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Show PLEASANT GROVE NEWS" "UNPROFESSIONAL Diner Have yon seen that a doctor Intends to Inoeulatehifflseif wltn the cholera Tinas so that the he may have the results of the experiment Isn't that fine? . - ' "- Proprietor No, perfectly mad, 1 call it. Supposing I meals as my clients. ate the same His Little Mistake. They stood beneath" the stars, silent as the heart beats of the night, look-Ing look-Ing into th'e diamond-studded shirt-front shirt-front of the sky. - "Is that Mars?'"' he whispered, as he lipped his arm round her taper waist, and gazed upon a glittering orb in the distant blue. - "Not It Isn't." she exclaimed, jerking away;lt's mine; and If you .think you are hugging mother, I. can tell you that you are very much mi taken." ' The matter was amicably adjusted before anything serious resulted. Ex change. A Pessimistic View. Among the patients in a certain hos pital of Harrisburg there was recently one disposed to take a dark view of his chances for recovery. , K , ;. ""Cheer up, old man!" admonished i J the youthful medico attached to the ward wherein the patient lay. "Your symptoms are identical? with those my own ease tour years ago. I was Just a, sick as you areV Look at n now!" The patient rai his eyes over tht physician's stalwart frame. "What doctor did you have?" he finally asked, feebly.- Illustrated Sunday Magazine. Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle oi CASTORIA. a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children, and see that it Tteara thai Blgnature of U&X&fifajtfif In Use For Over ,'iO Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought Exactlyki the degree in which you can find creatures greater than your self to look up to, in that degree are you ennobling yourself and in that degree de-gree happy. Ruskin. Reason Enough. "H1I feelings are greatly hurl sines . ... be lout his Job." "No wonder he's hurt He fell from high position. HMD, n ric and i rr.s acme? S'fca ail over? 'I toluol , (lit Thai la la linwia. tvrrr Latit' I'ninkliU-r vill bMt II ap if tea pruatpiir. AH 4iea, fee, fee aa juk boutoa, A pessimist by any .other nam would be a fault-finder just the same. OSI.Y 0r "IIROMO Ol ISINF-" Ttt ! I.AXAItV Hill. Wit (,. IMS K, Um k tf Uw Mnatl ol K. W. I.IIHV S. t ara tba W'urtS w Itir a (oM ia On lr. ttc. A man cau'l help- feeling restless when even his bills are unsettled. CotMtlpaitna him uinv wrioa atMaw. It l ibunti'Ri rvml lortttr 1'iaaaaat fallala. Um a iaaalit. lima lut aatharUa. Following cheap advice is prove expensive. apt to TRIED REMEDY V f r-rn TUC rD!D 5, I ' I I, 1 ink a Wo Waiter wfcat Lira mt Bawal mleim tmm ara hW, sta k mum. Cl 10 Ut'imk'l triaf C mf CA$ CARETS today trass frnwr aWa t4 bar sow easily, ssracaf!y a4 sVCitMfvBy yr lirre aa aa t aw. s4 V"- lwi wf day Tbtt'i art him la cwy ka. CASCARETS era aatare's aak. Yea wilt tAf. sWwn 19 TTTOT OCT. wtd M y-w a4Sra to awirts Cat. Cot- I I . r-- tutmat ait f-.4 mom aiS- ff Children Ulic i CURE Ttt tut tixnn ra rasii b to (ieaMM t talg 4'l toa$h m jsak.LV . AioLfaV sf kw mod csssum m Cfsafera. - " AJ Driw-fc tS -. T . 1 h3 Inverted Pyramid By JOHN W. T 13 .A -FAIR -question to ask why our manual training sr-Krwla nnrl our iuwillM Jraf1( ar-rirmla arriot furnishlDSI . . proper training, lor indust-rlaljlrammg la surely one of the logical results of manual Sur manual training schools have not become more directly vocational in spirit is because, until very recently, manual training, likall other branches of our education, has been dominated by the college ideal. It was discovered very soon after manual training was introduced that the manual train-ing train-ing school was-an .admirable place in whioli to train a boy for the higher .technical schools. It was, one direction only Recent experiments have shown, however, that the manual training school; may also, without detriment to its other valuable uses, serve totrain boys- for trades. The greatest difficulty in the, way of making such schools efficient industrial schools is the lack of properly iued JachfrsTlfejiannaUrainingchoQls are alreadyefntippe4-iO- train boys in the fundamental trades. The next few years will 'undoubtr cdly witness modifications of their courses which will enable them to serve as well the interests of the industries upon which local prosperity depends. de-pends. : The day trade schools which are scattered here and there,. over the country will prolmbly never do a la.rge work in supplying skilled ''mechanics. ''mechan-ics. The traicing offered is too narrow to produce the kind of workmen required. ; To sum up, then, the grave defecfrjin American technical eXuction as it exists to-day is that it is like an inverted pyramid. -It ministers to the needs of those who are destined the boy and girl who are .to 'be directed' di-rected' in industrial vocations.. Best Thinfj to Do When Held Up By Awt Ckitf f Potkt SckaHtW tfl CUcu kills liis victim he will be sought for by the police with much more vigilance vigi-lance than if he commits robbery only. Therefore he is not likely .to shoot unless in an extremity. A young thug, on the pther hand, ig,mueh more liable to use his gun. If a man held up is of more than ordinary strength and confidence-he confidence-he may sometime. knock his aailanfs gun out of his hand and get the letter of him. If the proper degree of care is taken a holdup may sometimes be avoided altogether. If a man follows you at night and eups when you stop or walks oppo.ite von on the other side of the street it is likely that he is a hold-up man. .....' . ..- The Ut.t thing to do in that rnm is to get among other-people or lioard a car or ryn into a nearby lwue. Novel Way to Earn Pocket Money ly CI1ISTE CA5K0S cauM if you will. I think I ran fill the bill. She did, and o p! a- hr friend by the natn and t with whkh every lurtain and portun i hung and the trtitie arrangement of brir-a-brae that lw jtrarghtway engaged tS girt tn come cm a k so the general epir.g da to give the nmni tli-ir uual Imwm? IimhIi. Ilid- )! ang the pratr of the uni.jn.- arrangem nt tn UhhIIj that m a hort tttiM' the girl was inalinjr a nice little immie and a bt.v a!mvt wry mrftng sod often all day. ItT, hrn hou- mrrv iU4 f.r the iumrn-r or rwpenf in t! e fill the -rfier of the "armn r" ber prtee to - flit sn hour, fr.t! ol u fur. hu inc. te tm.i Kri:j!l I at faited It- tt.- Poor Penmen in Oiir Public Schools ly MTU tALftl Tet f6 f1!":- V eat.v V Mwlr tt h t ct ty'.w. la t.r pJJ akh-Ni! rjfr!r rttrt t a i v a tirt t i rj-f f-i-', p. In tsM Liv?; a r r .-g fir r--f xzicj.. t tht; t fVjil hi rf a ir '- tf I i 7 trm IX t--t i-ir i'4 x- r. :-.. ! it r fir i-a i-jvrUi" Faults of Technical Training Schools WOOD. JR. training. The principal reason why therefore developed largely in this to r M - - . ( zl What is the Int ilung to do in case you an held -up? That depends upon conditions condi-tions that enter into the matter, the wcajMin carried by the hold-up man, for iilfianre. Homo might have a revolver and wnie a piece of lead -pipe. It your assailant assail-ant is determined looking and has a good-sitl good-sitl revolver, it is best to surrender. " ' Then ft good deal depends upon the age of "your "assailant, T Holding people up is a business just like any other. An old man is .not ljkely to get eseitod while doing a job of this kind; he has made a stud v of it. He knows ihat if he Oiie girl who could live at home but milled extra jHiket money hit rather amuMiiglv tqxiiia plan to swell her jttttM', .' - ---- - '."... She heard a married friend lcailing the pnpf t rf having to hang her winter prari and rearrange her ornaments after lunwi leaning. "I'd give anything if I had Kmio nkv, r liable person ith gKnl tite and good judgment to do uth thing for me." "What would you give?" quitkly arkel "the girl. "Taenty-five venU an hour? IV r in mh1 ii msnd that V'e r ! e t uv rmm and crn tlrf -t j m-n ar rfri!nua??veirap!a:j- j withrtut cau, tf tt j..r prnnn j wit ft ci,r puUk uhmth, W'hx I ihi te? I fK f r tf rfii!.a-Jjip I fi".r jiMt u immKt., m i it ti'Tr:- ! tftt ff tfc? Ur4 of vdmtym f tn "-jtine ft.a.j" r-r the rvt U In tu&rsy trie.--e . k of g-l ha.j-nntitg ha.j-nntitg twstjt tn orirwi- cj"--i v-.r,2 r.a fr"T cU nrg a ir.e-:L--ni.Kj I A LITTLE COLD. He caught a little cold . That' w.aa alt. So the neighbors Badly said, As they gathered round his bed, When they heard that he was dead'. He caught a little cold ' - That was all. (Puck.) Neglect of a cough or cold often leads to serious trouble. To break up ..cold In twenty-four hours and cure any cough that is curable mix two ounces t Glycerine, a half-ounce of Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure and eight ounces of pure Whisky. Take teaspoonfui every four hours. You can buy these at any good drug store and easily mix; them in a large bottle. EFFECT OF GOLF. . . , He Golf is an awfully fine exercise, exer-cise, don't you think? ' She Oh, yes. Why, itAakes the men son strong in their arms that one can scarcely breathe. ' BOY TORTURED BY ECZEMA "When my boy was six years old, he suffered terribly with eczema. He could neither sit still nor lie quietly in bed, for the itching was dreadful. He would irritate spots by . scratchin lffiEKrnails and that only made them worse.1 1 A doctor treated him and we tried almost everything, but the eczema seemed to spread. It started in a small place-on the lower extremities and spread for two years until it very nearly covered the back part of his leg to the knee. "Finally I got Cuticura Soap, Cutl-cura Cutl-cura Ointment and Cuticura Pills and gave them according to directions. I nsed them In the morning and that evening, before I put my boy to bed, I them again and the Improve-menheven Improve-menheven in those few hours was surprising. sur-prising. the inflammation seemed to be so much less. I used two boxes of Cuticura Ointment, the same of the Pills and the Soap and my boy was Cured. My son Is now In his seventeenth sev-enteenth year and he has never had a return of the eczema. - . "I took care of a friend's child that bad eczema on Its lace and limba and I used the Cuticura Soap and Ointment They acted on the child just as they did on my son and It has never re-toiWRjd. re-toiWRjd. I would recommend the Cuticura Cuti-cura Remedies to anyone. Mrs. A. J. Cochran, 1S23 Columbia Ave., Phlla-Jelphia, Phlla-Jelphia, Pa., Oct. 20, 1909." - - - Temperamental Toilet Table. A vtirjr aged Englishman many years ago gave this advice to his daughter in a letter as to what a lady's dressing table should contain: The best beautifter a young lady can use Is good humor. The best renovator truth; the best rouge 1 modesty; the best eyewater Is the tears of sympathy; sym-pathy; the best gargle for the voice la cheerfulness; the best mash for smoothing wrinkles Js contentment; the best cure for deafness is attention; atten-tion; the best mirror is reflection, and tha whitest powder Is innocence. Coals of Fire. One Christmas evening a Sunday school pupil appeared at church, only to be surrounded immediately by a number of. deriding .day mates. "She's wearing her sisters coat!" cried one. "And she's got her brother s gloves Yes, was the retort that turned tha tide of ridicule, ' and I came alih j my mother's blesnlna." JuJg. - - Provided for Newsboys. Mrs. William Waldorf Astor provided provid-ed la her will that the newsboys o( New York rhoutJ hsie a Thanksgiving Thanksgiv-ing dinner, as they have had at the expense1 of the Astor family for half a century. This yar at Irast 2Jm aewshors were n hand, the aftrrsoon papers having usi-cd-d work, thus giving tha little felloas a holiday. A Oya That Will Color ay Fabric, Mr. Adam Kerbenoo writs. I hava i sed t7ola and Cad it superior to any ; other package dye I hate ever tried, as the tame cU iol, cot ton. sCk and miied good perfeetty. Dyota Dyes come in H fast brilliant colors 19 rests fr pa ksr at fmit desier"a, W rite lyola If ariiturtoa. Vt for color card std trw. of d.r-Uoaa d.r-Uoaa Mat frc. Very y. Jkwitwith Mr. Mfvhatrt's c-ut. yo" say? Way. t h4 aa aw-'ifctRer.t it e hew. Tt t.thf New (MSc tv.y -Y. air; I l tLoagkt M ws. Urn A ay vajs. t as u.rtic mi.a ke tst. C t Caii-Ctfi-c Stae4ri at i Tva.. " Ts win tt UrtNn. mm wisJimwme H-4 vv mmm. Tn4lt nnav. Kfmtm tW lw. ntut tMf Wans, VtM f IS MnBp. f-At & t- &m &mrwim m mt-'m IWf awwr ;u tt J I &r. ( an-- HIL atmi(,4iM - C';i La. . x. . C a Later Oat. E Ttat "s a lafbt r--c yea .- -rtt. It U . llrirwaar Tn Wil ;t a'.ra fr a C. 9.L. EUTNAM I mmmmimmmmvmmi. 9-mmmmm m,m ssa, mm mm mm imm, momms omvm QO , mmmmm. BUILT - UP .GREAT BUSINESS Frederick, Mayer Boot and Shoe,p m- j . pany a . Monument to sGerrnan Thrift and Industry. - That the key to real business success is often based on a uound principle, rather than money, is oest illustrated by the rev production of the following biographical sketch of Frederick Mayer, founder of the F. Mayer Boot hew Company, reproduced repro-duced from an issue of the German American National Alliance: Frederick Mayer, founder of the fac- tories at Milwaukee and Seattle now bearing bear-ing his name, came to this country from Niernstein. tiesen Darmstadt, in May, lt5Vnt immediately pweeeted to Miwao- kee, Wisconsin, wnere lie enterea me employ em-ploy of R, Suhm as a journeyman shoemaker. shoe-maker. 'The spirit that prompted him -fe "Seek, his fortune in the new wfcrld was soon responsible for another change, and ill 1852, a year later, tie embarked in business on his own accord, making boots and shoes to order as only a German apprenticed artisan arti-san knows how. Subsequently a stock of :ood was carried and a retail business con- lmrit 1SS1). when ttnrmanufai-tuie of shoes was engaged in at wholesale to the trade. ' - - - In 1890 the business was well established, the foundation firmly laid and the policy well determined. From that time on the ..growth waa inore rapid. The capacity -of the present Mayer factories at Milwaukee and Seattle is 9,000 pair per day, giving employment em-ployment toan army of people, paying an-nu'alhvover an-nu'alhvover six hundred tnousand dollars in" wages, and employing wxty-tiye-ttalegmen-t who travel ii states in tne interest, oi Maver shoes. Frederick Mayer died, On March 16, 1893. after building up a large and -successful business. He is succeeded by his sons, George 'P. Mayer, Fred J. Mayer and Adam .1. Mayer, who. by rigidly maintaining the policy" of the founder, have succeeded in bringing the business up to it present magnitude, where it stand aa a monument of German thrift and industry. Tuberculosis Death Rates. " The death rate from tuberculosis amoug men employed in occupations exposed to municipal and general organic or-ganic or street dust is higher than among other employed males, accord-ln accord-ln to a recent bulletin of the bureau of labor of the department of commerce com-merce and labor. The percentage of deaths from consumption among males exposed to organic dust is 23, while the -percentage for all males In the registration area Is 14.8. The percentage of deaths from tuberculosis tuberculo-sis among workers exposed to .metallic .metal-lic dust is very much higher. Child of ths Press. ; Mrs. Cynthia tVestover Alden was the founder of the International Sunshine Sun-shine society, which Is now said to have a membership of 3,000,000. She is president general of the society, which was christened with 18 sponsors spon-sors in New York city at Christmas; 1896. it has been called the child of the press, Mr si Alden being connected with a New York paper. How's This? W eSVe fm Rnndrrd tVMUr ftewari jnr'anf Me at l ilvrl Uw CAaoul to Cured by iUll t tauiTk Cue. 4 , r. i. cnrsKY cr. Tom a W. tlM) un4nrtrrMHl, hmr kaoK F. J. i'heruy inr IM Ih II yrn. mat bmlWr klm prr1rrty Koiv entM S a townnrm tr(UBrtlans wxl Simnrtulr MM u 4ny not snr obtintxa msitc by hm arm. WaIMMO, KlNMta m M.hvik. W tolMii Imutmia. ToMda. O. rftll CitArrti' Ci is uimiir. anms dkwur upon Uw bux! aad niiwaus wHwm ol Um nrMMO. TrtlBtalllM Mt Im, fttrt it muw t lntiM. Soi4 bf ut UmiMt law Uail't FwnUr fws fc aenstlpaisifc Restrained by Poytsntss. " . "Prisoner, have you any reasons to present why the sentence of the court tihould not be pronounced upon you?" "No, your honor. I feel as if 1J should like to say a few words about I the defense my lawyer put up for me. i but there are ladles present; you can j go ahead with tbe sentence, your; honor." I T; ose ho claim that a woman isn't so apt to indulge In crooked work as a man evidently never saw a woman try to drive a nail. -yr- - Quick as Wink. -- ----- - If yoor eves s-he with smnrting. biirti-insiMtn biirti-insiMtn a PKTTirs KVK MLVK. Ail dnimUor lkia ard irv, liufTaiu, N. Y. ' Wine and women may be alike, in some r- spects, but age Improves wine. rir mnir xfMnmti n, it'r.lT..' - ' The best of plans fall out. and the best of friends gel married. Ktw. n iratit). triw tot nu miomim. a.a ftmt rm.mumi it. Remember that a sound argument doesn 1 mesa loud LsJk. Mr. WImI"i Sutil Smt. Whea yoVcaa-tteUUe-Tmab. 41 ' tert aeything. Wlxcome Work to Women Masses) wk swffr with 4o6rt pccatiM to tbrir et akoold writ to LV. I' ten mmd rtctin Ire tha advica el a pbyttcaM of o-r 49 years' tipmnca skilled s4 itcvwfal spccialol ia t& littmtrm cf aMal Urmrf Uctrr U tkt soft hm tt amt canrM ttmmnUrmitom and a riardci as sarrtdiy eeaiifttal. Maay amaiy saodcat -rati writa fcH to LV. Pwrc wkat ihtf d4 strnnk troas tc0.a( to lSir local pf ucwa. TW toe! payneta ia aertry aara lo say that hm cmemot rfu awvltuag kbnmt "mm eaiti-." Dr. i'amw a44s that 0ttm aWaxrfwt aaaa3iaaa arc araerrltr mtA- Um, aa4 taa aw ou, aterpt ia rare caan, saoaU su&aait t9 t&taa. Dr. fmrmm'm trmmtm t!f mrm ya rifW t tk pmMT mt fmmr a-w -Jftwkm Praxupcioa' aa rmn4 mmtdtmdm 4 taouO. momm mt taaam ta rrt mi caac. Il la t ecJv mmm t t hm kmi tM la rba- prm4wdt ef a rrniarfr rtrWHS. TW o?v mm gjr emtsmfh tSal its SMkava l- pis iw rT M'wsWm m in eJc wrarw. TWet's mm mf. tt 3 krar enwaa. Iwa. No alcal mmS mo li-ormmt trmfm are fuwiaat ia it. Swt rmt afaw MjM SJ-r, a,T a., . aafcajtwrt,. thm't tatka it. Doa'l tr wr khh. ri-a to tj- iMimrf AaociraMa. Dr. JC. Pee. Per. BC&, N. Y., tak ttsa miem rcawma satd ka tl L: 'I T OH. t" : NATURAL INFERENCE.- I "f on't likeihat Jonea girl. . Sbe' always running people down!" "Goodness! I didn't know she naff-an naff-an automobile!" ' . The Difference. ' Our continental marriages are Just as happy as" those made in your country explained the foreigner.. "We' all adiuit that marriage is. a JoV tery." "Well," responded the American, "we prefer to let a girl select herow ticket,'" " Cruel. "Isn't that a good' joke? It's my own." "Great : Scot t I re 80 0,(1 that?" Lipplncott's. One good thing about a fall that hangs on is that it keeps back tha "beautiful snow" poems. Make the Liver Do its Duty . Nina tiaac in tea whes HM Iifr rdl tW. stomach sad bowdi ar tight. CARTER'S UTTLE LIVER PILLS trntlrbul&rmlr pel a luy lirar la do tu duly. Cum Co tipatioa KMJach, ami DiatraM aftar Eatiaf. sa r.n. ImI om. tai f.. GENUINE tsiui bear gnaiurc: A Clean Fact Will be a lUbit NO STROPPINC . NO HONING KNOWN THE WORLD OVCS BBONCIUAI.TROCX1X9 & tha ak fetal fcimiif uW Sinrm a-tUemskOTa a-tUemskOTa lm4 Itwat hrraWvta t1w tk- HannuWCWk. Fillj Tttf ni'ii. h. 3 m, 6inmtaa4 l.o aw koa. W I. fwcm l a- V, Vfc. f. X i" m-jr I '. 1 ' PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM .'ij CV i mi, Vmmi.fm m Ma - $ Xmr Fails to tn arm? r.K.-l.ffl ""'l '" t-rr HOWARD E. IU8T0I, WM.- ti ! mum- u..4. autae. lmO, si: Pi. Vjt; boM, Mr: .. m or 1 vv". f It mum mm fil - V iu4. luirttw CsrtkMW Ktuti aa. D I W rilRQ RICES AI3 PELTS mrtm a4 tu. mHrr pmt4 mm mii,'u1 nuiu MHIHUH SUUL(. -I Tbonpion'i C;i WiIir t ITlT. tZE' W. n. U, SH Laht Cv. Ha. ?iio. T M-T..,,, -l.".V"'fV j 1 S Q W W Ja-T Jk " VJr.- |