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Show V 4. THE PRO VO- ilKALC - PIEASANT GROVE NEWS An independent weekly paper m pub-Usbed pub-Usbed in the interests of Pleasant Grore and Utah County! LOCAL ITEMS a 5 Safe As Gibralter Fugat Bros, the electricians. - Born to Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rich BUSINESS CONDITIONS GOOD. Issued Every Saturday. BY THE The Provo. Herald Pub. Co. . J. DAVID LARSON, Editor and General Manager. ins, a boy. Aydelotte's is certainly the place for A.ccordinsr to Duns, the general business outlook of the CDuntry bargains. is exceedingly bright.' Especially is this noticeable in the West. The holiday trade is said to have "been "better than usual and some sections report an increase exceeding any previous year. -While there is a generat slackness at T)resenfthisnmabiy:dueto the practice7if Open a Savings Account Now And Keep It Up. It Wm James Hunter was a Pleasant Grove visitor Wednesday. Guarantee Comfort When You ASHLEY BARTLETT. Local Editor. John Sfowcrort of Qgden was see- AreOId- ng the city yesterday. stock taking and settlements of the year's business. In the main, Application" made at the postbffice at Pleasant Grove, Utah, for transmission trans-mission through the mails as second-class' second-class' matter. Subscription Price, $1.50 a Year, In Advance. the business outlook for lylO is very satisfactory and it w not improbable im-probable that this year will.be a business record breaker irr the West. Peter Larson made a business trip We Pay Interest On to Provo, Wednesday. Time Deposits ' A baby boy was born to Mr. and THE MODERN SOCIETY MAN. 77C ' EDI t O RTI A L7 J i r r i V Mrs. Mark Richen, Dec. Z6. d i . AN ORDINANCE Amending Section 2& of the Revised Ordinances of Pleasant Grove City. Beit Oraainecj by tue. City - Couucu J" '-ni ,4'ttsant" Ijrove City;- . "204f Application Amount. All ap plication ior license contemplated by the preceding section shail'state tne number and Kind or tables, pin or ball alleys, or nine or ten pin alleys to be licensed and the place of Keeping the same. Upon the filing of such appli cation ana upon payment 'into the city treasury ol jO.Oo ptr aaaum ior eacu billiard or pool taulu, pin or bah, alley, al-ley, or nine or ten pin alleys, specified in said application, yearly license may be issued thereiore, as inthis chapter provided; provided, that no person, either by tiimself or his agents, servant or employee, in charge ot any such billiard or poor table, pin or ball alley, or nine or tea pin alleys shall allow any person under the age ol twenty-one years to engage in any game, or linger in or about the prem-at4t prem-at4t tW iw at'- Lil-4ii- ley, or nine or ten pin alleys are kept Any and all ordinances in coiillicl with the above are hereby repealed. Tills ordinance shall be in force from and alter its approval. ALBERT E. COOPER. " Mayor Attest: JOSEPH HILTON. City Recorder. AN ORDINANCE Establishing the Salary of Street Supervisor Su-pervisor and Providing that the Of- fices of Street Supervisor and City Marshal May be Held by One nu the Same Person. Be wiuaiiicu uy the City Couucil of Pleasant Grove City: Section 1. Tbat'the salary of Street Supervisor shall be Three Hundred OuvU.Uut Do.iais pr snnum, payable quarterly, and the offices of City Marshal Mar-shal and 8ui bupvivikor may us held by one and the same person at the- discretion oi tne mayor ana city council. Bee 1 Whenever the same person U appointed to bold the office-tf city mat suau and street supervisor, as herein provided, such person shall perform all the duties pertaining to ooiu oi said ouices as provided by ordinances or-dinances and shall be entitled to receive re-ceive the. compensation allowed ' Ior bom o said omce as Herein provided. 8ec 3. All ordinances and parts ol ordinances ' in couittci' bereuu are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall be In force from anr r n p. ALBERT E. COOPER. Mayor. Attest: JOSEPH HILTON, City Rwordtr. TELLURIDE EM-PLOYES EM-PLOYES BANQUET One of the tnr.i't p'.osftnt a.Talrs of the vwt and real y the niost c-lalor -ate enc'V -rmt-tr1 xwwl nnm a was ih banquet giv n by L. I. Nunn Thursday evening at Olmntead la hon or ot the boys of the Tellurtde company. com-pany. The guests Wt Provo on a social train and upon their arrival at Olm-stead Olm-stead were met by the boys o tue T i.'ir! com? uuf and rcortd to the rerrptlon ball which had Ix-en Mult ee-IwclaUy ee-IwclaUy for the occanloo This room was beautifully d-orfctrd In r-d and grern, tbe Chrlffwtas wort A pro fusion ot rcdar tcn;fi rnl r-d and gren riblMrtis being 'n'wtivcly ued ia the decorations. Tie room was lightc-d with red and rw Kghts. The feature of the morning was the large and mj!f-ct Christmas tre. butlfa'ly rt-rt!rtd sad l'lutuinair1 r V "! wre subu-nt!y prt-wnt-d wth Christmas rrnfaii rnc. A dvl'.stl- N-b- gT to !nrr-tific roadmen . At I o l. V .ml.ld in ; tn r-rn)u; r.r tm was a batif'lr d-"ra?-d is th "hrl' til c-r at,, rst $nT formed t rB!ri"' fn ! tt tafcW K-J 6d Tra s!'!nlBttrw; nl,ji'nJ To hisr.!rd as-t t'j f. i -n -i sau-d at (1 !awrs! ban j-t A M WfHifk fa'ef cf r-rnvjtsxf d ch mr t v.e hr Mr n v v . . r -i . . Urt.V t-? . v .v v IxTi " Worst t-T- at te y j , A ' S"m ,M.Wr !0per, Me,e. T.rUr. J.'.r, 1J. m.1 rr. in U, f I V,,.. .,,1 , . w.r r4 from Mr P N Naea. N i entire UnH taf.;9l ssoJ" tMi,. , . .... .. r4 t.t- 5-t -w ".L5 1 f ,mT !,, mt4 t a pr.m fl l? f V ' u . wi ... t. cm dr - r- r l,k."-;:T 'r TT 0 trs4 r.t t3 ar a la a Wr"r4 r'l1. " Vsl14! iwtifttt .io 'Vl' f ' :T '-' Ci ; u fee- ti I .rf ."T" aL '"' . ft ft t : ime. Bj'f ai r . . k a r t w -mrl ft t r -Ffaaticih Walker ia very tit of old age and general debility. Lena Arnold -of Murray, spent the past week with relatives and mends Aydelotte's Is certamly the place for bargains. ' Volvln Nelson and Clyde Gillman wptp American Fork visitors Wed nesday. - - . Mrs. J. W. Holllday Is visiting in o.j. l atp with her daughter. Mrs. J .H. Coombs. " - ..... Mrs Reniamin Walker, wife of R F. D. Carrier. Is very ill, threatened with pneumonia. "The Belle of Japan" company, who nitased vou. are coming again, Thurs day, January 13. -i.se xir- .n4 Mr. Andrew Hansen and WuKfiTFtTrr.--JaiT-- Iting relatives at Sandy. Tfiomas Jacobs returned to Heber Sunday after spending the holidays here with relatives and friends. Mrs. Nelson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Larson, was a Pleasant Grove visitor New Year's Day A. Holman is in Salt Lake today arranging legal proceedings in a land contest case to be beard Monday -HR RENT Three north rooms of t: i Uee property. Ask W. L. Hayes Mrs. Rosalie Driggs and daughter Lucile. will leave "for southern Cali fornia this week on health and pleas ure bent. A. F. Hecker, Clarence Cbrlstensen. Wellington Warburton and Oscar Walters, Wal-ters, went to Salt Lake Tuesday on a business trip. Mrs. W. H. Mason, her sons Stew art and Wa.ter, and Miss Lulu Mayer are confined to their home on account of the mumps. The nlmroda have had a profitable winter. Twenty-five coyote hides were sent east this week irom which the owners expect 13 apiece. Aydelotte's is certainly the place for bargains. Miss Lydia Humphries will resign her position as telephone operator on the 15tb Inst. Miss Chloe Freeman ill be chief operator and Miss lUxi'i Smith as assistant In Miss Freeman's place. Aydelotte's big sale has required the addition of the following lady elerks: Ka Dunn, Merle Fouls. Amy Koa. Myrtle Adamson. Lorena White, Abbie Smith and Mary Jor fDtU. . Tbe iWe o' Japan" company ve Keasant (Jrov a gmi. rl-an, foterutnmi itjOW.STich i.ple are siways welcome and their return en- C-ijCeturnt advertlM-d eliwwbere. will b good new. . . Jos F. Frsniptoa went to I'nlon. Mke county. Turdsy. to vUil with his brother In law, Mr Rob! Walker, rn Is nuftVrtnc from ner voits prostration brought on by overwork over-work and wrry. FOR SALE 'j acre land. brick i-ut. Prorertv of Mrs. Sarah Dte. Irouifs cl 1 L Swenson, Pleasant Cre. Utah. B W. Dtfrc p'Bt a few minutes In the r:M ima la th I'dioo sta- tfciohia to aira-lf that It would be a fio pUe for a hold up, but i d bo more atti-ofloa When he r-erhrd rh fi r.. ki, .... kti.h I-r-B Ikeftba jAfctiM. di.rhtcr of Mr and Mr O J Jcr.nr. did Thurdy MTB!t at 1 d'tWl c4 t.rnnrB!) Tt litt t f wcild Bv b t t ) -r ol l rh was a f il at ih d rv f forj and s rr irora:iBg cfcM Tk 'uBal n; b fc44 at tal--raar U FbUt ' ' " ' kncd Citttf V- . ' Time was, and not so long since at that, that the youth born in "society" after passing through college, either became "an apology for a man of business,,pr a blase man-about-town, or a regular rounder with a perpetual "jag" and a passion for the society, of chorus girls. Types of each class still remain ; bftt cm the whole the young-Ameri-man of today wfio is-"a son of somebody" is a clean-run wholesome TaTlTt TidmFin ibe'saddler cause of his love for outdoor life and recreation, has little use for the artificial pleasures or the vices of the big cities. WOULD BE A Indications point to the selection of Senator Knute Xe.lson of Minnesota, as chairman of the Congressional committee, which will be appointed to investigate the ' ttallinger-Pjrichot controversy. Mr. Nelson is chairman of the senate committee on public lands and is regarded as the7 best equipped man in congress to take charge of the investigation. No decision -lias been reached as to whether the the two branches of congress, or by a senate committee alone. In either, event, -Mr. Nelson seems to. be slated or the central committee commit-tee chairmanship. . . On the tariff bill. Senator N'elson was classed as an "insurgent." He is what might be called-a conservative progressive: No" man-in either branch of congress has a better reputatk) for industry, fidelity fidel-ity to duty and high sense ct;.jfclic integrity than Mr. Nelson. lie has been in' the public servlce'-For a quarter of "a century, serving" aa .state legislator, as governor of Minnesota, as a member of the house, and as a I'nitcd States senator for fifteen years. That he will go to "the bottom of the troubles and the chief forester goes without saying. TO THOSE WHO TAKE NEWSPAPERS. The following information is to be considered by those who take newspapers from the post office or accept of them when deliverxd. It is data, gleaned from the laws and those who are practicing the "stealing" of publications are warned to be cautious. , 1. Any person who takes a paper regularly from a pnstoffice, whether directed in his name or another's, or whether he has1 ub-scribed ub-scribed or not is responsible for payment 2. If a per'son orders his paper discontinued he must pay arrears, or the publisher may continue to send it until payment is madr w hether the paper is taken from the postoffice or not. 3. The courts have' decided that refusing to take'newspnnrrs or periodicals from the post office called for is prima facie evidence of ENCOURAGL ... WHOLESOME AMUSEMENTS. The general course of all nature is not the destruction of things in a manner that leaves an absolute vacancy, that makes of things a non-entity, but rather is it a process of removal of things offensive and useless and replacing them w ith something more conducive to the plan of progress and improvement. In the things directed by human hands and minds the destruc tive force is frequently too prominent and the constructive influence entirely loo obscure to meet the inecds This isTspccialfj true in legislation which seeks to prevent or remove an evil which has. perhaps, through the life of generations served a purpose, originally not offensive but by too constant and careless use grown detrimental with little thought of what will be contrived to take its place. The saloon. fr instance, has visiting, etc.. contributing no little of many who had n-i place to "hang to sccitty. When that stage is reached, society throw it off usually growing out of these places those "lung outs" are now left in their The absence f places of amusement, where yrntng people may congregate and enjoy the rial privileges which the now discredited plarcs have afforded them, is almost i let! places, themselves. Your.g other, find way of amusement and lessly directed elTorts to thit end uncertainty fr more sedate minds Amutement re-rts of the right nature would be inexpensive. h uM be encouraged fr t.th sexes and all a?e. conducted a'f ig !iru that wiil inculcate the "! of perfection, because the expert in slrno-t any line i the ore 1c likely to make harmful use e.f his acorfrfptishrncni. and sent t teach to impress the idea of perse verance a well a furrih h'-'ffne entertainment. Revenue Sjstera aa Inducement lCey4 froos Pa I) -t trt ;-r'r akita, ars j-?.tj la-to la-to tie Wntaty ti4 fir wi'j i-r l-4 for ap sal ! ctti fnr af' t4 attie. V:itf Ua4t ar fait tatat at tt ftrast i-r ; rr5rf m t Me U'tg Ut4 as arv aV tte ri tr-w. . tty l Tea Ci'e1 T- tmm c ui vw-t ta ti t te aa J ce. tVe et FAIR CHAIRMAN. iexs-xil between the secretary of the interior or removing and leaving them un intentional fraud.- served a place of sx-ial intercourse. mite to the comfort and pleasure out." But to get rid of the evil who made innocent uses of such lonesomeness. as great a curse as the descred- people will commune with each social intercourse, and thee care have too much of tie element of to allow to pas unheeded. :'" !' "r. t6 faoJ WHs lari ctrr to jrrt aelkortt! at scpUt4 fHods Ts rort f ti rtre 4 fc:aa t4 tie varies tes an4 ! Uriels Is rr 4ir4 ta a tsialBaas krt lh eotir'f f-rmctiraliy In a4! t oeal es;. ffm tie tufirrtum 1. ft Is $. s!r i4t frees t f f 'tt wijw'H iWi tr If rrtfs. so eoa ' a t? rrs itrtmt i4matt la f ,i ti (Kiivie fra-r aa4 tie lirr-i tia It - t'UA emstv. Tatat;!JSj-lfc- U BANK OF PLEASANT GROVE, J JANES CHIPMAN. t President Big Jneverybodysmouthv-Outpul in 1909 doubles over 1908. Carload business is taking the place of retail Pleasant Grove Roller Mill A. L COOPEH, Proprietor 1 OPERA HOUSE Pleasant Grove THURDAY, JAN. 13 THE BELLE OF JAPAN CO ... IN THE GREAT PLAY a nr lit i r l TbrllllDf four act melodrama 8uccees of the season ELECTRICAL EFFECTS A Cast of Metropolitan Players Prices, tic, 35c, SOc Let - :S.F. Walker a Sons tCut - Your Steak o Mrs. Leo a Arnold of Murray, is flailing fla-iling relative la this city. , Mr. aad Mrs. Ted Warburton served New Year's dianer to a few of their relaUires. Mr. Nlon of 8alt Lake City was the gu-et of Mrs. tl.n Ekatrota oa New Year'a. Veda4ay eveatag a aortal was gttea at the home of Mr aad Mr Locrd liaag Mr aad Mrs. Barrovs of Hbr. aii in lat New IVsrs as the greets ofiere made- Mr aad Mrs W II MsrrotL j Mr J. L. Hartey aad her dauf&trr Jufca Or of Anwrta. Caaada. aad ; r.nrrece have reevntiy rturd from firt OW cr Jao. are the gjts juu Uke City where they have brn of Mr. aad Mrs. Jam Oler. ( tur tfce f't two weeks. vUitleg . ' fr-svd aad rUvw r. A S WUkias aad Mtsa tjeriW Pattrw.of Sa!t Lai. j X ul was give. Vedn4ay eve- of M 1 Neemaa irlt tie , , fc w w Ua who ts . ... jakwt to rmri to the sheep herd. Mr TV-etu G'wn aad faa fesve rwtwra4 fcooe axla Ttr leg a!rat ti,rw eks la 8.!t UK! V'funte J --- j Ts- J ft M :vv wm la Asstt. . raa Pork w Yr s day att4 m th -: f- rxttn at te fcwwe t Mrs, ioi. C;-k.. FrWUjr 'e-rew-'rt a arty was glrs st ie m tf Mr. t4 Vr Csrtw. tie evst fctg lha fsny ee! . Isrtfc4. tm 'd i r t tt e rrl frsw.is em ir 'l I. SWENSON. Asst.. Cwsh(r trade . 1910 In wishing that you may hare a prosperous year. I desire to thank the people of Pleasant Grove for their patronage and will try to merit It always by selling them the best that can be brought from a Jewelry store and will do the best kind of work In, WATCH and CLOCK and JEWELRY Repairing that can't be beat in the atate. Yours truly, James . Martin American Fork i GldiSS PaintZ'o'ils, I Putty Paint Colors l A. K. Thornton & Sons husband of 8alt Lake were New Year's guests at A. liolmaa'a. They wlU make their home here after a few weeks. Last week a Bomber of friends and schoolmates met at the home of Le-ooa Le-ooa NeUoa. the occasion being to eelt-Lrate her twelfth birthday. A delicate luncheon waa served. Miss HertDoise Peterson came over from Provo oa Tuesday to 'be pre-. rat at a surprise party for her father, N. P. Ptvsoa. The tlshorrtc at-loBd'-d ' ao4 several gural sixwhs i n-vx a tv to a urf crows, f sl'st wfcica ik erwiog was epct a-- Mr. aa4 Mrs- Heary Armitstewd es s aad tfaugktert :'w i s aay n.re wr pei KT wrm r' oaatt a4 ;'i:Mr. VrM aad H!a, Mr. sc4 mr. (ra J ;.b, aad Iitrt Ar- taiute4.. ,. Mr at I Mr f. &. Ils;4rw as4 4tr L4a eirtA 4 New Tmii ta koww 4JTmjkB XVfcoU sad f::y A eVtoW mm u jSTv ad iw ejw t was 4' lt- L rMs'Tms e tt"-' a tM i 's R ir ts rVarw A4- - - , t? Ksr. Vj V'tll V ra a if tr-rr af.f ta ()7 t4 1 tW mprm afrwrf-it t - t-r t i !s: ra-y Wts tVe ;rJ m a -s. ? U fasawd fl ym'KC tea e e . fit,. : a4 ts Var trvrvt Wert a: 4 " a-ie a3 ef -J aa4 tt- u n m tie s0raJ r i ft VVI V- Vtsx P?ew r'a3 a4,Cr It a- I Cir 4 lcr. |