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Show : - r)r'.-y 0'. -v'- . . . . . : " . ' - - : yt;rv':iw-' .. ; ; I'yr'-vSyV;' , - . - . . ...... T' . ; , - V 1 ' . , ' ' ' ' ' '- " '-"-'....- - - ' . . " ' 'si - - . - . . -m . ' " .- - - ' . ' f I . ". " " ' .-- , - - - " - y '-""..-'--"" . - i --.'',:"" :.. ".' ,' - " i , ' - ! . . ' . - " . -" - " - . .. , :; v- . - . - .. -- -' - :- ' ' -r . : . .;. -- " ' - - . : ,.. IPIeasaiint Grove News : VOL 1 . ' - ' - PLEASANT GROVE, IJTAH.J FRIDAY, JANUARY8, 1910. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION SERVICE. NO. 13 ' ' " Till If I" rrntl I i PACES Headed by Messrs. Gilkinson. B. . oy "" I - "':;' "- . ..UflJU!.ulHI-- UflDtO 'v assrsiKVf- - "c uimi hcu ; ; ; - . , ; plans for the formation of a Boat club - " " - , . " . -111 II 1 1 I nilll ' ' ' . IVIIIP" ; e . -v.. . '. O, with headquarters near Provo .on ''-J ' IIIUU IIUII I I nil Otherwise StatisticsShow Coun- utah lake. - x - . . - . I'lllll- f It is the intention of the above . - ' ' -1111 I M A I! P IllPr 1 I I III P ty in Good Moral Conditton named gentlemen to build at least , H K rhflN ih hh I - three yachts for use on the lake early . . I UN 1 1 1 ill 1 U 1 1 IU L - "i Tpn f!nnvirtinn . this spring regardless of the outcome ' ' F ' ' V,onYILUOns of the attempt. to form a Boat club. - t -, ) Tlinniini! HnilllTUM Concerted Effort of Boat Own ers On Lake to Form Company Com-pany For Ferry Line To West Shore -v Contract For Pumping Water From Utah Lake, to Fruit Lands Is Contemplated X Special to the News from Provo.) In the hope of securing the contract fos ferrying the building supplies, pro-' pro-' visions and other commodities which will be necessary when tne work of the Meslna Fruit Land company gets fully under way across the lake, the Madsen brothers,-Postmaster Clove and a score. of other Provo boat owrvj ers and men interested in the lands in that section are making efforts to have the boat ownene of Provo get together and form; some"kmd of an association which will allow tne work being done with' alt possibte system "and dispatch when the new townsite ia finaTlrf nWnTuiC LANDING , Although fcaiWJ auythlhg ban been done definitely by the purlieu, inter-eisted, inter-eisted, they have already received a promise ot the couuact should they find themselves equipped to haudlu the work. One Hundred Thousand Expended More than fluo.ouo has already been tipent by the Uind company on their .project and despite the severe' weather wea-ther work Is going on as lat as pos- ' sitiit. - b leant -abovels. dredge Uaius and scores of workmen are engaged on the scene and from present indications indi-cations the date Is not far distant -who xtllers will begto to Sock In. Most of the men, working on the project pro-ject have been secured from Provo. as well 'as the majority of the teams employed em-ployed and the announcement by the Telluride Power company that the Meslna Me-slna company Is negotiating for electric elec-tric current amounting to 12uo horse power, comes as another convincing tudU-atiitn of the amount of revenue 'Coming to Provo dlr"otly through the oirtons of the land company. This cvnirnct will, in ail probability, be signed within a few days as arrange Uj'Uts are nearing completion. In the opinion of PtmtoiaMer Clove, the amount of benefit to this city from the land projvet mro rhe lake can hardly be etimated, H 1 a matt-r of roimuon know !, according to tli-j mim;.M-r. that the Mrcina rniiii-D i . ii dt.NMinK raj'Uily of it iatid ann-r.ii -itMrra 'ii and h-. a 11 a ev-j ,til tAhrr ri'l'"r. of the city who ar- itit r lt th- faiil tfn Ui ; Ink'-, U h. vt- that ln!e of a f n.onih the U il.y itl trt to !:.:! u i ProvO Frry La'Ktx'fl- AtK-fi! th r n.ior ! l.t ! t heard in -v-rl 'jaarteriF to lh- ', t,-rt thai 1a-hi had -rt ho' n ' ; !. i-r the frry. Charts M4.o rii.! -tT!iy i- hail' t-n :r- tuailj riii!,4 'ts !, r !!s"" lrrtni from lrvo la tt- f th- row I oat onf W.nc .'. to l.jtjd! t:.- work. ar,.i U- .-1 a ' 111- 1 If' I -fii 3 Ih'ptit 'f .1 I t'll p that I'tpio ? riiti' In l' for f"f ! -I ie work ! . rter.l liui' tar. I- tr fHf h:T ' h Bnjfs of Ir to fiet. and in 43 tKn to -s tit dttaar ffMi Proio to !. a town-me town-me ts tn'ich 1 tt,9 fmsa Ivi LINOON NEW Mr rt.rl Wt I v-ry '.'. Tbr (h:2dr of GtT t arit fr at-4 m a r-ii ts b is cd-r qaraa:' i Mr aal Mr Wi'liaas R .w- rt4 riativ at4 frf4 i ii t la - TW m'.tt Wt a cl t t- t" ft Mr a4 v R!rt F":a T -ti - V & f"..; JF-ns.oi a a P? " "ff last Ft lr A 4ft5r rrt4 at i i" & 4 Vttl rU , - -a " " -" Ur as I Vr bn ?V--v s mwtJl t t. t'om m , , A f s' ft ts r I IV t Vr Gr A TS t,,T4-i-trwaJ'p e:tf wt a t f w la K f i ; t rresfni inaicaiions, nowever, accora- j m$r ' a '-; !l IiiKIIIImiI I 1 1 1 1 r J 1 ; State statistics prepared for ing to Mr. Bishop,, point to the sue- . r ' k " 1 I I I II II I II II I II ll 1 1 1 1 1 I I State statistics prepared for Utah county for the years 1908 and 1909 showthat for a coun-ty coun-ty of fifty thousand people, it is a pretty good place. Crimes have, been unusually few. How-, ever, there were twice as many divorces granted during the year 1909 as in 1908. Twenty-four Twenty-four were granted in 308 and forty-eight in 19v9. I1 County Clerk Kartchner has prepared pre-pared the following statistics for the state statistician for Utah county for t he year-1 908 and 1 909 ; 1908 1909 fonvlctibns . 777. . T. . ..." Adultery Assault with intent to commit rape . Burglary . " Disturbing the iieace, 1 Kmuezzlement .' Korge?y yT." 1 Fornication . 3 fiomlclde . . . ."..y . Grand Larcyny'y 1 Petit lrctmy j 1 Rape .'. . 1 Itobbery . , ; ; Involiinntry Aranslaughter .... 1 SWUtir Jntoxicpni 1 Number fint-d t males) 2, (mali-sl Sent to state prison (malt-si (tnalt'H 9, f ftin.il-s 1 1 , , . . . .. , . 1" Si'tit to iudustriai school ( mules I (males) .' 2 Sent to county Jail I males) ,". (males 2). fetnaW U. ,3 Number of divorces granted. . 21 4S Marriage license granted 316 349 HIGH SCHOOL NEWS. Ernest Rasmuvsen is in school attain after a-wki WnttMt. ."7. 'ar ,i:-'m-Our boys meet Hungerford Academy of Sprlngvllle tonlnht. at the Orpheus. The basketball team Is practicing every night with Coach West-, preparatory prepara-tory to the three biggest games of the league, with 'Pay son, Lebi and Hun: gerford. The plumber started his part of the work of putting in the shower bath apparently with the same " rousing spirit that possessed the boys when they dug the trench. Hut hn ambition ambi-tion seems to have lost its "tlx." and the trench Is still waiting to be filled. The -standing of the basketball teams In the County league Is as follows fol-lows PT fvnt HNI IMM OIK Ml OKU Won I 1 o t Pleasant Grove . U-hl - American Fork . Payson . . 0 . 0 1 I 1 Spring Mb- II S Hunseriord IHMHI to be Tiere are four icnme played by each team I-thi Monday afternoon the Huh S.iiool ( turned out in m.V to i'K the trench f.rei.s.ratory to mv.-iii trig the nhower bath The entire eitM pI lrmii dag in on.- l.--ir ail f..Mt the mln-Her .. The M iler;t 1-1' h ) it f ! IV oU.-Ktate v, l-ll -. .,'. t the b;ik t!-a'.l boys The , . a ! while ith a t-n if. S at nwii tl.e bre A STORY. !-. sra.l- t,i4ef. m l- V.- e I-.-trti chJ Ks-l--4 ' ' '" ; ; :.. r. it e ur - ' Tl'j I mw a ir.K - i- ; -n -i.-tei-r; s f S' - ! -;!- :'-I :'-I t t..ia he :".t t-e ,i Urs- ' " ' . r ( !? f'e ! ...i..r !' i. r..-r!'j !-- .n . A i-r t' tt H-" f.?-i'f i.ih t. I ttiU ! ' 11 ;-r-..-.-l lie ts ' it! f -r.. I'.'w.fcii ' -"s.-f-' t-f nr'. t' mh-nt iVlr in aw i s- "" Vtirlij se t -" fr ,. .--itsl lt nJiri'ii-ri I ks... t- a t tl it v ' !. ' fW.f: "' gt l'Sk LOCALS Vr 'A t Pir'ni ;r- -t ai'S r t' I fl---.,'--3 j-e.wr fti SUst t (,tt s.'f i - im .- f f rf ii a t rU8 '"s I . i. s A -fi '.- Hps t n-" t If I t4 ' --".t -:.- t t.i a T ' 4 ?-f '.V V a-v- - a r i -. Vr s .- !Vs t., t - i ' 5i,f Vaiat Tj x a ts-.t , 4. '.-r -- Headed by Messrs. "Gilkinson, B. a op, Cummings and Paswruca, a dm ber of Provo society folk are making plans for the formation of a Boat club with headquarters near Provo .on Utah lake. It is the intention of the above named gentlemen to build . at least three yachts for use on the lake early this spring regardless of the outcome of the attempt-to form a Boat club. Present indications, however, according accord-ing to Mr. Bishop,, point to the success suc-cess of their efforts to form the club. Should it succeed, it is the Intention of the leaders to build a large club house, with dining rooms and a spa cious dancing pavilion. Plans for new boats have already been drawn up and several other prospective members of the proposed club are said to have sig nified their intention of building in the event of the club being organized I Supervisor W. I. Pack of the for estry service has returned. He has been in lleber assisting in the forma tion of a stockman's association.- He left Provo SunH-v night on his way to Salt Lake where he .will consult with" sheep interests anent the leasing leas-ing of a large tract of land lying with-fti with-fti the 'boundaries o' Uinta forest. The j primary object of .the visit of the su pervisor to sau i.uKe. nowever, is to hold a conference with a number of Salt Lake hnd other capitalists who haTeinaiie overtures toward purchas ing an immense tract of timber lying" on the norm Ftrto of llnta forest COURT NOTES. The following cases were set today: John L. McKlnney vs. John A. Carson, March 14 VV. S. Evans vs. James Powell, March 17. John A. Anderson vs. A. J. Stewart el al.. March 16. ' Srtr"Tia bet tf TeoKT STeai a gTu s Israel Anderson by R. K. Cobb & Co. to collect $123.80 alleged to be due on an account for the purchase of mjn lng stocks for the defendant. The case of Utah Esmeralda Copn-r Co. vs. John A, Pace has been continued con-tinued till March 15. Suit has been commenced by Will-lam Will-lam Okelberry, administrator of the estate of Peter Okelberry, deceased, against Utah Ijind. Water and Power company for 12000 damages for depriving de-priving the estate of water sufficient to irrigate 30 acres of land from the Mount Nebo Land and Irrigation company's com-pany's canal. He also asks for a per petual Injunction to restrain defendant defend-ant from Interfering with plaintiff's use of the water In question The rase of Agoes 8 Bunnell vs Stephen S Bunnell et al.. has been dismissed dis-missed by conseot of both parties. In th estate of James Gatherum, deceased, it has been ordered that James T. Gatherum, who Is now 2 years of age, be allowed to take bis lMMk of deoit In Privo Commercial and Saving bank. LOCAL ITEMS , , V K Pron in ! n Moi J j t r isk V- k X titiij from Iliac k ilMt ,j ,', ,, Vr M .t .r-'.i. mi a a It in , r to 1 t. Chi: If.u r '.-! 1! .na At r' ila T t r I r.; W I. 1,-v. v. in j;-n at . Vi. ' '.t n i i.- a b-i- ' . t.rr . ( j-r.-! T.t Mr Mr ni Vr li- - if j . I .;a J. fill U a l",a'i( ".-.. . ft t l k i Lsk T ! f t t. -.;.!!- , "! .- (W4b tjl r, vs:t a i-nri-'r H A"-r.t ' '? n f t '' ;rs al .t a a it f - - " - Wsiuatu i.lc At- '- ' ti fra.t as-1 r 1 MM III r r. - r , . ' "V-;-f If I, J" f.' . Mil Uncle Jesse Knight Vr THE MERCHANT, BUYER t " " AND MAIL ORDER HOUSE 'The people of Pleasant Grove are great to higgle for bargains and hang out iqr cut prices, citing Aears, Roe - buck 4- Co. as a place where they could get it cheaper. That's what we have to go up against every day." This remark was made to the editor of the NEWS yesterday by a clerk in one of the prominent stores. Well, what about it? Who's to blame? Both of you. Mr Pleasant Grove merchant, have you overlooked the fact that the money-order man Is making a big holler about his cheap goods by putting bis calahvue right nto "Mr. Higgler's" home and "Higgler" "Higg-ler" believes him? On the other hand. Mr. Higgler Sears Roebuck man. have mu overlooked the fact that your Chi- igo friend pays more of your taxes? Me takes your money, sends you cheap kkxIs and Chicago city gets the tax noney on his place of huolncsK Fur - her Mr Hisitler. is It not true tb.it esssnt (Irov ts the heaviest taxed li -Uriel in Utah unty and one rea - - n Is that you hate so little nrw ste i.tonrty to bear the tax burden i-ir" ith you? And s H n-t al-o rue that Pleaant linn i- one of the atlest mail order d'trli t In th inty? Now. If all thi nmil rd i SI The ce .! t; '' Its iH'Veioj.tneS,- I -. -t Il.tK 1 1. :,I.ec.t i.. to il t f.-f ' ,n ' --t.tag st.g k .'. j.;.-tt mlaiit .-.xii,' -it , "wirth dtr . i. .ft " ' ooipaay ad.n -! antount f-i . r tt-sr.tus i .-..i. i -. , la ii" f.-i--r j . -.tttdjy !. i co grii ti ! r - ;' ' ieta rn ! " J 6t.' Si i'" ' I'- -r4 ytrr.!iy t n a &-.3i ; - - ' ig f.-v2 l io Tt- u-!i u-!i Is t- r --t i t. t itk-a i rs-.- -r ; , " r.tfTR(t r-. ' -XtW IW-Tt-". T- tl tTWa j t ' X ' r J f- t . k f - y tie I f t - i J toW ti t'..i n - . j ; f-1 . - i - I f "'' S . , - r . f , . lt i ' . iw-i ri I" . , ' ti Lr-c 'iv.-Tl ii'g fuss " " "H .X a? Vl 4' it -'! ' ALLEGED CROOKED LOCAL SHEEPMEN DEB REDUCTION m m ax-' . j business were twined Into the home lustltutlofrs which help you pay the j tax, would your trade not be a potent i factor In creating more taxable prop- erty and thus reduce the rate which If you choose to put It so) amounts to a saving on your merchandise? ( Hut honest "Injun" )uality and ostage considered, are your money order good cheaper?) Now, Mr. Merchant, what would hapen If you made a "big holler" in the ear of "Higgler" like Sears-Roebuck does? iKM'sn l It strike you that yu would get the business? Who takes the initiative. Higgler or Roebuck? Roebuck 'does. Here Is this newspaper, and Higgler reads it Make It your catalogue, put it on your payroll as Roebuck does bis, preach through it as Roebuck does, and there s results. I ; No other Is to blame but Higgler, Slid you. Junt reverse the situation , . tiisnls are sold now -a days by advertls . ! Inx don't torcet it and H-ople buy' from the adiertiser "Higafer" ought know which side his bread is but 'ere.) n and 1'uiid up the man who ! helps pay tb tales If On- ts the : nutt. abo.it the situation, then lake H ! ' heart S IS V: tOIT PRESENTS ie s r ! ti,g r.tt. e ' ' . . :.! '.if J.e i - S : .'L , r '. t - - ! '1 ti?J 4 ... i.i .r.'lJ jl-o a - .r-- r- i ' t- t T t. r i. . j. - . a - j- .i-s r- - t:" i t i'- i . 4 act t i - . -. -rt - - t ; i t tf ' - -.- t i t : - f " ik t t - ' t f fia - s '" X kt J vs DECIDE i In all probability Pleasant Grove will be on the Interur-ban Interur-ban railroad system which is tp be installed by Uncle Jesse Knight of Provo. This is the word which was given out In Provo-a couple of days ago when' Mr. Knight asked - the city council of that place for a franchise on -the" Streets and thoroughfares of the city. Those Ijrvhcare-MawaiJlledwJiht,. Knight know that he will use every . effort to complete - the line providing the franchise is granted. It is stated that within with-in a short time he wilt ask for a franchise in Pleasant GrbVe. When seen this morning by a NEWS representative, Uncle JessA Knight said that, it was his Intention to go right ahead with the project The first matter' Is the obtaining of franchises throughout the towns In. Utah county and in Salt Lake county 4o Murray. "Wevw lll go right ahead and ask for Irancliises Jn the towns in this county w hich w e expect, to go through," said Uncle Jesse, "and by the time these are granted we w ill be able UV go .dght ahead with the road. ; It will-take will-take some time to do this, but 1 don't think we will have much trouble in getting the franchises because 1 bo-llfve bo-llfve that.th.e people, win see that 1L. is a good thing We wit! ask for franchises fran-chises In the con ' ' and through the incorporated towns right through to Pay'son. On the north we will try and get a right of way to Murray." People Given Chance. "I want as many people as feel so disposed to get In on the ground floor and I feel certain that we can raise enough money. to build the road. We will, of course, organize a stock coin-pay coin-pay and sell stork and 1 believe by Jie,tline we get the road built It ran bf tliade-to pay. "I w ill have plenty of power for the running of the line and for furnishing light We have two plants at this tlm and have sites for four or five other Himer plants We must have a plac to sell our power and I consider that ,hl , A kmm1 icna to use It " ' ' The Booster Club movement is lak. mg definite and substantial form. The committees are live oet and have brought up la te executive commit-lee commit-lee well matu'ei recommendat.ons. l30i"g lo tne jeneral good. While tne reports are tempered itn well to ti co ieratm i-ey embed t' e ctte- t e e - e t. "0 it." ad "Do it So'" An.- t. i. -1, f t '- n-.-r s-t - " al-i ' so s -5 rl s.,,T r .-:-r w i - '? IS I .-7 c' , si . t a rt? f w:t a f'. : v.., is..-y -- BOOST S IS I I GOOD - X r i . I' |