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Show PLEASANT GROVE NEWS 3 THE WOWJEKBIRHY OR SUNBERRT H 'Proved a Great Success -Trreav sands Say Ws the BestJThina They Ever Crew. The Tfronaerberry or Sunberry, the marvelous garden fruit originated by Lather Burbank, and introduced by John Lewis Cbilds, the well-known See4man of FloratPark, V. Y., haa proved a great success all over the country. Thousands of people say U is the 'best thing they ever grew.- Jr. JohnBurrough8. the well-trie author, Naturalist and bosom-friend of Jheodore-Eoosve4tsayS"4t-i-the most delicious pie berry he ever tasted, and a -marvelous cropper. A Director of the New York Agricultural Agricul-tural Experiment Station says it fruits abundantly even in pure sand. In the short season of North-western Canada JiUs a godsend, and fruits long after frost has killed most garden truck. D: S. Hall, Wichita. Kan., says thirty - people grew it there last season with perfect satisfaction. K. S. Enochs, Hammond, La, says it yields J250 worth of fruit per acre with him. Mrs. J. H. Powers, 4732 Kenwood avenue, Chicago, raised enough berries on a space 410 feet to supply herself, andfrienas. . J. P. Swallow, Kenton, Ohio, says its equal for all purposes does not exist. Rev. H. B. Sheldon, Pacific Grove, Cal., says be likes the berries served in any and every way; W. T. Davis, En'on. Va., says it is true to description in- every way, and fruits in three, months -from seed. Judge Morrow, of K. S. Circuit Court, says the Wonderboiry is .simply delicious raw or cooked. M t: Ch m eh rfiTt ed "brie "pi a at We months old,, 'bearing 10,375 berries whichueasured Wout Ight quarts. Mrs. Hattie Vincent, Hayden. New Mexico, says it stands the long, hard droughts of that climate and fruits abundantly all summer. It is certainly the most satisfactory garden fruit and the greatest Novelty ver introduced. Childish Inference. Little JiiHa was taking her afternoon after-noon walk ith her mother. Her attention at-tention Was uttrai tod for the first time to a large church edifice on one of the street corners. "Oh, mother!' she exclaimed, "whose nice big house Is that?" "That, Julia, is God s house." explained ex-plained the mother. "Some time later it happened that ' the child 'was again taken by the church, this time on, Sunday evening ' when services wtrre in .progress. Julia, notic ing the' brilliantly lighted windows, drew her own conclusions. "Oh, look, mother," she called out, -TinitTnust re naving a party. Important to Mothers. TXanTip cart-fully every bottle 6T CASTOIUA. a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children, and see that It llnmrm Hi Signature ol (Jiaffl4U6W. In Use For Over 'M Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought Farmer Brown and Farmer Jones Slight Error. ; m4,r nrar neighbors, and many a til "Nevertheless." iaid the young 1 pUte ((Hjii ,ttr,. as o ho waf the ear-Koinan. ear-Koinan. "he is an ambitious H-t H i u,.r rler. Both maliitiiii.id that each Would rve the tllU-s all hi lile" excelled the other. "But." r i'lied his UIer. "he makes ! o,, ,i;ir Farmer Brown determined the 'mistake of supposing that Bacchus Bac-chus I one of the imiim's." Catholic Standard and Times. IMt l P 1M4II I t K ltt!t tt-t m n thai mm t iwti -4 tfert-at-fta- Ata-I tlfuiNj i. tl c l! Tie world delights in sntiny 5 opl- The old ar hriig-.rlng for ! l .nre than fr bread' lruiiMitond rn i n in t it it r?" (j,t iom p t 1 1 - - ! t' ' li w H..--rt ft t I ' na.4 t ,m. im Men l.o l ave sjv i lo give are never tiCK ila It r r"rvini rv r:i t ixr-e-A rmr rULw I better than Bone If n or HER WEIGHT INCREASED FROM 100 TO 140 POUNDS. Wonderful Praise Accorded Perunathe Household Remedy t Mrs. Mt'-s o-rtt, Orirau. Okia- t boma, writ': -ytf bun4, chllJrii sod rny-!f hs jour nixlirm'S, and w al ways kp tfe rn la th boa In cs of ; ttrwi;y. I lit Tt-"- rl tn b'sliit ty Una rnli'-:iw, aI If. Hsrtiian lo-Talu'.: lo-Talu'.: a.M .-'sn.J N k. I" p'-f ak arrri-I V .1 I ran aV a I t r-y b Wir s: an I l.'i.l I ssrtj--J tyt ; Vtt tf rhfooiceafsrTh. My ha. eJ . mm r-i'fi f att ras.my dta.S.wf tf , -:- S'. tc'fTH f ltWn-:'-h.STlJ J rty I f rrU f i!- ibr.i. S !. 3 j I s wiri 1 wtibvl lnw'&a; ww I : w'rt I. -I h rr rr.r bs':h si o. afi J I I risa'l Wsak J'-u .k I tif aj. U e i st y a l-a i-ia i SJKl Um yuf Don't Cough! Use CURE tit tin tnot ni r-t5j5 rW. TWa is ai4 lis t - Asikssa. ffaatkilis aa4 ls t" nadirs. Cataaa PI TOO LATE. Thief What's the tlme,please? Victim Much too TateT or you: Tout pal just got my watch. EPIDEMIC OF ITCH IN WELSH VILLAGE "In Dowlais, South Wales, about fifteen fif-teen years ago, families were stricken strick-en wholesale by a disease known as the itch. Believe me, it is the most terrible disease of its kind that I know of, as it itches all through your body and makes your life an inferno. Sleep is out of the question and you feel as if a million mosquitoes were attacking you at the same time. I knew-. dozen families that were so affected. . . "The doctors did their best, but their remedies were of no avail whatever. what-ever. Then the families-.trieda druggist drug-gist who was noted far and wide for his remarkable cures. People came to him from all putts of the country for' treatment, but bis medicine made matters still worse, as a1at resort they were advised by a friend to use ! the Cuticura Remedies. I am glad to Heii yotr-rtrar-aftFr a- few- ihtys'-trenv ment with. Cuticura Soap, . Ointment ami Resolvent, the effect was wonderful wonder-ful and the result was a perfect cure In all cases. t "I may add that my three brothers, three sisters, myself and all our families fam-ilies have been users of the Cuticura Remedies for fifteen years. Thomas Hugh. 1650 West Huron St, Chicago, 111, June '29, 1909." His Terrible" Threat r .Aviation has improved considerably since the time when Col. Cleary, then county commissioner and for years a well known Cblcagoan, nmde a balloon ascension at a county fair over lo Michigan, says the. Chicago 'Journal. As the guest of honor the colonel was sent upward with the assurance that there was absolutely no danger. But as the distance from the earth grew greater the colonel leaned out anxiously. "Pull me in!" he shouted. The men who were bailing out the rope paid no heed to his demand. Higher and higher weni the balloon. Wilder aritf wilder grew the colonel 1 Finally, almost -niamUns on his bead as he tried to keep a precarious bal ance." he gave a final cry of exas pern'ed panic: "Pull me In, I tell you. or I'll cut the rope!" Real Early Rising. to put the subject to ted KUinc very early one morning, shout two o'clock, he proindfd to vI.kii hi f ri lid. Great as hi aMoftlfhiiii-ut lnn be aw Mr Jones haniiir.tf out the flushes la the K.trJen "IVltu' r Jon' s sti'iit ?" In Bi-ked. Well." r ple d the lady, "he was the lu-t p.irt of th" moi'.iiu', but I d'iniio whirr he be n." Ho It Struck Him. ' T.i hold th otidroiiB t. at.ti $ f j yon mihvt k ." frl.iirned tbf h-i ) "Hen pnid'c.tl na'iir'- is Ith its re j l l n! lit ic i. t t f " ' Yei." :.inmer d the bus publisher ! in n 1--t t miriib d tone, it i goi-.g ! Kin. to throa In ourN suripii- ; Blent every diy." ! True Friendship. , -Why did you tell our trifnd that th' drt-sstiiAser baJ ti'ta:!r ru.nd jour dre her h.i ty " "li- r-tidf l i... iter INSOMNIA cad to Mdt. if not Rtid'd In Tims. yrar i:o. wr.te a Toj-ki sicji. ,ht co?Tej st. d;rt- t (w of th lco:tU frrm h -S I suJerrd turrit!?, tur-rit!?, s aeil a th tx'.ttui ctr??-j- .A.I a . - a J t tr. .li m:VH r- . I . chiUhrxxI. sc4 d l f t Ilk to think tltt ti t ff di tcf rf:? a!j tk'.s ; IvArn. livt It . aa4 tt tim c. ! t a I tt! to f.r C fan. aad pro aT-r;.':y aa-l aJ:'ity, ss4 a4p4 lui.-n j tr.y hit t;ftk at !. ! 'I r-f a to co' lx;mot ta esy j fr-zM; .-a Try .-- arr I Inl tm i ' rc!ai. T- ls i -J4 trai- , t.'r. t.t rlr. SftJ tt t tsa!tr cf , cc!y a f' k tf I fr!s4 cy J r.tfc'd T. eT t t-:t a;;rai s as t'i r4 t- tK,-:-ii " t' sy. km I l I i;c;, t 3 f ,.'.Jy as! pt- "Ti t-fTf fx. fr kes Uw era ' " x. - ' 5? y-sr. ms4 I f t.. ...' ta t ,-w " -t t 'fV"ss : I t.r: lv-?ra, I t Vt I Vc t . f ... U i I '..: V . "TV tzt I f rt:."u : TV' a kw, t " IUM I sMMMt im 4 fail bwbm OFFERS ft ROYALTY SEATTLE MAN WOULD PAY FIFTY CENTS A TON TO MINE ALASKA COAL. Offer Coming on Eve of Ballinger-Pinchott Ballinger-Pinchott Investigation Which Would Net the Government ; . Millions in Royalties. ' v. Washington. A new and sensational factor prepared Tuesday to add intensity inten-sity to the already sufficiently excited situation over the Alaska coal lands, on the eve of the beginning of the Bal-linger-Pinchott investigation. John E. Ballaine jf Seattle, said to be the largest individual property, owner.in Alaska; made a proposltona. writing to the senate commute on territories, of which Senator BeVeEr idge of Indiana is chairnian, offering to the government a royally of 5(c. ton on coal mined for the lease of 5.0(H) acres of some of the choicest coal" lands in Alaska, in the Katalla and Matanuska.districts. Such a tonnage ton-nage royalty would net to the government. govern-ment. Mr. Ballaine claims, as high as J.OOO.dnu per hundred acres. TAFTIS NO CRUSADER. Purposes of President Fully Set Forth In His Annual Message. Washington President TalW on Tuesday made, public the following statement as to the report that tlie ad" i m r in n 1 it mun-. a rrusadg. against, unlawful combinations of ca;i- ital. "No statement was issued, either from -the attorney general s office or the White House, indicating that the purpose of the administration with reference to prosecutions under the anti-trust law is other than as set forth in the message of the president of January 7, 191C. "Sensational statements as if. there was to te a new departure and an Indiscriminate In-discriminate prosecution of Important Industries have no foundation. The purpose pf the administration Is exactly ex-actly as already stated In the president's presi-dent's message.' UTAH COPPER'S VICTORY. Wall Injunction Dissolved snd Merger Will Proceeds . . New York. I'tah Copper gained a decided victory Tuesday afternoon In Trenton, N. J., when two Judges of the I'nited States court dissolved the Injunction In-junction recently hiaJmd against the merger of the Bingham properties. This Injunction was obtained by Col-onT-Trair-anr--rrAV;- tlraham. Shortly" after the decision the Utah Coper shareholders voted In favor of taking over the Boston Consolidated on the basis of one share of I'tah for two snd one half shan s of Boston. Al- . -.1111... .Waf..i j.f thU t')! inoSI OOP Ilinuun piiai.p " - nilllloncaiiitallza'li.n of the Nevada Coiiti!lilawJ have eypresised a desire to exchane.."iTrrfTkL CiiU'er on a basis of two mill otuMfnar'er shares of Nevada fT me of I'tah Fear tos of Trade. Washington - Alarmed by the crlti ral turn tn the tariff controversy be ... . - ...1 f'r i tem the 1 liiieti fia'- hii.i . 1 ; in.mv. hi-f-als from chamber of 1 inli tiierce ai.-l iM.srdu f trade of s v eriil ii!ie! were in.ole to the national boa id cT trade in i.in here on Tue-ibiy Tue-ibiy urgti.s 'bat lly to recommend i lint tln fc'we d- purtniertt recede from Ho of5on lh.it Alueru til beef ;irnl raltlt" luutt t e i.i!n.:Hed to St-riliany !! solutions pre.meil m ihe nation l btnly uiaif.'uin thai tt.-re ran be no ndt ati'a- n ln!iMiitf on a tleriii.in market tor Amerii;.n bwf teraii-e tin botiie rortFuttiptititi Is mrreayini: at uih a ratf on to roiuuianJ all th supply Rsila' tower Rstet. fUno. N.- -Si'l':r,e Itfd-jetlon in t li rtt of tririn ji4 ! iVa fl;-4 t t 4r s i w'ifi bi"r. fc d.J Siirat k a itjw t . fc.E ! -:'k iy i7"'r-,-4 Ct"s 0tt C CTBrit'. Kjilitnif rvr-r'.r7 rvr-r'.r7 acr-nwi'4 Tay tktt a ts m- 11 t ri4 f'ra KfL i;-r ' ! t;4 !! . '! t,.t pr C-V-J ki Vt4 th ifu:" rX. ttf ?-'t t-w , - M Juaa iXli . i' . f-H-i t a-.s) . irt ft. w it c 1 .t : t -tj.---5..j t; ' ... . . 1 Ft ' ! I : -J a-'t "fi cf Tt f - JH- rail.ais anl tt.-,r ..mp.MnK ho-. , XZi't i wh:l to CV. waa p thr Is a ?Z fit rv-y 4 ' ... ---!-. ' ' " ':, v S" 1 JX i ruti..a of S catj ir ton fcauUr- ;TV ' I - v I ; It -'-'- " - v Vi "h rharr all or an tu aa4 tarluUia, 0ff t S V' (, f K y - . A H V'-V - T-'-N k'l l tr f. n..tf,l.y 1 icM-oid, the - i i i . V ,'-',- r:- ' il V- J 'tx-srit hau::a lo. r4 V -Ol I V H-.k '- rN ! -.4 ry I It ts t- -- r'i ! f lo-a a.. 4 ti A PROPOSAL . Housewife You always seem to en-Joy en-Joy gating my food, but my husband 4s nver suV.ed with it! Beggar Say, get a divorce and marry me! TO CURE : RHEUMATISM prescription ..that Cured " Hundreds -Q-r Since Published Here. "One. ounce syrup of Sarsaparilla conyfotnid ; one " ounce Tpris compound: com-pound: Add these to a half pint of good whiskey: Take a tablespoonful be- fore each meal ancf at bed ..time; Shake the bottle well each time." Any druggist has these ingredients In stock or will quickly get them from bis w holesale house. Good results are felt from this treatment after the first few doses but it should be continued until cured. This ahso acts as a system builder, eventually restoring strength and vitality. The Ruling Passion. -ii old Irish woman,, in diciibius a Y'guiie but' not forgotten","' said:' ''Mike be living now, if it wasn't for the dbrink. He had a dog and sure that baste would bring him home from the saloon whin he was so hlimf wid .liquor he couldn't see a shtop before him. And whin he died 'tis the tmtl: rmshpaking his ghost walked at night, both back and foorth, bctune the saloon and his house and bedad 'twas so dhrunk his dog knew htm!" WHY PEOPLE SUFFER. Too often the kidneys are the cause and the sufferer is not aware of it. Sick kidneys bring backache and side pains, lameness and stiffness, dizziness, dizzi-ness, headaches, tired feeling, urinary troubles. Doan's Kid-"ney Kid-"ney Pills cure the cause. Mrs. N. E. Graves, Villlsca. Iowa, says: "I suffered suf-fered from kidney trouble for years. The secretions were dlsordrroM, there were pains In my back and swellings of the ankles. Often I had smother-Ing-npTlnr. I tratoT)oTieTpe"d about Doun's Kidney Pills cured me five years ago and I have been well since. They saved my life." . Jtememher the name Doan's. For sale by all dealers. r,0 rents a box. Foster Mllburn Co., Huffalo. X. Y. Natural. "What Is loaf stigar?'' tnrjnlrd Mrs. Justhicht "Why, It's sugnr in the form of j loaves. 1 suppose." answered her spouse. iy ; "I mas woiid'Tirg." said Mrs J., "if that Was what thiy made threads of " r,R t t i f M I l i H ti s-t r.- 1 - Orr-aioti:illy tLe Inn n r tlie (ourc of tni- 'Ill I .11 ' lo,- i run T I XT t I l l KM' T LAHII. Iii'i '. I r'! "O" .1 .r.-f if . f. i . t. fetuAltelir . km li i' I . Cheap notoriety !' t) ' 1:1 an hh nslve losur y IMV .It to- f r. W lnin hmiiMnt rmp. vaj taam. cur 'Sx. ac ufc. Low sliotn and tigh fijbimali!e ntr"iiie lf !k ii.j In- 55 iton out of fSj4 a s XfNJ?- Jsi-. W lV SUWBERRY-The Improved Vonderfaerry LLTtlLX ttIBVMkS CltllBI C3LTIO. A L.lo.s fWrry ! ,... . Tra tl.ka fr-Ms SXl a.!UU LIIQUM 3 OIL kll M 511 d zo os. TV Is tmrtwwir Ctf MT.TT 1 a rrwus ar etiWaw as amat Nr m4 .nwi F"""1 srs t- aua w-"---". rW t gi. 1 1 V-A ai t.-- " 'I li i I fy mi 1 fc t t t f ar-sv natfiiMivtdlrMttit - .a - .c I w i'fc Si frt t r I s r-. v-- - fa- w p"i4rHMit'n'tl-ilwuink3!i ... X : t-a4 li - l r s- a sai 4h It Smi . 1 at a tti.oc j 1 . t -1 i a "rrfn .r v amtbrnrtmrrj. Addres JOHH LEWIS CH1LDS, Flora! ark, M. Y. Strong Healthy Women II a womsn is Strong and healthy in a womanly way, motherhood moth-erhood means to her but little suffering.. The trouble lie " ia the fact that the many women suffer (rom weakness and dUease of the distinctly feminine organism and are unfitted tot motherhood. This can be remedied. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Cdfes the waakneasea and disorder of, woon. It acta directly on the delicate and important organs concerned in motherhood, making tbena " fjesithy, otrong, vigorous, virile and clastic. ''Favorite Prescription" banishes the indispositions of tSe' period of expectancy and makes baby's advent easy and almost pitfl?s9. It quickens -and vitalizes ike feminine' Armaria. And imiirM Ka 1 f v Bmi rnhnsf Km Kv TKnaiMitrl. ett vnmM . luvl testified to its marvelous merits. It Makes Weak. W omen Strong. It Makes Skk Women WelL s Honest druggists do not offer substitutes, and orge them upon you as "just, as good." Accept no secret nostrum in place of this non-iecrrt remedy. .It contains not a drop of alcohol and not a grain of habit-forming or injurious drugs. Is a pure glyocrio extract of healing, native American roots. The shooting, tearing pains of neuralgia are caused Uy excitement of the nerves. Sciatica is also a nerve pain. . Sloan's Liniment, a soothing external application, stops neuralgia pains at once, quiets the nerves, relieves that feeling of numbness which is often a warning of paralysis, and by its tonic effect on the nervous and muscular tissues, gives permanent as well as immediate immedi-ate relief.' One Application Relieved the Pain. Mr. J. C. Lf.E, of l loo Ninth St., S. E., Washington, D. C, writes: " I advised a lady who was a great sufferer ftom neuralgia to try Sloan's I-inl- men. After one application the paiu who it since." Slaarfs me is the best remedy for Rheumatism, Stiff Joints and Sprains and all Pains. At All Druggists. Price U.V, COc. and $1.00, Sloan's Trralls on tks Horse snt FrM. Addraae DR. EARL S. SLOAN, BOSTON, MASS. DYOLA DYES u o . ii u. a ai.i .t. ,r.-i OXE DYE FOR ALL GOODS r..t.. .el .. h k tif itlrnrilti. tr- Iff t. Iluriti:.ti, Tiuuiil. mi os i i DYOLA DYES Reade of ika p;f d-- rs irin J I o bay titr-1 in its column tltoui-J ind ttpm asimf ! st iSey a k lur. triimttf all sulsulrs at inasbutit. . DEFUHCE STARCH r," 1' n r IWA .aw . . LJIHTIt)'. A ulo.i rWrrr lls.l.4 I. TkM. Ifik r ri r A(j.n. 3 r ujki is io 50 rVt al NOVTl TT Xo i it m . -..i- .- ,-. ; I mast IIEOIXtr'Htll (t-kicdxilfwioo. left her and she has not been troubled Bad Breath 1 or rnontna i Had prrat troable with my ,"m'ch al nsl all kimls of medicines. ' tviiw ijcu WLiuatiy ma Kn a gr i, niy Lrt ath having a bad odor. Two wre saerttfrv-tl recointoi Caitcsrets sn l after lfcing tlieta I can willingly sml ch'-erfully say tliat Uk have entirely cured me. I therefore k t you know that I sliill rrcorumeml tlx-m to any one suffer ing fro-a such troubles." Ch-is. II. Hal. I in. t li li. yJi St., New York, N. Y. '' T T H I - (ifT, mall It with your ad-.tr-- ,i 1. I t lr "nifijy, Cht ,'!. l!f.!f .. .ui.l r. .1... a hamlsun-.e "J1'!,;.- g.J lion f.n HIKE. 9J$ PlVi FHR KIC" AND PELTS tw I sat f4 1r aJltl I 4 s-i pr,- tA 4 aim. aai u.ff rwtbia f-W ItasW Ciai. a. Ik, crs. rosrrtiD w. T - fK, MM, (m f ot-4 faava f wc o H'Wvsn. lit V .: j riltlin4 aw a vt r"' 0O . ' .--4. "- ..aa.rv. 1 . a- - Tf-r i r ti s? rrrm. tn ano " s f ate a f Si.CK.bS - V i..puiH . v, , ' ' ' - - t M". I t . f-- f a m---'m s , w a-. r , I i. lo -a' W a . im SWaW a 4 a a , . u ' " r. I mm HOmt WaS atsS I ata wwiM r |