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Show PLEASANT GEO VE NEWS Yo can save from $1 to $1(0 -very easily In a year. U only depends de-pends on the amount of business yea do with us. The quality of all tar goods is unsurpassed and our prices are saving prices. Complete lines of everything In Jewelry. Salt iak g, uix. utah The Tonopah Vry A story is being circulated around Tonopah oconcernins one of the most prominent physicians in mis city, and avhich shows that there are divers saethods f collecting bills. ,s- --Several --Several months ago a well. known TXwiopah lady- engaged a cook, hut Lhe GIVES UFE TO SAVE TRAIN HERQl&M OP, MISSOURI LABORER PREVENTS WRECK OF WABASH "FLYER WITH 100 PASSENGERS. Mexico, Mo.-urtisentry, a Wabash Wa-bash section hand, gave up his life to save the lives of a hundred or more passangers. bound for St. Louis on the company's crack flyer. . The ;' tract west" .of Mexico was' un- ot coin of the real mbeirig paidfjar the services, only promises resujb4. One -morning the lady of tiiefio't)i. arose aad on yia'.ting the brealyi.- table ' was astonished to find tha' no preparations had been made for the aorning meal, sne hastily w?nl to tfae W red girl's bed rootn, where the servant was found in bed, and who complained of being ill. The doctor - was summoned anilafter making. an ' examination, asked the girl if she was really, sick. There was no 'response to the interrogation, except a mute look of anneal from the patient. The mistress left the room .at .this time and the girl blurted out: "No, I am not sick, only the lady . wrea me three months' wages and I tn going to stay in bed until I re- eeive my pay. ""Well, for the love'-ef heaven," re sponded the D., V'nusre over- She, dergoipg: TepaM .and a" section of It was suspended By Jacks. The "train, three hours late and running ata mile-a-mlnute speed, suddenly dashed out the fog. With the track suspended. seemed impossible to prevent a hoi eeaustp and but for Gentry's heroism heavy loss of life was inevitable. Although realizing' he was going to almost coi tain death. Gentry ran to Increased Price' of Elk Teeth "During the last five years .the value of elk teeth has .inore "than, trebled,1 said a western traveler at the Frederic, Fred-eric, according to the St Paul Dig-patch. Dig-patch. "In 1904 you could get any number num-ber of fine specimens in Idaho, Montana, Mon-tana, Washington and bordering states for $2.50 apiece. Now vnn win M. from $7.50 to $1Q, and they are hard to get .ror even that . The Apache, Sioux, Comanche, and Chtortewa inrti. ans used, to have dozens of them in their possession and traded them for trinkets. But the redskin got wise to tneir value, and, you can" buy thero AJ-esson!iLEconomy, the- Jack that was holding the most dangerous section of track in midair, The Sfork and the Eagle. "A west Philadelphia, "teacher was -talking about, wild animals and birds to a class ofHttle girls," said Secretary Secre-tary Pick of jhe board pL education fa. relating some of the amusing incl-denta incl-denta thai happen in the public T'jachoolr. " "She had told them about the car-mlvorous car-mlvorous animals and beasts of Aha jungle and began asking questions About birds of prey. . "'Can anyone in the class tell me,' she abked, 'what bird it Is that As so strong that It can fly down out6f the - sky and carry off a small child with - Aset" . "There was a moment's pause, and - then a little girl In the rear of the . classroom frantically raised her haml "'I know,' fairly shouted the bright , pnpll, under stress of great excite-meat, excite-meat, 'it's the tork, 'cause one of . Vra brought a baby to our house last aljthtj " Philadelphia Record. fa Away From Praying. Mrs. Psrkhurst conversing with a New York corresnonduet who ex-: ex-: pressed Illiberal views oa the woman question, said with a smile: "Ah. you disappoint to. I had thought American men were models ia their treatment of women I am as disappointed In you as I once was In a little Anglo-Indian child. "She had Just come from India on , P. and O. to be put to school, and one night she stayed with m all alght. "After she had bwn put to bed I wtaiU'd her room to see If she as all right. In the dim llt-at I saw the lit-J, lit-J, white-robed figure groping on Its knit-a In (he cvt, sad I whispered to wy daughter: "The little dear I saying her prayer a.' "A tiny voice cam frm thc "Where the debil's my dollyT " Nothing Special Library s'taiit (to tUltor. fho Sentry Was Struck as Hs Half Turned to escape. With but a few soconria to work, ha wrestled desperately with the me chanism. His companions fled when the train s rumble was heard through the fog. The engineer saw his danger from his cab window and threw on the emergency em-ergency brakes. Sparks flew from lhe heels, but the momentum was so great that the. train could not be topped In time. With the train nut a fw feet aav the last cog of the Jark slipped off the catch and the trark dropped tln try was Struck as be wax halt turn-.l M escape from the track. His life less body was picked up later 50 feet from the right of way. The train wax etoppt-d a short distance away, and when the passengers learned the reason rea-son for the delay there was a gasp of horror 'at their narrow em-ape. When they learned of Gentry's heroism hero-ism a purse was immediately started for the bereaved family. He Ivave a wife and several children at Centralis. Mo from a regular denied ii-K'panor r - - than, from the Indian, thr passing ui iu eys. anaine grew demand5 made by the members of the Elk lh. teeth for emblems have boosted the price.tL " t " . The traveler recited an Inrifont rr an Oklahoman who bought a robe cov-ered cov-ered with elk teeth from a Wichita Indian for $100. He "cut off the teeth j and cleaned up $2,200 on the.deaL A Drama on the Street. J A remarkable coincidence occurred at San Bernardino, Cal., one day late-' ly. whereby a couple about to be di-1 vorced were happily brought together again. Mrs." Walter Preston was on her way to the court to secure a di-' vorce against her husband when her ! little daughter darted In the oath nf i a onrushing motor car. The moth-' ers screams attracted the attention of a man who dashed In iront of the machine, seized the little girl and leaped to safety as the automobile hot by. The rescuer Droved to be the husband and father. . ExDlanations were soon made, and the two made their way to the attorney's office, arhere Mrs. Preston tore , up the divorce di-vorce complaint. - "I notice you always, fling tfie;drlver yoflf purse when we. take a convey ance," said the .heroine of the his torical noveL . ' "I do," admitted the hero of the same. ; - ' ''How do your expect to support a wife? Give him the exact legal fare Jiereaf ter." LouiayiIIe Courier-Jour. nal. ',' ' The Novice. - Old Lawyer (to young partner) Did you draw up old Moneybag's will? Young Partner Yes, sir; and so tight that- all the .relatives Inx ; the world cannot break it Old Lawyer '(with some disgust) The next time there Is a " will to. be drawnjip, VWAo it myself! 'VNew York Sun. 1 . . ..,' Graphic Variations. "Civilization" remarked the cahni bal king, -"promotes" some strange ideas." ' . "To whom do you. especially refer?" inquired the missionary." J'Among' you - the ultimate con-sumer con-sumer is regarded ; with "sympathy. Here he is considered very lucky." Ul-Kinds. "It . takes all kinds of people to make- a world," said the ready-made philosopher. . ' - r, "Certainly," answered the plain person; per-son; "look at explorers. Some of them excel with mathema'tloal Instruments and some with typewriters and picture machines." , Would Surprise Him All Right. First Girl I want to give my fiance a surprise for a birthday present Can't you suggest something? Second Girl You might tell him your age. Knowledge Enough. -' At the moment of their fall Adam and Eve, "being innocent were used to doing things in. an unconscious manner. man-ner. - 4 ' " That is to say, they didn't Fletcher ize. With the result that they, failed, of getting-the full effect of the apple-all apple-all thepf oteidsdTjcSf bbyflr ales'." However.-mrthierhlind, blundering way, they attained to enough inowl odge of good and evil .to maae them terrible bores' to themselves forever after, and to all heir-descendants ne-- wfse unto the present generation.- Puck. On Time. . "That man spends his life in an en deavor to get peoplo dpthings J30 time." . "ThatX.fine and philanthropic! What does he do for a living?" plan." mstallm - ' -' " His" Business. You see that man across the street? Well, you can always get cut rates from him for his work." "What is jt?" "Trimming trees and hedges.' timore American. . And Mother Officiates. Eddie Do you have morning nrar- ers at your house? - Freddie We have some kind of a service when father gets in. - . Occasionally we meet neoDle who spend Tialf their time telling what. they are going to do and the other half explaining why they didn't do it . If you see a fault In others, think of two of your own. and do not add a third one by your hasty Judgment .: Interesting! nf ormation. ' : In-,' an interview published, in the Kieler Neueste Nachrichten, Grossad-miral Grossad-miral von Koster says many interesting interest-ing things about his visit to New-York, New-York, among them the following: "In the absence of President Taft who was away on a trip to the Mexican frontier, the place of honor was taken - by- the' vice-presidentcrof --the United States, Secretary of - State Sherman of New York." 1 - Sorry He Spoke. Mr. Dubbs . (with newspaper) It tells here, my dear, how a progres-slve progres-slve New York woman makes her social calls by telephone. Mrs. Dubbs Progressive. ' Huh! She's probably like me, not a decent thing to wear. Boston Transcript Taking No Chances. Griggs Odff 'that thesedoctors caa't prescribe for themselves-. There's CuttenF Just gone to another physician to be treated. Briggs That's where he Is, wise. Cuttem knows now few Of his patients pa-tients recover. Mistakes Will Happen. Lady to her sister, a doctor) ThereI cooked a meal for the first" time to-day and I made-a mess of it "Well, dear," never mind; It's noth ing. I lost my first patient" Wher Pepys Won "Fame. "Who was this fellow Pepys, and what Is his claim to fame?" "His claim to fame Is well founded. my friend: He's the man who kept a diary for more than a year." Happiness In marriage would ha more prevalent if a man would handle his wife as tenderly and carefully as he does an old briar pipe. Weep THe Icev House Hi body carrM Into a roa h and Ukm to MVxIro. Sufftrlt.t monrv i aa m. .l..i . . . St... Ku . .' . a . ' . I suotaln the family until ob-r relief j l obtained , rl. 'Can I toe for im'.h'nc t-iil? VUilt-f tal-ni!j) "No. thank you, I wa ufcly li kins f'r mj wiTi?'' Puik Some neonta awetl nn nn "smtf Inn1 orewea irom absolute untruth. It's an old trick nf tha luailnr. nt ty Labor Trust to twist facts and make tne sympathetic ones" "weep at the ice nouse." That 'a nart nf tha aU iuriner on.) Gomners et al sneer at anlt nnnn and defy our courts, seeking sympathy by falsely tellipg the people the courts were trying to deprive them of free speecn ana tree press. Men Can Sneak freelr and nrtnt nnln. Ions freely in this country and no couri wm object, but they cannot be allowed to nrint matter n na it a criminal conaolraev to inlura n,t rnin vuier citizens. Compers and his truat aaanelntea aianea out to ru n tha fturka Rlnva Co., drive Its hundreds of workmen out or work and desiroy the value of the plant Without re card ta tha fart that hard earned money of men who wonted, had been Invested there. The conspirators were told hr tha courts to atop these vicious "truar methods, (efforts to break tha firm that won t come under truat rule), but imttead of stopping they . "dare" the court to punUh them and demand new laws to protect them In such destructive de-structive and tyrannical acts as they may a ire to do. The reason Compers and hla band twraUlnH In Irr. Ing to ruin the Itucka Stove WorW was because the afove company Insisted Insist-ed on the right to keep some old em- psoyees at wors woen -de union ordered or-dered thrin discharged and some of "de gang" put on. New let ua reverse the cond.tlona and have a look. Suppose the company had ordered the union to dlamUs certain men from their union, and. the demand being refused, re-fused, ahould Imtitute a Lmmtt atialnat-Uua ucU, pWU- Its same Among the Illiterates. . . . . . . " Animal Smothers Baby and Attacks VnrU. Ju CanDon h4 la areu.ln ; Child's Mother When D.co-xp-rt. t c l'b a waiter la a Ki.4 ! ered o" Body. .1'Tf noiei a mm nia ia viau io ir.i l In an "unfair llt." Inmrurt other ruan- I uiacturers ail over tbe I cited P ates j not to buy the Ubtr of that union, i commttta call at ston-a and INFANT KILLED BY A CATir.T ?yTcn" "-rctaw. , sold anrth nc made bv that uninn 1 Picket the factories wbre members , work and alug them on the way home. t UD tt lr houaea and rrk iK ei'y. BHtiK la no nt to niwt ln diner, he t 1 tor.i a,.. fr a iiiiv. the tu t.u ppef-nte-d to biiu If n. waiter, Mjinit; "liru. t a c-d dlnn r !a- d'-o: '.f "t'n. 1 Joe" !. .-d the ma S tit tip !t adnr' T)l f-5t pnnriSf ita-lr, t 'AJnr p jrud the aj- (;? d i at rti a!er of t-s ta New York Mrs. Sj'ind.-rt of 1TC hol- ptre-t, Vtniamburf. awk- to find s tare b!a k cat s!e4p on lb- bt.-at of h-r Citn- wek'-u!d son A iKutu N-!4e h-r 5i e ubed tb aein.al out of the be and then rfca--d It Th cat re-eatrd re-eatrd the at lark and i-rar f at fctr. Mrs 'ir.!T atold-d th animal and tb- n at!aed brtu. i'h which ah H4 I t At - M Hi!t !h i im,, ,tl,0 ,. rif Jjirj ri'or t- isf4 sr!y a c . S 'c -i I'.ai -s wl hi . trt,i "I l-c y:ir trJ.o, air. bsjt t r t t s 1 1 . nr fti-itda tfet r i twt Kaatas tl'y, jaat ak W 7'fa " It:'a4l(bia R4 R.tursit( to hvt b4roa Mrs, Ss-&dra fit k4 up h' t taby, fit band. and fae were ci4. aod. It t'ilajt'j o ttat t-r rfc!l wa fcfy 4-a4ram to fcr ti rW ly leritally Mr Paue Jera and aevera! r f ttx-ra ran to tt aid of tt B.Kk-f B.Kk-f er in atuwer and srteo.pd to cost ' a4- lr It was thot.sl.t ttat prwat- bUUs4 b.r -i .... r rw4 ., m-m m a , t - a s sp akj of St Carkertse'a boapi'al Vba be arritet k aaid tie tt '.d 14 tn Jd sbogt fosr lw.rs Tk ctrcum-were ctrcum-were eipla!sd to t!a. fest te ttzl4 tot g"re kla cr!ik as to u ttiit of itit'.h s&J rTerrd tt f' ss lteHtlo ty li cortar's work, and even murder a few mem- wrra 01 me wiroi'-J union to teacB 1 tuem th-y. rouat ob-y the orders of i "orfiDlnd Capital?" - . j i cenainty be rair for tb ) company to do !&.- ttlnra If lawful j for the I-Nr Trunt to do them. ' la aurb a rae, under our law a the I boycotted uol n could apply to ur ; count and theroutta would order the comptcy to c-av boycotting asd J tryln- to ru.n tne unloa ntea gap. ! poae tnrei;im the com j any abound j r.eer at the cwrt and tn op a dtance continue thm nti'nt .l a-t i . I aUtett. caref i::y laid out pUa, pjr- 5 f Au."tlitid Child. Vrt lev sk We i itvt !i coa'.ist. w da M- r !- . Me ?ak all U&u4' " It- p'e.jr "Aa" 4m at ak W- Ii.-E,jtie like a aa'Jve" T.e a Wf ? se(t. TVe tci tio. a fa'we ' tljt t 3k to aa4 .? t tals Uu say cAier k It la e-:j4 tt ti- w gU c ! a.'av: Ttl tcxr irra of sax j : ti r' .'d brvji( t'rt14 ft ViXt rv'a fad tie Cti(4fa toe-! rras trewilitg aad ca-J tl ttni )e saae fa sii?r, Os a bc.tt. ; t l Urmj !&ci4 n Tt ir rjort'it. wka a as ai.a.J u cr'j a. warn ?fce - a! s sr;tcks os a t v , t'-- t Vj Tlr U a b.f Hit ass soetrt-ab t- i ,,u ra tie tr?k ftva Ufa', k-,4 W ttr aari erVk&(-t ' tf. tt-tt Is g' te ti.a faci VI ' J Xlai It; tm ( tl p-Vi - k2w tial ra.a wJ tern. &swm ti-.1 VT ie tit. at as a rsis, at v-s wa! f r x wk teT:a. TVs aUa ttr tCa rn ' tl ' akUf sad face Its members It j t a cow i womia go up from tte ueBi4isjB mat tae route pr tect iBem and uJk their law break-leg break-leg f prMs. Tbea they ,tt.4 praite the courts aad go oa earaicc a l-vttt trwteeted from r-ala ar.J i ta tt knowledce that the pop twnj coiia seress to eta. How co..d any of ss rciv rroteo tk f roes Law treak-ra lea tte court a lave power to. sad do pUk sack TM cosef It s'aced la pi t, arka H sst e tHiea r the a-tsr SaJ fr ww sera at In Saf.na It. t sts ewet r t Ml tt sr, M I aa(X r j-v. 4 t"e mr srweefai j Seairef te weahee. a tktr dr4-ra. wbe.s tk rew, ltf. hiTf x:. crocks of all klaa aM WAest atk-ri UVr cxk.a kate tssa asd tkri-a 'ra if tkfr sebr a t -tUt-d for imk IrttVaUw. Tkey wtat tfee rxiru to t ti'SJ go fr ssl at '1 iu t Ies4 r-- ' .st 1 jf rt ir tsa "ot-vdt "ot-vdt de ti es' ia tly krk ta a. Szfirw it tte rftr w ! w;4t- etff, TV f! fea,wt-y xt IV "axawr k. art j-rafsi DDrteht etftrena Tha tinla ' vlnlant ones get Into office and the leaders of me great Laoor trust know how to mass mis Kind ot men. In. labor con ventlons and thus carrv out the lend ers schemes, frequently abhorrent to tne Fans and me: so It was at the late xoronto convention. The paid deleeates would annlnnrl and "resolute" as Gompers wanted, but now and then some of the real work-ingmen work-ingmen Insist on being heard, sometimes some-times at the risk of their lives. Delegate Egah Is reported to have" sum at tne loronio convention: "If the officers of the federation would only adhere to the law we would mm a a tot more or thera. The Grand Council of the Provincial Workingmen's Asa'n of Panada hia declared in favor of aeverinr all rnn. nections with unions in the U. 8., say ing "any union havine Ita aeat nf Gov't In America, and nretendlnf tn h International in ita scope, must fight mauatnai natiies according to Ameri Can methods. Said tnethnHa hsva rnn. SeOUencea Which r ll,hnrnl tn thm law-abiding people of Canada involving uunger, niuery. riot, bloodshed and murder, all of which mleht t.e termed as a result of tbe practical war now in progress in our.Jalr province and directed by foreign emlMsaries of the mwea aimers ot A merles. That ta an hnnekf fanndlan vlaw nf our Infamous "Ibor Truat." A few daya ago the dally papers printea tne following: I By tbe Associated Press.)) Washinrton. Ii C. 'm in rti.r acterUlng the attitude of Samuel Gom pers, jonn MitrDeii and rank Mor-rUod Mor-rUod or the American Federation of Labor In th rnnfaTimnf fiPnrxasjl I n aa I aw tbe courts of the District of Columbls. in connection with tbe Kurka' Stove and ranee comnanv. "a willful nn. mecualea violation of the law," Simon u urn a. general maater workman of the general assembly. Knights of Labor, baa voiced a severe mnitamnaHnn nt weae three leaders. Mr. Uurns ei-p ei-p rested his confidence In courts In general gen-eral and In those of tha Dialrirt nf Columbia In particular. AITSfiTrB ST MUKATtS. This rebuke hr Hiirn m In tils an. BusI renort to the rencral numhli nf his organization. He received tbe hearty approval of the delegates who heard It read at their annual meeting la this city. "There is no trust or combination nf capital In the world." said Mr. Uurns. "that violates laws oftener than do the truat tabor organizations, which resort to more d'.abonest unfair snd dishonorable dishon-orable methods toward their competitors competi-tors than any trust or combinations In the country." Mr. Uurns said Use action of "these so-called leaders" would be harmful for years to come whenever attempts were made to obtain labor legislation. The Labor Digest," a reputable worklfigmaa's paper, says, aa part of aa article entitled The beginning of tha end of tamftra!nt nint apvia. uauoes becoming tired or the rule-or-ruia policlrs which hare been enforced en-forced by the presides t of the A r. ct l." "TTsat he kaa nalntaJaett kla UaJar. ship for so long a Use la the face of his etstbom c. .cries to DoIiies which the more thoughtful workiegmea have aeen for years msat fc-e sbaadoned. haa beea ca acrobat partly of tbe aeati- aaewtaj I'.'.t.m cms la aart rJ the nr. gaaiaatioss that he ockt sot to bede-powed. bede-powed. aad the BSi;aaoes of the eara who were ssarkel for (La iiim to accvpt a aosiaataos) la orpoaita to a: 3a. ia acsn-xaa to tiu, larre no desytzg Rt alrrwdaews of the irsder t tt A r of I. aad k'.a t gsrtty. wtkh has ecaUed hla to keep a Cra r1? ew the asachiaory of the cr-rilia cr-rilia lc. and ta have ale fi-L'i hrt3sj ta t&e rc!:k.a w We ttey o.'ni do k'a tie a oat gar'J whenever titr rfs aiijcs' t t-tf-i. "r;rf ti-ia tlU. he kaa aam fsii4. at th fca rraarestie. ts Mve j MHitta tS tr,m te i st i-e rtytx ; tal i, I eZClte a wave of avmrinthptle enthnal. I asm for him. which would carrv the aeiegates off their feet, and result In ms re-eieciion. "That his long leadership, and this apparent Impossibility to fill his place has gone to his bead, and made him imagine that he Is much greater a man than he really Is, is undoubtedly the case, and accounts for the tactics be has adopted In dealing with questions ueiore congress, where he has unnecessarily unneces-sarily antagonized -men to wWra. organized or-ganized labor must look for recognition recogni-tion of their demands, and where labor measures are often opposed on account of this very antagonism, which would uioerwise receive support "There is no doubt but what organ-iied organ-iied labor In this country would be mush stronger with a leader who was more In touch With rondltlnna aa the actually exist and hn n-nnM hrinr tn the front the new nnllrln.. htrh nriran. lzed labor must adopt if It expects to t-vru maintain Ita nreaent atm linv tn eay noming or making future progress. e quoie portions or another article, a reprint, from the same labor paper: "Organized labor, thrnmrh ita larf. ers. must recognize the mistakes of the vast u mey expect to perpetuate their organizations or to develop tbe movement move-ment Which thev head Vnnuinmnl no organization, no nation can develop beyond the Intellects which guide these organizations, and if the leaders Sre dominated br a aotfUh tnnilva tha organization will become tinged with a spirit or selnhness, which has never appealed to mankind In any walk of me at any time since history began. u can be said In extenuation of cer tain leaders of organlxedlabor that bk rfetc we id a 'at n te l iM m I a a'te te te te e a.j the precarious Dosiiion ihU tha cupy as leadera has bad a tendency to cause mem. to Toe sight Of the object behind tbe organization. The natural instinct In man forpa.er and position ia m do smaii measure responsible for themlstakes of the Ind era. nnt rwo aarlly In labor unbina alnna hut In every branch of society. This desire tor power and leadership and personal eggrandlzement causes men who have been earnest and sincere la their efforts ef-forts in the atsrt to deteriorate Into mere pollticlana whoe every act and utttrance it tinned with tha rf.tir. to cater to the baaer paationa of the working majority in the societies or organizations snd this ta unrfnuhuuii true when applied to tne present leaders lead-ers of the Federation of Labor. We mention the Federation of Labor particularly par-ticularly In thla article. Iw,iu ih.t organization la the only organization of labor which haa vet found itaaif in direst easaaitlea ta tha I .. land. There are other organizations of Labor whose leaders have made mistakes, mis-takes, but they have always kept themselves them-selves and their organizations within in Dounaa i me law and respected tne ngnts or every oilier tnsn ia coo- IJerlcr vim rixhu of Lhem aelvaa and their constituency; whereas, the motto r int eeotration is just the reverse, and unless tbe leaders roafnrra thm. selves and their omclu'lia In irMnt. acre with the bi of the land. Ike leaders asd the orranizaUoa itself must be disintegrated aad pass Into history, for la America the com mo a seas of ssaat.nd la developed to a greater extent thaa la aev atfcar aarlnn : oa the earth, aad the people, who are the court of last resort ia this country, wui never aXow any system to develop la this country wtkk does sot meet with the approval of the majority of the cl'tces of the country. "This asset have forced luelf spoa thf leaders of the FederaUea fcy this time. If it has not. the headers Bui be eiiaJaated. The organ isaUcw which ttey kad has done assay sserttosioas things ta Uses past aoi the ti' are a.'aja ready sed wining ta acknowledge acknowl-edge the Vau wUch tltr etorU have trokt to thtr coast! 'wracy as bt at tie preseat Use labor ortia'zatk-sa la geraL scd the T4 era'icei of Labor ta psrtW-ar, tiad br t ase ef ebi ecisr. Mv -g teet cvtcied ef ssaess aw a S t ei te ra a all t rrr a mt cttnry N te lenerest of u few. it aTCi.e srt tautai axj ssaiss u see If the object lesson which they have been forced to give to these leaders lead-ers Is going to be recognized and If they are going to conform themselves and their future, work and actlona in a cordance thereto." Let the people remember that comment, com-ment, "The Federation of Labor in particular par-ticular stands before tbe bar of publla opinion having been convicted of sef. fisbness and a disposition to rule all the people of the country In tha inter est of the few.? The great 90 per cent of Americana do not take kindly to the acta ol tyranny of these trust leaders openly demanding that all people bow down to the rules of the Labor Trust and w are treated to the humiliating spectacle specta-cle of our Congress and even the Chief Executive entertaining these rnnvirted law-breakers and listening with consid eration to their insolent demands that the very laws be changed to allow them to safelr carrv nn fhele nlan nl gaining control over the affairs of tha peopie. The Sturdy Workers nf America tiava come to know the truth about these "martyrs sacrificing themaelvea In tha noble cause of labor" but it's only tha hysterical ones who swell nn anri r over the aforesaid "heroes," reminding one of the two romantic elderly malda who. weeping coploualy were disco v ered by the old Janitor at ML Vernon. -vnat is it alia you ladles?" Tsklng the handkerchier from nna swollen red eye. between sobs she said: vtny we nave so long revered tha memory of Georre Waahinctnn thai we feel It a privilege to coma here aad weep at nis tomb."- l as m, yse'ra. ro' ahore haa a daair to expreaa yo' armoarhv but tn' overflowln at de wrong spot, yo' la wrepm at ae ice nouse. Don t ret maudlin about law.hrvak. ers who must be punished If the very existence of our people is to be main- ismea. If yOU hsve SUV aumlua avmnwnv tt can be extended to the honest workers who continue to ears food when threatened threat-ened and are freouentiv hurt mi sometimes killed before the courts can intervene to protect them. NOW the Labor Trail leaders Am. mand of Congress that the court a t Stripped Of Dower to laaua Inltinrtinna to prevent them from assaulting or perhaps per-haps murderlnc mm ihn Atrm a living when ordered by tha Labor rusi to quit work. Don't "ween at the Ice Honae- mnA don't permit any set 0f law-breakers to bully our courts. If your voice and vote can orerent tte mr j -..... your Representatives and Ronatnra in Congress asking them not to vote for any measure to prevent the courts front protecting homes, property and persona from attack by paid agents of usis great uaoor Tnut Let every reader write, aad writ new. Deal sit silent and allow the organ, ixed aad paid toea of this great treat to force Congress it believe they represent rep-resent tbe great masses of tha Americas Amer-icas people. Say your say and let Tour representatives la Congress know that you do Bot want ta h namt ender aew Us which would empower the Labor Trust leaders with legal right to tell yow wbea to work. Where! For whota! At what Prtre! Wkat t buy! What not to ! nw. vote for! How Back vow ai!i m per Death ta fees to the Labor Trutl etc, etc, etc. Thla power is bow he'er !-.. 4 a tr the castas of lata la r, . . , Tea yosr frecators asd Repreta. Uvea pla!s!y that yow doat wart to vote for say asearir that wi3 azujw say set of oa r-v-.. . . Capful or Labor to rorerB aad d:. Ute to 114 cocBBtoB pcv'. who prefer to te free to go asd cos work b vc-.e for wioa they i.Twn asaa s tjrty va l.a,-;r wha the lesders of te ri i Trst or a;y cxl'jr trsat ess rm m .n od e-rer peotr asd Baaa ttf fcrra to pent ocr cotra f.-MV.w-. I pre I "Ta-e e a P.ear " i C W. FV3T. Ea: Creak, KJk. |