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Show :''-. PLEASANT GROVE NEWS. frflfc WAgK OP- $-AGUAPANTtE; Community silver is found at Park's Jewelry Store, the home of fine silver. This ware in knives, forks, spoons and fancy pieces Is guaranteed to wear twenty-five years and ' we back the guarantee,. Comparable only with the test Sterling. SALT LAKE A BEAUTIFUL Terms $1.50 Per Week Full, Wunatad $149 Freight Paid to tny Railroad Station In Utah or Idaho CUT OUT THIS AD. And Sand tn for Spaolal Catalogue Ci tttit are tka tra faaaa'atiaa si larta craps. Oar big Catalog Idle all akaat ta Wat aad tkat (raw. Sobs' far Froo Copr. VOGELER SEED CO., Salt Lakt City -The Hopping Prince. Senator Tillman at a Washington dinner party was talking about the viuttei of an ambassador. "They are Important duties," said be. "A really good ambassador should know ail about the country he la snt to. Then he wouldn't make the mistake committed by an. Amert-can Amert-can Iq Afghanistan, " "This American entertained the s hahxada for three days, atvInK him a very nandnom suite of rooms In his bouse. "The morning of the sbahzada a arrival ar-rival the Amertran hoot visited him In bis apartment ant! was amazed to aee th royal guest and his entire taff hopnlng about the floor In the od. oust way. They converged pollnly and grarely. but. Instead of walking, they hopped, taking great leap of eight or nine feet "The host ventured to a,sk the rv on for this hopping. The shah tad politely replied. " "Vrni see. thin carpet Is are.-n, with (ink rf. hTP atlij there. Oma Is a sarr.-ii color with tm, so we are obliit'd to hop tnr'tn nM tn t- It l K.j erriM-. bt t rs'rfvr j fatiguing 1 confer. " ; The Croat Object "We!" eaid ta prr!,tcnt BOW ptitntlbi'lg firm. "IV Of !h fairly !( dunrr. i,h ra-t ar ry novel 'fcas !m,ai;tu -j' b-n a :k crv" Ul V c an -r . Mda ' "Th Ca.'dly Tr? ' Uteri I ar s;jt ' tnv a, b'jr'ed a t.-.u-, '-irj.y rcit a." ii..- ai.d It t'.rit' k i-jo in ih" rl : - t. i r..it as;.-: : . Kt t..i. r.t ,4 :i d ,ii,.ei fi!' i J a t tii i" -A t --J a f-i f-i ;ii D D s' t .-r a . f:"-i "'-ar t 1 ' '" I . ej i ' s Aa -! a r k.' -J, .- '..- f ; r V, f . a. a y , . - . - . i . - PIANO Jlllf Jl r - f : 'Si- ! t "T' t i I ' . ; -- . a i at - S At-Mf .jJ 4, ..ftria-jm -" FLOODS IN FRANCE "UNDREDS ARE HOMELESS AND RUINED AS RESULT OF - HIGH WATERS. Villages Submerged and Houses Collapse Col-lapse When Waters Weaken the Foundations. Homeless Are Suffering. Paris ..Floods have exceeded all records and' are, fast assuming the proportions of a national disaster. In the northeast, and west, hundreds are homeless and ruined. Although it is impossible to estimate the. damage, it will Jie great. One of the water mains, serving one of the most populous districts, burst and the people of the diifrlct are without with-out water. It is ' earedjthat the city will be in a like condition soon "as the flood is invading the pumping stations. sta-tions. The compressed air factory which supplies .elevators' in Paris, also has been forredtOT;hiit "down." Officials of the prefecture ace finding find-ing great difficultin setuiring'.shelt'er for the homeless. !" Many persons vacated their quarters quar-ters Saturday and 200 more vacated Sunday. On the boulevard of Sfc Germain a house is tottering and threatening to fall on the chamber of deputies. One of the few casualties reported Sunday was the sweeping away of a man who wa trying to drag some frffltirtg-lnjrir-frmTr'tht-rtrrr.' . The situation in the outskirts of Wtrfs Is even "worse titan in the city proper. At Alforteville the dam burst, overwhelming 200 houses, the people being forced to fly. leaving their belongings be-longings behind. Victim of Human Fiend. ' Denver, Colo. Alone in a flat, while dressing for "school. Miss May Thust had the clothing she was wearing set on fire by an Intruder hidden In a closet. A few moments later the girl was severely burned by acid thrown or squirted on her face and hands by the same person, who escaped vttihout being seen by the victim. Miss Thust, who is a comely girl of 16 years, had the right side of her face burned bad ly by carbolic acid. The Ideptit.ajPof the perpetrator is unknown. Following Zelaya's Tactics. Washington. Telegrams received at the state department on Saturday Indicate that there has been a great revlfal by lrl1nt Madrlg of Nicar agua of the old Zelaya policy of Im prisonment of respectable people for attefrntf Tmlrttcst TPaaortK, In ette-Tirse, a house Immediately across the street from the consulate was entered by soldiers without warrant. Troops are being hurried to meet the Kstradu army. Th general situation In Man-BKua Man-BKua in declared to be strained. Two New Ships for Argentine. Mfc!in, .M. That nirly yu per cent of the 22.0p.(nW to be paid' by the Argentine Republic for the builtl-Iiir builtl-Iiir of two "Cirendn,iugt.tH" in American Ameri-can b!p yards will go for labor, and onl about ten p-r cent for materials, if -ttlir)a!cd here semi -officially. One of ih- ships will be built at Q ilncy, M.i , ;!nl the other at Camden, K J Vm-I Mli be ..Tl fet long wfih a dls pt.tt , mt'iit of '.'. mm tnrN and will have a d i,f 22 knots. hr;f. d h hireo i-r School Teacher Whlpr Highwayman, Cl' i-I.ttiil, oA hixhwaynian h I I ui l.:i!u .in t. ! a l.. r in a i t ii m liiHil, Kuntlay f.ichi. Mi-s Van " r !. -!v !'iii!hins: l.iiu Into a Hfin hank lnni. 5 ; in i 1 d "ii him I ; : n nu. hw. . r. Its 1,4 r ai.;!a'ui;. he left which hit - ri... - v 't I'll i ! , fi ai'- r M .ili-l t COSK) RcaJi Attract Farmers. wti S. , r- '.in Klint ' r'li1.-' r'li1.-' v. - !... I-. n ri I. i : lAI gmi i . 1 i Pt'.tffi T WILSON WILL TAKE A HAKO Secretary of Agriculture . Believes Farm Products Are Being Sold Cheaper Abroad Than at Home. Washington. "I am gathering proof which will show that American farm products are being rf sold cheaper abroad thaif lhey are. in this country," declared Secretary Of Agriculture Wil son on Monday, at the living" hearings beinge sub-committee of the tee on the District of Co! Mr; Wilson gave evidi that the producer at the was getting a little more former- ly for his food products, while the ultimate (consumer was paying an excessive ex-cessive price. ' "Until comparatively recently the American people enjoyed. " the cheap est" food in,4he world." continued- Mr, Wilson. - 'itiit nowadays . not enough people -know how to farm profitably, know how to get enough out of a day's work, know how to make an acre re spond., "i lie lure of the factory hasj malted "thefarnier from the ptow; "The worst farming in this country coun-try is done east of the Alleghany mountains, and -agricultural lands is cheapest in that locality. In consequence," conse-quence," continued Secretary Wilson, the boys have left the farm, and the scarcity of labor is now the greatest great-est concern.avf the agriculturists." Secretary Wilson declared that Sgst or i r 1 TaiT m one of the most p,Jtfhe -cal factory.' pensive cities n t he land ana thai- re- (ailers in this eity- demanded 42 jer York and Philadelphia they were con ftW with 17 to 20 per cent."'" LANDIS CLAIMS THE HONOR. Chicago Judge Started Investigation of So-called Beef Trust. Chicago. f.ludge Kenesaw M. Ijtndis, uf the United Sjates district court, in his- charge to the federal grand jury assembled Monday, to investigate the .methods of the so-called "beef trust," declared il was through information infor-mation furnished by him that the present pres-ent proceeding was smarted. Judge "l.aiidis also said that after he had not i fled t tie U ni ted States district attorney In Chicago on Jfanu 20, he was surprised to see, on January 22, notices in the newspapers, coming ostensibly os-tensibly from Washington, that the government officials thare had ordered the Investigation. Giving' Away Millions. Chicago After having given mori than- 4.0uo,000 to struggling colleges In many parts of the country, Dr. D, IC-Pwartum, -.almost 80 y a-1 nounced Monday that he intends to give away every rent he'possesses before be-fore he dies. Dr. Pearson Is reputed lo be wtirth many millions. "I am having more fun than any other mil lionaire alive." be said. "I-et other rich men ko in for automobiles and Hteatn achts I have discovered, af-teo af-teo en-btwing forly ineti colleges in twent four states, that giving is the most exquisite of all mundane de-ligh's de-ligh's " . Tillman Again in Limelight. asiiinKioit the land grants of the ik-i'Iiw- i. which at th" Instance of JVnauu TiUmaii r-ci-hej so mu' h Iltc ii Holli nsr.-ss two ear 840 anil !i- r l oimpicunu-ily in a aharp i i.n'' -., i..t, , ii Mr. Tillman ajid Pr-cM' ti lt'-'v It, wer- again the Mihject (', dfM U-t-ii'ft In the Hetfafe on M- l-.l.i- A f iii.m li.t!i!lr. J by s"i'tr 'fi.i-'.i!.-riatii iii;iu ,n :!- ,i!'i ;i, v ral say hi ther h hi"I in un e.i .. j..ir wlilch ta-o years bin !; i "-n.etii wjtit i!irt ted to brmj to ri o-i th- rights f the pov v-r!,!". tn in cititi- lion with he g'auts ,i- ! n,t' i!: Kils . W.i Lotr and Horaef lle - t t"ia.i i-!' 1 h- lH..)le. T... K. r, !,.!(. I. .1(11 : r li.iiit, n. a ojti s h. d M I. it 1, leu. ,:i !( t Hi i S-cimt :nen,i. . tn.s.-j in .a U !,.,! i, iiel M'ind.1. irjf . I : '-ii'-.. ! t Hi -cinil :i '-n-.f j to'in 'tel.l. : ut teirilon -f 'I,.- '. . c.j, -1 ti !oi.!-i m viK,.'- I'. rirt "i" !-.t in tiy n . ' ' ' ,-..-n .a-l VifUd I'is.'k-- ai.t i tk" II trm the i km ' Kflu .. ' .. - e '. mm. a no Oh. . BlftLII.2 ll lew i SI II te ' ' !": r' "-'' " ..... !...,.!. ,:r,, "Af :.. ..! ' ''- " '""" ' ..u-.. hrotl..r:- , : " .I Jj!-' x ' "' ' r- ... ... l:!j..(J ,..;. 4 . ' ' "ri" if " ' ' ' ,h , n !. . ... . ..rd nary I . , - ' : ' ' -'. ' ' MIL I r ' -'- - - ' - .... , I , .-".. t 'ft i. ' I Vr ?i " j .. ' n-i '"' . ) i ! ' .f .. ... ,." . .'! Af,l Tnc-t. j .... - . . . J .... .. ... ..... ' " - ' laa. irj.iij ie n-a.5 V,3wt-J fit n f. J . i ' 1 '-a j. (- ft , r I, ' : i'rr ,-, j , , V nry e ; I4 f " " - f ' ' -... f r, I -.:--. t- 1 . . s... st .- -, 5,1 - : ' ti. . -j , ., , , , , 1 Cl. 164 a : m-f- '.!,;: . - . - . .- '"',' ' ' '' I a- 1 ' - - ' ' ' T i - i . - . .......... . , - I': it-.. - " f ,. - -- ti - . . . . . -1 r'" ' ."' ' ' ' ,i .,1 - , .. ,r -' 1 - . " ' "' I ' !1 !"' '"' '' : ,,f tf J r. -. . r J- . T. . ..... ' - tjiTfvs :- I'" , ? '- " r f :- i ! , i ' i. - a I - . V! t ,i ,'jtt,.-! t t- - " ' f.S-.-j. 11-lft'f.t .A - " .' 4- " t-'it U . " " ' ' I t - 1 ' 1 tr.- ,r, :- . ,1 - ' . t- Ta a. 4 ?? a K tl.lt) tttte ' I t .- ! a.! - i t vr . I w t , r , 4- . ij- at ,4 ! Ij tn a nv ... - . " , . ' "1!a.l -?-! ' ' ' " ' . 2: - v i-i-a-i 'l -- 1 - - - THE UTAH BUDGET Articles of incorporation of the Logan Lo-gan Rapid Transit company" were filed last week , ' Fire caused by an overheated stove completely destroyed the home of A. Christensen in Salt Lake City. With one exception (Tooele county) there are mpre sheep in Millard county than in any other county in the state. Nephi Manning, a popular young man of North Ogden, is dead as the result of injuries sustained when a horse kicked him. There is no race suicide In the home Mrv-an4 Mrai-4ante-t3ambie of whose home was brightened last k by the advent of their fifteenth sou. John Albian of Pleasant Grove has been sentenced to three months in the stat prison by the Fourth district eotirtpfor failure to eare for his minor child? Jovernor Spry has accepted the invitation in-vitation of citizens of Manti to" attend excercises celebrating the opening of th" new armory there, on January 28 and Santaquln, which for some time past has been a "dry" town, has granted liecense to two saloons at $800 a year apiece. The town authorities believe the revenue will more than offset any disadvantages. The last ojsfhis year's crop of beets at Willard is now" being hauled to the fact6ry. 'This year has been the most successful of any, and has proven to.be an eventful one in the history of a wit lie- on nis way Eaii- i-ane hospital, Durandr.Meldnim, aged 22, at tae l tan Copper "mines,- south or the city, severing his right leg. died, from loss of blood. A number" of the young people of -r Murray have formed an organization to be known , as the Murray Amusement Amuse-ment -lHb." The object will be lo give amateur entertainments throughout the county the rest of the winter. The Dick bill, passed by congress to have state laws conform to federal regulations re-gulations regarding militias, went Into effect on January 22, and It finds Utah well prepared with a law passed by the last legislature conforming with its requirements. The-Aral" ae of wwH pox of the season lp Ogden was reported Sunday. Ogden has been.. exceptionally fortu nate this winter in escaping the rav ages of the disease, which has Infested the surrounding country to an alarming alarm-ing extent in the past month. Word has been received in Ogden of the permanent promotion of George McCabe to the position of chief of ,r, for(,h, ucsvicti law denartment. with headquarters in Washington. Mr. Mc- Cabe Is an Ogden man, having enter ed th-forest-drnmtt- i'everi4--year4 ago. There are ten Irrigation companies In Millard county with a capitalisation capitalisa-tion of $1,224,628 This Is the largest cais'tallzatkm except Utah county In the state In miles the canals are 84 6 and their estlmaied cost Is f24!-150. f24!-150. the estimated number of acres Ir rlgaied in 42.310, . . The fourth annual convention of the Utah League of Municipalities met at fKan on Monday, and two interesting meetings were held.. The attendance was not at 1;. if as expected, comprising, compris-ing, perhaps. twenO four mayors and twice as many councilmen from many parts of the Mate. A gnat brastsltound Kiule. neverai hundred vears old and an old fa-4il"ii-ed tinicjie inade in KngUnd befii the Itevolutlonary war are named as j part of the ai's of Vr;ii;.i!n Vruh' Ian aped mati whom- estate wan ,i i prated in the diatrlet court at h-.. Il one day last we It Zhn r,e, an Indian, t harsiej with tn" murder .f Cha lYtn at lit fTcrnan s tra ! ill 2 fos! li 'he Navajo Indian trv a: ion in sumthern l'a!i, i n 'U-Cttf.iudy 'U-Cttf.iudy of Indian Awtt fhelton .i: 15iu5f City. Kan Ju.ni cwn: The nni. til f i! !!, r e- .tj.;-. .1 '! have t n tot.U-r Th.it .!' . an rgM.T-d hat.d mi ak tfi-ve j rit('!ii! ' -;' h':r' in ,;J-r, r.i!e -4H - ..! Ix-in 'teld. : iif tcirilon ? '(, ' ' psk.- I'-rirt 'I" !-.' lev iIa n enwi u!,i Lnr h.n' l---n mail lir ! ; m:ou'f h i . h' K tk n Tol'i i iii- In ro"i- nMinv r.."' i,--n unit i((t lir i z : .t'r h i . h' K i does Great Britain buy its oatmeal of us? . Certainly it seems like carryinr; coals to Newcastle to speak of exporting export-ing oatmeal to Scotland and yet, every year the Quaker Oats Company sends hundreds of thousands of cases of Quaker Oats to Great Britain and Europe. The reason Is simple; while the English and Scotch hare for centuries eaten oatmeal in quantities and with a regularity that has made them" the most rugged physically, and active mentally of all people, the Americas-has Americas-has been eating oatmeal and trying all the time to improve the methods of manufacture so that he might get that I desirable foreign trade How well he has succeeded would be seen at a glance at the export reports re-ports of Quaker Oats. This brand is recognized as without a rival in cleanliness clean-liness and delicious flavor. . 61 - WHERE IT WORKED. "While we were on our honeymoon, l always spoke" French to my husband, so that no one should understand us." "So you went to France, did yout" BREAKS A COLD IN A .DAY And Cures any Cough that Is Curable. Noted Physician's Formul. This is said to bne most ftective remedy for coughs'and colds Known to half-b ounce Concentrated Pine; Put these into half a pint of good whiskey, and use in doses of tearpoonful toia tablespoon table-spoon eVery four hours. Shake bottle bot-tle well each time." Any druggist has" these Ingredients in stock .or will quickly get .them from his wholesale house. The Concentrated Yine is a special pine product and comes only In half ounce vials each enclosed in an' air tight case: But be sure it Is labeled "Concentrated." This formula cured hundreds here last winter. Saving Time." The family was to leave on the two o'clock train for Hroad street station, so the mother was all In a flurry as she hurried the children in a certain West Philadelphia home. "Now. children, get everything ready before luncheon," she said. ''Don't leave everything until the last minute." And the children said they wouldn't. Luncheon ended, they hurried Into their wraps, and started. In the hall 1BC mother said: "Kdward, you didn't . t " orusa your teethJ "Yes, ma'am, I did." "But you couldn't," she said, "you li Ii' . ii.. a l . a a uiunv naie lime. ny you ju?i Boi up irom tne tauie. "I know that." said Edward ; "but we were In such a hurry f brushed them j before I ate." Philadelphia Times. ' Professional Conduct. . One of the best stories told about Mr, Birrell concerns a poor client, whose rase he took up for, nothing Whe n the cin.e bad been won, the client cli-ent gratefully sent hliu the sum of 15a. which he accepted in order riot to five fffeiiM. A colleague reproached him, however, for this -'unprolei.tiiial con duct" In taking I'ss than gold, "'j.it i 1 too kali th- i.,..r begtur had." said ; ! Mr. l!irrH, " and I consider that l not ; i.Iipro .sioft.il "M A 1. ! $100 Reward, $100. Tv iv-mi t. fr i i b i-i-l tn Inn . Ihtl llwrr ii ml lrrt ova,.l timt ,r lut nr . a. tt 4m to rw m - im i a-. ft-i e-i m lunb li t citb e w ty i-,ft , f.- I.- c. am r5Siri frirjr.. ir-a l-i, m ft ,...t.it(t . vm-t, rvj.. a r-l f irfe?t. II .situ i i ui ft li ' t. i y ft,-1r- Jt?-rt y 0A llw t.vd ftr ! : e' . - - 4 fn tiwt.l-t din ' I ,-lrlr f IV M-'i (m Ow pw'UPf'V xt- ,-ti fef tat4'4 up tft r'.:Eltii w i - ; 5 lm pi' r I.. .-Jtl 1 M, I. ,.;rn thai 0- 1 tm H I ft mfir rwi UmI H UMft ka ' ' rwf -3 t . f . ,. . j i ft--!--, I ill si a . lo), O. , rl fc ft i-M.- .-ft ' f llUllullu) r.lMli 'l'a i A Modest Doctor. ! !.l i .it: Ii a i in !" .! t'i utj,i U!ort::n -rt-i-tie o.i:iirt mill 11 t. In n ll.e g.':i I a- il!-?i. d " n.M-i -!,' a11-" w J, . al'-t.it. to iedril If U- Why 11 , California S: -"a IL L HftAittf. Prft. MORE PlNKHAfll CURES Added to the Long List due to This Famous Remedy. Qronogo, Mo.-' I was simply a ner- yona wreck. I could not walk across toe noor w i i u o ui, my heart fluttering and I could not even receive a letter. Every month IHSd such a bearing down sensation, as if the lower parts would, fall out Ljdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Vegeta-ble Compound has done my nerves a great deal of good and hasalso relieved ithe bearing down. I recommended it to some fn6nd3-and two of them have ceen greatly benefited by it,-ilrs. iMae McKnight, Oronogo, Mo. Another Grateful Woman. St Louis, Mo. "I was bothered terribly with a female weakness and Lad backache, bearing down pains and pains in lower parts. I began taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pouna regularly ana usea tne sanative Wash and now! have no more troubles I that way." Mrs. At. Herzog, 6722 1 Prescott Ave., St Louis, Mo. Because your case is a difficult one. ) doctors hang aone you no gooa. , V ,nolr ( laf ,5uel?1.Bun,erTrW1Vl C.i& Compouna a trial, it surely has curea many cases of female ills, such as tn- flammation' ulceration, displacements. fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, indigestion, dizziness, and ner-tous ner-tous prostration. It costs but a trills to try it, and the result is worth mil-; lions to many suffering women. Whiskers. A Roman poet told of the pride ona of the late CaeBars took in his great w-hlskers. On some ,of the wildwood Hill Hillies I have Seen beards some feet long, a switch of the loose ends hanging out from under the waistcoat Others, braided the growth and tied It around the neck, while still others braided it around the waist, tying it behind like apron strings. One told me he combed and plaited his every night, and put it away into a Ions linen bag or nightgown, so as to keep It from getting alt-tangled up wlih'bls wife and his feet. Sew York Press. Free to Our Readers, WrftVUUTIlMI Ky Itemed)? Co.. O tea- K, tor 4vpKR lllutrai?i fcye book r re. Write all about luur .y irouuie ana th-y will advise to iie Fropwr Appu- . ratiim YirTTIff-ttnrtn- -Ky-iUjucdica ln ! Your fitweial Ca. Your Druggist will tell you that Murine Relieves 8re Eyea, j p,,,,, r.y, .,n, n -llii for Sc. Tra II In V"iir Eve an-l in Hahv Kyea f tkaly Kyrllda and Urapulatiun. In the Ark. Noah I know what I'm going to do Mrs Noah What Is it? " Noah--! told the i repliant's trunk foi b'iiird. The average man suds mors money on a fooli-h habit thHD he does on his wife's hat. Your Liver is Clogged up Tkal's Way YWr Tir.i-Oat aorta ttav ! Afswtiia. ysft, CARTtR-3 UTTLE i f I - . . s - 11VER PILLS a aa a IV days. IVtA. CaMlft 14. waaam. lai,-.. aa4 Sk f -alack. sauu rat, wau nest, inxu met BclR THIS tl KI13 rriTa ft.,Wift, t ft. . ft 9 W-.- t- ft -ft. 'f ft. Kft t -ft ft SPHi 4 Maw taanMw. laurftfti r W. N. U, i ta C ? V-tifl ow or ever!" " - --J-B. i.- Sj napft K. 205 LaSiSe Gtk tL . air, WlTTUl I - ' : T '"ft"! li.if .n.-M i , J " - " ' ' t .i.t. a .. t v T tl ctrO , - - . a ' a '- :a:..nvn. "" . ,'. ' - r vr.t ,4 rs4 ty'tV f-k.T,r -J i i ft - r ai xt " la i rw i- . a es S'-rli f r -..i rt ift-j-i j 3j; j ''"fr,r:''Tl '"i'ff''1' iyv"V-?i''V jjrv ':. '.jo - . t , i ftl'' I . ' ' .t i.,'.si' j I ! -,' J " ' T - -J ) a it ri-. 1 1 t 1'" -- r ! " o j -', I . . - |