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Show i ,i ii ,i iii iii . V ..... 1 PROVO (UTAH) EVENING HERALD, FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1932 PAGE SEVEN OUR BOARDING HOUSE BY AHERN Miss Lyle Hampshire, Correspondent, v Phone 041-J-2 OREil SOCIETY WASHINGTON TUBBS fsSm osTte? cmom I stuff, ivs To ue v j V , U 11 vGaM OP 'AT UOWJ ABOUT V CASTLE'S I K ' 1 -lD' ' r j I ' - J: iij' , X : rT: viftoovee (Y W II ( A PN? BOOTS AND HER r r 1 - ''1 f iUMH, AS Hfe SUPS AHwJ A HOtt lWfc BOCUM CtlFl Tv CASTLB VJAUU, TttClO MECRVftUT WOUVO CCASB. BUDDIES VlOWtW A CO09VE O J BY CRANE COOTY j1WUE 1 LOS UP v IM VlORKMQf CLCfTHES. BY MARTIN TVXDOAWb, Mrs. Glenn Monk was pleasantly surprised at her home Saturday evening by a number of her friends: Games of "500" were enjoyed. en-joyed. Mrs. Isaac Harris and Mr. Oren Smith were awarded the high score prizes and Mrs. Will Downs and Mr. Clarence Harris the consolation prizes. Refreshments Refresh-ments were served to the following Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Will Downs, Mrs. Elizabeth Pratt, Mr. .George Pratt, Mr., 'and Mrs. Ferry Neilson, Mr. and Mrs. George Schoell, Mrsv-Jeanette Smith, Mrs. Oren Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Monk. x ' Mrs. N. A. Jacobson will entertain enter-tain the members of the Social Hour club Saturday evening, January Janu-ary 23rd. All are extended a cor dial invitation. Members of the Iota cldb were entertained-at-a- lively sleigh riding rid-ing party last week: The couples left from thehome of Carson Cran-dal Cran-dal and after a two hours' ride they returned to the Crandal home where a delicious hot supper was served. Present-were Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Cordner, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Rob-ert Memmott, Mr. and Mrs. Orvel DeLange, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Loveless, Love-less, Mr. and Mrs. "W J. Loveless, Mr. and Mrs. Julian Hansen and Mr. and Mrs. Carson Crandal. Mrs. N. A. Jacobson entertained at a very delightful dancjng party Friday evening in their amusement room. After the dancing refreshments refresh-ments were "served. The following Messrs." and . Mesdames were present: pres-ent: John E. Christensen, George Carroll, Arthur Newell, Theodore Farley, Larry Salisbury, Frank Healey, ' James Gillespie, Willis Terry, J. B. Sumner, Alvin Lover-idge, Lover-idge, Chase Toltoh, Frank Thome, Ivan Pyne, Elwood Davis, all of Orem; William Nuttall and R. R. Thome of Provo. Joe Hill and Shirley Ensign of Salt Lake and N. A. Jacobson. Mrs. S. R. Hampshire, assisted Dy ner iwo aaugniers, iyie anaLOCkey; Tuesday, 11:30 a. m. "Eter IMorma, entertained a number of her friends at a card party, Friday evening. Four , tables of progressive progres-sive "500" were played. Mrs. C. T. Drage and Mrs... H. 'O. Anderson were winners of the first high prizes, and Mrs. Hannah Thompson Thomp-son and Mr. Clarence Bray received receiv-ed second high prizes. Luncheon was served at the small tables to the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brereton, Mr. and Mrs. Clari ence Bray, Mrs. Mattie Walters and Mrs. Matilda Bailey of rqo ; Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Drage,' Mr...nd Mrs. H. O. Anderson, Mrs" .'JEilza-beth .'JEilza-beth Pratt and son George; Mrs. Elizabeth Erjcksen, Mrs. Hannah Thompson, Mr. s. Ra Hampshire and the hosjess. Jli Miss Minnie Healey of American ' h . : Freckles and His Friends " .' : .,. THWriSWAhnVL- LVIM' "W' SOJUHS UA9 MAPPfiUED TH' GQoOtlD umcoVjscioos? y"P Twsw..nerrv4Q FRSCVXES kor ybifQG. HOT o6UGr-s OSCAQ AMSvUEBED AAg VEM V AS, AB6 tU?2Jl 4 ( 1 VALUED T& TWeW. OU, : : f W DIDMT tx) TRy V TPJEO BUT TM TWlCX E3m TV41S 4 H DQAG "TWEIW OUT J 0oT IU hsY - SHORT SPAc VJMEM Vx) JER Jj EYES AM' 1U COAT SO oP TlKAg TWEReF TWAT I COULDMT STAIJD THAT TAff" SfN IT...- 80T I LEPT.TMe cam FOR. frj DOOC OPEM-'rr VAS HELP ? "ft YfeS- AMD GOT v ' Busy r Its:-. . t. . v - H&rsM ... . Fork spent- a pleasant visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Healey, Sunday. ; r Mrs. J.m Adamson of Pleasant Grove spent Friday with her daughter, Mrs. Verde Washburn. Mr., and Mrs. J. P. Pederson had as guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pederson and family of Salt Lake. Mrs. LaMont Carroll of Midway has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Harris for the past few days. 'The Sunshine committee of the Windsor ward gave a very interesting inter-esting "get acquainted" party Friday Fri-day at the home of Mrs. Maud Jacobs. The entertaining hours were spent playing games. A dain- Tty luncheon was served to about twenty-six guests. Mrs. Joe Schoney is in the hospital hos-pital at Salt Lake, where she has undergone an operation for appendicitis. appen-dicitis. GENEALOGICAL COURSE SET Leaders of the L. D. S. church will discuss problems confronting genealogical workers of the future at the genealogical courses to be given in connection with the annual leadership week of Brigham Young university, January 25 to 29. Martin Larsen, Utah stake genealogical gene-alogical chairman, has been instrumental instru-mental in arranging a most interesting inter-esting program for the week. Classes will be held from 11:30 a. m. to 12:30 p. m. and from 3:30 p. m. to 4:30 p. m. daily, with the following fol-lowing lectures listed: Monday, 11:30 a. m., "Leadership in Genealogical Committees," James M. Kirkham; 3:30 p. m. "Sources of Genealogical Research," Ovena J. nal Life in the Celestii Celestial Kingdom," Joseph F. Smith of the council of twelve; 3:30 p. m. "Work for Our Kindred Dead," President Rudger Clawson of the council of twelve; Wednesday, 11:30 a. m., "The Inspiration In-spiration of Temple Work," Melvin J. Ballard of the council of twelve; 3:30 p. m., "Genealogical , Lessons for the Lesser : Priesthood," David A. Smith of thei presiding bishopric; Thursday, llo30 a. m., "Graphic Family Histo&y," Mrs. Susa Young Gates; 3:30 p. m., "Preparation of Temple Sheets," Harry H. Ru3sell; Friday, r.ia:00a. m.J "The1 Art' of HomeioHTeacning," . Andrew K. Smith; 3:30 pi- m.. "Records and Temple Work in the World of Tomorrow, To-morrow, Joseph Christensen, recorder re-corder at the Salt Lake L D. S. tempi e. By Blosser FOR RENT FURNISHED 3 " rtn. modern, newly decorated apt $12.50. 153 So. 3rd West. j26 2 housekeeping rms.' Couple desired. de-sired. 255 W. 2 S. j25 4 rm. modern, ground floor $20 or 2 for $10. 381 No. 3rd W. j24 3 rm. modern apt with garage. Cheap: Inq. 789 No. 5 West j22 2 modern furnished rooms." Private Pri-vate bath. 690 West Center. j22 1 STARTUP'S APTS. 67 N. 1 W. steam & elec comfort $25 to $40 fO New 2 rm. strictly mod. apt. Heated. 555 Nc. 4th East, f5 H. K. apts $10' heated riiis with I board 1& 320 E lst y: . f2 I FoTRENT--UNrUR 2 modern rooms, cook stove. Inquire In-quire 160 So. 3rd East. j28 4 or 5 room modern house.. Phone 876. j28 4 rm. mod. apt. with kitchen range. 153 E. 2 So. J25 Mod. 4 rm. home, screen porch, partly furn., desirable. Phone 143M-. j24 Modern heated apts. Reasonably priced. Inq. 392 N. 2 E. Phone 186J. fl6 " 7- m Modern apt., arrangement very convenient and roomy. Inquire at 950 No. 1 East or Phone 206W. j22 Strictly modern 6 rm. home. 255 South -3rd West. j28 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS w. Large clean cotton rags. Gess-frd's. Gess-frd's. 53 No. Univ. Ave. Hens. Call 016R2. m3 FOUND 1 gray mare, weight 1200 lbs. Age 12 yrs. Brand not .visible. Jim Wiscombe, Mapleton. j26 if : Probate and Guard- ianship Notices I J Consult County Clerk or the I Respective Signers for Further I information. 1 -;: NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Christian li. Petersen, Deceased. Creditors will present claims with '.vouchers to the undersigned at her residence, Springville Rbad. Southeast South-east of Provo, P. O. Box 1, Route 3, Provo, Utah, on or before the 10th day of March, A. D. 1932. Dated at Provo City, Utah, January Janu-ary 8th, 1932. JUNE T. PETERSEN, Administratrix. A. .L Booth, Attorney. Pub. dates. Jan. 8, 15, 22, 29, 1932. NOTICE OF ANNUAL STOCKHOLDERS STOCK-HOLDERS MEETING The annual meeting of the stockholders stock-holders of Provo Commercial and Savings Bank, a corporation of the State of Utah, will be held .at their banking house at 2 West Center Street, Provo, Utah, on Thursday, February 11, 1932 at the hour of one o'clock p. m. for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. By order of the Board of Directors. Direc-tors. F. G. RICHMOND, Cashier. , Dated St Provo City, Utah, this 20th day of January, 1932. Published daily from January 21 to February 11, 1932 inclusive. LIBRARY STORY HOUR The Misses Maurine Johnson, Fawn McConkie, Virginia Bayles and Leona, Skeens - will tell the stories at the weekly story hour at ,the Provo public library Saturday Satur-day at 2 p. m. All children of Prbvo and vicinity are Invited. lOlE IblOl JLXJLA LPt 1l lolwlcl AH but two letter in the above square are out of place. If-thefcMleen other ' letters are correctly placed a word square wiO result. In the finished" word square there should be nine common English words, four across, four 6awa and one ; diagonal . ; " ; . ' I STICKER SOLUTION t FV VE PQO MS EOT Ut.MA' UGH TLETU SKE CPO UCP QOMI SE v "IF UEV PQ0M!SD THfM k)GUTt, LET US s su-JyJE. PW3iW -Sya three Jjo. poorly, th? answei '-IF' WE'VE: PROMISFJ) .THEM AUGHT. LET US ' KEEP OUR PROMISE." o Itamed. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CRAZY CRYSTALS Mineral Water Treatment Guaranteed 547 E. 3rd So. Phone 1097-W f5 PHOTOGRAPHS Portraits and Kodak Finishing Try Our Border Prints R0LL0W STUDIO 33 W. Center. Provo HATCH MORTUARY ' THE BEST IN FUNERAL ' SERVICE CHAPEL SERVICES Phone 582 Provo LADY ATTENDANT FOUNDRY General Foundry and Machine Work. Electric and Acetylene Welding PROVO FOUNDRY AND MACHINE COMPANY THE GENERAL SHOP 159 No. Univ. Ave. Phone 915W Used furniture for sale. Stove repairing. re-pairing. We furnish any parts, linings lin-ings or grates for any stove made. Furnaces repaired. Chimney cleaning. clean-ing. We repair any furniture used in the home. Satisaction Guaranteed GEO.- BILLS, Manager MONEY TO LOAN NEED MONEY? Here you can obtain a loan of $10 to $300 within a few hours. Only signatures of husband and wife required, re-quired, assuring complete privacy. Small monthly repayments. COURTEOUS. DIGNIFIED HELPFUL SERVICE. Call, write or phone. , PERSONAL FINANCE CO Room 9, O. P. Skaggs Bldg. 2nd Floor Phone 210 75 East Center St. Provo MONEY A Cash Loan on your Automobile. Automo-bile. Pay it back with Small Monthly Payments. No Indorsers. No Red Tape. Quick Confidential. GeneraK Finance Corp. 191 West Center. Phone 86 Provo, Utah YOU CAN BORROW to pay your current bills and repay the loan from your salary. Columbia Bond & Mortgage Company, 64 North University Ave .Ground floor, tf. AUTOMOBILE LOANS To give you cash or pay off present finance company and reduce payments. V. H. TUFT Farmers & Merchants Bank Building PHONE 124 AUTOMOBILE LOANS Borrow on your car Loans from $50 to $500. You retain the use of your car. Lowest Possible Rates Quick, Confidential MANNING FINANCE SERVICE A11 Over Utah and Idaho 165 W. Center. Phone 338 H. JOLLEY, Local AgU RADIO REPAIRS Expert radio work. All Makes. Work guaranteed. L. W. Allen, 694 E.-6 No. Phone 653W. f9 WELDING ' AYP.ES WELDING WORKS Aee,tylene and Electric Welding We weld anything made of metal 42'Noith 4th West. tl a lost pr T. Bill fold containing $18. Important Import-ant papers. Liberal reward. Frances Beck, 45 West 2nd South. J24 At P. H. S. keepsake morocco bound looseleaf journal containing Valuable notes. Reward. T. W: Dyches at P. H. S. J24 : : AUTO LOANS Refinancing Attractive Rates .No Delays : .Statld0' Seic:vV4i ri- rwin Loan & Investment Co. : Representative , 39 West 2nd North, Provo, Utah . f 18 Want Ad Rates First insertion, lin. 10 cents; each additional insertion per line, 5 certs; one week, per line, 30 cent&; two weeks, per line, 50 cents; one month, per line, 90 cents. Minimuu chtuge 25 cents. If not paid within turee days double price will be charged.-. Count five words to line. Minimum accepted, two lines. o Legal Rate 10 cents per line per insertion. Never a Loss, but Somewhere a Gain! $1000.00 BUYS About 1 Acre Three Room House Large Barn 1M: Blocks from school. $3500.00 BUYS New Modern Rousc newly finishedNice fin-ishedNice Lot Ideal; Location Bargain! $6500.00 BUYS Four Room House Barrk Outbuildings Out-buildings -T- SERVICE STATION tixceiient water Rights inves tigate this Snap. o PHONE 1009 Willard L. Sowards REAL ESTATE BROKER 39 West 2nd North, iWvo, Utah. Sale - Rent - Trade lVj Acre Farm Home, coops fof 2000 chickens. 2 Acre Farm Home. 10 Acre Farm Home. 16 Acre Farm Home, implements. INTERMOUNTAIN- FINANCE & THRIFT CO. 57 N. Univ. Ave. Phone 131 FOR SALE HOUSES Modern brick home. Reasonable. 235 So. 7th West. J27 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Maytag washer, Chrap. Call 519 for information. j25 Cash paid Phone 470. for market hens. f4 Pianos one good used playc: piar.o $G0. One Kimball new low style straight piano, nearly new real bargain. Phone 360J. jZ'- Apples. Spacial. Crup Jonathans 1.00. Delicious $1.50 bu. Cider 25c 23 1. Thomas. Phone 1048. J26 We carry large variety; finest quality cold meats, sausage, etc. 67 ways to serve sausage. Ask for free book. SAMUEL KOPP Phone 44G. 450 W. Center St fl8 Fat mutton $2 $2.50 each, dress, ed and del. Phone 721W. f8 Cabbage, carrots, parsnips, turnips, tur-nips, potatoes'' and Onions 031J2. True Scott. . ft Good hay. Call 048J3. Baled or loose. We deliver. fi Coal. Dom. lump. $6 ton, deli Absolutely guaranteed. Phone 462 fS First class hay, delivered. Phone 801R. 13 Apples, potatoes, Phone 667J. Mc MUIen. J28 First class hay del. Phoni MBR, PERSONALS Anyone knowing of my sister and mother Martina Christensen or Matina Christianson, and Anna Please notify Mrs. Josia Bruce, 613 Palm, Ponca City, Okla, fa DRESSMAKING All kinds sewing and remodeling By the day or piece. Phone 173. f4 FOR SALE COWS Thorobred Jersey cow $25. Phone 157M. J24- FOR SALE - FURNTTURB Household furniture. 174 East 3rd South. Phone 252W. J22: New Second Hand Store. We tray, for cash. We sell for caJr. 251 West Center. tf ) - mSOELLANEOUS; 5 Rug weaving done by Mrs. Davis. 466 N. 6th West street. 113. " Our phone number is changed to 248J. Fixit Shop. Owen Draper. , - j ' .i- : -. ' -, - fS NOTICE After Jan. 25 Sperry-. Sperry-. Hutchinson will.' redeem Cherry Hill Bottle Caps at the rate of one S. & H. ; Green Stamp for t two capsf. 1 - - i-- v- r SPERRY- -HUTCHINSON |