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Show .. THE PRO VO HERALD. f .- jt i -1 it ft it t : : - -m I .- a i -r i , f1111 - i I L-IL-I lJ U ' ' I SLLVAU IX J U f? 5 4i ft I Gigiaritic Ten Days People's Bargain Carnival at PI easamut Grove Utalhi $25,000 stock of Dry Goods, Clothing,' Shoes, Notions, Hardware and Groceries to be placed on sale for 10 days at prices never before, heard of in this town. A regular picnic for the public, beginning Thursday, January 6th, at 9 a. m. J. P. AYDELOTTE & SON This is the first Genuine Ijrgain Sale ever.; held i n Pleasant Grove, and you can rest assured that every statement made will be backed up by J. P. Aydelotte & Son who has been ambitious to supply the people of this community with the very best merchandise that money could buy or a lifetime o fpractical experience experi-ence could procure. We have served the public faithfully and well. feel confident that- our hundreds of friends and patrons will appreciate the' opportunity they now have to attend this Gigantic Bargain Carnival. We have not selected one item, or a dozen, to off ere asa bait, but have placed our entire $25,000 stock of choice, honest merchandise at your mercy at emphatically the lowest prices ever quoted by a general store in the state of Utah. YOU ALL KNOW US, YOU KNOW HOW CONSERVATIVE WE HAVE ALWAYS AL-WAYS BEEN. Therefore, you, the public, can .well believe that this will be a bona fide sale and the above statements are plain unvarnished facts. , , .... : s 'STORE CLOSED, i . Business Suspended. No one allowed in the building until Thursday, January 6, at 9 a. m.' .We?are busy re-arranging and marking down our entire stock. Wait! Wait! Wait! until the opening day. J. P. AYDELOTTE & SON We Pay The Freight And The PEOPLE Get The Benefit At this Great-Salt at J. P. Aydelotte & Son, Pleasant Grove, there will be a crowd, but you will' be jostled by a pleasant, good natured crowd. The opening on Thursday, January 6th, will be a gala day. Bring the children. Tell everybody, all roads lead to Pleasant Gr'oVe. The Gigantic People's Bargain Carnival opens Thursday, January 6th, and closes Saturday, Sat-urday, January 15th. Ten days of Unequalled underselling. Down, Down, Down, go the prices with a' thundering crash that will awaken mortal man from his slumbersd bring the -entire population to our doors. V ALL PROFITS SWEPT AWAY CAN YOU? DARE YOU? In justice to your family overlook the, greatest money-saving opportunity of your lives? Here are nine good reasons why YOU SHOULD ATTEND 'THIS SALE: ' ' ' . . No. 1. This is a bona fide sale and it comes in the very nick of time. .J No. 2 You know you will only get the best in the land'and the best is none too good for our customers. - No. 3 We shall put forth such great values, it will make us forever after masters of the retail business in Pleasant Grove. I No. 4 We are. determined to make a clean sweep pt thousands and thousands of dollars worth of staple goods, and our loss is to be your gain. No. 5 We have plunged our knife into every priec and every article and have marked it so low that no person of common intelligence will fail to supply their wants for at least a year to come. - . No. 6 Think what it means to you, coming at this time of year, when1 you are figging and planning to make your dollars go as far as possible. " v.; No. 7-All the merchandise, including our $250,000 stock of Dry Goods, Clothing,' Shoes, Furnishing Goods, Hardware, and Groceries, now within the four walls of this store, goes on sale at manufacturer's wholesale cash prices and less. We expect to do ten times the business of our lives at these low prices for ten days. ' No. 8 Use your good common sense nature has endowed you with and come and pay us a visit during these wonderful ten days. Your dollar will actually do double -duty. No. 9 Several years of straightforward honorable dialing with the public is behind this tremendous slaughter sale. We expect to sell at least $10,000 for spot cash during these ten days and we are prepared to sacrifice all profits and part of our cost. Come and see with your own eyes and be convinced. R E A D T H I N in A c T DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT Standard American Prints, valut up to 10c, bargain carnival pric ...4c 150 yards, 36 in. wide, wool dress goods worth 75c; bargain carnival sale price 37' .c Fancy Silk, regular price $1.24, sale .. .75c Dress linings, regular up to 10c, sale price .3c Fin all wool dress goods worth to 1.00. Bargain carnival sale price . 39c Remnants, all kinds, per yard . . , ..3c Miles and miles of Dress Goods of every description, heaped upon big bargain counters and reduced to almost nothing. Look for the Red Tags. Outings, special value 15c sale price. . :' 9 1-3c ISO yards Fine Dress Goods worth $1 50. bargain carnival sale price . - - 99c LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FURNISHINGS Children's mittens worth 25c sale 10 Ladies' Fine White Handkerchiefs, worth 15c, sale price. 3c Lace Window Curtains, regular value $i.50. sale price. $1 50 Ladies and Gent's Black Wool Union Suits, value $2.50. sa'e price 11.50 Ladies' heavy Underwear, worth $175. bargain carnival sal price - S9 Approved L. D. S. Garments worth 11.50. bargain carnival sale price " " .75c Fleeced Lined Wrappers, on sale at S5c These are worth $1.50 Fascinators, value 75c sale price i 49c Special Knit Underskirts, worth $1.25. sale price 9c Children's Hose worth 15c sale price it Ladies' Fine Black Hose, regular value 25c sale price. . . 9e Ladies' Fleeced Hose worth 35c sale price.. t9c Children's Uon Suits, worth 50c. sale price. .......... . 2ic Ail other ladies and children's wear on sale at prices never before heard of. Fire 1-g'am Carpets (aU Wool), value $1.25 per yard, sale price 71 e Eitra good Rugs, sue 2S by 54 Inches, good asortmet. go at $1 15 each. MEN'S FURNISHINGS L. D S Garmerts, worth $1 50. sa'e prc ?5e Boys' Overcoats worth 14 50. il l pree $749 F.n B ack Hats. wrth $3 50. sa t price $1.39 Caps worth 50c. sale prce . . .. . 19 Men's Sh.rts worth $175. st'e pre 3c Men's wool Socks worth 30c sa'e price T0c Mf'i'in wool Underwear, regular value $'25. sale 95 Men's Bow T'- o'y 5c Men's Fay Cotton Socks worth 2Sc to 35c prce 0c L't'1 !i oy , Wei's Bvotkm Glove worth $175. sa:e 5c Me's Guaranteed Bucks sm G'ovts. value $' 7$. sae $' wi" leather mitts ofy r Hay F'eete L'ed Underwear. ' ged qwat-'y. value !5 I j f H Woolen Underwear, worth $1 per garment, bargain carnival sale price, each 43c Extra Men's Sweaters worth up to 12.50, sale price $1 .CO Men's Sweaters, value $175, sale price. . .69c Boys' Suits, value up to $4 00. salt price $1.43 Youth's Long Pants Suits, good quality, regular' values up to $3 00. at sale price.... ' $375 Boys' Knee Pants only . . , .- 25c Men's Fine Suspenders worth 25c sale. 15s Men's White Handkerchiefs, worth 15c lt price 7 50c Suspenders, sale price 19c Everything, else in Men's and Boys' Wear at bargain prices. .All regular standard makes. SENSATIONAL BARGAINS IN MEN'S. BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. Men's Fine Alt Wool Suits worth $12.0, bargain carnival sale price $5.S5 Men's Fin Dress Suit, fin all wool material in neat checks and stripes, worth up to $20 00. sal price $12.50 At $12 91. Suit and Overcoats worth $22.60. Don't fail to see ths. Men's Ouck Blanket, lined water proof Overcoat, value $5. price $3 50 Men's $3.50 and $4 CO Pants, sal price $195 Men' Peg Top imported Corduroy Pant, value $3.50, sal pric $725 Men Overalls 4Jc Men's Best Strauss Overalls, regular valu $1.15, sal 5c Men's best Strauss Coats, regular value $1.1$, sale S5e Men's Hunting Coats, regular valu up to $150, sal 49c LADIES' TAILOR MADE SUITS, WAISTS. COATS. FURS. ETC Waists, worth uo to $5 50. sal pr.c. .. .$2.39 Waists up to $2 00. sal pc 75e Children' Bear skin Coats, regular value $500, sal pric $3 Lad es' Long Coat, worth $'2 53. Ml Brie $4 95 New Fall Sk-rts worth up to $7. sal prtce $7 5 SHOE DEPARTMENT The Greatest Values n Utat in the Sho Lin. Children' Shoo only 25c Me"'S Rwbbrs r.ly 50c High Top Shoe on s"e at . $2 95 Men's Shoes worth up to $3 50. sal pric ST-'O Boyt" So for hard wear, only .$1.49 Lad ft' Shoe worth up to tl 50. carnival sal $? 0 Z C M I. Special $ov regular prtc S3, sal pric $1.75 Men's Hamilton. Brown Shoe, regular $775, sal pric.. $1 50 LACES. EM8ROIOERIES AND RIBBONS. '. 22. 0. tO in. neb, value to 20c Mkl pric 5 W4 n6rdery, sa' prtc 5 Ore bg lot f laces niy ,, . yard A REMNANT CLSAN UP ah short length, odd pec ad brok Ms ail djrt ments go at a fraction of their value.. This counter alone is well worth coming for. Land sakes, how we have cut the prices. Come and see with, your own eyes. .COME! F AT 5. 10 AND 15 CENTS. These are bargain tables, the like of which you don't often tee. Chinaware. Household Utensils, Novelt.es of every description, etc., etc. SPECIAL! SPECIAL! EXTRA GOOD COTTON BLANKETS. 45c FINE WOOL MIXED BLANKETS, regular value to M.50. sale price $2.68 GOOD THREAD. Sale price. Three Spools for 5c GROCERY DEPARTMENT Special prices on all Groceries. Our grocery combination is a world beater. SUGAR FREE Included in this combination of staple groceries, amounting to $6 40. you get 20 pounds of sugar FREE. For instance. we give 20 pounds of sugar, provided you take the entire Prices Never Before Heard 0! On M er -chaA- Retail value of sugar $1.40. Regular price of groceries $8 40 , Tetf 1 7 SO. Sal prtc of this combination is $4 40. Just fl I J P Like Finding $1.40. Vs J HAROWARE STOVES AND RANGES Steel. I rot, ascesto bred range worth $40, sale pric $12 e . . i 1 ia . i - ...... . .k ... . .... combination. Rgular pric $740. sal orice cans Drld Hrring 5 Can Raisins 1 Bg Cloth Basket 3 Cans Tomatoes 3 Cars Tabl Apricots 3 Cans Chrrl 3 Can Black Berries 2 Large Cans Pork and Beans 1 Bottle Mmed Pickles , ... 1 Bottle Mustard Pickles 2 Packages Tree Tea 2 Package Arbuckl Cofe 2' f Pounds Schepp's Cocoanut Bar Toilt Soap .". I Cas Tabl Pear Ttl $6.40 ...20c 50c $100 ...25c ...60c ..60c ...45e ...30c ...25c ...25o ...40e ...S5o ...40c ...25c . . eoc $6.40 Stcial. 1I2 A0 wi!u,t MaaM ,. im my u - - - ' - ... f .rf Pocket K lives, regular valu $100, sal pr te Pocket K(ve. rvir vaiuc $1.60, sat pne It Rar that will shav. orly t j Coal Bucket, regular value 40c 2'e Four prrg Pitch Forks, regular pric $!. sal pric , .tH TO THE PUBLIC: Th pnees quoted stove r wtr iiiutra t on. W dv y to save tht and bring rt w th v s that tker i n wt.ftak i4 you gVaatiy th goods d-vert.4. d-vert.4. Thi t BONA FIDE SALE. Sale Posielf Opens Thursday, January 6, at 8 O'clock A POSITIVELY COMENCING THURSDAY," JAN, 6, AT 9 A, VE INAUGURATE A iilGHTYlODAYS PEOPLE'S BARGAIN CARNIVAL, PRIOR TO OUR ANNUAL-STOCK TAKING . 1 4 |