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Show PLEASANT GROVE NEWS st, and n.Mrs. flerecSt, Xew unparalleled success ITS the power or Lydia L. 1'ink- ( barn's Vegetable Compound to cure j remaie diseases. I ne gTeai volume or nnsnlipired testimony constantly pour. Jngin proves conclusively that JUjdia ' K. llnkham8 Vegetable Cuinpuuiid is a remarkable remedy for those dis-i tressing feminine ilia Irom vmcn 80 many women suffer. If you want special advice abont your case write to Mrs. I'inkliam, at Lynn, Mass. Her advice li free, and always helpful. Iron. Pure Iron is only a laboratory prcpa ration, fast iron, the most g ne rail j useful variety, contains about live pel cent, of impurities, and the curiouf thing is that it owes its special valm to the presence of these. 1'ure iron can be shaved with a pocket knile; impure iron can' be made almost at bard as steel. When Rubbers Become Necessary And your Iioh ptneh. Khuktt Into our li.M" Allen Font-Kane, the antiseptic powder for the (t. Cures tired, aching i reel ana iukcs me limn out 01 v nrns n i Ituniun. Always use It fur Hrkin In New h(xn and for darning par-He" Sold rverywhere So. Priniple rnatl"l KUKK. Address, Allen S. Olmsted. L Hoy, N. Y. No matter what bis rank or position may be, the lover of books in tbr richest and the happiest of the cbil dren of men. tangford. Crtat Home Eye Remedy, for sU diw- of the eve, ipn.k relief from u.ing PKTTITS F.VF. SVI.VK. All druggints or Howard l'.ru. . RufUI.., N. V. The more eptiive a thiig ii tlx easier it Is to pet along without it The familv that cats 0 plenty of Quaker Oats is a healthy, rugged familv. The most popular food in the world he-cause he-cause it does most and costs least. E1 Make the Liver Do its Duty Nm turn ia tow kr tr kwr a r&i da ataatacfe sad bo ar njU. CARTER'S LITTLE UVLR FILLS ' swadyWwmlf tf:fe. v 1 Carters Com. J V.tflTTLt .bp. y r IfllVER ladrlM. if I H Ptltt ttea. S.k HmuI, aa4 tHtr4 aftar Faliaf. mM M mm Dm. SmM DROWN'S BnoMCiiiAi-TnociiEg i-wrt. V - r - An r. )s i Best for Children Csves avataat tsxt kie Wsaass re ksuted afti sore. Cccft mo Cf at 4hj M (SraMsl l talc r i . A I I V .1 i I I r - k i . . . . PIS i j CURE Bap ant) J)c Bccto o. N VALENTINE HIS MERRY MORN Dan Cupid rosa and armed him. For impish chase of lads forlorn., A sport which ever charmed him. But -recKless he shot here and yon. Economy disdaining. Until success depended on One Lttla shaft remaining', i With naughty shiil a plan he wrought. Ye while their footsteps trailing He rounded up ye game he sought Beside your garden paling. Then, as you -blushing oped ye door. (Good lueK, ye patK was narrow!) He spitted seven hearts and more Upon that single arrow! I Stories About St. Valentine's Day 0!d and New "JIKK iiintr Hnni!.r of t'l.rtht i.tn i imI'iii. anl o! u riincrj. ;r l'.!lial if ai hit h celebrate cele-brate on Fe'.r htv ll.oni; inali) was .i l..!h-n fe-tttttl fe-tttttl LotiR t furt th Christ Ian ef, thf ltninan e! tr;t-il tt..- f ast of t!,i-I.u(wrall.i t!,i-I.u(wrall.i the J fat f---tital of J mo ar d I'an -on Kebruarr 1j ra h year uti a a rvi!-'ic god i forn.ed in nimilituiie of na!.ire, h-nc-i tt a m!!ei Pan. wbieh itifaiw "at! " It as fer ej t.y I!... j t that h " V.i with l.- Hi.4 a ron ; Q irt d by bira aid it tn iiiif fuer tial- tiat ' Iit r . r.. ,. a'! in;-:' . V.nUt Au.-.t" J-:.., ! !. ..,.., "f rrarr . t '.r' ..f ).,Hth t,d n..t;.!. t Is : if of i ,r I.r.l I .; r- .( a t - ", r i m -i 1 . 1 ! th'l l r. - t j.: v ' i t t T it! : i ' l-jr t- ' f' - -' ' ' f 1 . ill JUti. 1l JL.: i Lviis - i i I Vuf, :i - i " T- i r- " , j . i frti' '- t-"? j ..: - -t f,;.i " tax. a 1 '.l $'' t'-" ;. t3 two : i wx:j a "'4 tie V.-4 t lilt a m tt F ic? 5i i . . pr.i tl'ls .:irtival of Paganism tho sal, io old device which Pope Gelatins Gela-tins had tried Hut good St. Francis reckoned with due consideration for human nature, the nprlng of youth and love making, which after all exists In Christian youth as well as pagan. And m the young people triumphed ovet I this Kflint and returned by degrees tc their h a'henlhh practices and cava. li r ;itd lady, by lot, exchanged smile end nlkin favors. Italia and fete i-re kiw-u lu honor of the festal day and in ome places the tender bonJ et.durc.l fur a year, according to the old Itoiiiuti ruttoin. Kvi-ii St. Valentine's day Is power li e to interrupt the reign of Hie pie-tine pie-tine pot ard and among the prettiest ;,nd he ni-t popular of the valentines 'o be ipt out this year are thote 'which t'ar picture or "ntitnetit or luth i the rverjo Jde of a p(itdJ. , Ti e f: t of l ature study In the h l.ifi'.r usr reflated In the talen-j talen-j iii.i s aiid rhtldreii are i ( lally fotid J of ti.i- di-.-igi t in l,ich tlrd arc cop,. I ;iiciin J:i llttlo Teddy bears r n-: n-: t:n,i' ti :t !aoriti and Hre'r R.tb-' R.tb-' b.t . m'. A- befechen: .!! kr... I t- r - m I ! ii. r ..ur I- r. ji l.i i I It !. ! iv i !. man, woman or i ' I So !!- to . :.d Out love ! :i.ivir' t!.' t'i bruary 14 to d. the !!!);. pu i; at h i- f"r ?;-e uNMn rade l l-ot i !v l.av!-r thix ye tr , iksri't L fiitt. but it L.;jii tarlier. t'. r v . I i t J.ir;.; rv, :n pur- ' ( f i le ! at r-.e c.ore pp'.- ' ' .. r ! : .r ' t - . r- j ' ) l.e-(,,r- (.' - it-i J Freighted a'vistir.e " 4-.i n, : r ; y of ; ! i i p 7 a : arf .- r I t o r . f af .-! .-! r i ! i- Ne r fU - . - - - - J 1 I i. t RIOTING IN GERMANY DEMONSTRATIONS BY SOCIALISTS CULMINATE IN. CLASHES WITH THE POLICE. Protest Against Suffrage Bill Cause of Meetings, Officers Charging" Crowds With Swords" When Trouble Began. Jjpj1in Demonstrations by Social- Ists throughout the kingdom after mass meetings held on Sunday to protest pro-test against the suffrage bill, resulted result-ed in serious affrays between thedem-onstrators thedem-onstrators and the police in many places. In Berlin several policemen were severely wounded by sionea thrown by rioters, and scores of Socialist Soci-alist supporters received serious injuries injur-ies from sabers of the police. Heports from places outsUfe of Berlin Ber-lin give a number of casualties. The worst affair occurred at Hewinmister, in Holstein, where a workiugniiin was mortally wounded by a knife through the lungs; another's hand was cut off,' while a third lost an ear. At Halle, after the close of the meetings, 2,000 Socialists attacked the police, whodrii'.th4r palter aid wounded many. At Koetflgsberg where the Socialists returned in a body from siiiburban meetings, the police in at-" tempting to divert the. crowds into the side'streets used their side arms. They also made a number of arrsts. At Duisberg on tne Rhine, Socialists, Social-ists, in a series of street demons' rations, ra-tions, crime Into coillFrtoir wiih th?tio-lice. th?tio-lice. Th latter used their sabers and "soveraT iuanifestaiits Were Cut and bruised. VICTIMS OF EARTHQUAKE. Italian Government Publishes List cf Casualties on December 23, 15C3. Home. The Italian governuieat" has published an official return of the number of victims in the earthquake which devastated, southern ltaiy on December 19oK. At Mes.-lna there was a total of 77.2S3 victims; :'7.;;3 bodies were recovered and buried; ::;5 inhabitants died from their Injuries, and 32.477 persons are missing, lost beneath the ruins. In the other localities local-ities the deaia number: Reggio and district, 7,909; I'alml. 1.731; Villa San Giovanni. 1.092; Galleco. i'ellaro, 922. Several smau communs have a collective death roll numbering 7.ms. Today Mpsslna numbers 70."0( Inhabitants, Inhabi-tants, four-fifths of whom lived in the town before the disaster. ' Americans Are Thirsty. Washington. Americans must be a thirsty nation. Judging from the imports im-ports of drinkables set forth In a statement Just Issued by the bureau of statistics. The United States drank the essence of more than a billioii iiounds of coffee In 1909. valued at G,000.0"0 that was about a dollar's worth of coffee for every person in the t'nited States. A litic more than a hundred million pounds of us. valued val-ued at $lfi,otu!,MM), rani'- in. Hut iu spirits, wines and ma't liiu r. tint nation touched Ps hiheyt record for Importation lu !.M9 and co:i!utmd foreign for-eign products of that kind to the aiue of more than $20."uo,(is.io, more than twice as much a was Imported In 1S99. . Vigilance Committee for New York. New Yoik Fifth ivrmi-' ha irtan Ized practically a vigilance rou.niiit--fi to deal with a brand new form of bri gandatte that gangs of s'ylUh!) dressed dress-ed "boMup" and sirongarm women axe maintaining on that ar:!Mra!:c tboroUKhiare. it Is to be kliuu a the "fifth Aven'ie Asc.i'ion." and amon lt men.t.i-rs are Will am K. Vmnderbllt. H F Yoakum Jari.b S h!ff. M Sena'or Wl ham A Clara. Harry Pavne Whitm?. Wsilia-n Ki'.ls Crey and mh-rt e- i j ! y n-,1 ktioa Originator cf Mejt Baycott. Fle. !an l, O-Fnd W. S. b i n of nte:and. 1 the or sit.-' r if "he Meat boe-t! Mr S. l-! 'l: hof f'.reoaii of ih if.;.i;4 Ti-.t Inlil CMi-iri.. II- J t.. Ci'B in the !a' ' -y 'fa- .!. f'v ea'Jng us t;.i ti' :t at- d -a to innihn: r- i- i-1 ' "!"! rrf'e.1 :.- ' ai - "a- ' . ir,;a! o-.i- fs f I - -i i i u. ' UK !.i "Ii'" l.i . h 1 ' ' " r..n -p.. e r y .:-... Tl n !t : s' ' -' : It v. . Bey Sheets M Vjt--. Nm Y- ;.. i ' "- ' - i- ft. ' :.-l S! ' : ' - r - - .- ..! . - ' ' I, tf : i ' ' i - i i , ; f ft i I - ' : i. ? 1 - - - I - i : -He t- ' ? t ' Ki, ( .- , ti 4 - t'tV' ri-T-- .-. - TCM' t !- ,- " I '' Z" f Si '.x J;v p-tr'.-.- a - w t , i ,-. t ' s -r fn'n it 4L s' i ;f c THE -UTAH BUbGfcT Gunnison la to have a waterworks system, funds having been, voted tor that purpose. The business men of Grantsville have started a movement looking to-the to-the organization of a bank in that thriving little town. In 1908 there were 4,122 marriages and 528 divorces in the State of Utah, while In 1J09 there were 4.500 marriages mar-riages and 630 divorces. 'v Morris Johnson, who accidentally fchot hlmeelf while cleaning a shotgun at his home in Salt Lake City, is reported re-ported to be out of danger. A canning factory artlurray lsnow assured. Work upoa the erection of such a plant will begin as soon as a suitable location can be secured. Ben Osborne, 36 years of age, employed em-ployed at the Utah Copper mill at Garfield as a mechanic, w.is r iu on a line shaft in the mill Saturday afternoon after-noon and instantly killed. A movement is on foot at Provo to organize a state Jersey association for the puntose of encouraging the breeding of high-class. Jersey cows for the dairy and nome use. Jacob S. Walcott, a veteran cf the ("Ml war and a prominent mining man, died at his home In Salt Lake City on Friday, after a brief illness. Mr. Walcott came to Utah in 1874. -There are Ptphl'TfriKaTion cciTT" panics in Rich county, with a capitalization capit-alization of $141,256. and these companies com-panies have 61.6 miles of canals. The estimated acreage irrigated by them is 34.6S0. At the pood rcwds convention held in Richfield.' a motion carried to ex-.)! ex-.)! the stnte and county .funds i on the roais leading north and south from Richfield, an' egual amount to be spent in each direction. In Rich county there are three creameries, one at Randolph, one at lke'own and cne at Woodruff. There is a flour and ftr'.st mill at Laketawn. Five sawmills are scattered oVer the i-ounty There are two saloons in the rotinty. Acc(-p,:Ir.a to statiKtlcK compiled by Stat.- S tnii-.-'i'.'.an M. T. Halr.es. there wer- jus' two r.'.oro divorces granted In ihe stut- in 19t9 than In 19 S. while the n:arriaes for 199 show an Increase of 378 a compared with the previous year A number of l-hi people who have taken up enlarged homesteads. in. Rush valley, are preparing to Join with their Clover Creek neighbors and enclose a tract of alout lu.000 acre within one common fence. They will operate the trct as a "dry farm." Preliminary steps looking to the annexation of portions of Pavls county coun-ty to Webfr were taken last Saturday Satur-day by a delegation of Davis county farmers who met with the officials of Weber county and a number of Ogden lawyers to consider the matter. Wilford tulmer. a mechanical gen-Ins gen-Ins of Tooele, aier eeelng Paulhan'a flying machine has built a inldel wbkh is fitted with rprkwork and bid fa'r to he a mere It Is on exhibition In a atore window and is exciiins a great deal of interest. C.eoiKe Jacob llun'er, aged. X. 1 fa'aily Injured wmie plaving In itw k!,m I yard at Ok len W hile p:;!;:r; a tranie of ' guinea r""g " one of th" larger b')s Unick a htavy hb k"i !- which struck the Hun'er b in the temple, inflicting fatal Injury. ivte Sullivan of Sal Lake niy at d pirdl. g " Coll.n of Ifc-nver l'Xe I wenty routidt to a draw at ()g len Friday night and a neither s'ate r rvnjp.ty offii-Jala niade any attic pt t Mop the fight, the prrt are li-.piii;; this the Jeffries Johtii"n rap it. ay t bld in I'tah tteca-ine i..r hnst-nnl fal'cj to kl--her good night as he went in hi work. Mr Fr"d Wla't young w'.f of a fire nan cn the Iner i R'.o Grande railway, attemptid utci ai h-r lmne In SaJt l-ak City t.y ta' lowing potion, but prompt tm-dlcal at trndfie v.-d her life The er,ate has Sr.aor Sutherland bill t make arai'.aSilc .'or the u- o? 'he rr!atnat!in service la ct.netiofi with th S?rawbrr" vallet pr. ;. ct In Ctah Si.'--" ai res of .and on the r.rmr f:ctah Icita res -rvation The gotersn.etit '..l py tl ;r a.i ac e f,tr the la a I Off . . . of the I'tah VVt.l Grower a arU'V.0 b.ive arrtitsg.-d f-r 'he pu':.. ; , - r. ( n otthi) bj. !'.:... t b A ; I t,, a I iu f?-rt lt ir- r t i .-.'.c ' o lo r'a 'i jr.' ' t u-:-'- -r,1'i -1 t' '. e - s. I . i :t . !-.--.? . ; ; . ar ' " " - - ' 1 : ; .-' ' ' r ' '' , t . ..' - i . I I -. :t-f U - -r i 4' . v.- rw 1 - . .--- -T - t arf j ' - - - KIDNEY TROUBLE Suffered Ten Years Relieved in Thresh Months Thanh to PE-RU-NA. C. B. FIZER. 5 C. B.riZElt, Mt. Sterling, Kyn says : . 7 have suffered with kidney and bladder trouble for tea years past "Last , March I .commenced nsin? Pernna and continued for three mc.nths. 'I have not used it since, nor Have I felt a pain." POORCHOLLY. yd A Cholly Is your sister in, my boy? Willie Just give me jour card, and I'll go and see if you're de guy bhe told me to tell dat she was out. State or Ohio Citt or Toledo. I l.ll-A COL.NTT. f -- Faixg J- Cuevei mukm oath t!M h t tnlor twrlarr of thi- nrm of K J. Ciirvti a X... .'u.-i busl'uw tn lh iUty of Tlrdo. Cuii'ly uil Slalf afon'siiil. '"t th-t Rinl firm will pay thf sura of ONK Ht'VOnil1 IHll.l.AHS for e.i-h ml pvfrr of ( jtahi ii lht rAiiiiot b curnl bj Ui i- t UALL'fl CATAKI.R CI KF. FRANK J. (HKM- V-. Pwom lo.brfofp me aid subwritw! ci my prenr. thu fth Uay of Iec-iulM-r. A. !.. tV. A. W. C.I.KAON. K irAm PiBUC. SF.AL f Hall's Oitanrh Ain tl Lik.-n lnt-n;''ly arj dtwtly uixm t);- bl.wMl ami uiurou nurfjcw of tl ntlem. S-iid lor titlrr.'tno1. fnt-. K. i lll.M.V A CO.. Toledo. O rtld hv.ill PnieirttA. lake IU.. lai-.ii I'lij. for rontiutin- Reftections. The beautiful home was crowded with jieoplo aKen;bled to honor tlie distinguished pu st. Hut the explorer soon tired of 'the attentions, and as he leaned his aria against a pillar, he allowed himself to be transport, d back to the scene of bis triumph. "Such a waste." he mumbled, audibly, au-dibly, staring Into space, "such a waste, nuch a waste." Why so many stout ladies loft the house In indignation, the hoateJ wat-unable wat-unable to If-arii Sunday M.igizltie of the Pittsburg IMcpatcb. Are You Tired cf the Color of Your Dress? If so, dye it, but be sure and use Iy o la Dyes which give Ihe same fast brilliant colors to any and all fabrics. So much e isier. better, and more economical eco-nomical than other. Dealers ly-o-la !is at 10 cents a patkage Write Pyola. Purllngton, Vermont, for color card and Jok of directions His "Raise." "I don t dale t.o my wif." "Whal'h t!f trouble'" "I told l.i r I x e. ti il a r.itse " Well' "W.-ll, t." ran' I ii.i'.'d arc, the rai:-e got w.ie !o ditr.-f.'nt kind,' Imporrant to MotMers. Fxftn.lne carWuVv ev.-ry bottle ol C VSTdHI A. a sate and sure rvm.dy for Infants and children, and si that it Pears tin Signature In I'se For Over ;M Y ars The Kind You Have Always ItouglL I'a'hcr than f' l!"t a mi.ltl'itde to do evil, on-- l;o ild ind. like I'orr,-j I'orr,-j j ilUr, r. m; m ., by one's s It and .it gl- in n? gi.'y Sir Thoesa IJrow lie X l-trnl H V 1 n C Ol It aw 1 rn r. ... . i k.ti, Tv f--f ... --.,,.' m -t ' f a.-n I . aft .- 1" w f. lr. H ,. ir4JkJ tt Loyal to t' Lat. Tim - I heiir the i rt.tk.-r d.'-C. Ssui - Y' p. !.- ftt- . ! ... lu g at ) fee tad ' I .p It o t iim t nxr -HI.IOHI i iNir.- I .!: - iUi.u !..' . . . .. v t in a at . u l ... a I' a.alft" Atd a l' f. '-1 r r. .-. fnani.f k t ..r 'S tl- wn t; jfer t V ft ov- . , ie ... - - f -a - .14- A Note ie i3e n f '-; !" r f. ' tt r.j, 4jn. --f,:..f s ! t- Ui i- cf T1 rt! S-jgs U tl tl l f.e lt,;tr4 U are" I |