Show I LOCAL BRIEFS Poultry will meet to 11 1 club tonIght ht at th elect r th the yr year nd to 0 h heat a un the recent I how I lor th the ot of nee Ion at tb the city an and county will be cloned tomorrow on or of bat timi tact fact that Governor Spry BpI lieU hall pl daNt a holiday the ear rr of o birthS Vito Im following resident eon college graduates have boon I admitted to In the Utti venity dab club CeCil CedI A PItch Fitch S III M 55 School or of Minee 01 wn Wit II F 1 B S fl of CalifornIa l 11 ligHt Mill Donald Mc arror fit Of I at atthe the Grove Latter Day 0 laiD Saints holpit front from a very serious no earns cue of blood Willie While 1 a wound the doctor band banI be became came There are vary Vel doubt an to whether the hand can cal calbe be av saved Otto Olto K Ie In of the at Poet Fort Do hu has changed stations tatlo with Viral Cr PrIvate Clarence S E ot of the compe illatIOn ed d for tor the I last two ra In the Soil JM CIt City recruiting elation Private wilt will apply for tor later lale for promotion to be a t 11 1 1 K valuable 00 owned by Mrs Mh J 1 N Louder W was II run mu over and killed toy Ity a Waterloo o ocar ear car yesterday on Filth South Bouth The lire dos won the first priZe IU a 11 a the at attlio Iho last bench ho and win tOn coti on one ot of tb the finest ot of hi In town Third third of the series of trade at th Y M 55 e eA A wis held I last evening th the guesta being hardware and machinery clerk r About 75 15 In attendance The There were wre molo moving pictures m el ml 11 selection and aDl a basketball m Organist Jack Jl ot of St Bt Paula Paul at t the Ille organ ol 1 let Ita nt It un unknown Unknown known Greek who wa shaken hak oft o tM the bumpers 0 of a freight fht car while rid riding In ing on an bait II Pedro freight train from Vend anti killed was wan burled yesterday afternoon by E B G 2 ODonnell The man hd had inertly abOut hi p n when found to pa pay tor foi burl and a grave v Wa bought la in CIty cemetery No one was wa found who ho kw knew tile the St Y WorMY lard afternoon Patrolman Emil Built w was called to US tb kast street treet to arrest a named Ii 1 G 0 HaWley a driver for tor the ClOY Clover LeAr Leaf dairy Tha Th titan man WM being held by citizens and treats threat nt if handling wart made Haw flaw Hawley hay ley Is ot of a of oC off f the allegation being that h be to 10 criminally lilt a nine year aar old girl Will Vi II U license was Wa yesterday afternoon at 1 the ot of the tue clerk to tomeo meo II and nIl Mi ClIa I and ADd the coul couple were mar rW rind by Deputy J U Sr 1 JI ay secured a divorce from II wife Alice Katherine Wt Vt tall wham he ot of having deserted him to ten Rn 11 Mr ella c formerly lived In county eter Nell Nelleen een n the Ibe aimed d man mali who W found dead In ID hili hi home In Sugar Ilou 0 ward arel Monday Jond afternoon will b be burled from the Eva vau undertaking e meet ment Friday morning The Th will willbe be held beld lu In the Kv chapel cOWle In Ing at J II 1 A daa named Mi Baxter b baa lien been located at Cove ove or Oregon on and he baa ha ordered Under Undertaker taker lOvana to make the arrangements SI 81 I II I eMaciation and the son oa and of Wales WaieR will 11 o St Ht David da March arch I 1 with an old Welsh ta party io In Odeon Oleon ball lIall Mn C H B Shill hlll ha been ap af chairman ot of the woman u and nd John Jam and Arthur ar are oil th the committee committe having th the program In char No format formal In III will I 1 and all li ur are Invited t to bO be present 1 III H I I Ion iun at al the isolation at atan atan an early hour bour reI morning ease ed d b by se accumulatIon of ga In the fire hog box under tb the holler boiler The Inmate r asleep but were er aroused by Farm tb the n nurse on night dUI duty and andall all out ot of th buildIng without time Ume to In put pul on apparel 1 for or the ope aIr Further than to Impair the boiler and nl nil fill th the rooms room with noke moke the did no U It ii 14 tot a letter received by tb the board boud or of education lion from Col IC H W patriotic In of f tin th O 0 A X K th lb board Is III advised 1 that th the approprIation ot of Ino for toi providing If tab tablet let to thai school bearl bearing u the martyred t will not 1101 he be tit by tb Mr III ay that hat the U A R will pay for the tablet and aUd III each sach with Ith a cop and b he asH that the appropriation be Ie I I lIning lI doul Iou ham haa yet t lIMA bean reached a to the disposition ot of th tue mo money sUbscribed fog fOl the relief Nile of u lb Itu italian earth erth quake suRer A recent P pee dim patch b alleleS that thu Red fled Cr Cream so had bad caven oUt the that n It Surlier were T Ib local luel Iv 0 no 1111 ot of au such action nothing will Ire be don on with Ith tIa the fund until curb instructIon are A lit of Sn 21 W frn logan Lewan eter hr d |