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Show - tT- 4- PLEA8ANT GROVE NEWS. r WOOLEN MILL MAY START Meeting To-day Does Business But N6t Legally Resolution to Sell "Unless some other disposition is made of the Provo Wooten Mills, Joseph F. Smith and interests which I represent, will probably make atv ranqements to start the mills." This is the statement made by J. F. Grant' Jhjs morning prior to jttendmoftemsei!nooTlrie stocnnoiaers-aune: tac tory today. At the meetinc EDITORIAL EXTRAVAGANCE OF THE FARMER. The farmer can be 'extravagant in more ways than one. Twenty acres ofjand, Avell cultivated and cared for, are better than thirty acres, partly decorated with weeds. Twenty acres will bring profits under proper conditions, while thirty acres mav bring a loss. Holding too much land is not a good thing. No farmer. held this morning there were only 145,000 shares out of 300,000 foreseatedndonseque.rrtty-Ttis riot toetieve thanhe business which was tansacU( will be legal. Notwithstanding othe small representav tion, a resolution was passed which authorized the officers to advertise for' bidders for twenty' days' ime and then sell the mills to the highest bidder. bid-der. There is &n indebtedness of $22,000 on the mills. '- At the meetTng today S. P. Eggertsen was chairman and J. F. Grant, secretary. . ' - PLEASANT GROVE NEWS An independent weekly paper pub lished in the interests of Pleasant Grove and Utah County. Issued Every Saturday. : BY THE The Provo Herald Pub. Co. J. DAVID LARSON, Editor and General Manager. ASHLEY BARTLETT, Local Editor. Application made at the postofflce at Pleasant Grove, Utah, for transmission trans-mission thrpugh the mails as second-class second-class matter. Subscription Price, $1.50 a Year, -in- Advancer : EFT. SOCIEir NOTES Mrs. Clara MBu!lock gave a quilt ing party Tuesday, ' Leone Nelson entertained friends Friday evening. a few Mrs. Carl Anderson gave a quilting bee last Wednesday afternoon. . Estella Jensen . entertained a few friends at her home Sunday evening. The. little school friends of Edna Holdaway gave her a surprise par(.y, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kimball of Provo Pro-vo were the guests of Mrs. J. L. Har-vey-4a)rt-tmThry . shmild-own-TTiOTen can cuISvateTlo the. hTghesf-stage." When he does, he depriyg&sornfone nf profitabJe-opportunitiesril hinders population from increasing in the community and deprives the country of prosperoHSadvancement, When the country is be ing populated with "good energetic people, there is no handicap on prosperity. In Utah, people are holding too much land. The land is not being cultivated to bring out its real values. . In fact, this is the case in almost all inter-mountain states. . - According to official statistics published in-1208, Japan has in its main islands, exclusive of Formosa and Karafuto, a population of 48,542.736, and the -area -of its cuffctvated fields is 21,321 square miles. This is 2,277 "people thfr'fguare- mile, and besides these there are also maintained 200,000' cafttle and horses, nearly all of whi.ch are laboring animals giving a population of one hundred and forty-two people ajjd seven Imrses and cattle to each forty acres of cultivated-field ; a condition sufficiently different from our most fully occupied forty-acre farm tciake the busiest man among us stop and do some thinking. H 'Utah has a population of 276.749 people. She has 84!870 square miles area. Considering that one-fifteenth part of this area is fit for cultivation, there is still much land for each individual. It means about fifty people to the square mile. Contrast this with Japan, where'2.277 live within every square mile. It bears out the statement that the farmers of thi country are extravagant and there is room m, ' . ... . . I .. 1'V.Vl'IV, AV'MV- .V'-'l-"V HWUtU IIAlljL HVOUII II VIII II l- Mro Ki1a.-nrH nrhnrfrtn pnrp fli - 11 11 o birthday party Monday night in hon jsoil, produce an abundance of foodstuff which would be beneficial or of a policeman.???? I riTmrnfrrinllv in fart in mnt w manner imaorinnKl The agricultural colleges and experiment stations are doing at the home of Miss Hazel Newman,'"1111'11 l" 'V'"-" 1111 J uuug mni irom uic iarni, uiai u pa 10 cuill- snil to the highest -state. Thoroughncs and efficiency is jut Tlie local board meeting of the, Third Ward Sunday School was held i Thursday evening lUan-' Marsha! Smith has had from one a' essential n the .farms as in a bank. st re or an y place of business. 10 three -Knights of the Road" at his cvcn ni re. when the importance of the" producing farm is consid-Im consid-Im u dinK lions' every night for' some j . . ., . . . , . time. The marshal seriously contem-' tn-'- -MI things consiilereu it Uai!! In- well. tor the people on whom plates having his polio-man put in hisj tlu. cotintrv depemls for looiKuri". to get .better' results out of tluir spare till.e gi ttilll! out A deluxe li(Kik . . . . ' i.n.ir:- the title lioho Tiles" t,v Pet.- land. It tliev cannot eeonoiuicanv hanik a large tract, it is better eaiiiiif ieaiiiK iii- iiii, us m.uw 11 m ; . - . .1.,.. ,1.:. 1 . .... . . 1 1 .1 .1 r .. , , , . , , . that tins tract he cut in two and let others get btisv. Letter larms a statement prepared by J. iYwMiu humility evening Mr. fJeorge Ijm.i . . . .... Ilmling life rnther dull, decided WKtakc uiore proms, greater production would ue rue result, a real Wild West cowboy ride from . .. ' ' I'leasiint (Irove A total of 578,226.3 acre-feet of water wa-ter llovsed out of I'tuh lake through the Jordan river tluiing l'.M'.t ami rt'S..'I acre-feet was- used in the live Smith, commissioner for the hoard of canal presidents, w hich was subifiitted to (engineer George K. MetJonagle, of Salt Lake. The l"tah and Salt Lake canal carried by far the greatest amount " of water during the season, with K2.524.9 acre-feet. The canal water wa-ter U used for Irrigation purposes and practically all of the water owned by Salt Ijike In the canalH Ifl etchatiged L) , Xrmer lfl-thf TnuteS Tor water rights In Hig Cottonwood and Pdi-ley's Pdi-ley's canyons, from which the cLy takes water for domestic use. - WAR RAGING AGAINST FOOD TRUSTS. There is war raging. It will be stronger in a short time. The U FILED BY I1E1 to-American Fork. Just outside of American-Pork he ran into the beggy in which Steve Jensnn anil J. It. Nielson were driving to the sugar factory and so damaged the ve- I ! . I .L.t .1 . , a . I I uicie uiai wie occupaiu unci 10 nire . , ? . . ... , . . . . another rig before they could pr.xeed ton,n-"n lH'"I,Ic arc fast bc,n onvinced that they are being rubUd on jhelr lonrney! Llmw a- ibv-J cr.inbinrsT "inic "pet'.ple are being auakencd and when thev at Aiuerien J-rlt br-Mantiat" Smith . " . 1 and when arraigned before Justice use a united effort there be restilts. IrCes will combine in Monson: Wednesday morning, he . " . plade not Kullty on the ground that I 1 rnvo as tnt'.v have in i-alt Iakc and ( Jgden ; the people have been his horse was wild and unmanageable. I i, i , .1 i. lie was fined five dollars and set free ! Pm1iol to tlie 1,mit-a change IS .lemanded. on condition that he would repair all damages done. GOOD READING. The dramatic reading by Organizations against the high price of food stuffs arc taking action all over the United States. There is in Washington already ..organized an Anti-I'ood Trust League and it has called upon the fory j ,r(lV..rn mcnt organization to discuss hirh nrirc nf fmnl svr.irnsf Hanks Tuesday night was one of the ' - Jtmist refwhlBs;-entertaniments he1t Vrk, it apjars. ha been the city selected for the fifst meet- here, for some time, both from thejjng Gf the organization. Secretary Wilson uf the Agriculture Dc- polnt of lew of art and from the per- , . . IMiuucni, 1145 uccn inMicu 10 aiicnu inc conicrrncc. experts in a itiimhur rkf 'nnllreH nf lfVAtlnilk of . . .... - . , . 1 sonallty of the reader Mr. Hanks Is petroleum and Utographlc stone claims 1 lo Spanish Fork Canyon have been Bled for record w ith the county clerk J hy W. II. Towner and others. an Inspiration JUDGE GOES TO HEBER. Judge llonth will go to HeUer tomorrow to-morrow to net thi- calendar for the February ti-rta of tin- Four'h diftru t court for Was.-dch t-oiinty. wblch open on Fi bruary s. IE T 81 U S M.ntil il. 0!IJll:t 111 d M:airiMt ( urti It Smith and I'eatt Smith ihit !fi to io li'i l $7.",i wise Intr-t at p-r n-i.i from I t. t,.-r 1 1. 1 i.' ;,: .. 1 i t... j,. (ltl (,.. F LECTURES Co ":.i:o. .''an . I.--.I ', tV.i.rt Judtf Nix'ii It re- ! -rt ht- d.. 1: PLBLIC NOTICE Cf 0-i.iriit S-cal Mteti-i i -,....". s n, i .!';..: tr .s ... .-II " U' U-.--.J ."- i I ! r. 1 .! 1:1 l"- i- .i. it -,. - f N.W I'. V'.ll C . , - , I . . ,s . . . , .. . . ! - - . - . ., ?,.i-.!.: . .t ! '.. y. . i . t. - - .. - i . , .! i t - , ... -. , . I . ' .. ..!.'.,,. I . ' - : " . , n . F-T '.' ., ., , , ... ;- t . , . , s I, I- I It . ' . T ' ; tw : . .I.i. '1 : ' - l t-tm -" - ,.t, - - ' " c a"4 lr - - :T t ... ' . . 'I fi, r - ! . n . . : . , . ,. t , -. .. 1 n C' I- ' 'it. 'H( l"- ?..! .-. V.-Hi4 I t '' 4 I't't i I . . ?! o "' k p c. . s : . f " 1 rji c' tt . fi r'- t r-t 4 t,.t . .. .-1 r. i j ' v r r Is. .-4 :.trs-! U .t.-- t 1 Tit r .'.! ; t two TAtk f ts . ! fit ! Ca ti t t 4 f JMR'Jt H M tni'Vlj u '.'. :! v. v nsi k oni it t;;;, l,.i t!..- Inu i tt : Fi-'i .i!-en In the tr;f-r : ef the juveniles I!.- hax ut (! ttn, r , 1 . i. !.!'. I.' jt- t,i;,1- ' 1 - 1- . a . I 1 oi.fi ' r 4" n. .my T' t ; . I iihu f'.i' ; . aj;.- .ir to ! a.i;m-rtt'l a,l v t"-,.. t.o.'e ;i.t ; i.,.m . ' ...... .... 1. I transfKjrtatkm. manufacture, food" production, labor, municipal dis tribution, and kindred organizations have a!o been invited. Mr. John A. Stewart, trustee of the N'ew York State School uf Agriculture, states that when onions are selling in the city of New t.Vurk at $'.40 a barrel, apples $20 a barrel, potatoes, $4.50. and all j other fMltulT' at proportionate price, it is time for the entire I consuming M,pu!ati..n to arise and ak the rca.n why lo..l pro- dtieed in this country should cost more to the American conunur than the same p! pn-luccd here and freighted across the Atlantic and across the ci'titiiries of Europe. He adds "I have had occasion ' i" ittit:ire into the con!:t!-n.. in Central N'ew York and hae i uid where t! f ir;!-, r produce get tlircc cnt a ImukIi lot ! .-it six Cent in a tHililioriii t illage. and : f N'ch Vrk." iilani:c 't l Hi t! ALL FOOLS NOT DEAD. A"! IoiS ,ir. II..? , h-iffii, t, ! - c! I ni-inr,;r-!;.r ' iful itfui .j- ! i.t.. h i 'i !, ; t' ti l t 1 '11 I cfr-t t-r-r t i' r ! 1 r 1 r. .r as a !:;atrh frcn lU!:tr-l:.V!. WaT? ! ,h ; froft heaven. rc h;..t. m. - ! thcmeies c-'crd.iy at .n.U-n. W i-a. - : of their !i-'tiu in free ing rather. U In age-1 II r-. '?i!i was d ir.m 1 ' if ch'M was at t' e -?. . dn'li " o' r" 1 1 rtr' tl-.e r.-.i i'. r .,t the t i' ..o,r.. !- v i9.. . ' ;' !'rfr" ' ' -i ,;f t?" Ias.-ht..t and wife , an n'11 m f ra:r'. ;' , n ".if i f . 'f a i d t! . t?r ii'ft r ueasVer I After all that t .i.J. the hum-in mir-l i a nfi!crfu! tr.arjstn v. EOOSTESt CLtB - T' rr"stf ;:'; r i . 1 if it ruv ca"t ! 3 f. Whir ;n r.t run i A;.'e 1 r i r.en'a! ;-wers t . ! in extent that the father an r; .ther .. a favii'v No-'re v ( , a! in a rf'ij: exc itccnt mitt tr .e nu!" t.uTiM'isfs ar.. t.ctr fe.ur cht,:ren and rlmil. -r t tne r-.f t t,..r, iK? kH la ?hetf h. -r.e m trwrsrj w.-athcr and awatf with ere tancv fr tl- t& nt. rr iv 1. ( . , . . fc i., , s. r - -ry ! ''"'i ! a rfn dun :rn Iifari I he iragedv ! t? e a-?asr 1 lri.,'Ti r. f m frJ n ; that the:r elexen rt-.'tS id UN r rtWK. Vt ,fd J---cer w.ti.r a-.-.t ! babv was found !ca 1 tr--i r;--;r-'urgcr ehi'-l a at the j :ni f fcath It i rea"r i.'T.i-tdt i-, sjy hrw wcak-mtndeI jr?e -f (Jjs ! 1-c trea'ed Ir -KMy when all ih-ngs are r-,,;fc j ?,. t"r' t .;r p'ace I t th.i t .-; ! I in an irare ai?-.:i JVr r-'caf-rr 5i-rji- ; ' t?td-rm;y re-;- r,3,!c fr the vfc?h .f the a.r d-srtc a Mt ifct ftf 4 f"r r f rre f'rs-j scotcrce m'"' 1 e j ix ere j re t. r-e'jc ': J ."s ;r y ' ... ' r ;-,Hn re ti f t4 s, . r.--i at rwit f. -i.. v. : i ?e Tvw. v-. .. -... OPERA HOUSE The Camefaphonc The '20th Century Wonder. Talks, Sings and Dances at the same Time; Two Hours Show An Entire Change of Program Children, 10c Adults, 20c E. A. BAKER, CHAS. COLE, Managers. Banl( of Pleasant Grove Q Solid Financially Accommodating Can help you in a thousand ways : 1 in borrowing, loaning or saving money. Pay Interest on time deposits. J Drop in for a personal chat or Address, BANK OF PLEASANT GROVE, JAMES CHIPMAN. S. L. SWENS0N. Ami. Ciair Big X9 Flour In everybody's mouth. Output in 1909 doubles over 1908. Carload business is taking the place of retail trade . , Pleasant Grove Roller Mill A. L COOPER, Propriclor BOOSTER CLUB Pickett, PatnU, Hinges, Nail For fixing up yorr place A. K. Thornton & Sons i 4 J i j 1 Smoked Ham! Smoked Ham! Smoked Ham! . : Smoked Ham! i I 1910 la '.tla that yo-a day bar a prnp. ran y.r r"dtr to ttack U. pd;1 Kt.6t in for tr ;rWia, m4 try iJiinrit ft ;ar br "'Uzg Vtn ih Wft that caa b tnx;4;itt from a JaU7 tor aa4 t;i 49 tfe b-t k4 erf ta WATCH aa4 CLOCK raal fe liai la ti ut. V-.r tr'jr. James Martin Arrsmcan Fork t " 4M . - . - v. " lk ? t a nr 5 65 r vt Tk. -ft ' ?(?T t r- k - - ' ! 1 ' J"?l t'-tV t.i i S.F. Walker & Sons rgal i4. fCl SALE tr t4. aC W.. rertf f tfra. Dm. !- a . . C t rMt |