Show TIN The readers of cf this papa IN wW win bt be to learn Irn I that ha t th there ii at least dreaded dl that thai II ha been able to cure CUN In all its ata and that is III Catarrh Halls catarrh CUrt Cun la II eh the only hive sure now kaow to 14 tile the medIcal kelne a dl p pite 1 a nor treatment HaJI Catarrh Curs CUre 1 II tak taken Internally tI t 1 17 I upon the blond sad ano m a cur ur urt t sees of th the stem th the of the d 4 and Ing In the patient strength t by u uthe UI the tho and n ng nature It h doing its III work Th I rr has ha 80 0 much h talt frith h I In II Ile curative power bat they oft oter r rile Hundred Dollar DIlar for tor anY eee c II its 1 it fn falls to ears ell sec for list ot of Address y J Sty 0 Toled Toledo o told by 1111 II 11 yen Tall Halts Halla l tills III for tor tic |