Show Lt I Kt KE ii ru J A ANn P ut 11 John Con art J reent I the h FLORENCE ROBERTS IN INThe The HOUSE of Sly Seymour I IO y the Greatest ee I II of Miss yR Roberta R r Career e Lo I c to Nall nee If alc to 10 Nt Next AttrACtion PHONIES PHONES ADVANCED t VAUDEVILLE THEATRE THE SHOW MarUn lIck Beck Mile Ile e Dlo Dla Harrison Hunter Co Werlan Canine Actor Htman Meyer Myr Chas haa A Fannie Van ork d Owr Ower 15 rom Orpheum Orchestra Matinee dally except Sunday Mallu o lie Rc ik 75 lAc Bos Boxes 1 Colonial Theater Dell Oell Phone hone Ind TONIGHT Julo Jules Murray urr Presents FLORENCE GEAR GEARIn In tb the Smart Musical Ph Play y MARRYING MARY By Edwin Milton Royle of Salt Hall lAke II I before at these thee Tic to Z Ii cud Sat rda tic and roo n J birth da a b k a tat h f I 1 3rd rJ T 1 Mr Willard Mack MackL L a pia I Jr present flIt humid Harold 1 t I TIIE O TUE BOX c tor ok MaUnee Wed n day and 1001 seats at al Sc GRAND THEATRE First Quality Vaudeville I OCt and Ittre sl 10 11 t u 30 1 OJ and 1 Y h clerk I IUD ILIAD Tim MAGAZINE roll AND STAGE m AUDITORIUM Ht RINK Open Ope re n and oal at rr cr I to no II I popl ta Ia dl dle It ar flue rJ nl at utter her herfI fI noun u lie 0 hand fare tubes lie II vi j q Peacock Rock RockSprings RockSprings Springs II land lid for tor ell all that I le test to III Coal 0 If you ou du do not nOI know b by ex experienc K Tr Try It I 1 Nut ul plc k ku u t 4 CENTRAL COAL COKE CO Phones ii ReU u irie Ina II III us So io Main AI n had hili MO 00 0 I 1 Y r J Jp t p Abraham Lincoln BORN 1 Saturday February 12 1809 DIED i Friday April 14 1865 Z C M I will close all day tomorrow to commemorate the een cen centenary anniversary anniversary of I his birth r I 1 m r jJ 1 n BIG SALE of New and Second Hand Furniture Carp Carpets eta etc ICe are aro going out of business and are offering our entire stout REGARDLESS OF COST EUREKA FURNITURE CO 15 West Fint South w One ot of our most moat and widely known We cafe and hotel prop Mrs N YI hats opened a Cate Caf and rid Delicatessen MIen with the tho acme IlIUM careful attention and nd good service u a previously given AT West Second South Street Sandwiches and short hort ordee lunches lunch prepared for tourist and tray trav travel el ten ll A hearty welcome extended to friends friend and aad Ua the public to In general Hours a m to 8 p m Closed Sunday at 3 Pruden are the watchwords ot of the IM mart man most at people try to be 0 careful and aM yet let did It ever occur to you ou that tbt through a crossed electric wit wire a thrown match or II a spark fk from the tau grate you OU may some night be fond to tA race face that terror tenor FIRE w Wham yew home k ill la ashes Me your property PM gone u as U It try fly magic before your very eyes yen stop e te tallest What N k the bus first you ou uk ask the pest IN that even yon VU friends acIM ukI It I 1 Coins Com bow do yen 01 stand Call oal aa 14 aid see HI us 18 for lor wo we wr write aN all kinds 0 of J A CO 00 M H MAIN W Phones MI MIReal Real Heal Estate eta Por or years we wa bays V why net you rou ANNOUNCEMENT John Robinson formerly of Uru bros Co t has suit Jut opened II a now and neat ahee store Ilore rat 1 10 rate l le Ht at with a lull full line 1111 of nr fens n lUG anti and 1125 Alts AI also a strong line of b boys b at 1 v very low call and 4 m Wt our heat t 10 and team our stuck lut Joint John Robinson Shoe Company state Stute Street M |