Show m I PLOT NOT I It semd med to J 3 A Stone a war r veteran ot of Kemp Tea that thai a plot u St ut t ted between a desperate drate lung lune trouble and u the glare to 10 cause bl his death t I a stubborn eold coid h he developed a cough that stuck to toS S In or of li 1 for fM yearn My weight rae down to IS pounds Un Then Iben I to u Use Dr 1 1111 King few aw Dt Discovery bleb mustered my health completely I now weigh pound For Por severe re Cold COI oh Cough Hemorrhage Asthma nd to prevent It unrivaled IOn and 2155 Trial bottle trIte Guaranteed b by Z B C C CK K II I 1 Drug Dept ept So Main St Salt Zak Ike City |