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Show PLEASANT GROVE NEWS An independent weekly ..paper published pub-lished in the interests of Pleasant Grove and Utah County. Issued Every Saturday. BY THE The Provo Herald Pub. Co. J. DAVID LARSON, Editor and General Manager. ASHLEY BARTLETT, Local Editor. Application made at the postoffice t Pleasant Grove. Ltan, lor trans mission through the mails as second class matter. Subscription Price, $1.50 a Year,-in Year,-in Advance. PUBLIC NOTICE Of District School Meeting. The qualified taxpayers, as defined In Section IS 11 of the Revised Statutes Sta-tutes of Utah, resident in Pleasant Grove School District, No. 15, Utah County, State of Utah, are hereby no tified that it. is necessary to raise funds to complete payment for the Manila School. House and to fence the Central School Lot in said District Dis-trict That an approximate estimate of thecot thereof has been made by the undersigned School Trusteed of said District, as follows, to-wit: For Manila School House $12"H For Fencing Central School Ground Total U It is estimated by the Trustees that a two-mill tax on the assessed valuation valua-tion of the taxable property of said School District will lie necessary to raise said amount. NOTW'K is therefor hereby given that a meeting of the taxpayers will be held at the Central School Huilil- -InK'Tn said DTsn-Tct oifln- i!tn iay' of February, A. D. l!Ui. ;it one oVbwl ' p. in., of said day. for the purpose of voting on the rate per rent of taxes to be bied on the taxable property MAYOR RAY TAKES NO BLAME (Special to the NEWS irom Provo.) Because of some of the appointive officers in the city government have been open to complaint, Mayor Ray has found it necessary to make a statement state-ment as to the standing of the city council on the appointments. Mr. Ray does not feet obligated to stand the slander given officers which he has not appointed. His statement follows: There seems to be a great deal of criticism just now of the conditions existing at the present time in our city, and I believe the criticism is justly . deserved. Therefore, I take (his means &i explaining to the public iuy-posilkm in ikhi-inatter. The iafc- giving the mayor -the right of appointing and holding him-respon sible for the appointment ot certain -EDIT O R. I A L TAFT AND THE POWERS WHICH ELECTED HIM. "But itdoes rest with the national government to enforce the law, and, if the enforcement of the law is not consistent with the present methods of carrying on business, then it does not spea well for the present methods of conducting business, and they must be changed to conform to the law." """"'Tnesemlrksvxrena(re by Tresident TatTIn New York last week, and no doubt came as a blow -to the men who had played such a great - role in the president's elettion. Vast sums of money were expended to make William Taft the president of the United States. The powerful corporation assisted. with no small sums. Their purpose in giving money was in a hope that monopoly methods could continue uninterrupted'. The money powers were suspicious of the Roosevelt policies and .did not trust Mr. Bryan. Kvery eflfort Was therefore' used in'favor of Mr. Ta'tt. If the Republican leaders continue to enforce the laws, notwithstanding notwith-standing the money powers and combines arrayed ainst them, they will undoubtedly continue to hold the controroifhe American poli tics. It wuuld appear from the statement of ..President JTaftLliaL.il ,i the intention of the administration to enforce the law. If this is oMirers or the city is very similar to! rigidly effected all will' be 'we'll. But the American people are de-the de-the laws conferring likrights and nioro an, m(). pr,)U.aj. upfront the powerful beast., the n... i l.i 1 i , ,. iin1,1 flua iirwl nr r1 ! o 1 ri sponsiDiimes upon uie presiueiii oi i the t'nited States and upon the governor gov-ernor of the state of I'tah. I have iv- en this matter considerable study and I fail to find an instance where the sen-ale sen-ale of the I'nited States or the sen: ;i(e of I'tali refused to confirm the ap pointments of such officials because of wUUcai-iliffvmhaai-aad, J . helfove ihu precedents established by the greater! lnnlies should govern the actions of. (lie lesser legisianve IMiuies. Ml our ruse the local riiy council. 1 feel as the executive head o! the city, that (he responsibility of shi in combines. If President Taft m forces the law regularly, new ones made where the old ones are weak, he will' stand bitter with the . - . , , i . i .1. . t ..i . iili-m-s. II lie caters to tne monopolies am l gor duik on uie pepic. oters are Mire to remcmiKT tire treatment in uie nei iminm. j s methods and.. stronger la ws. j The people want different hnsim- WHAT "OUR PRESIDENT" COSTS. In IS'd'J the" total appropriation for all-t'tirposes -amounted to tiiat all ,,iilv S340.IK 10.000; for the fiscal ear eiitling June MX l'MO. they i. .'timed t the tremendous stmt of $1 .044.01 4.- S.2.l ''The salary in said district lor the purposes sped Jieil aIll Diilinaili es ol this city The l-olls will open at two o clock , ..,,,.,,, ,,, .....i ,h.,, ..n p. nr. and .lose at six oYl.iek p. i-1 u;,....'i,ls , ,. s!mi.. Miall I- pun-' and allowances of the "l'resid. n' for amounted to .S.y,'.4,H. isl.ed, is a rep,.nH!iiliiy that tails. , . . - , -,.r. P ;, .- , -s-- upon me; aiel if U-iv In' law s. .( he , " " " s- l"v - - ricul- .mon-.-iueiit oi which would ; secretaries, clerks, etc.. $, Pit; c .nliiigent fund. $.-.; traveling ?, 1 IV.:' tVXU nr "XSl: vehicles, stab. etc.. SJ5 .OHO. . :. t:i!, ei i';e city uoverniiieiit, die ." X nation in the world appr. .prates hall this amount t-.-r tne , l ,,!,!. l'. 1o repe.ll vie il !( BOOSTER CLUB Pickets, Paints, Hinges, Nails " For fixing upyorr place I A. K. Thornton I & Sons - , - -9:,f- "- Best of leather done when promised prom-ised lowest price. See B. MORCK, the Cobbler. Oranges, sweetest ever, just in at Thome's Cafe, 15c per dozen and up. Beef; - Pork and Veal WANTED S. F. Walker & Sons 4- 4 FOfl SALE OR TRADE. Two city lots with good home, 514 South Eighth West, Salt Lake Cityp for home or acres in Pleasant Grove.V See P. S. Kroman. ) C Bank oi Pleasant Grove Solid Financially Accommodating Can help you in a thousand ways in borrowing, loaning or saving money. Pay Interest on time deposits. Drop in for a personal chat or r Addressr S BANK OF PLEASANT GROVE, 1 JAHtS CHIPMAN, Pi roidrnt of said ilay t'HAUI.KS P. IIAlM'Ki:. VII.I'ol!l W W AUN'K'K. oiAiM.i: c .khinson. Trustees of I''- a-anl Clove School Oi-i'ri ' Tated at Pleasant (".rove, this " U li.-.y of Januarv, l'"0 p,.,. ('ode Sees !vi;. 11), i-:i ."t it,.. ,.i i bi. f . v.-.-nt i " le.-i ,t i .1 K' . r ti vi ii t a t i e lol.n A. M. l:iir N.ax, I b'iir liaie ii for cert.-rti ol-. " ' ' 1 -,", - . , . , i-. mi. n who 1 !!..-e rimi . ,f P, liana, in a sj'eecii on the l'"-r . the 1 h'lt-e "-n jainnry "e ,:'VV'- ", ::"'!l vnci;ei ,o t ,-, t th;it ,!k.0 . :,re kept up v laxe c . 1!. t!,e llilll.- o! die fl.peitue 1 .. . ... , V mi U! Ii I Inn- nano-d i hem, ; to -t:' the pe pie. and that the tfat-r p- .fitou i it i- paid by men u.p. ' '" ' ,":,,,n"1 ..r:i .iuir bread !v the sueat ..f their laces. 1'n.l.r -ur -v(. ni of . . . i : t i o ; ij I hits re ! ; o il.n I' 111 - -1 - ' i I e..,. r ! o!hi r r- -i-.n it ttould ind;i' . t 1 i ai'.n the coinnion 1 ti r who earn- 1..' per u,i .iipi :i pelnu-.d ! : t i em This r;s a lamwy oi i n r t ill. in the iiiiliioiia and has no children to feed an New Cbirfc Army The nf CM;;-.ire.-. ,- ' i tt ' .a ia! Mfi tor I he i :', , ... i, ..... . ' " ' In Maaei.ura It l etj 1 M 'tin,'.. ..'v-, lltjt ."branch ol'tbe c.lx c-.v - . ri, : ft ill. ill the mihiojiai: . ' 1:1 ,: ' - ;..,i,n.- I.-, oi i.en who u.miM be :- Con.pt I-.ik -on!! bail 1. 1 V- ' ' ' i ominaMe to . for (he il'-chaiH" ol SOblbTo Wear i.l.at.l Utilinr!!.. :r I at I '.i- iliio, v I. Ihe-e:nle. re'll:.e So iar- oj a-e. and uoii! 1 live to be PXlyear- ol.. ami w.nke.I even e. p,i more to.v.ird ruiiiiiii.: in.1 .ho.i to roiid to rai-e a iaini'y the. n -1 think of it ' If a !abi.r- n an taming an avenge wae of $1.50 a lay bean when he w.'h i)ita'a ll.ev !.i;, l,,, i,,; . i . ,f uili.- (!. I -1 oIlMhilll !or the e ... . . ... . 1 . 'I' I. .. I 1 ... ......... 1 ... ' KJUr iru a i.UT,U. or - . ........ .,...1. -...-..J.-.. ....,,al, ll!i l!:e i-.lv council vino a'oae ;in- .'IMII u.o Hilling uie .' i .n iiv n'.ui.i m"i v . . f, - ies..,u-.i.e .n.e ihe i.ae ,a. the ; tu j.t ,K, prj..pt j a,-.!.. mobiles v a single ear." !lHi;.ln h nliii h (heir l oiHiurl lime I 1 O-Hlliell t'o- elllori Illletlt of (lie hftllie. 1 am for a crater I'lovo; 1 am for; WHY NOT "SMUDGE." " l.eltei ,,,, in aii.l iipllltinK "1 "o'1 Thetr ijiii-ih-s nrn 'i .1 !,-u un b i a. Il U i ri't -i ' tn.-i brow n kl aVI universal. Imt cn-e r ; flit'tits I. ii. i.tilfori'i .i -t b.ii, though !! t ,e ar- .! -:.!: ..r.ri ; ; :. trm r" ' '-s- ' if .11. ! v. Ii i,,,,,!,!, ,,f il,,. I'mvo rllii lis, ami I us bul'. anil ar.- !: u 'ri.l t l.i . I i Mir,. (,,. ,Mi,:- that if the council lii.'h 'reii IT. . lit K in. ;ll iniitinii the iii'-n, ln.ii I have II,.. ,.. u ., . , . . . i. .. . I . .... n:t I I lie tarn Kill lii- en f lire el. or all .i',,.., ti.J.. ,.i ,.t -. ill 'now t!..- r.-:is,.ii why It.ii I o-r UM,,' ,n,"lc mrnn .)(' . u.-,:,,.-. .m i . i.,c ' ''.11,111.1 bi.mie. for the ac 1 -, aj, KCauc ,mc ,,f tlie fruit raisers arc not c.inertcd to the prc- tlru'lv no r. . . l;e (.rand Valley fruit raisers saved $1.U7 .' last ear b di;e pots to prevent frosts. I here is pnie an a-itation in ! hi I See th. t'l.AKK S I .1 1 tiin.il ai lll I II. II II Orange, tweetett eve, jut in at Thome' Ca'e, 15c pe dojen'and up Miih is. J-mi Itnh Hi1. N--W Situs HriM-t. ainl'K..ol ..I l',.a-,i!ii ,mi. .Mm anttle Ci' " 1! no 11. whom I have hail no u.iiiiHk;. nor joi-r remove vcnt.it ivc plan. Kni'iiH I is i'-aly to ronfirm ' .' ... . . ., I i.y ...,,1.0-nu.i. eas I shall th. n be ready I He iruu raisers win. renise to prepaiv ""' -- .. a. -.nil- all reoii-ii.i'.itT lor tbp ex j , jtj, , ,w ljoht. Smudge pots have been tested and it has beeiii proven that the temperature can be raised in an orchard by this arti- :r city V. r - 1 tfuMy. U II KAY. Major U -fcrtyrate &ut'"iU. of an i. a lilnj o-T4 n ri.ifn of tf,o t i' . natur 1 1. in her jro in City Aih W. H. Htyt. A . I , I' -i-S'v ; , r S r s t I 1. -. I ; N j i : t.. r : i- t ;; . r, ! ii" ... !!.-..! ;. t: .- I k. I li-.jfe' Nebtjr. Se Poti Ct'Ct ;uit 5ef! Une at I'crr-ei C'e ri ' tll'.'i I ! 4 la Indian vo.r.J rn .i ' with in-. - I. -l. Si-ni-l. t-i. n. r. lo J .Hi- t. Ul.. ( : 1'.. tl V 't.KK s fait I (!! '.1 .r g-i.erosltf t si- I t, .- !nan-jr ;.'- a .. ' . .,t .-jl M l 5J0.- l,a j. 1 , . , t ., ,,.,,,. f I-., ; ? . -: , ,f ,heol. FOUND T.ME FOR UTERAT !.! f,. . t ! . i! . r- ar - ot'.j 4 .:. of r.-: ; -- ... is. muo trj' 11 Lte--.!' . Vj- i3r., e i t ttt. i.r-'t it 1 Itnm FinJ -.;.-te StvU'i' j - i' ;t 1. 1 ;n. tba A-o-j America' &! !. n rs'j tR!" . . i .. ri l.'t'i New .'.a i.rt' ... ; !( . Yi 1.. s'. f?u.i :.. an (i;.nn'f. a., f, 1 ?r -. . . '..a- f . . Irti .s- t.e.i t ' f li.r pnltej f , t iiV. ,;. , ; ,-. 1 . - i' . ,- r.A.'. It- ; ... ' ! of th ni-.COl 1 - r- it .fc- t'ry to! j-i.m-j 1 p., :,i ..cJ.t:on '. ... t.-, j, ' - , 1 1 ! j . ) Of . . A ' l.tl.k t , tieial heat. 'I he tmit cr ts saved and the entire irnit secti -it is, U-tu bled. The State I'.ank and th? Commercial Saving I'.ank have' Nobby. Ne Postal Card jut in. ' ,t agreed to a-stst reliable farmers with money so that they can ;Seit i,n at Ihorne'. Ca'e. , 1,., ,,c Mttudctnc impli metits. Is there any --I reason why FOR SACE Cood 3 room home "tt fruit raii rs should not protect their CP.ps against ir..sts J ! 2 acre c.ty lot foe aie Be.t local. on j j GRANT THE FRANCHISES. N,-w was -mi- -ait i' tr-!av that the Kii'Rht I 'un- t hspni.in ..r,, , had iim'cl f..r the b- ;'d:n of an intcr-tirbati r n!r...i l v ste-n 1 ins 1- .! mws l b, w-i forces will pr..bib! be m.-r. !i.-(v:.:! an ii'i tr - lie V, t'h js- KtH-ht at the h. i! .t the pr-.p. !'! f. !e at. r.a-'-nablv sure that w.thi'i due tunc t!u v v.:!, t.1'1 . "niy j have l-i Co. r., r ,., r,; 1, ., I 1 hlles. I hi W i. I.,' 1 tf I'l "I .1 'CtH V I ! ir dweloptnt nt of I ;.th s em c-'.:itv It i now. the ' :t the city oumiS.t.. crant rras .nat.'e t.tt s that ti t!;:n v,:: r p the commencement i tll r .ad I hi re . if. uas-.n.!.;, tuv.ti hy Council- s)i..n!d Ut If the people . tluir -:tv ti:. r a ! .-i: ! be completed r-t t: k time 1 BUSINESS CONDITIONS. '. U t ,! . i t" .: at ' t , CROUPINE ; . .;. t., f ' '... .If -t ! -" Or-n! af.-t :,'. I' "i i.- a" 1 :. , . . . V. I ... '--r I".. . ti WEST I GATE We he Je1r) lor pretenlt r4 Jilry Vj:cV from $ m 5l TKe Sdfre fa iKf ti,!e lhi . - V f I K , r.e '.!' 1 5 :f . ?!- . 111 o; . . -".it. ! -. 1 . A RICH COUNTY S"!'V i S. L. SWENS0N. Am, Cashier 90 Flour '.nf.i-'uvmm In everybody's mouth. Output in 1909 doubles over 190R. Carload business is taking the place of retail trade Pleasant Grove Roller Mill A. L COOPER, Proprietor No Sore Shoulder When This . Collar Is Used Best On EarUi rot SAIL sr Ole Anderson &Son naj wua mm m mrnrn J 3 Daily Trains 3 Sf.lt Lake City All Ulnh Cciiinty Points Through btwxz to zl Sc. Utah Points Acom i. . . c ".lift? nt , rs'ov. ,octtMn, 1 i. t Piorln, Nev. Voi . . . . . , -I JAMES MART1X HAiLROAD TO DIXIE r S!t Lt tm'e 1 . M. ,MANDEklIELD Atr. a- Fcfk . C V. It. |