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Show - . - c . . - it? Ol " '. - , ., ; VOL. 1 nnnnnpiTifisi m rvnimmnr rnuruoiiiuiy luiAunfliiibL ' WATER RIGHTS OF PEDPL , 'a meeting of the water users of Pleasant. Grove Irrigation district with the representatives of the Provo Reservoir Res-ervoir company was held yesterday at the City hall at which the Reservoir company asked for an exchange of water wa-ter as set forth in the following resolution: reso-lution: Whereas the Provo Reservoir company, com-pany, a Utah corporation, with its principal prin-cipal place of business at Provo City, Utah county. State of Utah, has presented pre-sented to the water owners of Pleasant Grove irrigation district a petition ask- " tngaid te-4isw-sL4iiaiithizethe city council of Pleasant GrovetyTfatrwg sontiiiiopt-tgains: who are their agents for the purpose of distributing their water, to enter into a contract with said Provo Reservoir Reser-voir company for the exchange of certain cer-tain of their waters on terms that will fully protect said water users, and Whereas it is thought by the said water users t hat it will bo in the best Interest "of all the Tnhalinaurs'TthPp'-" .--Mflrvfjv North end of Utah county, that the said council aforesaid should enter into in-to an agreement with the said Provo Reservoir company, providing for said exchange of water as :';oresuid. Therefore be it n-Milved by the water wa-ter users oi I'hisant Cove Irrigation --disLrixt, iu mass inee;iiR .s'sembled after due notice of said meeting, that the city council of Pleasant -drove City, who are disttibuttnn ii--nt.s 'or ."aid water u-iers, be an d tb.-y are hereby authorized ami diret il lor and on be hall of said water u.rs to enter into an arr.-ment by ur't'- n out met pro-vldinu pro-vldinu tor the t liaime of sr.ul water as aloies.i agreement id. provided tl;: i!iu saiii v. Pter in said is s!,;.': THREE AND A HALF- YEARS Strawberry Project Short of Money and Work is Retarded (Special to the NEWS from Provo.) L. C. Hill, of Phoenix, Arizona, supervising su-pervising engineer of the reclamation irrigation projects of the Rio Crande district, was here last week inspecting inspect-ing the work on the Strawberry tunnel, tun-nel, which is being constructed under the immediate direction of J. L. Lytel, the resident engineer in charge. Mr Kill mated that the work is be lug pushed a rapidly an in possible The appropriation available for tin-work tin-work are not sutlicient to do more than drums the tunnel If more fund could be secured lrk could be done on tin- i in.il and on pump.tu plants, and t'f completion of th-pro)e th-pro)e t I- ba-t' m d As it Ik. and J'oUuu- tin- future by the .i.t, it will take alm t.' r-- )-ar and a half to torn; l t. - t!..- work. In (lie opinion I of Mr Hill Many Project. The S:tattrj V alley project only ftie t1 many reciattiaUoti project utider a id .t.e dioirut under Mr Htllf M,i- riia. which i:ulud.- Arl- j tona. Nf MfXiro. Trxa, t'oiorado, , flab. Irt of VVjuUiibK and prt of Callfof ma and N-vl. and they are ali larger than tn Straw berry ly pro)-. bnb mil! irr:i;atc (row tji to ' ttniaBd rr- Large Enterprise. Tt pr.j--t at Him. Anton. ill icr from 2Z to Z' thou-iacd fe. and t!.e c dam ln b t tx-injt built to rrw rt1 ' tl.watf-f will be I1! - t. fh i i. r.- up to a he flA of ?Tv fert Tl.l ai Yaa.a wi:l lrr'- I , srr in tie r. a: 4 . ;.t-:a. and under it u !fe Ii4:an lr.d to t -r. to '. ft.. f;t. y. rc h t Tii-- is :rn.j r"j--ct wui trr. tt'f a rp t. Ufcd 10 S-w Hfiioi r 1 Teti. a c it H Crb- ttf. mtt-vitt abut IJV m'i I ' Ot"'' Pee'aat1!. T ;. t Part a'r 1 -. "r--i w . EKSVi ' ' r -r :' to t I r i - f: Kt' t ft . 1 : 4 PROJECT REQUIRESiUTAH ' - - . I. -- Pfleasamnt Grove be so protected in their rights that at no time shall the waters of said owners own-ers be reduced in quantity, or deteriorated deterio-rated in quality, and if at any time it shall be so reduced in "quantity, or deteriorated in quality then in either event said Provo Reservoir company shall return said waters so exchanged back to the said water users at its own expense, and no extra burden shall be imposed upon said water users by reason rea-son of said exchange. The water users assembled were about to vote to authorize the city council to take the matter under advisement ad-visement when a straw vote was called for, the result of which was 54 to 4 in favof of the resolution. But action finally resulted in the appoint-1 ment of a committee of ten to meet a similar body of American Fork water users to get legal advice and probe the proposed deal to Its bottom and then report its findings to a meeting to be railed by the mayor. The gen tlomen named-on the committee were: 1 ll mn tr I .. t Uubi-T son, t . it. Harper, J. . -Nelson, Jesse : Pupal. Alma Radmall, Thomas I.ar-! son. Wilford W. Winock, .1. B. Hayes. It was reported by A. J. l.'vans that I.ehi and the North Item-h Irrigation company has already passed resolutions resolu-tions s ini'ar to the one present i d at this meeting. A:.:oig the ii.sfions a-l'd of the Reset voir company was what would be done ill ease a vasho.lt shou'il occur oc-cur in .the canal Irom Provo r.vii V. M mioik. on behalf ul (': li s r- in r me-' iliv (in lit: 1 -eop.e, ...m - n'l'i-il that a ;:,one :l'e from I'ea-aiit Clole t,. Ji-' Ji-' t.4 dam hi American Pork an i-o Jd brin t t'ie wa'-r b.i k 'nto !;.lu! as it ran ofe tl:e tt FARMER AHD FLAX (S;ci4l the NC A'5 to- P.lvt.) The Ttah Fas Growing and Milling company ban made arrangement to distribute seeral hundred bushels of flaxseed in various parts of the state ai order l Interest farmers in the industry. in-dustry. W." Wadley of Pleasant drove, T. I.. Reach of Coahilie. V J Jaryis of S.itnaipnn and S M Sneddon of Salt lake are among. tH"e who will plant on tt five acres to Ihu this n'a non The company, which was re rctil'y org iliU- d to promote the iwdas try of I'tah. ex perl noon to issue lit erature on the Subject BOOSTER'S CLUB BALL. FEB. 18. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. St.- n" y K ' !.. li.- ! 1 -' team, is a "ommt" to b-next b-next ar nub or. Inured en The ,oilio:i,ore stuil.-nts of the Pleasant tirote biyii sctiixd U(v piall ninrf an ntertainrnent for the t of the Week thf hone M o I lark Their puri-os In to show the p.ilipc what they're made Kverb!y i coru?,i!l (tun-d Nix - I. II . Tii- .S.iv e;iitif the In-ke" ha', ';. : ",i t-i! ;.oi,!' o afi onl lino1 fr jiipvon u' the Iiikik- o' M' A!iu.t I'.i ! 1 nun in 1 utmr of l VV-ii. the bis i ke'!..' ai h The e- tx l.t rp-iit tn itnilr arid K ! At ! n'ck k a, ! biOi l.i!i M-rt- e. iiiioitir-K ' I l.n-aj auii r - itii Ltinry. i- n ii'jNin ,ir. ! J TV r.ow iofie f'r "fitltie P w.n JeA! r. l-ib I ,-t I ar.d r' -...;! ".a- bi a satr.-- P it the bal t r.ik!fi a iT-u-Ts'b Pi-r to 1 a II r-.-.rter..1 ,, j.-j tt. t.' hi("5 -n.'A tte I. C.rfcf a c"! i Ha!, to w'ft BOOSTERS CLUB BALL. FEB '8 TO SELL TIMBER ., rv , r P v. r f v e, l i r w -h ! . ' t J it-- --1 , I'-Il -aft ,( ! tvtfl - P-r-' f, . : who r f! 1 ,J -l 1 i-t,i' ri - r ' CLtS CLL FES ;::rr j ctti ball. fib. PLEASANT GROVE, UTAH. FAILED TO PAY IK SURANCE FOR FIDE Springville Mills Have Not Recovered Re-covered From Companies and Bring Suit (Special to the News from Provo.) The failure of two fire insurance companies to pay the value of the policy pol-icy after fire had destroyed the property prop-erty insured, resulted in two actions being filed in the district court in Salt Lake yesterday by the Progress Spinning Spin-ning & Knitting Mills company of Springville. , OneBuit is against the Southern Na- tionul insurance company of-Texas. and the other against the Dixie Fire Insurance company of South Carolina, both non-board companies, and both bandied by Kli H. IVirre, loral agent. The springville concern asks for $1000 !!:. each company, with interest. ya7tlT policies were written on May mttk, : ath Jut' lumiuviu. ifisure ills factory against tire for one year. On Mav 7. 1 !!'. the complaint reads, fire "destroyed the plant and machinery. The factory was worth at least $.'l,"iio, it is loutemled. No appraiser was i-ejit io M'li!.' the flir loss, and nppli-(a'ieis nppli-(a'ieis i aj ment of the money .were tamed down, declares the com-pla com-pla n a" (Sree il to the NEWS from Provo.) P". o was not successful In obtain-ipg obtain-ipg t'.e r.ext convention of the State Horticultural Association, but every-body every-body m the Salt Lake meeting heard abcu: the wonders of Prove The con-vent'on con-vent'on was won by Bngham City. Vhi'e Provj revived tv ..vxitjtif S't Jt.a'xe and the entire southern part of te st.-te, the delegation from the city on the north was too large and the 1)11 convention will be held In Crigham City. The 1912 convention will be held in Provo. The tout flit ion whleh clo.sed yes-teria yes-teria wa a successful one for nil the Irutt raisrrs who attended The attend fiee larn nd hih cib ct discussions ronterninn fruit IUt testj. were beard. 4 .Vidtc-se were made by VYm. M !!o) tin e and J i Ittifllu of this rit). Atieiifon was called to the excellent :: lands tiow belliR sdopted In Ttah at'd t! e nt'K-sslty of better and more Uiih))Ti methods The s'andard pack and box sjjcn wi-re dincussed rYuit r.lcr were aih Ised to be honest in their packlnt; SOCIETY NOTES Mr and Mr Jaiue H-r b tt Th ir III for an l-Xtfleled Visit to Slielie). Idaho Mi- Io. K 'or I ..u!it ' diuci ter. Mr- Tho'lie ! ft Wednesday where sbf Will !!! her Plorctne p.row n dr Mrs Charlfw (' !' rn and ihi, -n 01 Kur. -ka. are tT,. iittr.e Mr ar.d V.t W A U arbi k for ten iia K ll.t.i..e .Hi rta.i-ej t:.e (' It il.-.l, Ut Monday n'sht oi-ter p-r wa .! In r-st--nc MlltlptUOU r d r tl.- I I. V bx-k- lli.? at the I,, r iT.ii .: or .! at h- I ii;j. T i e. ': 4.1.3 ii,' t.,r X I ad 1- 1. S.,i' I t i ( .1 r.5k I PROVO GETS 1912 I FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1910. MRS. S. E. CURTIS T IH ACT OF GRAFT Was Deported From Provo By City Officers Now Appears in Salt Lake (Special to the News from Provo.) The oalt Lake papers have account ac-count of the travels of Mrs. S. E. Curtis and two' children, said to be her daughters, through several of the western states and territories by the aid of public charity which she enlists en-lists by telling hard luck stories. It Is believed here that "Mrs S. K. Curtis" is the Mrs. Huella P. Curtis who appeared here last fail. She had hbe children witti her. Wtio. She-saicf. were Her datighter's. The daughter and her -husband were here at the time. Mrs. Curtis .secured money from the county commissioners to pav the freight on her furniture from Colorado Col-orado to Provo. While here. Mrs. UTirua aaopteu one o! the children, a ! HSlJejpriwnusi MiiUic itpiivunf on th court records as Ituella Victoria Mor-1 sey. Shipped Cut. The peep!., all !e:t Prew. .,ot. ;.frer. and ia about two mon:h Mr C,.c ti3 and tne- cbihifj n were let.nned' to Provo by the Salt I.alie authori ; t.'es.- The county rommN'-ionei.s un-n , pve llr. Cinis ticket 0 Monti os'i.;, Colorado, and "ilia; is t! -"1 t I'mvu! baa beard of .her." SU.ie tin u. m.-cou! I ttif to the SalJ Uake punts. Mrs, Cur ' !s h.'.S made a ti;i,i to .Vt v na and r.natly rt turned to ...li I. ,!,.-. Thei dauirtcter :il:d h.-r l.u h ti.l are -.aid ; to b in ORib-n. A !e-. (i is a o the' 'I'Vtllie (O'li.t in-Si't I.a-e b"ca'iie lnl 4 istej in the v,e!'. ie o; tiie'iJiil t'tetiiwho are triivii: moie th-ri is food? for tlH'tu ami tin i- i iin';uo..-,l !. C'rcua";stan' es, unci v. l .-a , ( 'r i t is. vl.ojhad UK'.tin a i j j -1 1 I nT aal to Slit I akB county, learned of this, she i'ror?d out of 'i?ht. And the Salt I.ke iapets nre now ImpiirltiK "Wera U Mrs. CurHsr. t UTAH BIDS FOR ARIZONA SIMP (Special to the NEWS from Provo.) If the amendment to the i-tal. IhmmI bill, presented to the hetla'e by .Sena tor Heed Smool, U passed, the Arl Htm Btrip of land at the smiihf!.t corner. of I'tah will be annexed to tlilx Mate TlliS Wjll cotliM nsale the piece o! land that m Liken off the northeast corner of ,1't.ih by WyominK While its annexation would ndd an extensive arca-to thin Mate. It I ho hparseiy hot lied that II would make no visible in crease tn the amount of tax.ibfc- prop ertj It Is not t bout lit that Arizona will raak any objection to the an nexation Vr MacKie PoiU irik- to r parehjs Kvans is vi..:t : atid Mrs I the Pi W dl'. I ' Pi '.in.pt. m v . at Prmo S .!..;.. Vr. Mae Car'kon b.i- tsk ' Visit Vl'h l.ef gelie tn UiOt til r, f V ikll 1.2 and Mr WiShaiu lak r- In town :o'k a iti. hay bam. Wurt'tc to Pren ji.s a blown down d irr.t ( hr i v:.- Mondxv f MIA' r!n fV : . binh laj Me its t V -i. tit " ml Ward .,' the !J- ti - '1 t I last Prn" xia A .'.!. in rf -t law k ir 1 i ;IS l Tl e W -i . -.t l. "1 m Vofcda.i 4 V--'. Si ' - r, T .- - . CAuGH H BRIEFS ing Mothers and Overburdened Women stations oi life, whose vigor and vitality may leea undermined and broken-down by over-WESTERNtxactini over-WESTERNtxactini social duties, the too frequent bear- : hildren, or other causes, wilt find in Dr. : Favorite Prescription the most potent, in- J- resforafiveTtfeHglft-ii?er erer iievised peeial Jncfit. NuriipJ motberi will find P"C A OIy valuable in suiniA their strength and X ijillx ao. abundant nourisamt'ot for the child. ; mothers too will nnj Ik "C f c the system fur baby's coming and rendering the ordeal compara JwVJvAless.' It can do no harm in any state, or condition of the female r n'nt spells, see ke-up. All I t " ttested under he most e cure pre ' vfj. (."- PEARY PLANTING FLAQ Denouncina Robert E. Pearv. the nr.. i.-H' i ' "braggart." Captain B. S. Osbon, secretary of the Arctic club of America, i has written a letter to the sub-committee of the house naval committee ap-i ap-i proving the latter's action in voting down the proposition to make Peary I a rear admiral. , Captam Osbon says in his letter: "The action of the sub-committee on ' naval affairs in the matter of Civil Engineer Robert E. Perry not Peary for that is an assumed name deserves the heartiest commendation of v-' v-' ery American citizen who values justice and respects the United States i navy. . ' - "To have given this selfish egotist, this braggart, the rank of rear ad-mil ad-mil a!, would be a foul blot on the records of congress and an insult to the navy of the United States. It would have disgubted millions of our citizens citi-zens who have no confidence in this alleged "pole-hunter and Arctic fur trader trad-er and story-teller, who for nearly a quarter of a century has been living oft the people and sailing under a naval rank to which he had no legal right. He should have been severely reprimanded by the navy department long ago." - - IEETI1 OF STATE BOARD S (Special to the News from Provo.) The Mate board of Insanity held Its monthly meetliiK yesterday and trans acted routine huslneti The following follow-ing iiiiioiints were appropriated for January : SalarieM, $2,2"iMd; current expenses. expen-ses. .:,2hm:; tiiiproveiin tits and re pairs. $71 1 fiti. The follow inc table shows the movement of patient! Iot January: Men Women Total In hospital Iter m is; fss 3;; Admitied 1 1: .' 1 11 K Jan 7 .1 In Tinier care, .eatim-nt JS; 1SI 2iT lllsi harK' d ........ 4 4 H I (ted 0 3 ItenixininK Ir. Peb .P2 IH 3T6 The ..ard v.ited tin' Kevi-ral depart ment and fouid all in excellent con d it Sen. Messrs John ' Sharp and J Q Ad tuns, the live son k conituitti-e of the Ajtrscuitural college Ward, visited the bopital Thursday for the piirnie of ins--riinif tle dairy herd of fine Jr ey tows owli.il t,y lhi state, for the hospital They were b'iKely plea.-l with the f;ne condition of the herd and stated that it contained M.ine a fine ani n ai a can be found in any of tlie Uet herds in the countrj ba. li at !: liard S HeSav the bou.e iif J,lll,ei S the late t illl'1.1, n town BOOSTER'S CLUB BALL. FEB. 18. LISDON NEWS Cillti.er : - -f -i v ' : v i-1 v. 1 ef h: Mm t '") t !t t",rtX CLLB ELL. FES tt OF IHSA ITT - tu. .,.m it a priceless boon fe, aervoas, weak women, who naffer from treqaeat v he, backache, ttraitlni-dowa distress op irom pain : tularities, Qnawiai or distressed sensation la stomach. iotaiinary specks or spots rioatlBi yes, bare disaireeaoie, catarrhal a ram, proiapsas. Ion or retroversion or other displacements of xrom ns from weakness of parts will, whether they ex , many or only a tew of the above symptoms, find f a permanent care by nsini faithtally and fairly , ly Dr. Pierce' a Favorite Prescription. ' d specific for woman's weaknesses and peculiar ailment! is vtract of the choicest native medicinal roots without a drop its ingredients printed in plain English on iti oath. Dr. Pierce thus invites the fulle . rraula knowing that it will be found to contain only the advanced medical science ot all the diBerent of woman's peculiar weaknesses and ailments. about the composition and professional en- Prescription, send postal card request to Dr. i r t ii.. j . I A lor nis irrt okihici irr-aiiiij; m iu- , e.iti fA'or cloth-bound copy of Dr. Pierce's Common , Vised up-to-date Kdition, 1008 pages. viIuibtitute for this remedy of tuosm em- ; u:5ositiom. Don't do it. It is not only V i 1 W m. 1- 175 MILES FROM POLL eDlorerr.as 9 "selfish egotist" and a 10 BE PASSED Tl (Special to the News from Provo.) The council committee who has had for tnetr consideration the proposed Knight and Evans-Cnipman interurban railroad franchises, will be ready to make a report at the next meeting of the council. It is understood that the committee will report in favor of granting grant-ing te franchise asked for by Mr. Knight. The Evans Chipman application applica-tion having beei withdrawn owing to the combine cf the two forces. It It quite authoritatively slated that the franchises will be granted. Attorney i H Tliomart appeared betoie the c'ty co;nci Tuinday night siatniK that K ans Chipman for- 1 eit lad will. drawl) their application, lor an inter Kiian i.iiiroad franchise am) that tin - and Mr Knight would .H r.n- cu one Iramhise. lie asked that the application be Riven early consideration and be was Informed by the council that the matter would be d!i usseil at the ln-xt tneetiiiis A uii elimt of in, iv 01s and rlty roun-ci'iiii roun-ci'iiii 11 will be I eld In this city tomorrow tomor-row at the Cori.mei jal club rooms at ' o' ' k io i! iu-s certain matteri ; r'a inmr to Mo- nehtu and pr1vl!iKee !' r.iilto.ol Slid of tlie city It Is 1. ,t tl..ii ii.. n. 1 and loi.ncll-11. loi.ncll-11. en from i t i s which, have not yet granted fraud is. s wlj l,e in httend-a!e httend-a!e T! is tii.eiu g will probably have !! liri. e to do wi'ti the I'rovo fran- Ts Stan. S'.crt Franci-es Grafted. Pork to iia il ufi : mouily s :r-TS-""- io I---'- Knight 1 '-! .it. 1:1 railroad la.st Tu-- : Tie vuie was unanimous rrar.i-d I 'of au lay t.'g and t!e :t;-n look forward wttli 11 --i -r to the r i!ro.td At 4 .!nn 11'- the Pleasant Grove o ;n'!i he'd l.i-t n ght th irni bi :..iii!iiiii i-! adoptiil This utvi-s Mr Kr e.t 'rm h i in thr-e t ; :: a'et in '.! e t o .r t MARRIAGE LICENSES. M irriaje ln-n-- have I n iie. t. fi e ;.". it. K n,,pl bin ik ( , '. !- and Prn; . P- lie I . . . r. t.'i, il . r-t.iVil Pr- and Ida Viol Ciisd- w :t k. toih of Tut ker Wujixm C.rm.r Jotus and !"-r MiJ Mafiseo. I ih o? S.jcs-fi P -tk. BOCZE ASO BAD CHECKS vr r.ri.t. "'"I Ki Pj ' . ... i ;.i n. ix-- 4 C: :'a"J ':'? i'.-f r- - r s : i - .. - . , i'. ; 1 . 1- :w - -"f ,.-x --1 ' - - i ! " - V ' . 4 . - . - T - - ' - .-- i , -'. EDA V.- ? fci- ; r. . r |