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Show PLEASANT GEOVE NEWS 'J 1 i fTflfc WARE OP- $-AG'JM?ANT5 If you Want a diamond you can 1 gat one now at $150.00 par carat. As long aa thay last we are selling a limited lot from half carat stones up to two carats. XX Each stone g u a ra n teed of f I nest c u t, cl ea n and perfect 170 UKSl SALT LAKE CITt UTAH SEW US 25 GENTS FOR A PACKAGE OF FOR TENDER FEET SCHRAMM -JOHNSON, DRUGS . THE "NEVER-SUBSTITUTORS" STORE NO. 1 SALT LAKE CITY Good seeds are tht true foundation of lirg e cropi. Our bi Catalogue tells all aboat the belt seeds that (row,.: Send for Free Copy. VOSELER SEED C0.,Sa!t Lake City TESTED SEEDS It costs hnml rvilv o l()lar? every yenr to TEST OUR SEEDS i But when you buy them you ran J ! ml tliey poi-ttesa Tha Quality. Write forour . , ... Frea Daacriptiva Catalog.. - PORTER-WALTON CO., Salt Lak City RUBBER STAMPS ; 'SEALS. STf.Srll.S. BAIKi K !S. TKAI'K I'HK.l'KS. Kto. tull Hue Rubber Type Outfits. au! hiii.I'- in ito-k. Mail orders rect-ive prompt j:i.-iili'ii. ALT LAKE STAMP CO.. Salt Lake City After the Separation. "Ah. uiy lad. you are a fine little fellow." "Thank you, sir.' "And are you mamma's boy or papa's boy?" . "1 spend sfV months in the custody of each," answered theHKrhin. courteously Ixjuisville Courir-J our Dal. COuONIST RATES. Send me the names of your friend or others in the East who are inter sted in Utah, and we will mail them copy of our "Hints to Husbandmen." and give them full information regard ing the one way Colonists rates to Utah from Chicago, Omaha, and other Eastern points, which ore tia tsal Aally Mareh 1st to April 10th. 1910. Inclusive. See agents Salt l.ake nut Cor further Information, or address J. II. M A X 1) K ft Fl ELI), A. . P. A.. Suit Uke Route, Salt Lake,, Utah Really Serious. "I und'TstanJ that you have "hunti u great deal." "Yen." "Hue yuu ever shot a ninn.i'i to the fnrt that yu mistook him fi ft rshbii or anything like that''' "No, the most serious mistake I cm i made was one nh.-n th into a t -i net's llest, cat " MiptX'tiiNg It t' be Diagnosing Kansas. Henry Allen s:iy Kansas "barometer'' of the nation. Hay Bard Uaker calU it the "f tit-ad " liot.tnor lloeli S.iJ - ii M.o II i.UU t i-i "the meat In the national eutidih la other orls. a fountain ln-..d in . sandwich is a b.iroin.t. r th clear? -Kansas City Journal. A Dog Fancier's Miseries. Joe "How's thing. IUI?" Bill "Rotten Ll three dec a:i ehe old woman; an' otir of theiu a orth COLONIST RATES. From Chicago. Si Paal. Mirn ap.l Omaha. Kansas Ctsy and ether Ka-ern Ka-ern points to A-m. Nevada. an I'lah stations on O-e Salt Ik Rutr on sale daily March I to April IS. l!e Inclusive. Send u lb" nart- of yirni frtendi In tb Ut who .-xntereo-rd Kor further Information -" Salt l-ke Route snt or addrt-cs J II MANHEUHKI.I'. A t". P A. Salt Ijke ItMUte. !t Uke. I ta' An Annual Luxury. An l.it':!ii -'Bt to x' t Li- two S-i!h .:-.- i-i i- tuer Ti.u. n. II tr.k a-? r Diurnlrf n-s'-l t4 o njlrri' il ed li got ftf t:r4 f it. ' fi-f. Jtk. sid, "d n t n r t" tnl'.k with your tti4T ' J-k ti:rn-4 !- ti tr'f.r "f"S. Tooi." hr d. U4 tl 'tk tt CkrS'.ais St '" tit t. Th 5"'a j t C)S- 5m!l It. t--j ti-.lri a ft ra! t?T?U ;:rl tvt c.tr .'t -r M A P An E,il-Jt -V.'". I .4 ey Ctrttta. .r;'ti' -V, l k! i! . r t Ira -sx 'i ' r fix tc " ' i tiit : t ; -; - S -'' jit t na'W si '' t M TIZ THE SHADOW OFMJEATH Remarkable Recovery of a Washing, ton Woman. Mrs. Enos Shearer, Yew and Wash ington Sta., Centralia, Wash., with one kidney gone, the other adly diseased, and five doctors in consultation, was thought to be in a hopeless state. The story of Mrs. Shearer's Shear-er's awful sufferings, and her wonderful cure through using Doan's Kidney Pills, is a long one, but will interest any sufferer with backache 0E kidney trouble, nnd'SIrs. Shearer will tell it to any one who writes her, enclosing en-closing a stamp. "I am well and active, though 65 years old, and give all the credit to Doan's Kidney Pills," says Mrs. Shearer. Remember the name Doan's. For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. HE MEANT EVENING GOWNS Well-Meant Compliment to America.-. Woman Somewhat Marred by Unfortunate Error. Mons. Pruger, who from his triumph at the Savoy hotel in Ixmdon has come to Xew York to conduct a very fashionable restaurant, was ifompli-mented ifompli-mented by a reporter on his perfect English. " ..-- "Well," said Mons. Pruger, siiflling. "my English is, perhaps, better than that of the Marquis. X., who supped here after the opera the other evening " "Our fine supper rooms looked very gay and fine, diamonds flashed, palts -fabrics shinnum-anuv.tyery where, turn where it would, the eye rested on dimpled, snowy shoulders shining like satin above decollete bodices of Paris gowns. "These decollete bodices impressed the Marquis X. ' He' waved his hand and said: " 'I 'ave knowed parfaitement that the American young ladies was beautiful, beau-tiful, but ah I cannot say how far more beautiful they seem in their night dresses." N". Y. Press. The Wonderful Y. M. C. A. In the past ten years no other religious re-ligious organisation has received so much money as the Y. M. C. A. Millions Mil-lions have been raised for new build it:gs all over the land, and with no apparent ap-parent strain. Its business like administration admin-istration of its Tast resources, its energy en-ergy In pushing its work In the cities and through the railroad, army and navy branches and its fine policy In following the armies In all recent wars, have created for jt a world-wide enthusiasm. At the hist banquet ol the inti rnatloiial committee, St-natoi Root affirmed that ' they had made their way by working with nun more than by talking to them, saying: "Come with us." not "Co do ttiat." Py their appeal to all classes of Chris liana, as well as to non Christians they have kept out of doctrinal theol ogy, and by th ir activity iugood worki they have escaped cant In religion All Interested in t-axinj; our boys and youjij; mii r.-joi In their woild wid J StlCC' ss a site's Wet kiy. A Gift to Bryn Mjr. ; ..Mis Cynthia M WVssoii of Spring fl Id. .l.o-s. has Kien JT.imm) to Hr)c Mdr colli g Miss W f.Mii who w:n gr:'duat d trnni Lryn Mawr In '.'. wa proinin.-tir In the ailiNti.- afT.uH of the ItiMit in Inn, a ml li. r tilt is It be V I ti 1 - I tov.ard the tt!' tin- lit ol the irtiii.irg pool AH ui'iligral unt' s hie required to qtMllft as swim liiers, as t!ie exercise Is out- uf th mo. i popular of the Mi;ij;e sports Well Yes. If i u wai.t a tt !l g well dune " "i;-t an i Xpert ?i do it fur you Alii t tl.at more n rise iban what you mere going lo say'' CLEARHEADED Head Bookkeeper Must b Reliable. The rhief tKikketlr In a large bujil-oes bujil-oes houre in iirie of ur .at t-rn t-rn rltb ;-aks of the harm .coffee- dl for tiia: "My wife and I drank our fSrt ctp cf I'osfjm a little oxer two jeara ago, and we have ut-4 It eter i.nr. to th f-orir eclu:en of tra and coffee. U tij ( red lo t hi y : "About three and a half years afa I had an i-'U.k of ptievintcn a. ti h l fi a memento ta 'be thaj of dy; p sta. or ra',b'-r. to Si ak n,re rrrret!y. ne-;raVU o the ion.arb My ".;;. of rt.r' hid always l-- n c - or te. t t I Uos.f o r.v li. J, af?-r a ti".,. t.l th- y ..rj-..i t, y f'ornt'b trj-tie trj-tie I hiir. J tu nri'i n 'he r-ii!-tT lo r-.r ft-'t "! 3aj fi 1 be f i I rue P-.- a irUL " - 1 .1 r i .: 'h r. k TT t, r .- '. r : . . .i .. .r.t-!y. .r.t-!y. 1 ...,!'. , i r , U i .! t -'.'. : ! t i turn !:s ' r we .;: fief i.r t.. ! I - . J- '.. ?,. '-!.' ', r t j t a tif f i ' . ' J, 't i. I I-' t 1 f - a; r'Sr .,' " Vf "-rl ' i ct f t a J S. v. ht ; " Is c-.r it.- - i. f r. t. fT ' H t sv k ;':. Tt ?!- ! s i'j 1 t- t a - r f set I - e ...- - . lc net r - Ti r s s I. ' . o. 1" k .s '-e ti :. -'. n t, . i ta wi"?t" I Ml W IrStrrt tc;k IS RICHES OF ALASKA RESOURCES OF GOLD. COPPER, COAL ANO: OTHER MINERALS BEYOND COMPREHENSION. Territory Bought Form' Russia for Seven Million Dollars Has Already Yielded One Hundred and Sixty9 Millions' In Gold. Washington. Aslaska, which Secretary Secre-tary Hallinger has frequently said is America's prize package, may be a greater prize than man has evei dreamed. Recent' investigations in the Innooko district, the central Kus-kokwin Kus-kokwin valley and the new Haiditarod district, now partially finished by the I' ulted .-States geological survey, discloses dis-closes new placer gold districts1 which promise very heavy returns. The little territory bought from Russia for $7.i"HU(ri in lStn. lias to the present time paid $10.0,000.000 in gold alone since 1SM. when placer mining there began, and what the resources re-sources of its copir. coal and other minerals will be is beyond the limitation limi-tation of man. The discovery by apents of the survey sur-vey of placers on the small streams in areas which are drained into the lower Yukon of the lower Kuskokwin proves that the formations of the upper Yukon Yu-kon belts extend much farther southwest south-west than v hail generally been supposed sup-posed and they bear gold at many scattered localities throughout their extent. - . . . s SOUNDS NOTE OF -WARNING. Speaker Cannon Surprises Congressmen Congress-men by Making Address From the Floor. Washington. "If we lose sight of our own inijiortanee and of our own position for the time being, there will cwne in our places better and wiser men who will not lose sight of the necessity to provide for an orderly procedure under which the majority ran work its will; where responsibility responsibil-ity fesfs there must be power with the majority to move on, being responsible." re-sponsible." I'ncle Joe Cannon, laying aside tils gavel and speaking from the floor !f the house merely as "the gentleman from Illinois," sounded this winning to his colleagues on Monday. "Representative" Cannon arosfor !he purMise of lending his approval to the pending river and harbor appropriation appro-priation bill, but during his speecn. which lasted about twenty minutes, he look occasion to rvfi-r llehtly tn magazine an -I newspaper csrUlelsm ami to remind the minority metiers that the power of the majority ai futlle unless enforced by a well-oiled ma chine. CLOSE CALL FOR HERMANN. Jury Said to Have Been Eleven to One for Conviction. ! Portland. Ore The Jury In the r.ise.. of .liin.v r Hermann. ex-cotTimlsnlim.-r of i he general land office and former cofurresMuan from Oregon, who jl tmiieted and tiled for ronspiriey lo defraud Mi" I'nited Ptati-s of a rton of the pu!'ir ipinain, r'teirted at 's nelm-k Mold.'lv tiioriiing that It j , unable to aree and diM'harje.l li Is und r-'i-od iliai the Jury !' e'ei-n to one U r ronvii-tlon a'i I th-ii:- I ;iri-e of the M!v fi!nwe. a re 'rust by a stiii-f j-iror for instri t'ou The ()! !-t n lie pr exilllldei k ex sir,!!.! 1 bv court ;md roiine- ;ijh 1'i'k-e Widterton tirden-d the Jury ill 1 -Im-tr-,! Prosecutor l!nev uioved that th--.1 e .e re.t t f-.r trii' a Tl!e nr.-, nr.-, ri:nf P bruary ; As Co'on' I j We rtli.T .i m- I for the d ( n I ant w ;ih ti-nfite to be prese nt. t!i i date wjin tint tet j Mrs. Ti'fi Seeretjry to Wed. Whir-. ioTi - V f an :- n ecp-t.ir e ! nn-n to rstari. ".I-- T s wit.: f the W'b ' houe ifd his rr- j iJ M.e p--v '. . . n lh r-si r-si d thi wl l ivrur . i.-i r f.v' r ; hen I.leiit Rtar.1 ;.iti neit Jr "f the r,aj h ?.t lo ffi. ?i' V.:-'. Ausvjt. l"rh 'o f ..ij. .; .? 'i.- i. ' -:tin a i-r.is'c srr !.iry 'k-e w-'-of M,- .-. ; (. r- ; Varr li Sl-m i.' ri!y fcj m.r, n-.ert. i !. I ! h i;r - - Says Peary Is a B-aj3l Wj r r'fi l-t!ej-iriti; !:'-- I! lej- M ;'.- ' a a "'. i . ' an ! a ' !.r;srt." t'-z z h ? 1! ,t "- i"l . (!. - if K- t p, w ;! n ! ' 3 n f i"- f. it; - -i rj v?- A f i t t ; -i . ; -I fr.w I a-t a . .t ff -- i tt D'vtn T-: til - i' . , h ft-. ft-. I I t t f : 4 "j S r$ i -; ? a - - . u i ' v u 1 f- .- ' i V I- ... . f -..its ... - . ) 1 ... . . vs s-. 2 i -; tt i-- r i c rT "J - "i;r r(p "AN EXCELLENT REMEDY.- Will Bwak Up a Cold In Twenty-Four HoursSnd Cure Any Cough "TJiat-, "TJiat-, 9 Curable. The following mixture is often prescribed pre-scribed and is highly recommended Tor coiighs.otds and other throat and bronchial trouble. Mix two ounces of Glycerine, a half-ounce of Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure, and eight ounces of pure Whisky. These can be bought in anygood drug store and easily eas-ily mixed Together In a large bottle. The genuinefVirgin Oil of Pirte compound com-pound pure is prepared only in the laboratories -pf the Leach Chemical Co., Cincinnati, and put up for dispensing" dis-pensing" tnbair-ounce r vials. HOSPITABLE MAN. "Our master is a charming man. Every year he admits one of us to his table." LEG A MASS OF HUMOR "About seven years ago a small abrasion appeared on my right leg just above my ankle It irritated me so that I began to scratch It and it begun to spread until my leg from my ankle to the knee w as one solid scale lfke a scab. The irritation "was af'"v;iys worse at night and would not allow me to sleep, or juy wife either, and it was completely undermining our health. I lost fifty pounds in weight and was almost out of my mind with pain and chagrin as no matter where the irritation came, at work, on the street or in the presence of company, I wodld have to scratch it until 1 had the blood running down Into my shoe. I fclmply cannot describe my suffering suffer-ing during those seven years. The pain, mortification, loss of sleep, both to myself and wife is simply indescribable indescrib-able on pper and one has to experience expe-rience ft to know what it Is. "I tried all kinds of doctors and remedies rem-edies but I might as well have thrown ciy money down a sewer. They would dry up for a little while and fill me with hope only to break out again just as bad if not worse. I had given up hope of ever being cured when I was induced by my wife to give the Cuti-cura Cuti-cura Remedies a trial. After taking the Cutlcura Rene"Bles forla little is bile I began to see a change, and after taking a dozen bottles of Cull- ' cura Resolvent, in conjunction with the Cutlcura Soap and Cuticurm Olnt- ment, the trouble had entirely disappeared disap-peared and my leg was as fine as the day I was born. Now after a lapse of blx months with no signs of a recurrence recur-rence I feel perfectly safe In extending extend-ing to you my heartfelt thanks for the good the Cuticura Remedies have done for me. I shall always recommend 4 and Apr. 13. 1909." Th Fight Against Tuberculosis. Int rel In the anti IiiImti ii1oik i am paicn now tii-li;g aKd throui;lioiii th-I th-I nltCiJ .States in ex Id. in by tin- t.n t '.hat in th- y-ar l'S n-w anti to test r-ord th'is far mad In tl:- Msht j ,i.-aliiti oori-Hirupiicn In (M rotmtry ! Ihirins th y ar lt. ti, 4 1 tii.u.- hm. .tationw for th prftftitlon of IuIk rru 1 fir .n formed tl an d.irirn tl.- pr- "'is 1.' month, and 2 nior. h.pi.;. iid s.u atorl.i stablli.-d Ou i .nuarj I. 1I0 thr- re In ik.- I'nl d Sta ,:. antl I i:t-r i'l..i a I ..'ions. ;'. hw.itaU and iu(t sanatoria and Jtii ! Ul tu!-r aU-t i, n -twn lurti-a rmit ri ii i a to i n ri... i-imvbn! ,.M ,.. .... Wt-et VHcrrtn It in PcMiCt. Tl.r S'y (4 t.t ....( t ' ii in. an tt. i ;tj fa" r it '!. r - I. dr- it r r i t.n. ,h i t i " St MM k Hi PUTNAM aw s iaan a4 SsiSiii i mm sw 1-e-rculokN aHKiK-ialloii! ti- form-d j ytj S 'l2''fl ! tube n iilojo hjii.iiorl.i and ho.. pit I , .re wnabiii.ii.-d. ami ?i tui. r. u j riv-ver K&ZJ rJi'f .ii-r-nari.s .r.- oin.d ('..in j IrHrjp V i :ired with ip vSous yars. this I the ; Hf Wi&C&i ?J II t Xt Nursing Mothers and Over-burdened Women - In all sUtions of life, whose vigor and vitality muy have been undermined and brokeo-dowo by over-. over-. work, exacting social duties, the too frequent bearing; bear-ing; of children, or other causes, will find in Dr. Pierce Favorite Prescription the most potent, ia vigorating" restorative strength-giver ever devised for their special benefit. Nursing mothers will find it especially valuable in sustaining their strength and promoting an. abundant -nourishment for the child. Expectant mothers too will find it a priceless boon to prepare the systenj for baby's coming and rendering the ordeal compart-. compart-. lively painless. It can do no harm jn any state, or condition of the female. system. v. . Delicate, aervons, weak women, who softer from frequent headache, backache, draiiini-dowa distress or from painful pain-ful irregularities, inawlai or distressed sensation In stomach, tlizzy or n 'nt spells, see Imailaary specks or spots tloatlni before, eye, have disagreeable, catarrhal drain, prolapsus, " aintewerslon or retroversion or other displacements of rom -aay organs from weakness of parts will, whether ther jierience many or only a few of the a bore symptoms, find relief and a permanent cure by 'nsini t ait hi ally and fairly persistently Dr. Pierce" a Farorlt Prescription. This world-famed specific for woman's weaknesses and peculiar ailments is pure glycerio extract of the choicest native medicinal roots without a drop oi alcohol in its make-up. All its ingredients printed in plain English on in bottle-wrapper and attested under oath. Dr. Pierce thus invites the fulle investigation of his formula knowing that it will be found to contain only tho best agents known to the most advanced medical science of sll the different schools of practice or the cure of woman's peculiar weaknesses and ailments. li you want to' know more about the composition and professional endorsement en-dorsement of the "Favorite Prescription," send postal card request to Dr'. R. Pierce, Buffalo, N. V., for his fret booklet treating of same or, better -stilt, send 31 one-cent stamps for cloth-bound copyof Dr. Pierce's Common " Sense Medical Adviser, new, revised up-to-date Edition, 1008 pages. You can't afford to accept as a substitute for this remedy e tnom composition com-position a secret nostrum of unknown composition. Don't do it. It is not only foolish but often dangerous to do so. There are no that in any way compare with these classy, fashionable, good-fitting shoes. They are made on lasts that insure the utmost comfort, yet fcivc your fect that trim and stylish look. shoes combine -ttyle and wearing-dualities to a degree that asily makes them the most pcpClar, dressy and serviceable ladies' fine shoes obtainable, at a cost ary. stioes. Yocf dealer will aupply you; if not,uta to To h sum w gtlthilEslDlXG LADY x4 or fi MaytrTrSds Mail( enjht soes. FRER - If jroa w I'd tend ua th nam ol tiapjl Leading Lady fchoes, we will tend you lree,pot .ild, a beauulul pictiuaof Martha Waihlnton,i IS a M. We a!o make He prbllt Shoe fcr lueion v-omuri unce, 1 cr-na iu:noa stioee, Bpevlal XWWV tern Bcnooi anoes aua won aiioes. At c n . i o ci m HAKE GOOD In iwlertinir Alfalfa seed for Western planting, yon must have Western crown Acclimated. Cleaned, Graded and Tested Test-ed heed. OUR BIG CATALOG will help yon In selecting; jot what yon want in seeds. It is frc for th asking, SEND FOR IT TO-DAY APoatal Will Do The Barteldes Seed Co r - j - j 7 k - a l i I I S .at i W BT k r w SB I a ' I B I 1 1 rot DISTEMPER -Ss mm Ms4 vast - 4far r-- - sWa4 i -mfrnm. JtaW"tkai al AGENTS t. mad 7o"ao.I ' '- ,1 v . J 4 V:.1;. - !. . -- i v VI ; at. ..-.,; s i' , FADELESS DYES w i " " I w tw em la iaSaSM. monnrnt LEADINtVXADY SHOES other shoes at popular prices nq greater thjn ordirtv of a dealer who Jo men, Martha Wnh. GARDENS DENVER, COLO. Ask for Flartcld 8da Tvurdsslsr hausdlaa Ibamj j fink Fy, TpiumHm irrbl Fr fwwawitl 9m W" Viiranai avavy r tmas-sj-w avtj mm m la -.f-t '! at klM Itsa-tnsf wr ttnVmr t taV w I mmf M. E3SHEI, 1X3.. B. I, L Suicide SlrtW destK an4 awful tutTi-rinS" follows neglect of bowel. Con- nipation Lillf more people thao consumption. It needs a curt anJ there is one medicine io all the world that cures it CASCARETS. M V --. r - t "nt ' f' '! f -3 - t -4t t - C HAIR BALSAM w. y f I :.r'-.. ; iO I T - IL , 'I - -Vi I WMssw ia a -. W.ssnw RAV FUHS.isJI3JSI! SIR,, ..J i.r Mi4 CEFUKCEC:!i Wafer S!irch '';v:. Tfcsrjtsi'i Eji Watif s u, iit tin C. I '': ta( ! ajax i M w Tm taa OmvO CO., eiaw,. s,7Wav. 1A RIM I i i |