew.-iage trench under a sidewalk in Salt ltke ' City. Joseph Murrell. aged was hurled under several tons of earth and auffocated before his f'-'.l w workmen knew that there had been an accident ; Thf Denver. Northwestern & Pa ! rifle rajtad Is not to he extended wa-Ktwa d from Steamboat Springs. Colo., to Salt l-tke jhe coming 8nm nier. Neither is . jth comiinny. iu-rordlng iu-rordlng to F).:ner advices, preparing to build anv branch lint s The Nidy t.f a man named fi is Anderson An-derson was found on the railroad track n ar New Timm !.- at d avligh: Monda. inorning wi'h tin- head 1 crushed lie had' bet ti -rv drunk late Sa'Utday and it is sin,oed he Went ! hleep on the trat k Wi'h iii delegates in if tula- t -. Ihe tirt laymen i cotm-ntant m r held l:i Ptah cjll.'inetl l:l Salt l aio-City. aio-City. Motidav nlht. a banquet l.emg the owning feature of the m.-i-'ing. rt-pr.-M ntatlven from all r.-llgioii, de non.inatlona being prese nt. Th1 beet grower of Weber tuttfy are s'andlnir, pat" on th'-tr d-trand from the Amalgamated S'U.ir m:n pany for an incrt-a.se In pr.o- mi th-i: hi -t crop, and It hicks like the com pan. must come to their ?ertus ot cl down the Ogdea la. tory .l!-rt Steven, one ft! the ;.;.i'ieer res:d-nta of Holden. dl.d -t' ;h.n p'jre Man h i al'er an liiri.-.s .f iron. Iea'h reMilt.il f.t.tn "id it''-and it''-and general dtbilitv Mr S-iA-n-ii. born in Ml Pbatant. fatiaili years agi. and ram.- li P ad h!t a o t . man Ptrk CP high ct!.Jii a i: tin frt i-i the Salt Ijik- . Mgii !lo-l In 'fa? debate lulwe.-ii I'j:i. fi-au '.. to M-hti'i Th.- '' Jt ! a.ifi in -i In tanr of 'h- Par ft -.a-a, Ttt-i rr.aki'a the 'hirt etnwrit' 1- fu" !h Salt lake I'll t.ailt h lift at -be tiand of . ark In th near future ! ! i !'. hold a U f ettTlloii. to d'.TTTi n- wh'h- r or not to rct a n-a i- i'il t le I l.u ictnc It ta lt- n t a" ft v.-ar aln.e Iehl er-!ed a ".:'' ;nmif but dine, but today r ori .1 th-wo?y-n arhm.l r r: !, in ar- crowd.! 'o tm rfloirr T arnica t" ht ai a uMf on -t -bbilla at "t Kd-n M rrt aors. It )ars of ac. ca irh' 'h r of bla r-J0 on hi a' and hv! hlnif thrmifh th- b r-' of th lK ar 'he hn. tvwv.it a painful lh(tilTB a-;' : 'B,!rt H a ccnaipl!d '- rral hi ! a m: o ib aaft r l ln- cotir.'rf.-f Ii f. I fcai 'i3d up a! ihf dtl'B ,. off r.J ffe p"'! aa h rt S a rto r-tla aa lo';ta'K.fi Th i ! aa aiir.-t' pf-'. rp"'',!,0 " i ;d ro41 f'-. a-vi a d.f !" bwl b? lftitir4 ft iC"f '' ---tawJ t' Sal- m : I ' r k ; r', ar ft. rvktc a e.tist , (,t' a ;TTt ajt '' f -jj stj:.i "& IK'S "i ' I r ro-;r.' T. ;fS -..it -'' a" ia s al 1--ti 4 TYf ' ' r-ai i -? j-.;.,,5 t . i f'aat a I H'ttaaf'S R I.ttras -" 4r.ar t rii" 'ri"itt I '"'? ' Pra- ka tr:a a :r a-1 t -;:rs tt t is'' ' t mi rat1 i a- a -f t"4 t"1! WANTED 70 BE ON SAFE SIDE Woman, Twice Deserted, Didn't Mean to-Take-:Afly- Chaflces -onlpfi: "1 " Third Hubby. The officers of the thumb print bureau bu-reau were just wishing for something Interesting fo 4urn up when a telephone tele-phone -message offered timely diver-sione diver-sione A wotn-an was speaking. "Do you make prints of, anybody's thumbs except criminals?" she asked. The bureau did. "Well," gaid the woman, "if T will come down there right away with a man will you make a print of his thumbs?" The Jbureau would. The man and the woman earned " " ' ' "We want his thumb prints for identification,"' said the woman. "We are going to be married trfhiorrow. He is my third husband. The other two ran away and T had the hardest kind of a time to find theui because there was no sure way of identifying them. They say thumb prints can never change and that a man can be tracked by them to the ends of the earth. 1 hope I shall never have to use them, but it is just as well to be on the safe side.. Will yuu make them?" HOW A DOCTOR CURED SCALP DISEASE - "When I was ten or twelve years aid T had a scaip disease, something like scald head, though it wasn't that. I suffered for several mouths, and most of my hair came out. Finally tiey had a doctor to. see me and Tie recommended .the 'uticura Remedies. They cured rue In a' few weeks. I have used the Cuticura remedies, also, for a breaking out on my hands ;;nd Was benefited a great deai. I haven't had any more trouble with tlw--c-a-lp ;lisease Miss Jessie F. Iluchan.in. R. F. D. 3, Hamilton, Ga., Jan. 7, lyo9." Kept with Barnuin's Circus P. T. Parnutn, the famous circus man, once wro'e: "I have had the i utictira Rt niedies aniung the con- tents or my medicine -chest with my Fhows for the last three seasons, and I can cheerfully certify that they were trery effective m every case which Called for their use." , , Traveling Man Got Even, A fraveling mflu c'llled on ttie roan .Vtfer or a large New YftiTt concern the ptlit-r.day and sent his card in by the boy at the outsidt gate. The boy r-ak-njercd back lazily and told th traveling man that the manager wouldn't see- him. "Well, yo: go and ask him for th card I sect in," said the caller. In a fe minutes the hoy returned frojn his sevond trip. "Say," remarked the boy, "the. bos t61d uie lo ttdl you that he fore up that card, but he Sent a tiifrkel to you to pay for it." The traveling man was deeply n Ftilted, but he decided to get back as best he ronld. lie opened his can! care and drew out another card, hand ing It to the boy. "tlrte this to your Ik.ss," he 3a id "and tell Ii .111 that I 11 keep Ihe money My 1 arils are two lor Ihe. Mini, obliged." The uiiitiagi-r rushed out of the g.n to find the traveling man. but lo- wa-too wa-too la'e The man had left. Analysed by Chemitta. Apropos ol president Tatt and his Went dei iston about whisky, Kit h aril Le ;.illi. iiiie said, at a dinner at t test. te-st. Hegis: "H'lrile I was llvinc in l.tviTinnl t:t-re arose- a hot whi-ky di-t ussnm Was M.t httll wlilskj' th onH wh..k tllle one. or was patefit Mill wlllk the one non polsotioiiM drink' ('h.etni cal analyse were applied to t o 'v wtio-ky going " I.u. rptidliitti eti't re.l a put-li. house mar the Albert d"ks on. nuht and raid Is .-r w hisky pun Will. I about. I thir,k mi. the p..t. lie an at.swrrtd Its tf -n paralyjed tr 'hiee ar.art hist ' " $100 Reward, $100. TS tm.t't of I'.m ei 1. t tit f l I T M kt ir0 -w dr. 4wm l'4l b-n .'. u na?v m k m iw . " m :IAfrt. t, t I s. It tfc nn.f . - te ... tra a..i t'ie..tf t . fTs.t A " m iljarv ftyr . - ' ' larmv u .- t ti iiv?t i w t m- . ir '. . r-' t I t. 1 rA star ft " IB t Sr'T tt ii-4.Ma INr 4w t.ir p..r&l tvr'll hf b"(Wtc wst t (tittfc -$ m H tt I'm -S-ip t . m mr Hit m mm r'av f--r 11 ot Ok l;9mrfr4 t- VI tfwt II l. M AVtr-m I I OHM 1 tin O K4 fei I . iw tu. i w-r i-i i.ii.. Storm Ep aode Two haodiKim. )our.it woti.tn If cotmrt'y dr-d, iii.j and f- Tl lo fthrr in itf ! at j! of tt rtv xk Tt.ey aroa-'rt and ar.g-y Vnt out. ('! tt !' ' c-onino-n" aa otw-rttr. b aa addition i t in ult to iBjary b tr.c rc tidniitn-d by ail to tiwrtiard - PtiUtlf-lpbta Idff-r Called Htr B'y". II. a t.fv.te' " "Wk taa t bn tints I t'.T. a' Tti to b bin as i lo'd Bit- fc- o-;M bu'lf B a y Jo a I r.f ba. k if I 0't4 turry-" Motit lDat rraat ttr riiKMira Tt-.l Tt-.l r. B'-Ti (5o t r tj itto a f- tiiia-r t o i a r a .! ri i t r rt t r itii' ti . v ! ktattlliwt tt.i aa. ! t 'i ; r 1 'a . . ' si i -: ( So t- ! 4 ? ' a - a -.i i s. -1.-4 U -a i. WORTH KNOWING Simple But Powerful Prescription fo -hlieuitialisiii jnd Lame- Back. ThiV waa previously publishedIierr and cured hundreds, "Get one ounce o! syrup of Sarsaparilla compound : and one ounce Toris Compound. Then get half a pint of good wbiskey and put the other two ingredients into it. Use a tablespoonful of this mixture before each meal and at bed 'time. Shake the bottle each time." Good effects are felt the first day. Any druggist has these Ingredients on hand or will quickly get them from his wholesale house. Entitled to It. ."How arethings l8okin'. over to Dir gledell?" "They've Been lookin' puny sfjueara-ish sfjueara-ish for a spell. Th' creek got so blame high it overflowed Peasley's dam, an' there's two foot q' water in Widder Brown's cellar." - . "Well, well, I s'pose you folks over there will be so stuck up pretty soon thet you'll be callin' yourselves th' Parisians of Ameiiky." Exposed. "She is homelier than her sister, don't you think so?" "No; you just think so because she wears a low neck gown at d you see more of her than you do ol her sister." For sore thro.it, sharp pain in lungs, tightness across the chest, hoarseness or cough, lave the parts with Sloan's Liniment. You don't need to rub, j.ist lay it on lightly. It pcnetr.ites instantly to the seat of the trouble, relieves congestion conges-tion and Sv'ps the pain. Here's the Proof. Mr. A V. ri(-e, f frdutiu. Kana aay : "We have uvti Sloan's Iji.i-mni Iji.i-mni f r a yar, and t.nd u an t-l-b-nt thin.; t t ore throat, hpM pjica, ctlds. and hay fever attj k. A Irw Jr-ps ijk'n 'n Hit-Jf tep cough in and anectr innantly." Sloan's Liniment is ei-ier to iw than porous p!a-ters, acts tuu.ker and due n t l.upthc jKrcso( theskin. I; it an eiculmf an-ti-;iic tm--iy fit a:'ima. NonthiiiS a ad All inth.rnnwt try d;wi of Ihe !' -at and chest ; i,l twrak op tie d ally 0MTshi in an of itmn at 1 kill any kind of Rriafa-ii I lV.ru-malic lV.ru-malic ; i iv. Alt Inirpm' kV Mtu'l buam. NcaancaOcllloa. Dr Earl 8 Sloia, torn lute KAM Cnrcd Right at Home w t acT'o? r m t a a w. a . a I tpl --- 9m f. It m mmm lrr i- a.k. Sal Lat City. Ha. is the Vixinl to fwnemtcr claNv lK (MM Pain StjP rtw y T'vi I 2? I HEUHATISy W. H. U. COUGHSCOLDS |